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WW2 Timeline

1943 - The British

Japanese pilots attack the
defeated Rommel
Congress created the nations
American noble base at Pearl
in the desert and
Hitler invaded Poland first peacetime draft Harbor, Hawaii. 1942 - Bataan death 1942 -Battle 1942 - U.S enteres they were ready to
1 of September 1939 September 1940 1941 march of midway European theater invade Europe

WWI Dunkirk battle America became the arsenal

1942 - Battle of 1942-1943 - The battle
of democracy. The trade
1941 - Germany declared war on the 1942 - Operation
Treaty of 26 May - 4 Jun 1940 the at Guadalcanal
between Japan and the US
United States and World War II Torch
coral sea
ended. oficially became a war.

Dannya Cuevas| A01708280

John Willy | A01708279
Avril Contreras | A01708506
Yunuén Téllez | A01708285

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