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Sl.No Type of Request List of documents

Addition of Beneficiary / Nomination change form by Life Assured/Proposer
Nominee - Change in Proof of relationship of Nominee (Ration Card/Aadhar Card), New nomin
1 Beneficiary/Nominee/Ap
pointee /Proposer Policy If other than family member reasons for the same(letter with reasons)
Holder Miscellaneous receipt (Alteration fee)

Filled in Annuity option form duly signed by the Policy holder

Filled in Maturity discharge form duly signed by the policy holder

Self attested PAN copy of the Policy holder/Annuitant

Self attested age proof of spouse (if joint life option is chosen)
2 Annunity Process NRI declaration duly filled and signed by the policy holder
Original Policy schedule self attested by the policy holder

Cancelled Cheque/Bank Pass book first page (the name of the a/c
holder,a/c number and the IFSC code MUST BE in printed form only).
The name in the a/c should match with the name of the Policy holder

Assignment Request form

Execution deed in two copies
Notice of Assignment
3 Assignment Self attested Id & Address proof ,Photo , Pan card, Bank account eviden
Witness Id and Address proof
Consent letter from Assignee & Assignor
Miscellaneous receipt (Alteration fee)

Request Letter/ Form by Life Assured/Proposer

4 Bank Details Updation Self attested Id proof of Life Assured/Proposer
Bank pass book with IFSC code or personalized cancelled cheque leaf.

Change in address of
LA/Beneficiary/Nominee/ Request Letter/ Form by Life Assured/Proposer
5 Appointee / Proposer Self attested Id proof of Life Assured/Proposer
Policy Holder/Assignor & Self-attested valid new address proof is required

Request Letter/ Form by Life Assured/Proposer

Change in LA/Policy Specimen signature format from Life Assured/Proposer with banker Atte
Holder Signature LA ID/Address proof required. Self-attested ID Proof with new signature (
Miscellaneous receipt (Alteration fee)

Request Letter/Format from Life Assured/Proposer

Self Attested copy of Pan Card/Passport/Driving License with new name
Correction in Name of
LA/Beneficiary / Nominee (Or)
/Appointee / Proposer
Policy Holder
Correction in Name of
LA/Beneficiary / Nominee
/Appointee / Proposer Affidavit on stamp paper attested by First Class Magistrate/gazetted not
Policy Holder For married woman with change in surname, Marriage Certificate is ma
Miscellaneous receipt (Alteration fee)

Request letter from life Assured/Proposer

8 Duplicate Reciept
ID proof

Request letter from life Assured/Proposer

9 Email id updation
ID proof

Request letter from life Assured/Proposer

10 Excess amount refund ID proof
cancelled cheque leaf/Bank passbook

Customer request letter for cancellation with appropriate reason

Feedback from Location Head
Bank details with (CTS 2010 compliant) signed cancelled cheque/Bank p
11 Free look in cancellation
Pan card in case payout amount above 1 lakh(as per new circular above
Self attested Id and Address Proof of Life Assured/Proposer
Original Policy Bond with schedule

Fund Switch/Premium Redirection Request signed by Life Assured/Propose

12 Fund switch
Self attested Id proof of Life Assured/Proposer

13 Fund Value Statement Request letter 2. ID Proof with self attestation required

Request letter/format from Life assured/Proposer

Issuing duplicate policy Indemnity bond for duplicate bond on Rs 100/- non-judicial stamp paper
bond Request Fees and Insurance stamp duty for issuance for duplicate bond
Self attested id proof of Life assured/Proposer and address proof in cas

Loan request form - Duly signed by Life Assured/Proposer

Notice of Assignment to the Company – Assignment Deed & Loan Quota
15 Loan processing Bank details with (CTS 2010 compliant) signed cancelled cheque/Bank
Self attested Id proof of Life Assured/Proposer
Original Policy Bond with Schedule Required

16 Loan Quote Request letter

Maturity Application Form - Life Assured/Proposer

Maturity Discharge Voucher, Settlement Form is required if Settlement op
Cancelled cheque leaf/Bank passbook front page
17 Maturity Payment Self attested Id proof of Life Assured/Proposer
Specimen Signature Form (in case of signature mismatch)
17 Maturity Payment

Original Policy Bond with schedule

NRI Declarion form required

Request Letter / Format from Life Assured/Proposer

18 Mobile no. updation
Self attested Id Proof of Life Assured/Proposer

Opt-in for WhatsApp/ Request Letter / Format from Life Assured/Proposer

19 Change in Whats app
Number Self attested Id Proof of Life Assured/Proposer

Pan card number Request letter from life Assured/Proposer

Updation Copy of Pan card self attested

Partial Withdrawal Request form and Partial Withdrawal Quotation

Partial Withdrawal (ULIP Specimen signature format (if signature varies)
Policy) Bank details with (CTS 2010 compliant) signed cancelled cheque/Bank
Self attested Id proof of Life Assured/Proposer

22 Policy Bond redirection

Request letter from life Assured/Proposer

23 Premium Paid Certificate

Request letter from life Assured/Proposer

Consent letter required from Assignee & Assignor

Execution deed in two copies, Notice of Assignment
24 Re-assignment Self attested Id & Address proof of Assignee, photo of assignee is requir
Witness Id and Address proof
Miscellaneous receipt (Alteration fee)

Request letter from life Assured/Proposer

25 Renewal Quote
ID proof duly self attested

Request letter from life Assured/Proposer

26 Renewal Receipt raising
ID proof duly self attested

Request letter from life Assured/Proposer

27 Revival quote
ID proof duly self attested

Request letter/format from Life Assured/Proposer

Revival-Declaration of Good Health Declaration form
Good Health
Self attested Id proof

SB cum renewal adjustment letter signed by Policy holder

Policy Holder ID proof (With self-attestation)

29 SB cum Renewal
Specimen Signature format (If signature on letter varies from the
signature on proposal)
29 SB cum Renewal

Cancelled Cheque/Bank Pass book first page (the name of the a/c
holder, a/c number and the IFSC code must be in printed form only).
The name in the a/c should match with the name of the Policy holder

Request letter from life Assured/Proposer

Bank proof
Stop payment & refund
Indemnity Bond and ID proof with self attestation

Surrender Application Form (with Conditional/Absolute Assignment if ap

Surrender Discharge Form
Specimen Signature Form (If signature mismatch)
31 Surrender
Bank details with (CTS 2010 compliant) signed cancelled cheque/Bank
Self attested Id & address proof of Life Assured/Proposer
Original Policy Bond with schedule

Request letter from life Assured/Proposer

32 Surrender quote
ID Proof duly self attested

Quotation signed by Policy holder

Policy Holder ID proof (With self attestation)
Declaration of Good Health signed by Policy Holder
Specimen Signature format (If signature on Partial withdrawal form
33 SB cum Revival varies from the signature on proposal)

Cancelled Cheque/Bank Pass book first page (the name of the a/c
holder,a/c number and the IFSC code MUST BE in printed form only).
The name in the a/c should match with the name of the Policy holder

Request letter from life Assured/Proposer

ID proof
34 Unclaimed cancelled cheque leaf/Bank passbook

1.Nominee relation ship proof required. 2. New Nominee ID /Address proof required. 3. Life Assured self -attestation
required in all documents. 4. Branch Official sign required with Branch seal and request received date.

1.Annuity Option not selected 2. Maturity discharge form incomplete. 3.Spouce Age proof required. 4. Name not matches
with the given Bank proof. 5. Original policy schedule required

1. Assignment form is incomplete. 2. Assignment with the given reason is not acceptable. 3. Assignee Pand card required 4.
Assignee Bank account proof required. 4. Witness ID Address proof required.

1.Given Bank proof is not visable. Provide colour scan 2. IFSC code required in the given bank pass book. 3. Name not
matches with the given Bank account evidence

1. Given Address proof is not visable. Provide clear scan copy. 2. Life Assured ID proof with Self- attestation required. 3.
Branch seal with BOE sign required in the given request letter 3. Old dated Bank statement not valid. Provide latest dated
bank statement. 4. Provide Address proof. 5. Request letter not provided.

1. Bankers attestation with Bank seal and Employee code required in the given Specimen Signature form. 2. Request letter
with latest date required. 3. LA ID/Address proof required.

1. Provide ID and Address proof with New Name 2. State Gazette publication for name correction is required 3. Life
Assured Self -attestation required in all documents. 4. Branch Official sign required with Branch seal and request received
date. 5. Provide any evidence with required surname. 6. Provide Marrage certificate. 7. Provide any proof with Husband
1. Provide ID and Address proof with New Name 2. State Gazette publication for name correction is required 3. Life
Assured Self -attestation required in all documents. 4. Branch Official sign required with Branch seal and request received
date. 5. Provide any evidence with required surname. 6. Provide Marrage certificate. 7. Provide any proof with Husband

1.Request letter from cutomer required.

1.Request letter from cutomer is required. 2. ID proof with self-attestation required.

1.Request letter with date required. 2. Bank proof with Manully written Account number is not acceptable. Provide Bank
pass book with printed account number on it or provide Bank statement with account number and with IFSC code.

1. Request received beyond FLC period. Request not acceptable. 2. Provide policy bond delivered Acknowledgement copy.
3. Channel feedback required. 4.Policy cancellation not acceptabke with the given reasons. 5. provide original bond 6.
Policyholder Bank proof required. 7. Agent commission recovered DD not received.

1. Provide required fund details with required percentage. 2. Branch seal with request received date and time required.

1.Life assured request lettr required 2. LA ID proof with self attestation required

1.Insurance stamp duty and Mis. Charges not collected. 2. Indeinity bond incomplete, all the columns should be filled 3.
Surety details not given. 4. Policy holder sign required in all pages of indeminity Bond 5. Notarysignature required near the

Loan application form incomplete. Complete particulars required. 2. Notice of assignment form required. 3. original policy
bond dispach POD required 4. Selfee with original policy bond is required 5. Required Branch official sign with Branch seal
and request received date required.

1. polict holder request letter required

1. Provide Maturity Discharge form. 2. Life assured sign not matches with proposal form. Provide specimen signature form
with Bankers attestation. 3. Original policy bond required. 4. Properser sign required in the given request documents. 5.
Proposer Bank proof required. 6. NRI/ Residentail status declaration form required
1. Provide Maturity Discharge form. 2. Life assured sign not matches with proposal form. Provide specimen signature form
with Bankers attestation. 3. Original policy bond required. 4. Properser sign required in the given request documents. 5.
Proposer Bank proof required. 6. NRI/ Residentail status declaration form required

1.Request letter required. 2. LA ID proof with self attestation required

1.Request letter required. 2. LA ID proof with self attestation required

1.Request letter required. 2. LA PAN card with self attestation required 3. LA sign not matches with proposal documents.
Provide specimen signature form.

1. Branch seal with request received date , time and with Branch official sign required. 2. Provide specimen signature form.
3. Bank proof clear scan copy required. 4. Self attested ID proof required.

1.LA Sign not matches with the prosal documents. Provide proposal document type of signatures

LA request letter required

Request letter from Assignee and Assignor is required. 2. original policy bond required. 3. Witness ID and Address proof
required. 4. Notice of assignment form required.

1.LA request letter required 2.ID proof with self attestation required

1.LA request letter required 2.ID proof with self attestation required

1.LA request letter required 2.ID proof with self attestation required

1. PSGH Form required. 2. LA sign not matches with Proposal documents. Provide specimen signature form. LA self
attested ID proof required. 4. Date required in PSGH form.
1. LA Name not matches with the given proofs 2. Already SB paid through cheque. 3. Loan taken against the policy. SB cum
renewal not possible. 4. LA sign not matches with our old records. Provide specimen signature form. 5. Bank proof not
celar. colur scan required 6. Bank pass book required with IFSC code and account number printed on it 5. Due date is
crossed . SB adjustment not possible 6. SB amount already paid to customer. 7. Please provide request letter from

1.Clear scan copy of Bank proof required 2. Provide old cheque number and Amount. 3. Chequet amount alredy credited
in to customer Account. 4. Life assured name not matches with thr given banlk proof. Provide bank proof as per our
records 5. LA name not matches with our records. Raised request for name correction. 6. Proposer Bank proof required. 7.
LA request letter required 8. LA ID proodf required

decclarationfrom not attached. 5.Bank proof required with IFSC code. 6. Bank account number written manually in the
given Bank passbook. Provide cancelled cheque leaf. 7. Proposer Bank account details required. 8. Policy holder ID and
address proof required. 8. Assignee bank proof required. 9. LA name differs from the given KYC to our records. 10.
Indemnity purchase date is after executrion date. 11. LA sign required in all pages of the indemnity. 12. LA sign differs from
the proposal documents. Provide specimen signature form with bankers attestation. 13. In the given Specimen signature
form Banker seal and certifying authority employee code requied. 14. Inward stamp not affixed.BOE signature with request
received date and time required 15. LA signed in vernacular. Scribe details required 16. Witness details required 17. Given
KYC not visable. clear scan copy required. 17. Policy schedule scan required.

1.LA request letter required 2.ID proof with self attestation required

1.Policy is inforce. Raise request by selecting SB cum renewal type.2. Provide PSGH form 3. LA Name not matches with the
given proofs 4. Already SB paid through cheque. 5. Loan taken against the policy. SB cum revival not possible. 6. LA sign not
matches with our old records. Provide specimen signature form. 5. Bank proof not celar. colur scan required 6. Bank pass
book required with IFSC code and account number printed on it.

1.Request letter with date required. 2. Bank proof with Manully written account number is not acceptable. Provide Bank
pass book with printed account number or provide Bank statement with account number and with IFSC code on it. 3. LA ID
proof with self attestation required

Addition of Beneficiary / Nominee - Change

1 in Beneficiary/Nominee/Appointee /Proposer
Policy Holder


Change in address of
LA/Beneficiary/Nominee/Appointee /
Proposer Policy Holder/Assignor & Assignee
Email ID updation
Mobile number Updtion
3 Opt-in for WhatsApp/ Change in Whats app

Correction in Name of LA/Beneficiary /

Nominee /Appointee / Proposer Policy

Fund switch

Issuing duplicate policy bond

Pan card number Updation

Nomination change form by Life Assured/Proposer
Proof of relationship of Nominee (Ration Card/Aadhar Card), New
nominee ID/Address proof
If other than family member reasons for the same(letter with
Miscellaneous receipt (Alteration fee)
Assignment Request form
Execution deed in two copies
Notice of Assignment
Self attested Id & Address proof ,Photo , Pan card, Bank account
evidence of Assignee.
Witness Id and Address proof
Consent letter from Assignee & Assignor
Miscellaneous receipt (Alteration fee)

Self-attested valid new address proof is required 2. Request Letter/

Form by Life Assured/Proposer 3. Self attested ID/Address proof

Request Letter/ Form by Life Assured/Proposer 2. Self attested Id

proof of Life Assured/Proposer
Request Letter/Format from Life Assured/Proposer
Self Attested copy of Pan Card/Passport/Driving License with new
name along with old name Id Proof
Affidavit on stamp paper attested by First Class Magistrate/gazetted
notification/News paper notice.
For married woman with change in surname, Marriage Certificate is
Miscellaneous receipt (Alteration fee)
Fund Switch/Premium Redirection Request signed by Life Assured/Pro
Self attested Id proof of Life Assured/Proposer
Request letter/format from Life assured/Proposer
Indemnity bond for duplicate bond on Rs 100/- non-judicial stamp
paper with surety
Request Fees and Insurance stamp duty for issuance for duplicate
Self attested id proof of Life assured/Proposer and address proof in
case address change
Request letter from life Assured/Proposer
Copy of Pan card self attested

1.Nominee relation ship proof required. 2. New Nominee ID /Address proof required. 3. Life
Assured self -attestation required in all documents. 4. Branch Official sign required with Branch
seal and request received date. 5. Nominee is a minor. Appointee details required

1. Assignment form is incomplete. 2. Assignment with the given reason is not acceptable. 3.
Assignee Pand card required 4. Assignee Bank account proof required. 4. Witness ID Address
proof required. 5. Original policy bond required 6. Policy assigned to Bank. Bank Authorized
official sign with Bank seal required

1.Request letter required. 2. LA ID proof with self attestation required 3. Given Address proof
is not visable. Provide clear scan copy. 4. Life Assured ID proof with Self- attestation required.
5. Branch seal with BOE sign required in the given request letter 6. Old dated Bank statement
not valid. Provide latest dated bank statement. 7. Provide Address proof

1. Provide ID and Address proof with New Name 2. State Gazette publication for name
correction is required 3. Life Assured Self -attestation required in all documents. 4. Branch
Official sign required with Branch seal and request received date. 5. Provide any evidence with
required surname. 6. Provide Marrage certificate. 7. Provide any proof with Husband Name
1. Provide required fund details with required percentage. 2. Branch seal with request received
date and time required.

1.Insurance stamp duty and Mis. Charges not collected. 2. Indeinity bond incomplete, all the
columns should be filled 3. Surety details not given. 4. Policy holder sign required in all pages of
indeminity Bond 5. Notarysignature required near the corrections.
1.Request letter required. 2. LA PAN card with self attestation required 3. LA sign not matches
with proposal documents. Provide specimen signature form.

Free look in

2 Loan processing

Partial Withdrawal
(ULIP Policy)

4 Surrender

5 Maturity Payment

Stop payment &

refund processing
Excess deposit
6 amount refund
Customer request letter for cancellation with appropriate reason
Feedback from Location Head
Bank details with (CTS 2010 compliant) signed cancelled cheque/Bank pass book/state
Pan card in case payout amount above 1 lakh(as per new circular above 50k)
Self attested Id and Address Proof of Life Assured/Proposer
Original Policy Bond with schedule
Loan request form - Duly signed by Life Assured/Proposer
Notice of Assignment to the Company – Assignment Deed & Loan Quotation Form
Bank details with (CTS 2010 compliant) signed cancelled cheque/Bank pass book/state
Self attested Id proof of Life Assured/Proposer
Original Policy Bond with Schedule Required
Partial Withdrawal Request form and Partial Withdrawal Quotation
Specimen signature format (if signature varies)
Bank details with (CTS 2010 compliant) signed cancelled cheque/Bank pass book/state
Self attested Id proof of Life Assured/Proposer
Surrender Application Form (with Conditional/Absolute Assignment if applicable)
Surrender Discharge Form
Specimen Signature Form (If signature mismatch)
Bank details with (CTS 2010 compliant) signed cancelled cheque/Bank pass book/state
Self attested Id & address proof of Life Assured/Proposer
Original Policy Bond with schedule
Maturity Application Form - Life Assured/Proposer
Maturity Discharge Voucher, Settlement Form is required if Settlement option is opted –
Cancelled cheque leaf/Bank passbook front page
Self attested Id proof of Life Assured/Proposer
Original Signature
Policy Bond Form (in case of signature mismatch)
with schedule

Request Letter/ Form by Life Assured/Proposer

Self attested Id proof of Life Assured/Proposer

Bank pass book with IFSC code or personalized cancelled cheque leaf.

1. Request received beyond FLC period. Request not acceptable. 2. Provide policy bond delivered
Acknowledgement copy. 3. Channel feedback required. 4.Policy cancellation not acceptabke with the given
reasons. 5. provide original bond 6. Policyholder Bank proof required. 7. Agent commission recovered DD not

Loan application form incomplete. Complete particulars required. 2. Notice of assignment form required. 3.
original policy bond dispach POD required 4. Selfee with original policy bond is required 5. Required Branch
official sign with Branch seal and request received date required.

1. Complete details required in surrender Application form. Mobile number required 2. Policy is under
1. Branch seal
assignment. with Absolute
Collect request received date
assignment , time andfrom.
application with Branch
notrequired. 2. Provide
completed. specimen
Policy not eligible
signature form. 3. Bank proof clear scan copy required. 4. Self attested ID proof required.
for surrender 4. NRI /Residentail decclarationfrom not attached. 5.Bank proof required with IFSC code. 6.
Bank account number written manually in the given Bank passbook. Provide cancelled cheque leaf. 7.
Proposer Bank account details required. 8. Policy holder ID and address proof required. 8. Assignee bank
proof required. 9. LA name differs from the given KYC to our records. 10. Indemnity purchase date is after
executrion date. 11. LA sign required in all pages of the indemnity. 12. LA sign differs from the proposal
documents. Provide specimen signature form with bankers attestation. 13. In the given Specimen signature
form Banker seal and certifying authority employee code requied. 14. Inward stamp not affixed.BOE signature
with request received date and time required 15. LA signed in vernacular. Scribe details required 16. Witness
details required 17. Given KYC not visable. clear scan copy required. 17. Policy schedule scan required.

1. Provide Maturity Discharge form. 2. Life assured sign not matches with proposal form. Provide specimen
signature form with Bankers attestation. 3. Original policy bond required. 4. Properser sign required in the
given request documents. 5. Proposer Bank proof required. 6. NRI/ Residentail status declaration form

1.Given Bank proof is not visable. Provide colour scan 2. IFSC code required in the given bank pass book. 3.
Name not matches with the given Bank account evidence. 4.Request letter with date required. 5. Bank proof
with Manully written Account number is not acceptable. Provide Bank pass book with printed account
number on it or provide Bank statement with account number and with IFSC code.
Addition of rider ( ABR/FIB/C.I/EICR ) 1.Request letter from life Assured/Proposer
2.ID Proof
Deletion of Rider

3.Miscellaneous receipt (Alteration fee)

Age Proof Change 1.Request letter from life Assured/Proposer
2.ID Proof
Change in DOB of LA 3. Age proof
4 .Miscellaneous receipt (Alteration fee)
1.Request letter/format from Life assured/Proposer
2. NACH/Cancelled cheque (CTS compliant) self attested
3.ID proof
3 Change In Frequency 4.Miscellaneous receipt (Alteration fee)

5. Channel Head Approval (Applicable for FUP crossed policy

1.Request letter from life Assured/Proposer

4 Increase in Premium Paying Term

2.ID proof
5 Policy Bond Redispatch Request letter from life Assured/Proposer

1. Required Riders Term and Sum Assured not mentioned in the given request letter 2. SLIC Branch Official
attestation required with Branch seal and request received date. 3. Proposal declaration not available in DMS.
Provide any valid signature proof 4. After policy issuance riders addition with effect from commencement date
not possible. 5. Deletion Required Riders details not mentioned in the given request letter

1.SLIC Branch Official attestation required with Branch seal and request received Date. 2.Provide any valid
signature Proof 3. LA Signature not matches with proposal documents. Provide specimen signature form. 4. Age
proof not clear. Provide colour scan copy 5. Life assured self attestation required on the given age proof.

1 Required frquency details not clear in the given Request letter. Please confirm. 2. Policy number wrongly
written in the given request letter. 3, Request letter not dated. 4. SLIC Branch Official attestation required with
Branch seal and request received Date. 5.Provide any valid signature Proof 6. LA Signature not matches with
proposal documents. Provide specimen signature form. 7. Premium due date crossed Policy. Channel head
approval required. 8. Provide NACH form and Bank account evidence. 9. Bank proof not clear. provide clear copy

1. SLIC Branch Official attestation required with Branch seal and request received Date. 2. Life assured self
attestation required on the given ID proof 3. In the given request letter Policyholder asked Increase in term
instead of increase in premium paying term. Providse fresh request letter with correct details.
LA sign not matches with the given request letter.

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