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E: Good evening, everybody, today in our programme we are going

to talk about how to encourage creativity in all types of work and
for that we have brought a guest psychopedagogue, Maria Paz, to
answer all our questions.
M: Good evening everyone, yes it´s very important that in all types
of work there is creativity so that workers don´t fall into boredom.
E: The first question is creativity important in jobs and why?
M: Of course it´s very important because it motivates the workers,
it helps them not to get stuck with just doing their work but to do
it in a more original and different way every day.
E: I hadn't thought of it that way and the truth is that you are quite
right. Continuing with the questions, do you think that creativity
works for certain types of jobs or for all types of jobs?
M: That's a very good question, we´ve always been led to believe
that creativity is only used by scriptwriters, painters, writers, but
this is totally false, it has been proven that the more creative an
environment is, the better it works.
E: unfortunately this is something that we have standardised for
years, thank you for clarifying this type of doubt that surely all our
viewers have, a question from the audience is how to encourage
creativity in office jobs?
M: The first thing is to let workers know that their opinions and
ideas count and contribute to the company and for that it is
important that they have a suitable space and can concentrate to
make their minds go beyond what they are used to.
E: Of course it is important that employees know how much trust
they are trusted and what other activities in addition to meditation
do you think can help to foster creativity?
M: Something that also helps is to exercise and doing so not only
exercises the body, but also works the mind; something that would
also help a lot is to organise small recreational games to stimulate
their creativity.
E: I have heard that it´s important for workers not to fall into
routine, is that right?
M: Of course it´s true, if we always do the same thing we don't give
our minds the chance to think beyond what they are used to.
E: You are absolutely right, continuing with the questions: What are
the benefits of being creative at work?
M: They have many benefits but the most important is that it will
make them original and different from other companies, gold is
that it will increase the efficiency of workers and therefore the
productivity of the company, another benefit is that they develop
their mind and become able to solve any problem that comes their
way, it also helps them to find various possible solutions to a
problem or conflict either in the company or in their personal life.
E: wow, there are many benefits so you know all employers should
encourage creativity in their company, and in all types of work
because we have already seen that creativity is not only useful for
one type of work, and thank you very much for informing us about
this topic.
M: that's right and thanks to you for the invitation, I hope it will be

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