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Capacitiy Kg/h 3,770

Heat value Kcal/Kg 2,990

Heat of combustion Kcal/h 11,272,300
Kj/h 47,197,120
MW 13,107
combustible component %w 52
water component %w 45
inert component %w 3
Total 100
H2/C in the combustible w/w 0.125
N2/C in the combustible w/w 0.012
Cl + F in the combustible w/w total 0.001018
S in the combustible w/w total 0.00087
Heat value in the combustible Kcal/Kg 6701
Calculation of the % of composition
C in the combustible %w 64.17
H in the combustible %w 8.02
N in the combustible %w 0.77
Cl + F in the combustible %w 0.1018
S in the combustible %w 0.087
O in the combustible %w 26.85

Micro pollutants

Fe mg/Kg dry 145

Hg mg/Kg dry 2.9
N mg/Kg dry 2000
Pb mg/Kg dry 364
Cu mg/Kg dry 145.5
AS mg/Kg dry 7.3
Sn mg/Kg dry 50
Cr mg/Kg dry 51
Ba mg/Kg dry 50
Cd mg/Kg dry 14.5
TOTAL OF HEAVY METAL mg/Kg dry 2830.2
Dioxin - Furan ng/Kg dry 10

Combustion air

O Combustion air stoichometric Kg/h 4,089

Combustion air stoichometric Kg/h 17,662
stoichometric air excess % 80
Combustion air - Total Kg/h 31,791
Combustion air - Total Nm3/h 24,614
H2O in Combustion air Kg/Kg Luft dry. 0.012
Combustion air - actual Kg/h 32,173
Combustion air - actual Nm3/h 25,091
h Combustion air Kcal/h 384,672

Flue gases

N2 Kg/h 24,447

Pagina 1 di 2
Capacitiy Kg/h 3,770
Heat value Kcal/Kg 2,990
Heat of combustion Kcal/h 11,272,300
O2 Kg/h 3,271
CO2 Kg/h 4,613
Total dry flue gases Kg/h 32,331
H2O Kg/h 3,497
HCl Kg/h 2.052
SO2 Kg/h 3.411
Flue gases Total Kg/h 35,834
Composition of flue gases
N2 %w 68.22
O2 %w 9.13
CO2 %w 12.87
H2O %w 9.760
HCl %w 0.006
SO2 %w 0.010
Specific mean heat value Kcal/Kg,°C 0.303
Calory input Kcal/h 11,656,972
Loss heat % -
Calory in the flue gases Kcal/h 11,656,972
Flue gases temperature °C 1,075

flue gases volume

N2 Nm3/h 19,465
O2 Nm3/h 2,291
CO2 Nm3/h 2,350
Dry flue gases - Total Nm3/h 24,106
H2O Nm3/h 4,355
HCl Nm3/h 1.260
SO2 Nm3/h 1.195
Flue gases - Total Nm3/h 28,464
Volumetric composition of flue gases
N2 %v 68.39
O2 %v 8.05
CO2 %v 8.26
H2O %v 15.300
HCl %v 0.004
SO2 %v 0.004

Production of electricity Kwh 2,331.39

Pagina 2 di 2

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