Reaching The Age of Adolescence

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The body’s chemical messengers are called hormones. They travel in your blood
stream to tissue or organs.
They work slowly & involve in many different processes
Gland: these are the organ that secrete hormones. There are 2 types of gland.
1. Endocrine gland: The gland which do not have duct & releases their
secretion directly into the blood stream also called ductless gland.
Eg: pituitary gland
Thyroid gland
Adrenal gland etc.
2. Exocrine gland: The gland which have duct & releases their secretion
directly on the body surface also called duct gland.
Eg: lacrimal gland – tears
Salivary gland – saliva
Mammary gland – milk
Sebaceous gland – oil (sebum)
Sudoriferous gland - sweat
Ceruminous gland – oil

Role of hormone in reproductive function:

Pituitary gland is the master gland of the body which secrete many hormones.
Pituitary gland
Many hormones including gonadotropic hormone (GTH)

GTH stimulate secretion of testosterone in males & oestrogen in females

These are released into blood stream and reach the target site

Changes occur in the body at the beginning of puberty

Reproductive phase of life in humans:

In female reproductive phase begins at puberty (10-12yrs)
A ovum releases from 1 ovary( left or right) every month,
- If an egg fuses with sperm then zygote formed which led to pregnancy

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- If egg not fertilized then the inner thickened lining of uterus along with its
blood vessel are shed off.
Ovulation: The process of releasing mature egg by every after 28 or 30 days.
Menstrual cycle: The cycle of producing and releasing a mature egg is called
Menstrual cycle.
Menstruation: It is the periodic shedding of inner uterine wall and released egg,
along with blood every month is termed as menstruation.
Menarche: The first menstrual flow which begins at puberty is known as
Menopause: The stoppage of menstrual flow at 45-50yrs is called menopause.
Sex determination of a baby
Chromosomes: It is the thread like structure present inside the nucleus.
Autosomes: 22 pairs of chromosomes which are common in both male and
female are called autosomes, they regulate all body character.
Sex chromosome: 1 pair of chromosome which determine the sex of an
individual is called sex chromosome.
The image represents the female and male offspring formation.

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 During sperm production or spermatogenesis, males produce one X and one
Y chromosome. In other words, 50% of the entire sperm production will
yield X chromosome and 50% will yield Y chromosome.

 Thus the sex of the child will be determined by what they inherit from their
father, if child inherits X ch from the father will be a girl but if child
inherits Y ch from the father will be a boy.
Psychological needs of adolescents:
Adolescents become self-conscious, low self-esteem because of their look
as during this phase there is sudden change of hormonal levels inside the
body but should have proper understanding about the reproductive organs
and their importance in life.
Reproductive health
Adolescence is the time of increase physical and mental growth and so it is
important to eat good, healthy and balanced food and take care of
1. Eat a well-balanced diet
2. Take good care of personal hygiene
3. Adequate physical exercise
4. Avoid taking drugs, alcohol & smoking

Nutrition for adolescents:

Well balanced diet is important for growth of body and preventing future
health problem.
A well balanced diet contain protein, fats, fruits and vegetables (for vitamin
and mineral)

Food Function Sources

Protein Essential for Milk, nuts,
growth of body meat, paneer,
eggs, pulses
Carbs Provide energy to Wheat, rice,
the body oats, potato &

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Fats Provide & store Butter, oil, ghee
Vitamin & Build immunity of Fruits &
mineral the body vegetables

Juck food like chips, packed tinned food should be replaced with proper
meals because excess junk food can lead to nutritional deficiencies.

Personal hygiene
 It is the practice of keeping yourself clean, due to increase in the hormonal
activity, the sweat gland start secreting more sweat, so it is important to
maintain good hygiene by having bath every day. It helps to avoid bacterial
 Girls should take extra care of personal hygiene during menstruation.

Physical exercise
Daily physical activity enhance growth, increases blood circulation, helps
to prevent and control the feeling of anxiety and depression.
Outdoor games & yoga keep your body mentally and physically healthy.

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Things to avoid during adolescence
 Sometimes due to peer pressure, curiosity, frustration and feeling of
independence, teenagers start smoking & taking drugs
 Drugs and smoking give a feeling of satisfaction, relaxed but harm the body
and are very addictive.


Q-What is the fuction of GTH?

This hormone regulate the release of testosterone and estrogen hormone in
males and female, hence mature ova are produced in the ovaries and sperms
are formed in the testis, under the influence of GTH.

Q- What are the harmful effects of drugs?

a) They act on brain and affect the normal activity.
b) They alter the behaviour, consciousness and power of judgement
c) The drugs make people dependent on them. With time, the body demand
more drugs to get the same effect. Soon after the person needs proper
medical care to overcome this habbit.

Q- How AIDS is related to drugs?

People who take drugs, often inject them into their body by syringes,
sometime they share the used drug syringes with each other, by doing this
the virus can pass from a infected person to a healthy person.

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All the best to my dear students.

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