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Hardening Bulk

Crack Reddening Secretion

Retraction of Growth Orange peel

the nipple of veins

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Change of Skin
my pr
shape erosion
By: "Touch yourself so it doesn't touch
Castillo Medrano Josue Manuel
you. Always with love, every
Valentín Dionicio Aisha Sayuri
Villalobos Ruiz Enrique obstacle is better."
What is Causes •Have a balanced, high-fiber diet, including
broccoli, chard, spinach, mushrooms, grapes
and papaya

it ? •Reduce the consumption of sugars and fats

Hereditary mutations •Exercise at least 30 minutes a day

Normal breast cells become cancerous due to Changes (mutations) in

Breast cancer is a disease in which DNA. DNA is the chemical ofOur cells that make up our genes. Genes
have the Instructions on how our cells work. •Maintaining an adequate weight
breast cells multiply uncontrollably.
•Avoid cigarettes and alcohol
The type of breast cancer depends Proto-oncogenes are genes that help the normal growth of cells.
When a proto-oncogene experiences some kind ofMutation (change),
on which breast cells become or there are too many copies of it, becomes a "bad" gene that can •Perform a monthly breast self- examination
cancerous. Breast cancer can begin remain on or activated when it should notTo be. When this happens,
the cell grows out of control and produces more cells that grow
from the age of 20, preferably on the fifth day of
in different parts of the breast. The uncontrollably. This can cause cancer. This bad gene is called an menstruation
breasts consist of three main parts: •Request a mastography from the age of 34, in
Suppressor genes of Tumor
lobules, ducts and connective Tumor suppressor genes are normal genes that slow cell division (cell case of a family history of the disease. If you
growth), repair DNA errors, or tell cells when they should die (a process
tissue. Most breast cancers begin in known as apoptosis orProgrammed cell death). When tumor suppressor
don't have them, it must be done every two
genes do not function properly, cells can grow out of control, produce years from the age of 40, and every year when
the ducts or in the lobules. more cells that grow uncontrollably, and cells do not die when they should,
you reach 50
Breast cancer can spread outside and can cause cancer.

Hereditary genetic changes

the breast through the blood Certain hereditary mutations (changes) in DNA can increaseDramatically
the risk of suffering from certain cancers and are linked to Many of the
vessels and lymphatic vessels. cancers that affect some families. For example, the BRCA genes (BRCA1

When breast cancer spreads to and BRCA2) are tumor suppressor genes When one of these genes
changes, it no longer suppresses abnormal cell growth, and cancer is

other parts of the body, it is said to more likely to originate. A change in one of these genes can be
transmitted from parents to children.

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