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Gold, Earth, Fire, Water, and Wood

In Chinese culture, the dragon is powerful and sacred. It has been a symbol
of the emperor since ancient times. Are dragon people born with a
personality like their zodiac sign – dragon? Let’s read this article and see
the different personalities of people born in dragon years with different

Five Elements of the Chinese Zodiac Dragon

There are five types of dragons: gold dragons, earth dragons, fire dragons,
water dragons, and wood dragons. The Chinese zodiac dragon years come
every 12 years as a cycle. The dragon year with specific elements comes
once in a 60-year cycle.

For example, 2024 is the Year of the Wood Dragon. The last wood dragon
year is 1964. Here are the recent dragon years.

Dragon Years Birth Dates Types of Dragon

2024 10 Feb 2024 to 28 Jan 2025 Wood Dragon

2012 23 Jan 2012 to 9 Feb 2013 Water Dragon

2000 5 Feb 2000 to 23 Jan 2001 Gold Dragon

1988 17 Feb 1988 to 5 Feb 1989 Earth Dragon

1976 31 Jan 1976 to 17 Feb 1977 Fire Dragon

1964 13 Feb 1964 to 1 Feb 1965 Wood Dragon

1952 27 Jan 1952 to 13 Feb 1953 Water Dragon

1940 8 Feb 1940 to 26 Jan 1941 Gold Dragon

Gold Dragon
Birth Years: 2000, 1940

People born in the year of dragon associated with the gold/metal element

is the gold dragon.

Gold Dragon’s Personality

Gold dragons are frank and kind. They are not deep and complex people.
They always speak without pretension. Thanks to this good quality, dragon
people with the gold element get along with friends in harmony, and they
also treat their parents with filial respect. Finally, the gold dragon people
would gain both fame and wealth in their old age.

However, when gold dragons are young, they are emotional people who
lack persistence when getting in trouble. Gold dragons tend to allow their
temperament to get the better of them when they are in a dilemma.
Gold Dragon’s Fortune
Gold dragons have very good luck with wealth. They have great insight into
investment and get a lot of opportunities to make a fortune. But gold
dragons should not be greedy. They can succeed in business if they can
control their emotions better.

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