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Part I: Student’s Socio Demographic Profile

Direction: Please supply the needed information by putting a check (/) mark or by writing the
answer on the space provided.
A. Name (Optional): ____________________________
B. Age:______

C. Sex
( ) Male
( ) Female

D. Civil Status: ____________________________

E. Weekly Allowance: _______________________

F. Monthly Family Income: _______________________________

Part II. Level of Technostress

Direction: The following items described students level of technostress. Put a check (/) mark on
the number that describes your feelings and experiences in technostress.

Very Highly Stressful -5

Highly Stressful -4
Moderately Stressful -3
Rarely Stressful -2
Not Stressful -1

A. Level of Technostress 1 2 3 4 5

1. Consuming a lot of time in front of computer, cellphone, laptop while

doing school works.

2. It takes a long time to understand and use technologies (laptop,

cellphone, computer, etc) in my studies.

3. Operating googlemeet in laptop, cellphone, computer.

4. Using video editing apps for video performances to comply school


5. Encoding documents using phone.

6. Accessing Moodle using cellphone, computer, laptop etc.

7. Using messenger group calls with limited persons to enter in the


8. Joining class Facebook group page.

9. Operating Microsoft application using cellphone.

10. Cellphone lagging problem.

Part III: Distance Learning

Direction: The following are the statements that described the problems you encountered with
the distance learning modality. Put a check (/) mark on the number which indicates the level of difficulties
you experienced in distance learning.

Very Highly Difficult -5

Highly Difficult -4
Moderately Difficult -3
Slightly Difficult -2
Not Difficult -1

B. Distance Learning 1 2 3 4 5

1. Using internet connectivity.

2. Teachers delivery of learning content online.

3. Downloading and printing of modules online.

4. Submission of hard copies of modules through municipal links or in


5. Understanding the learning tools and material provided online.

6. Disruptive learning environment.

7. Adopting this new style of classroom learning set up.

8. Attending online class.

9. Working on group activities.

10. Financial needs.

Part IV: Students Study Habits

Direction: The following are the statements that described your study habits. Put a check (/)
mark on the number that shows you most practiced study habits.

Very Highly Practiced -5

Highly Practiced -4
Moderately Practiced -3
Slightly Practiced -2
Not Practiced -1
C. Study Habits 1 2 3 4 5

1. I prefer the use of internet instead of books.

2. I manage my time in doing my tasks.

3. I do the given tasks easily since I am very proficient in using


4. I utilize the free hours between classes for reading. So as to reduce

my work hours at home.

5. I study well, learn well and do the given task ahead of time.

6. I do not attend in my online class session.

7. I always play mobile games instead of studying.

8. I feel frustrated, lazy and tardy enough to do my assignments.

9. I always do nonsense stuff during class hours.

10. I do not study at all

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