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Being an Atlas of the World with Explanatory Texts

By N. Robin Crossby

Art & Cartography

Joel Bisaillon, N. Robin Crossby, Eric Hotz, Robert B. Schmunk

Contributing Developers
Jeremy Baker & Robert B. Schmunk

Kèthîra version 2.1. © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions), All rights reserved.
The purchaser of the electronic version of this publication is entitled to make two (2) printed copies for personal use.
Pronunciation & Accents Dating
Ideally, when one desires to learn the correct pronunciation of a The dating system in used this and other (official) Keléstia
word, one asks a well-educated local. With the cost of transportation Publications. is named for its creator, the scholar Túzyn. The dates
being what it is, visiting the more remote parts of Kèthîra is not are measured from the founding of the Kingdom of Mèlderýn (the
always practicable. This being the case, we provide accents on local Year 1), although it has been suggested that Túzyn might have been
words to assist the reader in his quest for linguistic veracity. A reader looking to some other event or events.
who does not wish to participate in such a quest may, of course,
Dates using Túzyn Reckoning include the prefix TR.* Hence, the
ignore the accents.
year TR1 is the year in which the Kingdom of Mèlderýn was founded.
In general, accents indicate syllabic stress:
Dates prior to the founding of Mèlderýn are prefixed by BT which
An acute accent (á) indicates primary stress. stands for Before Túzyn Reckoning.
A grave accent (à) indicates secondary stress If no prefix is included in the date, it is assumed to be TR.
A circumflex accent (â) indicates that the vowel should be
pronounced as if it were followed by an r, and may replace the acute
or grave to indicate primary or secondary stress. If a circumflex
Page Orientation
accented vowel is followed by an ‘r’, it should be read as a ‘double r’
Please note: Most of this publication is arranged in landscape mode.
and ‘rolled’ slightly. Sometimes it should be rolled even if there is no
This is to facilitate looking at the maps and reading the relevant text
following r.
at the same time, without having to keep rotating the module.
Ø appears in Phâric languages (including Chelémbian). It is usually
pronounced as a long ‘o’ as in tone, or as an ‘oa’ sound as in boat or
Moab, or as an ‘ou’ sounds as in about.
æ is usually sounded as y with which it is interchangeable. If a and e
appear as separate letters, they are each sounded.

* Some people use the TR or BT abbreviations as a suffix instead of a prefix, but

this is considered a mark of under-education by the over-educated.
Kÿth›ra 1

K ÿth›ra
This module puts in one place all significant maps of
the world of Kèthîra as a whole, together with
explanatory notes and an extensive historical

The Maps
General Map of Kèthîra
Climatic Zones
Annual Precipitation
Natural Vegetation
Oceanic Currents
Earliest Cultures
Ancient Cultures
Major Polities TR1
Major Polities TR474
Major Polities TR720
The Night Skies
Kéthrian Family of Worlds
Venârivè: Distribution of Regions

More primitive versions of some of these maps have appeared in earlier

publications between 1983 and 2005; all have been revised, mistakes
have been corrected. Most are presented in full colour for the first time.

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 3

Map Projection
Most of the maps in this atlas employ a variation of the Interrupted
ÿth›ra Sinusoidal Projection with Azimuthal Equidistant Polar Regions. This is a
reasonably equal area projection, meaning that areas on the map are
Kèthîra is the second of five planets of the star Nólomàr; it is slightly closely proportional (relative sizes are quite accurate). Lines of latitude are
smaller than Terra and has a large moon called Yaél. Kèthîra is a ‘water parallel and run east-west. The only distortion in this projection is the
planet’; oceans and seas meridians: at the edges of segments the meridians are not straight lines.
Areas of Continents
cover seventy-eight percent Square Square Square The prime meridian is arbitrarily set as running roughly between Ázeryàn
of the surface, including Continent Leagues Kilometres Miles and Tríerzòn. Along this line, north-south are truly represented. This is also
two large polar ice packs. Lýthia 3,375,000 54,000,000 21,000,000 the case in the other segment baseline meridians at 90° West and at 180°,
There are three continents, Mêrnat 1,250,000 20,000,000 8,000,000 and (in the southern hemisphere) at 90° East. Kèthîra has a 21°axial tilt. This
in order of size: Lýthia, Kámerand 1,125,000 18,000,000 7,000,000 places the tropics 21° north and south of the equator, and the Arctic and
Mêrnat, and Kámerand. Antarctic circles 21° from the poles. The tropics of Fenéri and Tai bound the
region in which the sun can be directly overhead. Between the tropics, days
Lªthia and nights are always 12 hours long.
The continent of Lýthia is, by far, the largest of the three. With a surface
area of 3.375 million square leagues and ranging from sixty degrees north
to forty degrees south, Lýthia has every type of climate and vegetation. The
variety of peoples, cultures, and languages is vast.

The continent of Mêrnat is entirely located in the southern hemisphere,
roughly 1,200 leagues southeast of Lýthia at the end of the Molkûran
archipelago. Mêrnat has an area of 1.25 million square leagues. Climate and
vegetation vary, but the continent can be characterised as dry, with
extensive grasslands and the world’s largest desert. Mêrnat is sparsely
populated; the fertile coastlands are peopled with a variety of pre-agrarian
cultures and steppe nomads range throughout the grasslands. Molnásian
seafarers have visited Mêrnat; they call it Kitóh.

Kámerand lays some 2,400 leagues west of Lýthia across the Haónic
Ocean. With an area of 1.125 million square leagues, Kámerand is roughly
a-third the size of Lýthia The continent has a narrow east-west axis, but its
north-south extent exceeds that of Lýthia. Hence, the ranges of climate and
vegetation are almost as diverse. Kámerand has a broad range of peoples
and cultures. With the exception of a few brave seafarers Lýthians do not The basic map identifies the continents, the oceans, and a few
know of Kámerand; no visits have been recorded in the other direction. significant geographical/political features/regions by name.

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 4
Index to the Map of Kÿth›ra Bªria
A tropical and sub-tropical region on the north-central coast of the
Ált‚r Anzelôrian subcontinent on the southern coast of the Venârian Sea. The
Across the top of Northwest Lýthia, Áltôr is a land of tundra, mountains, region was once a province of the Àzeryáni Empire. Býria is now the world’s
dense forests and cold woodlands. Many rivers drain the region into the Sea most powerful matriarchal empire.
of Ítikîr. Most of the indigenous Alts (a Járind people) are hunter-gatherers,
and the region is sparsely inhabited. There are, however, several significant D–den“rtra
settled areas, some of which have been inhabited for centuries. The vast desert, scrub and semi-desert region of northwestern Mêrnat.
Despite its aridity, nomadic peoples make this region home, walking vast
Anzel‚ria distances across the open plains.
The south-western
subcontinent of Lýthia Dalkésh
spans the equator. It A region to the southeast of the Venârian Sea centred on and around the
has a broad variety of Târga River. Placed across several trade routes, the Târga River has
climate and vegetation nurtured a succession of civilisations. The Empire of Dalkésh stood against
including rainforest, Ázeryàn at her zenith.
woodland scrub sav–
annah and savannah
woodland. The inter–
The region of eastern Lýthia between Ketârh and the Sea of Lashói,
iors and much of the
centred on the Ch’mísa River. The region is the great eastern cradle of
coast are sparsely
civilisation and has fostered great empires; the most recent is called
settled. With few exceptions, Anzelôrian states have tended to be isolationist
with relatively little influence outside Anzelôria. The interior especially is an
enigma to the rest of Lýthia; rumours persist of lost cities and civilisations,
fabulously wealthy mines and outlandish beasts and folk.
The southern reaches of Kámerand, an area of warm temperate and
Arg‡la sub-tropical climate, with a mixture of evergreen hardwood and mixed
A region of northeastern Lýthia named for its semi-nomadic peoples. woodland cover. The northern part of this region is savannah woodland.
Parts of Argóla were provinces of the Empire of Ch’mísa.
Ázery—n Gáridh is a cold archipelago in the Sea of Ítikîr; it was the northern extent
The great central peninsula of Venârivè, Ázeryàn lies at the heart of the of Áltish settlement. It is now home to a few Alts and ‘exiled’ Ivínians.
Venârian Sea. In the north, the Tonátris Mountains divide Ázeryàn from its
northern neighbours. The drylands of southwest Ázeryàn are inhospitable, G‡thm›r
but the rest of the peninsula is productive and densely inhabited. The The coasts and margins of Góthmîr are lightly forested, while the
peninsula is the surviving heartland of the great Empire of Ázeryàn, which interiors are lightly wooded grasslands. Until recently Góthmîr was part of
once dominated the Venârian Sea. The Empire lost most of her territories to the Empire of Ázeryàn, but is now the range of Reksýni horse tribes. Conflict
war and rebellion, but is now again on the rise. continues between the Empire and the nomads.
Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 5
Haraz–kas J–nkor
The north-central region of Kámerand, its landscape varies from tropical A peninsula of northeast Lýthia, north of Diramóa and Shóju, Jánkor is a
scrubland in the south, to grasslands in the north. Coastal regions have mountainous region, with most of the population on the southern coast.
mixed (summergreen) woodland. Jánkor was part of the great empire of Ch'mísa, but is now an independent
Hârn is the largest of the Hârnic Isles, a misty, forested, barbaric land K–merand
west of Lýthia, off the coasts of Emélrenè and Shôrkýnè. Lake Benáth The third continent of Kèthîra, Kámerand has the greatest north-south
dominates its centre. Hârn is a land of mystery and myth — strange elder extent, and consequently highly varied climate and vegetation.
peoples and fell beasts are said to dwell there, its kingdoms and realms are
small and fractious, and outsiders generally avoid the place. K–neum
A region of northern Molkûr, south of Diramóa and the Sea of Lashói,
Káneum is blessed by considerable sub-tropical forest. There is ongoing
conflict between the peoples of Káneum and Diramóa over the Chomsún
A large island subcontinent separated from Anzelôria/Lýthia by the
and Lashói regions.
straights known as the Elánas. Hépeker is mostly desert and semi-desert
populated by fiercely independent tribes but there are grasslands and
evergreen hardwood forests and woodlands along the coasts where most of Karéjia
the large settlements are located. Karéjia is the name given to the islands of the eastern Venârian Sea and
to the league of minor states located there. Much of the region is volcanic in
origin, with rich if dry soils. Karéjia has fostered a number of cultures; it is
Hom‚ra currently home to numerous allied trading states.
A mountainous region of coastal southwestern Molkûr dominated by
tropical rainforest. The people of the region are generally isolated, but have Ket“rh
contact with the peoples of Molnásya and the Shéntu Sea. The heart of Lýthia is a great high plateau, comprised primarily of desert,
semi-desert, steppe and prairie grasslands. The nomadic Ketârh peoples
H‚r‡tra have had a significant, and often violent, effect on the history of both
The equatorial rainforest region of Kámerand, around the Gulf of Hôrah eastern and western Lýthia.
on the Tropic of Fenéri, Hôrótra is hot and wet. Its cultures have adapted to
the prolific vegetation and teeming wildlife. Lªthia
Lýthia is Kèthîra’s largest continent. It can be divided into a number of
Iv–e subcontinents and regions; the largest of these are Venârivè, Anzelôria, the
A large island off the northwest coast of Lýthia, surrounded by Ketârh Plateau, Hépeker, the Great East and the vast Molkûr Peninsula.
thousands of smaller islands, Iváe’s highly glaciated landscape, fjords, and
mountains were the home of ancient folk. Several competing Ivínian Maf–n
kingdoms now vie for control of the region. Ivínians have colonised many Millennia ago, the coasts and hinterlands of south central Lýthia, around
parts of Venârivè in the last two centuries. the Shéntu Sea (the Gulf of Mafán), were the site of one of Lýthia’s great
empires. The region is now peppered with small trading states.

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 6
MelÁria Moln–sya
Melûria is a region on the southern coast of central Molkûr, bounding the An archipelago south of the Melûrian Sea; these islands are populated by
Melûrian Sea. It lies south of Káneum and west of Molkûra, and has had a a relatively ‘civilised’ people, but there are few urban centres. Several islands
difficult and contentious history. have ruins similar to those found in Molkûra. The people practice a mixture
of hunting, fishing, and agriculture, as well as trade. They are generally
MelÁrian Sea peaceful, but fiercely independent.
The body of water between the Lýthian mainland (Molkûr) and the
continent of Mêrnat south of the Molkûran Archipelago. The south-western Ner–nadh
extent of the Melûrian Sea is uncertain. A group of islands off the northeast of Kámerand, Neránadh is the only
cool temperate area of Kámerand, dominated by mixed woodland. The very
MŸrnat northern parts of the archipelago are near the artic circle in the Sea of Ítikîr.
The second continent of Kèthîra, Mêrnat is thinly populated, and The tribes of the region live in a civilised federation dominated by a ‘royal’
dominated by desert, semi-desert and grasslands. Significant regions tribal group. Neránadh is the closest part of Kámerand to Lýthia and has
include Dádenârtra, Rúa and Yoréa; only the latter two have had any contact been visited by Ivínian explorers.
with outsiders. The peoples of Mêrnat might seem primitive to outsiders, but
live in near perfect harmony with their environment. Pélech“r
Pélechâr is an inland region of central Molkûr, with mixed woodland and
MolkÁr tropical scrublands. Its peoples have long been under pressure from their
The great southeastern region of Lýthia, Molkûr is dominated by stronger neighbours.
rainforests. Molkûr includes Káneum, Pélechâr, Homôra, Melûria and
Molkûra. The civilisations are ancient and mysterious.
A vast region north of the Tonátris and Nadámi Mountains, much of
MolkÁra Quârphor is drained by the mighty Tîrga river. The Tîrga pours into the Gulf
The easternmost peninsula of Lýthia, Molkûra is in the main a of Shôrkýnè through the region of Huriséa and the Ántiag Marshes. To the
mountainous wilderness of tropical rainforest. Most of the population dwell northwest lies Hârbáal and to the north Áltôr. The Quârph are a Phâric
in the southern lowlands. Molkûra is an imperial state, but central authority people. Some of them have settled in places like Huriséa, but most still
is difficult to maintain due to the rugged terrain, poor communications and roam their wide plains and forests.
endemic tropical diseases. Consequently, local magnates hold most of the
power. The many ancient ruins are largely unknown to the inhabitants.
Rúa is the westernmost part of Mêrnat. It is inhabited by indigenous
MolkÁran Archipelago
peoples of Mêrnat, who have had contact with the peoples of the Molkûran
A chain of islands running east from Molkûr to Mêrnat, the Molkûran
Archipelago. There are also a few enclaves of assimilated Molkûran
Archipelago divides the Thiánic Ocean from the Melûrian Sea and
colonists. The north-western parts of Rúa are covered in tropical rainforest,
‘connects’ Lýthia to Mêrnat (in a geographical sense). The islands are lightly
and home to fabulous creatures unknown elsewhere on Mêrnat.
inhabited. Many have ruins similar to those found on the mainland.

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 7
Sea of Ítik›r Úlmer
Kèthîra’s northern sea surrounds the northern polar ice cap. High winds, The northeastern coastal lands of the Venârian Sea are bounded by the
low temperatures and sea-ice make the Sea of Ítikîr one of the least Yaél Mountains to the east and the wide plains of Reksýna to the north.
hospitable parts of Kèthîra. Legend suggests the Sea of Ítikîr is the realm of Beyond the mountains lie the Ketârh Plateau. The trading states of Úlmer
some very angry gods; only a few Járind settlers and Ivínian exiles and compete with those of Karéjia. West of Úlmer lies the troubled Reksýni tribal
‘heroes’ have ventured this far north. lands, and contested Imperial Àzeryáni provinces of Góthmîr.

Shéntu Sea Ven“rian Sea

The body of water separating Anzelôria from southeast Lýthia is called A sea with countless islands almost surrounded by western Lýthia. Its
the Shéntu Sea. It is subject to monsoons and tropical storms. warm and sheltered waters have fostered seafaring cultures for millennia.
The Járind called it the Émel Vâdivè or ‘Middle Sea’.
An archipelago and feudal–imperial state off the coasts of Diramóa and Ven“rivÿ
Jánkor, Shóju was colonised by people from Jánkor millennia ago. The Venârivè is that area of Lýthia around the Venârian Sea and the Sea of
Shóji Empire is militaristic, fiercely independent and habitually at war with Iváe. Including the north coast of the Anzelôrian subcontinent and the whole
her neighbours. The region is largely sub-tropical and prone to earthquakes. of Hépeker. It's climate ranges from tropical to sub-polar, but much of the
region is temperate.
Thi–nic Ocean
The vast Thiánic Ocean lies east of Lýthia, north of Mêrnat, and west of Yérazhen
Kámerand. Tropical summer cyclones make sailing extremely hazardous. Yérazhen is roughly that part of Kámerand lying west of the 120th
The Thiánic Ocean has been little travelled by seafarers. Meridian West. It is divided from the rest of the continent by the
Malpátachampè Mountains. Its lowland regions are rainforest, giving way to
T¤an subtropical rainforest at higher elevations. Parts of Yérazhen are less than a
The largest of many islands in the Thiánic Ocean is north of Mêrnat, and hundred leagues east of Yoréa in Mêrnat.
northeast of the Molkûran Archipelago. Its inhabitants are a mixture of
people who may have migrated from Mêrnat and Molkûra. Tían and her Yoréa
accompanying isles are home to a combination of peaceful and warlike The easternmost region of Mêrnat is also one of its wettest. Like Rúa, the
tribal federations. Abundant vegetation and wildlife make Tían something of northern tip of Yoréa is covered in rainforest; further south verdant
a paradise on Kèthîra. grasslands are home to herds of strange beasts. The people of Yérazhen
have attempted to colonise Yoréa, but have not been particularly successful.
A feudal region to the west of Ázeryàn, Tríerzòn incorporates the Degéla
and Gadén watersheds, and the Kôrgin and Cherýka peninsulas. In the west
the Luíndè and Jerinála mountains separate Tríerzòn from Thánema and
Emélrenè, while the Nadámi Mountains divide Tríerzòn from the Shôrkýnè
region. The Tríerzòn region is dominated by four feudal states: Tríerzòn,
Shôrkýnè, Palíthanè and Emélrenè.
Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 9
Tropical Zone

C limate Zones
The notion of climatic zones often seems to gainsay empirical
In general, the Tropical Zone is that region within twenty-one degrees
(north and south) of the equator. This is the hottest and, typically the most
humid climatic zone, although the region also contains some of the world’s
largest deserts. Within the tropics days and nights are twelve hours in length
observation. Locations such as Venârivè (northwest Lýthia) are often said to and there are no seasons. However, the ‘tropical’ zone is not quite
have plenty of weather, but to lack climate entirely. The creation of a broad coextensive with the tropics.
picture is not helped by the fact that climates run in cycles, their most
extreme manifestation being the occasional ‘ice age’. Subtropical Zone
Even so, it is sometimes helpful to draw broad distinctions of climate The subtropics lie between the tropical and warm temperate zones and
that may be said to apply as of TR720. can be confused with either. They are distinguished from the tropics in that
they have seasons, although they might be difficult to notice. Most
There are numerous sub-classes within each zone type; the most subtropical regions are warm (or cool) in the winter and hot in the summer.
fundamental subdivision is between maritime and continental climates. The
latter is simply land that is sufficiently isolated by distance or geography
from the moderating effect of the oceans. Warm Temperate Zone
Continental climates are either far inland, or sheltered from the sea by Warm temperate zones are characterised by hot or warm summers and
highlands (rain shadow) or offshore winds. They are typically drier. mild winters. Most humans live in the temperate zones and most civilisations
have been born there.
The onset of seasons is typically delayed by thirty to sixty days in
maritime climates. In a continental climate the winter solstice is close to mid
Cool Temperate Zone
winter. In a maritime zone, winter might be said to start at the solstice.
Cool temperate regions typically experience mild summers and cold
winters. Most humans live in the temperate zones. Cool temperate cultures
are sometimes more dynamic than tropical or warm temperate civilisations.

Sub-Polar Zone
Sub-polar regions are characterised by short, warm (or even hot)
summers and by harsh winters. On Kèthîra the sub-polar zones are all
ocean and, therefore, uninhabited. Coincidentally, winds in the sub-polar
zones are dangerously high; seafarers typically avoid the regions.

Polar Zone
Polar zones are frozen wastes. They have short summers and long
winters. On Kèthîra, the temperatures at the poles are somewhat moderated
by the lack of land at high latitudes. These are nevertheless the coldest
places of the world.

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 11

A nnual Precipitation
It is difficult to estimate the amount of precipitation that falls in a region.
The maps estimates mean annual amounts based a hundred-year period
from TR601 to TR700. The divisions are, of course, very crude.
Few environmental factors have a greater effect on the development of
cultures than the amount of rain and snow that falls in a given region.
Temperature and available moisture determine the types of plant that will
grow and the kinds of animals that will settle or migrate. If there is no water,
there will be no trees, and no crops.1
It is easy to see the effect that precipitation has on vegetation by
comparing this map with the natural vegetation map. Regions with less than
ten inches of rain per annum, for example, almost exactly coincide with the
deserts and semi-deserts. (Of course, the definition of ‘desert’ is an environ
that receives less than ten inches of rain yearly.)
The monthly distribution of rainfall cannot be determined from the map.
The equatorial rainforests and the temperate zones tend to receive their
precipitation more or less evenly throughout the year. The deserts usually
get theirs in short, heavy storms once or twice annually, but they sometimes
go without rain for years at a time. When it does rain in the desert, it tends
to rain heavily for a short period. High winds in sandy desert regions can
produce what might be considered the opposite of precipitation: dust
Regions in the paths of tropical summer cyclones tend to receive most
of their rain in the summer as successions of cyclones produce what are
often called ‘monsoon’ conditions.
The Polar Regions are dry. They receive most of their precipitation as
show, but it is so cold that the snow does not melt.

Although, human cultures sometimes invest unthinkable amounts of time and energy to
irrigate desert and semi-desert regions (we’re not quite sure why they do that instead of
moving to moister regions).
Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 13

Desert & Semi-Desert
Deserts occur where there is little precipitation, and may be hot or cold

atural Vegetation
depending on latitude. Plants are dispersed and tend to be small, hard-leaved or
spiny shrubs, succulent plants (cacti, etc.) and hardy grasses. A proliferation of small
annuals may flower after a heavy rain saturates the soil. Desert also includes regions
Vegetation classes do not change in clean lines. It may be presumed that there is of no vegetation, shifting sand dunes, and sterile salt flats. Desert grades into semi-
gradation between any two classes. In several cases, two or more classes have been desert. Semi-desert may also be found in tropical highland areas.
combined. The vegetation shown is what would exist in the absence of civilisation.
Savannah, Savannah Woodland & Tropical Scrub
Arctic/Alpine Tundra Savannah is tropical grassland with scattered trees. The climate is too arid to
Includes arctic and alpine tundra as well as ice, snow and/or rock field at high allow the development of more than a few trees of medium height, with flattened
elevation or high latitude.. Plants in the tundra tend to be short and stunted, (umbrella shaped) crowns and thick, rough bark. Regions with porous soils and less
flowering briefly in early summer. Permafrost, in some areas can produce boggy than average precipitation may promote a sub-class called Thornwood (tall, dense,
conditions in spring. Tundra also includes some ‘cold woodland’ where conifers thorny, woody shrubs) or Tropical Scrub, (stunted version of Thornwood). Where
grow in small clumps or as scattered individuals. the precipitation is higher than average, Savannah often becomes Monsoon Forest,
where the denser trees reach 100 feet in height and the undergrowth contains
Needleleaf Forest
shrubs, bamboo, etc. Monsoon forest is generally inland from tropical rainforest,
Evergreen forests of tall, straight, conical trees, with small needle-like leaves and
notably in south-eastern Lýthia.
seed cones. The 50%+ canopy prevents significant undergrowth. Needleleaf forest
occur at high elevations grading between deciduous forests and alpine tundra. Large Temperate/Subtropical Rainforest
needleleaf forests are also found in high latitudes (>45°). Temperate Rainforest occurs where the temperature range is moderate, but
there is abundant precipitation in every month. These conditions may occur at
Mixed Forest & Woodland (Summergreen Forest)
higher elevations in equatorial regions, or on eastern coastlines between 15 & 30
Forest containing needleleaf-deciduous and summergreen (broadleaf) deciduous
degrees latitude. Temperate rainforest has fewer species of tree than its tropical
trees. Needleleaf deciduous trees are similar to their evergreen cousins, but shed
equivalent. Trees are shorter, leaves tend to be smaller and more leathery, and the
their needles in winter. Broadleaf trees tend to have short trunks, long branches and
canopy more open. Undergrowth will be denser and include tree ferns, small palms,
a generous canopy of large leaves that shed in winter.
bamboos, shrubs and vines.
Evergreen Hardwood Forest
Tropical & Equatorial Rainforest
This type of vegetation occurs in subtropical regions with dry summers,. The
Tropical and equatorial Rainforest occurs in continuously warm, humid, frost-
class includes a large proportion of woodland with twenty five to sixty percent
free regions, near the equator, on all three continents. Vegetation consists of tall,
canopy. Trees are short, often gnarled, low-branched and thick-barked, with small,
closely set, broadleaf, evergreen trees whose canopies form a continuous layer.
evergreen, leathery leaves. There may also be large areas of scrub (Chaparral,
Trees average 75 feet in height, but taller species up to 130 feet often thrust through
Maquis, etc.), which are also evergreen.
the canopy at scattered intervals. Lianas (woody vines) commonly wrap themselves
Steppe & Prairie Grasslands around tree trunks; these parasites often have their own parasites, such as orchids,
Prairies are found in continental, mid-latitude, sub-humid climates, where annual ferns, mosses, and lichens. Thousands of different species can be found in close
precipitation is approximately in balance with evaporation. There will be a continuous proximity. The dense canopy provides deep shade on the ground that stunts the
sward of tall, deep-rooted grasses, broken by occasional trees and shrubs in development of undergrowth, making the mature forest floor easy to traverse.
depressions, river valleys, and other topographical anomalies. Steppe, also called However, where the trees are removed, for one reason or another, the returning
short-grass prairie, is a sparser version of prairie, grading into prairie, semi-desert or vegetation will initially be "jungle", an impenetrable layer of low shrubs, lianas,
woodland. It occurs in semi-arid regions, where evaporation tends to exceed annual bamboo, scrub and thorny palms. In coastal regions, tree species are specialised,
precipitation. including mangroves, pines, and palms.

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 15

O ceanic Currents
Oceans distribute and equalise heat over the planetary surface, cooling
the land in the tropics, warming it in high latitudes.
The configuration of Kèthîran oceanic currents is determined by the
coriolis (rotational) force of the planet, and by the shapes of landmasses. In
general, currents moving away from the equator are warm; those moving
away from the poles are cold. Where hot and cold currents meet, fogs and
mists are common. The Ocean Current Map, shows only surface currents. It
may be assumed that there are additional deep currents.
Ocean currents have two main effects on the inhabitants of Kèthîra.
Mariners who wish to make good time can greatly benefit from knowledge
of currents. They average one to three leagues per watch (up to eight
leagues per watch in narrow waterways). This can be the difference between
life and death on a long voyage. It may be noted, however, that experience
with ocean currents as an aid to navigation is extremely limited in most
cultures. The age of trans-oceanic voyages lies in the future. Most shipping
still tends to hug the coasts, both because of a lack of accurate navigational
technique and for want of knowledge of oceanic conditions in general. It is
not uncommon for the peoples of Kèthîra, the landlubbers at least, to
presume that the world’s edge lies just beyond the horizon.
Ocean currents also have profound effects on climate. A warm current
moderates the weather all year round. Northwestern Lýthia would be far less
pleasant, and much colder, were it not for the North Haónic Current that
runs from tropical Kámerand to Hârn.
Local and/or intermittent conditions are not shown on the Oceanic
Currents map. Such conditions arise where major rivers have outflows, or
where currents collide, usually near land, sometimes causing turbulence or
even maelstroms. While they may not be ‘major’ or consistent phenomena,
local conditions may can pose significant hazard to mariners, especially
when the waters are unknown or when the conditions are intermittent. The
volume of river outflow often depends on weather conditions, such as rain
or spring thaw.

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 17

Storms in the northern hemisphere are technically anticyclones because
they rotate in an anticlockwise direction (due to the Coriolis effect)

ind Among the most devastating are the Haónic hurricanes that form in the
mid Haónic Ocean and work their ways west to buffet the coasts of
Winds are driven by the same forces as ocean currents, but air is far
Kámerand. The Summer storms of the Gulf of Mafán are responsible for
more fluid and volatile than water. The effects of wind are even more
extensive raingreen forests, and indirectly, enabled the rise of the ancient
important than ocean currents to mariners and to the climate. It is the wind
civilisations of the region. Shóji Typhoons form in the Thiánic Ocean and
which allows heat exchange between the surfaces of ocean and land.
punish the coasts of Shóju, Diramóa and surrounding countries with high
Prevailing winds carry moisture inland, feeding rivers and vegetation.
winds, heavy rainfall and flooding.
However, by the time winds reach deep into continental interiors, or cross
mountain ranges, they have lost all or part of their moisture content and
speed. As a consequence, the continental interiors are arid and subject to
temperature extremes. The movement of air masses is complex, especially
over land where the topography interferes. Winds and currents work as a
team, their effects are greatest where they are close together. Hence,
prevailing winds are less meaningful inland; they still follow the same basic
patterns, but their effects are lessened.

Prevailing Winds
Prevailing winds are those that blow consistently for much of the time.
Some prevailing winds are more prevalent than others. At the poles, there is
hardly any variation, high winds blow nearly all the time. In the absence of
land, winds would blow in predictable directions according to latitude.

Summer (Tropical) Cyclones

Also displayed on the map are some typical tracks for summer storms.
The Summer Tropical Cyclone Season varies from year to year. It might
last two months, it might last five or six. Typically, most major storms
happen from Nólus to Ágrazhâr in the northern hemisphere and from Ilvín
to Morgát in the southern. Tropical summer cyclones are driven by sea
temperature and usually form between ten and twenty degrees (north or
south). Once formed, they follow a path that takes them westward and away
from the equator. Tropical cyclones vary in intensity. They are not always
violent storms, but they can be devastating. They carry a lot of precipitation
and often generate very high winds. Summer Cyclones have profound
effects on climate and vegetation. Were it not for the ‘monsoons’ there
would be a lot less raingreen forest.

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 19

T ectonics
Kèthîra has a nickel-iron core kept solid by immense pressure. Around
this is an outer core of the same composition, but liquid. The bulk of the
planet is a mantle of various compressed iron-magnesium silicates that are
rigid to a depth of about 180 leagues. The outermost layer of the mantle is
a crust, rocks formed from gradual cooling, which is fractured into large
The fact that the surface plates are floating on a semi-liquid mantle does
not make for a particularly stable situation. The plates tend to drift slowly
across the surface. Where they chafe against each other the friction causes
earthquakes. Where they are moving apart, the molten rocks of the interior
exude in volcanic eruptions. Where an oceanic plate slides under a
continental plate (subduction), the upheaval creates a mountain range
along the discontinuity, a deep oceanic trench offshore, and severe
The picture is more complicated than this, however. The plates are not
of uniform thickness or consistency. Isolated hotspots exist where plates are
thin and perforated, resulting in isolated volcanic activity. Some hotspots
move across the surface to produce lines of volcanic islands.
Some plates are "softer" than others. The Ázeryàn-Karéjia plate, for
example, is in the process of being broken apart by the larger and firmer
plates to the east and west. Complex warping dictates that this part of the
planet has more than its share of natural disasters. The eastern part of the
East Lýthia plate is also soft and will eventually be crushed.
Most of these motions are very slow. The residents of Ázeryàn, Karéjia or
Shóju can hardly notice the drift of continents. All they can perceive is that
from time to time, the local mountain will erupt, or the earth beneath their
feet will shake violently.

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kè thî ra
Earliest Cultures Concentrations of Earthmaster Sites & Artefacts (BT20,000– BT15,000)
(Earthmasters, Elves, Yêrazai,
Kúzhai, Chostôri & Humans)

135°W 90°W 45°W 45°W 45°E 90°E 135°E 135°E 180°E/W 135°W


30°N Ch’mísa
Tropic of Fené ri (21°N)

Târgan Kolôro Molkûr



Tropic of Tai (21° S)


Prime Meridian


Main Sinái & Sidhe Ranges

Kúzhan & Chostôri ‘Emergence’ and/or Presence

Yêrazai Presence

Earliest Human Cultures

© 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions)
Kÿth›ra 21
The Sin–i & the Sidhé

E arliest Cultures
The Sinái are likely Kèthîra’s most ancient ‘people’. They are said to have
‘arrived’ on Kèthîra around BT10000, led by their God Siém. Nevertheless,
their influence has been limited many departed with Siém around BT7000.
Scholars do not always consider the Sidhé a ‘separate’ folk from the Sinái.
The most ‘ancient’ civilisations of Kèthîra were those of the
They are certainly much rarer, but they are physically indistinguishable from
‘Earthmasters’, and the ‘elder folk’, including the Sinái (elves), Kúzhai
their Sinái cousins. It is thought that the Sidhé are a purer ‘strain’, or what
(dwarves), and Yêrazai (golden-people).
the Sinái should have been were they not corrupted in some way. There are
other types of elf, most of them are corrupted or varied from the Sinái or the
Earthmasters Sidhé.
Very little is known about the ‘Earthmasters’ other than what has been
learned from the ruins and artefacts they left behind; scholars do not even The KÂzhai & the Chost‚ri
know what they looked like. From the limited art they have left, they might The Kúzhai are said to have ‘emerged’ on Kèthîra around BT7200. The
have been a ‘federation’ of several vastly different species. Earthmaster city of Mêrdáin in Mafán, and the cities of Êrdar and Lârhakul in Ketârh were
‘civilisation’ is believed to have flourished from around BT20000 to founded before BT7000. Subsequently cities on Hârn, Ivínia and Kámerand
BT15000, at which point they seem to have ‘disappeared’. This may have were founded before BT6500. The Kúzhai appear to have exerted more
involved an attack from another enigmatic species (or alliance of entities) influence on humans than do the Sinái, particularly on the development of
called the Airmasters. There are indications of great destruction toward the mining, metallurgy and masonry. They seem to have been particularly
end of the Earthmasters’ presence. An era called the Lost Years followed. influential in the development of the Narmâr River Culture. However as time
passes, the Kúzhai become increasingly guarded in their dealings with
One of the curious things about the earthmasters is that they do not
‘flighty humans’.
seem to have built recognisable settlements. Rumours of a ‘city’ of the
Ancients abound, it even has a name Lahr-Dárin, but no one has ever Chostôri are more reclusive and mysterious than their Kúzhan cousins.
found it. Earthmaster artefacts confound scholars to the present day. Not From earliest times, the two races were foes competing for resources. While
simply by the relatively large number of them that still survive and function Chostôri seem more powerful individually, they have always been vastly
after fifteen millennia, but also because their purposes are obscure. The outnumbered by the Kúzhai who drove them deeper and deeper
most dramatic of Earthmaster artefacts are the godstones, portals of varied underground, until they vanished from sight and even from lore.
design; people who step into them disappear.
The Codominium
A few organisations, such as the Shèk-Pvâr (the guild of mages) privately
Until about BT683, the Sinái and Kúzhai dwelt peacefully with their
claim to own and understand the ‘legacy’ of the Earthmasters. After fifteen
Human Járin ‘allies’ in the Hârnic Isles under the Sinái King Daélda.
thousand years, whether this is true or simply a manifestation of pride might
never be known.
The YŸrazai
The extent of the Earthmaster ‘empire’ is unknown, but they clearly The ‘Golden People’ are the third ancient race of Kèthîra. They
emerged on other worlds of the Kéthrian Family. It may be coincidence that apparently ‘emerged’ on the continent of Kámerand and have never
human culture seems to have grown up in proximity to earthmaster numbered more than a few thousand. The Yêrazai dominate the human
‘presences’, and that there is no evidence of intelligent life on Kèthîra prior culture of Yêrazh on the west coast of Kámerand. They have considerable
to the Earthmasters. personal power and position themselves as Yêrazh deities.
Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 23
MolkÁr (Ziggurat Culture) BT6700-BT3000

A ncient Civilisations
By the strictest definition a civilisation is a culture in which the people live
As early as BT 6700, a highly advanced, but mysterious culture
developed in the region now known as Molkûra. Called the ‘Ziggurat’ culture
by some scholars, the Molkûri built magnificent step-pyramids throughout
southeast Lýthia including on many of the islands. Scholars differ on the
in cities. The opposite of civilisation is typically taken to be ‘barbarism’, purpose of these structures; some presume them to be temples, others
which is not strictly speaking true. Uncivilised peoples can certainly be presume them somehow linked to the remnants of the Earthmasters. It is
‘cultured’. Tribal peoples often have very rich cultures indeed, but they are true that Southeast Lýthia has more Earthmaster remnants than most other
not ‘civilised’ and they tend to leave less of a mark on their environments, parts of the continent.
and certainly on recorded history. Ziggurat Culture ruins are scattered all over southeast Lýthia and the
Scholars consider the most ancient civilisations of Kèthîra to be those of islands beyond. There are even a few on Mêrnat (known as Kitóh to the
the Earthmasters the Kúzhai (dwarves) and Sinái (elves). There is Molnásians). By BT3000 the ‘Empire’ of Molkûr was hopelessly fragmented.
considerable debate about the influence these most ancient cultures might
have had on human culture. It may be argued that even the Sinái are not Narm“r River Culture (Maf–n) (BT5300-1500)
‘civilised’ since they tend to dwell in the wild woods, building as few Much later, around BT5300, another civilisation arose along the banks of
permanent structures as possible. However, the elder folk seem to have had the Narmâr River that flows south into the Gulf of Mafán. It is likely that the
significant linguistic and cultural influence on human cultures with which Kúzhai of Mêrdáin had some influence on Narmâr Culture. The Narmâr
they have had extended contact. culture grew into the Empire of Mafán that lasted until around BT1500.
Whatever the impetus, human cultures based on animal husbandry and Some scholars hold that the Mafán Empire was the greatest in history.
agriculture developed on Kèthîra around BT8000, in several discrete Certainly, it had many advantages. Its central location astride trade routes
locations. Over time local crop or livestock surpluses based on local connecting north, east and west made Mafán a political, cultural and
advantages of climate and terrain encouraged trade. Eventually, the growth economic crossroads. Imperial power depended on a large navy. When the
of food stocks allowed the development of urban centres; villages grew into navy was allowed to deteriorate, the empire soon followed as provincial
towns, then city-states, kingdoms and empires. A growing demand for governors decided they could manage their affairs better than the central
luxury goods by social elites permitted specialisation among craftsmen, government. Of course, this cannot by itself account for the fragmentation
fostered by local surpluses of skills and natural resources. of such a centralised polity. Runs of incompetent emperors, plagues,
Complex civilisations emerged in ‘cradles’ across Kèthîra. Except for the rebellions and foreign wars also weakened central authority.
possible exception of Mèlderýn, the civilisations of eastern Lýthia seem to
predate those of the West, while those of Kámerand are comparatively Kol‚ra Lake Culture (BT2830)
recent. It is thought the ‘empire’ of Molkûr was largely defunct, or at least
No civilisation has ever developed on Mêrnat, although it can be said that hopelessly fragmented, when the Kolôra Lake Civilisation of Káneum and
the humans of the continent are in perfect balance with their environment Melûria rose to prominence around BT 2830. The unity of the culture was
and have never needed, wanted nor developed what others would call a always questionable, but several large states rose and fell in the region.
‘civilised’ culture. The same can be said of other peoples here and there Eventually the Kolôra Lake Culture would give birth to the Empire of
across Kèthîra. Káneum, and influence other polities throughout southeast Lýthia.

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 24
Chùm¤sa River Culture (BT3500-BT530) Vénic Island Culture (BT2800-1500)
The last major eastern civilisation was the Ch’mísa River Culture of The Târgan River Culture in turn influenced the development of Vénic
northern and central Diramóa, which emerged around BT3500. This Island Culture, although it is likely that there was also some degree of Yârhin
civilisation developed into numerous warring states which rose and fell and influence.
which were finally united in BT2940 under the great Warrior Emperor Súnta,
The cradle of ‘Venârian’ culture spread from the eastern coast of the
into the Ch’mísa Empire (BT2940-530).
Venârian Sea around BT2800. Vénic Island cultures established ‘colonies’ all
By BT1500 the Ch’mísa Empire under the Súnta dynasty, had reached around the Venârian Sea, including the Ázeryàn peninsula. These would
its greatest extent, including Argóla, Jánkor, Chomsún, Káneum and later grow into the Ázeryàn Empire.
Lashói. At this point, the Empire began a period of isolation, stagnation and
Vénic Islands culture suffered decline from BT1500 onwards, leaving
decline. Certainly there was some trade, and no few reversals of policy, but
room for the later rise of Kàruía culture on the islands and Azéri civilisation
the Empire was mostly involved with the multitude of border wars and
on the mainland.
endemic revolts in many of its provinces. Political corruption and near
religious adherence to ‘old ways’ did not help.
Y“rhin or Henge Culture (BT3000-1000)
The culture has always been characterised by a strong central The Henge Culture of Western Lýthia emerged around the same time of
government attributing divine or semi-divine authority to its leaders. It has the Vénic Island culture, although its antecedents may have developed on
also had a tendency to jingoism, perceiving other cultures as inferior. There and around the isle of Mèlderýn much earlier. This culture was spread
has been no consistent foreign policy; Ch’mísa shifted unpredictably throughout northwest Lýthia by the Járind (Yârhin) peoples.
between expansionism and isolationism.
Yârhin culture had three distinct
By BT530, the Empire was rotten to the core and ripe for conquest. It fell phases; a megalithic phase from
to the Ketâri chieftain Házhan to deal the final blow. In a lightning around BT3000 to 1900; a ‘linear’
campaign, he crushed the armies of Ch’mísa and annihilated the ruling phase from around BT1900 to 1400;
class. The rebellious outer provinces rose up as one, and the Empire was in and a final ‘oceanic’ phase lasting until
ruins. Upon taking the capital, Házhan declared the Empire of Diramóa, and BT1000. The Henge culture was
spent the rest of his life consolidating his conquests. signif–icantly influenced and finally
undermined by migrations of Ketâri
T“rgan River Culture (BT3100-) and Phâric peoples.
The oldest civilisation of ‘western’ Lýthia appears to have been the
The Yârhin were individualistic folk
Târgan River Culture, which was probably influenced (or ‘inspired’) by the
with a love of poetry and battle. They
Empire of Mafán, and may even have been influenced by the Ch’mísa
rarely formed monolithic states,
preferring hundreds or even thousands
Dozens of states have prospered along the Târga River over the of minor polities. Their linguistic,
centuries. The last of them (the Târgan Empire) would be destroyed (in the cultural and spiritual influence is still
Târgan genocide) by nomads in TR7 opening the way for the creation of felt throughout the region, to the
present-day Dalkésh. extent that Venârivè is sometimes
called the Járind (or Yârhin) legacy.
Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 25
YŸrazh (BT3000) Most of the Yêrazai dwell in their mountain stronghold of Màtraképetaz
(blessed city of the gods), but there are small groups overseeing the
Yêrazh culture is the oldest on the continent of Kámerand. Yêrazh governance of each major city.
scholars date the establishment of their civilisation from the ‘divine’
foundation of the Empire of Yêrazh by the ‘Ten Thousand Golden Ones’ (or The Yêrazh Empire fostered the rise of dozens of petty states on its
Yêrazai). The Yêrazai ‘elder race’ revealed themselves to the relatively borders that borrowed from Imperial culture, but only weakly acknowledged
primitive peoples of western Kámerand and came to form the ‘deity’ caste of the rule of the Yêrazai. These petty states often formed alliances to resist the
a complex caste-based culture, the cradle of civilisation on Kámerand. spread of Yêrazh culture, and were sometimes successful, even defeating
Yêrazh armies from time to time, but the Yêrazh were patient.
Each expansion in imperial history has been followed by a long period of
consolidation as the Yêrazai build fortified temple-palaces in the newly
conquered cities, expand their priesthood, and stamp out any residual
opposition. Consolidation generates refugees who have contributed to other
Kámerand civilisations.

H“razai (BT1900)
Hârazai was long a destination for refugees from Yêrazh tyranny. The
Hârazai tried several times to impose their culture on the peoples of
northeast Kámerand, but always with limited success, although the Yêrazai
did manage to gain control of much of the region by about BT2050 and
declared the ‘Empire of Hârazai’ in BT1902. Resistance to Yêrazh tyranny
has instilled fierce independent-mindedness, and revolutions against the
Empire were ongoing for millennia. The Yêrazai were never able to secure
the whole region. By the dawn of the seventh century BT, Yêrazai influence
had been all but eliminated and the region became known as the ‘Thousand

H‚rezh (BT1600)
Hôrezh culture evolved in opposition to the dominance of the Yêrazai,
founded by humans escaping from the oppressive caste-systems of Yêrazh
and Hârazai, transmitting their superior knowledge and skills to a range of
indigenous peoples. As a result the Hôrezh culture was both heavily
influenced by its elder neighbours, but developed a much more politically
independent and variable set of polities and cultures. City-states and
republics came to dominate the region, and this continues to the present
Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 27
Kingdom of Emélrenÿ

M ajor Polities ò TR1

Various Emélan confederations and associations have existed since
BT1600. The ‘Kingdom’ was founded in BT670. By TR1, the Kingdom of
Emélrenè is exerting significant influence on Hârn, around the Gulf of
Shôrkýnè and in Zonâra. Emélrenè is a major impetus for the unification of
Western Lªthia Mèlderýn. The Kingdom plays a leading role in the spread of organised
Elder realms Laránian and Peónian religion in northwest Lýthia (Venârivè), and is at least
Ázadmêre and Kiráz, the Hârnic Kúzhan cities have rejected their as advanced in science, philosophy, social sciences and the arcane arts as
Codominum partners, the Sinái, and seek to ensure influence and control of any other part of Kèthîra.
the small states and tribal folk around them. Hârhakeim and Kóndasgel still
have relatively good relations with their Yaríli and Ivínian neighbours. States of Zon“ra
Mêrdáin, Êrdar and Lârhakul have shut themselves off from open contact Zonâra is home to a variety of Járind and Phâric petty kingdoms,
with humans and almost faded from human lore. including states in Thánema that are significantly influenced by Emélrenè. In
The Elves have surrendered their sovereignty over Hârn and withdrawn the following centuries, Emélan influence will lead to the formation of states
to the Shâva Forest. The Codominium is at an end and Elven influence over in eastern Zonâra. Meanwhile, Járind (and other) states on the Ázeryàn
human affairs is now apparently very limited. peninsula are being assimilated or destroyed by the advancing Azéri.

Iv¤nian Realms Azéri States

Ivínia is a mass of small regional landholdings. By now the first moves Descendants of mainland Vénic Island culture colonies, Azéri peoples are
towards amalgamation into larger polities are evident. Fluctuations in expanding into the Ázeryàn Peninsula (previously known as Zêrhanor). Since
harvests prompt a few Ivínians to begin raiding by sea. BT1400, there has been conflict with Járind, Phâric and even Ketâri peoples
in the region.
J–rind Realms
The Gulf of Shôrkýnè is surrounded by a patchwork of small Járind & The Azéri are more dynamic and better organised and are pushing aside
Phâric realms, including Lýthwys, which is in decline at this time. The Sea or assimilating the indigenous folk. By TR1, ‘Àzeryáni’ peoples dominate the
Towns of Dínibôr, Calamísa, Shátrah, and Trepûra are leaders in the region. peninsula in a variety of states, and their traders are pushing into the lands
A similar number of small polities exist on Hârn, which has been subject to beyond. The peninsula is still under the influence of the ‘reborn’ Kàruía
waves of Phâric (and Járind) migration. culture. Soon, the Empire will win hegemony and begin its meteoric rise.

Kingdom of Mÿlderªn K—ru¤a states

The kingdom is established in TR1 by the unification of five smaller
The re-born descendants of the Vénic Island Culture, from around
Kingdoms under an overking and the influence of Emélrenè.
BT1000 city-states began to reform following the so-called Vénic Dark Ages.
Spawned by renegade scholars from Mèlderýn, Lóthôr will be By TR 1 Livélis, Phanósia, Helás, Sános, Hepénolis and Dúrien are all
established in TR100, but will last barely a decade. Its principal effect will be important polities, thriving in a climate of increasing trade throughout the
to introduce a version of Mèlderýni culture to the tribes of Central Hârn, and Eastern Venârian Sea.
spawn the much-hated five species of gârgún.

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 28
T“rgan Empire J–nkor
The Târgan Empire was founded in BT277, the latest in a long line of As a province of the Ch’mísa Empire, Jánkor was a hotbed of revolt. The
agrarian states in the Târga River valley. The Empire is the most unified Jankôri provinces won their autonomy BT760, and began an aggressive
state in western Lýthia, but is insular. It does trade with Kàruía and Mafáni programme of expansion. Jankôri began colonising the Shóji Islands as
states, and through them, with the rest of Lýthia. early as BT690, but the Shóji colonies had won their own independence by
BT490. Jánkor redirected her colonisation efforts to the north and west. The
The Empire is a caste-based, slave-keeping, highly centralised polity with
Empire of Jánkor was declared in BT192.
theocratic overtones and a profound disdain for foreigners. These attitudes
are manifested by frequent, and remarkably brutal punitive expeditions into
surrounding lands. Fully a quarter of the population of the Empire consists Empire of Sh‡ju
of ‘foreign’ slaves. The islands were colonised by Jánkor in BT690, but by BT490 they had
won their independence and broken into a hotbed of petty feuding states,
In seven short years, the Empire will be destroyed by barbarians in a two-thirds of which would be conquered by foreigners by TR1.
slaughter that will come to be called the ‘Târgan Genocide’.

Maf–ni States
The Mafáni Empire is a distant memory, but there are many fractious
Mafáni successor states, most of whom hope to regain the glory of years
long past. They are principally trading states, linking western, southern and
eastern Lýthia.

Eastern Lªthia

By TR1, the Házhan dynasty is well established, and the Ketâri invaders
are long since assimilated into the population. Diramóa is yet to re-conquer
its lost provinces, although it keeps trying. Káneum remains the greatest
obstacle to the acquisition of former glories.

Khanate of K–neum
Founded in BT470 in the chaos following Házhan’s conquest of
Ch’mísa, Káneum would become Diramóa greatest rival. By TR1, Káneum
is larger than Diramóa, although her population is still considerably less.
Over the following centuries, the two empires’ fortunes would ebb and flow
in relation to each other.

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 29
The feudal empire of Shóju was born in BT328, but did not have an easy
birth. Diramóa and Káneum seemed to regard the islands as just another
sphere in which to fight for hegemony. The Shóji were ravaged by war. Golden Empire of YŸrazh
Despite the hated foreigners, the independent Shóji states resisted inclusion By TR1 the empire is yet to achieve its greatest extent and is undergoing
in any other states, even in the new Shóji Empire. A succession of fierce a period of consolidation. In any event, Yêrazh culture is quite static.
wars to unite the ‘empire’ ensued, wars so bloody that Diramóa and Refugees from the Empire have spawned dozens of colonies and satellite
Káneum quickly decided not to interfere. By BT61, The Lémakasù dynasty states. By this period most of these states are at least nominally ‘subject’ to
had managed to unite about a third of Shóju. Despite ongoing rebellions the Empire of Yêrazh, and known collectively as the ‘Yiâlai’ or ‘vassal’ states.
and a fractious nobility, the Empire considered itself ready to conquer the Despite this, conflict between in the Empire and its ‘vassals’ is common.
rest of the islands.
After the elimination of Yêrazh influence by about the seventh century
MelÁrian Empire BT, the region entered its ‘Thousand Principalities’ period. The Hârazai
The Empire of Sólkin was founded in BT1100 in the region now known
expanded to the Thiánic and north and south, but peace was to endure for
as Melûria, but collapsed around BT400 under pressure from Káneum.
only a few centuries. By the second century BT, the ‘principalities’ were
Káneum was, however, unable to fully absorb Sólkin in the chaos that
under pressure from Neránadh Tribal nations. By TR1, most of the Hârazai
gains had been lost to the ‘barbarians’.
The Melûrian Empire was founded in BT173 and was immediately more
successful, managing to carve a rainforest empire out of land that had Ner–nadh Tribes and Petty States
previously belonged to Molkûr, Ch’mísa and Sólkin, among others. By TR1, The Neránadh had long roamed the forests and grasslands of northern
the Empire is reasonably secure, but periodic wars with neighbours Kámerand, avoiding their ‘civilised’ neighbours. However, around BT50, the
continue. prairie tribes acquired horses (probably from Lýthia), and by BT10, they had
developed superb light cavalry. Mobility made them aggressive. The sight of
a band of Neránadh cavalry was enough to strike terror into the bravest foot
soldier, as the Neránadh overran the grasslands of Northern Kámerand,
raiding as far as Yêrazh and Hôrótra in their quest for booty and slaves. If
the Neránadh had been better organised, and possessed a few siege
engines, they might have overrun the whole continent. By TR1, while the
Neránadh are still the only people of Kámerand with horses, their more
settled neighbours are leaning how to deal with cavalry: with missiles and by
withdrawing into fortifications.
By TR1, the once great ‘Empire of Molkûra’ has long since fragmented
H‚rezh & the H‚r‡tra Region
into hundreds of petty states, although at least one of them still calls itself By TR1, the Hôrótra region is comprised of Yêrazh refugee states,
‘Molkûra’ and one holds the city of Kotýn (barely). There is pressure from interspersed with Hôrezh city-states small republics and kingdoms. There is
Melûria and Káneum, but the fortunes of the Empire of Molkûra will soon tension along the borders and the states of the region form tacit alliances.
take a turn for the better. The only thing that will stop them fighting amongst themselves is a foreign
threat. The Yêrazh are infiltrating the ruling elites of some petty states.

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 31

The Empire of Dalkésh rises painfully from the ashes, the date of its
founding is (somewhat arbitrarily) set at TR16. The new state is autocratic,

ajor Polities TR474

disciplined, jingoistic and militaristic, although it is also eager to trade with
East and West. The church of Navéh wins converts among the ruling elite.
Inevitably, Dalkésh comes into conflict with the Ázeryàn Empire, fighting
major wars in TR264–270 and 292–399, and a number of minor wars and
Located in the rainforest heart of the subcontinent, the Antézian Empire
skirmishes between.
is the most powerful state of Anzelôria. Antézian architecture uses long
straight trees together with gnarled and twisted lumber to produce a unique, Diram‡a
naturalistic style. The Empire’s warriors are subtle masters of the forests. The greatest empire of the East endures, despite all manner of troubles.
The empire has a monolithic government and the world’s most advanced
bureaucracy, but much power remains in the hands of generals and
In TR55 the tribes of Argóla were united under the first khan, Tegúza, to
provincial governors. In TR474, Diramóa is surrounded by hostile states.
resist re-conquest by Diramóa. For more than three centuries they have
The most formidable is Káneum, but Shóju has expelled Diramóa from the
maintained sufficient unity for the purpose, but the Argólan tribesmen take
Shóji islands, and she is now a real threat. The bulk of imperial revenues go
pride in their old, free, nomadic culture, even if it has become idealised over
into the world’s largest (if not the world’s best) army. With so many enemies,
time. Were it not for the ongoing threat of Diramóa, Argóla would likely
and with a run of indecisive Emperors, the empire cannot bring her power to
fragment. Each khan faces formidable challenges at home and abroad.
bear effectively. She regards foreigners as inferior in every way, a notion that
Ázery—n veteran generals might question (if they felt free to question such things).
In TR474, the Empire of Ázeryàn is the most powerful polity anywhere on
Kéthira. There are, however, signs of strain. There is scarcely a border
The Kingdom of Emélrenè continues to be a powerful realm, one of very
region of the Empire where conflicts do not rage. Pressure on the military
few states treated as an equal by the Ázeryàn Empire. Her influence, while
and economic capacity of the Empire is mounting while political, military
exceedingly subtle, is widely felt. The Kingdom is in the process of enlarging
and economic crises are becoming more frequent.
its navy in response to Ivínian raiders.
Until TR462, Býria was a province of the Empire of Ázeryàn. A
The Hârazai states, or as they are increasingly known, the Harazákas,
matriarchal culture has emerged, ruled by a militant Laránian female
have recovered much of the territory lost to the Neránadh in the late
priesthood and warrior class. The Býrian Empire is isolationist, but remains
centuries BT, but they are fractious and only united by common threats.
on good to neutral terms with the Empire. In the south, Býrian colonists are
subjugating the Túvarese in a campaign that will continue for centuries, as H“rnic States (including Cor–ni Empire)
Býria tries to spread matriarchal culture and secure the landward border. Eastern Hârn’s major states are the Kingdoms of Mèlderýn and Káldôr;
they and the much smaller Chybísa and numerous barbarian peoples
surround the Járin petty states of Jâra. In the West, Hârn’s largest realm,
Early in the first century TR, Bésha and Pèchalâri invaders overrun the
the Coráni Empire continues to grow. Drawing on both Azéri and domestic
Târgan Empire. The war and its aftermath are so terrible that they come to
Hârnic political traditions, the Empire now dominates most of the west and
be called the ‘Târgan Genocide’. Countless thousands of Târgan citizens are
seeks to push northwards (but in Perán, they will meet their match in the
butchered. The invaders virtually annihilated the Târgan polity,
fearsome Kùbôra).

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 32
Hÿpekérian Confederacy J–rind and Sh‚rka States
A loose alliance of Númec tribal peoples, this Confederacy has been The regions in and around the Gulf of Shôrkýnè are a patchwork of petty
formed principally in response to the Azéri incursions into Dalánya and the Járind and Shôrka kingdoms. A small number of Járind ‘Sea Towns’ have
Elánas. Hépeker raiders are a match for imperial troops and the borderlands clung to independence, surrounded by squabbling Shôrka princes and
are an ongoing headache for the Empire. kings. Further inland, some ‘tribal’ Shôrka and Quârph persist in their more
traditional lifestyles, while the Azéri to the south and east influence others.
The Kingdom of Homôra was established in TR 235 by the unification of K–neum
more than a dozen small Molnásian states under the Katása Dynasty. Why In TR474, the Khanate of Káneum is hard pressed against Diramóa,
so many independents suddenly give up their sovereignty remains a Shóju and Melûria. A major war with Melûria (TR157-169) ended with the
mystery. Homôra builds a strong army and an adequate fleet, and tries to loss of huge tracts of land and continuing hostility. The colonies Káneum
stay out of political squabbles in the region. placed in the Shóji islands have been crushed, and Shóju has had the
temerity to plant her own colonies on the Káneum coast. Meanwhile,
H‚r‡tra Diramóa continues to pose a major threat on the northern borders. The
Hôrótra continues to be a patchwork of small states and republics western provinces of Káneum have fallen to Diramóa, or declared
scattered along the coast and in the river valleys of the great rainforest. The independence. Over all, Káneum has lost more than half her territory. Yet
Hôrótra states relations with each other vary from hostility to apathy, but she remains defiant and militaristic.
there are a few alliances. Alongside these ‘states’ however, a number of
trading leagues and quasi-religious regional ‘associations’ have formed, Kryl
which seek to further a diverse range of economic, political and spiritual Formed from rebellious western provinces of Káneum, the Kingdom of
goals. The Kalmârakapè association is particularly successful, promoting Kryl is a realm under pressure. The rapidly growing and vigorous Empire of
both individual enlightenment, and freedom from Yêrazai cultural Pechósu to the south, Homôra, Káneum, and the Empire of Diramóa to the
domination. These organisational forms provide a layer of complexity and a north all seek to annex Kryl. In reality only the fact it has so many enemies
modicum of cohesion in what is otherwise a fractious region. keeps it independent as a weak buffer state.
Iv¤nian & H“rbaalése Kingdoms Maf–n
Since TR100, the Ivínians have begun a process of ‘remigration’ The Mafáni trading states are undergoing a renaissance, supplying the
southwards, resulting in the fall of most of the Járind realms of Hârbáal by Ázeryàn Empire with goods from the east, but their internal rivalries are still
TR300. From these new bases, including the ‘wintering camp’ of Chélemby strong and there are no signs of unification.
established in TR461, ‘viking’ raiders have begun to ravage much of
Venârivè from the Gulf of Shôrkýnè to the Venârian Sea. MelÁria
The Empire of Melûria was a relatively vital state in the first four centuries
TR. It was successful in a war with Káneum TR157-169, expanding to the
west around lake Kolôra. Overconfidence, however, led to the invasion of
The Empire of Jánkor is one of the peripheral states that arose from the
the growing ‘empire’ of Molkûra in TR312. This ill-fated adventure collapsed
ashes of the Ch’mísa Empire (BT192). By TR474 they have fought countless
in TR316, as plagues wiped out the troops and subsequently swept across
minor wars with their great rival to the south, but Diramóa has yet to
Melûria itself. The aftermath of this disaster led to the formation of the
attempt a major invasion, and is probably more concerned with its other
xenophobic and death-worshiping Róstei Cult founded in TR356. By TR474,
rivals. Jánkor strives to keep itself aloof from regional squabbles.
the Cult has become a ‘normal’ part of Melûrian society.
Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 33
MolkÁra Tr¤erzi Petty-Kingdoms
The Molkûri have made significant steps to restoring their ancient empire The Tríerzi are a southern Shôrka people who over the last two centuries
— at least in theory. Most of the previously ‘independent’ Molkûran states have been culturally influenced by both Ázeryàn and Emélrenè. Their tribal
now acknowledge at least the notional authority of Kotýn, and describe leaders and warriors are generally militantly Laránian, although some are
themselves (to outsiders in particular) as part of the Molkûran Empire. There Agríkan.
has been a resurgence of the activities of the Secret Orders, which are now
Many of their leaders have served as auxiliaries in the Azéri legions
playing a greater role in Molkûran politics.
fighting all around the Empire. In the last century, population growth
Ner–nadh amongst the Tríerzi has been considerable, and many Tríerzi tribes have
The peoples of Neránadh live in fortified villages or roam the prairies of been allowed to settle in ‘under-populated’ Zonâra. This has not, however,
Kámerand. They are loosely organised into two main federations, that of the fundamentally addressed the sources of conflict between Tríerzi and the
Myískè nation in the north, and of the Shénoræ in the south. They have Empire, the indigenous Járind of Zonâra and amongst Tríerzi themselves.
been driven back from the borders of the Yêrazh and lost land to Harazákas Those Tríerzi outside the Empire have formed a league of ‘petty kingdoms’
states, but they have defeated several colonisation attempts from Lýthia and and are provoking border conflicts; a showdown is on the horizon.
no one can challenge them in their own lands.
Pech‡su Tzéngai is a trading state on the coast of Anzelôria. Tzéngai traders sail
The Empire of Pechósu was declared in TR459, when the Kingdom of as far as the Venârian sea, and some even brave the treacherous waters of
Péchu conquered two neighbouring states and married another. Pechósu is the southern seas to trade with the Mafáni. They trade with Antézia and
presently allied with the Federation of Penôra against Homôra. Zhelôria, but their ability to trade is limited by the relative frailty and
smallness of their ships.
The Federation of Penôra is an alliance that has grown out of the Yérazhen
remnants of minor states in Molkûra and Molnásya. Its member states have (Golden Empire of Yérazhen & the Yi“lai states)
little in common with each other, except for a desire to resist their stronger The Golden Empire continues to exercise dominion over its core
and more aggressive neighbours. Imperial Domain, but also its notionally ‘vassal’ or Yiâlai states. The number
and geographic spread of the Yiâlai states has contracted, because of
Rak–ma ‘liberation’ activities by Hôrezh peoples. The Yêrazai are in a period of
In the far south of Kámerand, the Rakáma peoples have developed relative quiescence, with imperial decrees from Màtraképetaz becoming
several tribal confederations. The Rakáma are largely protected from Yêrazai less frequent and cast in a manner permitting of interpretation by provincial
interference by geography – the Golden People have an aversion to cooler governors and subject princes. This period sees a major flowering in arts
weather. and literature amongst the Yiâlai states.
Sh‡ju Zhel‚ria
The Empire of Shóju managed to unite most of the Shóji islands by The kingdom of Zhelôria is the major rival to the Antézian Empire, from
about TR180, and by TR474 has even managed to carve out some colonies whom it has borrowed much of its culture.
on the Káneum coast. Foreigners have been expelled from the Empire and
the Shóji personify fierce national pride and a formidable warrior cult.

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 35

The matriarchal Empire of Býria is largely isolationist, but the need for

ajor Polities & Regions TR720 security has promoted expansion to the south, conquering indigenous
Tuvâra — enslaving their men, and ‘liberating’ their women.
Information for TR720 is presented in alphabetical order and should
provide a capsule view of the whole of Kèthîra in TR720.
The Kingdom of Chélemby was established in TR461 and, because of its
cosmopolitan trading culture has prospered. Politically, the Kingdom has
twice beaten back Hârbáaler invasions.
In northern Venârivè, west of Ivínia and north of Quârphor lies the region
of Áltôr. The area is home to the Álti (Alts), a Járind folk, and is becoming Chog‚ro
an important trade area, subject to colonisation by Ivínians and others. The A region on the western shores of the Gulf of Mafán, Chogôro has varied
Álti dwell in fishing and farming villages, but many are nomadic herders, vegetation, rough topography, several active volcanoes, and is frequently
and quite a few have settled in trading settlements. troubled by earthquakes. Chogôro is the range of the Chogôri people, some
of whom have settled in nearby Mafáni states, but many of whom still live as
Antézia nomads or in small, independent villages.
The principal imperial state of central Anzelôria is the Antézian Empire,
which has endured for centuries. It has a rich culture, and several significant ChomsÂn
cities surrounded by agricultural hinterlands able to produce three or more Chomsún achieved a degree of autonomy from Diramóa in TR683, but
crops per year. However, dubious farming practices still sometimes cause remains a ‘protectorate’. It is a hotbed of intrigue and unrest serving as a
soil depletion. Trade is carried in large canoes and small sailing vessels on buffer state (focus of conflict) between its stronger neighbours. Chomsún
the huge rivers and lakes. has changed hands frequently over the centuries, and has even enjoyed a
few brief periods of independence. The region is mountainous and has
Ázery—n valuable mineral deposits. The current hereditary khan is negotiating with
Since its formation in TR221, its meteoric rise to glory, and its zenith in Káneum with the intent of gaining a higher degree of independence.
TR474, the Ázeryàn Empire has lost more than half its territory to rebellion
and barbarian invasion; the long peace has ended, but Ázeryàn is still the Dalkésh
‘Greatest Empire of Man’. Despite ongoing problems along her borders, The latest successor to the Târgan River Culture, Dalkésh was long a
especially in Góthmîr (formerly known as Inkârium), which is overrun by rival of the Ázeryàn Empire and acquired territories in the chaos of Azéri
Reksýni barbarians, the Empire is undergoing a revival in her fortunes. It decline. The third Dalkésh–Ázeryàn war broke out in TR486 and lasted ten
seems likely that, once Góthmîr is retaken (perhaps before) the Empire will years. After Ázeryàn withdraws from Karéjia in 657, the relationship between
be able to win back at least some of her lost provinces. the two empires eases slightly. The present empire has survived for about
six centuries since it founding in TR16. The Empire’s current adversary is
Béshakan the city-state of Hácherdad where two trade-routes from Eastern Lýthia
The arid plains between Dalkésh and Ketârh are home to fierce and meet (the other route ends in Dalkésh). If Dalkésh takes Hácherdad, she
troublesome Bésha nomads. The region consists of desert and semi-desert. would gain a virtual monopoly on east–west trade. The Dalkéshi are also
It is crossed by several important trade routes between eastern and western expanding into Tuvâra, and may come into conflict with Býria in this region.
Lýthia. Finally the hostile Bésha remain a significant threat.

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 36
Diram‡a Emélrenÿ
The greatest empire of the East has never regained the glory of ancient The Emélan state has existed in one form or another for thousands of
Ch’mísa. Hostile rivals whom she regards as inferiors, and not entirely years. Her borders have been set for nearly as long, and she has
without cause surround her. Barely kept in check by empires such as successfully resisted absorption by her seemingly stronger neighbours. The
Káneum and Shóju, Diramóa nevertheless seems ready to expand. She has kingdom is the last surviving significant Járind polity and exerts influence
several weaknesses: her policies fluctuate between foreign adventurism and out of all proportion to her size over much of northwest Lýthia.
isolationism. Foreigners handle most of her trade, and her civil and military
leaders are conservative, potentially too slow to adapt to challenges, Èndrak‚mas
Several Èndrakômas states have emerged from the Rakáma Tribal
In TR494 the massacre of a Diramóan trade legation in Ýling, and
Confederations. These states trade with the tribes of Éren and with both
subsequent similar incidents in several Diramóan cities. led to the Silk Wars
Yérazhen and Hôrótra. The slightly cooler climate of Èndrakômas has
between Jánkor and Diramóa. Ostensibly fought over discriminatory taxes
continued to discourage the Yêrazai from interfering in the region.
on commodities (such as silk), the Silk Wars lasted until TR530, and failed
to resolve much.
The latest Diramóan imperial dynasty, the Mei-Nan, was established in Erènakáma tribal nations occupy most of southern Kámerand. The
TR576 when some eighty surviving members of the Keratóro royal family region consists mainly of tropical rainforest, thornbush, tropical scrub, and
(and their food-tasters and personal guards) died within five days of each raingreen forest/savannah, with alpine regions in the west. The rainforests,
other. The first Mei-Nan emperor was Nanatáno, who until his succession to the rivers, and the nearby seas provide abundant food and resources to the
the throne had been commanding general of the imperial army. folk. Èndrakômas states are making half-hearted efforts to ‘civilise’ and this
causes some conflict.
The Chomsún War was fought between TR678 and TR683, which
Diramóan historians sometimes term the most confusing war ever. All
adjacent states were involved together with imperial forces and no few The Falânian Federation is a moderately close association of trading
Chomsún rebel factions. The result of the war was that Chomsún, formerly states and ‘city-states’ that in recent years has begun to develop active
an imperial province, attained a degree of autonomy within the Empire, and maritime trade. Unlike most of the other states around the periphery of
now survives as a semi-autonomous buffer state. Hépeker, Falânia maintains good relations with the tribes of the interior.
In TR689 the empire annexed and began colonising the Kyâmu region
that had formerly been (loosely) held by Káneum. G‡thm›r (the úBlightù)
In TR647 Reksýni raiders penetrated the Àzeryáni province of Erazýn and
In TR703, border skirmishes with Pechósu in the Gadéi Valley erupt into sacked a town in the province of Inkârium. This was to be the first of
a major if brief conflict that forces The Pachéan Empire into a tenuous hundreds of such raids, culminating in the battle of Hambârkas in TR655.
mutual defence pact with Diramóa. At Hambârkas, Reksýni cavalry managed to destroy four Àzeryáni legions.
In TR714 Shóji pirates begin raiding the Diramóan coast. The raids are After Hambârkas, the Empire withdrew to fixed positions and built the
large and well organised and Diramóa correctly believes the Shóji Empire Shurâma, a fortified wall to stop the barbarians from moving further west
supports them. The emperor declares war later that year. The ‘Reaver War’ (completed TR659).The Reksýni destroyed nearly all of the large settlements
may be termed a ‘low level’ conflict, but it is ongoing and has involved naval of the region (to make more grazing room for their horses). By TR720,
battles with scores of ships and ‘raids’ with thousands of troops. Ázeryàn has learned how to better deal with Reksýni cavalry (in part by hiring
Reksýni auxiliaries) and seems poised to at least try to re-conquer Góthmîr.
Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 37
H–cherdad The Númec make use of extremely well-crafted weapons (the world’s
Two of the three main trade routes between Eastern and Western Lýthia finest steel) produced by the Taugári cult, a spiritual/artisan class who dwell
meet at the city of Hácherdad. This has made the city wealthy. Now, in small settlements in the heart of the desert. Refugees from the Târgan
however, the Empire of Dalkésh (through which the third route runs) is Genocide may have founded the Taugári in TR10.
eying the city-state with avarice. Hácherdad is expanding her army,
strengthening her fortifications and trying unsuccessfully to ally with Karéjia. Hom‚ra
A mountainous kingdom on Lýthia’s southeast coast, Homôra maintains
Haraz–kas a degree of isolation from its more powerful neighbours. The capital is at
Harazákas states continue to recover territory lost to the Neránadh. Dénqua. A limited trade is carried on with Molnásya, and Homôran traders
There are sixteen Harazákas states, seven of which are loosely allied in venture throughout Thótra and the Gulf of Mafán. The west coast of
conflict with the Neránadh, while another five are seeking to work together Homôra is infested by semi-tribal piratical organisations collectively known
to defend themselves against one of their strongest and most intimidating as the Jâvri-Prau, or ‘coast butchers’. They are renowned for their savagery,
neighbours, the Theocracy of Zârh. and are a significant hazard to trade in the region. In TR713 the kingdom
joined the ‘Ídepan Campaign’ in an effort to stamp out the Jâvri-Prau. It may
H“rb–al be said that progress has been disappointingly limited.
A kingdom made up of a dozen smaller kingdoms, Hârbáal was settled
by Járind and later by Ivínians. Often considered by outsiders to be culturally H‚r‡tra
and politically part of Ivínia, the Hârbáaleren are fiercely independent. Hôrótra has continued it long tradition of factionalism and disunity, but
Hôrótra culture has nevertheless prospered. Hôrótrans have developed
H“rn arcane techniques to detect Yêrazai incursion – the Yêrazai have had to
Hârn is mostly the ranges of tribal humans and gârgún, but it also resort to using human agents in their ongoing attempts to undermine these
contains five human feudal states (Mèlderýn, Káldôr, Kandáy, Réthem and bastions of independent human culture. There are twenty-two Hôrotran
Chybísa) one feudal–imperial state (the Thârdic Republic), and a ‘feudal– states in TR720, organised into six non-contiguous leagues.
Ivínian’ state (Orbáal). The Kingdom of Ázadmêre, inhabited by Kúzhai and
Járin humans, endures in near isolation, but continues to deal with select Imd–l
human outsiders. The elven Kingdom of Évaèl is almost entirely reclusive. A rebellious province of the Antézian Empire, Imdál won its
independence in TR599. Founded in the midst of opposition to taxation and
Hÿpekéria tyranny, the Kingdom of Imdál has a constitution that virtually divests its
Hèpekéria is divided into three broad regions: the northern-eastern central government of any real power and leaves most matters to
coast, the central desert, and the southern coast. Korlúa, the Kôrlic states, village/town headmen. The fact that they have no borders with other major
Menêma, Vítho, Xêrium and Arlánto lie along the northern and eastern states may be the only thing that keeps them independent.
coasts. In the south, lies the Faláni confederation of city-states. The Númec
nomads of the interior dry lands are organised into a confederacy that does Iv¤nia
little to prevent conflict among its members, its apparent purpose being to By TR720, the trend to larger kingdoms has reduced the number of
keep foreigners out of the region. The Númec consider themselves elite, independent (human) states in Ivínia to ten: Beshéa, Éldeskaal, Govýna,
recognising the usefulness of their ‘civilised cousins’ but regarding them as Íbanvaal, Járenmark, Lókis, Menglána, Rógna, Séldenbàal and Tâvu. In
inferiors. Interestingly, the civilised folk tend to share this view. addition, the Kúzhan kingdom of Kuzjêra containing the subterranean cities

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 38
of Kóndasgel and Hârhakeim holds is of a substantial size. More than half Karéjia
the land is still comprised of Yaríli tribal ranges. The ‘Age of Viking’ has The islands of the eastern Venârian Sea won their independence from
passed; other nations now have ships better suited to trade and naval the Ázeryàn Empire in TR657 in the chaos surrounding the fourth Ázeryàn–
warfare, but the Ivínians still go viking, colonise and trade on the great rivers Dalkésh War (the Great Secession). Most of the islands have allied with a
of Western Lýthia. number of mainland states to establish the Karéjian League (TR664–). The
League is a loose alliance designed expressly to defend its dozens of minor
J–nkor states and city-states against their much stronger neighbours. The chief city
Since TR474 the Empire of Jánkor has expanded her boundaries to the and headquarters of the League is Livélis.
north by settlement and by absorbing some tribal nations. To the north, Karéjians are renowned maritime traders. They have hundreds of
there are no real impediments to expansion, but to the south, the threats of merchant ships engaged in trade throughout the Venârian Sea. A rich cargo
Shóju and Diramóa have generated several minor wars, and hundreds of is a magnet to pirates, but the Karéjians minimise the risk by sailing in
border skirmishes, since the fifth century. convoys of fast, well-armed merchant galleys. The Karéjian convoy ‘system’,
In TR494 there were massacres of Diramóan and Jankôran trade and the region’s most advanced war-galleys, have given the Karéjians their
legations in each others’ countries. These led to a succession of Silk Wars leading role in maritime trade.
(TR494–530). Ostensibly fought over discriminatory taxes on commodities
(such as silk), the fighting continued intermittently until TR530, but failed to Ket“rh
resolve much. Tensions are still high. Jánkor strives to maintain a degree of The arid heart of the continent of Lýthia is a plateau, comprised primarily
neutrality, but is not always successful. of desert, semi-desert, steppe and prairie grasslands. The Ketâri, a tough
nomadic, herding folk, populate the region. The Ketâri are the world's finest
light cavalry, with a command of mounted military tactics second to none;
the prospect of their approach chills the stoutest heart.
By TR720, the Empire of Káneum has beaten back the challenges of
Pechósu and Melûria, but is faring less well against Diramóa and Shóju. The Ketâri usually travel in tribal bands of several hundred; the bands are
Diramóa has achieved hegemony in Chomsún, and the Shóji Empire has grouped into nations, each of which has its own, jealously guarded range.
vastly expanded her colonies in territory Káneum regards as hers. Central organisation varies from one generation to the next. Sometimes all
or some of the nations acknowledge the leadership of a single khan; this is
In TR490 Káneum seized substantial territory in Dodréna River War with
when the Ketâri pose the greatest threat to their neighbours. As of 720, the
Pechósu, but had soon lost most of it as her troops suffered from
Ketâri are a loose confederation. There is peace between the nations, but no
indigenous diseases. Káneum withdraws in exchange for a promise of
alliance directed against neighbouring states. A lengthy caravan route
tribute, but Pechósu enters into a loose alliance with Diramóa.
crosses Ketârh from east to west. Those who use it must either be prepared
In TR593 Káneum provokes the Great Cleansing War with Melûria. to pay toll to each Ketâri nation, or to hire a large military escort.
Káneum is largely successful, but distractions from Molkûra, Diramóa and
Shóju prevent her from annexing all of the territory that Melûria surrenders. L–nkor
Káneum has chaos on most of her borders. Káneum remains the second The principality of Lánkor declared independence from Ázeryàn in
most powerful empire of the east with a disciplined and militaristic culture, TR676, but the Empire still considers the region a rebellious province.
but she is hard–pressed on several fronts. Lánkor and Ázeryàn have since fought several wars.

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L‡azen MolkÁra
The southernmost region of Anzelôria is the range of a few relatively Molkûra is an empire with its capital at Kotýn, but local governors hold
primitive Shénti and Wernái tribes, but there are also minor settled polities most of the political and military power. Rough terrain and a lack of good
here and there. The rest of the world pays Lóazen little heed. There have roads make travel difficult. There are dozens of tropical diseases endemic to
been a few attempts to establish maritime trade around the southern capes, the region to which the locals are immune, but which ravage invaders.
but none have been successful. Molkûra’s mages are ‘unfriendly’ practitioners of the arcane arts, responsible
for the region’s epithet: The Weirding Land.
Only a common cultural heritage remains of the mighty Empire of Moln–sya
Mafán; some of the old imperial provinces have even lapsed into Molnásians live in relatively small settlements throughout their
‘barbarism’. This is the only thing that unites the ethnically and linguistically archipelago in the Melûrian Sea. They combine elements of hunting,
diverse states along the shores of the Gulf of Mafán. gathering, fishing, agriculture and trade. They are organised into several
Trade is the lifeblood of most of these small coastal realms, but the confederations of islands.
region is under threat from west and east and lacks the unity to stand
against empires such as Dalkésh and Diramóa. In TR713 several southeast Ner–nadh
Mafáni states undertook the Ídepan Campaign in an effort to stamp out the The peoples of Neránadh live in fortified villages or roam the prairies of
Jâvri-Prau of west HOMÔRA. Progress has been limited. Kámerand. They are loosely organised into two main federations, that of the
Myískè nation in the north, and of the Shénoræ in the south. In the past few
MelÁria decades, the Shénoræ-Neránadh have driven the Harazákas from the
Melûria is currently under the influence of the Empire of Káneum. The prairies and may be poised to destroy the Harazákas states one by one.
Róstei Tyranny ruled Melûria from TR514, leading to the ill-fated invasion of They have superb and extremely mobile warriors; all they lack is a brilliant
Molkûra in TR525 that was ended by the Red Death plague that swept leader and some siege engines.
across Lýthia.
In TR593 the Empire of Káneum undertook the ‘Great Cleansing War’ Pal¤thanÿ
that brought down the Róstei. Since that time the Solûr Dynasty has ruled An Ivínian ‘colony’ conquered in TR519, Palíthanè occupies the ancient
Melûria; they have strong ties to Káneum. Rumours of underground Róstei region of Thánema to the west of Tríerzòn. Palíthanè has fair to good
cults, spurred by a grizzly murders in Mokóno have recently begun to trouble relations with Emélrenè, but Tríerzòn remains extremely resentful. Border
the imperial court. clashes are far from rare and outright war could break out at any time; the
most recent skirmishes occurred in TR719.
The peoples of Mêrnat have been said to dwell apart from other folk, to Pech‡su (Pachéan Empire)
have a sense of space and time different from the rest of Kèthîra; some call In TR490 Káneum starts the Dodréna River War by seizing substantial
it ‘Dreamtime’ and liken it to the ethereal otherness of the elves, which it territory in from Pechósu. Clever military tactics and diseases wreak havoc
certainly resembles. The Mêrnáti do not read, nor write, they have little in on the army of Káneum, which agrees to withdraw in exchange for tribute.
the way of artefact or contrivance. Instead they dwell in a permanent present Pechósu enters into a loose alliance with Diramóa. In TR666 Pechósu
where they seem perfectly adapted to their environment. begins styling itself the Pachéan Empire.

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Kÿth›ra 40
The relationship with Diramóa is never very good; each ally tries to use Sh‚rkªnÿ
the other as a foil against Káneum. In TR703 fighting broke out in the Gadéi Shôrkýnè is a feudal, parliamentary monarchy. The kingdom is
Valley and a de facto state of war with Diramóa is ongoing. Interestingly, frequently involved in conflict, especially with its southern neighbour
neither state acknowledges that the dispute is ongoing and continue to treat Tríerzòn. Regional magnates pursue independent policies, but they seem
each other as allies, making it clear (insofar as diplomats are ever clear) that sufficiently united (just) to fend of foreign aggression.
as far as Káneum is concerned, Diramóa and the Pachéan Empire are still
allies. T“rk–in
A prosperous independent trading city-state at the western end of the
Qu“rphor Venârian Sea, Târkáin was once part of the Ázeryàn Empire. Ivínian settlers
Quârphor is the range of the Quârph tribal nation, who once lived further radically changed Târkáin, which is now known as a haven for pirates.
east. Quârphor contains a mixture of nomadic tribal ranges and small
states. The region’s rivers bear increasing amounts of trade, carried mostly Th‡nia
by Ivínian style shallow-draught, oared vessels, and several towns are Thónia is the thinly settled range of the Thónian peoples The region has
flourishing (notably Beldîra in the part of western Quârphor called Huriséa). extremes of climate and topography ranging from the harsh mountains of
the south to the savannah, thornbush and semi-desert in the north.
Reksªna Inhospitality of land and climate has kept the region more or less free of
The plains of western Lýthia are the range of the western branches of the outside interference for generations, although there are colonies from
Ketâri peoples, the formidable Reksýni. In the seventh century, the Reksýni Falâna on the western coast.
invaded Ázeryàn and were almost responsible for the destruction of the
world’s greatest empire. The Reksýni are disunited, semi-nomadic
A large peninsula of south-central Lýthia, The indigenous Thóta peoples
horsemen and have a great command of cavalry tactics. The prospect of
have never quite managed to establish a major state, and Thótra has fallen
the Reksýni uniting under one leader is one of the greatest fears of civilised
under the influence of surrounding polities.
Sh‡ju Tían is the largest of thousands of islands in the Thiánic Ocean inhabited
The Shóji Empire lies off the coast of Diramóa in eastern Lýthia. Shóju is by tribal groups who most likely migrated from Mêrnat. Tían is the centre of
a fractious feudal society with a class of extremely strong landholding noble the islands’ largest polity, a tribal federation whose members collectively
clans. Shóju has adopted an imperialist policy under the Osékru dynasty acknowledge the authority of a single overking. However, there are still
that came to power in TR632. The Shóji have built a large navy, and hundreds of independent villages yet to be united with the central kingdom.
undertaken the conquest of Lashói.
There is considerable resistance to Shóji rule on the mainland,
exacerbated by the tendency of Shóji commanders to squabble over matters
of honour and prestige. A number of Shóji clans are also engaged in
maritime piracy. This hampers trade in the Sea of Lashói and the Gulf of
Tankóno and together with Shóji arrogance, has earned the enmity of most
of Shóju’s neighbours.

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Kÿth›ra 41
Tr¤erz·n The Karéjian League has on more than a few occasions made overtures
Arguably, western Lýthia’s strongest feudal state, Tríerzòn has a strong to some or all of the members of the Ûmélrian League to merge with
throne and strong regional magnates. The region was home to Zonâri Karéjia. Much of Ûmélria has a different cultural and ethnic heritage. Except
states, and became part of Ázeryàn before seceding from the Empire in for the ‘defection’ of Ìchényah, which left the Ûmélrian League in TR712 and
TR492. For a decade, Tríerzi armies clashed intermittently with the Imperial joined the Karéjian League in TR714, all overtures have been rebuffed. This
Legions before Ázeryàn accepted de facto Tríerzi independence. The official may be because the Ûmélrian are unwilling to come into conflict with
date of the kingdom’s founding is TR502. Sporadic fighting continues to the Dalkésh; they have enough problems with the Reksýni and the Anil-Ketâri.
present day, but Ázeryàn cannot spare the troops to re-conquer her
wayward western provinces. Yérazhen
In the last two centuries, the Empire of Yérazhen has violently annexed
Tríerzòn conquered and annexed Shôrkýnè early in the sixth century TR, all of the notionally ‘subject’ or Yiâlai states surrounding it, largely wiping out
but was forced to withdraw by incessant revolts and by a developing Ivínian the ruling classes of these states in the process. This pogrom was the
invasion of Thánema in 518. The following year, Tríerzòn made a tentative culmination of centuries of deliberation by the Yêrazai on the best policy for
peace with the Ivínians in Thánema, leading to the establishment of the dealing with the growing power of the Harazákas and Hôrótra states. Once it
kingdom of Palíthanè. was determined that a single unified empire rather than the long standing
mix of the central Empire and periphery of ‘subject’ states was not optimal,
Tuv“ra the Yêrazh armies moved with methodical ruthlessness to impose direct rule
Tuvâra is a region mostly of savannah and savannah woodland south of from Màtraképetaz. The peoples of Harazákas and Hôrótra have watched
the Empire of Býria, which has been attempting to colonise for generations. this development with a mixture of horror and foreboding, as stories of
Most Túvarese are nomads who travel in tribal groups with their large herds. terrible cruelty and death were spread by those who managed to flee.
They trade with Býria and Dalkésh, despite the fact that they are engaged in
frequent conflicts with both empires. Z“rh
The last half-century has seen the emergence of the Theocracy of Zârh,
a growing religious state in Northern, Kámerand. The Theocracy preaches
the annihilation of the Yêrazai and the peoples contaminated by them. The
Tzéngai has suffered from the decline of the major Anzelôrian states in
rest of Harazákas views the Theocracy with as much fear as they do the
the last two centuries. Mafáni traders, with their superior maritime
Yêrazai since the Priests of Zârh utilise means similar to those of the Yêrazai.
technologies have begun to replace them in sailing round the ‘horn’ of
They nevertheless have strong support among elements of the Yiâlai
Lóazen, and Tzéngai is beginning to see competition from Falâna.
‘refugee’ community.

Ûmélria Zhel‚ria
The Ûmélrian League was founded in TR657 as an alliance against the Both Zhelôria and the Empire of Antézia have declined since TR474.
Reksýni who were driving the Àzeryáni legions from Góthmîr. The League Both have lost significant territories, but Zhelôria has broken into more than
made a tentative peace with the Reksýni the following year — this may have a dozen petty states. Zhelôria states remain the greatest rival to the Empire
been possible because the Reksýni were not interested in anything more of Antézia, even though they now lack a common border. The Zhelôria
than the grasslands. However, no one in Ûmélria has stopped seeing the states have the advantage that they have seaports and, to a degree, block
Reksýni as a dire threat. Antézia’s access to maritime trade.

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 43

precise rhythm; they have a clicking sound. The ancient Mafáni were far ranging
people. They planted colonies around the Shéntu Sea and beyond. It is hard to
identify a Mafáni ethnic type, since in most regions they have merged into native
anguages populations. The Mafáni family includes Mafáni, Molnásian, Shénti, and Thóta.

Language is a product of common historical and geographical experience over MolkÁran Family
time, a vital element of culture and ethnicity. The people of Kèthîra speak more than Molkûran languages are spoken in southeastern Lýthia. The family is derived
100 languages in 11 families. Family members share root words and sounds, but from Molkûri, the language of the ancient Ziggurat Culture. Languages of this family
are still distinct tongues. The existence of a language family implies a common root have complex, precise grammar, and by variations in pitch and tone to convey rich
from which all modern members are descended. meaning. The typical Molkûran has a dark to swarthy complexion, dark hair and
eyes, and tends to be a little shorter than average. The Molkûran Family includes
J–rind Family Chomsúni, Homôri, Kánic, Lashói, Melûrian, Mólken, Mêrna-Mólken and Pechósi.
The Járind ethnic area included much of northwest Lýthia until migrations of
eastern peoples displaced Járind culture north and west. Járind languages are Reshéni Family
characterised by a singsong lilt with occasional gutturals. Járind have fair to medium Reshéni tongues are descended from Reshéni, the principal language of the
complexions, light brown or red wavy hair, and brown eyes. The Járind Family Ch’mísa Empire. The Reshéni typically have dark complexions, dark hair and eyes,
includes: Áltish, Eméla, Hârnic, Jàrinése and Yaríli. and tend to be shorter than average. The Reshéni family includes: Argólan,
Jankôran, Mengólan, and Shóji.
Ph“ric Family
The Phâric peoples originated in Reksýna but were driven west into the Járind Ket“ric Family
ethnic area by Ketâri tribes. Phâric tongues are characterised by rising-falling tones, Ketâric languages are descended from Ancient Kétar, the language of the Ketârh
compound nouns, and regular grammar. These rules are frequently broken; Phâric barbarians who conquered much of central and eastern Lýthia between 1750-500
tongues have been strongly influenced by languages of other families. Phâric BT. Ketâri languages and peoples are diverse, strongly influenced by the indigenous
peoples are tall, with light straight hair, fair complexions, and blue-grey eyes. The tongues and cultures of the conquered regions. The Ketâric family includes: Ánil-
family includes Hârbáaler/Chéler, Ivínian, Pálithàner, Quârph, Shôrka and Tríerzi. Ketâri, Bésha, Dálken, Diramése, Ketâri, Kyâman and Reksýni.

Azéri (or Ven“rian) Family NÂmec Family

Azéri tongues are spoken around the Venârian Sea. Most tongues have extensive Númec tongues are descended from Hepéka. Númec peoples tend to be shorter
vocabularies and complex grammar, and are characterized by rising tones. Azéri than average and dark in colouring. The Kôrlic group tends to be lighter due to
have medium to swarthy complexion, and dark hair and eyes. The Azéri family mixing with northern peoples. The Faláni are darker. Númec languages are
includes High and Low Àzeryáni, Býrian, Elbýthian, Karéjian, and Ûrméch. characterised by long vowel sounds and guttural stops. The Númec family includes
Faláni, Kôrlic and Númer.
Anzélan Family
Anzélan tongues are spoken in Anzelôria. The original language spread from the K–madh Family
south, dividing into Panhaónic in the north and Wernái in the south. Anzelôrian The languages of Kámerand have developed largely in isolation, although Ínan
tongues are characterised by compounds of short, sharp syllables. The length of seems to have some words contributed by Járind tongues and Ivínian. The Kámadh
time that a vowel sound is voiced has meaning. Grammar and rhythm tend to be family includes: Neránadher, Ínan, Hârazai, Rakáma, Erènakáma, Yêrazh and Hôro.
regular. Anzelôrians have dark to black complexions, dark curly hair and eyes. The
family includes Chogôri, Geláphic, Neshái, Pèchalâri, Thónian, Túvarese and Wernái. MŸrn–ti Family
Except for limited influences from Molkûran and Kámadh tongues, the
Maf–ni Family languages of Mêrnat have developed in isolation. The peoples who speak Mêrnáti
Mafáni tongues are spoken around the Gulf of Mafán and Shéntu Sea. Mafáni tongues are swarthy to black. There are thousands of mutually intelligible dialects.
languages are characterised by compound words, regular grammar, and short, The Mêrnáti family includes Mêrna, Tían, Dâdèn and Kolôtis.

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Kÿth›ra 45

The Constellations
The average Lýthian can identify major constellations and the pole star.
he Night Skies Whether or not he can use them to find his way is another question.
The revolving stars frame the movements of the sun, the moon and the The north polar star, Zêxus, is located in the constellation Gêriam; the
planets. Even casual sky watchers cannot fail to note that the night sky mast of the constellation Ládo (the galley) points to Zêxus. In the southern
changes with the seasons in an endlessly recurring pattern. Only the planets hemisphere, the brightest star in the constellation of Úhla (the lantern),
seem to wander aimlessly about the heavens but even the mystery of their Tyn-Nâdix, serves as a pole star. The thirty-five most prominent
paths might yield to diligent study. Most stargazers study the heavens to constellations are named on the star charts. The rims of the charts are the
discover patterns that can be related to the lives and fortunes of men and equator; the concentric circles are at 15-degree intervals.
kingdoms; their appetite for astronomical knowledge may be whetted by a
desire to predict the future. However, a few arcane scholars point their
Northern Sky Southern Sky
Klésan the stag Aik the swan
secretly made telescopes at the stars and dabble on the edges of pure
Cýnto the beetle Chind the dog
astronomy. Scholars have named many heavenly bodies, but the knowledge
Êrmael the unicorn Cryx the warhorse
they possess seems to exceed their capacity for optical observation.
Frýlus the fox Dýnux the falcon
Gêriam the bow Êngè the dancer
The N‡lom—r System Hêrpa the mace Lókiârn the catapult
Nólomàr is a star with 426,000 times the mass of Kèthîra. The Nólomàr system Kelârk the plough Lýndus the fish
contains five planets:
Krast the flail Stend the shield
Épeòn is the closest planet to Nólomàr, a small solid planet with no appreciable
Nind the ox Úhla the lantern
atmosphere; Épeòn has a surface temperature ranging from –200 to +200 degrees
Celsius. Épeòn can be seen from Kèthîra as a bright ‘morning/evening star’ at dawn or Súso the boar Yol the hide
dusk for much of the year. Épeòn has no moons. Orbital Period: 0.55 Kèthîran Years. Tísams the hunter
Kèthîra is the second planet of the Nólomàr system. Its diameter is 2,875 leagues1 and Tlýlus the claw
it’s orbital period is 360.0011 days. Kèthîra has one moon called Yaél, orbiting at an Úsnârl the bear
average distance of 86500 leagues. Yaél has a diameter of 1,035 leagues, rotates on its
axis every 15 hours, and has a synodic period (time between full moons) a fraction less
than 30 days. Because the synodic period is almost exactly 1/12 of the Kèthîran year, Zodiac Zodiac
moon phases occur on the same day each month. Áhnù the dragon Hîrin the eagle
Álaran is the third planet orbiting 68,750,000 leagues from Nólomàr. Although it has a Angberélius the swords Masâra the chalice
thinner atmosphere and is colder than Kèthîra, air and temperatures would be sufficient to Arálius the wands Nadái the salamander
support Kèthîran life. Álaran has three small moons: Avârkiel, Hyvrák and Angcàradína.
Orbital Period: 0.94 Kèthîran years. Fenéri the smith Skôrus the mixer
Kenôr is the largest world of the system and the fourth from Nólomàr at 201,500,000
Ládo the galley Tai the lantern bearer
leagues. This gaseous giant is second only to Épeòn in apparent brightness from Kèthîra. Ùlándus the bear Táraèl the pentacle
Kenôr has six moons: Hývrus, Tnôr, Kýchus, Frésus, Brâl, and Cúlus. None are visible to
the unaided eye. The constellations listed under ‘zodiac’ are the sunsigns of the Kèthîran
Mêrgus is the second largest planet. It orbits some 840,000,000 leagues, from Nólomàr. zodiac. At any given time the sun is ‘in’ one of these ‘houses’. One born
It is a gaseous giant, but has no moons. Mêrgus is barely visible from Kèthîra and is while Nólomàr is in Nadái, for example, is said to be born under Nadái.
sometimes called the ‘Sable Eye’.

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 47

explorers rather more than they might otherwise intend. Time is significantly
variable in multi-world ‘adventures’, especially when the traveller is

éthrian Family of Worlds

envisioning a specific destination. In such cases, the traveller is rather more
likely to arrive in a place decades, centuries, or even millennia in his relative
past or future. It is difficult to evolve a theory to explain these phenomena
When adopting an ethereal view, worlds are arranged in groups that are
since prevalent concepts of time, space and causality do not always seem to
called families. Although there is no apparent limit to the number of worlds
apply. The theory exists that inter-world travel actually ‘creates’ causal
in a family, they are usually grouped around a parent world or nexus. The
bifurcations in such a way that the traveller, by each movement or action is,
nexus world gathers the lines of ethereal force and warps space-time to
in essence, making a new world at every step. This theory at least avoids the
incorporate other worlds (often dissimilar worlds) into its group. Because
‘grandfather’ paradox. However, some scholars have wondered about the
‘wrinkles’ in ethereal dimensions are centred on the nexus world, travel
effect of the unlimited creation of new worlds. Is it possible to fill the cosmic
between the nexus and other family members is usually easiest. Some
all so full of actualised possibilities that it collapses under the weight of its
scholars have attempted to organise ease of access into four grades:
own confusion? Will this be the cause of the end of all things? One scholar,
moderate, intermediate, hard and impossible. However, recent evidence
believed this to be the case. He felt that those who walked the ways between
suggests that the grades fluctuate over time, and no one has sufficient
worlds were too rapidly destroying Keléstia. He laid lethal traps for inter-
experience to detect a pattern.
world travellers and managed to send some to lava pits on Yàsháin, the
Kèthîra, and the six “closest” worlds (Terra, Sherém, Lósenor, Midgaad, incandescent vacuum of Lósenor, or the flames of Gâsh, before he himself
Yàsháin, and the Blessed Realm) are known as the ‘Seven Worlds’ or the was tracked down and forced into one of his own traps. Brief descriptions of
‘Kéthrian family’. Kèthîra is the nexus. The extent of the family is moot. the worlds of the ‘extended family’ follow:
Some scholars hold that only the ‘seven worlds’ are properly members. The
expression ‘all the Seven Worlds’ is often used to indicate ‘just about Aªderi
everywhere’. The other extreme view holds that the Family extends infinitely Aýderi has a special relationship with Terra.
in all conceivable, and no few inconceivable directions. This ‘map’ shows an Divination has suggested that Aýderi is the place where
‘extended Kéthrian Family’. the magic and magical creatures of Terra went when
Inter-world travel can be achieved by a mage of moderate ability, by they were driven out by science and technology. If this
persons with talents, or by anyone who stumbles across an appropriate were the case, Aýderi would be an interesting place,
artefact. Experience increases the chance that it will be a round trip. Only in populated by the creatures of Terran legend. There are
the chantries of arcane lore can one find maps of the Kéthrian family, and few firsthand accounts of visits to Aýderi.
permission to view these maps is not freely given. The map presented here
is a diagram of ethereal proximities.
Blessed Realm
It was here that the god Siém came when he left Kèthîra. It is also the
The lines connecting worlds purport to show traversable routes, but intended destination of the elves when they ‘sail into the west’ from
these are nebulous. There is evidence that it is possible to journey from anywhere in the Kéthrian Family (the elven heaven). The god Siém
Kèthîra directly to Varáxis or Sphýnxa (for example) without first visiting the personally governs the Blessed Realm, which has several other names
intervening worlds. One interesting aspect of inter-world travel is that many including Eald, Ealdor or Ealdwood, Aman, Faerie, Beyond and the
modes entail indirect routing. It is not generally possible to travel, for Uttermost West. Siém controls access to his world. One can only reach it
example, from Kèthîra to Terra, without first visiting as many as seven other with Siém's permission or by taking an unusual or special route. A few
worlds on the way. This has obliged some travellers to be inter-world mortals have been allowed to visit, but memory fades.
Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 48
DÁrathrhor L‡senor
Said to be the universe of ultimate evil whence waves of darkness extend A traveller who comes to
to pollute Keléstia, Dûrathrhor lies beyond the Blessed Realm and is Lósenor, finds incandescent red gas
probably closely watched by Siém. Few travellers intentionally visit with no worlds. Lósenor is
Dûrathrhor; it is half-jokingly suggested that even Môrgath avoids the place. presumed to be a lost world in a
Dûrathrhor may be a microverse, albeit a large one. destroyed universe. Many who go
there are unable to survive in what
G“sh is left. Scholars conjecture that
Gâsh (pronounced Garrsh) is an ethereal microverse beyond the Blessed when the Earthmasters came to
Realm and Varáxis. Said to be a realm of primal fire, the inhabitants are like Hârn, it is Lósenor from which they
fiery elementals whose activities are difficult to fathom. The few visitors have came. Some believe Lósenor is the
reported a world of dancing flames and rapid activity; they also say it is one Ancients' native continuum.
of the most beautiful places in Keléstia.
Hªdrae A place where trolls and dragons and strange native beasts share the
A great water world where giant, gelatinous world with more familiar, and friendly creatures.
creatures drift gently from one inexplicable
activity to another. Visitors to Hýdrae return
unsure whether Hýdrae is a complete world
The ‘Middle Realm’ is a world where magic is moderately strong.
or a microverse since the ocean seems to
Midgaad is where the Sinái of Hârn (probably) originated, and probably the
go on forever.
Kúzhai as well. To reach the Blessed Realm from Midgaad, some Sinái
come by way of Kèthîra, and many chose to remain, at least temporarily.
JulÁga The reason for the Kúzhan migration to Kèthîra is more obscure. Kúzhan
Julûga is a microverse consisting of a great plain myths tell of sweeping wars in Midgaad between incredible forces of good
which seems to go on forever. Here, mighty and evil. There is some intimation of a dark secret in Kúzhan past, so
juggernauts majestically roll hither and thither for no terrible that no Kúzhai will discuss it.
apparent purpose, except, perhaps to draw sustenance
from the ground itself. While the mighty creatures (if
creatures they are) seem indifferent to visitors, it is well to step carefully lest Sherém
one is unceremoniously crushed. Little is known of Sherém. In some ways it has more magic than Kèthîra,
in some ways less. Its physical laws vary accordingly. Sherém is known by a
Kÿth›ra large number of names; none of them convey much of the nature of the
Scholars consider Kèthîra a ‘magic-weak’ world, but only in comparison world. One traveller described the place as
to places like Yàsháin. Many types of magic work very well here in harmony …so akin to Kèthîra, and yet so jarringly unfamiliar that I did hasten home to
with “rational” physical laws. It could be called a ‘balanced’ world. renew and restore the o’er-pulled threads that with our roots bind us and
remind us whence we derive….

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra 49
Sphªnxa Y—sh–in
Sphýnxa is a microverse, an environment “less than a Yàsháin, is a world that runs on arcane power. Yasháinian kingdoms
whole world”. Sphýnxa lies at the edge of everything, in have gods and goddesses for monarchs; demons, demigods and dead
the mists between universes. The legendary sphinx is heroes for barons. The personalities of rulers are not only stamped on the
thought to be its only inhabitant, a pleasant enough political and social structures, but also on the geography, ecology, geology
creature, but stern and unyielding. The origins of the and climate. When one crosses from one kingdom to another, one may also
master (mistress?) of riddles is, perhaps the greatest riddle of all. From be crossing from lush forest to stark desert. The kingdoms of Yàsháin seem
Sphýnxa, it is said that one can go anywhere, but first it is necessary to to always be at war: good against evil, chaos against order.
satisfy the supreme riddler.
Kÿth›ra and Y—sh–in
Tek Kèthîra and Yàsháin have a unique relationship; there are numerous,
Tekú is a world of great empires and strange, alien races. The principal constant, point-to-point correspondences. The realm(s) of the elves, Évaèl
activities are politics and intrigue and the penalty for failure is often and Fáya, are one example. Earthmaster sites on Hârn and some of those
impaling. The great empires vie constantly for hegemony under the starless on Lýthia also exist (in some form) on Yàsháin, as does Aráka-Kalái. Such
sky, and hostile aliens confuse already complex issues, often beyond human places seem to exist simultaneously on both worlds.
Yàsháin is Kèthîra’s afterworld, the realm of the dead. Many theologians
and laypeople believe that when they die they are reborn in Yàsháin, where
Terra everyone is immortal and from where, if they are lucky, they can find their
Terra is the only near-zero-magic world in the group. Terrans have built way back.
their societies with culture and artifice through cultural evolution, rather
than magic and personal development. Some theorists believe that magic
and science are incompatible, and not just because they produce variant
societies. Terra once had magic in quantity but with the growth of mass-
education the laws that govern the use of magic were weakened. Mikaad, a
sage of Yàsháin, has argued that when technology and magic come into Interworld Travel
contact, magic will weaken and eventually be driven out. This theory Travel between worlds is never easy, but it is much easier to move
contradicts the long held belief that although magic and technology are between worlds of the Kéthrian Family than between worlds of Nólomàr
incompatible, there is a principle of parity that keeps them in relative system . In fact, the only traveller to have visited the world of Álaran
balance. The fear that technology might eventually destroy magic has claims that he went by way of four worlds of the Kéthrian Family. He
caused Terra to be regarded as something of a plague world. Might the said there was not much to see.
future hold a savage technological jihad sweeping out of Terra?
Travel methods in the Kéthrian family involve godstones and other
Var–xis artefacts, spells, divine intervention, talents and sheer luck. Nearly every
Varáxis is a microverse on the edge of Yàsháin. Its ruler is sagely Várax, a method seems to involve the elusive properties of Barási Filaments.
puzzling servant of the god Sávè-K’nôr (?). Few mortals have learned what For (much) more information on the Kéthrian Family of Worlds and
Várax does here, but it is known that his "world" is best avoided; few care to how to get there, see HârnMaster Gold GM Edition.
visit without good cause.
Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra Chronology 1
c BT 20,000 Earthmasters arrive on Kèthîra and build ‘sites’ in Venârivè, c BT 1,500 Ilpýlen delivers the word of Ágrik.
Southeast Lýthia and elsewhere. Decline of Vénic Island Culture.
c BT 15,000 Earthmasters depart (Lost Years begin). c BT 1,500 Shátrah founded as a Yârhin refuge / stronghold.
c BT 10,000 Siém and the Sinái (elves) arrive on Kèthîra. c BT 1,400 Yaríli migrate to Ivínia.
BT 7,190 Kúzhai (dwarves) appear on Kèthîra. BT 1,388 First walls of Beréma, Emélrenè.
Kúzhan city of Mêrdáin founded. BT 1,340 Eméla defeat Uphâri in Álagon, Closing of Emélrenè.
BT 7,060 Kúzhan city of Êrbar founded in Central Lýthia (Ketârh). BT 1,307 Uphâri defeat Shóna Alliance, take Plain of Káretan.
BT 7,025 Kúzhan city of Lârhakul founded in Ketârh. c BT 1,300 Járin migrate to Hârn.
c BT 7,000 Siém departs Hârn (many of the Sinái go with Him). Peak of Oceanic Henge Culture, including Gulf of Shôrkýnè sites
Kúzhan City of Kiráz founded on Hârn. at Gehódhivys, Dínibôr, Témian, and Calamísa.
BT 6,894 Kúzhan city of Ázadmêre founded on Hârn. BT 1,286 Co-dominium established on Hârn.
c BT 6,880 Ziggurat Culture in Molkûra (possibly the world’s most ancient BT 1,198 First of several Phâric Tribal (Atáni) Confederations founded in
human culture). Thánema Palíthanè.
BT 6,870 Chostôren emerge at Dínibôr. c BT 1,100 Sólkin Empire founded (Melûria).
BT 6,700 Kúzhan city of Kóndasgel founded in Ivínia. c BT 1,050 Foundation of Tîrkhadhy (Tîrgólis).
c BT 5,500 Probable founding of Kotýn in Molkûra. c BT 1,000 Rise of Kàruía city-states in the Eastern Venârian Sea.
c BT 5,300 Civilisation in Mafán. Phâric people (Ivíni) reach Hârbáal, war with Járind begins.
BT 4,290 City of Narmâr; Máfanese Empire founded. BT 973 Gehódhivys (Kôresten Anúz), Hârbáal, destroyed by ‘sea dragon’.
c BT 4,000 Yârhin (Járind) settle Quârphor and Lánkor. BT 922 Foundation of Lýthwys, Hârbáal.
BT 3,728 Kúzhan city of Hârhakeim founded in Ivínia. c BT 900 Ivínians migrate to Ivínia.
Phâric barbarians begin raiding Hârn.
c BT 3,500 Ch’mísa Empire founded.
The Atáni Wars (BT 900-683) begin.
c BT 3,000 Foundation of the Empire of Yêrazh, Kámerand.
BT 800 Foundation Wars begin Jánkor / Ch’mísa.
c BT 2,830 Kolôra Lake Civilisation in Káneum / Melûria.
BT 760 Jánkor achieves independence from Ch’mísa.
c BT 2,800 Vénic Island Culture in Karéjia.
BT 750 Church of Navéh founded.
c BT 2,700 Henge Culture on Mèlderýn.
BT 734 Southeast Hârn ceded to Phâri.
c BT 2,000 Probable founding of Ain Dao (Ch’mísa).
c BT 700 Peak of Kingdom of Lýthwys, Hârbáal.
BT 1,902 Empire of Hârazai declared in Kámerand.
BT 690 Jankôran colonisation of Shóju.
c BT 1,900 Beginning of the ‘Linear’ phase of the Yârhin Henge Culture.
BT 683 Battle of Sorrows on Hârn – fall of King Daélda Succession of
c BT 1,750 Rise of Ketâri Militarism. Áranath.
c BT 1,700 Phâric peoples driven west by Ketâri.
BT 680 The Great Abdication – Despite their victory at the Battle of
c BT 1,650 Uphâri reach Shôrkýnè, clash with Járind peoples. Sorrows the elves withdraw to the Shâva Forest and establish the
c BT 1,600 Foundation of Emélan Tribal Confederation. Kingdom of Évaèl.
Establishment of Hôrezh states, Kámerand. End of the Co-dominium on Hârn.
Járind people colonise Hârbáal.
c BT 675 Civil war in Lýthwys (Hârbáal). Break-away of southern regions.
c BT 1,550 Máfanese Empire collapses. BT 670 Foundation of Kingdom of Emélrenè.
BT 1,532 Foundation of Járind settlement of Pólfwys (Bôrin), Hârbáal.

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra Chronology 2
c BT 650 Beginning of the ‘Eldritch’ period of Mèlderýn, Hârn. TR 1 Kingdom of Mèlderýn founded. (Start date for Túzyn Reckoning).
c BT 600 Thousand Principalities in Hârazai, Kámerand. TR 7 Târgan Empire conquered by Bésha/Pèchalâri.
BT 600 Church of Peóni founded. Târgan genocide.
c BT 580 Jâren Cêrethys defeats Ivínians at Bâjel (Ivínia). TR 10 Taugári cult established in Hèpekéria.
BT 530 Ketâri tribes conquer Ch’mísa Empire. TR 12 Council of Eleven established on Mèlderýn.
TR 55 Khanate of Argóla founded.
Diramóan Empire founded.
TR 66 Hôrótra Amâkamapa association founded.
BT 490 Shoji states gain independence from Jánkor.
TR 100 Lóthôr - Tyranny of Lóthrim the Foulspawner - begins on Hârn.
BT 481 Yârhlè-Sôrki battle of Kótrùn diverts the Sôrki to the south.
TR 106 Town of Fûhreling founded in Ivínia.
BT 480 Sôrki overrun Tîrkhadhy, begin conquest of Shôrkýnè. TR 120 Lóthrim sacks Kúzhan city of Kiráz.
BT 470 Khanate of Káneum founded. Battle of Sírion; Gârgún on Hârn; Fall of Lóthôr.
c BT 450 Height of the Járind ‘Sea Town’ culture. TR 128 Town of Tashál founded on Hârn.
BT 424 Martyrdom of Peónian St. Hârbraén (E. Shôrkýnè) TR 130 Túzyn Reckoning (calendar) devised.
c BT 400 Sólkin Empire collapses. c TR 150 States established in Thánema (Palíthanè) and Zonâra.
Shôrka tribes in Álagon; Tríerzi tribes in north Tríerzòn. Ivínians begin raiding Hârbáal.
Ivínians control most of Ivínia. TR 157 Second Melûria-Káneum War (157-169).
End of ‘Eldritch’ Period, Mèlderýn (Hârn). TR 160 Kingdom of Chybísa founded (Hârn).
c BT 370 Church of Laráni founded. TR 188 Kingdom of Káldôr proclaimed (Hârn).
TR 194 Meókolis / Azéri Kingdom founded.
c BT 350 Thánemi culture in Palíthanè.
TR 215 Kingdom of Séldenbàal founded in Ivínia.
BT 328 Foundation of the Shóju Empire.
TR 221 Azéri Kingdom becomes Ázeryàn Empire.
BT 277 Foundation of the Târgan Empire.
TR 227 Establishment of the Laránian Pontificate, Zonâra.
BT 250 Church of Môrgath founded in Ázeryàn. TR 235 Kingdom of Homôra founded.
BT 228 Five Kingdoms Era on Mèlderýn begins. TR 242 Ázeryàn Empire conquers Ázeryàn peninsula.
BT 192 Foundation of Jankôran Empire. TR 247 Consolidation of the Shénoræ federation, Kámerand.
BT 173 Foundation of Melûrian Empire. TR 263 Ázeryàn Empire conquers Karéjian islands.
BT 150 Church of Sárajìn founded in Ivínia. TR 264 First Dalkésh-Ázeryàn War (264-270).
BT 61 Shóji Empire has acquired all Shoji states. TR 268 Laránian church creates Ethelánca (Holy Office).
BT 55 First Melûria-Káneum War (55-30). TR 270 Church of Haléa founded in Karéjia.
c BT 50 Neránadh tribes of Kámerand acquire horses. Formation of the Myískè federation, Kámerand.
BT 47 ‘Black Wind’ destroys Yelástrys (Jéltrè), Hârbáal. Foundation of Avántis (later Vârkenheim), Hârbáal.
TR 271 Ázeryàn Empire conquers eastern Venârian Shore.
c BT 10 Neránadh destroy several Hârazai states.
TR 288 Hôrótra Kalmârakapè association founded.
TR 290 Kingdom of Járenmark founded (Ivínia).
TR 292 Second Dalkésh-Ázeryàn War (292-399).
TR 293 Establishment of the Peónian Pontificate, Zonâra.
TR 294 Ázeryàn Empire achieves greatest extent in the east.
TR 297 Ázeryàn Empire begins conquest of Zonâra.

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra Chronology 3
TR 301 Côranan / Coráni Empire founded on Hârn. TR 494 Silk Wars between Diramóa & Jánkor (494-530).
TR 303 Ázeryàn Empire completes conquest of Zonâra. TR 496 Destruction of Dínibôr by Ivínians (Chélemby).
Beréma Accord, Ázeryàn border to Es River. TR 498 Ivínians seize Gôris.
TR 305 Foundation of Kingdom of Géltheim, Hârbáal. TR 502 Kingdom of Tríerzòn founded.
TR 307 Conciliation of Xêradyn, Hârbáal. TR 507 Destruction of Shátrah and Trepûra (Shôrkýnè).
TR 312 Melûrian invasion of Molkûra. TR 508 Tríerzòn begins conquest of Shôrkýnè.
TR 316 Melûrian withdrawal from Molkûra. TR 512 Ánvâller Civil War, Hârbáal (512-515).
Plague in Melûria. TR 513 Ivínians invade western Tríerzòn (Thánema).
TR 319 Foundation of Antézian Empire (Anzelôria). TR 514 Róstei Tyranny in Melûria.
TR 322 Fall of Lyth to Ivínians (Hârbáal). Foundation of Tónanby, Hârbáal, by clan Gulínè.
TR 337 Foundation of Lankôrium by Ázeryàn. TR 515 Ivínians seize Târkáin.
TR 344 Kingdom of Menglána founded (Ivínia). Defection of the Count of Áthamas to Ivínians.
TR 348 Foundation of Beldîra, Huriséa. TR 516 First Tríerzòn-Ázeryàn War (Lánkor, 516-518)
TR 356 Róstei Cult movement founded in Melûria. TR 518 Tríerzòn abandons Shôrkýnè.
TR 363 Capture of Ífanè by Clan Eléndy, foundation of Ávastran (Hârbáal). TR 519 Foundation of Kingdom of Palíthanè.
TR 382 Kingdom of Íbanvaal founded (Ivínia). TR 523 Ivínian conquest of Menêma (Hèpekéria).
TR 384 Foundation of Zhelôria (Anzelôria). TR 524 Dalánya states independence from Ázeryàn.
TR 399 End of Second Dalkésh-Ázeryàn War. Huriséans drive Járenmarkeren from Beldîra.
TR 401 ‘Makázapeh’ Decree, Empire of Yérazhen, Kámerand. TR 525 Róstei Tyranny of Melûria invades Mokôra.
TR 410 Compilation of Codex Mithrýnas, basis of Ázeryàni law, begins. TR 527 Red Death Plague devastates Melûria.
TR 428 Kúzhan cities of Kóndasgel and Hârhakeim seal their gates to Plague spreads across Lýthia (ends 561).
Ivínians. Batána Campaign (Tríerzòn-Palíthanè, 527-529).
TR 435 Býrian Colony of Ínri founded by Ázeryàn. TR 536 Kingdom of Shôrkýnè founded.
TR 457 First Tríerzi incursions into Zonâra and Thánema. Megrán attack fractures power of Ivínian Lýtheim (Hârbáal).
TR 459 Foundation of Empire of Pechósu. TR 555 Red Death strikes Meókolis, Ázeryàn.
TR 461 Chélemby founded as Ivínian wintering camp. TR 558 Bálshan Jihad on Hârn (558-565).
TR 462 Býria declares independence from Ázeryàn. TR 560 First Káretan War (Shôrkýnè-Tríerzòn, 560-567).
TR 472 Quârph-Lédenheim Wars (472-483). TR 565 Fall of the Coráni Empire, Hârn.
TR 474 Ázeryàn conquest of Dalánya (Hèpekéria). Theocracy of Tekhós, western Hârn (565-588).
Ázeryàn Empire reaches greatest extent. TR 566 ‘Zárpaseh’ Decree, Empire of Yérazhen, Kámerand.
TR 484 Revolt by Tríerzi and Zonâra against Àzeryáni rule. Great Unification War, Yérazhen (566-702).
TR 486 Third Dalkésh-Ázeryàn War (486-496). TR 572 Second Tríerzòn-Ázeryàn War (Berónium, 572-575).
TR 487 Creation of Western Protectorate of Ázeryàn (Zonâra & Thánema). Agony of Aléath; Aléathian Odyssey (Hârn).
TR 488 Ázeryàn suppresses Tríerzi revolt. TR 576 Mei-Nan Dynasty of Diramóa established.
TR 490 Dodréna River War between Pechósu & Káneum. TR 580 Chélemby’s first city walls completed.
Hârbáal: Ánvâl defeats and annexes Xêradyn. TR 589 Foundation of Kingdom of Kandáy, Hârn.
TR 492 Western Protectorate of Ázeryàn secedes. TR 593 The Great Cleansing War (Káneum-Melûria).
War of Tríerzi Secession (492-502). TR 598 Conquest of Sòwidh by Géltheim, Hârbáal.

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
Kÿth›ra Chronology 4
Expansion of Gávrios (Hârbáal) halted by Sáliom secession. TR 675 Treasure War, Hârn (Káldôr–Chybísa, 675-687).
TR 603 Vâdrin Hârdin of Génja, Hârbáal, said to reach Kámerand. Hârbáaler Civil War (675-679).
TR 605 Battle of Târkáin; Hârbáaler fleets clash off Târkáin. TR 676 Foundation of the Theocracy of Zârh, Kámerand.
TR 612 Lókemheim civil war (Ivínia). Lánkor secedes from Ázeryàn.
TR 616 Laránian Tóbran Inquisition, Tríerzòn (616-620). First Lánkor-Ázeryàn War (676-679).
TR 619 Second Káretan War (Shôrkýnè-Tríerzòn, 619-628). TR 682 Ézar’s War, Western Hârn (Réthem–Thârda, 682-697).
TR 620 Ánvâller War, Hârbáal (Géltheim-Ánvâl, 620-621). TR 683 Second Hârbáaler invasion of Chélemby.
TR 622 Chélemby Strait blockade, Hârbáal (622-633). Degéla War (Tríerzòn-Lánkor, 683-685).
TR 632 Osékru Dynasty comes to power, Shóju. TR 685 Second Lánkor-Ázeryàn War (685-690).
TR 633 Géltheim conquers Yelâben, Hârbáal. TR 686 Kingdom of Orbáal proclaimed (Hârn).
TR 635 Foundation of Kingdom of Réthem (Hârn). TR 689 Diramóans colonise Kyâmu.
TR 643 Third Tríerzòn-Ázeryàn War (Lánkor / Berónium, 643-646). TR 690 Alliance between Chélemby and Emélrenè.
TR 647 Reksýni incursions into Ázeryàn Empire. TR 691 Zârhist partisans seize three Harazákas towns.
TR 649 Ázeryàn begins construction of Shurâma. TR 695 Berónium Conflict between Tríerzòn & Ázeryàn (695-696)
TR 652 Ivínian conquest of Jâra begins (652-676). TR 699 Dalkéshi incursions on Tuvâra begin.
Unification of Greater Séldenbàal, Ivínia. TR 701 Járin Rebellion, Orbáal, Hârn (701-703).
TR 654 Járenmark / Séldenbàal alliance, Ivínia. TR 702 Last Yiâlai state conquered by Golden Empire of Yérazhen.
TR 655 Battle of Hambârkas; Reksýni overrun Góthmîr. TR 703 Gadéi Valley War (Pechósu-Diramóa).
TR 657 The Great Secession; Ázeryàn’s Karéjian provinces rebel. TR 705 Rape of Thay, Hârn.
Fourth Dalkésh-Ázeryàn War (657-662). TR 707 Cape Rénda Disaster, Hârn.
Ûmélrian League founded. TR 709 Third Lánkor-Ázeryàn War (709-714).
Third Káretan War (Shôrkýnè-Tríerzòn, 657-658). TR 712 Tàmánias Campaign (Palíthanè-Tríerzòn, 712-714).
TR 658 Ûmélrian League makes peace with the Reksýni. Kusémè War, Western Hârn (Thârda–Kandáy).
TR 659 Ázeryàn completes construction of the Shurâma. TR 713 Ídepan campaign against Homôran pirates.
TR 660 Ázeryàn abandons Góthmîr to Reksýni. Zârh conquers Harazákas state of Chóluchè.
Second Tîrgólan War (Lédenheim-Aneóla, 660-662). TR 714 Reaver War (Shóju / Diramóa, 714-717).
TR 661 Íbanvaaler subversion of Lýtheim complete (Hârbáal). Laránian Solôri Crusade begins, Hârn.
Wars of Hârbáal Unification (661-673). TR 717 Silver Petal War, Zârh / Harazákas (717- ).
TR 664 Karéjian League founded. Tiké Conflict; Lánkor / Tríerzòn border raids (717-718).
Palíthanè-Tríerzòn Sènedâlo border conflict (664-668). TR 718 Earthquake devastates Shiélem, Diramóa.
TR 668 Fourth Tríerzòn-Ázeryàn War (Berónium, 668-670). Fall of Fróyby, Ivínia.
Siege of Álsinon; ‘Bishop’s Truce’ (Tríerzòn-Palíthanè). Hàlachámpa Campaign (Harazákas-Neránadh).
TR 671 Shóju conquest of eastern Lashói begins. TR 718 Inkârium Campaign; Ázeryàn mounts punitive raids against the
TR 672 Salt War, Hârn (Thârda–Káldôr, 672-673). Reksýni in Góthmîr (718–)
TR 673 Unification of Hârbáal. TR 719 Móspen Incident: Fighting on Plain of Káretan.
TR 674 First Hârbáaler invasion of Chélemby. Àzeryáni generals begin rogue campaigns against Tríerzòn (719-).
Thârdic Republic established (Hârn). Siege of Wáleden: Palíthanè attacks on Tríerzi frontier (719-).

Kèthîra v.2.1 © 1977–2009, N. Robin Crossby (Keléstia Productions) All rights Reserved.
ISBN 0-9735822-4-3

9 780973 582246

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