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Day Topic Section

1 Orientation/Overview of Nursing Process

2 Health History
- Health Interview

Biographic Data

Reasons for seeking healthcare

History of present health concern

Past health history

Family health history (genogram)

Gordon's Functional Pattern

Developmental Level

3 Introduction to PA 3

Purposes of PA

Preparation (order of examination, physical, psychological, environmental,

different position)

Equipment needed

IPPA (inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation)

4 General Survey and Integumentary 2

5 Head and Neck (head, face, Neck) 4

6 Head and Neck (Eyes) 4

7 Head and Neck (Ears, Nose) 4

8 Head and Neck (Sinuses, Mouth and Throat) 3

9 Midterm Exam

10 Chest (Anterior and Posterior) 3

11 Chest (Breast, Lymphatic) 3

12 Chest (Heart and Neck Vessel) 3

13 Abdomen 3

14 Musculoskeletal (Muscle, Bones & Joints) 2

15 Laboratory/Diagnostic (CBC, serum electrolytes, Blood Chemistry, Urine and 3

Stool Exam, ECG, CT, Angiography, MRI, Stress Electrocargraphy

16 Review

17 Final Exam

18 Consultation

Grading System

Far Eastern University

Institute of Nursing
Health Assessment
SY 2021-2022

Prepared By:

Renante Dante G Tan

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