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Friday, the 24th of December


Florience Nightingale was a pioneer in the field of nursing. All her great achievements are
more amazing, consider that most Victorian women could not attend university or pursue a
professional career.
Florence was born in Italy in 1820. She was William Nightingale daughter. William was
wealthy landowner, well-educated and open-minded man. He believed that all people should
receive and education, both sisters were taught 4 languages, history and math.
At the age of 25 Florence had already decided to be nurse. Her parents were against it., but
Florence perseverance and passion convince them and she got father`s permission to study.
She studied nursing in Germany, and two years later Florence was appointed in hospital for
woman in England.
In 1854 3 countries were in war with russia. Public was shocked in what conditions sick and
wounded British soldiers were. Florence decided to help, and went to Turkey with group of
38 nurses. In military hospitals things were going bad, soldiers were filthy, lots of rats and
fleas and supplies were limited.
Suddenly, she received small help from military officers and doctors. Florence was needed
woman and they changed mind. Overnight Florence organise the hospital, improve
sanitation and increase survival rate.
In 1856, Florence returned to England as national heroine. “The Lady with the Lamp” that
name soldiers give to Florence. On her return, she began to demand for improvements in
standards of military hospitals. A Royal Commission was appointed and started “Army
Medical College” in 1857.
To share her knowlage in medicine, Florence wrote Book in 1859. It was later translated into
eleven languages and still in sale. The following year, she used public funds to found the
“Nightingale School Of Nurses” at St. Thomas`s Hospital. It was first ever school for nurses,
now nurses were profession for young women.
Florence Nightingale achieved all this, even she suffered from poor health. In recognition of
her hard work Queen Victoria awarded Florence the Royal Red Cross in 1883, and in 1907
she became the first woman ever to receive the Order Of Merit. Florence died in London,
August 1910, at age of 90. She was a person who went to her goal despite obstacles, and
woman that changed nursing forever.

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