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C1 Pathway Vocabulary Quiz – Unit 10 /20

I. Chose the word which would be the best choice in the context of the sentence. An example has been
given. (Each word chosen is 0.5 points for a total of /5 points)

0. For years, the (sheer/ latter/outflow) number of people who have tried food from different cultures has
increased exponentially. This is one side effect of the trend towards globalization.

1. The Prime Minister of Canada has recently been focusing on the expansion of Canada’s market. His
(proposed/tentative/worthwhile/crucial) plan, as presented to parliament last week, would focus on global
promotion of Canadian products. Although the idea is (proposed/tentative/worthwhile/crucial) and therefore
subject to change, many Canadians have applauded the Prime Ministers efforts.

2. A new bill has been passed that will limit the import of goods from China to the US. The bill is currently in
dispute, mostly due to portions of it being taken out of (rhetoric/context/crucial/outflow) by American
business leaders. Critics of the bill claim that it will rob the US of (rhetoric/context/crucial/outflow) labour,
which is needed for production.

3. Toronto has become a hub of both emigration and immigration. It was originally believed, by city planners,
that this would cause the population of Toronto to remain constant, as an
(outflow/generate/equivalent/perspective) number of people would be coming into and going out of the city.
In reality, immigration numbers far exceed emigration. This discrepancy between the
(outflow/generate/equivalent/perspective) of planners and the reality of the situation, could be due to the
large numbers of illegal immigrants residing in Toronto.

4. There is some difficulty in deciding if globalization will be (tentative/worthwhile/latter/rhetoric) in the end.

Many people have argued that globalization is innately harmful, and will lead to economic collapse. On the
other hand, others maintain that it supports economies in smaller nations. However, the
(tentative/worthwhile/latter/rhetoric) from both critics and supporters has valid points.

5. If you could bring any goods or services to Canada from your country, what would they be? This question
has been (generate/perspective/proposed/sheer) as the final essay question for international business students
at U of T. Professors hope that this question will force students to (generate/perspective/proposed/sheer) new
business ideas for the very multicultural city of Toronto.
C1 Pathway Vocabulary Quiz – Unit 10 /20

II. Fill in the blanks below with the correct adjective + noun combinations. Pay close attention to the
context of the sentence. An example has been given. (5 points)

Adjectives Nouns

minor challenge
practical problem
adverse solution
significant answer
considerable challenge
definitive outcome

0. As of late, the conflict between Canada’s French and English speaking provinces has only presented a minor
challenge for government officials.

1. The discovery of mad cow disease in Canadian cattle seemed like an unimportant event at the time.
However, it soon created a for companies trying to export beef to the United States.

2. The misunderstandings that occur during international business transactions, often caused by cultural
differences, severely hurt large global companies. Until a for this problem can be
found, companies may lose millions due to simple misunderstandings.

3. When bee farmers brought Africanized honeybees to North America, it appeared to be a simple way to
increase honey production at a low cost. Unfortunately, bringing the bees to the Americas had an
. Farmers are still trying to solve the problems created by introducing the alien species
to the American ecosystem.

4. Globalization poses many questions without offering one . The only way to see if
globalization will be positive or negative is to wait and analyze the outcomes for individual countries.

5. China is one country which has seen huge changes in the last twenty years. The gap between the rich
and poor in China has be growing exponentially during this time. This gap poses a for
the Chinese government, which has stressed that China should remain a country of equals.
C1 Pathway Vocabulary Quiz – Unit 10 /20

III. For each of the adverbs below add two verbs that would make a suitable combination. An example has been
given. (4 points)

0. Seriously injured or threaten

1. explicitly or

2. completely or

3. effectively or

4. potentially or

IV. Write three sentences using the combinations from question III. (6 points)

0. Example: Riding a bicycle or motorcycle without a helmet drastically increases your chances of being
seriously injured.



C1 Pathway Vocabulary Quiz – Unit 10 /20

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