P12.5 - Electrical Energy - IGCSE AID

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4/17/22, 12:22 PM P12.

5 – Electrical Energy – IGCSE AID



P12.5 – Electrical Energy

1. Recall and use the equations P = IV and E = IVt

Power is a measure of how quickly energy is transferred. The unit of power is the watt, W. The more energy
that is transferred in a certain time, the greater the power of the appliance. It is calculated using the formula:

power = current * voltage

P= I * V

where P=power, I=current and V=voltage/p.d. This can be rearranged to find the current and voltage if the
other two values are given.
I = P ÷ V
V = P ÷ I

In an earlier unit, we learned that power = energy ÷ time. Rearranging it with energy as the subject, we get
energy = power * time. We now know that power = current * voltage. So, energy can be written as:

energy = current * voltage * time

E = IVt

Notes submitted by Lintha

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