Virtual Reality Against Addiction

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International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA2015)

Virtual Reality against Addiction

Sarthak Gupta Banita Chadha

IEC College of Engineering and Technology, A.P (IEC College of Engineering and Technology)
Greater Noida,India Greater Noida,India
91-9990970645 91-8750745666

Abstract—Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-simulated 4) “Computer simulations that use 3D graphics and
environment that is used to simulate physical presence of the devices such as the Data Glove to allow the user to
user in the real world or imagined worlds Virtual reality can interact with the simulation.” [6]
create experiences, which include virtual taste, sight, smell,
sound and touch. The result of these is shown on the screen or 5) “Virtual reality lets you navigate and view a world of
with the help of the head set with sound system to provide three dimensions in real time, with six degree of
additional sensory information. Gaming applications are freedom. (...) In essence, virtual reality is clone of
created to understand the capability of the person in different physical reality.” [7]
situations. In this paper we are getting focused on the
application of the virtual reality in the medical field. The
addiction of the nicotine and drugs are making people weak.
To reduce this problem, the addiction is treated by both B. Survey(VR): [1,2,3,4]
conscious and subconscious mind to remove its root cause. 1) Sensorama– in years 1960-1962 Morton Heilig created
a multi-sensory simulator. A pre-recorded film in color
Keywords: Addiction, Craving, Virtual Reality, Medical Field, and stereo wasaugmented by binaural sound, scent,
Training applications.
wind and vibration experiences. This was the first
approach to create a virtual reality system and it had all
the features of such an environment, but it was not
The advancement of the machinery leads to increase the interactive.
vision of the humans. The machine which once used to
compute the arithmetical calculations had gradually 2) The Ultimate Display– in 1965 Ivan Sutherland
advanced to let the people feel the imaginary world in true proposed the ultimate solution of virtual reality: an
senses. The virtual reality is the concept to let the user feel artificial world construction concept that included
the imaginary world comes true. To provide the sensory interactive graphics, force-feedback, sound, smell and
information to the user there is use of sound systems and the taste.
display is through stereographic displays.
A. Virtual Reality a) “The Sword of Damocles”– the first virtual reality
1) “Virtual reality refers to immersive, interactive, multi- system realized in hardware, not in concept. Ivan
sensory, and viewer-cantered, three dimensional Sutherland constructs a device considered as the
computer generated environments and the combination first Head Mounted Display (HMD), with
of technologies required to build these environments.” appropriate head tracking. It supported a stereo view
[2] that was updated correctly according to the user’s
head position and orientation.
2) “The illusion of participation in a synthetic environment b) GROPE– the first prototype of a force-feedback
rather than external observation of such an system realized at the University of North Carolina
environment. VR relies on a three-dimensional, (UNC) in 1971.
stereoscopic head-tracker display, hand/body tracking c) VIDEOPLACE– Artificial Reality created in 1975
and binaural sound. VR is an immersive, multi-sensory by Myron Krueger – “a conceptual environment,
experience.” [3] with no existence”. In this system the silhouettes of
3) “Real-time interactive graphics with three dimensional the users grabbed by the cameras were projected on
models, combined with a display technology that gives a large screen. The participants were able to interact
the user the immersion in the model world and direct one with the other thanks to the image processing
manipulation.” [5] techniques that determined their positions in 2D
screen’s space.

ISBN:978-1-4799-8890-7/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 273

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International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA2015)
d) VCASS– Thomas Furness at the US Air Force’s them. This technic is used in the field of medicals as
Armstrong Medical Research Laboratories VIRTUAL COLONOSCOPY.
developed in 1982 the Visually Coupled Airborne
2) Hands on virtual world: In this we create a virtual
Systems Simulator – an advanced flight simulator.
world where the user enters .The tracking of the
The fighter pilot wore a HMD that augmented the
movement of head is done so as to understand what the
out-the window view by the graphics describing
thoughts of the user are. Interaction with the image is
targeting or optimal flight path information.
done through general purpose haptic devices.
e) VIVED– Virtual Visual Environment Display –
constructed at the NASA Ames in 1984 with off 3) Head tracking system: In this kind of system there is a
the-shelf technology a stereoscopic monochrome simple stereo device though which the user is shown
HMD. scenes. There is only one correct position to view the
f) VPL– the VPL company manufactures the popular scene.
Data Glove (1985) and the Eye phone HMD (1988)
4) Immersivesystem: The devices used here are the Head
– the first commercially available VR devices.
Mounted Displays (HMD). These are the devices which
g) BOOM– commercialized in 1989 by the Fake Space
users can wear and give a real life experience which
Labs. BOOM is a small box containing two CRT
gives virtual reality its meaning. This provides an
monitors that can be viewed through the eye holes.
immense experience by blocking out from the real
The user can grab the box, keep it by the eyes and
world and getting completely into the imaginary or the
move through the virtual world, as the mechanical
virtual world. There is no restriction for the user on
arm measures the position and orientation of the
their movements. This provides a good 3-D visual
quality and is inexpensive.
h) UNC Walkthrough project– in the second half of
1980s at the University of North Carolina an 5) Telepresence: Sensors and Manipulators are the devices
architectural walkthrough application was with are remotely controlled by human operators. The
developed. Several VR devices were constructed to major applications for this kind of systems are the fire
improve the quality of this system like: HMDs, fighter robots, the unmanned military vehicles used for
optical trackers and the Pixel-Plane graphics engine. wars. The exploration of the titanic was done by such
i) Virtual Wind Tunnel– developed in early 1990s at kinds of techniques.
the NASA Ames application that allowed the
observation and investigation of flow-fields with the
help of BOOM and Data Glove D. Applications
Augmented Reality (AR) – a technology that “presents a virtual There are several applications of Virtual Reality which has
world that enriches, rather than replaces the real world” now changed the phase of Technology .In the field of Games,
[Brys92c]. This is achieved by means of see through HMD that theatre, construction, training, Psychological Therapy. The
superimposes virtual three-dimensional objects on real ones. following are the applications of VRs:
This technology was previously used to enrich fighter pilot’s
view with additional flight information (VCASS). Thanks to its 1) Games: Bio-sensing is way used to detect the presence
great potential – the enhancement of human vision – of users in the game. These are the small sensors which
augmented reality became a focus of many research projects in are attached to different body parts so as to record the
early 1990s movements of the person in the 3D space. These
movements are interpreted by a computer and trigger a
several responses within that space.
C. Types of VR 2) Theatre: 5-D theatre gives a physical touch to the
theatre experience but the Virtual Reality when used
1) Windows on world system. with the theatres puts the user right into the character
2) Hands on virtual world and that user can feel the complete situation happening
3) Head tracking system with them.
4) Immersive systems
3) Construction: The architects need not prepare the model
5) Telepresence
of the house. The blue prints can now be easily
understood by the customers. An interactive way in
which the customer can now see the rooms they want to
1) Windows on world system: Use of the screen to display get designed. They may get things changed according to
the video and the audio information is given by the the need.
speakers which add a reality touch to the experience.
The special input devices are used to let the user give 4) Training: A virtual Environment is created for the
inputs in the form of interactions and the reactions by training of many different programs such as Military
Training, Space programs training, Medical Trainings.


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International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA2015)
Military persons complete their training in the same F. Virtual Reality therapy to cure depression
environment as there is in the wars and get training, The virtual reality Therapy works in coordination with both
accordingly .Similarly the medical specialists get conscious and subconscious mind to create new neurological
trained in such an environment so that they can get pathways. This means that instead of getting focused on curing
trained for the complex surgeries without any real life the symptoms we permanently remove the negative habits and
specimen. behaviors. Depression is feeling of dejection which is caused
5) Researchers and clinicians can now use virtual reality by the negative thoughts which affects the brain. The Virtual
exposure for educational, research, and therapeutic reality Therapy modules are change the negative thoughts at
purposes. The virtual reality technology is similar to a the subconscious level and replace them with positive thoughts.
video game and it simulates a real-world experience This is a drug free option of anxiety therapy. The way we think
[11].People who suffers from addiction (product defines our responses to stress, anxiety, panic and dealing with
addiction or behavioral addiction) reacts to stimuli depression. Negative belief systems lead to reduced pain
associated to their addiction (e.g. a drug addict will tolerance, slower recovery time, panic, anxiety, and depression.
react to needles/cigarettes). During Virtual Reality Therapy, Thoughts are focused on one
single concept or idea. Concentration of the mind is withdrawn
a) This methodology is called cue reactivity, often from the real world to the virtual or the imaginary world. The
used to expose users to their addiction people are provided with pre-sleep suggestions have
product/stimuli in order to measure their craving significantly higher levels of positive emotions in their dreams.
level, physiology, and mood states at the moment of The dreams are more pleasant, and they have lower levels of
exposure. Craving is an intense desire to consume a anxiety, sadness and aggression.
product or to exhibit certain behavior. Presenting the
patient different with addiction products allows the II ROOT CAUSE
therapist to note which items serve as triggers A. Cigarettes:
(stimuli that tempt the person to recommence his or
her addictive behavior).[12] The major ingredient of the cigarette is the tobacco. Tobacco
contains a mood altering drug called nicotine which makes the
6) Psychological Therapy: There are several phobias can
cigarette addictive .It reaches the brain in mere seconds. It is a
be triggered by visual and auditory stimuli .These are
central nervous system stimulant. The nicotine imitates or acts
cured by introducing the person to the virtual
similar to the natural neurotransmitter called Acetylcholine and
environment and gradually making them used to of their
it binds itself to a specialized type of acetylcholine receptor,
known as the Nicotine Receptor. The dependency of the
E. Virtual Reality Systems tobacco develops because the nicotinic receptors present on the
The virtual reality systems can be divided on the basis of the neurons of the ventral tegmental area which project their
environment in they want to be. They are categorized into two terminations into nucleus accumbens. In smokers, repeated
major categories social vs. non-social and creative vs. non- nicotine stimulation increases the amount of dopamine released
creative [8] The Non-Social Virtual realities let a single user to into the nucleus accumbens. There is enough concentration of
interact with the environment. nicotine to deactivate the receptors and slow down their
This interaction may be with a pre-programmed environment
(known as non-creative systems) or with an environment that After the short period without smoking, the minimum
can be modified according to the need to the user (known as concentration of nicotine drops again where some of the
the creative systems).The Social Virtual realities let multiple receptors regain their sensitivity. When all these receptors
users to interact with each other in the environment. This regain their functionality again, cholinergic neurotransmission
environment can also be of two types the pre-programmed is raised to an abnormally high level that affects all the
environment (known as non-creative system) or with an cholinergic pathways in the brain. Due to this the smokers
environment that can be modified by the users or group of experience craving and discomfort that leads them to smoke
cooperating users (known as creative systems) another again.
B. Marijuana:
It is a combination of shredded leaves, stems and flower buds
of Cannabis sativa plant. It is mostly consumed by smoking
.The major intoxicating chemical in marijuana is
tetrahydracannabinol or THC. Depending on the quantity,
quality and method of consumption, marijuana produces a
feeling of euphoria or high. This happens by stimulating brain
cells to release the chemical Dopamine. The following are the
immediate effects when marijuana is smoked or inhaled:
Fig1. Four types of Virtual Reality Systems (from[8])


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International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA2015)
1) The feeling of euphoria is almost. chemical messenger. It affects the brain processes that
control movement, emotional response, ability to
2) The feeling of heightened sensory perception.
experience pain and pleasure. Neurons that contain
3) Colors appearing more intense. Dopamine as a neurotransmitter are clustered in the
midbrain in an area called as substantianigra.
4) Noises being louder.
5) Altered perception of time.
D. Addiction: It’s is states in which there is a forceful
6) Lag of time in the feeling of situation and the response engagement of the rewarding stimuli, although there as
by the brain. adverse consequences. The two properties that
7) Increase in the appetite known as the “munchies” is one characterizes all addiction are:
of the common effects on the consumers. 1) Positive reinforcing: Increase in likelihood so
that person will consume it again and again.
8) Hallucinations.
2) Intrinsically rewarding: Activation of the brain’s
9) Increased Heart rate. Rewarded Pathways. This produces a desire to consume
10) Troubled Concentration. it.

The impact of marijuana depends on the strength of the drug E. Symptoms of addiction to nicotine:
and how often it has been consumed.
1) You smoke more than seven cigarettes a day.
The major parts of the brain which gets affected by marijuana
are: 2) The time duration after which the person smokes after
waking up.
1) Hypothalamus: controls appetite and sensual behavior.
3) You smoke even when you are sick.
2) Basal Ganglia: Involved in control and planning, as
well as the initialization and the termination of the
3) Amygdala: Responsible for an emotion, emotional
behavior and motivation
4) Brain Stem and Spinal Cord: Important in the vomiting
reflex and the sensation of pain.
5) Cerebellum: Responsible to body control and

Fig3. Marijuana Effects on the Brain [10]

The basic idea of this paper is to reduce the addiction of the
users from cigarettes, marijuana or any other addictive source.
The addiction of these substances is not physical but
psychological. The base reason for most of the people smoking
cigarettes is stress. To release stress people smoke. This gives
Fig2. Cigarette and Marijuana use by 12th grade student [9] relaxation to them psychologically, but just for some time and
these crave restarts as soon as they get a new reason to get
C. Dopamine: One of the neurotransmitter which is playing It is the thinking of the person that they would not be able
the major role in the field of addiction is Dopamine. to take so much stress if they are not consuming them. Thus
Dopamine is chemically known as making users addicted. The main aim of virtual reality was to
Dihydroxyphenethylamine. It is similar to adrenaline as a give the people a real life experience of the virtual
environment. Users live there; feel the environment as if they


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International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA2015)
are in the real world. With the help of the Head Mounted user is not smoking yet there is equal effect on its body. Most
Display in the immersive systems they are able to get a clear of the passive smokers gradually become active smokers.
view of the virtual world they want to be in.
Therefore this system prevents the passive smokers to get
With the help of speakers, the virtual tastes and touch- active .It also saves the body of the user to get adverse smoking
devices gives extra information which makes the sensory effects and gradually helps them to reduce their addiction
information more accurate. The 3-Dimensional environment,
gives us the vision that the environment shown on the screen
are near us. The 5-Dimensional environment provides the IV CONCLUSION
sensory information of touch. But the virtual environment
places the person right into that condition as if they are passing According to this paper the fear is the major characteristic
through that condition. There is property of sound, taste, vision, which will let the people reduce their addiction. In real life
smell which the brain feels while it is in that environment. people leave an addiction when they could see the pain and the
stress which is caused to them through that addiction. This is
In this paper we are going to use the Virtual Reality as a the phenomenon which will be used and with the help of it we
most important tool to fight with addiction psychologically. will let the users experience the pain and stress virtually. This
With virtual reality we are producing a virtual environment will not make any physical harm but will make the users
which looks similar to the environment in which the user is understand what is going to happen in the future.
comfortable. That environment is a multi-user environment in
which many people connected in a network can interact. They may get awaken from the vision of the pain caused to
Within that environment the users may smoke cigarettes, can them and leave the addiction without forcing them to do so.
enjoy special effects of weed with their friends but According to [13] the Virtual Reality Medical Center (VRMC)
psychologically not physically. In this way the people will not is under the associated with National Institute on Drug Abuse
get affected by the after effects of these materials. Their (NIDA) so as to produce a game which interacts with the
internal craving which is due to their addiction can gradually adolescents. In this game teens are trained with the help of the
decrease. There are 3 major stages of this program: scenarios containing smoking cues.
With the help of these training scenarios the teens will learn
• Stage One (Initialization): It is the initialization of the
how to control their urge to smoke and overcome them.
program in which the users gradually get familiar to the
Trainings are good solutions but they are not reliable. Only
system. The user gets completely comfortable and starts
those users who know that they should leave cigarette will join
feeling similar to the real world there. This gives
this training. So a large amount of people will not yet be
indication for the completion of the stage One.
affected with this training. But in the case of this paper each
• Stage Two: In the second stage the users get to interact and every person who smokes will enjoy at first and when they
which each other which create a real life experience as get familiar with the environment and get used to of these ,
if they are smoking in real world. They can party they gradually get the vision of the side effects.
together, can sit and release their stress.
These will affect them psychologically. The fear to get
• Stage Three (Termination): In the third and the last harmed will let the people away from their addiction. In this
stage the users are forced to feel the side effects of their way everyone who is used to of cigarettes will be force to
addiction. The symptoms long breathe, shaky hands, think. This will be more effective and inexpensive.
sweating, irritability or rapid heart rate.
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International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA2015)
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