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I lay on my bed and couldn't help but stare at the ceiling.

It was white, I don't know why I just was. I was

scared a bit; odd really as I am known for jumping into situations that would baffle most people. Just a few
weeks ago I had run away from home and now here I was lying in a hospital, recovering from a bullet wound.
My mum, she was trapped in the wreckage of the car that I had been driving; she was only injured, but badly. I
had popped out of the driver's door of the car and rolled, coming to a stop up against an old wooden fence. It
had taken a bullet and a few knife wounds, but luckily there had been a bit of luck, or good timing, and the
knife-man had had to move about two yards before he could get to the door of the car where my mum sat,
unbeknown to us. I was in a hospital, in fact I was in the hospital now. I had been in recovery for several hours,
and still it was only 11:30am. I had been in surgery for three. Now I lay here, in the recovery room. A doctor
was walking down the corridor, towards me, she was followed by a nurse. I sat up in my bed and weakly
beckoned for them to come in. The doctor looked to be in her early 30's, she said she was one of the top plastic
surgeons, that was clear as she walked with a swagger. She knew she was a hot chick, I could sense it in her,
and I could see how she used it to get ahead and in the best jobs. In many ways she was the perfect plastic
surgeon for me. “Hello, are you Mr Strasser?” She said, a hint of a smile on her full lips, her teeth were white
and straight, and none of them had any spots on them. She must be using whitening toothpaste, I thought.
“Yeah, I'm Scott Strasser.” I replied, a bit groggy. “Why don't you just call me Kathy? Hi, I'm Kathy!” She
said, extending her hand towards me, her perfect nails painted slightly. I took her hand and shook it gingerly, as
it was bandaged. “Hey Kathy.” I said back, grinning. “Hold on a sec, before we go any further, can I ask you a
few things, if that's okay?” She said, turning to the nurse. “Sure. I mean, yes, of course do.” I said. Kathy turned
back to me and smiled again.

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