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Perks are an interesting and tangible way to get unique abilities onto a character. You can pick a new
perk every time you gain level in each of your classes, a perk point is not lost if it is not spent before the
next level. They can be banked indefinitely.

Level +1 perks
Unarmored Specialization:

● Your AC increases by 3 while not wearing armor.

● While not wearing armor you gain a +3 bonus to your Initiative.

Light Armor Specialization:

● Your AC increases by 3 while wearing light armor.

● Your encumbrance penalty for light armor is negated.

Heavy Armor Specialization: Your AC is increased by 5 while wearing heavy armor.

Adrenaline Rush When your character's HP drop below 50% of their maximum, your character gains a +3
Strength & Dexterity bonus, but cannot go above the maximum.

Cleave: When in melee with multiple foes, if you strike a killing blow, you may immediately make
another attack against a second foe. The second attack roll is penalized at –2.

Arcane Temper: You have quick reactions and fierce concentration.

● You gain a +1-trait bonus on concentration checks.

● This trait bonus increases to +4 when you are grappled, pinned, in violent weather, or entangled.

Charming: Blessed with good looks, you've come to depend on the fact that others find you attractive.
Requirements: Charisma 9.

● You gain a +1-trait bonus when you use social skills on a character that is (or could be) sexually
attracted to you.

● You gain a +1-trait bonus to the save DC of any mind-manipulating spell you cast on such
characters or creatures.

Simple Disciple: You gain a skill of your choice.

Leader You have some natural leadership abilities and have managed to cultivate them. Requirements:
Charisma 9.

● Mercenaries or retainers under your command and within 60’ gain a +1 bonus to morale/loyalty.

● Any party member within 60’ of you gains +1 to their intelligence, up to their racial max, and +1
to their Armor Class. You do not get these benefits – that’s the price of being a leader.
Tunnel Rat You crawl like a baby. Well, you crawl like a very fast baby. You can move at your normal rate
while crouching or prone.

Pathfinder This perk reduces travel time by 25%. You just have a knack for finding those old trails and

Gain Attribute Increases one of your Attributes by +1 permanently. Can be taken as many times as you
want. Requirements: Attribute below max.

Quick Healer:

● You naturally heal a number of hit points per day equal to the double standard healing.

● You heal even if you do not rest.

● If you are tended successfully by someone providing magical or medical healing, you regain 3
more hit points then you would have normally.

Energy Mastery You select an energy type and apply these abilities to it. You may select this feat multiple
times, each time selecting a new energy type.

● You add one additional damage for each die to any rolls you make with the energy type you have
mastery over.

● You gain +1AC, and +1 to all saving throws against creatures and attacks with that energy type.

Loner You always were a little different, but now you’ve learned how to use those differences to your
advantage. Characters with this perk gain +3 to all skill rolls when at least 60’ away from all of the other
members of the party.

Night Vision Your character can see better in darkness when you select this perk. You gain infravision for
30’. Must be all the carrots you ate.

Bone Head You have a very thick skull, just like your mother always told you. With the first rank of this
perk, you get a 50% chance to avoid being knocked unconscious. With the second rank, that chance
increases to 75%. Ranks: 2 Requirements: Strength 9.

Heave Ho! this perk will increase the maximum range of thrown weapons by +15’. Requirements:
Strength 9

Stonewall If your character is about to be knocked down in combat, he can roll a percentile dice and has
a 50% chance to avoid that fate. Requirements: Strength 9.

Stunt Devil You know how to bounce when you hit the ground! You take 25% less damage from falling.
Requirements: AGI 9.

Level +5 Perks
Blood Painter: By painting magical diagrams out of your own blood, you can spontaneously cast spells
using only your own life energy. This is especially useful to casters who prepare spells, or to casters who
have run out of spells. At any time, a caster with this feat can cast any spell he knows by painting a
magical diagram on a flat 10" by 10" surface. This takes one minute per spell level, and deals 1 point of
damage for every 3 levels of the spell. If the caster's current constitution is less than double the spell's
level, the spell cannot be cast.

Null Mind: The character may not be a psionic manifester and will never be able to wield psionic powers
after taking this feat. The character may not take any other psionic feats. The character gains resistance
to psionic attacks. Whenever a psionic ability is used on the character the individual manifesting the
power takes 2 points of damage. This damage cannot be reduced or negated.

Bend the Rules With this perk, the next time your character gets to choose a perk, they can ignore all
restrictions. You rule!

Bluff Master You are the king or queen of smooth talking. Whenever you are caught stealing, your
character can automatically talk his or her way out of the situation. Requirements: Charisma 9.

Light Step Characters with this perk is 50% less likely to set off traps.

Team Player You have learned the basic skills of teamwork and sharing. Good for you! Whenever a
member of the party is within 60’ of your character, you both gain a+3 to all skills rolls.

Summoning Enhancement, The creatures you summon are impressive and are much stronger than
natural creatures of the same type

● +4 to Strength, Constitution and Dexterity for all summoned creatures

● All summoned creatures now last twice as long

Mage Hunter: Every round you may select one caster within 30 feet of you, that caster must now make a
DC 12 concentration check in order to cast a spell successfully. Failure results in the loss of the spell slot
and negation of the action. You can only select one caster in this manner at a time.

True Faith: The character may turn the undead (and other applicable evil beings) as a Cleric of two levels
lower (so at 3rd level, as a 1st Cleric.).

Alchemical Adept: You are skilled in creating alchemical items.

● Whenever you craft an alchemical item, you reduce the required gp cost to make the item by

● Furthermore, when you fail a Craft (alchemy) check you don't ruin any raw materials.

Spell Strike

● You may use your Wisdom Modifier in place of your Strength Modifier for your melee attack

● If you cast a Touch Spell, you can deliver it with a melee weapon (though you must hit with a
normal attack to deliver the spell).

Zen Archery.

● You may use your Wisdom Modifier in place of your Dexterity Modifier on ranged attack rolls.
● If you cast a Touch Spell, you can deliver it with a ranged weapon (though you must hit with a
normal attack to deliver the spell).

Lightning Speed You are fasty McFastFast. It helps keep you alive.

● You gain a +3 bonus to your Initiative.

● You gain +3’ to your movement speed.

● Your increased speed gives you a bonus of +3 on any check that works off of a running start.

● You can run at your full movement in a straight line over difficult terrain.

Elusive Target You are very hard to hit when you want to be.

● You gain a +1 Dodge bonus to AC.

● You may redirect any missed attack against you to any creature in your threatened range, friend,
or foe. You may not redirect an attack to the creature making the attack.

Master Archer: Your shooting is precise and dangerous.

● Your range increments are 50% longer than they would ordinarily be.

● You may take a standard action to attack with a ranged weapon in the middle of a move action,
taking some of your movement before and some of your movement after your attack. That still
counts as your standard and move action for the round.

Beast Bond: You share a close bond with animals.

● Animals will not attack one of their friends, unless the animal is threatened or attacked first.

● You gain a +1 bonus on Handle Animal checks and Ride checks.

Dedicated Defender:

● You gain a +1-trait bonus on attack rolls, AC, and saving throws while you are adjacent to a dying
or disabled ally, animal companion, familiar, or mount.

● When you are in melee with a foe, any attacks the foe makes at characters other than you are
penalized at -3.

Slayer: The you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls when in combat with foes of a specific type
of enemy. (Examples: undead, clerics, dragons, giants, etc.) This perk can be taken up to three times
ether selecting different types or staking the bonus with previously selected types.

Iron Will You are able to grit your teeth and shake off mental influences.

● You gain a +1 bonus to your saves.

● You do not suffer penalties from pain and fear.

Level +10 perks
Spell Aura: Designate a character’s spell or spell like ability with an area of affect. This effect is
permanent (though the character can dismiss or restart it as a free action). Effects that would dispel this
affect instead suppress it for 2d4 rounds.

Ghost Hunter You smack around those folks in the spirit world.

● Your attacks have a 50% chance of striking incorporeal opponents even if they are not magical.

● You can hear incorporeal and ethereal creatures as if they lacked those traits (shadows and the
like rarely bother to actively move silently).

● You can see invisible and ethereal creatures as if they lacked those traits.

Magic Crafter: You are skilled in creating magical items.

● You gain a +1-trait bonus on Appraise checks and any checks attempted while making magic

● Whenever you craft a magic item, you reduce the required gp cost to make the item by 50%.

Shifting: You've discovered the secret of stable transmutations.

● Any transmutation spell you cast upon yourself has its duration increased by 2 rounds.
Transmutation spells with an instantaneous duration are not affected by this trait.

● You are able to speak and cast spells in any form regardless of if it can normally talk (the sound
appears to come from the air if you are an object without a mouth)

Necromancer The creatures you rise are impressive and are much stronger than natural creatures of the
same type.

● Undead you create and/or command cannot be turned and gain an additional 10 feet per round
bonus to their speed.

● Non-intelligent Undead, who or not under the control of the PC’s foes, will neither attack nor
flee from you unless provoked, but if the PC betrays the creature by attacking it or stealing
treasure the undead is supposed to be guarding, it will turn hostile.

Healing Mastery increases the amount of healing power that an individual can call upon at any time. All
healing effects are increased by 2x.

Turning Empowerment. Your turning attempts are considered 3 levels higher, and you may turn undead
5 more times a day than normal

Dirty Fighter: When you hit a foe you are flanking, you deal 5 additional point of damage (this damage is
added to your base damage, and is multiplied on a critical hit).

Silent Death While sneaking successfully, characters with this perk do x5 damage using melee
attacks(this damage is added to your base damage, and is multiplied on a critical hit). Backstab!

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