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Current Events Analysis- Leadership Focus

Counts as a Minor Summative Assessment Grade

Directions: Read one of the articles below and answer the questions that follow. Use the
checklist to make sure your answers are sufficient.

Option 1:
“After Working at Google, I’ll Never Let Myself Love a Job Again”

Option 2:
“Why Your Boss Is Incompetent” Podcast

Assignment Checklist:

____Student answers all questions in 1 paragraph (6-8 sentences). (15 points)

____Student answers all questions with careful analysis and their summary is clearly in their
own words. (40 points)

____Student’s connections to Human Resources are relevant and factual. (20 points)

____Student submitted work on time (8am on Tuesday, Nov. 15). (10 points)

____Student’s responses are polished and reflect the student’s careful attention to rules of
English grammar, capitalization, and punctuation. (15 points)

Current Event Analysis: Answer the questions for either the article or podcast.

Write a summary of the article or podcast in your own words.

Engineer Emi Nietfeld, a female who worked at Google. When she initially started working, it
was her ideal position. At first, Google appeared to be a paternalistic organization. She had
good relationships with her coworkers and the management, who cared for her like family.
However, when her daily boss started assaulting her, everything started to go south. Nietfeld
continuously stood up for herself and reported his inappropriate actions. H.R handled the
situation poorly and unprofessionally because they made feel like the victim since they asked
her to seek mental health care. She ultimately decided to leave her position at Google and
detached from loving another job.
Article: What type of organizational culture and leadership style are cultivated at Google?
Podcast: What would be the podcast’s take on the difference between leaders vs. managers?

Google initially gave off the impression of having an existential organizational culture.
Because the company treated Nietfeld with respect, embraced her, and regarded her as more
than simply an employee, they were able to improve their relationships with others who
worked with her and she came to like her job more as a result. Since employees have, a
paternalistic leadership style is most appropriate. A day spent working for the firm has a
particular worth. After the event, it became clear that Google was an authoritarian company
with tight rules. The firm utilized its authority to destroy the relationship with its employees
because it didn't want to damage the company's name and image.

What are the consequences of this article or podcast for: managers, employees, and

Depending on their positions and behaviors, each person experienced a different set of
repercussions. Because of their position of authority, managers enjoyed an unfair advantage.
Nietfeld reported the conduct of her daily manager, but HR failed to take the necessary
measures. Since managers are rarely replaceable, attempts were made to disregard the
assaults. Employees are at a disadvantage because they are held responsible and urged to seek
assistance, which has an adverse effect on their mental health and their position at work.
Since the employee's job becomes something they must do rather than something they like
doing, consumers will obtain subpar services or goods. This has an effect on the employee's
How does the article or podcast change or confirm your thinking about leadership?

I was certain that paternalism was the ideal leadership style when I first started reading the
article. I instantly understood after reading the article that it depends on the firm's sincerity
and honesty. If a company truly cared about its employees, they would act in accordance with
that caring without prejudice regarding their position and importance to the business. A
company's managers and workers are more likely to be productive when it has an
authoritarian management style, which will help it grow. However, I believe that it only
maintains these work ethics for a brief period of time before people become aware of the
significant disparities between advantages and drawbacks, which can be upsetting as shown in
the article.

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