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( ) :

Muth ( 1961 )

. ( )


(ad hoc expectations)

( ) .

(Keynes, 1921)

(Merton, 1936) " "

.(Hicks, 1939)
. (novelty)


( )

Muth ( 1961 )

. ( )

(ad hoc expectations)

( ) .



: :
(Keynes, 1921)
(Merton, 1936) " "
.(Hicks, 1939)
. (novelty)
. "

A :

(Impossibilité) 0 D 1 (Certitude)

Bernard WALLISER, Anticipations équilibres et rationalité économique, Calmann-Lévy, :

France, 1985, p 15.


( )
) ² .[01]
( 20 ) .

. ( )
) (Hicks, 1939)

. (
" "
. «Deployment»

- –
Juxtaposition Merton 1936

Les " .
"effets pervers

" .
. Hayek "
Prophéties autoréalisatrices "
" .
: -
: :


Adaptive Expectations Static Expectations Hypothesis


. Expectations

1971 Lucas 1961 Muth

Learning Hypotheses

Models Rational Learning Models

.Boundedly Rational Learning

Static Expectations Hypothesis 1.2

. [02]

(1937) .

. ( ) ( )
Adaptive Expectations Hypothesis 2.2
Cagan (1956)

: [05] .
) )

ex post

: [06]

. n

. x

) Muth (1960-1961) (1
(« minimum mean square forecast error »

(MA(1) « » )
(systematic errors) (2
. (3
" .
« Naive model » : "
« Autocorrector model » « Regressive model »

Modigliani 1961 Muth

1954 Grunberg

Rational Expectations Hypothesis 3.2
.John Muth
" David Pell Patrick Minford

(Royal commission) Marshall (1887)


Marshall .
Robert Shiller . Marshall
. 1954 Grunberg Modigliani

Modigliani (1961) Muth

" Rational Expectations and the Theory of Price Movements "

Robert E. Lucas 1961

1976 Barro, R 1973 Thomas J. Sargent 1976 1973 1972


Learning Hypotheses .

Learning Hypotheses 4.2
" " " "
« seriable »

. (representations)
(Trial-and-error : PESARAN (1989)

WALLISER (1983) elimination)


( ) .

" .
. " Bateson

(Bayesian) -
(econometric) -
.( : )

. ( )

Rational Learning Model §

Private signals

Common knowledge

Taylor (1975) Brandenburger (1985) ,Townsend (1983) ,

: " " .Friedman (1979)

( ) PESARAN (1989)


‘bounded rationality’ Simon

Boundedly Rational Learning Model §



( )
. ( )

Probability Limits

. .
" "

" " 1.3

.( )

: 2.3
" "

Bernard WALLISER, Anticipations équilibres et rationalité économique, Calmann-Lévy, France, :

1985, p 40.
( )
:( )
( ) ( )
.( ) ( ) ( )

( )

( )
:( )
1- Favereau O. Probability and uncertainty, after all, Keynes was right, Mimeo, 1983.
2- G.K. SHAW p20
3- The general theory
4- Cagan, P. (1956), the monetary dynamics of hyperinflation, in studies in quantity theory of money, Friedman,
M. (ed.), University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
5- DAVID p23
6- PESARAN, M. H. (1989), The Limits to Rational Expectation, Basil Blackwell Ltd, Oxford, UK, p17
7- Patrick Minford and David Pell, (1983), Rational expectations and the new macroeconomics, Martin
Robertson (ed), Oxford, UK, p 7.
8- Shiller, R.J. (1978), Rational expectations and the dynamic structure of macroeconomic models -a
critical review, journal of monetary economics, 4, p 1.
9- Muth, J.F. (1961), Rational expectations and the theory of price movement, Robert E. Lucas, Jr. And Thomas
J. Sargent, editor, Rational expectations and econometric practice, The university of Minnesota Press,
Minneapolis, USA, 1984, p 3-22.
10- Robert J. Barro (1976), Rational Expectations and the Role of Monetary Policy, Journal of monetary
economics, 1976, vol.2, North-Holland Publishing Company.
11- PESARAN, M. H. (1989), p 32
12- Ibid, p 33
13- Bernard WALLISER, Anticipations équilibres et rationalité économique, Calmann-Lévy, France, 1985, p 159.
14- PESARAN, M. H. (1989), p 34
15- STEVEN M.SHEFFRIN (1983), Rational Expectations, Cambridge Survey of Economic Literature,
Cambridge university Press, UK, p 01

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