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Compiled to fulfill college assignments

Development of Learning Media

Muhammad Ilham


A. Background
The minimal development of science is caused by low interest Read student / i at
this time. Criticizing the journal is one way you can done to increase interest in
reading. Criticizing Journals (Critical Journal Review) is an activity to review
something journal in order to know and understand what is presented in a journal.
On basically journal review focuses on evaluation (explanation, interpretation and
analysis) about the advantages and disadvantages, what is interesting, and how the
journal can be changing perceptions and ways of thinking as well as being
considered whether from knowledge which is able to add to the understanding of a
particular field of study. Besides that Journal criticism can also train our abilities in
analyzing and assessing the discussion presented by the author is. So that it
becomes a valuable input for the creative process other authorship. Criticizing the
journal cannot be done if the critic does not read it the entire journal. By doing this
review the reader can find out journal quality by comparing against the work of the
same author or authors and can provide input to journal authors in the form of
criticism and suggestions on the systematics of writing, content, and substance of
the journal.

B. Purpose of Writing Critical Journal Review

The benefits of making a Critical Journal Review are:

1. As a student engaged in the world of education, these journals need to be

criticized because they can improve students' skills in making good and

correct research reports.

2. Increase students' knowledge of the theory and application of the results of
researchers' ideas so that this knowledge can become new inspiration for
students as prospective teachers in compiling or designing effective learning.
Improve the results of analysis on each journal that will be criticized.
A. Identity of 2 Journals (Criticism and Comparison)

1. Critical Journal
Journal : Educational Research
Writer : Ahmad Junaid , Arnidah
Year : 2022

2. Comparison Journal
Journal : Educational Research
Writer : Atik Rokhayani and Aisyah Ririn Perwikasih Utari
Year : 2014

B. Identity of 2 Journals (criticism and comparison)

3. Critical Journal
Title : Designing and Developing Video as an Instructional Media in English
Language Teaching Setting
Journal : Educational Research
Writer : Shalawati, Missi Tri Astuti, Arini Nurul Hidayati, Sitti Hadijah.
Year : 2022

4. Comparison Journal
Title : Development of Learning Media Based on VideoScribe to Improve Writing
Skill for Descriptive Text of English Language Study
Journal : Educational Research
Writer : Novita Aryuntini, Indri Astuti, Yohanes Gatot Sutapa Yuliana
Year : 2018
A. The First Advantages and Disadvantages
1. Advantages of Critical Journal
This journal the writing used is not too complicated. The problem presented in
this journal is quite clear, that is, regarding the development of the world of
education, readers will easily understand it. Using good English starting from the
research title, author's name, abstract, introduction, method, discussion results
and conclusions.
2. Disadvantages of Critical Journal
Despite all the advantages of this journal, it is inseparable from its
weaknesses, namely the narration is too long and the language is difficult to
3. Conclusion
Based on the results of research and discussion, the following conclusions
can be drawn: The results of initial observations and the results of identifying
student needs, researchers found several obstacles experienced by students
when learning English, including media that was too monotonous so that
students paid less attention to the lessons being taught. takes place, in
connection with that, it is necessary to develop learning media that are in
accordance with the characteristics of learning and student characteristics that
can motivate students to pay attention to learning materials. The design of comic
-based learning media begins with making media structures, selecting materials
that refer to lesson plans that are in accordance with learning objectives, as well
as making storyboards and developing learning media. needs eighty percent of
students to want comic media in full-color form. The level of validation of the
comics learning media that was developed based on media experts and material
experts, the products developed were in the satisfactory category, which means
that the comics learning media were valid and worthy to be tested. There are
some suggestions for using comics media products, including For students, the
products that have been developed can be used as a source of independent
student learning, including material in comics media, because reading English
books, including comics in anime series, comics Comics in English can enrich the
vocabulary of students. For teachers, this product considers and applies comics
media in the teaching and learning process, as well as other media that can
increase interest and make students motivated in learning. For school principals,
comic-based learning media can be used as a school as a reference source and
as a reference material when they want to create an English curriculum,
considering that students are very enthusiastic and interested in the teacher's
learning process using comics media. For researchers For further researchers, it
is necessary to conduct further research on the development of comic media so
that the media developed can be known to be effective in achieving learning
4. Advantages of Critical Journal
In the abstract section, the researcher explains the contents of the journal
briefly and concisely, where in the abstract represents the meaning of this journal,
starting from the background of the problem to be studied, the objectives and
answers to the research results conducted
5. Disadvantages of Critical Journal
Besides the advantages of the journals above, this journal also has a
weakness, namely does not mention the year the journal was made
6. Conclusion
The use of Printed Material Comic Strips can be used as an English teaching
media to improve vocabulary for the Junior High School students. This
improvement is based on the test in cycle I and cycle II. The mean score of cycle I
is 76.97, while in cycle II is 85.10. In addition, Comic strips is appropriate and
effective as teaching media because it gives an easy way for the teachers to
deliver the materials. It is also effective for student`s ability in understanding the
expression delivered by the characters in comics.

B. The Second Advantages and Disadvantages

1. Advantages of Critical Journal
The use of language in this journal is easier because even though it is in the
main journal use symbols in calculations but in the journal there is information of
these symbols
2. Disadvantages of Critical Journal
In the discussion section, the author directly describes the comparison
between the impact of social restrictions on infection rates by income level.
However, it would be better if the discussion was carried out based on the results
table displayed. It is hoped that this will make it easier for the reader to
understand more deeply the results of this study
3. Conclusion
The design of VideoScribe-based learning media development to improve the
ability to write Descriptive Text in English subjects is done using the Borg and
Gall and 4D Thiagarajan modification models with the stages: (1) the initial
research stage and information gathering, (2) the planning stage, (3) the design
stage, (4) the development stage, (5) revision and (6) the final product. The
design results are then applied in learning through the preparation, introduction,
core activities, evaluation, and closing stages. After applying VideoScribe-based
learning media to improve the ability to write Descriptive Text in English subjects
and do the pretest and posttest, it was found that therewas an increase in
students' ability to write Descriptive Text before and after the use of learning
4. Advantages of Critical Journal
The results of research in this journal are complete and do not use narratives
that are too long so as not to bore the reader.
5. Disadvantages of Critical Journal
The opinions of experts contained in the theory of comparative journals are
less than contained in the main journal.

6. Conclusion
This study presents how an instructional video for teaching English at
senior high school level in Indonesia was done through research and
development design (R&D) that employed ADDIE (analysis, design, development,
implementation, and evaluation) framework to provide more contextual and
authentic learning material for the students. The ADDIE framework was
found effective to support the researchers to produce the video as an
instructional media. The process of designing and developing videos
requires the teachers as designers to examines all of the components in the
ADDIE framework and prepare all the resources needed in each phases.
Extra times and efforts need to be sacrificed by the teachers as designers,
but all of the process that they take sharpenedtheir professional skills
because they are not only being able to stand in the class for teachingor
transferring information but they are also have capabilityin preparing some
other components to enhance their teaching activities, such as an
instructional media that is integrated with the technology. To ease the
teachers’ roles as learning media designers, it is necessary for them to work
collaboratively with the other colleagues or encourage their students to
participate in design and development stages. Hence, fur ther studies
that focused on collaborative works among teacher and students in
designing and developing video as an instructional media need to
beconducted since there have been many technology that can facilitate
the collaborative activities in more advanced and effective ways.
From the results of the analysis it was found that this journal is very good to be a
reference for readers, because In this journal the writing used is not too complicated.
The problems stated in the journal are clear enough so that readers will easily
understand them. Using good Indonesian. The systematics of journal writing is well
structured starting from the title of research, author's name, abstract, introduction,
methods, results, discussion, and conclusions.
In conducting critical journals, use two or more journals as a source of reference
so that more knowledge and insight is obtained and the results of the journal are

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