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Name- Ankit Kumar Singh

Reg. no- 21BCE1247

Sub- Operating System
Submitted to- Prof. SIVAGAMI M
1. Develop a C Program to display the list of courses you have registered in this
semester using only printf().

Mam, My c program is correct for ubunto linux but it showing error like “gcc” not found. I am trying several
times but its showing same error. So, at the end ,I am uploading same. Please consider it.
2 Develop a C program to show the difference between pass by reference and pass by

3. Develop a C program to display the following using system() library function (through
which you can run linux commands from c program)
(i) today's date
(ii) present working directory
4. Make a document of linux commands of your choice of any 4 commands.
Mkdir: The mkdir command in Linux/Unix allows users to create or make new directories.

Cd: The cd command, also known as chdir (change directory), is a command-line shell
command used to change the current working directory in various operating systems.

Gedit: gedit id a text editor designed for the GNOME desktop environment.

Ls: The ls command is used to list files. "ls" on its own lists all files in the current
directory except for hidden files.

Clear: clear is a computer operating system command which is used to bring the
command line on top of the computer terminal

5.Show the marks of CAT1 in sorting order from the marks.txt file using appropriate linux
6: Display the word count of the file using appropriate linux command

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