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i. Order has been issued by a superior;
1. SELF-DEFENSE ii. Such order must be for some lawful
i. Unlawful aggression; iii. Means used by subordinate to carry out
ii. Reasonable necessity of the means such order is lawful.
employed to prevent or repel it (Rational
iii. Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of EXEMPTING CIRCUMSTANCES
the person defending himself.
- Mental age of the accused is that of a
i. Unlawful aggression; child.
ii. Reasonable necessity of the means
employed to prevent and repel it (Rational 2. INSANITY
iii. If the provocation was given by the relative, i. Test of Cognition – The mental condition of
the one making defense has no part therein. the accused is an exempting circumstance of
insanity if there was a complete deprivation of
3. DEFENSE OF STRANGERS intelligence in committing the criminal act.
ii. Test of Volition – The mental condition of
i. Unlawful aggression; the accused is a mitigating circumstance of
ii. Reasonable necessity of the means mental illness if there is deprivation of
employed to prevent and repel it (Rational freedom.
iii. Person defending may not be induced by 3. MINORITY
revenge, resentment, or other evil motive.
i. 15 years old and below – Exempting
4. STATE OF NECCESITY ii. Above 15 years old but below 18 years old,
without discernment – Exempting
i. The evil sought to be avoided actually exists; iii. Above 15 years old but below 18 years old,
ii. The injury feared be greater than that done with discernment – Privilege Mitigating
to avoid it;
iii. There be no other practical and less 4. ACCIDENT
harmful means of preventing it.
i. A person is performing a lawful act;
5. PERFORMANCE OF DUTY ii. It is performed with due care;
iii. He causes injury to another by mere
i. Accused must have acted in the accident;
performance of a duty or in the lawful exercise iv. Without any fault or intention of causing it.
of a right or office;
ii. Injury caused or the offense committed
should have been the necessary consequence
of due performance of duty or lawful exercise
of right or office.
Ebo, MD (not claiming 100% accuracy)

i. Somebody used force compelling the i. There must be a threat on the part of the
accused to commit crime; offended party;
ii. The force used must be irresistible. ii. Threat must be sufficient;
iii. Threat must be immediately precede the
6. UNCONTROLLABLE FEAR criminal act committed by the offender.

i. Existence of uncontrollable fear of injury; 6. PROVOCATION SUFFICIENT PROVOCATION

ii. Fear of an injury must be real and imminent;
iii. Fear of an injury is greater than or at least i. There must be provocation on the part of the
equal to that committed. offended party;
ii. Provocation must be sufficient
7. INSUPERABLE CAUSE iii. Provocation must immediately precede the
criminal act committed by the offender.
i. Fails to perform an act required by law;
ii. Prevented by some lawful or insuperable 7. VINDICATION OF A GRAVE OFFENSE
i. Victim committed grave offense;
ii. The grave offense was committed against
i. Offender
iii. Ascendants
i. Majority of requisites are present – iv. Descendants
Privileged mitigating circumstance. v. Legitimate, illegitimate, or adopted
ii. Minority of the requisites are present – siblings
Ordinary mitigating circumstance vi. Relatives by affinity within the same
iii. Unlawful aggression is a sine qua non degree
requisite. iii. Offender committed the crime in
proximate vindication of such grave offenses.
- Above 15 years old but below 18 years old,
with discernment – Privilege Mitigating i. There was an act that was both unlawful and
sufficient to produce such condition of passion
3. SENIORITY or obfuscation of the mind;
ii. Such act was not far removed from the
- Accused is above 70 years old. commission of the crime by a considerable
length of time, during which the perpetrator
4. PRAETER INTENTIONEM might have recovered his normal equanimity.
iii. Passion must arise from lawful sentiment of
i. Offender had no intention to commit so the offender and not from the spirit of
grave a wrong that as committed; lawlessness of revenge.
ii. Notable disparity between the means
employed by the accused to commit a wrong
and the resulting crime committed.

Ebo, MD (not claiming 100% accuracy)

9. VOLUNTARY SURRENDER - Commits crime against another person in the
presence of the public authorities outside his
i. The offender has not actually been arrested; workplace.
ii. The offender surrendered himself to a
person in authority; 2. PLACE OF COMMISION
iii. Surrender was voluntary.
- Crime is committed:
10. VOLUNTARY CONFESSION i. Malacañang Palace
ii. Place whenever the President was
i. The accused spontaneously confessed his present.
guilt; iii. Place where the public authorities
ii. Confession of guilt was made in open court; are engaged in the discharge of their
iii. Confession was made before a competent duty
court trying the case; - The person in authority was
iv. Confession of guilt was made prior to the engaged in his official functions
presentation of evidence by the prosecution. inside his office at the time the
crime was committed.
11. PHYSICAL DEFECT iv. Place dedicated to religious worship

Offender is: 3. DISREGARD OF RANK, SEX & AGE

i. Deaf and Dumb
ii. Blind i. Rank – Crime must be committed against a
iii. Suffering from Physical Defect person of a higher rank such as a person in
which thus restricts his means of authority not engaged in the performance of
action, defense, or communication duty.
with his fellow beings. ii. Sex – Accused deliberately intended to
offend or insult the sex of the victim, or
12. ILLNESS showed manifest disrespect to her
i. Offender is ill; Iii. Age – Accused deliberately intended to
ii. Illness diminishes the exercise of the will- offend or insult the age of the offended party.
power of the offender;
iii. It does not deprive him of consciousness of 4. DISREGARD OF DWELLING
his acts.
i. Offender committed crime in the dwelling of
13. OTHER ANALOGOUS CIRCUMSTANCE the offended party;
ii. Offender committed crime in disregard of
the respect which the dwelling is entitled;
AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCES iii. Offender has not given provocation.


- It can be offset by an ordinary mitigating
circumstance. - Accused intentionally chose the darkness of
the night to facilitate the commission of the
1. CONTEMPT OF OR INSULT TO PUBLIC crime or afford impunity.

Ebo, MD (not claiming 100% accuracy)

6. CRAFT OR FRAUD - Offender purposely sought or consciously
relied upon persons to secure him against
- Means employed to deceive the victim to detection and punishment.
facilitate the commission of the crime and to - For both, they are qualifying circumstances in
afford impunity. Murder.


8. MOTOR VEHICLE - Deliberate concealment of the identity of the

accused in order to facilitate the commission
9. UNINHABITED PLACE of the crime and to insure or afford impunity.
- Disguise may be treated as employment of
i. Uninhabited place was especially sought to means to afford impunity, which will qualify
facilitate the commission of the crime. the killing into Murder.
ii. It was taken advantage to afford impunity.
- Determined not by the distance of the 13. CALAMITY OR MISFORTUNE
nearest house to the scene of the crime but
whether or not there was reasonable - The crime be committed on the occasion of:
possibility of the victim receiving some help in i. Conflagration
the place were the crime was committed. ii. Shipwreck
iii. Earthquake
- Uninhabited place in robbery by means of iv. Epidemic
violence of intimidation – Special aggravating v. Other calamity or misfortune
circumstance. - Offender must take advantage of the
condition brought about by such calamity or
10. BAND (CUADRILLA) misfortune.

i. There must be at least four malefactors; - Qualifying circumstance in Murder.

ii At least four of them are armed;
iii. At least four of them took part or acted 14. USING ARTIFICE INVOLVING GREAT WASTE AND
together in the commission of the crime as RUIN
principals by direct participation.
- Crime be committed by means of:
iii. Explosion
A. Armed Men iv. Stranding of a vessel or intentional
i. The armed men are accomplices who take damage thereto
part in minor capacity, directly or indirectly; v. Derailment of a locomotive
ii. The accused availed himself of their aid or vi. Use of any other artifice involving
relied upon them when the crim was great waste and ruin.
*i-v does not require great waste or
- Aid of armed men is a qualifying ruin
circumstance in Murder.
- Qualifying circumstance in Murder
B. Persons Who Insure or Afford Impunity

Ebo, MD (not claiming 100% accuracy)

15. TREACHERY (ALEVOSIA) iii. Sufficient interval of time between the
determination and the execution of the crime
i. Offender commits any of the crimes against to allow him to reflect upon the consequences
the person of his act.
ii. Employing means, methods, or forms of
execution that are consciously adopted - Qualifying circumstances in Murder.
iii. The execution thereof tends directly and
specially to insure its execution 20. IGNOMINY
iv. Without risk to himself arising from the
defense which the offended party might take. - Accused deliberately perpetrated the
ignominious act to augment to moral suffering
- Qualifying circumstance in murder of the victim.
- Refers to moral suffering
DEFENSE - Qualifying circumstances in Murder

- It must be to weaken the defense, not to 21. CRUELTY

make it impossible for the victim to put up a
defense. - Perpetrated by the accused to prolong or
exacerbate the physical pain and suffering of
- Qualifying circumstance in Murder. the victim.
- Refers to physical suffering.
- Qualifying circumstance in Murder
i. There is inequality of forces between the
victim and the aggressor 22. ABUSE OF CONFIDENCE AND OBVIOUS
ii. Situation of superiority of strength is UNGRATEFULNESS
notoriously advantageous for the aggressor
and is selected or taken advantage by him in i. Abuse of confidence – Taking advantage of
the commission of the crime the confidence reposed by the victim on the
offender to facilitate the commission of the
- Qualifying circumstance in Murder crime.
ii. Obvious ungratefulness – Commission of a
18. CONSIDERATION OF PRICE, REWARD, OR crime instead of being grateful to the
PROMISE generosities given by the victim to the
- Price, reward, or promise must be the
primary consideration in the commission of a - Qualifying circumstance of theft
crime or felony.
- Qualifying circumstance in Murder WINDOW

19. EVIDENT PREMEDITATION - Unlawful Entry - Entrance is made through a

way not intended for that purpose.
i. The time when the offender determined to - Breaking - Entrance is made through
commit the crime breaking a wall, roof, floor, door, or window.
ii. Act manifestly indicating that the offender
has clung to his determination
Ebo, MD (not claiming 100% accuracy)
- Qualifying circumstance in robbery by using ii. Perpetrates the offense while performing,
force upon things though in an improper or irregular manner, his
official functions;
24. RECIDIVISM iii. He cannot commit the offense without
holding his office.
- At the time of trial for one crime, he has been
previously convicted of another crime 2. QUASI-RECIDIVISM
embraced in the same title of the RPC.
i. Offender has been convicted by final
25. REITERACION judgment of a crime or offense:
ii. Offender has committed a felony:
- Offender has previously punished (served - After being convicted
sentence) for: - Before beginning to serve sentence
- One offense w/ greater penalty - While serving sentence
- Two or more offenses w/ lighter

26. TORTURE i. A group of two or more persons

ii. Collaborating, confederating, or mutually
- Torture as a crime shall not absorb or shall helping one another
not be absorbed by any other crime or felony iii. Organized for the purpose of gain
committed as a consequence, or as a means in
the conduct or commission thereof. In which 4. SEXUAL OR PHYSICAL VIOLENCE
case, torture shall be treated as a separate
and independent criminal act whose penalties - Sexual or physical violence is committed
shall be imposable without prejudice to any against a woman with whom the accused has
other criminal liability provided for by a marital, dating, or sexual relationship, in the
domestic and international laws. presence of her child.
- If the commission of any crime punishable
under Title Eight (Crimes Against Persons) and 5. USE OF LOOSE FIREARMS
Title Nine (Crimes Against Personal Liberty
and Security) of the Revised Penal Code is - Includes the use of:
attended by any of the acts constituting i. Unregistered firearm
torture and other cruel, inhuman and ii. Obliterated or altered firearm
degrading treatment or punishment as iii. Lost or stolen firearm
defined herein, the penalty to be imposed iv. Illegally manufactured firearm
shall be in its maximum period. v. Registered firearms in possession of
individuals other than the licensee
vi. Revoked licenses
- It cannot be offset by an ordinary mitigating - Qualifying circumstances:
circumstance. i. When loose firearm is used in
committing a crime with a graver
1. ABUSE OF OFFICIAL POSITION penalty, the accused shall be
prosecuted for the graver crime and
i. Public officer commits an offense in relation shall apply the penalty in its maximum
to his office; period.

Ebo, MD (not claiming 100% accuracy)

ii. When loose firearm is used in - Relatives by affinity of the same degree
committing a crime with a lesser
penalty, the accused shall be ii. Crimes against Person
prosecuted for the lesser crime but the - Mitigating
court shall impose the penalty a. Less grave felony or light felony
prescribed for illegal possession of use b. Victim is a relative of lower level
of loose firearm. - Aggravating
a. Grave felony
iii. When loose firearm is used in b. Victim is a relative of equal or higher
committing a crime with a penalty, the level
maximum of which is equal to that for
illegal possession of loose firearm, the *Other conditions attending its commission
accused shall be prosecuted for the may also be considered
former with additional penalty of **Relationship is qualifying in parricide,
prision mayor in its minimum period. qualified serious physical injuries, and
qualified less serious physical injuries.
iii. Crimes against Properties
- Positive finding for the use of dangerous - Mitigating – Not covered under Art. 332
drugs shall be a special aggravating Exc: Robbery w/ Homicide –
circumstance. aggravating circumstance

7. OTHERS iv. Crime against Chastity

- Aggravating
i. Child Abuse – Ascendant, parent, guardian,
stepparent, or collateral relative within the 2nd 2. INTOXICATION
degree og consanguinity or affinity.
ii. Child Prostitution and Sexual Abuse – - Mitigating
Ascendant or Relationship within the 2nd i. It is NOT:
degree of consanguinity or affinity. a. Habitual
iii. Child Pornography – Parent, Ascendant, b. Intentional
Guardian, Stepparent, or collateral relative ii. It impaired the will power of
w/n the 3rd degree of consanguinity or affinity. accused.
iv. Qualified Trafficking in Person – Spouse,
Ascendant, Parent, Sibling or Guardian. - Aggravating – It is:
v. RA 3019 – Relative within the fourth civil i. Habitual
degree of consanguinity or affinity. ii. Subsequent to the plan to commit
the crime and that he took such
ALTERNATIVE CIRCUMSTANCES quantity of alcoholic beverage, prior to
the commission of the crime, as would
1. RELATIONSHIP blur his reason or to fortify his
resolution to commit the crime.
i. Applies to:
- Spouse
- Ascendants
- Descendants
- Legitimate, natural, or adopted brothers or
Ebo, MD (not claiming 100% accuracy)
3. LACK OF INSTRUCTION AND EDUCATION a. Spouses, ascendants and
descendants, or relatives by affinity in
- Mitigating the same line
- Lack of sufficient intelligence and b. Windowed spouse w/ respect to the
knowledge to fully realize the property which belonged to the
consequences of his criminal act. deceased spouse before the same shall
have passed into the possession of
- Aggravating another
i. Offender possessed a high degree of c. Brothers and sisters, and in
instruction and education brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, if
ii. Offender took advantage of such living together.
high degree of education in
committing the crime *It shall not be applicable to strangers
participating in the commission of the
i. Any legally married person who having
surprised his spouse in the act of committing
2. RELATIONSHIP IN CRIME COMMITTED BY AN sexual intercourse with another person:
ACCESSORY - Shall kill any or both of them or inflict
serious physical injuries – destierro
GR: Accessories are exempted from criminal - Serious physical injuries or less
liability for crimes committed with respect to serious physical injuries – exempted
their: from punishment
i. Spouses
ii. Ascendants ii. Under the same circumstances as above,
iii. Descendants parents with respect to their daughters under
iv. Legitimate, Natural, and Adopted eighteen years of age, and their seducer, while
brothers and sisters If living together the daughters are living with their parents.
v. Relatives by affinity within the same
degree *Any person who shall promote or facilitate
the prostitution of his wife or daughter, or
EXC: Accessories by profiting themselves or shall otherwise have consented to the
assisting the offender to profit by the effects infidelity of the other spouse shall not be
of the crime. entitled to the benefits of this article.



No criminal, but only civil liability shall result 6. INSTIGATION

from the commission of the crime of theft,
swindling, or malicious mischief committed or - Luring the accused into a crime that he,
caused mutually by the following persons: otherwise, had no intention to commit, in
order to prosecute him.

Ebo, MD (not claiming 100% accuracy)

- Criminal intent to commit an offense
originates from the inducer and not from the
accused who had no intention to commit and
would not have committed it were it not for
the prodding of the inducer.

Ebo, MD (not claiming 100% accuracy)

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