Ximenita de Huaral Technical Report 2017 (Julio Cordova Version Ingles)

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Prepared by:

BSc, MBA Julio Córdova

CIP No 148593

August 2017

The issuer of this report, Ximena Mining Group S.A. (“Ximena”), contracted the author
to compile an independent technical report on its Ximenita de Huaral 2013 Property
(“Ximenita” or “the Property”). Basis for this report is the 9 days spent in two field trips
completed by the author during the periods May 30th to June 2nd, and August 7th to August
11th, 2017.
During the second visit, the author had access also to the group of three mining
concessions named Corazón de Jesús 2002, 2004 and 2008; 1 km apart from the Property,
owned by Compañía Minera San Juan de Huaral S.A.C., but the bulk of the research was
performed at Ximenita.

Property Location and Access

The Property is located in the Aucallama District, Huaral Province, Department of

Lima, Peru; 70 km northeast of the city of Lima on a straight line and 100 km by road. The
town of Huaral is the nearest major urban area located 27 km by road southwest of the
Property (Figure 1).


Figure 1. Location of Ximenita de Huaral 2013 property, in relation with Lima and Huaral cities.

The Project is comprised of one titled mining concession named “Ximenita de Huaral
2013”, covering a total of 1,000 has, which is centered at UTM 283,500 East and 8’737,600
North in the WGS84 Coordinate System, Zone 18S; and falls within the Canta quadrangle
(23-j) of the 1:100,000 scale series of topographic and geologic maps published by the
Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrigo (INGEMMET), the technical organization of the Peru
Ministry of Energy and Mines.
To access the property from Lima, follow the Panamericana Norte highway for 85 km
to Huaral town. From Huaral, take a dirty road heading east to Orcón, which passes thru
Palpa and Pisquillo (Figure 2). Passing Pisquillo, 1.5 km away there is a green gate (see
“portón verde” point in Figure 2) to access particular’s fruit farms, but passing the farms the
dirty road goes further east into the dry valley for at least another 10 km (see in Figure 2 the
point “Fin Camino”, which means “End of the road”). The road is old enough and abandoned
to be in bad shape. Also, recent rainfall and consequent floods ruined it even more.
During the first field visit, the author had troubles getting access to the road due to the
distrust from the farms owners guarding the gate. For the second visit, the author got access
by Alexis Forton, from Estudio JBB, a lawyer firm lead by Juan Bellido, owner of Compañía
Minera San Juan de Huaral S.A.C, which is in time the titleholder of the Corazón de Jesús
mining concessions. Farmers and Cia Minera San Juan had an agreement to granted access
for the mining concessions of the latter, which the author took advantage of.

Figure 2. Access roads from Huaral to nearby the Property.

From Huaral to the end of the road (with the gate open) takes about 1.5 hours. To the
final path to get into the property (4-7 km away), the author took a motorcycle raid (1.5 hours

Figure 3. Detail of the accesses and distances to get into the Property (shown in red). Other mining
concessions are shown as black polygons. Last portion of the trip (7 km) was done by motorcycle.


The Property was visited by geologist William Gonzales in 2013, but the lack of
access to the whole area of interest made him miss the northern portion of it. The report from
Gonzales was delivered as a power point document, missing the location of the only three
samples he took. One of the samples reached 0.1% Cu, but the author doesn’t know the
location of it, or the description of the rock.
Gonzales pointed out two structures that he named Afloramiento 1 and Afloramiento
2 (Outcrop 1 and Outcrop 2), striking N333˚ and N310˚ respectively, dipping 70˚NE, with a
width “visually bigger than 3 m”, see Figure 4.
The author couldn’t find in the field what Gonzales was referring as “>3m wide
outcrops”, whatever that means (Veins? Dikes? Faults?), so the author cannot comment
about it.

Figure 4. Map showing the “Afloramientos” (Outcrops) interpreted by geologist William Gonzales. In
the upper part is shown the results of 3 samples taken by Gonzales (location unknown).

Regional Geology

The Project is found at relatively low elevation (1,000 – 1,500 m.a.s.l.) in the
Cordillera Occidental. According to the INGEMMET, the oldest stratigraphy in the Canta
quadrangle (23-j) corresponds to outcrops of volcanic rocks belonging to late Cretaceous
Casma Fm. (Ki-c), comprised by pyroclasts and andesitic well stratified lavas in layers 3-5 m
thick (green color in Figure 5).
In early Tertiary-late Cretaceous, a thick sequence of purple andesitic lavas,
pyroclasts and stratified tuffs unconformably overlie the Casma Fm., known as the
Volcánicos Calipuy (Kti-vca), shown in orange in Figure 5.
This pile of volcanic rocks and all the underlying Mesozoic volcano-sedimentary rocks
were intruded by the Coastal Batholith beginning in mid-Cretaceous time and continuing into

late Paleocene in four generally continuous magmatic periods resulting in a progressive uplift
and folding of the basin and development of contact metamorphism aureoles in the vicinity of
intrusive contacts.

Figure 5. Regional Geology around the Property, based on INGEMMETS’s quadrangles 23-i and 23-j.

Intrusions associated with the Coastal Batholith comprise a complex set of I-type,
medium- to high-K granitoids (Cobbing et al., 1977) and have been divided into super-units
that correspond to individual intrusive events and ranging in composition from gabbro-diorite
(KTi-di) to granodiorite-tonalite (KTi-t) reflecting the differentiation process, shown in reddish
to pinkish colors in Figure 5. Magmatic activity continued in central Peru as evidenced by
numerous post-batholithic stocks and plutons of middle- to high-K calc-alkaline affinity that
intrude the Coastal Batholith.
The primary structural grain of the region around the Property is defined by the trend
of NE-oriented faults, transversal to the main Andean NW trend. One of this long NE-trending
structures pass thru the Property (Figure 5), putting alongside batholithic rocks to the west
with volcanic rocks to the east. This type of long and deep faults are favorable to
mineralization, such as Incapuquio fault system that controls Toquepala, Cuajone and Cerro
Verde porphyries in Peru; and Domeyko fault system that controls Chuquicamata, Escondida
porphyries and the Atacama fault system that controls Candelaria IOCG deposit in Chile.

Local Geology

Most of the outcrops in the Property are intrusive rocks belonging to the Coastal
Batholith, ranging from tonalite to diorite, with abundant epidote-actinolite veins, some with
iron oxides (Photo 1). Cutting across these igneous rocks, the author found several dikes, 2-
10 m wide, ranging from andesitic to rhyolitic and aplitic in composition. Outcropping dikes
color varies from greenish-greyish the former and pink-orange the latter, with NS preferable
strike (even though some are NE and some NW). NS veins from Corazon de Jesus mining
concession are intimately related to NS dikes.
The main NE fault controls the Santo Domingo creek and can be traced in field for
several kilometers (Figure 6).
East to the fault and higher in altitude, volcanic rocks crop out (shown in orange color
in Figure 6); also with epidote veins and some with disseminated magnetite with minor
chalcopyrite. The presence of dikes decreases to the east of the main fault.

Figure 6. Local geology, based on mapping at 1:5,000 scale done by the author. Note the amount of
dikes (green lines) to the west of the main fault and the lack of them within the Property.

Photo 1. Tonalitic intrusive rock, with several epidote-amphibole-iron oxide veins. West side of Santo
Domingo creek.

Southwest from Santo Domingo creek crops out a sequence of subvertical

volcanoclastic rocks (Photo 2).

Photo 2. Volcanoclastic sequence, apparently belonging to Calipuy Fm (?).

Within the Property, the author found several rhyolitic stocks with orange patina,
cutting across batholithic rocks, some behaving as dikes in EW patterns, and some others in
NE patterns. Diameter of the stocks varies from 500 m to 1.5 km. At the distance and from
satellite images, those acid stocks resemblance alteration zones or at least color anomalies
due to its pale-orange color, contrasting the brownish-greyish tonalites and the greenish-
grayish volcanics (Photo 3).

Photo 3. Santo Domingo creek, looking southeast. See in the background a few pale outcrops
resembling alteration zones, but they are felsic stocks.


A Landsat TM image of the Property was used to perform a spectral analysis, but the
response is almost null (Figure 7). The author believes (after a field visit) that this is because
there are no hydrothermal alteration assemblages in the Property that can be read analyzing
the Landsat specter. An Aster image would have the same null response due to the same
reasons. There is no clay alteration, alunite nor iron oxide in wider areas in the Property that
can be picked up by 30 x 30 m pixels. Neither epidote nor magnetite gives any answer to the
spectral analysis of the Landsat and Aster images.

Figure 7. Identification of Alteration areas based on spectral analysis of a Landsat TM image. Note
the virtually null response

As a common practice previous to the field trip, the author did a desktop visual review
of the satellite image providing by ArcGis 10.1 (World Imagery), looking for features such as
color anomalies, apparent alteration, lineaments, etc. in order to check them out later in the
field. Figure 8 shows the two zones the author picked up as color anomalies (alteration
zone?) worth to visit.
The zone interpreted as Zona de Alteración 1 (Alteration zone 1), once checked in the
field, corresponds with an outcrop of a tonalitic-granodioritic intrusive, whitish color, with
epidote-magnetite veins. The intrusion is overlaid by a greenish-grayish volcanic rock, also
with epidote-magnetite veins. Apparently, the intrusion of the tonalite caused a sodic-calcic
alteration aureole in the contact with the volcanic rock, because as far as the author went up
in the volcanic, the magnetite-epidote veins vanished.
The zone interpreted as Zona de Alteración 2 (Alteration zone 2), once checked in the
field, corresponds with a rhyolitic stock, pinkish-orange color, with no alteration one so ever.

Figure 8. Features worth to check out in field, based on a desktop analysis of ArcGis satellite imagery.
Compare with field map in Figure 9.

The author couldn’t find any evidence of argillic nor phyllic alteration related to a
porphyry system. Color anomalies are neither hipogene nor supergene oxidation of pyrite,
but acidic stocks. There is also not evidence of potassic alteration in the form of secondary
biotite nests or white plagioclases turned into pink potassic feldspar. The latter was only
found as big crystals in pink pegmatitic dikes.

The only evidence of alteration corresponds to epidote-magnetite-amphibole veinlets
and disseminated epidote associated to magnetite. This assemblage was found Property-
wide, both in tonalitic intrusives and andesitic volcanic, but not within the late acidic pinkish
rhyolitic stocks. The author believes the epidote-magnetite-amphibole assemblage
corresponds with a sodic-calcic alteration, as an outer and broader alteration halo from a
concealed IOCG deposit type, or at least barely cropping out. The only places not affected by
this sodic-calcic assemblage (apart from the late acidic stocks) are the upper parts
(topographically higher in altitude) in the volcanic rocks (black lines in Figure 9).

Figure 9. Same mapping shown in Figure 6, but here the black lines outline the upper part of the
volcanic rocks, not affected by the sodic-calcic alteration assemblage.

Mineralization in Ximenita de Huaral

As mentioned before, the author found a small outcrop in a creek with a whitish
alteration in an assemblage of quartz-epidote-magnetite-amphibole (Photo 4), affecting
volcanic rocks. Coarse grained magnetite, some with chalcopyrite as a core could also find
(Photo 5). Evidence for copper presence is a weak green color covering the outcrop.

Photo 4. Layers of green epidote and black magnetite within volcanic rocks.

Photo 5. Hand sample of quartz-magnetite-chalcopyrite mineralization found in a small creek (Sample

# 170603).

Despite the small outcrop, the type of mineralization found in the creek and the type
of alteration wide spread in the Property make to think in a concealed IOCG deposit type, or
barely cropping out. The author failed to find some other place with field evidence of
disseminated copper mineralization other than the one shown in Photo 5, but epidote veins is
widely exposed in the Property (Photos 6, 7, 8 and 9).
The author firmly believes that the theorized IOCG deposit has to be found by indirect
methods such a combination of Magnetometric and IP geophysics surveys to define drill
targets. Magnetite would have a strong response contrasting igneous and volcanic host
rocks in Mag survey; and chalcopyrite and other sulfides could have a moderate chargeable
response in IP survey.

Photos 6, 7, 8 y 9. Examples of widely spread ubiquitous epidote within volcanic rocks.

Besides the possible IOCG deposit, the author also found two thin veinlets (2-5 cm) of
quartz-copper sulfates-iron oxides (Photos 10 and 11, and samples # 2569 and 2571), with
copper grades of 1.25% Cu and 1.62% Cu, but with low gold grades (0.31 y 0.35 g/t Au).
Veins cut across batholith intrusives (tonalite-granodiorite).
Location of the 7 samples taken in the Property is shown in Figure 10.

Photos 10 y 11. Hand samples of two veinlets found in the Property. Left: sample #2569. Right:
sample #2571.

Figure 10. Location of the 7 samples taken within the Property (yellow dots), with lithology mapping as
background. Brown lines represent the author’s track.

Mineralization in Corazón de Jesús

The author had access also to the group of mining concessions named Corazón de
Jesús 2002, 2004 and 2008 (see Figure 3 for location), which has abandoned mining
workings in two separate locations.
First mining workings have abandoned shallow adits (“cateos”) that follow a narrow
quartz-iron oxide vein for at least 150 m (photos 12, 13 and 14). Vein has an azimuth of
N335˚ and dips 80˚ to the NE. One rock sampling taken by the author came back with 4.02
g/t Au and 59.1 g/t Ag, with high value for zinc (>10,000 ppm or >1% Zn).

Photos 12, 13 y 14. Abandoned shallow mine workings at Corazón de Jesús 2008.

Second place of abandoned mine workings is at the end of an old road where there is
an empty basecamp. Old workings count as several shallow “cateos”, a crosscut at least
220 m long, and an explosive warehouse. In this place, the author found at least 12 narrow
veins, both outcropping and within the crosscut. The author took samples of 12 veins, with
results ranging from 0.1 g/t Au to 4.1 g/t Au, and Ag values ranging from 5.2 g/t Ag to 59.1 g/t
Location of 12 samples taken in Corazón de Jesús 2002, 2004 and 2008 are shown
in Figures 11 and 12.

Figure 11. Location map of the 12 samples taken within Corazón de Jesús mining concessions
(yellow dots). Light brown line is the access to the abandoned mine sites. Note the amount of mainly
NS dikes (green lines) here compared to the Property.

Figure 12. Detail map showing the location of samples taken in Corazon de Jesus mining
concessions (yellow dots). Some veins are shown as redlines. Samples 2574 to 2578 were taken
within the crosscut (“Cortada Nv 1030”).

Geochemical Results and Interpretation

Table 1 shows the description of the total 19 samples taken by the author (7 samples
in the Property (Xim) and 12 samples in Corazón de Jesús or CJ). Samples were sent to
Certimin Lab in Lima, where an ICP Multielement and Fire Assay for gold were performed.
Copper values greater than 10,000 ppm were re-assayed later. Table 2 shows results for
main elements. See Appendix 1, 2 and 3 for full Lab reports.
From the 7 samples taken at the Property, three has no economic relevance; other
two correspond with narrow veinlets 2-5 cm wide (samples #2569 and #2571), with copper
values ranging from 1.25% Cu to 1.62% Cu, but with low gold values (0.31 and 0.35 g/t Au),
which mean they have no economic value. Other two samples were taken in volcanic rocks
with epidote-magnetite-amphibole alteration and magnetite-chalcopyrite mineralization
(samples #17063 and #2568), with encouraging results for copper: 0.20% Cu and 0.15%
respectively. These two samples represent the small outcropping of (what the author think
is) a concealed IOCG deposit, that needs more exploration efforts to define its
geometry, size and grade.
The bulk of the 12 samples from Corazón de Jesús were taken in narrow quartz-iron
oxide veins and veinlets, ranging from 5 to 25 cm wide. Veins were sampled both
outcropping and within crosscut (“Cortada Nv 1030”). As shown in Table 2, only 4 samples
have anomalous gold values, ranging from 1.3 g/t Au to 4.1 g/t Au, silver from 1 to 2 oz/t Ag,
copper <0.6% Cu and one sample Zinc 1% Zn. These results are no economics in any
element. Is worth to mention that there are another group of veins and adits to the other
side of the hill, but the author didn’t get there (“La Millonaria” vein, and “Pique” and “Nv 1050”
adits), see Figure 12.
Results for Cu, Au and Ag in the Property are shown in Figures 13, 14 and 15
respectively. Results for Au in Corazón de Jesús are shown in Figures 16 and 17.

Table 1. Sample Description
Id East North High Az Dip Concession Description
170602 284016 8739000 1261 130 85 Xim Narrow veinlet 3 cm wide, calcite-FeOx in granodiorite.
170603 284162 8738700 1385 Xim Small rusted outcrop, orange color, Magnetite-Qz-cpy-OxCu-epidote-amphibole. Coarse graine (IOCG?).
170604 284243 8738643 1422 90 40 Xim 1m wide layer, Mt-epidote-Qz-calcite.
2568 283858 8738403 1345 Xim Volcanic rock with epidote and magnetite in veinlets and diss. No cpy seen.
2569 284155 8738061 1313 315 85 Xim Veinlet 2-3 cm, N315/85 Qz-cpy-OxCu-lim.
2570 282824 8736340 1025 Xim Gray rock with abund. epidote in veinlets and diss. Phenos of orthose-biotite subrounded. alt. to amphiboles.
2571 282862 8736311 1035 150 67 Xim Veinlet 5 cm, N159/67 in gray rock, Qz-OxCu-OxFe(-).

170601 277911 8733615 656 335 80 CJ Corazón de Jesús 2008 old mine. Sample taken in a +-150m long working adits, Qz-FeOx(goe-lim)-CuOx.
2566 278907 8735717 994 355 85 CJ Vein-fault 5 cm, N355/85 with small 3 m long adit, in creek, Qz-FeOx (hem-lim).
2567 278927 8735717 1008 187 72 CJ Vein 25 cm, N187/72 with 8-10m long adit in creek, Qz-FeOx (hem-lim).
2572 278737 8735908 932 160 78 CJ Outcropping veinlet 5-8 cm, N160/78, Qz-FeOx-CuOx(-).
2573 278743 8735916 931 170 80 CJ Outcropping veinlet 3-6 cm N170/80, Qz-FeOx.
2574 278910 8735600 1030 175 78 CJ Vein 6-18cm N175/78, Qz-FeOx. Pt C4-6.2m, Vein 3 (within crosscut Nv 1030).
2575 278976 8735569 1030 160 85 CJ Vein 6-20cm N160/85, Qz-FeOx. Pt C6+18m (within crosscut Nv 1030).
2576 279055 8735532 1030 185 80 CJ Vein 8-20cm N185/80, Qz-FeOx. Pto C9+1m (within crosscut Nv 1030).
2577 278997 8735559 1030 175 60 CJ Vein 8-16cm N175/60, Qz-FeOx-galena-py. Pt C7+5.5m (within crosscut Nv 1030).
2578 278889 8735609 1030 166 85 CJ Vein 6-12cm N166/85, Qz-FeOx. Pt C3+14.9m (within crosscut Nv 1030).
2579 278973 8735723 1039 210 83 CJ Vein 5-10cm N210/83 with 18-20m long adit in creek, Qz-FeOx (hem-lim), branch N230/85 (within crosscut Nv 1030).
2580 278992 8735725 1051 5 85 CJ Vein 20-25cm N005/85 with small adit in creek, Qz-FeOx (hem-lim) (within crosscut Nv 1030).

Table 2. Geochemical Results of Main elements
Id Este Norte Altura Az Buz Concesion Au_ppm Ag_ppm Cu_ppm As_ppm Bi_ppm Mo_ppm Pb_ppm Zn_ppm
170602 284016 8739000 1261 130 85 Xim 0.0025 0.8 23.4 4 8 0.5 14 10.4
170603 284162 8738700 1385 Xim 0.043 0.7 2027 16 2.5 1 13 203
170604 284243 8738643 1422 90 40 Xim 0.0025 0.4 0.25 4 2.5 2 254 87.1
2568 283858 8738403 1345 Xim 0.052 1.3 1504 16 2.5 0.5 25 35.8
2569 284155 8738061 1313 315 85 Xim 0.35 24.5 16200 165 2.5 139 49 425
2570 282824 8736340 1025 Xim 0.007 0.1 41.1 4 2.5 1 14 35.7
2571 282862 8736311 1035 150 67 Xim 0.311 11.1 12500 40 938 21 86 313
170601 277911 8733615 656 335 80 CJ 4.018 59.1 3959 90 123 37 528 10001
2566 278907 8735717 994 355 85 CJ 3.538 37.2 1356 84 280 39 110 238
2567 278927 8735717 1008 187 72 CJ 4.096 57.3 603 222 1458 140 404 164
2572 278737 8735908 932 160 78 CJ 0.111 16.5 4826 53 73 30 30 2651
2573 278743 8735916 931 170 80 CJ 1.298 28.1 382 75 20 29 17 1377
2574 278910 8735600 1030 175 78 CJ 0.19 9.3 276 31 63 65 117 293
2575 278976 8735569 1030 160 85 CJ 0.616 23.1 389 38 92 74 493 193
2576 279055 8735532 1030 185 80 CJ 0.365 5.2 223 165 83 55 122 264
2577 278997 8735559 1030 175 60 CJ 0.445 26.7 180 116 333 13 508 594
2578 278889 8735609 1030 166 85 CJ 0.387 23.8 458 61 529 47 56 307
2579 278973 8735723 1039 210 83 CJ 2.467 47.4 6210 70 133 77 332 1779
2580 278992 8735725 1051 5 85 CJ 0.577 9.4 268 47 58 25 77 72.4
Id Este Norte Altu Au_p Ag_p Cu_p Fe_ As_p Sb_p Bi_p Mo_p Pb_p Zn_p
ra pm pm pm % pm pm pm pm pm pm
170601 2779 8733 656 4.018 59.1 3959 5.4 90 2.5 123 37 528 1000
11 615 3 1
170602 2840 8739 126 0.002 0.8 23.4 0.6 4 2.5 8 0.5 14 10.4
16 000 1 5 9

170603 2841 8738 138 0.043 0.7 2027 8.8 16 2.5 2.5 1 13 203
62 700 5 9
170604 2842 8738 142 0.002 0.4 0.25 15 4 2.5 2.5 2 254 87.1
43 643 2 5

Figure 13. Copper results from the Property. The two red values correspond with the two veinlets. The
two green values correspond with magnetite-chalcopyrite samples (possible IOCG).

Figure 14. Gold results from the Property. The two labeled values correspond with the two veinlets.

Figure 15. Silver results from the Property. The two labeled values correspond with the two veinlets.

Figure 16. Gold results from Corazón de Jesús. Grades greater than 1 g/t Au (red color) are labeled.

Figure 17. Detail of gold results from Corazón de Jesús. Grades greater than 1 g/t Au (red color) are

Discussion on Results

The author firmly believe that, despite failing to find a big outcrop as strong evidence,
finding a small outcrop in a single creek with magnetite-chalcopyrite and the broadly spread
epidote-magnetite sodic-calcic alteration suggest a concealed IOCG system. There it’ll be
hard to find more outcropping evidence of such a deposit, so the author suggest to step up a
level where indirect methods should be apply. Magnetometric (to catch magnetite-
chalcopyrite bodies) together with IP (to catch chargeable pyrite-chalcopyrite dissemination)
are geophysics methods worth to try.
The closeness from the Property with the gold veins in Corazón de Jesús, as well as
the wide spread sodic-calcic alteration reveals a huge system with the core area still
unknown. The empty space between both mining concessions is an area worth to explore
looking for more evidence of the core system and also for more (thicker and better grades)
Is worth to notice than a worldwide mining company such as Newmont has covered
huge areas with mining concessions 20 km north of the Property looking for porphyry type
deposits. Sumacwayra and Illary are both Newmont’s porphyry projects there.


 Evidence for an IOCG-type deposit has been found within the property. A huge fault
system, copper grades, mineralization and alteration assemblages support this theory.

 The only private access to get into the Property (green gate) is a problem to solve politely
with the farmers owners.

 Exploring with the assistance of a motorcycle was really helpful given the long distances
from the end of the road to the Property. An All-terrain vehicle (ATV) could also be helpful
in further campaigns.

 Gold veins at Corazón de Jesús have no economic values so far, but gold vein systems
have erratic behavior in terms of grades. Maybe exploring along strike and/or deeper,
gold grades can improve. Other still unexplored zones can have economic veins.


 Ximena Mining Group should keep the mining concession Ximenita de Huaral 2013 and
by further exploration cover the area between the Property and Corazón de Jesús,
looking for more evidence of the postulated concealed IOCG and/or economic gold veins.

 A big package of a 3,000 – 5,000 ha mining concession would be more attractive for a
bigger mining player as a partner or joint-venture to develop the property into next steps
of exploration, which will require further (and bigger) investments.

 Geophysical surveys such as ground or airborne Mag and IP lines are recommended,
looking for the core of the huge system, in order to develop drilling targets. First priority
for this is undoubtedly the area where chalcopyrite was found.


JUNE 2017




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