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Web Digital Mantra IT Services Pvt. Ltd.

A Complete Digital Marketing

Proposal for Website Development for Hotel Staying

Mr. Imran Khan Date: 26 – 08 - 2022

M/s. Gold Coast
Banaswadi, Bangalore – 560 043

Proposal Summary

Website Development for Multivendor Hotel Booking

Business Description - Website Development

Project coordinator will collect the inputs from client and prepare outline. Web Designer
will prepare and share demo design for client approval.

Project Manager and one Coordinator will be assigned to execute the project on smooth
way. Social media team will take care of social media pages creating, Optimizing and
Integrating. Google Business Page will be taken care by respective people.

Technical Description for Web Design & Development:

Technology Stack Software

Database Server My SQL Workbench / MySQL
Operating system Linux/Windows
Web Server Apache
Laravel(Backend), CSS, JavaScript, HTML5, Bootstrap,Ajax,
Web Development Environment
Android – Java/Kotlin
iOS- Ionic, Swift
Mobile App Development(If Any)
Hybrid Framework- React Native, Flutter
Backend Framework- Laravel

Browser Compatibility:
 Supported Browser
 Internet Explorer 7.0, 8.0+
 Firefox 3.x +
 Google Chrome
 Apple Safari

System Specification:
 We will use WordPress, Laravel(Backend),HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery in this project.

Website and App Features:

1. Dynamic Web development for Hotel Staying in hard coding with Multi-Vendor features
2. 3 Logins Dashboard – Admin, Vendor(Hotel and Restaurant) and User Login.
3. Login through OTP. Login through Gmail ID. Individual Login Links
4. Vendor and User Sign Up and Sign In including Forget password.
5. Vendor Registration Management – Vendor Name, Vendor Address, Vendor Registration License No,
Proof of identity, Location, Language, Experience in number of years
6. Vendor Profile – Registration, Banner Profile updation including Hotel and Amenities pics, expertise,
Booking Option, Hotel Map, Hotel Direction.
7. Room Booking Facilities– Booking for Online. No. of Adults, No. of Childs, No. of Days for booking,
Payment Confirmation.
8. Booking Notification – 2 Notification at the time of Booking – Confirmation of appointment to user and
Appointment booking notification to Vendor
9. Vendor Dashboard – Total Booking, Customer Details, Counter no in Dashboard like total booked rooms
10. User Dashboard – User Profile, Change Password, Booking Status, Payment Status, Invoice
11. Wallet Management – Wallet for Vendor to transfer the payment, Wallet for Admin for payment
12. Payment Gateway Integration. PayU or Razor pay is preferred as a Payment Gateway.
13. Payment bifurcation in Vendor and Admin dynamically on % wise at the Admin panel
14. Admin Dashboard – Manage Vendor, Listing, Manage Booking, Invoice and Reports, Report
downloading in Excel. Counter Report – Total registered Vendor, Today Booking.
15. Banner Management – Banner can be changed dynamically at the Admin panel by Admin
16. Search Hotel/Home stay – Search Hotels/Home stay as on City Wise
17. FAQ Management – View all FAQs, Add, Edit and Delete FAQ, Change the FAQ status
18. Wallet Management – Wallet for Vendor and Admin to get payment in the wallet
19. 3 Rotating Banners focusing on 3 different category of Services with 5-6 words of Punching Line
20. Customer feedback displaying at Home Page by rotating with customer name and place
21. Blog, About Us, Why Choose Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Disclaimer
22. Cross browser compatible, Mobile responsive
23. Domain booking for 1 year (Preferred .in for India specific business)
24. SSL Certificate to encrypt the website for the security purpose
25. Hosting (Server) with the configuration of 5 GB of SSD
26. Email/SMS Integration (Credentials need to share) for login through OTP
27. WhatsApp API integration with website for quick communication with client
28. Chat Bot API Integration for quick answer to visitors/Agents/Buyers
29. Enquiry form creation and integration with email id
30. Blog Section with social media sharing button. Top 4 Blogs displaying at Home Page
31. Google My Business page set up, Optimization and Verification.
32. Google Map Integration and Optimization with Website (for SEO)
33. Content Writing for About Us, Why Choose Us, Privacy Policy, disclaimer, Terms n conditions
34. Social Media Integration - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn & YouTube Account Set up.

Portal Layout Specification:

Web Portal consists of following main things:
Visitor Features
o View Home Banners or Slide Show Gallery
o Browse Vendor
o View Vendor Details
o View FAQs
o Become a Member through Registration process
o View Static Pages

Registered Member Panel

o Login to site
o Manage Account
o My Profile
o My Orders
o Buy Vendor (Checkout)
o Send Enquiry
o Logout

Admin Panel
o Login
o Dashboard
o Administrator User Management
o Site Member(Customer) Management
o Vendor Listing Management
o Price Chart Management
o Banner Manager
o Vendor/Agents Package Manager

Portal Layout Specification: Front End

Views Website Logo, Banners or Slideshow which are integrated with Home Page. View list
of Latest Vendor Listing available with details like:
o Vendor Name and other profile details
o Image
o Vendor Expertise
o Consultation Charges

View links for Login and Sign Up

o Clicking on any link, User will navigate that particular Page.

Vendor Display: Displays properties. Click on image will display information of Vendor:
 View the details of the Vendor, with Image and price
 View listing of all Related Vendor
 Vendor Name
 Vendor Location
 Vendor Consultation Charges
 Vendor Image

Clicking on Image, User will navigate to “Vendor Detail” Page.

Vendor detail Page: Views Vendor details as follow:

o Vendor Title
o Features of the selected Vendor

View Consultation charges Charts: Visitor can browse the consultation charge Charts
based on the Price range.
View Cart: Displays Vendor added to the shopping cart:
 With a Vendor image, subtotal
 Link to Update and checkout

User Login: This section allows User to enter the website by adding login details created
during registration
 Enter authenticated Email Address and Password to login
 Forgot Password Link Recover password through mail
 New User? Sign up link available

Registration: This section allows New Users to create new registration account on the Site
Fill the registration form with all required fields
 Enter Profile details like name, email id, password
 Enter address details like Country, State and Zip Code
 Submit Form

After creating login, the Customer enters the account with authenticated
username and password and can perform the following tasks:

My Account:
o Personal Information
o Change Name, Login, E-mail Address, or Password
o Manage Address Information
My Orders:
o View all Orders
o View order no/ order date/ amount/ quantity
o View Status (In Process, Shipped, Open, Rejected)

o View Details of all the orders made
o View order id, status, date ordered
o Link to re-Order

Last Order:
o Displays the last order made
o Link to reorder and reset quantity

Portal Layout Specification: Back End

Admin panel is the back end of the application from where the admin can manage the whole
site and its contents as well.
Login: Administrator may login into the admin panel with the authorized username and
password to get access to this panel.

Site Map: View Summary of the whole Admin panel

Administrators Users Management: The administrator user section shows the list of
admin users accessing the panel. The admin can search and sort the list. The admin can
even edit and delete the existing record.

o View Admin
o Search / Sort Admin users
o Change the Status of admin user (Active / Inactive)
o Add / Edit / Delete Admin Users

Customer Management: The Customer Management section shows the list of customers
who have registered themselves on the site.
o View All Customers/Agents/Vendors of the site
o Search / Sort Customers
o Change the Status of Customer (Active / Inactive)
o Add/ Edit / Delete Customers
o Send mail to the Customers

Vendor Attribute Management:

o View All Vendor Attribute
o Change the status (Active / Inactive)
o Sort Vendor Attribute
o Add Attribute
o Enter Attribute Name
o Edit / Delete Vendor Attribute

Vendor Management: The Admin can view all the Vendor that are being displayed on the
site. Admin has full rights to add/ edit the particular Vendor once placed on the site.
o View all Vendor
o Search / Sort Vendor
o Change the Status (Active / Inactive)
o Add Vendor
o Add General Information about the Vendor like Name, Vendor description and
o Edit / Delete Vendor
o Vendor categories (Category management)

Price Chart Management: The Price Chart Management section allows Admin to manage
Vendor Consultation Price Chart available :
 View all Price Charts
 Search and Sort Chart by Blind Type
 Change the Status (Active / Inactive)
o Add new Chart
 Select Blind Type
 Title
 Upload Chart File
o Edit / Delete Chart details.

Order Management:
o View all Order Detail as per selected Package
o View Order Information
o View Billing/ Shipping/ Payment
o View/ Change Order Status (In Process, Shipped, Open, Rejected)
o Search / Sort Orders
o Alphabetical Search
o Edit / Delete Orders

FAQ Management:
o View all FAQs
o Search / Sort FAQs
o Alphabetical Search
o Change the Status (Active / Inactive)
o Add/ Edit / Delete FAQs

Email/SMS Integration:
o There will be a integration of email and SMS on different occasion like Welcome Mail,
Forgot Password etc.

System Settings (General Site Settings):

o View / Edit all Setting of Website
o General Settings
o Name of Site
o Main Site Title
o Meta Tags Information Settings
o Site Copyright Text
o Site Control Panel
o Title Administrator Email ID

Project Execution Model:

We will Prepare Scope document and collect your approval. Will share design layout and
demo based on your inputs. Design database and architecture for the web site and develop
and test high risk and high priority features. Quality assurance team will test entire sites
and report defects. Development team will fix defects and ensure quality of website. Finally
demo and deliver website for the final review.

These best practices in turn will help meet the objectives of a high quality and optimal
solution in the specified timelines.

Project Exclusions
All third party paid API (As required in portal) will be shared and beared by client. Client will
share all the required inputs on time to complete project else delivery time will be affected.
Once design approved by client and coding started then further changes will not be possible.
Since it will affect other codings work as well. If required to change then it will be a chargable
as per required working hours. If approached for source code then it shall be shared with
50% of the costing charges. Google play store and App store credentials need to share by
client on time to upload the App there. Server charges will be shared sepratelty once project
is going to complete.

 SMS Plans and other API (For integration of OTP purpose) Any other API required as
per project requirement

 Server (Configuration will be shared shared once project completed)

The project schedule is based on the project start date. Any change in start date would
amount to changes in all subsequent delivery dates. The actual project schedule and
detailed planning inclusive of Client reviews and feedback will be made based on inputs
from Client once requirements analysis is completed. All the days is considered as a working
days by considering working on Monday to Friday.

 Delivery (Design + Development + QA + Beta Release): 45 Days

 User Acceptance Testing: 5 Days
 Total duration including Delivery and UAT: 50 Days

1. Multivendor Dynamic Website in WordPress Rs.1,00,000

2. Multivendor Dynamic Website in hard coding Rs.1,45,000

Annual Maintenance Charges(AMC) Scope:

 1 year free maintenance will be provided and after that AMC will be applied. AMC (Annual
Maintenance Charge) will be 5000 and 10 working hours will be assigned. This allotted time
shall be used for software updating, bugs fixing and other additional work as per available
working hours.

 Accounts team will inform the expected required working hours for specific activities.

Payment Frequency:

 1st Payment – 40% advance before starting the project

 2nd Payment – 40% payment post Demo of Web portal Development
 3rd Payment – Remaining 20% payment post final demo of Website
Payment Mode
Payment can be done through NEFT, IMPS or Cheque Payment in behalf of Web Digital Mantra IT
Services Pvt Ltd. Additional 18% GST will be applied on all the billings.

Web Digital Mantra IT Services Pvt. Ltd.

Yes Bank Current A/c No. - 059964700000099
IFSC – YESB0000599

#23, 3rd Floor, Nandita Mansion ,1st Cross, 1st stage,

Kumaraswamy Layout, Bangalore -560078

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