Reading Comprehension Grade Viii

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NAME: _________________ ROLL NO: _____________ DATE: _________
CLASS: VIII SECTION: ____________

Read the given passage carefully:

Laziness affects even the most powerful creature, so, it should be avoided at all costs. This is
true in every field of human life. How many of us associate ourselves with the weak and the
incompetent leaders in life? Hardly any. Those who want to rise in life, usually associate
themselves with people who can help them on their way to the top, and not with those who
need our support to keep them afloat.

If you do not help the people who are unfit and need your support for something or the other,
what makes you think that anyone would ever support you if you are not fit? Life is a
question of give and take. Perhaps if you are not ready to assist or guide the people rallying
behind you, it is unlikely that you are going to get any assistance to help you reach your goal.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage attempt the following:

Q1. Complete the following sentences:
a) Laziness affects______________________________________________________
b) You have to give______________________________________________________

Q2. Discuss the writer views about laziness?


Q3. Identify in the text to whom do we generally like to associate ourselves with?

Q4. Suggest the only way to make sure that you get support when you need it?


Q5. Explain the meaning of ‘give and take.’


Q6. Pick out the word(s) from the passage which mean the same as

a) destination (para2)______________________________________________________
b) help (para2)___________________________________________________________
c) following (para2)_______________________________________________________

Q7. Look up the given words in the dictionary and write their meanings. Also frame
sentences with the same.

a) Incompetent
Sentence construction-__________________________________________________
b) Rallying
Sentence construction-__________________________________________________
c) Afloat
Sentence construction-__________________________________________________

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