Tugas Individu 5

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Name :Rizqie Ramadhan Sihombing

Class :5A Afternoon

NPM :2002050026
Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa inggris
Tugas paraphrase 5 jurnal Bahasa inggris (Writing)

Jurnal 1
Title : Too Nervous to Write? The Relationship between Anxiety and EFL Writing.
Original Text :
Anxiety has been a concern for many years in language teaching and applied linguistics. In
Advanced American English Longman(2005) anxiety is defined as a feeling of being very
worried about something that may happen or may have happened, so that you think about it all
the time or is a feeling of wanting to do something very much, but being very worried that you
will not succeed. It is associated with feelings of uneasiness, frustration, self-doubt,
apprehension, or worry (Scovels, 1978). According to different studies in the realm of language
teaching, anxiety has a relation with foreign language mastery. According to Field (2004)
general anxiety is one of several affective factors which can influence attention and hence lead
to deterioration in language performance
Paraphrase :
Advanced American English Longman (2005) states that anxiety is being so worried about
something that might or could have happened that you are constantly thinking about it, or what
it really is. According to various studies in the field of language teaching, anxiety is related to
foreign language proficiency.

Jurnal 2
Title : The Effects of Collaborative Writing on EFL Learners’ Writing Skills and Their
Perception of the Strategy.
Original Text :
Ur (2003) mentions that the goal of teaching writing is let the student acquires the capabilities
and skills in order to compose various types of written texts properly in their own language.
Besides, one of the most important long-life skills that should be own by students is writng
effectively. In teaching writing, teachers must consider the appropriate strategies, writing
resources, and supporting materials that help both teacher and students in learning process.
Dealing with a particular strategy to teaching writing is commonly among teachers in order to
meet a range of learning objectives (Eggen and Kauschak, 2012). Eacott (2007) states that a
strategy is a set of constructive practices in achieving specified expectations. For more detailed,
constructive practices refer to the progressive activities that involve students in teaching
writing, and the specified expectations refer to the objective of teaching writing. Particularly,
the use of strategies in teaching writing gives an opportunity for the teachers to facilitate their
students in developing ideas and organizing them into a good writing. Thus, the teacher must
be able to implement this strategy well in order to reach the expectations.
Paraphrase :
It is common among teachers to face specific writing teaching strategies to achieve different
learning goals (Eggen and Kauschak, 2012). According to Eacott (2007), a strategy is a set of
constructive practices designed to meet specific expectations. The written expectations are
related to the goals of the writing class. Therefore, teachers must be able to successfully
implement this strategy in order to meet expectations.

Jurnal 3
Title : Spelling writing error analysis in nonfiction essay of elementary students
Original Text :
Indonesia is even in the low rank of reading and writing skill. Based on data from World’s
Most Literate Nations conducted by Central Connecticut State University in 2016, Indonesia
ranked in the 60th from 61 countries participants, survey on literacy skill (Miller &
McKenna, 2016).
Paraphrase :
Indonesia also has a low literacy rate. Based on data from countries with the highest literacy
rates in the world, conducted by Central Connecticut State University in 2016, Indonesia
ranked 60th out of countries and 61 countries in the Literacy Survey (Miller & McKenna ,

Jurnal 4
Title : Writing Anxiety among Indonesian EFL Students: Factors and Strategies
Original Text :
Writing anxiety is a persistent feeling of not being ready to write or not being good enough to
write. According to Hjortshoj (2001), anxiety in writing is a wide variety of apprehensive and
pessimistic feelings about writing. However, these feelings do not pervasively characterize a
person's writing life and it is naturally situational (Hjortshoj, 2001).
Paraphrase :
According to Hjortshoj (2001), anxiety in writing is a wide variety of pervasively characterize
a person`s writing life and it is naturally situational.

Jurnal 5
Title : Writing about Writing: Collaborative Writing and Photographic Analyses from an
Academic Writing Retreat.
Original Text :
Retreats may also result in ongoing collaborations of new writing teams and groups (Farr,
2009, p. 18; Grant, 2006, p. 7; Grant & Knowles, 2000, p. 11), as well as shared texts (e.g.,
Dickson-Swift et al., 2009; Murray & Newton, 2009). During retreats, these teams may engage
in collaborative writing by thinking and talking about the shared text, and often writing that
text together.
Paraphrase :
The retreat also marks continued collaboration between the new writing team and the Group
(Farr, 2009, p. 18; Grant, 2006, p. 7; Grant & Knowles, 2000, p. 11), as well as shared texts (
e.g. Dickson-Swift et al., 2009; Murray & Newton, 2009). During the Retreat, these teams can
engage in co-writing, pondering, speaking, and often writing a common text together.

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