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Lab Evaluation-3

School of Computer Science and Engineering Faculty of Technology

And Sciences Name of the faculty member :- Vasudha

Section: K18kY

Course Code: CSE325 Course Title: Operating

Systems laboratory

Max. Marks :100 Last Date of Submission:20-APRIL-2020

 Lab Evaluation 3 will be assignment based.
 Different SET No. have been allocated to each student.
 Make sure each student must attempt their allocated SET NO.,as SET
allocated to each student Roll no.wise.
 This assignment is of 100 marks(ONLY EXECUTION).
 Students have to make a report in doc format in which the student will upload
their execution screenshots and save it in pdf and upload it on UMS(before 20 -
 Make sure students must upload their result report on UMS(before 20 April-
 Last Date Of Submission is:20-april-2020
 After 20-APRIL-2020 the UMS will not allow you to upload your assignment on
 The UMS link will be closed on 20-APRIL-2020 at 11:45PM
 Make sure student will upload their result report before the closed timings(20

SET Allocation Table:

Roll SETNo.. Roll SETNo.. Roll SETNo.. Roll SETNo..

No. No. No. No.
1 SET 9 20 SET 5 38 SET 1 57 SET 3
2 SET 7 21 SET 10 39 SET 4 58 SET 2
3 SET 6 22 SET 11 40 SET 5 59 SET 1
4 SET 1 23 SET 3 41 SET 6 60 SET 10
5 SET 8 24 SET 2 42 SET 7 61 SET 7
6 SET 2 25 SET 1 43 SET 8 62 SET 6
7 SET 4 26 SET 4 44 SET 8 63 SET 5
8 SET 6 27 SET 1 45 SET 10 64 SET 7

9 SET 3 28 SET 7 46 SET 9 65 SET 8

11 SET 9 29 SET 3 47 SET 1 66 SET 3
12 SET 10 30 SET 4 48 SET 4 67 SET 2
13 SET 8 31 SET 10 49 SET 3 68 SET 1
14 SET 2 32 SET 2 50 SET 2 10 SET 9
15 SET 4 33 SET 8 51 SET 7 56 SET 10
16 SET 7 34 SET 6 52 SET 8
17 SET 1 35 SET 2 53 SET 5
18 SET 8 36 SET 5 54 SET 4
19 SET 5 37 SET 9 55 SET 6

Q1 Write a program which will read input from the user and print it on the
screen using the concept of system calls
Q2 Write a program to implement race condition in process
Q3 a program to take input from user and save it in a file using the concept
of system call
Q4 Write a program to implement process synchronization with the help of

1.Write a program to read the content of file named “Lovely “ and display it
on the screen using system call.
2.Write a Program to create a thread. The thread prints numbers from zero to
n, where value of n is passed from the main process to the thread.
3.WAP to read last 10 characters from a file using system calls.
4.Write a program to implement process synchronization with the help of

1.Write a program to create a file and write some content into it by
taking the input from the user.
2.Write a program to create two threads. One thread prints a welcome
message while the second thread adds two numbers. Both the
numbers to be added are passed by the main process to the thread
as arguments.
3.WAP using system calls which will read from 10th character to 25th
character from a file opened in read only mode
4.WAP to display addition of 2 numbers using threads

1.Write a program to create a file, write contents into it and then output the
contents onto the screen.
2.WAP to display multiplication of numbers using threads
3.Write a program which will read first 10 characters of a file and display
the output on screen
4. . Write a program using system calls to create hierarchy of three
processes i.e. process P having child P1 and process P1 having child
P2. Also print the child id and its corresponding parent id for each

1.Write a program to implement Zombie process
.2 Write a program to show the race condition.  
3.Write a program to implement the concept of orphan process
4.WAP to implement read and write operations using named pipe.

1.WAP to read last 10 characters from a file using system calls.
2.Write a program to implement process synchronization with the help of
3.Write a program which will read first 10 characters of a file and display
the output on screen
4.Write a program using system calls to create hierarchy of three
processes i.e. process P having child P1 and process P1 having child
P2. Also print the child id and its corresponding parent id for each


1.Write a program to implement the concept of orphan process
2.WAP to implement read and write operations using named pipe.
3.WAP to take input from user and display it on screen using the concept of
system call
4.WAP a program using system call to create two files. Enter the content
into first file, copy the contents of the first file into the second file and
display the contents of the second file on the terminal.

1.Write a program which will read first 8 characters of a file and display the
output on screen
2.Write a program using system calls to create hierarchy of three
processes i.e. process P having child P1 and process P1 having child
P2. Also print the child id and its corresponding parent id for each
3.WAP to implement inter-process communication using popen() and
4.WAP to implement race condition

1.WAP to implement sequential file access method
2.WAP to orphan process
3.WAP to implement the concept of Zombie process
4.wap to implement inter-process communication using popen() and

SET 10
1.WAP to implement read and write operations using named pipe.
2.WAP to create two threads. One thread prints a welcome message while
the second thread do addition of two numbers.
3.Write a program using system calls to create two child process of a
single process i.e. process P having two child process P1 and
P2. Further process P1 is having a child P3. Also print the process id
of each child process corresponding to every parent process .
4.Write a program to show the race condition.                           

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