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Ted Talk Speakers Critique

In her Ted Talk, Celeste Headlee discussed 10 points to have batter conversation. Firstly,

one should not be on multitasks at the same time. If you conversing with someone then be

present with your mind and soul. Secondly, one should not be dogmatic. Other’s opinions should

also be given importance. Thirdly, questions should be open-ended like, “what did you feel?”

instead of “were you angry?” and give a chance to the second person to express himself.

Fourthly, one should not be stuck on one idea during the conversation. Continuously follow the

person who is talking.

“You need to let [ideas] come and let them go.”

Fifthly, If a person have no knowledge of a thing, he should ask. Sixthly, one should not try to

compare one’s life experiences with other’s. Seventhly, one should speak after thinking and does

not try to repeat himself again. Eighthly, one should not entangle oneself with trivial things.

Ninthly, one should be a good listener. Tenthly, one should explain everything but in a precise


Nanay Duarte in her speech describes qualities of a good speech. She takes two speeches by two

giants, Steve Jobs and Martin Luther. She analysis their speeches on Aristotle’s scale to measure

a drama. I think that the most fascinating elements of her speech are about ideas as she says,

“ideas can change the world.” Secondly, the interesting thing she describes that the person who

describes the idea is not a hero but the audience is, because “audience gets idea and spread it.”

Thirdly, the presenter has to face resistance and it is a positive point because resistance

accelerates an idea. The thing I love the most is the motive of idea. An idea discusses a problem
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and then thinks to solve it and this is how it fills the gap. Through ideas we crest our future that

“is not a place that we are going to go. It is a place you get to create.”

Simon Sinek in his speech discusses what makes a leader, a great leader. According to him, all

great leaders “act, communicate the exact same way.” His concepts of a great leader are very

much new to me. Great leaders go in opposite direction to the world. Normally people go from

“what” to “how” and then to “why”. But a great leader, first of all presents that why he is doing

what he is doing. He has a motive in life. He does not care about earning money but he

consistently keep on following his dreams. For this, Sinek gives examples of Steve Jobs and

Martin Luther that how they revolutionized the world though they were normal people and lived

among normal people. The difference was that they had a dream to follow.

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