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1) What is Computer Network? Explain :LAN,MAN,WAN and internet.
2) Explain Guided and Unguided media.
3) Explain functions of different layers of OSI model with diagram.
4) Define and explain following terms.
(1) Delay (2) Loss (3) Throughput (4) Bandwidth
5) Explain Packet switching and Circuit switching.
6) Explain FDM and TDM.


1) Explain Domain Name System.

2) Explain HTTP and compare SMTP and HTTP.
3) What is Proxy server? Explain it with example and diagram.
4) What is Cookies? Explain it with example and diagram.
5) Explain Email with necessary diagrams.
6) What is Socket Programming? Differentiate TCP and UDP Socket.


1) Enlist services provided by transport layer. Explain its importance at transport layer
2) What is congestion? What are the reasons behind congestion?
3) Compare UDP and TCP.
4) Explain stop and wait protocol.
5) Explain sliding window protocol for sender and receiver.


1) What is IP address? What is Subnet? Explain different IP address Classes.

2) Virtual circuit v/s Datagram subnet.
3) Explain fragmentation, Router and its use.
4) Explain the Link state routing protocol with suitable example.
5) Explain Distance Vector Routing with example.
6) Explain Hierarchical and Multi cast Routing.


1) List and Explain various services of Data Link Layer.

2) What is the difference between error detection and correction? Explain Parity checking
technique with suitable example.
3) Explain CRC in detail with example.
4) Explain MAC protocol in detail.
5) Explain MAC Addresses and ARP in detail.
6) What is ALOHA? Explain variants of ALOHA protocol.
7) Explain CSMA and CSMA/CD protocols.
8) What is channel allocation? How CSMA helps to solve problem?

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