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Jl. Mekar Kencana No. 2A – Komplek Mekar Wangi, Bandung 40237
NPSN : 69895387 - Telp : 022-87787262 – Terakreditasi A


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama : ………………………………………...
Kelas : III Kelas : ……
Hari/ Tanggal : Kamis/ 1 Desember 2022 No. Absen : …… NILAI : TTOT :
Waktu : 60 Menit

A. Circle the correct answer

1. He … kayaking.
a. is c. are
b. isn’t d. aren’t

2. He is …

a. snorkelling c. diving
b. kayaking d. snorkeling

3. Rob and I … surfing.

a. are c. am
b. is d. not

4. Are the lizards sleeping? …

a. Yes, they are c. Yes, it are

b. No, they are d. No, it is

5. Is the zebra climbing? …

a. Yes, it is c. Yes, it are
b. No, they are d. No, it isn’t
6. She always … breakfast at 6.00
a. have c. has
b. don’t d. doesn’t has

7.He … at 5.30 every morning.

a. get up b. gets up c. get ups d. gets ups

8. I …brush my hair every night.

a. don’t b. doesn’t c. do d. does

9. … you brush your teeth every night?

a. Do b. Does c. Don’t d. Doesn’t

10. Does Harry have breakfast with his family?

a. Yes, she do c. Yes, he does

b. No, he don’t d. No, he does

B. Circle the correct verb:

11. Dad always ..(mix) the coffee and the milk :

a. mixs b. mixes c. mixies d. mix

12. Amy … (have) a shower twice a day.

a. haves b. has c. hes d. have

13. We always … (catch) the bus every morning.

a. catchs b. catches c. catchies d. catch

14. Jim sometimes … (do) his homework at night.

a. dos b. doses c. does d. do

15. Jim usually .. (get up) at 6 o’clock in the morning.

a. gets up b. get ups c. gets ups d. get up
C. Look at the picture and circle the correct answer

Jack’s activities
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Shopping Basketball Cinema

Swimming Basketball

Shopping Swimming Basketball Cinema

Swimming Basketball

Swimming Basketball Cinema

16. Jack________________ goes to the swimming pool on Sundays.

a. always b. usually c. often d. sometimes e. never

17. Jack________________ goes to the shopping mall on Thursdays.

a. always b. usually c. often d. sometimes e. never

18. Jack________________ goes to the swimming pool on Fridays.

a. always b. usually c. often d. sometimes e. never

19. Jack________________ plays basketball on Saturdays.

a. always b. usually c. often d. sometimes e. never

20. Jack________________ goes to the cinema on Sundays.

a. always b. usually c. often d. sometimes e. never

D. Write : in / on / at

21. We go to the cinema _______ Saturdays.

22. My birthday is _______ November.

23. He gets up ________ 7 o’clock.

24. Does Jane have a shower _______ the morning?

25. I never play volleyball _____ night.

E. Put the words in the correct order

26. usually - gets up - Mum - 6 o’clock – every day. before


27. in - often - the library. - We - our homework - do


28. like – watching TV – and listening – My friends – to music.


29. playing – her ball – She’s – with – now.


30. and Carl – Jack – brothers, – are – from – they’re – the USA


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