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Zhone CLI Reference Guide

For software version 1.11.2

June 2005
Document Part Number: 830-00506-10
Zhone Technologies
@Zhone Way
7001 Oakport Street
Oakland, CA 94621

COPYRIGHT ©2000-2005 Zhone Technologies, Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved.
This publication is protected by copyright law. No part of this publication may be copied or
distributed, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any human
or computer language in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, manual
or otherwise, or disclosed to third parties without the express written permission from Zhone
Technologies, Inc.
BAN, GigaMux, MALC, Raptor, SLMS, Z-Edge, Zhone, ZMS, and the Zhone logo are
trademarks of Zhone Technologies, Inc.
Zhone Technologies makes no representation or warranties with respect to the contents hereof
and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability, noninfringement, or
fitness for a particular purpose. Further, Zhone Technologies reserves the right to revise this
publication and to make changes from time to time in the contents hereof without obligation of
Zhone Technologies to notify any person of such revision or changes.

2 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


About This Guide ...............................................................................................................................7

Style and notation conventions..............................................................................7
Typographical conventions.......................................................................................7
Related documents ....................................................................................................9
Contacting Global Service and Support...............................................................9
Technical support......................................................................................................9
Service requirements.................................................................................................9

Chapter 1 Introduction to the CLI ........................................................................................11

Terminology ...............................................................................................................11
Logging in...................................................................................................................12
Profile indexes...........................................................................................................13
Virtual .....................................................................................................................13
Automatically provisioned if-translate records.......................................................13
Physical interfaces............................................................................................13
Virtual interfaces ..............................................................................................13
Basic commands ......................................................................................................13
Viewing profiles ........................................................................................................15
Viewing records ........................................................................................................16
Viewing commands..................................................................................................16
Getting help on a command ....................................................................................17
Finding a command.................................................................................................17
Modifying records ....................................................................................................18
new command .........................................................................................................18
Displaying parameter values...................................................................................19
update command .....................................................................................................20
delete command ......................................................................................................21
ifTypes .........................................................................................................................21
CLI shortcuts .............................................................................................................22
Command completion.............................................................................................22
Command history and shortcuts..............................................................................23
Basic control commands ..................................................................................23

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 3


Movement and search commands ....................................................................24

Insert and change commands ...........................................................................25
Delete commands .............................................................................................25
Put and undo commands...................................................................................26

Chapter 2 Commands ...............................................................................................................27

A ....................................................................................................................................27
B ....................................................................................................................................32
C ....................................................................................................................................39
D ....................................................................................................................................49
E ....................................................................................................................................60
G ....................................................................................................................................76
H ....................................................................................................................................78
I ......................................................................................................................................82
N ..................................................................................................................................101
P ..................................................................................................................................103
R ..................................................................................................................................105
S ..................................................................................................................................112
U ..................................................................................................................................148
V ..................................................................................................................................150
W .................................................................................................................................159

Alphabetic List of Parameters..................................................................................................161

Chapter 3 Parameters .............................................................................................................169

ADSL ..........................................................................................................................169
ATM ............................................................................................................................181
Card ............................................................................................................................203
Channel Emulation Service (CES) .....................................................................211
Clocking ....................................................................................................................213

4 Zhone CLI Reference Guide

DS1 .............................................................................................................................231
DS3 .............................................................................................................................239
DSL .............................................................................................................................245
ELCP .........................................................................................................................251
FXS/FXO ....................................................................................................................259
GR303 ........................................................................................................................265
IfIndex ........................................................................................................................271
IP .................................................................................................................................279
Network Time Protocol..........................................................................................289
PON ............................................................................................................................292
RIP ..............................................................................................................................307
Sechtor 100A environmental ...............................................................................319
SONET .......................................................................................................................322
Subscriber ................................................................................................................328
VDSL ..........................................................................................................................346
Voice .........................................................................................................................346
User ............................................................................................................................362

Index ....................................................................................................................................................367

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 5


6 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


This guide is intended for use by system users or administrators.

Note: This document describes all the parameters and commands in

the Zhone CLI. The parameters and commands that appear on a
particular system depend on the system software running and the
hardware configuration of the device.

Style and notation conventions

The following conventions are used in this document to alert users to
information that is instructional, warns of potential damage to system
equipment or data, and warns of potential injury or death. Carefully read and
follow the instructions included in this document.

Caution: A caution alerts users to conditions or actions that could

damage equipment or data.

Note: A note provides important supplemental or amplified


Tip: A tip provides additional information that enables users to more

readily complete their tasks.

WARNING! A warning alerts users to conditions or actions that

could lead to injury or death.

WARNING! A warning with this icon alerts users to conditions or

actions that could lead to injury caused by a laser.

Typographical conventions

The following typographical styles are used in this guide to represent specific
types of information.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 7

About This Guide

Bold Used for names of buttons, dialog boxes, icons, menus,

profiles when placed in body text, and property pages (or
sheets). Also used for commands, options, parameters in
body text, and user input in body text.

Fixed Used in code examples for computer output, file names, path
names, and the contents of online files or directories.
Fixed Bold Used in code examples for text typed by users.

Fixed Bold Used in code examples for variable text typed by users.

Italic Used for book titles, chapter titles, file path names, notes in
body text requiring special attention, section titles,
emphasized terms, and variables.

PLAIN UPPER Used for environment variables.


The following acronyms appear throughout this manual:

Table 1: Acronyms and their descriptions

Acronym Description

ARP Address Resolution Protocol

ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode

BAN Broadband Access Node

DSL Digital Subscriber Line

HDSL2 High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line

IAD Integrated Access Device

MALC Multi-Access Line Concentrator

MIB Management Information Base

PBX Private Branch Exchange

RIP Routing Information Protocol

SDSL Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line

SLMS Single Line Multi-Service

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol

TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol

VCI Virtual Channel Identifier

8 Zhone CLI Reference Guide

Related documents

Table 1: Acronyms and their descriptions

Acronym Description

VCL Virtual Channel Link

VPI Virtual Path Identifier

ZMS Zhone Management System

Related documents
Refer to the documentation that came with your Zhone device for information
about configuring the device.

Contacting Global Service and Support

Contact Global Service and Support (GSS) if you have any questions about
this or other Zhone products. Before contacting GSS, make sure you have the
following information:
• Zhone product you are using
• System configuration
• Software version running on the system
• Description of the issue

Technical support

If you require assistance with the installation or operation of your product, or

if you want to return a product for repair under warranty, contact GSS. The
contact information is as follows:

Telephone (North America) 877-ZHONE20
Telephone (International) 510-777-7133

If you purchased the product from an authorized dealer, distributor, Value

Added Reseller (VAR), or third party, contact that supplier for technical
assistance and warranty support.

Service requirements

If the product malfunctions, all repairs must be performed by the

manufacturer or a Zhone-authorized agent. It is the responsibility of users
requiring service to report the need for service to GSS.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 9

About This Guide

10 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


This chapter describes how to use the Zhone command line interface (CLI). It
contains the following sections:
• Terminology, page 11
• Logging in, page 12
• Basic commands, page 13
• Viewing profiles, page 15
• Viewing records, page 16
• Viewing commands, page 16
• Modifying records, page 18
• ifTypes, page 21
• CLI shortcuts, page 22

The following terms are used throughout this document:

Term Description

Access levels The privilege level assigned to each user. Access levels
determine the commands the user can execute.

Address Every physical interface in the system has an address.

Addressing on Zhone systems is of the form: shelf/slot/
port/subport, where subport is a logical interface
associated with a physical interface, such as Ethernet
Profiles not associated with physical interfaces, such as
subscriber profiles, have profile indexes.

CLI The command line interface. Used to configure the

Zhone system.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 11

Introduction to the CLI

Term Description

Command Commands are used to view, add, delete and configure

system profiles. Commands also allow administrators to
perform system administrative tasks such as loading new
software, adding users, and viewing system status.
Parameter An item within a profile that you set in order to
configure the Zhone stem. For example, each Subscriber
profile has a Name parameter that contains the name of
the subscriber.

Profile A profile is a template that is used to create records. For

example, IP interfaces and SDSL lines have profiles,
which are configured by administrative users and
associated with a particular address.

Profile index An index for a profile. Profiles not associated with

physical interfaces, such as subscriber profiles, have
profile indexes. Profiles associated with physical
interfaces, such as SDSL lines, have addresses.

Record A record is an instance of a profile associated with a

particular subscriber, service, or interface. Records store
configuration information.

Subscriber Subscribers are remote users to which the Zhone system

provides services.

User A user is an administrator of the Zhone system. Users

log into the unit to configure or manage it.

Logging in
You can access the CLI through a local serial craft connection or through a
telnet session.
To access the serial port, configure your terminal interface software with the
following settings:
• 9600bps
• 8 data bits
• No parity
• 1 stop bit
• No flow control
Connect a serial crossover cable to the DE-9 port on the unit labeled Serial
Craft. At the prompt, enter default username (admin) and password (zhone):
password: *****

12 Zhone CLI Reference Guide

Profile indexes

Profile indexes
This section describes profile indexes.


All non-physical (virtual) if-translate records have their shelf, slot, port,
subport fields set to zero. These interfaces are accessible by name only.
Physical interfaces have both names and shelf-slot-port-subport values.
Examples of a physical interface types include hdsl2, adsl, sonet, atmima,
and ethernetcsmacd. Examples of virtual interfaces types include atm, aal5,
rfc1483 and ip.

Automatically provisioned if-translate records

The system automatically provisions certain if-translate records. These

include physical interfaces (for example hdsl2 and adsl), line group interfaces
(other), and ATM interfaces (for example atm, aal5, rfc1483). The
addressing of these profiles

Physical interfaces
For physical interfaces the name is a dash (-) separated string of shelf, slot,
port, subport (shelf-slot-port-subport). For example: 1-2-1-0.

Virtual interfaces
For virtual interfaces, the profile address is the same with the addition of the
ianatype name of the physical interface on the end (shelf-slot-port-subport/
For example, for a virtual interface stacked on an hdsl2 interface, the index
would be 1-2-1-0-hdls2.

Basic commands
The CLI contains profiles, which are templates for configuring the system;
records, which are specific instances of profiles; and commands, which
manipulate records or perform system functions (such as displaying line
The following table describes the most important CLI commands.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 13

Introduction to the CLI

Command Description

delete Deletes a record.

delete profile-type [ index | * ]
where profile-type is the type of profile and * is a
wildcard character.

get Displays the contents of a record.

get profile-type index
where profile-type is the type of profile and index is
the index of the profile (for example,

help Displays the available commands or help on a

particular command.
help [ command ]
list Lists available profiles or displays the contents of a
specified profile.
list [ profile-type | * ]
where profile-type is the type of profile and * is a
wildcard character.
Without options, the list command displays all the
profiles on the system.
new Creates a new record.
new profile-type index
where profile-type is the type of profile and index is
the index of the profile (for example,

14 Zhone CLI Reference Guide

Viewing profiles

Command Description

show Displays the content of the specified profile along

with the possible values of the parameters.
show profile-type
where profile-type is the type of profile.

update Updates the contents of an existing record.

update profile-type index
where profile-type is the type of profile and index is
the index of the profile (for example,

Viewing profiles
To view the profiles on the system, use the list command. After each profile is
the format of the address or profile index for the profile. For example, the
card-profile requires a shelf/slot/port address:
card-profile: shelf/slot/type/
Where shelf and slot are the physical location of the device and type is the
type of the card.

Note: The profiles on your system may vary, depending on the

configuration of your unit.

For example:
zSH> list
aal2-audio-profile: audioProfileIdentifier/apIndex
aal2-cid-profile: ifIndex/vpi/vci/cid
aal2-vcl-profile: ifIndex/vpi/vci
adsl-co-profile: shelf/slot/port
adsl-cpe-profile: shelf/slot/port
adsl-profile: shelf/slot/port
atm-cc: atmVcCrossConnectIndex
atm-if: ifIndex
atm-if-stats: ifIndex
atm-traf-descr: index
atm-traf-descr-idx-next: index
atm-traf-descr-stats: index
atm-vcl: ifIndex/vpi/vci
atm-vcl-param: index
atm-vcl-stats: ifIndex/vpi/vci
atm-vpi: ifIndex/vpi
atm-vpl: ifIndex/vpi
bulk-statistic: index

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 15

Introduction to the CLI

bulk-statistics-config: index<SPACE> for next page, <CR>

for next line, A for all, Q to quit

Viewing records
To view the configured records of a particular type, enter list command then
the name of the profile. For example:
zSH> list atm-vcl
atm-vcl 1-6-1-0-sonet/atm/0/35
atm-vcl 1-6-1-0-sonet/atm/0/36
atm-vcl 1-6-1-0-sonet/atm/0/37
atm-vcl 1-6-2-0-sonet/atm/0/35
atm-vcl 1-6-2-0-sonet/atm/0/36
atm-vcl 1-6-2-0-sonet/atm/0/37

To view all configured records on the system, use the list command with the
wildcard character (*):
zSH> list *
aal2-audio-profile 7/1
aal2-audio-profile 7/2
aal2-audio-profile 7/3
aal2-audio-profile 8/1
aal2-audio-profile 8/2
aal2-audio-profile 9/1
aal2-audio-profile 10/1
aal2-audio-profile 10/2
aal2-audio-profile 11/1
aal2-audio-profile 11/2
aal2-audio-profile 12/1
aal2-audio-profile 12/2
aal2-audio-profile 12/3
atm-cc 14
atm-cc 5
atm-cc 6
atm-cc 7
atm-cc 8
atm-cc 1
<SPACE> for next page, <CR> for next line, A for all, Q to

Viewing commands
To see a list of all the commands available, along with a short description of
their use, enter the help command without arguments:
zSH> help
1 help [commands]
2 adduser
3 ata - initialize/show ATA flash partitions.

16 Zhone CLI Reference Guide

Viewing commands

4 bootstate - <slot> display the boot state of a given

slot card
5 cd - change current directory.
6 changepass
7 commit <profile-type> <profile-storage-key>
8 copy - copy a file.
9 create <profile-type> <profile-storage-key>
10 del - Delete a file.
11 delete <profile-type> <profile-storage-key>
Wildcards may be used in the profile-storage-key.
12 deleteuser <userName>
13 dir - list directory contents.
14 dump <[console] | [file filename] | [network host
15 eeset elementID elementValue <epromID> <slot>
16 eeshow eepromName <slot>
17 featurebitdisplay <featurenum>
18 featurebitset offset mask value hashCode
19 fhrameping shelf/slot</port>
20 file - download/upload files.
21 filter command [arguments]
Type A<CR> to print all, <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:

Getting help on a command

To get help on a particular command, enter the help command with the name
of the command. For example:
zSH> help get
Usage: get <profile-type> <profile-storage-key>
This command retrieves an existing profile record and
displays its contents.
EX: zSH> get a-profile <profile-storage-key>
zSH> show a-profile
aField: ------>[0 - 1]
bField: ------>[0 - 2]
cField: ------>[0 - 5]
dField: ------>[0 - 7]
Note: A message is displayed if there is no record
matching the profile storage key

Finding a command

The find command allows you to search through the available commands.
The command uses the following syntax:
find [-s(ubSearch) | -d(etailed)] stringToSearch
Search the previous search results for the specified string.
Search the online help for each command for the specified string.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 17

Introduction to the CLI

-ds or -sd
Search the online help of the commands in the previous search for the
specified string.
The string to search for.
For example, the following command finds all commands containing the
string “show”:
zSH> find show
eeshow msgtrafficshow
show showdatetime
showlinestatus showlogo
showresolver showuser

Modifying records
The new, update, and delete commands are the primary commands to modify

new command

The new command creates new profiles. Some profiles, such as those
associated with physical devices, can only be created if the device is installed
in the system.
The following example creates a new ip-interface-record. Press Enter to
accept the default value:
zSH> new ip-interface-record 1-1-1-0/ip
Please provide the following: [q]uit.
vpi: ---------------> {0}:
vci: ---------------> {0}:
rdindex: -----------> {1}:
dhcp: --------------> {none}: ** read-only **
addr: --------------> {}:
netmask: -----------> {}:
bcastaddr: ---------> {}:
destaddr: ----------> {}:
farendaddr: --------> {}:
mru: ---------------> {1500}:
reasmmaxsize: ------> {0}:
ingressfiltername: -> {}:
egressfiltername: --> {}:
pointtopoint: ------> {no}:
mcastenabled: ------> {yes}:
ipfwdenabled: ------> {yes}:
mcastfwdenabled: ---> {yes}:
natenabled: --------> {no}:
bcastenabled: ------> {yes}:
ingressfilterid: ---> {0}:

18 Zhone CLI Reference Guide

Modifying records

egressfilterid: ----> {0}:

ipaddrdynamic: -----> {static}:
dhcpserverenable: --> {false}:
Save new record? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: s
Record created.

After entering the values the system displays the values you’ve entered and
prompts you to save the record. If you want to save the changes, press s. If
you want to make changes, press c to re-enter values. Press q at any time to
quit without saving changes.

Note: The CLI accepts abbreviated or complete input to modify

records: You can enter s or save to save changes, enter c or change to
make more changes, enter q or quit to stop without saving changes.

Displaying parameter values

There are two ways to display valid values for a parameter, with the show
command or inline while you are updating the record.
To use the show command:
zSH> show ip-interface-record
vpi:---------------> {0 - 4095}
vci:---------------> {0 - 65535}
rdindex:-----------> {0 - 2147483647}
dhcp:--------------> none client server both
addr:--------------> {0 - -1}
netmask:-----------> {0 - -1}
bcastaddr:---------> {0 - -1}
destaddr:----------> {0 - -1}
farendaddr:--------> {0 - -1}
mru:---------------> {0 - 2147483647}
reasmmaxsize:------> {0 - 65535}
ingressfiltername:-> {33}
egressfiltername:--> {33}
pointtopoint:------> no yes
mcastenabled:------> no yes
ipfwdenabled:------> no yes
mcastfwdenabled:---> no yes
natenabled:--------> no yes
bcastenabled:------> no yes
ingressfilterid:---> {0 - 2147483647}
egressfilterid:----> {0 - 2147483647}
ipaddrdynamic:-----> static ppp dhcpclient
dhcpserverenable:--> true false
NOTE: Supported VPI/VCI ranges vary based on card type.
See documentation for the exact range of supported VPI/
VCI values

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 19

Introduction to the CLI

To use view the valid enumerated values while updating the record, enter a
question mark (?) when prompted for a value:
zSH> update ip-interface-record 1-2-1-0/ip
Please provide the following: [q]uit.
vpi: ---------------> {0}: ?
Invalid entry: vpi range: [0 to 4095]
vpi: ---------------> {0}:
vci: ---------------> {0}:
rdindex: -----------> {1}:
dhcp: --------------> {none}: ** read-only **
addr: --------------> {}: ?
Invalid IP address format. Try "n.n.n.n", where n is 0 to
addr: --------------> {}:
netmask: -----------> {}:
bcastaddr: ---------> {}:
destaddr: ----------> {}:
farendaddr: --------> {}:
mru: ---------------> {1500}:
reasmmaxsize: ------> {0}:
ingressfiltername: -> {}:
egressfiltername: --> {}:
pointtopoint: ------> {no}:
mcastenabled: ------> {yes}:
ipfwdenabled: ------> {yes}:
mcastfwdenabled: ---> {yes}:
natenabled: --------> {no}:
bcastenabled: ------> {yes}:
ingressfilterid: ---> {0}:
egressfilterid: ----> {0}:
ipaddrdynamic: -----> {static}:
dhcpserverenable: --> {false}:

update command

The update command changes an existing record. The command uses the
following syntax:
The following example updates an ip-interface-record:
zSH> update ip-interface-record 1-1-1-0/ip
Please provide the following: [q]uit.
vpi: ---------------> {0}:
vci: ---------------> {0}:
rdindex: -----------> {1}:
dhcp: --------------> {none}: ** read-only **
addr: --------------> {}:
netmask: -----------> {}:
bcastaddr: ---------> {}:
destaddr: ----------> {}:
farendaddr: --------> {}:
mru: ---------------> {1500}:
reasmmaxsize: ------> {0}:

20 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


ingressfiltername: -> {}:

egressfiltername: --> {}:
pointtopoint: ------> {no}:
mcastenabled: ------> {yes}:
ipfwdenabled: ------> {yes}:
mcastfwdenabled: ---> {yes}:
natenabled: --------> {no}:
bcastenabled: ------> {yes}:
ingressfilterid: ---> {0}:
egressfilterid: ----> {0}:
ipaddrdynamic: -----> {static}:
dhcpserverenable: --> {false}:
Save changes? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: s
Record updated.

delete command

The delete command deletes an existing record. You can delete a single
record by specifying the address or the index, or multiple records by using a
wildcard (*).
Some records, such a card-profiles, delete all associated records when you
delete them.

Table 2 lists the ifTypes used in Zhone devices.

Tip: When entering an record address, you can specify either the
ifType name or its number.

Table 2: ifTypes

ifType Number Description

EthernetCsmacd 6 Ethernet
ds1 18 DS1 or E1


primaryISDN 21 ISDN PRI

ppp 23 Point-to-point protocol

DS3 30 DS3

rs232 33 RS-232
atm 37 ATM cells

sonet 39 SONET or SDH

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 21

Introduction to the CLI

Table 2: ifTypes (Continued)

ifType Number Description

V35 45 V.35
AAL5 49 AAL5 over ATM

ISDN 63 ISDN or X.25

Async 84 Asynchronous protocols

ADSL 94 Asymmetric Digital Subscriber
Loop (ADSL)

radsl 95 Rate-adaptive Digital Subscriber


voiceEM 100 Voice receive and transmit

voiceFXO 101 Foreign Exchange Office

voiceFXS 102 Foreign Exchange Station

voiceEncap 103 Voice encapsulation

voiceOverIp 104 Voice over IP encapsulation

atmima 107 Inverse multiplexing over ATM

IP 126 Internet Protocol

voiceOverATM 152 Voice over ATM

rfc1483 159 Multiprotocol over ATM AAL5

hdsl2 168 High Bit-Rate DSL, 2nd

generation or SDSL

shdsl 169 Multirate HDSL2

CLI shortcuts
This section describes the following CLI shortcuts:
• Command completion, page 22
• Command history and shortcuts, page 23

Command completion

Command completion provides a shortcut to entering commands and profile

names at the CLI. If you type part of a command or profile name and then
press the TAB key, the CLI will present you with either the remaining portion
of the command/profile name or a list of possible completions.

22 Zhone CLI Reference Guide

CLI shortcuts

If there is one option to complete the line, the CLI will provide the complete
command or profile name (as in the following command and profile
zSH> sw <TAB>
zSH> swversion

If there is more than one option to complete the line, the CLI will display a list
of options that could complete command or profile (as in the following
command and profile examples).
zSH> show <TAB>
zSH> show

zSH> list atm <TAB>

zSH> list atm-

Command history and shortcuts

The Zhone CLI supports vi-like commands. This section describes the CLI
command shortcuts.

Basic control commands

Table 3 describes the basic commands to edit, delete, and enter commands
into the system.

Table 3: Basic control commands

Command Description

ESC Switch the line editing mode from regular input mode.

ENTER Enter line and leave edit mode.

CTRL + H Delete a character (backspace).

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 23

Introduction to the CLI

Table 3: Basic control commands

Command Description

CTRL + U Delete and entire line (in edit mode).

CTRL + L Redraw a line (in edit mode).

CTRL + S Suspend output.

CTRL + Q Resume output.

Movement and search commands

Table 4 describes the movement and search commands.

Table 4: Movement and search commands

Command Description

nG Go to command n.

/string Search for the specified string backward in the history buffer.

?string Search for the specified string forward in the history buffer.

n Repeats the last search.

nk or n- Execute the nth previous shell command.

nj or n+ Execute the nth next shell command.

nh Move the cursor n characters to the left.

nl or SPACE. Move the cursor n characters to the right.

nw Move the cursor n words forward.
(Words are separated by blanks or punctuation.)

nW Move the cursor n large words forward.

(Large words are separated by blanks only.)

ne Move the cursor to the end of the next nth word.

(Words are separated by blanks or punctuation.)
nE Move the cursor to the end of the next nth large word.
(Large words are separated by blanks only.)

nb Move the cursor back n words.

(Words are separated by blanks or punctuation.)
nB Move the cursor back n large words.
(Large words are separated by blanks only.)
$ Move cursor to end of the current line.

0 Move cursor to the beginning of the line.

24 Zhone CLI Reference Guide

CLI shortcuts

Table 4: Movement and search commands (Continued)

Command Description

^ Move cursor to the first non-blank character.

fc Search forward for the character c.

Fc Search backward for the character c.

Insert and change commands

Table 5 describes the insert and change commands.

Table 5: Insert and change commands

Command Description

a Append text.

A Append text at the end of line.

i Insert text.

I Insert text at the end of the line.

ns Change n characters.

nc SPACE Change n characters.

cw Change word.

cc or S Change the entire line.

c$ or C Change from cursor to end of line.

c0 Change from the cursor to the beginning of the line.

R Type over characters.

nrc Replace following n characters with c.

~ Toggle case, lower to upper, or upper to lower.

Delete commands
Table 6 describes the delete commands.

Table 6: Delete commands

Command Description

nx Delete n characters, beginning at the cursor.

nX Delete n characters to the left of the cursor.

dw Delete word.

dd Delete entire line.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 25

Introduction to the CLI

Table 6: Delete commands

Command Description

d$ or D Delete text from the cursor to the end of the line.

d0 Delete text from the cursor to the beginning of the line.

Put and undo commands

Table 7 describes the put and undo commands.

Table 7: Put and undo commands

Command Description

p Put last deletion after the cursor.

P Put last deletion before the cursor.

u Undo last command.

26 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


This chapter describes each of the CLI commands.


Creates a new user account and adds it to the database. The command also
generates a random password which the user can change with the changepass
Syntax adduser
Follow the system prompts.
Example zSH> adduser
Please provide the following: [q]uit.
User Name: jjsmith
User Prompt[zSH>]:
Please select user access levels.
admin: -------> {no}: yes
zhonedebug: --> {no}:
voice: -------> {no}:
data: --------> {no}:
manuf: -------> {no}:
database: ----> {no}:
systems: -----> {no}:
tool: --------> {no}:
useradmin: ---> {no}:
User name:(jjsmith) User prompt:(zSH>)
Access Levels:
Save new account? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: s
User record saved.

Access Level user

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also changepass

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 27



Displays all active alarms since the last system reboot.

Syntax alarm show [summary]
Options show
Displays the alarm totals and lists alarm details, such as resource ID and
alarm type and alarm severity.
Displays only alarm totals.
Example zSH> alarm show
zSH> alarm show
************ Central Alarm Manager ************
ActiveAlarmCurrentCount :8
ActiveAlarmTotalCount :9
ClearAlarmTotalCount :1
OverflowAlarmTableCount :0

ResourceId AlarmType AlarmSeverity

1-1-1-0/sonet linkDown critical
1-3-1-0/adsl linkDown minor
1-3-4-0/adsl linkDown minor
1-3-5-0/adsl linkDown minor
1-3-6-0/adsl linkDown minor
1-3-12-0/adsl linkDown minor
1-3-13-0/adsl linkDown minor
1-1-1-0/sonet sonetSectionStatusChange major

Access Level admin

Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Initializes, formats, or displays the contents of the system flash cards.

Caution: Formatting or initializing a PC card destroys all existing

data on the card.

Syntax ata [ show | format | init ] slot

Options show
Displays the flash partition table in the specified PC card.
Formats the specified PC card.
Initializes the specified PC card by creating partitions and a file system.
This destroys all existing data on the card.

28 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


The slot that contains the PC card.
Access Level admin
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Sends an ATM OAM F4 and F5 loopback cell to a VCL.

Note: You must turn on logging before issuing the atmping


Syntax atmping [ifindex/vpi/vci] | [name/type/vpi/vci] | [shelf/

slot/port/subport/type/vpi/vci] [segmentF4/F5 |
Options ifindex
The ifindex of the interface Use the lineGroup command to find the
The virtual path identifier of the ATM interface.
The virtual path identifier of the ATM interface.
The name of the interface (for example, uplink1, or a user-defined name
configured in the if-translate profile for the interface).
The physical location of the interface. For the Sechtor 100A and the
Z-Edge, shelf and slot are always 1.
IANA type for the interface. For example, adsl, ds1, ds3, hdsl2, sonet.
Sends the ping to the next ATM interface using either F4 (VP) or F5 (VC)
loopback cells. This option is currently unsupported.
Sends the ping to the far-end ATM interface.
Example Enable logging before issuing a atmping command.

zSH> log serial on

Serial port logging enabled.

If you are connected to the device over a network:

zSH> log session on
Logging enabled.

Find the VCL which you want to ping:

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 29


zSH> list atm-vcl

atm-vcl 1-1-1-0-hdsl2/atm/0/35
atm-vcl 1-1-1-0-hdsl2/atm/0/36
atm-vcl 1-1-16-0-hdsl2/atm/0/37

For example, to manually send segment and end-to-end OAM F4 loopbacks

and segement OAM F5 loopbacks, issue the following commands:
zSH> atmping uplink1/atm/0/37 segmentf4
zSH> Received OAM ping response for uplink1, vpi 0 ,vci 37
APR 06 20:31:22: info : 1/1/16 : atmmgr: atmMgrDrv.c:
AtmMgrOamPingRspProcess(): l=4492: atmmgr: Received OAM
ping response for uplink1, vpi 0, vci 37

zSH> atmping uplink1/atm/0/37 endtoendf4

zSH> Received OAM ping response for uplink1, vpi 0 ,vci 37
APR 06 21:00:18: info : 1/1/16 : atmmgr: atmMgrDrv.c:
AtmMgrOamPingRspProcess(): l=4492: atmmgr: Received OAM
ping response for uplink1, vpi 0, vci 37

zSH> atmping uplink1/atm/0/37 segmentf5

zSH> Received OAM ping response for uplink1, vpi 0 ,vci 37
APR 06 20:32:11: info : 1/1/16 : atmmgr: atmMgrDrv.c:
AtmMgrOamPingRspProcess(): l=4492: atmmgr: Received OAM
ping response for uplink1, vpi 0, vci 37

Access Level admin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge


The atmvclshow command provides the administrative user with the ability
to view Virtual Channel Link (VCL) status information, as well as audit
members in a traffic descriptor group.
Syntax atmvclshow [port [vpi vci]]
Options (no option)
Displays global information of all ATM VCL records on the system.
Displays all ATM VCL records on the specified port.
port vpi vci
Displays the ATM VCL record on a singular occurrence of a VCL.
Example 1 This first example displays a global ATM VCL record which includes the task
state, message count, error rate, and shelf/slot/port/VPI/VCI information. In
this instance, the ATM VCL record displays information on shelf 1, slot 1,
port 8.
zSH> atmvclshow
ATMMGR task state = READY

30 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


ATMMGR rx msg cnt = 1778

ATMMGR rx errors = 0
shelf = 1 slot = 1
VC Switched vpi = 4 vci = 202 ifIndex = 0xc (12) port = 1
rxTdIndex = 1 txTdIndex = 1
MPHY bank = 0 Priority Queue = 0
vclState = active adminStatus = up, AALType = aal2(6)
connId=263 intVpi = 0 intVci = 36

VC Switched vpi = 4 vci = 203 ifIndex = 0xc (12) port = 1

rxTdIndex = 1 txTdIndex = 1
MPHY bank = 0 Priority Queue = 0
vclState = active adminStatus = up, AALType = aal2(6)
connId=262 intVpi = 0 intVci = 35

VC Switched vpi = 4 vci = 208 ifIndex = 0xc (12) port = 1

rxTdIndex = 1 txTdIndex = 1
MPHY bank = 0 Priority Queue = 0
vclState = active adminStatus = up, AALType = aal2(6)
connId=261 intVpi = 0 intVci = 34
<SPACE> for next page, <CR> for next line, A for all, Q to quit

Example 2 This second example shows all of the ATM VCL records. In this instance, the
ATM VCL record displays status information of all VCLs on port 1.
zSH> atmvclshow 1
ATMMGR task state = READY
ATMMGR rx msg cnt = 1779
ATMMGR rx errors = 0
shelf = 1 slot = 1

VC Switched vpi = 4 vci = 202 ifIndex = 0xc (12) port = 1

rxTdIndex = 1 txTdIndex = 1
MPHY bank = 0 Priority Queue = 0
vclState = active adminStatus = up, AALType = aal2(6)
connId=263 intVpi = 0 intVci = 36

VC Switched vpi = 4 vci = 203 ifIndex = 0xc (12) port = 1

rxTdIndex = 1 txTdIndex = 1
MPHY bank = 0 Priority Queue = 0
vclState = active adminStatus = up, AALType = aal2(6)
connId=262 intVpi = 0 intVci = 35

VC Switched vpi = 4 vci = 208 ifIndex = 0xc (12) port = 1

rxTdIndex = 1 txTdIndex = 1
MPHY bank = 0 Priority Queue = 0
vclState = active adminStatus = up, AALType = aal2(6)
connId=261 intVpi = 0 intVci = 34
<SPACE> for next page, <CR> for next line, A for all, Q to quit

Example 3 This third example shows the ATM VCL record on a specific VCL as defined
by the port, VCI, and VPI. In this instance, the ATM VCL record displays port
1, VPI of 4, and VCI of 202.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 31


zSH> atmvclshow 1 4 202

ATMMGR task state = READY
ATMMGR rx msg cnt = 1779
ATMMGR rx errors = 0
shelf = 1 slot = 1

VC Switched vpi = 4 vci = 202 ifIndex = 0xc (12) port = 1

rxTdIndex = 1 txTdIndex = 1
MPHY bank = 0 Priority Queue = 0
vclState = active adminStatus = up, AALType = aal2(6)
connId=263 intVpi = 0 intVci = 36

Access Level admin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor


Displays the boot state of a card in the system.

Syntax bootstate slotcard
Options slotcard
Number of the slot card.
Example 1 The following example shows the slot card in slot 8 in the middle of loading
its image.
zSH> bootstate 8
Boot State: Loading Image over backplane

Example 2 The following example shows the output of the bootstate command if there is
no slot card in the slot:
zSH> bootstate 6
POST Result Register Value = 255

Example 3 The following example shows the output of the bootstate command for a slot
card that has successfully booted:
zSH> bootstate 3
Boot State: BootMgr: Booting Completed Successfully

Access Level user

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


The bridge command can add, delete, or show bridges.

32 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Syntax bridge add interface/type

[vc vpi/vci] [tc tcvalue] [td tdvalue | txtd txtdvalue |
rxtd rxtdvalue]
other| llc
[uplink | downlink | intralink | vlan vlan_id | tagged |
Add a bridge interface on the specified physical interface.
Name and type of the physical interface.
vc vpi/vci
Used to specify the VPI and VCI values for ATM circuits. For example:
0/23. This is a mandatory field if you are creating a bridge on an ATM
logical interface. This is field is not required if you are creating a bridge
on an Ethernet interface.
tc tcvalue
Traffic container information. This is a mandatory field if you are creating
a bridge on a PON physical interface. This field is not required for
non-PON interfaces.
td tdvalue | rxtd rxtdvalue | txtd txtdvalue
Used to specify the traffic descriptor index to be used. Optionally,
separate rxtd rxtdvalue and txtd txtdvalue values may be specified for
ADSL connections, where separate traffic descriptors are used for the
upstream and downstream traffic due to the asymmetric nature. This is a
mandatory field if you are creating a bridge on an ATM logical interface.
This is field is not required if you are creating a bridge on an Ethernet
other | llc
The type of AAL5 data encapsulation used: llc sets logical link control
encapsulation over AAL5, which is commonly used with routers; other
sets RFC 1483 multiprotocol encapsulation over AAL5, which is
commonly used with bridges. If no value is given, the AAL5
encapsulation type default is llc.
uplink | downlink | intralink
Indicates bridging behavior of the interface. This field is omitted when
creating transparent bridges.
• Uplink
Causes the interface to forward packets to the network. Uplink
interfaces support one or more bridging domains and allow VLANs
that terminate on a MALC IP interface. Broadcasts received on an
uplink port are not sent to any downlink port, except for ARP and

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 33


DHCP when customARP and customDHCP options are enabled.

Unicast packets received on an uplink are forwarded to the downlink
where the MAC address was learned. Uplink ports do not learn MAC
addresses and do not strip or insert VLAN tags.
• downlink
Causes the interface to send packets to the customer interface. Requires
a specific VLAN ID or VLAN tagging.
Downlink interfaces with a specific VLAN ID peform strip and insert
function for outgoing and incoming traffic and learn MAC addresses.
All traffic (unicast and broadcast) received on a downlink is sent to the
default interface as specified in the bridge-path default command.
Tagged downlink interfaces do not strip and insert VLAN tags. Other
dowlink interface functions are identical.
• Intralink
Causes the interface to forward all traffic from the uplink that is not
• No value creates a transparent bridge. Transparent bridges send
broadcasts to all ports, learn an unlimited number of MAC addresses on
a port, and allow any port to send traffic to any other port.
vlan vlan_id
VLAN identifier associated with the interface. This is a mandatory field
for downlink interfaces that do not use the tagged option.
tagged | untagged
The tagged/untagged status of the bridge. The tagged option is a
mandatory field if you are creating a VLAN on a downlink interface and
do not specify a specific LAN ID.
The name for the interface. This is an optional field.

Syntax bridge delete Interface/type vc vpi/vci

Delete a bridge interface from the specified physical interface.
Name and type of the physical interface, such as 1-4-3-0/adsl.
vc vpi/vci
ATM layer information for bridge over ATM (for example, vc 0/35).
Omitted for bridge over Ethernet

Syntax bridge show vlan vlan_id | interfaceName/bridge

The bridge show command displays a truncated record for the bridge.
vlan vlan_id

34 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


List all bridge interfaces for the specified VLAN. This includes tagged
interfaces, but only the bridge filter table information for the specified
VLAN is displayed.
List only the information for specified bridge interface.

Syntax showall vlan vlan_id | interfaceName/bridge

The bridge showall command displays the entire contents of bridge
Example 1 Create an untagged downlink (over ATM):

zSH> bridge add 1-7-1-0/shdsl vc 0/35 td 1 downlink vlan vlan-id

Example 2 Create a tagged downlink (over ATM):

zSH> bridge add 1-7-1-0/shdsl vc 0/35 td 1 downlink tagged

Example 3 Create an uplink over Ethernet:

zSH> bridge add 1-1-1-0/ethernetcsmacd uplink

Example 4 Delete an untagged downlink (over ATM):

zSH> bridge delete 1-7-1-0/shdsl vc 0/35

Example 5 Delete a tagged downlink (over ATM):

zSH> bridge delete 1-7-1-0/shdsl vc 0/35

Example 6 Delete an uplink over Ethernet:

zSH> bridge delete 1-1-1-0/ethernetcsmacd

Example 7 Display bridges created:

zSH> bridge show

VLAN Bridge State Table Data
0 1-8-2-0-adsl-0-101/bridge UP
0 1-1-1-0-ethernetcsmacd/bridge UP

Access Level admin

Products MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723

bridge flush

Use this command to purge bridge filters of learned MAC entries, either
separately or for a specified interface.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 35


Note: Only learned bridge entries are purged with this command.
Static bridge entries are not removed with this command.

Syntax bridge flush <<interface <ifIndex>|<name>/<type>> | <mac

<vlan> <MAC addr>>
ifIndex value of the bridge interface.
Name and type of the bridge interface.
VLAN identifier associated with the bridge interface. For the mac
option, the vlan must be specified even if it is 0.
The MAC address associated with the specified VLAN. The
mac_address is in hexadecimal notation (for example,
Example 1 Purges the learned MAC entries for the specified bridge interface.

zSH> bridge showall

VLAN Bridge State Table Data
0 1-3-1-0-adsl-0-35/bridge UP D 00:00:00:00:00:01
0 ethernet2/bridge UP S Global default [3600 sec]
0 1-3-2-0-adsl-0-35/bridge UP D 00:00:00:00:00:02

zSH> bridge flush interface 1-3-1-0-adsl-0-35/bridge

zSH> bridge showall

VLAN Bridge State Table Data
0 1-3-1-0-adsl-0-35/bridge UP
0 ethernet2/bridge UP S Global default [3600 sec]
0 1-3-2-0-adsl-0-35/bridge UP D 00:00:00:00:00:02

Example 2 Purges the learned MAC entries for the specified VLAN and MAC address.

zSH> bridge showall

VLAN Bridge State Table Data
0 1-3-1-0-adsl-0-35/bridge UP D 00:01:38:31:f1:6e
D 00:02:b9:72:9d:41

36 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


0 ethernet2/bridge UP S Global default [3600 sec]

0 1-3-2-0-adsl-0-35/bridge UP D 00:00:00:00:00:02
D 00:01:38:31:ee:fb

zSH> bridge flush mac 0 00:01:38:31:f1:6e

zSH> bridge showall

VLAN Bridge State Table Data
0 1-3-1-0-adsl-0-35/bridge UP D 00:02:b9:72:9d:41
0 ethernet2/bridge UP S Global default [3600 sec]
0 1-3-2-0-adsl-0-35/bridge UP D 00:00:00:00:00:02
D 00:01:38:31:ee:fb

Access Level user

Products MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Use this command to add, modify, delete, or show static-bridge profiles.

Syntax bridge-path add interface/type

vlan vlan_id
[age value] default | [mac] mac_address | ip ip_address
Add a static-bridge assignment between an existing MAC address and an
Name and type of the physical interface.
Global default route for the whole network. If global is specified, no
further parameters are required.
Global intralink. All traffic that cannot be resolved will be forwarded out
this interface. If global is specified, no further parameters are required.
A type of bridge that receives forwarded traffic from the uplink that is not
local traffic.
vlan vlan_id

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 37


VLAN identifier associated with the interface.

age value
The AgingPeriod measured in seconds. This is an optional field.
The specified interface is the default destination for bridge packets with
the specified vlan_id. If default is specified, no other parameters are
[mac] mac_address
Use this option to associate a specific MAC address and VLAN with an
interface. The [mac] argument is optional. The mac_address is in
hexadecimal notation (for example, 00:01:02:03:04:05).
ip ip_address
Use this option to associate a specific IP address and VLAN with an

Syntax bridge-path delete interface/type

global | global-intralink | vlan vlan_id
default | [mac] mac_address | ip ip_address
Delete a static-bridge assignment thus breaking an association between an
IP address and an interface.

Syntax bridge-path show

List all static-bridge assignments.
Example 1 Create a static bridge between an interface and a specific MAC address and
zSH> bridge-path add 1-1-1-0/ds3 vlan 22 00:10:c0:ad:79:22

Example 2 Create a static bridge between an interface and a specific IP address and
zSH> bridge-path add 1-1-4-0/ds3 vlan 3 ip

Example 3 Create a static bridge between an interface and a default destination (specified
by the vlan_id).
zSH> bridge-path add 1-1-3-0/ds3 vlan 2 age 1000 default

Example 4 Delete a static bridge between an interface and a specific MAC address and
zSH> bridge-path delete 1-1-1-0/ds3 vlan 22 00:10:c0:ad:79:22

Example 5 Delete a static bridge between an interface and a specific IP address and

38 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


zSH> bridge-path delete 1-1-4-0/ds3 vlan 3 ip

Access Level user

Products MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


The ccshow command shows associated connections and call state

information given a range and type of endpoint.

Syntax ccshow [-d] AAL2|GR303|V52|POTS|ELCPAAL2 address | *

Displays call related information for the given address(es). Note that the
format of the address depends on the type of endpoint.
AAL2 | GR303 | V52 | POTS | ELCPAAL2
The type of endpoint to display.
The address for the type of endpoint.
Use an asterisk after the endpoint type to display all of the endpoints.

Syntax ccshow AAL2 lgid [/vpi[/vci[/cid]]]

The line group ID of the AAL2 interface. Use the lineGroup command to
find this number.
Depending upon the level of detail required, enter the VPI or the VPI/VCI
or the VPI/VCI/CID.

Syntax ccshow V52 ifname [|userid [ / POTS|ISDND|ISDNB [/

The V5.2 interface name (V52).
The V5.2 user port number. List the v52-user-port profiles to display the
user port number. For example, if the profile has the following address:
v52-user-port 1/192/2
the user port number is 192.
The user endpoint type.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 39


The B-channel ID number.

Syntax ccshow GR303 igname/ crv

The name of the GR-303 Interface Group (IG).
The GR-303 endpoint Call Reference Value (CRV).

Syntax ccshow POTS lgid [/potsnumber]

The line group ID of the POTS interface. Use the lineGroup command to
find this number.
The number of the POTS interface.
Example 1 The following example displays call state information for all the AAL2 calls
in the system (note the output is abbreviated)
zSH> ccshow AAL2 *
AAL2:36/0/304/20 UP V52:ZTL1/29/P UP CallState:ACTV
AAL2:36/0/304/21 UP V52:ZTL1/30/P UP CallState:ACTV
AAL2:36/0/304/22 UP V52:ZTL1/31/P UP CallState:ACTV
AAL2:36/0/304/23 UP V52:ZTL1/32/P UP CallState:ACTV
AAL2:36/0/304/16 UP V52:ZTL1/25/P UP CallState:IDLE
AAL2:36/0/304/17 UP V52:ZTL1/26/P UP CallState:IDLE
AAL2:36/0/304/18 UP V52:ZTL1/27/P UP CallState:IDLE
AAL2:36/0/304/19 UP V52:ZTL1/28/P UP CallState:IDLE
AAL2:36/0/305/16 UP V52:ZTL1/33/P UP CallState:ACTV
AAL2:36/0/305/17 UP V52:ZTL1/34/P UP CallState:ACTV
AAL2:36/0/305/18 UP V52:ZTL1/35/P UP CallState:ACTV
AAL2:36/0/305/19 UP V52:ZTL1/36/P UP CallState:ACTV
AAL2:36/0/305/20 UP V52:ZTL1/37/P UP CallState:ACTV
AAL2:36/0/305/21 UP V52:ZTL1/38/P UP CallState:ACTV
AAL2:36/0/305/22 UP V52:ZTL1/39/P UP CallState:ACTV
<SPACE> for next page, <CR> for next line, A for all, Q to

Example 2 The following example displays call state information for all the V52 calls in
the system (note the output is abbreviated):
zSH> ccshow V52 *
V52:ZTL1/192/P UP AAL2:36/0/324/23 UP CallState:ACTV
V52:ZTL1/176/P UP AAL2:36/0/322/23 UP CallState:ACTV
V52:ZTL1/177/P UP AAL2:36/0/323/16 UP CallState:ACTV
V52:ZTL1/178/P UP AAL2:36/0/323/17 UP CallState:ACTV
V52:ZTL1/179/P UP AAL2:36/0/323/18 UP CallState:ACTV
V52:ZTL1/180/P UP AAL2:36/0/323/19 UP CallState:ACTV
V52:ZTL1/181/P UP AAL2:36/0/323/20 UP CallState:ACTV
V52:ZTL1/182/P UP AAL2:36/0/323/21 UP CallState:IDLE
V52:ZTL1/183/P UP AAL2:36/0/323/22 UP CallState:IDLE

40 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


V52:ZTL1/184/P UP AAL2:36/0/323/23 UP CallState:IDLE

V52:ZTL1/185/P UP AAL2:36/0/324/16 UP CallState:ACTV
V52:ZTL1/186/P UP AAL2:36/0/324/17 UP CallState:ACTV
<SPACE> for next page, <CR> for next line, A for all, Q to

Example 3 The following example displays detailed call state information (using the -d
option) for calls on a with a MALC DS3 Uplink: interface.
First, find the linegroup for the interface:
zSH> linegroup 1-1-1-0/ds3
lineGroupId: 36

Then use the linegroup to display detailed information about AAL2 calls on
the interface (note the output is abbreviated):
zSH> ccshow -d AAL2 36 linegroup
Term Address: PVC-AAL2:36:VPI-0:VCI-304:CID-20
Term State: UP
Sibling Address: V52:Link-ZTL1:UserID-29:UserType -POTS_USER
Sibling State: UP
Call state: ACTIVE

Term Address: PVC-AAL2:36:VPI-0:VCI-304:CID-21

Term State: UP
Sibling Address: V52:Link-ZTL1:UserID-30:UserType -POTS_USER
Sibling State: UP
Call state: ACTIVE

Term Address: PVC-AAL2:36:VPI-0:VCI-304:CID-22

Term State: UP
Sibling Address: V52:Link-ZTL1:UserID-31:UserType -POTS_USER
Sibling State: UP
Call state: ACTIVE

Term Address: PVC-AAL2:36:VPI-0:VCI-304:CID-23

Term State: UPSibling Address: V52:Link-ZTL1:UserID-32:UserType -POTS_USER
Sibling State: UP
Call state: ACTIVE
Term Address: PVC-AAL2:36:VPI-0:VCI-304:CID-16
Term State: UP
Sibling Address: V52:Link-ZTL1:UserID-25:UserType -POTS_USER
Sibling State: UP
Call state: IDLE

Term Address: PVC-AAL2:36:VPI-0:VCI-304:CID-17

Term State: UP
Sibling Address: V52:Link-ZTL1:UserID-26:UserType -POTS_USER
Sibling State: UP
Call state: IDLE
<SPACE> for next page, <CR> for next line, A for all, Q to quit

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 41


Example 4 The following example shows AAL2 call information for a particular VPI and
VCI (0/324) on a MALC Uplink interface (linegroup 36):
SH> ccshow AAL2 36/0/324 linegroup/VPI/VCI
AAL2:36/0/324/16 UP V52:ZTL1/185/P UP CallState:ACTV
AAL2:36/0/324/17 UP V52:ZTL1/186/P UP CallState:ACTV
AAL2:36/0/324/18 UP V52:ZTL1/187/P UP CallState:ACTV
AAL2:36/0/324/19 UP V52:ZTL1/188/P UP CallState:ACTV
AAL2:36/0/324/20 UP V52:ZTL1/189/P UP CallState:ACTV
AAL2:36/0/324/21 UP V52:ZTL1/190/P UP CallState:ACTV
AAL2:36/0/324/22 UP V52:ZTL1/191/P UP CallState:ACTV
AAL2:36/0/324/23 UP V52:ZTL1/192/P UP CallState:ACTV
8 out of 384 records matched

Example 5 The following example shows detailed AAL2 call information for a particular
VPI/VCI/CID (0/324/20) on a MALC Uplink interface (linegroup 36):
zSH> ccshow AAL2 36/0/324/16 linegroup/VPI/VCI/CID
AAL2:36/0/324/16 UP V52:ZTL1/185/P UP CallState:ACTV
1 out of 384 records matched
zSH> ccshow -d AAL2 36/0/324/16
Term Address: PVC-AAL2:36:VPI-0:VCI-324:CID-16
Term State: UP
Sibling Address: V52:Link-ZTL1:UserID-185:UserType -POTS_USER
Sibling State: UP
Call state: ACTIVE
1 out of 384 records matched

Example 6 The following example shows detailed V52 call information for the user
number 192 in the interface group ZTL1. List the v52-user-port profiles to
view the userID.
zSH> ccshow -d V52 ZTL1/192/POTS ifname/userid/call-type
Term Address: V52:Link-ZTL1:UserID-192:UserType -POTS_USER
Term State: UP
Sibling Address: PVC-AAL2:36:VPI-0:VCI-324:CID-23
Sibling State: UP
Call state: ACTIVE
1 out of 384 records match

Products MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor 100A


Changes the current directory on the flash card file system.

Syntax cd directory [ options ]
Options directory
Name of directory to change. Prepend a / (forward slash) to the directory
to specify an absolute path.
The CD command accepts the following options:

42 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


.. moves up one level in the directory structure

/ moves to the root level of the flash card
Example The following example changes to the second PC card:

zSH> cd /card1
zSH> pwd

Access Level admin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723
See Also dir, pwd


Changes password for the current user.

Syntax changepass
Example zSH> changepass
Current Password:
New Password :
Confirm New Password :
Password change successful.

Access Level user

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also resetpass


To view the clock information on the system, use the clkmgrshow command.
Syntax clkmgrshow [current | eligible | list ]
Options current
Displays the current primary and secondary clock sources.
Displays only the eligible clock sources. Eligible clock sources are
interfaces that are configured as eligible and are active.
Lists the eligible and non-eligible clock sources. Non-eligible clock
sources are interfaces that either not configured as eligible, or are not
Example 1 The following example displays the eligible and non-eligible clock sources:

zSH> clkmgrshow list

eligible list has 2 entries

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 43


1 * eligible 1/21/1/0 (10) : T1 : LOOP

2 eligible 1/1/1/0 (1) : DS3 : LOOP
ineligible list has 3 entries
1 not eligible 1/1/2/0 (5) : DS3 : LOOP
2 not eligible 1/1/3/0 (5) : DS3 : LOOP
3 not eligible 1/1/4/0 (5) : DS3 : LOOP

The asterisk (*) on a clock source indicates it the active clock source.

Example 2 The following example displays the current primary and secondary clock
zSH> clkmgrshow current
Primary system clock is 1/21/1/0 (10) : T1
Secondary system clock is 1/1/1/0 (1) : DS3

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor


This command is only used by the configuration restore process.

Syntax N/A
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Manages the config sync process. Config sync is used to keep the
configuration of a device and ZMS in sync.
In some situations a device may stop sending config sync files to ZMS and the
config sync status becomes stuck in a “syncpending” state. A audit process
monitors the config sync process.
The config sync audit runs every six minutes and checks whether the config
sync process has been in a “syncpending” state for more than 5 minutes
without performing an FTP transfer to ZMS (which indicates that the config
sync process has stalled).
In this case, the config sync process is restarted, the config sync status is set to
“syncerror,” and a configSyncReset trap is sent.

Syntax configsync stat reg | change | V5.2NameID | GR-303NameID

Displays detailed config sync statistics, including the registered
information for the config sync process. This option is only useful for
Zhone development
Displays state of change lists and status of FTP transfers.

44 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Displays the V5.2 config sync cache list for the specified interface group.
This option is only useful for Zhone development
Displays the GR-303 config sync cache list for the specified interface
group. This option is only useful for Zhone development

Syntax configsync initiate full | partial

Note: Zhone recommends that you perform a config sync update

from ZMS. For more information, refer to the documentation that
came with the ZMS software.

Initiates a manual update of the ZMS database with the device’s
configuration. In a full config sync, all profiles are sent to ZMS. This
option could cause significant processing by ZMS.
Config sync updates are performed automatically whenever a change is
made to the device via the CLI. During a restore, however, the updating
process is suspended. After a restore, a full config sync update is required.
Sends only the new or updated profiles to ZMS.

Syntax configsync reset

Resets the config sync process.
Caution: Do not use this command unless requested to do so by
GSS. Resetting the config sync process may cause a system reboot.

Example To show the status of the config sync process:

zSH> configsync stat change

Config Sync Status:
FTP Transfer Stats:
Last Time The Timer Popped (seconds) = 947898179
Current Time (seconds) = 947898485
Last Ftp Time (seconds) = 0


Copies a file on the flash card file system to another location on the same
flash card or to another flash card (BAN only).
Syntax copy source destination
Options source
Full path name of the target file to copy.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 45


Full path name of the destination file to copy.
Access Level admin
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


This command is used only by the configuration restore process.

Syntax N/A
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Add, delete, or show cross connects on the system.

For the T1/E1 CES card, add, delete, or show cross connects for CES circuits.

Syntax crossconnect add interface1/type1 vc vpi1/vci1 tc tc1

interface2/type2 vc vpi2/vci2 tc tc2 td_value | txtd
txtd_value rxtd rxtd_value

Note: The traffic descriptor and traffic container specified in the

crossconnect add command must already exist.

Create and cross connect two ATM VCLs.
Name and type of the first physical interface in the connection.
vc vpi1/vci1
ATM layer information for the first VC in the connection.
tc tc1
Traffic container information. This is a mandatory field if the first
physical interface is PON.
Name and type of the second physical interface.
vc vpi2/vci2
ATM layer information for the second VC in the connection.
tc tc2
Traffic container information. This is a mandatory field if the second
physical interface is PON.
The traffic descriptor index to be used for the crossconnect. Enter this
option if both sides of the crossconnect use the same traffic descriptor.

46 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


txtd txtd_value rxtd rxtd_value

Specify a traffic descriptor for the transmit and receive sides of the

Syntax crossconnect add interface1/atm vc vpi/vci interface2/ds1

vc vpi2/vci2 ds0 start/length unstr|str signal_type
line_type td txtd_value

Note: The traffic descriptor specified in the crossconnect add

command must already exist.

Create and cross connect two ATM VCLs.
Name and type of the uplink physical interface in the connection.
vc vpi1/vci1
ATM layer information for the uplink VC in the connection.
Name of the downlink DS1 physical interface.
vc vpi2/vci2
ATM layer information for the downlink VC in the connection.
The starting DS0 and the length of the DS0 bundle. For example, 1/6
indicates a DS0 bundle starting at DS0 1 and containing 6 DS0’s
(1+2+3+4+5+6). These fields are required even for unstructured DS0
Indicates that the DS0 bundle is unstructured: 1-24 DS0’s for T1, 0-32
DS0’s for E1.
Indicates that the DS0 bundle is structured: 1-23 DS0’s for T1, 0-32
DS0’s for E1.
The signal type used for the connection. Signal types are basic, e1cas,
ds1esfcas, and ds1sfcas. The default signal type basic is used in no signal
type is specified.
The line type used for the connection. line types are e1, e1unframed,
e1crc, e1mf, e1crcmf, esf, and ds1nframed. The line type specified in the
DS1-profile is used as the default type if no line type is specified.
txtd txtd_value
Specify a traffic descriptor for the transmit and receive sides of the

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 47


Syntax crossconnect delete interface/type [vc] vpi/vci |

cc index
To delete a cross connect, specify either one of the VCLs in the cross connect
or the cross connect index.
Delete an ATM crossconnect and the VCLs it connects.
The name and type of one side of the crossconnect. For example, 1-1-1-0/
vc vpi/vci
ATM layer information for bridge over ATM. For example, vc 0/35. If
the interface is supplied it can be either end of the connect. If an interface
is supplied the cc index is omitted
cc index
The cross connect index. If the cc index is supplied, the interface/type
and vc are omitted.

Syntax crossconnect show [cc index | interface/type vc vpi/vci]

To show a cross connect, specify either one of the VCLs in the cross connect
or the cross connect index.
(no arguments)
Displays all crossconnects in the system.
cc index
Displays the cross connect indicated by the index number.
The name and type of one side of the crossconnect. For example, 1-1-1-0/
vc vpi/vci
List the connection that contains the indicated VCL.
Example 1

zSH> crossconnect add 1-1-1-0-adsl/atm vc 0/37 uplink1/atm vc 1/101 td 1

Example 2

zSH> crossconnect delete 1-1-1-0-adsl/atm vc 0/37

Example 3
zSH> crossconnect show
1-1-1-0-propvirtual/atm 0/32 Up 1 Up 1-6-1-0-adsl/atm 0/32 Up
1-1-1-0-propvirtual/atm 0/33 Up 2 Up 1-6-2-0-adsl/atm 0/32 Up
1-1-1-0-propvirtual/atm 0/34 Up 3 Up 1-6-3-0-adsl/atm 0/32 Up
1-1-1-0-propvirtual/atm 0/35 Up 4 Up 1-6-4-0-adsl/atm 0/32 Up
1-1-1-0-propvirtual/atm 0/36 Up 5 Up 1-6-5-0-adsl/atm 0/32 Up

48 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


1-1-1-0-propvirtual/atm 0/37 Up 6 Up 1-6-6-0-adsl/atm 0/32 Up

1-1-1-0-propvirtual/atm 0/38 Up 7 Up 1-6-7-0-adsl/atm 0/32 Up
1-1-1-0-propvirtual/atm 0/39 Up 8 Up 1-6-8-0-adsl/atm 0/32 Up
1-1-1-0-propvirtual/atm 0/40 Up 9 Up 1-6-9-0-adsl/atm 0/32 Up
1-1-1-0-propvirtual/atm 0/41 Up 10 Up 1-6-10-0-adsl/atm 0/32 Up
1-1-1-0-propvirtual/atm 0/42 Up 11 Up 1-6-11-0-adsl/atm 0/32 Up
1-1-1-0-propvirtual/atm 0/43 Up 12 Up 1-6-12-0-adsl/atm 0/32 Up
1-1-1-0-propvirtual/atm 0/44 Up 13 Up 1-6-13-0-adsl/atm 0/32 Up
1-1-1-0-propvirtual/atm 0/45 Up 14 Up 1-6-14-0-adsl/atm 0/32 Up
1-1-1-0-propvirtual/atm 0/46 Up 15 Up 1-6-15-0-adsl/atm 0/32 Up
1-1-1-0-propvirtual/atm 0/47 Up 16 Up 1-6-16-0-adsl/atm 0/32 Up
1-1-1-0-propvirtual/atm 0/49 Up 18 Up 1-6-18-0-adsl/atm 0/32 Up
<SPACE> for next page, <CR> for next line, A for all, Q to quit

The output of this command displays the following information:

Field Description

ATM VCL The VCL for both sides of the crossconnect and their
admin state. Possible values are Up and Dn. Dn applies to
all states other than Up.

CC The index of the cross connect and its admin state.

Possible values are Up and Dn. Dn applies to all states
other than Up.

Example 4

zSH> cc add uplink2/atm 0/53 1/12/2/0/ds1 vc 1/33 ds0 1/24 unstr td 1

Example 5

zSH> cc delete uplink2/atm 0/53

Example 6

zSH> cc show
uplink2/atm 0/53 Up 1 Up 1-12-2-0-ds1/atm 1/33 Up

Access Level admin

Products MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


The DataStore is a configuration database containing all the provisioning data

of the system The datastorestats command provides information about the
use of the DataStore configuration database.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 49


Syntax datastorestats
zSH> datastorestats
Data Store AVL Tree Stats
------------------------Inserts : 509
Deletes : 0
Records in Data Store : 509
Current DataStore Size is 348628 bytes used out of 458752 bytes available
finds: 4
misses: 0
addressSearchExcludes: 0
indexSearchExcludes: 156
slowSearch: 156
slowFind: 156
inserts: 293
dups: 1362

Products Raptor 100, Sechtor 100A


Deletes a file from the flash card file system.

Syntax del filename
Options filename
Full path name of the file to delete.
Access Level admin
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723
See Also copy


Deletes a record from the system. Note that for some types of records, such as
card profiles, the delete command also deletes associated records. For
example, if you delete a DSL card-profile, the system deletes all the ATM
VCLs, VPLs, and cross connects configured on that card. It also deletes any
VCLs/VPLs configured on the trunking card if they are part of a cross connect
between the DSL card and the trunking card.
Syntax delete profile-type [index | * ] [-orphan]
Options profile-type
The type of profile to delete.
An index for the record. Some records, such as line profiles, use an index
of the form shelf-slot-port-subport/type. Other records, such as ATM
traffic descriptors, use an index of the form n, where n is an integer.

50 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Specify a complete address to delete a single record. Specify partial

addresses, to delete a group of profiles. See the examples below for more
A wildcard.
Deletes orphan records that cannot otherwise be deleted. Note that
wildcards cannot be used with the orphan option.
Example 1 The following example deletes a single ATM traffic descriptor:

zSH> delete atm-traf-descr 2

atm-traf-descr 232
1 entry found.
Delete atm-traf-descr 2? [y]es, [n]o, [q]uit : yes
atm-traf-descr 2 deleted.

Example 2 The following example uses a partial address to delete atm-vcl profiles
configured on shelf 1, slot 13:
zSH> delete atm-vcl 1-13
atm-vcl 1-13-1-0-ds3/atm/0/1000
atm-vcl 1-13-2-0-ds3/atm/0/1001
atm-vcl 1-13-3-0-ds3/atm/0/1002
3 entries found.
Confirm prior to each record delete ? [y]es, [n]o, [q]uit : y
Entry 1-13-1-0/ip does not exist.
Delete atm-vcl 1-13-1-0-ds3/atm/0/1000? [y]es, [n]o, [q]uit : y
atm-vcl 1-13-1-0-ds3/atm/0/1000 deleted.
Entry 1-13-2-0/ip does not exist.
Delete atm-vcl 1-13-2-0-ds3/atm/0/1001? [y]es, [n]o, [q]uit : y
atm-vcl 1-13-2-0-ds3/atm/0/1001 deleted.
Entry 1-13-3-0/ip does not exist.
Delete atm-vcl 1-13-3-0-ds3/atm/0/1002? [y]es, [n]o, [q]uit : y
atm-vcl 1-13-3-0-ds3/atm/0/1002 deleted.

Example 3 The following example deletes multiple atm traffic descriptors using the
wildcard character (*):
zSH> delete atm-traf-descr *
atm-traf-descr 1
atm-traf-descr 2
2 entries found.
Confirm prior to each record delete ? [y]es, [n]o, [q]uit : y
Delete atm-traf-descr 1? [y]es, [n]o, [q]uit : y
atm-traf-descr 1 deleted.
Delete atm-traf-descr 2? [y]es, [n]o, [q]uit : y
atm-traf-descr 2 deleted.

Example 4 On a BAN, MALC, or Raptor, the delete command can also be used to delete
a card-profile and all profiles associated with the card. After the profiles have
been deleted, the card reboots.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 51


Caution: Before deleting card profiles, remove the card from the
system as explained in the hardware documentation that came with
your unit.

Caution: Back up the system configuration before deleting card

profiles. Refer to the release notes that came with your unit for

The following example deletes a SHDSL card profile in shelf 1, slot 16:
zSH> delete card-profile 1/16/5006 shelf/slot/type
Delete card-profile 1/16/5006? [y]es, [n]o, [q]uit : y
card-profile 1/16/5006 deleted.

Access Level admin

Notes You can only delete one card-profile at a time. Wildcards are not supported
when deleting card profiles.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Deletes a user account from system.

Syntax deleteuser username
Options username
Name of user account to delete.
Example zSH> deleteuser dmiller
OK to delete this account? (yes/no): yes
Account was deleted.

Access Level useradmin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also adduser, updateuser


Displays the contents of the directory on the device file system.

Syntax dir

zSH> dir
Listing Directory .:
-rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 668932 Mar 28 17:05 malcoc3fraw.bin
-rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 5776033 Apr 7 19:23 malcoc3f.bin
-rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 4197357 Mar 24 00:15 malct1e132vg.bin

52 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


-rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 4117051 Mar 24 00:15 malct1e132vgv52.bin

-rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 392308 Mar 11 15:38 malct1e132vgrom.bin
-rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 1563843 Mar 28 17:05 malct1e1atm32.bin
-rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 1206836 Mar 28 17:05 malcpots.bin
drwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 2048 Apr 13 16:40 datastor/
drwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 2048 Dec 20 2004 bulkstats/
-rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 668296 Feb 22 14:34 malcoc3raw.bin
-rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 1855714 Mar 28 17:04 malcgshdsl.bin
-rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 1030717 Mar 28 17:04 malcmtac.bin
-rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 2368132 Apr 13 17:43 malcolt.bin
drwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 2048 Mar 30 15:13 onreboot/
27384184 bytes available

Access Level admin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723
See Also cd, pwd


The ds1relay command controls the DS1 relay settings. The relays can be set
to terminate individual or all of the DS1 circuits on the primary 64-pin
connector or on the secondary, redundant 64-pin connector (on the Sechtor
100A) or on the T1/E1 Uplink interface (on the Raptor 100):

Note: The ds1relay command does not persist across system


Syntax ds1relay [ all | circuit-number ] [ passthru | terminate ]

A DS1 circuit number from 1 to 8 (Sechtor 100A) or 1-4 (Raptor 100).
All of the DS1 circuits that terminate on the system.
The DS1 circuit or circuits that terminate on the Sechtor 100A primary
connector are electrically connected to the secondary (redundant)
connector. Internal Sechtor 100A hardware that was connected to the DS1
circuit or circuits is connected to a loopback path.
Terminate the specified DS1 circuit or circuits on the primary 64-pin
connector (Sechtor 100A) or the 50-pin Uplink connector (Raptor 100).
Example 1 zSH> ds1relay all terminate

All of the DS1 circuits terminate on the primary 64-pin connector (Sechtor
100A) or the 50-pin Uplink connector (Raptor 100).

Example 2 zSH> ds1relay all passthru

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 53


All of the DS1 circuits are connected to the secondary 64-pin connector.

Example 3 zSH> ds1relay 1 passthru

The first DS1 circuit is connected to the secondary 64-pin connector, the other
circuits remain unchanged.
Access Level admin
Products Raptor 100, Sechtor 100A


Displays information about the T1 interfaces on the system.

Syntax ds1rpshow [linenumbers]
With no options, displays general information about T1 interfaces.
Displays information about the specified line numbers.
Example 1

zSH> ds1rpshow
************ DS1 RP Debug Information ************
name: tDS1RP
address: 01:01:106
lineRRLeaseId: 0x022b0000_0000004e
ds1XlatProfLeaseId: 0x022b0000_0000004f
ds1LineProfLeaseId: 0x022b0000_0000004f
ds1GroupProfLeaseId: 0x022b0000_0000004f
ds1CfgProfLeaseId: 0x022b0000_0000004f
systemProfLeaseId: 0x022b0000_0000004f
numUnits: 8
clkStatus: 0
clkSrc: 0
Attached units:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Example 2

zSH> ds1rpshow 1
************ DS1 RP Debug Information ************
name: tDS1RP
address: 01:01:106
lineRRLeaseId: 0x022b0000_0000004e
ds1XlatProfLeaseId: 0x022b0000_0000004f
ds1LineProfLeaseId: 0x022b0000_0000004f
ds1GroupProfLeaseId: 0x022b0000_0000004f
ds1CfgProfLeaseId: 0x022b0000_0000004f
systemProfLeaseId: 0x022b0000_0000004f
numUnits: 8
clkStatus: 0
clkSrc: 0

54 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Attached units:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
************ Debug Information for Line 1 ************
state: 3
ifIndex: 3
shelf: 1
slot: 1
port: 2
subPort: 0
xlatProf.ifIndex: 3
xlatProf.ifType: 18
xlatProf.adminStatus: 1
groupProf.groupId: 3
groupProf.groupName: 1/1/2
groupProf.primaryName: 3
groupProf.secondaryName: 0
groupProf.primaryWeight: 0
groupProf.secondaryWeight: 0
groupProf.adminStatus: 2
alarms 1
-> No Alarm
loopback 1

Products Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, MALC


Displays information about the T1 interfaces on the system.

Syntax ds3rpshow [linenumbers]
With no options, displays general information about T1 interfaces.
Displays information about the specified line numbers.
Example 1

zSH> ds3rpshow
************ DS3ATM RP Debug Information ************
name: tDS3ATMRP
address: 01:01:1091
lineRRLeaseId: 0x022b0000_0000006a
ds3AtmXlatProfLeaseId: 0x022b0000_0000006c
ds3AtmCfgProfLeaseId: 0x022b0000_0000006c
lineRRClientLeaseId: 0x022b0000_0000006b
ds3AtmRpCardGroupId: 1
iamActiveCard: TRUE
Redundancy Mode CARD
PeerCardAvailable FALSE
PeerCardShelf 0
PeerCardSlot 0
requestLineRRNotification: TRUE
numUnits: 4

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 55


Attached units:
1 2 3 4

Example 2

zSH> ds3rpshow 1
************ DS3ATM RP Debug Information ************
name: tDS3ATMRP
address: 01:01:1091
lineRRLeaseId: 0x022b0000_0000006a
ds3AtmXlatProfLeaseId: 0x022b0000_0000006c
ds3AtmCfgProfLeaseId: 0x022b0000_0000006c
lineRRClientLeaseId: 0x022b0000_0000006b
ds3AtmRpCardGroupId: 1
iamActiveCard: TRUE
Redundancy Mode CARD
PeerCardAvailable FALSE
PeerCardShelf 0
PeerCardSlot 0
requestLineRRNotification: TRUE
numUnits: 4
Attached units:
1 2 3 4
************ Debug Information for Line 1 ************
iamActiveLine: TRUE
state: 4
ifIndex: 4
primaryClock: FALSE
shelf: 1
slot: 1
port: 1
subPort: 0
xlatProf.ifIndex: 4
xlatProf.ifType: 30
xlatProf.adminStatus: 1
cnfgProf.lineType: 4
cnfgProf.lineCoding: 2
cnfgProf.sendCode: 1
cnfgProf.circuitId: ''
cnfgProf.loopbackConfig: 1
cnfgProf.transmitClockSource: 1
cnfgProf.lineLengthMeters: 0
cnfgProf.lineStatusChangeTrapEnable: 1
cnfgProf.channelization: 1
cnfgProf.mediumScrambleConfig: 1
Ds3_Stats_Profile.timeElapsed: 0
Ds3_Stats_Profile.validIntervals: 0
Ds3_Stats_Profile.lineStatus: 0x840
-> LOS
-> Net-Equip-OOS
Ds3_Stats_Profile.plcpAlarmStatus: 1
-> No Alarm
Ds3_Stats_Profile.ifTCAlarmStatus: 2
-> LCD Failure

56 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Ds3_Stats_Profile.invalidIntervals: 0
Ds3_Stats_Profile.lineStatusLastChange: 951806042
Ds3_Stats_Profile.loopbackStatus: 0x1
-> None

Products Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, MALC


Displays the DSL training rates for the DSL cards in a system.
Syntax dslstat <[ifIndex] | [name/type] | [shelf/slot/port/
Options ifIndex
The interface number of the port or port/subport that uniquely identifies
the interface across the system. (Use the linegroup command to find the
ifIndex of an interface.)
The name of the interface.
IANA type for the interface. For example, adsl, ds1, ds3.
The physical address or number of the shelf where the desired line is
located. The first shelf in a system is shelf 1.
The physical slot on the system.
The port number defines the physical port number at the shelf-slot
location for the line profile. Port numbers begin with 1 and are numbered
Used to identify multiple logical subports on a physical port.
Example 1 zSH> dslstat 1-15-1-0/adsl
General Stats:
Line uptime (DD:HH:MM:SS)....................0:02:27:52
DslUpLineRate (bitsPerSec)...................512000
DslDownLineRate (bitsPerSec).................8064000
DslMaxAttainableUpLineRate (bitsPerSec)......565333
DslMaxAttainableDownLineRate (bitsPerSec)....856000
Out Octets...................................286571
Out Discards.................................0
Out Errors...................................0
In Octets....................................286571
In Discards..................................0
In Errors....................................0
ATM OCD Count................................0

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 57


ATM NCD Count................................0

ATM HEC Count................................0
ATM far-end OCD Count........................0
ATM far-end NCD Count........................0
ATM far-end HEC Count........................0

ADSL Physical Stats:

Actual Transmission connection standard......G.dmt
AdslAtucCurrLineSnrMgn (tenths dB)...........310
AdslAtucCurrLineAtn (tenths dB)..............135
AdslAtucCurrOutputPwr (tenths dB)............70
AdslAturCurrLineSnrMgn (tenths dB)...........90
AdslAturCurrLineAtn (tenths dB)..............135
AdslAturCurrOutputPwr (tenths dB)............103
Adsl connects................................1
Adsl disconnects.............................5407

near-end statistics:
blocks received..............................147087
errored blocks received......................0
CRC errors on interleaved buffer.............0
CRC errors on fast buffer....................0
FEC corrected errors on interleaved buffer...0
FEC corrected errors on fast buffer..........0
background errored blocks received...........0
non-SES blocks received......................0
Severely Errored Seconds.....................0
Unavailable Seconds..........................59
Loss of Signal Seconds.......................0
Seconds with one/more FECs...................0
Seconds declared as high BER.................0

far-end statistics:
blocks received..............................147205
errored blocks received......................1
CRC errors on interleaved buffer.............0
CRC errors on fast buffer....................1
FEC corrected errors on interleaved buffer...0
FEC corrected errors on fast buffer..........0
background errored blocks received...........0
non-SES blocks received......................0
Severely Errored Seconds.....................0
Unavailable Seconds..........................0
Loss of Signal Seconds.......................0
Seconds with one/more FECs...................0
Loss of Power (dying gasps)..................0

58 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Seconds declared as high BER.................0

Fast retrains................................0

Fast retrain failures........................0

Example 2 zSH> dslstat 1-20-1-0/shdsl

General Stats:
Line uptime (DD:HH:MM:SS)....................0:04:27:52
DslUpLineRate (bitsPerSec)...................2320
DslDownLineRate (bitsPerSec).................2320
DslMaxAttainableUpLineRate (bitsPerSec)......2320
DslMaxAttainableDownLineRate (bitsPerSec)....2320
Out Octets...................................20442524
Out Discards.................................0
Out Errors...................................0
In Octets....................................20442471
In Discards..................................0
In Errors....................................0
ATM OCD Count................................1
ATM NCD Count................................0
ATM HEC Count................................0
ATM far-end OCD Count........................0
ATM far-end NCD Count........................0
ATM far-end HEC Count........................0

DSL Physical Stats:

DslLineSnrMgn (tenths dB)....................380
DslLineAtn (tenths dB).......................232
DslCurrOutputPwr (tenths dB).................85
CRC Errors...................................0

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Saves the Zhone system configuration.

Syntax dump [console] | [file filename ] [network host filename]
Options console
Sends the configuration to the console.
network host filename
Sends the configuration to the specified host using trivial file transfer
protocol (TFTP) and writes it to the specified filename. The file must
exist and be writable before the system can write the configuration to it.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 59


file filename
Sends the configuration to the specified file on the flash card. You must
specify the full path to the file.
Example 1 The following example dumps the configuration to the file named zhone.cfg
on the IP host
zSH>dump network zhone.cfg

Example 2 The next example dumps the configuration to the file named zhone.cfg on the
first flash card on the system:
zSH>dump file /card1/zhone.cfg

Access Level useradmin

Notes • Set the TFTP server time-out value to at least 5 seconds, and 5 retries to
help prevent TFTP time-out or retry errors.
• The Z-Edge 64 and the Sechtor 100A do not support saving the
configuration to a local file.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also restore


Sets values in the device EEPROM. This command is only used to configure
Sechtor 100A redundancy.

Syntax eeset slot [1 | 2] card [1 | 2]

slot [1 | 2]
The slot number to set the device to. For the Sechtor 100A this is always 1
for the active unit and 2 for the standby unit.
card [1 | 2]
The card number to set the device to. For the Sechtor 100A this is always
1 for the active unit and 2 for the standby unit.

Syntax eeset failover on card 1

Configures failover mode on the primary device (always card 1).

Syntax eeset peer mac_address card 1

60 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Sets the MAC address of the redundant peer on the primary device
(always card 1).
Access Level user
Products Sechtor 100A


Displays the contents of the specified electrically erasable programmable

read-only memory (EEPROM). The information include the serial number of
the device, the CLEI code (if any), the Zhone card type, and the type of I/O
cards installed.
Syntax eeshow eeprom-name slot
Options eeprom-name
Name of the EEPROM contents you want to display. Possible values are:
• 1daughter | 2daughter | 3daughter: up to 3 daughter cards are supported
on MALC or Raptor cards
• card
• iocard: slots 1 through 17 (BAN only)
• mezz
• shelfme: slot 0 only
• shelfmon: slot 0 only
• backplane: slot 0 only
• fantray: slot 0 only
For the Z-Edge 64 card is the only valid eeprom-name. For the Sechtor
100A and Raptor 100, card and mezz are the only valid eeprom-names.
Slot number containing the eeprom. If you do not specify a slot number,
the eeprom on the current card or on slot 0 (the system EEPROM).
Example 1 To display the Zhone card type, use the eeshow card command:

zSH> eeshow card 1

EEPROM contents:
Version : 01
Size : 054
CardType : 05035 -- MALC_GIGE
CardVersion : 800-01322-02-A
SerialNum : 04440120
ShelfNumber : 00001
Cksum : 0x4D60
MAC Address are enabled for 2 address(es) starting at:

Example 2 (BAN only) To display the type of I/O card installed in a slot, use the eeshow
iocard command:

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 61


zSH> eeshow iocard 1

EEPROM contents:
Version : 01
Size : 018
CardType : 00013 -- OC3ATM_SM indicates an OC3-c/STM1 interface
CardVersion : 00001
SerialNum : 02610001
ShelfNumber : 00001
Cksum : 0x0531
Feature bits modification date: 0/0/2000 00:00:00

Access Level admin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Displays the features enabled on the system.

Syntax featurebitdisplay featurenumber
Options (no option)
Displays all available features.
Indicates whether the feature is enabled.
Access Level admin
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also featurebitset


Enables certain features on Zhone systems. You must obtain a hash code from
Zhone Global Services and Support before using this command.
Syntax featurebitset offset mask value hashcode
Options offset
Number of bits to offset.
Mask to apply to the EEPROM.

62 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


New value to write to the serial EEPROM bits as specified by the offset
and mask.
The hash code that enables the feature.
Access Level admin
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also featurebitdisplay


Pings a specified location within the device. You can only ping slot cards, you
cannot ping I/O cards.
Syntax fhrameping shelf slot [ port ]
Options shelf
Destination shelf number. Currently this is always 1 (one).
Destination slot number. Slots are numbered from 1 to 17, left to right.
Destination port number.
Example 1 The first example shows the fhrameping response received from an inactive
zSH> fhrameping 1 14
Pinging Shelf 1, slot 14
FhramePing Timeout with Shelf 1, Slot 14

Example 2 The next example shows the fhrameping response received from an active
zSH> fhrameping 1 3 1
Pinging Shelf 1, slot 3 port 1
Shelf 1, Slot 3, Port 1, is Alive!

Access Level user

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also ping


Transfers files to or from a TFTP server without verifying the image header.
This command can be used to download a dump file previously made to the
network or upload one that was made to a local file.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 63


Note: The file command should be used only for general purpose file
transfer, not for upgrading system software. To upgrade software, use
the image command.

Syntax file [download | upload] tftphost sourcefilepath

Options download
Downloads the file to the flash card on the device. This option is typically
used to restore a configuration created using the dump command.
Uploads the specified file to the TFTP server. This option is typically
used to save a copy of the software image files.
The full path name of the source file. On the BAN Infoservice card flash
cards, the path is /card1/file or /card2/file, depending on the flash cards
installed. On a MALC or Raptor, do not specify the card.
The full path name of the target file. On the BAN Infoservice card flash
cards, the path is /card1/file or /card2/file, depending on the flash cards
installed. On a MALC or Raptor, do not specify the card.
If you are transferring a file to a TFTP server, the file must exist and be
Example The following example downloads a file to the host named
savedump and writes it to the file named localdump on the first Infoservices
flash card (/card1).
zSH> file download saveddump localdump

Access Level admin

Notes Set the TFTP server time-out value to at least 5 seconds, and 5 retries to help
prevent TFTP timeout or retry errors.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723
See Also image


IP filtering is typically performed to enhance network security by limiting

access between two networks. IP filtering is based on the recognition and
selective transmission or blocking of individual IP packets. Packets meeting
some criterion are forwarded, and those that fail are dropped. On BAN, IP
filtering is used to block inbound traffic to the management network.

Syntax The following command adds a rule to the currently loaded filter. If the rule
argument (line and rule are interchangeably used to signify a user-defined
value for the filtering rule) is omitted, the line number of the rule will be 100

64 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


greater than the highest numbered rule in the filter. That is, the rule will be
appended to the end of the rule list with the default stride.
filter add rule [from | to] [IP address] [permit | deny]
A user-defined value for the filtering rule.
from | to
Defines incoming or outgoing.
IP address
The interface address.
permit | deny
Permit or deny traffic flow.

Syntax The following command deletes the specified line (also known as rule) from
the currently loaded filter.
filter delete line
The filter identifier.

Syntax The following command sets the description field of the currently loaded
filter description description_string
A string of text and spaces describing the purpose of the filter.

Syntax The following command deletes the specified filter.

filter destroy specIndex
The user-defined value for the filter.

Syntax The following command discards the currently loaded filter along with any
uncommitted changes.
filter discard

Syntax The following command displays help for the specified filter command.
filter help [command]
The specific argument to the filter command.

Syntax The following command lists all defined filters showing specIndex, name,
version, and description.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 65


filter list

Syntax The following command loads a filter into the CLI for modification.
filter load specIndex
The index value for the filter.

Syntax The following command replaces rule in the currently loaded filter with
filter modify line newrule
The user-defined value for the filter.
A number value defining the new rule.

Syntax The following command sets the name field of the currently loaded filter.
filter name name
An arbitrary string, containing no spaces, that is considered a name for
this filter. While it is desirable, it is not required that this name be unique.

Syntax The following command locates a new specIndex, and establishes a new filter
in the CLI for modification.
filter new [name] [description_string]
An arbitrary string, containing no spaces, that is considered a name for
this filter. While it is desirable, it is not required that this name be unique.
A string of text and spaces describing the purpose of the filter.

Syntax The following command lists each interface that is configured to use the
specified filter. If specIndex is omitted, it lists each interface that is
configured to use any filter.
filter references [specIndex]
The index value for the filter.

Syntax The following command renumbers all rules in the currently loaded filter with
the default stride of 100 or the stride given.
filter renumber [stride]

66 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


renumber [stride]
The range between rule numbers.

Syntax The following command commits the currently loaded filter for modification.
filter save

Syntax The following command displays the filter currently committed to Infostore.
If the specIndex is omitted, it displays the filter currently loaded for
filter show [specIndex]
The user-defined value for the filter.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Searches through available commands.

Syntax find [-s(ubSearch) | -d(etailed)] stringToSearch
Options -s
Search the previous search results for the specified string.
Search the online help for each command for the specified string.
-ds or -sd
Search the online help of the commands in the previous search for the
specified string.
The string to search for.
Example 1 For example, the following command finds all command s containing the
string “show”:
zSH> find show
eeshow show
showdatetime showhost
showinetstat showipstat
showlinestatus showmem
showresolver showuser

Example 2 You can also search within results. For example:

zSH> find -s ip

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 67


Example 3 To search command online help for a particular string, use the -d option. For
example, the following command searches all the online help for the
commands for the word profile:
zSH> find -d profile
delete get list
new show update

Example 4 After you have performed a command search, the lst command lists only the
results of the last search. For example:
zSH> lst
delete get list
new show update

Example 5 To reset the lst command so it displays all the available commands, use the -m
option with the lst command:
zSH> lst -m
adduser ata
bootstate cd
changepass commit
copy create
del delete
deleteuser dir
dump eeshow
featurebitdisplay featurebitset
fhrameping file
find get
help history
ifxlate image
interface list
load log
logout lst
mkdir msg
new ping
pollzhonecpe pwd
resetcliprov resetpass
restore rip
rmdir route
set setdatetime

Type A<CR> to print all, <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:

Access Level user

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also get, show

68 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The find-matching-data command displays the provisioned data path

through the system which includes the specified ATM VCL.

Syntax find-matching-data ATM interface/type vpi vci

Name and type of the physical interface.
Virtual path indicator.
Virtual channel indicator

zSH> find-matching-data ATM 1-3-1-0-adsl/atm 0 35

VCL 1-3-1-0-adsl/atm 0 35 is used in atm-cc 1
The far end of this cross connect is 1-1-1-0-aal5proxy/atm 0 32

Products MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


The find-matching-subvoice command displays the other endpoint of a

subscriber-voice connection, given one endpoint. You can find endpoints for
the following voice connections:
• AAL2
• DS1
• GR-303
• V52
The system displays information about each endpoint and the
subscriber-voice profile that links them. If there are provisioning errors that
prevent the matching profile from being displayed, the system reports an

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 69


Syntax find-matching-subvoice AAL2 LGID/VPI/VCI/CID

The type of voice endpoint.
The line group identifier (also known as the ifIndex). Use the linegroup
command to find the line group ID for an interface.
Virtual Path Identifier of the AAL2 connection. You can find this in the
aal2-vcl profile.
Virtual Channel Identifier of the AAL2 connection. You can find this in
the aal2-vcl-profile.
Channel Identifier. You can find this in the aal2-cid-profile.

Syntax find-matching-subvoice CLASS5 ID/EndPointIndex

The type of voice endpoint.
ID for the Class5 switch.
Index of the voice connection endpoint.

Syntax find-matching-subvoice DS1 LGID/ChannelID

The type of voice endpoint.
The line group identifier (also known as the ifIndex). Use the linegroup
command to find the line group ID for an interface.
Matching channel ID of the DS0 signal.

Syntax find-matching-subvoice ELCPAAL2 LGID/VPI/VCI/PortID/

The type of voice endpoint.
The line group identifier (also known as the ifIndex). Use the linegroup
command to find the line group ID for an interface.
Virtual Path Identifier of the ELCP AAL2 connection.

70 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Virtual Channel Identifier of the AAL2 connection.

The port Identifier.
Port type.
Matching channel ID of the AAL2 signal.

Syntax find-matching-subvoice GR303 IG name/CRV

The type of voice endpoint.
IG name
Interface Group name.
Call Reference Value.

Syntax find-matching-subvoice ISDN groupID/portType/channelID

The type of voice endpoint.
Group ID
The line group identifier (also known as the ifIndex). Use the linegroup
command to find the line group ID for an interface.
port type
The ISDN D or B channel. Values are isdndchannel or isdnbchannel.
channel id
The channel identifier. Values are 1 (D channel), 2 (B channel) or 3 (B

Syntax find-matching-subvoice POTS LGID

The type of voice endpoint.
The line group identifier (also known as the ifIndex). Use the linegroup
command to find the line group ID for an interface.

Syntax find-matching-subvoice VOIP LGID/EndPointIndex

The type of voice endpoint.
The line group identifier (also known as the ifIndex). Use the linegroup
command to find the line group ID for an interface.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 71


Index of the voice connection en

Syntax find-matching-subvoice V52 Interface name/portId/user

The type of voice endpoint.
Interface name
Name of the V5.2 interface group.
The port ID of the V5.2 connection. This is the local-interface-id from
the v52-interface-group profile.
user type
The type of voice connection. Value can be POTS or ISDN.
channel id
The channel identifier. For POTS this is 0.
Example 1 In this example, the AAL2 voice connection is associated with a V5.2
zSH> list subscriber-voice-aal2
subscriber-voice-aal2 5
subscriber-voice-aal2 7
subscriber-voice-aal2 9

zSH> get subscriber-voice-aal2 5

voice-aal2-line-group-id: -> {134}
voice-aal2-vpi: -----------> {2}
voice-aal2-vci: -----------> {701}
voice-aal2-cid: -----------> {16}

zSH> find-matching-subvoice AAL2 134/2/701/16

profile type: subscriber-voice-aal2
logical address: LGID: 134 VPI: 2 VCI: 701 CID: 16
profile address: 5
subscriber-voice INFO:
voice-connection-type = AAL2TOV52
voice-endpoint1-addr-index = 5
voice-endpoint2-addr-index = 6
voice-admin-status = Enabled
subscriber-voice addr: subId: 2 LGId: 134
subVoiceId: 1
profile type: subscriber-voice-v52
logical address: IfName: rtl UserId: 1
IsdnBChannelId: 0
profile address: 6

72 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


The endpoint on the other end of the subscriber-voice connection is

described under the MATCHING heading. The system lists the endpoint
profile types, their logical addresses, and each endpoint profile address (the
profile number).
The find-matching-subvoice command also displays information about the
subscriber-voice profile that links endpoints, including the voice connection
type, the addresses of each endpoint, the administrative status of the profile,
and its address.

Example 2 This example finds the endpoint associated with a GR-303 interface.

zSH> list subscriber-voice-gr303

subscriber-voice-gr303 10001
subscriber-voice-gr303 10002
subscriber-voice-gr303 10003

zSH> get subscriber-voice-gr303 10001

voice-GR303-ig-name: -> {RTL}
voice-GR303-ig-crv: --> {1}

zSH> find-matching-subvoice GR303 RTL/1

profile type: subscriber-voice-gr303
logical address: IgName: RTL Crv: 1
profile address: 10001
subscriber-voice INFO:
voice-connection-type = AAL2TOGR303
voice-endpoint1-addr-index = 1
voice-endpoint2-addr-index = 10001
voice-admin-status = Enabled
subscriber-voice addr: subId: 1 LGId: 36
subVoiceId: 1
profile type: subscriber-voice-aal2
logical address: LGID: 36 VPI: 5 VCI: 202 CID: 17
profile address: 1

Example 3 If there is no profile found for the address entered, the system returns Address
not found. The following example asks for the other endpoint of an AAL2
subscriber-voice-aal2 profile that has an undefined CID of 232:
zSH> find-matching-subvoice AAL2 1/1/1/232
profile type: subscriber-voice-aal2
logical address: LGID: 1 VPI: 1 VCI: 1 CID: 232
profile address: Address not found

If there is more than one endpoint with the same address, the system returns a
message that includes the duplicate end point address:
zSH> find-matching-subvoice AAL2 1/1/1/25

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 73


profile type: subscriber-voice-aal2

logical address: LGID: 1 VPI: 1 VCI: 1 CID: 25
profile address: 11
subscriber-voice INFO:
More than 1 subscriber-voice have the same end point
address: 11

Example 4 If the AAL2 address exists, but is not configured as part of a subscriber-voice
profile, the system will display an error message as in the following example:
zSH> find-matching-subvoice AAL2 1/1/1/33
profile type: subscriber-voice-aal2
logical address: LGID: 1 VPI: 1 VCI: 1 CID: 33
profile address: 33
subscriber-voice INFO:
No subscriber-voice has end point address: 33

Example 5 If the subscriber-voice-aal2 endpoint does not have a second endpoint

configured, the system will return an error that the other endpoint can not be
zSH> find-matching-subvoice AAL2 1/1/1/44
profile type: subscriber-voice-aal2
l ogical address: LGID: 1 VPI: 1 VCI: 1 CID: 44
profile address: 44
subscriber-voice INFO:
voice-connection-type = AAL2TOGR303
voice-endpoint1-addr-index = 44
voice-endpoint2-addr-index = 1111
voice-admin-status = Disabled
subscriber-voice addr: subId: 1 LGId: 1 subVoiceId: 44
profile address: Matching subscriber-voice endpoint with
address 1111 not found

Example 6 ISDN
This example finds the other end of an ISDN endpoint.
zSH> list subscriber-voice-isdn
subscriber-voice-isdn 6012
subscriber-voice-isdn 6013
subscriber-voice-isdn 6021

zSH> get subscriber-voice-isdn 6012

voice-isdn-line-group-id: -> {89}
voice-isdn-port-type: -----> {isdnbchannel}
voice-isdn-channel-id: ----> {2}

zSH> find-matching-subvoice ISDN 89/isdnbchannel/2

profile type: subscriber-voice-isdn

74 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


logical address: LGId: 89 PortType: ISDNBCHANNEL

ChannelId: 2
profile address: 6012
subscriber-voice INFO:
voice-connection-type = UNKNOWN
voice-endpoint1-addr-index = 6012
voice-endpoint2-addr-index = 16012
voice-admin-status = Enabled
subscriber-voice addr: subId: 6 LGId: 29
subVoiceId: 16012
profile type: subscriber-voice-v52
logical address: IfName: rtl UserId: 601
IsdnBChannelId: 1
profile address: 16012

Example 7 POTS
This example finds the AAL2 endpoint that is associated with a POTS
zSH> list subscriber-voice-pots
subscriber-voice-pots 3001
subscriber-voice-pots 3002
subscriber-voice-pots 3003

zSH> get subscriber-voice-pots 3001

voice-pots-line-group-id: -> {33}

zSH> find-matching-subvoice POTS 33

profile type: subscriber-voice-pots
logical address: LGId: 33 PotsNumber: 1
profile address: 3001
subscriber-voice INFO:
voice-connection-type = POTSTOAAL2
voice-endpoint1-addr-index = 3001
voice-endpoint2-addr-index = 301
voice-admin-status = Enabled
subscriber-voice addr: subId: 33 LGId: 5
subVoiceId: 1
profile type: subscriber-voice-aal2
logical address: LGID: 5 VPI: 0 VCI: 301 CID: 17
profile address: 301

Example 8 V52
This example finds the AAL2 endpoint that is associated with a V5.2 user
zSH> list subscriber-voice-v52
subscriber-voice-v52 6
subscriber-voice-v52 8

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 75


subscriber-voice-v52 10
subscriber-voice-v52 34

zSH> get subscriber-voice-v52 6

voice-V52-interface-name: --> {rtl}
voice-V52-user-port-id: ----> {1}
voice-V52-user-type: -------> {pots}
voice-V52-isdn-channel-id: -> {0}

zSH> find-matching-subvoice V52 rtl/1/pots/0

profile type: subscriber-voice-v52
logical address: IfName: rtl UserId: 1
IsdnBChannelId: 0
profile address: 6
subscriber-voice INFO:
voice-connection-type = AAL2TOV52
voice-endpoint1-addr-index = 5
voice-endpoint2-addr-index = 6
voice-admin-status = Enabled
subscriber-voice addr: subId: 2 LGId: 134
subVoiceId: 1
profile type: subscriber-voice-aal2
logical address: LGID: 134 VPI: 2 VCI: 701 CID: 16
profile address: 5

Products BAN, MALC, Sechtor 100A, Z-Edge 64


The get command displays the contents of record and its configured
Syntax get profile-type index
Options profile-type
Shows the parameters in the specified profile with the parameter value
Record to display.
Example To view the configuration of a particular record, use the get command and
specify the address of the record:
zSH> get ip-interface-record ethernet1/ip
vpi: ---------------> {0}
vci: ---------------> {0}
rdindex: -----------> {1}

76 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


dhcp: --------------> {none}

addr: --------------> {}
netmask: -----------> {}
bcastaddr: ---------> {}
destaddr: ----------> {}
farendaddr: --------> {}
mru: ---------------> {1500}
reasmmaxsize: ------> {0}
ingressfiltername: -> {}
egressfiltername: --> {}
pointtopoint: ------> {no}
mcastenabled: ------> {yes}
ipfwdenabled: ------> {yes}
mcastfwdenabled: ---> {yes}
natenabled: --------> {no}
bcastenabled: ------> {yes}
ingressfilterid: ---> {0}
egressfilterid: ----> {0}
ipaddrdynamic: -----> {static}
dhcpserverenable: --> {false}
subnetgroup: -------> {0}
unnumberedindex: ---> {0}
mcastcontrollist: --> {}
vlanid: ------------> {0}
maxVideoStreams: ---> {0}

Access Level admin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also list, show


The gr303showcrv command displays information about GR-303 call

reference values (CRVs).
Syntax gr303showcrv igName crvNumber
Options igName
The GR-303 interface group (IG) name.
The GR-303 call reference value (CRV) number.
Example 1 To view information on all CRVs within an IG, use the gr303showcrv
command with only the IG name specified:
zSH> gr303showcrv test
ig: 0 crv: 1 in-serivce this CRV is operational on the switch and the device
ig: 0 crv: 2 in-serivce
ig: 0 crv: 3 in-serivce
ig: 0 crv: 4 in-serivce
ig: 0 crv: 5 in-serivce

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 77


ig: 0 crv: 6 in-serivce

ig: 0 crv: 7 in-serivce
ig: 0 crv: 8 in-serivce
ig: 0 crv: 9 in-serivce
ig: 0 crv: 10 in-serivce
ig: 0 crv: 11 out-of-serivce - SWITCH NOT PROV this CRV is provisioned on the device but is not
provisioned on the switch
ig: 0 crv: 12 out-of-serivce - SWITCH NOT PROV
ig: 0 crv: 13 out-of-serivce - SWITCH NOT PROV
ig: 0 crv: 14 out-of-serivce - SWITCH NOT PROV

Note: This is a truncated response to the gr303showcrv igname


Example 2 To view information on one CRV within the IG, use the gr303showcrv
command with the IG name and CRV specified:
zSH> gr303showcrv test 1
ig: 0 crv: 1 in-serivce

Access Level user

Products MALC, Sechtor 100A


Displays help text for a command.

Syntax help [ -p ][ command ]
Options (no option)
Displays the available commands with a brief explanation.
Displays detailed help for the specified command.
Displays the available commands, a brief explanation of the command,
and the access level.
Example 1 Enter the help command without options to display the available commands:

zSH> help
1 adduser
2 ata - initialize/show ATA flash partitions.
3 bootstate - <slot> display the boot state of a given
slot card
4 cd - change current directory.
5 changepass
6 commit <profile-type> <profile-storage-key>

78 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


7 copy - copy a file.

8 create <profile-type> <profile-storage-key>
9 del - Delete a file.
10 delete <profile-type> <profile-storage-key>
11 deleteuser <userName>
12 dir - list directory contents.
13 dump <[console] | [file filename] | [network host
14 eeshow eepromName <slot>
15 featurebitdisplay <featurenum>
16 featurebitset offset mask value hashCode
17 fhrameping shelf/slot</port>
18 file - download/upload files.
19 find [-s(ubSearch) | -d(etailed)] <stringToSearch>
20 get <profile-type> <profile-storage-key>
21 help [commands]

Type A<CR> to print all, <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:

Example 2 To get help on a particular command, enter the help command followed by
the name of the command. For example:
zSH> help slots
Use: slots [<slotNum>]
This command displays the card type present in each slot.
If <slotNum> is provided, it shows detailed information
about the card.

Access Level user

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Displays the commands stored in the command buffer.

Syntax history [ size ]
With no options, history displays the commands stored in the command
Specifies the number of commands to store in the history buffer.
Example zSH> history
1 addroute
2 addhost
3 help
4 showinetstat
5 showversion
6 list subscriber
7 list
8 showhost

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 79


9 showroute
10 setprompt
11 help

Access Level user

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


The host command is used to add, delete, or show hosts in a

point-to-multipoint network.

Syntax zSH> host add interface/type vc vpi/vci [tc tcvalue] td

tdvalue | txtd tdvalue rxtd tdvalue other | llc static
x.x.x.x | dynamic SubnetGroup count [video
Add hosts to an IP multi-point subnet. Hosts may be given static IP
addresses or dynamically assigned addresses using DHCP.
Name and type of the physical interface, such as 1-4-3-0/adsl.
vc vpi/vci
Used to specify the VPI and VCI values for ATM circuits. For example:
vc 0/23.
tc tcval
Used to specify the traffic container index to be used. This is a mandatory
field if the physical interface type is PON.
td tdvalue | rxtd rxtdvalue txtd txtdvalue
Used to specify the traffic descriptor index to be used. Optionally,
separate rxtd rxtdvalue and txtd txtdvalue values may be specified for
ADSL connections, where separate traffic descriptors are used for the
upstream and downstream traffic due to the asymmetric nature.
other | llc
The type of AAL5 data encapsulation used: other sets RFC 1483
multiprotocol encapsulation over AAL5, which is commonly used with
bridges; llc sets logical link control encapsulation over AAL5, which is
commonly used with routers. If no value is given, the default other is the
AAL5 encapsulation type.
static x.x.x.x
Add a host to the given subnet with the static IP addresses of x.x.x.x.
dynamic subnetgroup count
Add count number of hosts to the given subnet and have their IP
addresses assigned dynamically using DHCP from IP addresses that are in
the subnet group as specified by subnetgroup.

80 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


video MulticastControlList/NumberofVideoStreams
Adds a video client connection using the specified multicast control list
entry and maximum number of video streams.
When the video argument is specified, the VCL cast type for the
subscriber interface (vcl_cast_type) is set to p2mpleaf.

Syntax host delete interface/type vc vpi/vci ip x.x.x.x | unused

count | all
Delete a host or hosts from an IP multi-point subnet.
Name and type of the physical interface, such as 1-4-3-0/adsl.
vc vpi/vci
Used to specify the VPI and VCI values for ATM circuits. For example:
vc 0/23.
ip x.x.x.x
Delete the host with the IP address of x.x.x.x. This host may have been
assigned its address either via DHCP or statically.
unused count
Delete up to count number of DHCP host entries that have not yet been
assigned an IP address.
Delete all hosts on this subnet and the subnet itself.
video MulticastControlList/NumberofVideoStreams
Deletes the video client connection using the specified multicast control
list entry and maximum number of video streams.

Syntax host show interface interface/type vc vpi/vci | addr

x.x.x.x | host x.x.x.x
Show hosts that are part of an IP multi-point subnet.
interface interfacename/type
Show only hosts on this physical interface.
vc vpi/vci
Must be used with interface keyword. Show only hosts on given interface
with this VCL value.
addr x.x.x.x
Show only hosts with on the interface with the address of x.x.x.x.
host x.x.x.x
Show only the host with the address of x.x.x.x.
Example 1
zSH> host add 1-11-1-0/adsl vc 0/35 td 1 llc dynamic 1 3

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 81


Example 2

zSH> host delete 1-11-1-0/adsl vc 0/35 all

Example 3

zSH> host show interface 1-11-1-0/adsl vc 0/35

Example 4

zSH> host add 1-11-1-0/adsl vc 0/35 td 1 llc dynamic 1 3 video 1/4

Products MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Translates between ifindex values and physical interfaces (of the form
Syntax ifxlate ifindex
Options ifindex
The interface index to translate into a physical interface.
Example The following example displays the associated shelf-slot-port-subport-type of
the interface:
zSH> ifxlate 1
ifIndex: ----------> {1}
shelf: ------------> {1}
slot: -------------> {3}
port: -------------> {1}
subport: ----------> {0}
type: -------------> {ethernetcsmacd}
adminstatus: ------> {up}
physical-flag: ----> {true}
iftype-extension: -> {none}
ifName: -----------> {1-3-1-0}
redundancy-param1: -> {0}

Access Level admin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Downloads software to the system from a TFTP server, updates the boot
partition, or verifies the flash card file system.

82 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Note: The image command should be used to download software

image files, because it verifies the image header as part of the
download process.

Syntax image download tftphost file_path [destination]

Downloads the software image and verifies the image header.
The name or IP address of the TFTP server.
The full path name of the software image file on the TFTP server.
The full path name where the software image file should be downloaded
to. If not specified, the file is downloaded to the current directory with the
original file name.

Note: BAN system software is loaded onto the flash cards on the
Infoservices card. The path to the software image file is either /card1/
file or /card2/file, depending on which PC card contains the software.

Syntax image flash file port [standby | all]

Updates the boot partition on the PC card.
Full path to the software image file. For example, /card1/infoservraw.bin
is the full path to the software image on the first PC card.
The PC card port that contains the boot partition. For the MALC or
Raptor this value is always 1.
Performs the image flash on the standby card.
Performs the image flash on both the active and the standby card.

Syntax image verify file

Verifies the specified file.
Full path to the software image file. For example, /card1/infoservraw.bin
is the full path to the software image on the first PC card.
Example The following example verifies the image file on the first PC card:

zSH> image verify malcgige.bin

File: malcgige.bin
Size: 7749520 bytes
Header Version: 1

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 83


Card Type: MALC GIGE

Load Type: compressed binary
Load Address: 0x00010000
Checksum: 0xb5443578
Image verify successful

Access Level admin

Products BAN, Raptor 100, MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723
See Also file


The imalink command enables you to move, add, delete, or view IMA links.

Syntax imalink move SourceIMAGroup DestinationIMAGroup

Moves an IMA link from one group to another.
The IMA group to move the link from, in the form
The IMA group to move the link to, in the form shelf-slot-port-subport/
The link group to move, in the form shelf-slot-port-subport/ds1.

Syntax imalink show IMAgroup

Displays information about the specified IMA group.
The IMA group to view, in the form shelf-slot-port-subport/atmima.

Syntax imalink add IMAgroup ds1Interface

Adds an IMA link. Do not use this command unless requested to by GSS.
The IMA group to remove, in the form shelf-slot-port-subport/atmima.
The link group to add, in the form shelf-slot-port-subport/ds1.

Syntax imalink remove IMAgroup ds1Interface

Removes an IMA link.

84 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Note: This option should not be used. If you do not want a link to
belong to any IMA group, it is recommended that you admin down
the interface in the if-translate profile.

The IMA group to remove, in the form shelf-slot-port-subport/atmima.
The link group to remove, in the form shelf-slot-port-subport/ds1.
Example 1 To move a link:

zSH> imalink move 1-1-1-0/atmima 1-1-4-0/atmima 1/1/8/0/

Stack unbind successful.
Link moved successfully.

Then view the group with the new link:

zSH> imalink show 1-1-4-0/atmima
DS1 Links for IMA Group 1-1-4-0/atmima:
If Index If Name
--------- ---------------
000011 1-1-8-0

Example 2 To view information about the links in an IMA group:

zSH> imalink show 1-3-1-0/atmima
DS1 Links for IMA Group 1-3-1-0/atmima:
If Index If Name
--------- ---------------
000736 1-3-1-0
000737 1-3-2-0
000738 1-3-3-0
000739 1-3-4-0

Access Level admin

Products MALC, Raptor, Raptor 100


The imarpshow command displays information about the MALC IMA

group. The command uses the following syntax:
Syntax imarpshow [index]
Options index
The IMA group number (currently, 1 (one) is the only supported value).
Example 1 zSH> imarpshow
RP Info:
rp state -------------------> RP_INITIALIZED
address --------------------> 01:01:113
rp shelf -------------------> 1

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 85


rp slot --------------------> 1
rp ima core started --------> TRUE
imaGrpProfLeaseId ----------> 0x02070000_00000057
LineRRProvLeaseId ----------> 0x02070000_00000055
LineRRClientLeaseId --------> 0x02070000_00000056
numImaGroups ---------------> 1
ImaGroupIndecies: 1

Example 2 To display complete information about an IMA group, specify the group
zSH> imarpshow 1
RP Info:
rp state -------------------> RP_INITIALIZED
address --------------------> 01:01:113
rp shelf -------------------> 1
rp slot --------------------> 1
rp ima core started --------> TRUE
imaGrpProfLeaseId ----------> 0x02070000_00000057
LineRRProvLeaseId ----------> 0x02070000_00000055
LineRRClientLeaseId --------> 0x02070000_00000056
numImaGroups ---------------> 1
ImaGroupIndecies: 1
IMA Group Index =1
group status ==========> OOS
......................... group ne state -------->
group fe state --------> OPERATIONAL
group ctlr state ------> GRP_INITIALIZED
group ifIndex ---------> 11
group in service ------> TRUE
driver attached -------> TRUE
driver unit -----------> 0
auto-created ----------> FALSE
ifxLeaseId ------------> 0x02070000_00000057
lineProfLeaseId -------> 0x02070000_00000057
lineGrpLeaseId --------> 0x02070000_00000057
ifStackLeaseId --------> 0x02070000_00000057
ds1LeaseId ------------> 0x00000000_00000000
ifxlateProfValid ----------------> TRUE
ifxlatProf.ifIndex --------------> 11
ifxlatProf.shelf ----------------> 1
ifxlatProf.slot -----------------> 1
ifxlatProf.port -----------------> 2
ifxlatProf.ifType ---------------> ATMIMA
ifxlatProf.adminStatus ----------> UP
lineProfValid -------------------> TRUE
lineProf.profileName ------------> Atm IMA Group default line profile
lineProf.physicalAddress.shelf --> 1
lineProf.physicalAddress.slot ---> 1

86 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


lineProf.physicalAddress.port ---> 2
lineProf.lineGroupName ----------> 11
lineGrpProfValid ----------------> TRUE
lineGrpProf.groupName -----------> 1/1/1
lineGrpProf.primaryName ---------> 11
lineGrpProf.secondaryName -------> 0
lineGrpProf.primaryWeight -------> 0
lineGrpProf.secondaryWeight -----> 0
lineGrpProf.adminState ----------> UP
imaGrpProfValid -----------------> TRUE
imaGrpProf.groupSymmetry --------> SYMMETRICAL
imaGrpProf.minNumTxLinks --------> 1
imaGrpProf.minNumRxLinks --------> 1
imaGrpProf.txClkMode ------------> CTC
imaGrpProf.txImaId --------------> 1
imaGrpProf.txFrameLength --------> M128
imaGrpProf.diffDelayMax ---------> 75
imaGrpProf.alphaValue -----------> 1
imaGrpProf.betaValue ------------> 1
imaGrpProf.gammaValue -----------> 1
imaGrpProf.testLinkIfIndex ------> 0
imaGrpProf.testPattern ----------> -1
imaGrpProf.testProcStatus -------> DISABLED
imaGrpProf.txTimingRefLink ------> 0
imaGrpProf.rxTimingRefLink ------> 0
linkType -----------> DS1_PROFILE_LINETYPE_ESF
ifIndex ------------> 2
framerstatus -------> OOS
netxlinkstatus -----> NOT-IN-GROUP
nerxlinkstatus -----> NOT-IN-GROUP

Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Displays the status of an IMA test pattern procedure.

Syntax imatppshow [group]
Options group
Number of the IMA group to display information about.
Example 1 If the test is successful, imaGroupTestProcStatus displays OPERATING:

zSH> imatppshow 1
TestLink .....................: 2

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 87


imaGroupTestPattern ..........: 23
imaGroupTestProcStatus .......: OPERATING

Example 2 If the test fails (if, for example, the remote link is down),
imaGroupTestProcStatus displays LINKFAIL:
zSH> imatppshow 1
TestLink .....................: 2
imaGroupTestPattern ..........: 71
imaGroupTestProcStatus .......: LINKFAIL

Example 3 After the test is disabled, the imaGroupTestProcStatus displays

zSH> imatppshow 1
TestLink .....................: 2
imaGroupTestPattern ..........: 23
imaGroupTestProcStatus .......: DISABLED

Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Initiates a manual update of the ZMS database with the device’s

configuration. Config sync updates are performed automatically whenever a
change is made to the device via the CLI. During a restore, however, the
updating process is suspended. After a restore, a full config sync update is

Note: Zhone recommends that you perform a config sync update

from ZMS. For more information, refer to the documentation that
came with the ZMS software.

Syntax initiateconfigsync [full | partial]

Options full
Sends all profiles to ZMS. This option could cause significant processing
by ZMS.
Sends only the new or updated profiles to ZMS.
Access Level admin
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


The interface command can add, delete, or show interfaces in different


88 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Syntax interface add interface/type vc vpi/vci [tc tcvalue] td

tdvalue | txtd tdvalue rxtd tdvalue llc | other IPaddr
Provides one-line configuration of IP interfaces, including the creation of
the ip-interface-record, if-translate, and atm-vcl records.
Name and type of the physical interface.
vc vpi/vci
Used to specify the VPI and VCI values for ATM circuits. For example:
td tdvalue | rxtd rxtdvalue txtd txtdvalue
Used to specify the traffic descriptor index to be used. Optionally,
separate rxtd rxtdvalue and txtd txtdvalue values may be specified for
ADSL connections, where separate traffic descriptors are used for the
upstream and downstream traffic due to the asymmetric nature.
tc tcvalue
Used only for PON interfaces to specify the traffic container index to be
llc | other
The type of AAL5 data encapsulation used: llc sets logical link control
encapsulation over AAL5, which is commonly used with routers; other
sets RFC 1483 multiprotocol encapsulation over AAL5, which is
commonly used with bridges. If no value is given, the default llc is the
AAL5 encapsulation type.
Address will given as a static IP address. The IP address can have a
subnet portion denoted by /x.
Masks out certain parts of host address and all of the network portion of
the IP address.

Syntax interface delete physicalInterface vpi/vci

Removes all of the configuration done by the interface add command.
Name and type of the physical interface, such as 1-4-3-0/hdsl2.
Used to specify the VPI and VCI values for ATM circuits. For example:

Syntax interface delete physicalInterface vpi/vci


Zhone CLI Reference Guide 89


Displays all provisioned interfaces, including floating (unnumbered)

interfaces and internal interfaces such as the loopback interface.
Displays the interface IfIndex values and flag information.
Displays just the specified interface.
Example 1

zSH> interface add 1-11-1-0/adsl vc 0/35 td 1 netmask

Example 2

zSH> interface delete 1-11-1-0/adsl vc 0/35

Example 3

zSH> interface show

579 interfaces
Interface Status Rd/Address Media/Dest Address IfName
1/1/1/0/ip UP 1 00:01:47:43:c0:38 ethernet1
1/1/1/0/ip DOWN 1 [] 0/772 multipoint 1-10-21-0-adsl-0-35
1/1/1/0/ip DOWN 1 [] 0/764 multipoint 1-10-13-0-adsl-0-35
1/1/1/0/ip DOWN 1 [] 0/756 multipoint 1-10-5-0-adsl-0-35
1/1/1/0/ip DOWN 1 [] 0/614 multipoint 1-9-4-0-adsl-0-35
1/1/1/0/ip DOWN 1 [] 0/530 multipoint 1-8-10-0-adsl-0-35
1/1/1/0/ip DOWN 1 [] 0/472 multipoint 1-7-29-0-adsl-0-35
1/1/1/0/ip DOWN 1 [] 0/446 multipoint 1-7-16-0-adsl-0-35
1/1/1/0/ip DOWN 1 [] 0/388 multipoint 1-6-35-0-adsl-0-35
1/1/1/0/ip DOWN 1 [] 0/304 multipoint 1-5-41-0-adsl-0-35
1/1/1/0/ip DOWN 1 [] 0/240 multipoint 1-5-9-0-adsl-0-35
1/1/1/0/ip DOWN 1 [] 0/220 multipoint 1-4-47-0-adsl-0-35
1/1/1/0/ip DOWN 1 [] 0/156 multipoint 1-4-15-0-adsl-0-35
1/1/1/0/ip DOWN 1 [] 0/72 multipoint 1-3-21-0-adsl-0-35
1/1/1/0/ip DOWN 1 [] 0/1092 multipoint 1-14-44-0-adsl-0-35
1/1/1/0/ip DOWN 1 [] 0/1044 multipoint 1-13-27-0-adsl-0-35
1/1/1/0/ip DOWN 1 [] 0/960 multipoint 1-12-33-0-adsl-0-35
<SPACE> for next page, <CR> for next line, A for all, Q to quit

Products MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Displays the line group number of the interface.

Syntax linegroup index
Options index
The shelf-slot-port-subport/type or user-defined string of the interface.

90 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Example 1 zSH> linegroup 1-1-1-0/ds3

lineGroupId: 5

Example 2 zSH> linegroup uplink2/other

lineGroupId: 7

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Sets the redundancy behavior of Ethernet lines so Ethernet uplink cards, such
as GigE card, will switchover from an active to a standby card when the active
link goes down. The standby card must be in a running state for the
switchover to occur.
Syntax line-red set | clear | show ifname/type [timeout seconds]
[revertive | nonrevertive] [timeout seconds]
Options set
Sets the line redundancy behavior on the specified interface to the
specified settings.
Removes any line redundancy settings on the specified interface.
Displays the current line redundancy settings.
Specifies the physical interface name and type. For example, ethernet1/ip
specifies the uplink Ethernet interface on the malcGigE card.
timeout seconds
Specifies the amount of time to wait after a failure occurs before
performing the switchover. If no timeout value is specified, a value of 0 is
After a redundancy switchover occurs and the failure is resolved, this
setting forces the currently active card to wait the specified timeout period
and then reboot to return traffic back to the other card.
After a redundancy switchover occurs and the failure is resolved, this
setting allows the currently active card to remain active, until another
redundancy switchover occurs.
timeout seconds
Specifies the amount of time to wait after a failure is resolved before the
revertive switch is performed. If no timeout value is specified, a value of
0 is used.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 91


Example 1 This example enables redundancy on the ethernet1 physical interface with
options set to timeout of 30 seconds, revertive, and revertive timeout of 600
zSH> line-red set ethernet1/ip timeout 30 revertive timeout 600

Example 2 This example shows the display of the current line redundancy settings for the
physical interface ethernet1:
zSH> line-red show ethernet1/ip
redundancy status for ethernet1/ip:
REBOOT timeout 30 REVERTIVE revert timeout 600

Example 3 This example enables redundancy on the ethernet1 physical interface with
options set to nonrevertive, and revertive timeout of 200 seconds. Because no
switchover timeout value is specified, a value of 0 is used.
zSH> line-red set ethernet1/ip nonrevertive timeout 200

Access Level user

Products MALC, Raptor


Displays system profiles or records.

Syntax list [ profile-type ] [ * ]
Options (no options)
Without options, displays available profiles.
The type of profile to display. This option displays all the profiles of the
specified type, along with their profile indexes.
A wildcard that can be added anywhere in the command line after the list
• If it is the only option, it lists all records in the system, along with their
index values.
• When added after profile-type, it lists all the records of that type, along
with their indexes.
• When added as part of the profile-index, it lists all the profiles matching
the specified index elements.
Example 1 The following example displays the available profiles:

zSH> list
aal2-audio-profile: audioProfileIdentifier/apIndex
aal2-cid-profile: ifIndex/vpi/vci/cid
aal2-vcl-profile: ifIndex/vpi/vci
adsl-co-profile: shelf/slot/port
adsl-cpe-profile: shelf/slot/port

92 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


adsl-profile: shelf/slot/port
atm-cc: atmVcCrossConnectIndex
atm-if: ifIndex
atm-if-stats: ifIndex
atm-traf-descr: index
atm-traf-descr-idx-next: index
atm-traf-descr-stats: index
atm-vcl: ifIndex/vpi/vci
atm-vcl-param: index
atm-vcl-stats: ifIndex/vpi/vci
atm-vpi: ifIndex/vpi
atm-vpl: ifIndex/vpi
bulk-statistic: index
bulk-statistics-config: index
<SPACE> for next page, <CR> for next line, A for all, Q to

Example 2 The following example displays the atm-vcls configured on the system:

zSH> list atm-vcl

atm-vcl 1-7-4-0-ds3/atm/0/101
atm-vcl 1-7-4-0-ds3/atm/0/102
atm-vcl 1-9-2-0-hdsl2/atm/0/35
atm-vcl 1-9-4-0-hdsl2/atm/0/35
atm-vcl 1-5-1-0-sonet/atm/0/301
atm-vcl 1-7-4-0-ds3/atm/0/301
atm-vcl 1-7-4-0-ds3/atm/0/103
atm-vcl 1-15-1-0-ds3/atm/0/103
atm-vcl 1-15-1-0-ds3/atm/0/104
atm-vcl 1-9-6-0-hdsl2/atm/0/36
atm-vcl 1-9-6-0-hdsl2/atm/0/35
atm-vcl 1-15-1-0-ds3/atm/1/104
atm-vcl 1-7-4-0-ds3/atm/0/104
atm-vcl 1-15-1-0-ds3/atm/1/105
atm-vcl 1-9-6-0-hdsl2/atm/0/37
atm-vcl 1-7-4-0-ds3/atm/1/201
atm-vcl 1-5-1-0-sonet/atm/1/201
atm-vcl 1-7-4-0-ds3/atm/1/202
atm-vcl 1-5-1-0-sonet/atm/1/202
<SPACE> for next page, <CR> for next line, A for all, Q to

Example 3 The following example displays all the records configured on the system:

zSH> list *
aal2-audio-profile 7/1
aal2-audio-profile 7/2
aal2-audio-profile 7/3
aal2-audio-profile 8/1
aal2-audio-profile 8/2
aal2-audio-profile 9/1
aal2-audio-profile 10/1
aal2-audio-profile 10/2
aal2-audio-profile 11/1

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 93


aal2-audio-profile 11/2
aal2-audio-profile 12/1
aal2-audio-profile 12/2
aal2-audio-profile 12/3
atm-cc 14
atm-cc 5
atm-cc 6
atm-cc 7
atm-cc 8
atm-cc 1
<SPACE> for next page, <CR> for next line, A for all, Q to

Example 4 The following example displays all the if-translate profiles associated with
shelf 1, slot 1:
zSH> list if-translate 1/1/*
if-translate 1-1-1-0/ethernetcsmacd
if-translate 1-1-1-0/rs232
if-translate 1-1-1-0/ip
3 entries found.

Access Level admin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also get, show


Loads new software onto the system.

Note: The image command should be used to download software

image files, because it verifies the image header as part of the
download process.

Syntax load tftphost image-file destination

Options tftphost
The name or IP address of the TFTP server.
The full path name of the software image file on the TFTP server.
The full path name where the software image file should be downloaded
System software is loaded onto the system flash memory. On a BAN, the
path to the software image file is either:
/card1/file or /card2/file
depending on which PC card contains the software.

94 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


On a MALC or Raptor, it is not necessary to specify a card in the

Access Level admin
Notes Set the TFTP server time-out value to at least 5 seconds, and 5 retries to help
prevent TFTP time-out or retry errors.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723
See Also image


Configures logging levels for messages on the system. The system sends log
messages to a management session (either on the console or over a telnet
session), a log file on the device, and, optionally, a syslog server.
The log command configures the type of information sent in these messages.
By default, the system sends the same type of information to all log message
destinations, and logging is disabled on both the serial craft port and over
telnet sessions.
If the messages sent to the syslog server are configured the same as the log
messages sent to the console or the persistent storage (the default) the log
command also configures the syslog message contents. If the syslog messages
have been modified (using the log-module profile or the syslog command),
use the syslog command to modify syslog levels.

Syntax log help

Displays the help menu.

Syntax log show

Displays the currently configured logging levels for each software

Syntax log level module level

The system module to set the level for. Use the log show command to
display all the system modules.
Sets the logging level for the specified module. Logging levels are:
• 1 emergency
• 2 alert
• 3 critical
• 4 error
• 5 warning

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 95


• 6 notice
• 7 information
• 8 debug
You can specify either the name of the level or the number.

Syntax log option type [ on | off ]

Specifies the information to include in logging messages.
type on
Specifies that the type of information be included in log messages. To
view the type of information you can include in a logging message, enter
the log option command without any arguments.
type off
Specifies that the type of information not be included in log messages.

Syntax log [ enable | disable ] module

enable module
Enables logging for the specified module. Use the log show command to
display all the system modules and whether they are enabled or not.
disable module
Disables logging for the specified module.

Syntax log session [on | off]

Enables logging for the current session only.
Disables logging for the current session.

Syntax log serial [on | off]

Enables logging on the serial craft port. This setting persists across
Disables logging on the serial craft port. This setting persists across

Syntax log display

Displays entries in the persistent log.

Syntax log cache [ max | grep pattern | size | clear | help ]

96 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Note: The cache option is only supported on the BAN, MALC, and

log cache
Displays the log cache.
log cache max length
Sets the maximum number of log messages to store. The maximum log
cache size is 2147483647, depending in the amount of memory available.
log cache grep pattern
Searches through the log cache for the specified regular expression.
log cache clear
Clears the log cache.
log cache size
Sets the maximum amount of memory for the log cache. Without options,
displays the current log size.
log cache help
Displays help on the log cache command.
Example 1 The following example displays the logging levels and enabled status for the
system modules:
zSH> log show
message error enabled
taskclock error enabled
card error enabled
bds_client error enabled
alarm_mgr error enabled
tnsxmgt error enabled
leaseapi error enabled
vcs-client error enabled
dirserclient error enabled
rebootserver error enabled
pcmciadiag error enabled

Example 2 The following example sets the logging level for the card module to
zSH> log level card info
Module: card at level: information

Example 3 The following example shows how to configure what information to include
in log messages.
zSH> log option all on

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 97


Example 4 To return the log messages to their default format, enter the following
zSH> log option default on
time: date: level: address: log: taskname: (0xf)

Example 5 The following example configures the log cache size:

zSH> log cache max 200

Maximum number of log messages that can be saved: 200

Example 6 following example searches through the log cache for the word “IMA”:

zSH> log cache grep IMA

Searching for: "IMA"
[1]: JAN 06 20:36:10: alert : 1/2/50 : alarm_mgr:
tLineAlarm: 01:02:02 Critical IMA Down Line
[2]: JAN 06 20:36:46: alert : 1/2/50 : alarm_mgr:
tLineAlarm: 01:02:02 Critical IMA Up Line

Access Level user

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also syslog


Terminates the current session. If a previous user is still connected as an

inactive user of the current session, the previous user becomes the active user
of the session. If there is only one user connected in current session, the
logout command terminates the connection. If the session is over the local
serial port, the current user is logged out and the system prompts appears.
Syntax logout
Example The following example shows logging out from a local serial port session:

zSH> logout
Tips:(`lst' 2 list)(`find' 2 search)(`s' 2 skip)
User Name:

Access Level user

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Lists available commands.

Syntax lst [ -m ]

98 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


With no option, displays all the available commands for the current user.
If a search has been performed using the find command, and the -m
option has not been specified since the search was performed, the lst
command displays only the results of the most recent search.
Lists all commands, not just the results of the previous search.
Example The following example shows the lst command with no search results:

zSH> lst
? adduser
ata bootstate
cd changepass
commit copy
create del
delete deleteuser
dir dump
eeset eeshow
featurebitdisplay featurebitset
fhrameping file
filter find
find-matching-subvoice get
help history
ifxlate image
initiateconfigsync interface
list load
log logout
lst mkdir
msg new
ping pollzhonecpe
pwd resetcliprov
resetpass restore
Type A<CR> to print all, <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:

Access Level user

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also find


Displays multicast control lists.

Syntax mcast show mcl [ entry | precedence ]
Options entry
Entry number to be displayed.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 99


Sends the message to all users.
Example zSH> mcast show mcl 1

zSH> mcast show mcl 2/1


zSH> mcast show mcl


Access Level user

Notes Entering this command without any options displays all configured multicast
control lists.
Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Creates a directory on the system card flash card file system.

Syntax mkdir directoryname
Access Level admin
Products BAN, MALC
See Also rmdir


Enables users to send text messages to a specific user, or to all users currently
logged into the system.
Syntax msg [ username | all ] message
Options username
The recipient of the message.
Sends the message to all users.
The text of the message to send. The message must be in quotes.
Example The following command:

zSH> msg all "please log off."

100 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Results in the following message being sent to every user logged into the
Msg: root: please log off.
Access Level user
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Enables connecting a third-party device to the MALC MTAC card to set test
relays. The default baud rate is 9600 bps.
Syntax mtac-linetest <portaddr> <mode> [ force ]
Options portaddr
The port address in shelf/slot/port. Valid shelf value is 1. Maximum slot
value is 21. Maximum port value is 48.
Sets the relay mode to lookout, lookin, bridge or release mode. Only
lookout and release modes are supported in this release. Use the release
mode to set the relay back to idle mode.

Note: There is a 5 minute maximum time limit for activating a relay.

If this time limit is reached, the relay automatically goes back to idle

Forces an override when the line is in use. Currently not supported in this
Example The following command:

zSH> mtac-linetest 1/8/48 lookout

Successful - In TestMode

zSH> mtac-linetest 1/8/48 release

Successful - Return to operational state

Access Level user

Products MALC


Creates new records of the specified profile type.

Syntax new profile-type index

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 101


Options profile-type
The type of profile to create.
An index for the record. Some records, such as line profiles, use an index
of the form shelf-slot-port-subport-interface/type. Other records, such
as subscriber records, use an index of the form n, where n is an integer.
Example The following example creates a new ip-interface-record. Pressing Enter
accepts the default values:
zSH> new ip-interface-record 1-1-0-0/ip
Please provide the following: [q]uit.
vpi: ---------------> {0}:
vci: ---------------> {0}:
rdindex: -----------> {1}:
dhcp: --------------> {none}: ** read-only **
addr: --------------> {}:
netmask: -----------> {}:
bcastaddr: ---------> {}:
destaddr: ----------> {}:
farendaddr: --------> {}:
mru: ---------------> {1500}:
reasmmaxsize: ------> {0}:
ingressfiltername: -> {}:
egressfiltername: --> {}:
pointtopoint: ------> {no}:
mcastenabled: ------> {yes}:
ipfwdenabled: ------> {yes}:
mcastfwdenabled: ---> {yes}:
natenabled: --------> {no}:
bcastenabled: ------> {yes}:
ingressfilterid: ---> {0}:
egressfilterid: ----> {0}:
ipaddrdynamic: -----> {static}:
dhcpserverenable: --> {false}:
subnetgroup: -------> {0}:
unnumberedindex: ---> {0}:
mcastcontrollist: --> {}:
vlanid: ------------> {0}:
maxVideoStreams: ---> {0}:
Save new record? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: s
Record created.

After entering the values, the system displays the values you have entered and
prompts you to save the record. If you want to save the changes, press s. If
you want to make changes, press c to re-enter values. Press q to quit without
saving changes.
Access Level admin
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64

102 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


See Also delete, update


The ping command uses an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST datagram to elicit an

ICMP ECHO_RESPONSE from the specified host or network gateway. The
ping command can be interrupted by pressing any key during its operation.
Syntax ping [-c rxcount] [-i txwait ] [ -s packetsize ]
[-w timeout] [-t] [-h] host
Options -c rxcount
Stop after receiving rxcount ECHO_RESPONSE packets. If this option is
not specified, ping will operate until interrupted by the user.
-i txwait
Wait txwait seconds between sending ECHO_REQUEST packets. The
value of txwait must be a positive integer. If not specified, a value of 1 is
-s packet-size
Specifies the packet size of the ICMP ECHO_REQUEST. The default is
56 (which results in a 64 byte ICMP datagram when combined with an 8
byte ICMP header).
-t timeout
Specifies the timeout for the ping. The default is 1 second.
Continue the ping until it is interrupted by the user.
Display the hostname of the source for any returned ICMP packet instead
of the network address.
Host name or IP address of destination host.
Example 1 The following example shows the ping command able to successfully reach
the destination:
zSH> ping
PING ( 64 data bytes
!!!!! PING Statistics----
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received
round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 80/99/160

Example 2 The following example shows the ping command unable to reach the
zSH> ping

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 103


PING 64 data bytes

---- PING Statistics----
5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet

Access Level user

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


The pollzhonecpe command polls attached Zhone customer premises

equipment (CPE) devices to determine their status.
Syntax pollzhonecpe
Example zSH> pollzhonecpe
Polling all connected Zhone CPE devices...
Zhone CPE at vrd:0 ip: status:UP
Total Zhone CPE devices: 1 (1 up) (0 down)

Access Level admin

Notes If the device detects that a CPE is down, it sends a trap to ZMS (if configured
to do so). If a ZMS is not connected or its connection is inactive, the device
does not send a trap.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723
See Also showzhonecpe


Displays the current directory on the system flash card file system.
Syntax pwd
Example zSH> pwd
zSH> /card1

Access Level admin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor
See Also cd, dir

104 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



Enables provisioning from a CLI session. Provisioning using the CLI is

usually enabled, except when the device is being managed by ZMS.
Syntax resetcliprov [ index | all ]
Options index
Re-enables CLI provisioning for the specified CLI session. CLI session
indexes are displayed in the output of the who command.
Re-enables CLI provisioning for all active CLI sessions.
Access Level admin
Notes CLI provisioning is automatically disabled after logging out of the session.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also setcliprov


Resets a user password.

Syntax resetpass username
Options username
User whose password is being reset.
Example In the following example, the user jjsmith is assigned a new password
zSH> resetpass jjsmith
Password: newpassword the password is not displayed on the screen

Access Level useradmin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also changepass


Restores a previously saved Zhone system configuration.

Syntax restore [console] | [ network host filename ] | [ file
filename ]

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 105


Options console
Restores the configuration displayed on the local console terminal. Note
that when restoring a file from the console, specify a line an character
delay to allow the system to interpret the command. A delay of 40
milliseconds is usually sufficient.
network host filename
Restores the configuration from the specified host and filename using
TFTP. This option is not supported on the BAN or the MALC.
file filename
Restores the configuration from specified file on the flash card. You must
specify the full path to the file. This option is only available on the BAN
and the MALC.
Access Level useradmin
Notes Set the TFTP server time-out value to at least 5 seconds, and 5 retries to help
prevent TFTP time-out or retry errors.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also dump


Administers how routing information protocol (RIP) operates on Zhone


Syntax The following command enables or disables RIP for the entire system.
rip [domain domain-spec] enable|disable
domain domain-spec
Specifies the routing domain. Only domain 1 is supported.
Enables RIP.
Disables RIP (the default).

Syntax The following command displays the administrative and operational status of
rip domain domain-spec show
domain domain-spec
The domain spec identifies the IP address range of the subnet. One (1) is
the only supported value.
Displays RIP information for the system.

Syntax The following command specifies the interval between RIP advertisements.

106 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


rip domain domain-spec timer seconds

domain domain-spec
Specifies the routing domain. Only domain 1 is supported.
timer seconds
The RIP advertisement in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.

Syntax The following command specifies the type of advertisements to transmit on

an interface.
rip [domain domain-spec] interface interface-address talk
v1 | v1compat | v2 | disabled
domain domain-spec
Specifies the routing domain. Only domain 1 is supported.
interface interface-address
Interface address to transmit RIP advertisements on.
talk v1 | v2 | v1v2 | disabled
The type of RIP packets to transmit:
• v1: RIP version 1 advertisements
• v1v2: RIP version 2 advertisements using RFC 1058 subsumption rules
• v2: RIP version 2 advertisements
• disabled: RIP advertisements disabled (default)

Syntax The following command specifies the type of interface to receive on an

rip [domain domain-spec] interface interface-address
listen v1 | v1v2 | v2 | disable
domain domain-spec
Specifies the routing domain. Only domain 1 is supported.
interface interface-address
Interface address to receive RIP advertisements on.
listen v1 | v2 | v1v2 | disabled
The type of RIP packets to receive:
• v1: RIP version 1 advertisements
• v1v2: RIP version 1 and version 2 advertisements
• v2: RIP version 2 advertisements
• disabled: RIP advertisements disabled (the default)

Syntax The following command specifies whether poison-reverse updates are

transmitted on an interface.
rip [domain domain-spec] interface interface-address
poison on | off
domain domain-spec
Specifies the routing domain. Only domain 1 is supported.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 107


interface interface-address
Interface address to transmit poison-reverse RIP advertisements on.
poison on | off
On enables poison reverse updates.
Off disables poison reverse updates. In this case, the system uses
split-horizon updates. The default is off.

Syntax The following command specifies the default metric value to be advertised for
an interface.
rip [domain domain-spec] interface interface-address
metric metric-number
domain domain-spec
Specifies the routing domain. Only domain 1 is supported.
interface interface-address
Interface address to assign a metric to.
metric metric-number
Metric number for an interface.
Access Level admin
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Z-Edge 64
See Also route


Removes a directory.
Syntax rmdir directory
Options directory
Name of directory to remove.
Access Level admin
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723
See Also cd, dir, mkdir, pwd


Displays the read-only memory (ROM) version of a slot card.

Syntax romversion 1-17
Example 1 The following example displays the ROM version of an Ethernet card in slot

Example 2 zSH> romversion 4

Jun 21 2004, 13:11:49

108 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Access Level user

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Administers the routing information base (RIB).

Syntax The following command displays the forwarding information base.

route [domain domain-spec] show
domain domain-spec
Specifies the routing domain. Only domain 1 is supported.
Displays the routes in the route domain.

Syntax The following command adds a static route to the system routing table.
route [ domain domain-spec ] add destination-address
netmask nexthop-address nexthop-interface metric
domain domain-spec
Specifies the routing domain. Only domain 1 is supported.
add destination-address netmask
Adds a static route with the specified destination and network mask.
IP address of the next hop.
Interface for the next hop. This is valid only when the next-hop address is Otherwise, this should be 0 (zero). This option is currently
A numeric value specifying the metric for the route. Lower metrics
indicate more preferred routes.

Syntax The following command deletes a static route from the system routing table.
route [ domain domain-spec ] delete destination-address
netmask nexthop-address nexthop-interface
domain domain-spec
Specifies the routing domain. Only domain 1 is supported.
delete destination-address netmask
Deletes the destination address and netmask from the routing table.
IP address of the next hop address.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 109


Interface for the next hop. This is valid only when the next-hop address is Otherwise, this should be 0 (zero). This option is currently
Access Level admin
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also rip


Displays information about the resilient packet ring (RPR) configuration.

Syntax rpr show topo | stats | config | status
Options topo
Displays the RPR topology.
stats [clear | noclr]
Displays RPR statistics. The optional argument clear will clear the
statistics. The noclr argument (the default) will not clear the statistics.
Displays the current RPR configuration.
Displays the status of the nodes in the RPR ring.
Example 1 This example shows a closed ring (no broken spans).

zSH> rpr show topo

total number of ring nodes= 4 (ringlet 0= 3, ringlet 1= 3)
ring protection= STEERING, ring topology= CLOSED ring
V=valid; R=reachable; E=ringlet edge states; PSW/PSE=protect state; prot/pref=raw
hop ----macAddr_0---- VR EE PSW PSE prot pref ----macAddr_1-- VR EE PSW PSE prot/pref
0 00:01:47:5c:34:59 tt ff IDL IDL 0x00 0x0d
1 00:01:47:59:1f:ea tt ff IDL IDL 0x00 0x04 00:01:47:59:1f:f3 tt ff IDL IDL 0x00 0x0c
2 00:01:47:5d:b0:f1 tt ff IDL IDL 0x00 0x0a 00:01:47:5d:b0:f1 tt ff IDL IDL 0x00 0x0a
3 00:01:47:59:1f:f3 tt ff IDL IDL 0x00 0x0c 00:01:47:59:1f:ea tt ff IDL IDL 0x00 0x04
4 00:01:47:5c:34:59 tt ff IDL IDL 0x00 0x0d 00:01:47:5c:34:59 tt ff IDL IDL 0x00 0x0d

The output of the rpr show topo command displays the information for each
ringlet (MacAddress_0 for ringlet 0; and MacAddress_1 for ringlet 1). The
fields are described in the table below.

Field Description
total number of ring nodes The total number of nodes on the ring. On an unbroken
ring, the number of nodes on each ringlet will be equal.

110 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Field Description
ring protection Type of ring protection. This is configured in the
wrap-config parameter in the rpr-config profile.
ring topology Whether the ring is closed (no broken spans and traffic
can be sent on either ring) or open (at least one broken
span is detected).
hops Number of hops upstream this node is. The current node
is always displayed with a hop count of 0.
MacAddress_x The MAC address of the node on ringlet X.
V Valid. t indicates the entry is valid, f indicates not valid.
R Reachable. t indicates the entry is valid, f indicates not
valid. f indicates the span is broken between node and
its immediate downstream neighbor.
E Ringlet edge state on the west and east span. An edge
indicates the span is broken. t indicates an edge exists, f
indicates an edge does not exist.
PSW/PSE The protection state on the west (PSW) and east (PSE)
IDL: Signal OK. Link is up with neighbor.
WTR: Wait-to-restore. The span has recovered from a
fault but it’s been configured to wait a period of time
before declaring it’s OK to other nodes on the ring. The
wait-to-restore time is configured in the protection-wtr
parameter in the rpr-config profile.
MS: User has requested the span to deactivate. Not
SD: Signal degraded. Not supported.
SF: Signal failure. Link is down with neighbor.
FS: User has forced span to deactivate. Not supported.
prot/pref Raw values used by the system to display edge and
protection information.

Example 2 This example shows that east span is broken on the current node:

zSH> rpr show topo

total number of ring nodes= 3 (ringlet 0= 2, ringlet 1= 0)
ring protection= STEERING, ring topology= OPEN ring
V=valid; R=reachable; E=ringlet edge states; PSW/PSE=protect state; prot/pref=raw
hop ----macAddr_0---- VR EE PSW PSE prot pref ----macAddr_1--- VR EE PSW PSE prot/pref
0 00:01:47:5a:aa:1a tt ft IDL SF 0x44 0x09
1 00:01:47:5a:aa:22 tt ff IDL IDL 0x00 0x05

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 111


2 00:01:47:5a:aa:2a tt tf SF IDL 0xa0 0x06

Notice the PSE (protection span east) for the current node (hop 0) is SF
(signal failure) and its neighbor across the broken span (hop 2) agrees since its
PSW (protection state west) is also SF.

Example 3 This example shows that span is broken between the other 2 nodes in the ring:

zSH> rpr show topo

total number of ring nodes= 3 (ringlet 0= 1, ringlet 1= 1)
ring protection= STEERING, ring topology= OPEN ring
V=valid;R=reachable;E=ringlet edge states;PSW/PSE=protect state; prot/pref=raw values
hop ----macAddr_0-- VR EE PSW PSE prot pref ----macAddr_1-----VR EE PSW PSE prot/ pref
0 00:01:47:5a:aa:1a tt ff IDL IDL 0x00 0x0d
1 00:01:47:5a:aa:22 tt tf SF IDL 0xa0 0x06 00:01:47:5a:aa:2a tt ft IDL SF 0x44 0x09

Notice the PSW (protection span west) and the PSE (protection span east) for
the current node is IDL (link up), but that the PSW for the upstream node
(hop 1) is SF (signal failure) and its neighbor agrees since its PSE (protection
state east) is also SF.
Access Level user
Products MALC, Raptor


The sar8260 command shows operational and status information about the
Sechtor 100A ATM 8260 driver. This command can be used only after the
ATM driver is added to the system log list.
For more information about system logging, see the log show, log level and
showtask command descriptions.

Note: The Sechtor 100A can only perform sar8260 ping when
connected to IADs that support OAM F5 loopbacks.

Syntax sar8260
This option entered after the sar8260 command will enable log messages.
Once enabled, the log level can be set with the log level command.
This option used with the sar8260 command will disable log messages.

Syntax log level sar8260 log level


112 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Use sar8260 as a modifier with the log level command to set the level of
logging for the Sechtor 100A ATM driver. Log level NOTICE will log
AAL2 control packets. Log level INFO will log AAL2 voice packet
headers. Log level DEBUG will log AAL2 voice packet payloads.See the
example, below.

Syntax sar8260
This level of ATM driver logging shows high-level information about the
Sechtor 100A ATM driver.
stats vpi vci
Using the VPI and VCI address with the sar8260 command displays
statistics only for the Virtual Circuit (VC) with this address.
stats vpi vci cid
Using the sar8260 command with the VPI VCI and CID numbers gives
information about the ATM driver at the CID level.

Syntax sar8260 ping vpi vci

VPI to ping.
VCI to ping.
Example 1 This is an example of a sar8260 ping:

zSH> sar8260 ping 0 501

Pinging vpi 0, vci 501 ..
zSH> Ping response received from vpi 0, vci 501

Example 2 This example shows the sar8260 command with the startLog option.

zSH> sar8260 startLog

Example 3 This example shows the log level options.

zSH> log level

Usage: log level < module > < emergency | 1 >
< alert | 2 >
< critical | 3 >
< error | 4 >
< warning | 5 >
< notice | 6 >
< information | 7 >
< debug | 8 >

Example 4 The following example sets the log level for the 8260 ATM driver at the
notice level
zSH> log level sar8260 notice
Module: sar8260 at level: notice

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 113


Example 5 This example shows the result of using the stats modifier with the sar8260
command. The system displays the highest level of information available
about the 8260 ATM driver.
zSH> sar8260 stats
MPC8260 mask 17, AAL2 microcode rev 26

ATM Driver Statistics

Open VCs...... 59
CPS Tx........ 0 CPS Rx........ 0
SAR Tx........ 0 SAR Rx........ 11313
OAM Tx........ 0 OAM Rx........ 0
Faults........ 0
Inv. Lookup... 0 Inv. Vc....... 0
rxInt......... 11626 txInt......... 46164
swErrCount.... 0 swWarnCount... 0
totSeqErr.... 0

ATM AAL2 Statistics

Open VCs........... 59 Open CIDs.......... 314

Active Calls....... 0 Cumulative Calls... 0
Voice Tx........... 0 Voice Rx........... 0
CAS Tx............. 33033 CAS Rx............. 0
Alarm Tx........... 0 Alarm Rx........... 0
I3661 Tx........... 13136 I3661 Rx........... 11130
3661 Chains........ 7825
Unsupported Rx..... 0 Errors............. 13
RP state errors.... 0 RP CFs............. 0
Critical Timeouts.. 0 TxVoiceDrop.........0

Example 6 This example shows the statistics displayed when a VPI of 0 (zero) and a VCI
of 501 are used as arguments.
zSH> sar8260 stats 0 501
ATM Driver VC Statistics
VPI..... 0 VCI....... 501
CC...... 258 PCR....... 182
DelyPcr. 182 pcrTick... 0
Tx...... 9112780 Tx Err.... 0
CPS Rx.. 9103499 SAR Rx.... 1769 Rx Errs.. 0
CPS Errs 1
RxPAR... 0 RxSEQ..... 1 RxOSF.... 0
RxHEC... 0 RxLEN..... 0 RxBusy... 0
RxOVL... 0 RxSPL..... 0
SAR Errs 10
RxRTE... 0 RxSDU..... 0 RxOS..... 0
RxLast.. 1769 RxNotL.... 0
noBuf... 0 badLength. 0
Tx OAM.. 10775 Rx OAM.... 299 Faults... 4
ATM AAL2 VC Statistics
Open CIDs.......... 13 Pending Events..... 0

114 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Active Calls....... 0 Cumulative Calls... 5

Voice Tx........... 9111039 Voice Rx........... 9103499
Voice Tx Errors.... 0 Voice Rx Errors.... 0
CAS Tx Requests.... 0 CAS Rx Delivered... 0
CAS Tx Redundant... 0 CAS Rx Redundant... 0
CAS Tx Refresh..... 0 CAS Rx Refresh..... 0
CAS Tx Errors...... 0 CAS Rx Errors...... 0
Alarm Tx........... 0 Alarm Rx........... 0
Alarm Tx Errors.... 0 Alarm Rx Errors.... 0
I3661 Tx........... 1741 I3661 Rx........... 1769
I3661 Tx Errors.... 0 I3661 Rx Errors.... (n/a)
Type 3 CRC Errors.. 0 OOS Conditions..... 0
IllegalUUI......... 0 IllegalCID......... 0

The OAM State field in the response details the status of VCL fault detection.
Possible values for the OAM State field include:
• ENABLED: VCL fault detection is enabled. CPE responded to the
loopback. There is no fault on the VCL.
• ENABLED DIAG LOOP FAULT: VCL fault detection is enabled. No
response to the loopback. There is a fault on the VCL.
• ENABLED AIS FAULT: VCL fault detection is enabled. BAN is
receiving AIS cells indicating a fault on the VCL going toward the
downstream endpoint.
• ENABLED RDI FAULT: VCL fault detection is enabled. BAN is
receiving RDI cells indicating a fault on the VCL coming from the remote
endpoint of the VCL.
• DISABLED: VCL fault detection is disabled.

Example 7 Using the sar8260 command with the VPI, VCI, and CID numbers gives
information about the ATM interface at the CID level.
zSH> sar8260 stats 0 201 16

ATM AAL2 CID Statistics [VPI 0 VCI 201 CID 16]

Channel Type....... POTS Status............. OK

Active............. 0 Cumulative Calls... 0
Voice Tx........... 0 Voice Rx........... 0
Voice Tx Errors.... 0 Voice Rx Errors.... 0
CAS Tx Requests.... 1 CAS Rx Delivered... 0
CAS Tx Refresh..... 115 CAS Rx Refresh..... 0
CAS Tx Redundant... 3 CAS Rx Redundant... 0
CAS Tx Errors...... 0 CAS Rx Errors...... 0
Alarm Tx........... 0 Alarm Rx........... 0
Alarm Tx Errors.... 0 Alarm Rx Errors.... 0
Type 3 CRC Errors.. 0

Example 8 Issue the sar8260 command with the dchannelcids option to view CIDs
allocated for ISDN D channels by ELCP. The command syntax is sar8260
dchannelcids vpi vci.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 115


zSH> sar8260 dchannelcids 0 40

128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147
148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159

Products Sechtor 100A


Runs diagnostics on the device.

Note: Running a diagnostics test can interrupt traffic on the card.

Syntax selftest get index repetition type

The user-defined index number of the test to run.
Number of times to repeat the test.
Type of test to run. The possible tests are:

Table 8: Supported diagnostics

Test Devices supported

Back Plane Test verifies the card can access the back All cards except MTAC cards
plane by verifying the back plane EEPROM checksum.

Card EEPROM Test verifies the main card EEPROM All


Daughter 1 card EEPROM Test verifies the daughter 1 MALC ADSL-24 card
card is present by verifying the daughter 1 card EEPROM MALC and Raptor ADSL-32 cards
MALC and Raptor ADSL-32 + splitter cards
MALC and Raptor G.SHDSL card
MALC POTS-24 card
MALC and Raptor Uplink cards
Daughter 2 card EEPROM Test verifies the daughter 2 MALC ADSL-24 card
card is present by verifying the daughter 2 card EEPROM MALC and Raptor ADSL-32 cards
MALC and Raptor ADSL-32 + splitter cards

Fan Tray Test verifies the fan tray is operational by BAN Infoservices cards
verifying the fan tray EEPROM checks MALC and Raptor Uplink cards

116 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Table 8: Supported diagnostics (Continued)

Test Devices supported

Fhrame Bus Test verifies the card can access the fhrame All cards except MALC and Raptor G.SHDSL card
bus by executing a loopback test.
Flash Test verifies the card can access the PCMCIA flash BAN Infoservices cards
card I/O by creating, writing, and reading a 4000-byte file. MALC and Raptor Uplink cards
I/O Card Test verifies the I/O card is present by verifying BAN ADSL 24 card
the I/O card EEPROM checksum. MALC and Raptor ADSL-32 cards
MALC and Raptor ADSL-32 + splitter cards
BAN ATM AAL2/5 T3 card
BAN ATM AAL5 OC3-c/STM1 card
BAN ATM AAL5 T3 card
BAN T3/E3 cards

Mezzanine Card Test verifies the mezzanine card is BAN SDSL/G.SHDSL cards
operational by verifying the mezzanine card EEPROM BAN T3/E3 cards
BAN ATM AAL5 OC3-c/STM1 card
BAN ATM AAL5 T3 card
BAN ADSL 24 card

Mid Plane Test verifies the mid plane card is present by BAN ATM AAL2/5 T3 card
verifying the mid plane EEPROM checksum. BAN Ethernet 10/100 card
BAN Infoservices cards

Real Time Clock Test verifies the real time clock BAN Infoservices cards
increments. MALC and Raptor Uplink cards

Self Test executes all individual tests. All

Shelf Lamp Test illuminates the shelf alarm indicators for BAN Infoservices cards
1.5 seconds. Once the diagnostic completes, the indicators MALC and Raptor Uplink cards
return to their original settings.

Shelf Monitor Test verifies the shelf monitor board is BAN Infoservices cards
operational by checking the POST status register and MALC and Raptor Uplink cards
verifying the shelf monitor board EEPROM checksum.

Supervisory Bus Test verifies the card can access the BAN Infoservices cards
supervisory bus by executing a loopback test. MALC and Raptor Uplink cards

Syntax selftest start index repetition type

Starts the specified test.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 117


Syntax selftest stop index repetition type

Stops the specified test.

Syntax selftest del index repetition type

Deletes the specified test.

Syntax selftest list

Lists test results.
Example 1 To display the tests on a MALC:

zSH> selftest list

Name Id FuncPtr Record Time Status Details
Flash-1 5 0x075760 0x2f8fae8 30 PASS Flash:1 shelf:1 slot:1
Shelf Mon 9 0x180bdc 0x2a54070 15 PASS Shelf:1 slot:1.
Supv Lpbk 2 0x1807e4 0x2b24000 15 PASS Wr:0x5aa5 rd:0x00a5 shelf:1 sl
Fan Tray 8 0x1809dc 0x2b24090 15 PASS FANTRAY EEPROM checksum shelf:
Lamp Test 6 0x1805e0 0x27f7700 10 PASS Shelf:1 slot:1.
Card EEprom 3 0x226cd4 0x27f7670 5 PASS CARD EEPROM checksum slot:1.
Daughter-1 13 0x226cd4 0x2b42f20 5 PASS 1DAUGHTER EEPROM checksum slot
Back Plane 12 0x226cd4 0x27f75e0 5 PASS BACKPLANE EEPROM checksum slot
RT Clock 7 0x226cd4 0x27ef590 5 PASS RTC POST slot:1
List memory allocated: 972 bytes.

Example 2 To display the tests on a BAN:

zSH> selftest list

Name Id FuncPtr Record Time Status Details
------------------------------------------------------------- Flash-1 5
0x212118 0x7dcfad0 30 PASS Flash:1 shelf:1 slot:3
Flash-2 5 0x21229c 0x7dcfa40 30 FAIL Flash:2 card absent.
Shelf Mon 9 0x22d8f8 0x7b92350 15 PASS Shelf:1 slot:3.
Supv Lpbk 2 0x22d4cc 0x7babb80 15 PASS Wr:0x5aa5 rd:0x00a5 shelf:1 sl
Fan Tray 8 0x22d6dc 0x7bac5f0 15 PASS FANTRAY EEPROM checksum shelf:
Lamp Test 6 0x22d2b0 0x7bac090 10 PASS Shelf:1 slot:3.
frbus-1 4 0x2a1a70 0x7b14d70 30 PASS Fhramelpbk> shelf:1 slot:3 frb
frbus-2 4 0x2a1a70 0x7b1dba0 30 PASS Fhramelpbk> shelf:1 slot:3 frb
frbus-3 4 0x2a1a70 0x7b14980 30 PASS Fhramelpbk> shelf:1 slot:3 frb
Card EEprom 3 0x358170 0x7b1dcc0 5 PASS CARD EEPROM checksum slot:3.
Mid-Plane 13 0x358170 0x7b04030 5 FAIL MIDPLANE EEPROM checksum slot:
RT Clock 7 0x358170 0x7b12b30 5 PASS RTC POST slot:3
Back Plane 12 0x358170 0x7b040c0 5 PASS BACKPLANE EEPROM checksum slot
List memory allocated: 1404 bytes.

Example 3 To start all the tests and run them one time (this example is from a MALC):

zSH> selftest start 1 1 1

118 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Use the list option to view the results of the test:

zSH> selftest list
Name Id FuncPtr Record Time Status Details
Flash-1 5 0x075760 0x2f8fae8 30 PASS Flash:1 shelf:1 slot:1
Shelf Mon 9 0x180bdc 0x2a54070 15 PASS Shelf:1 slot:1.
Supv Lpbk 2 0x1807e4 0x2b24000 15 PASS Wr:0x5aa5 rd:0x00a5 shelf:1 sl
Fan Tray 8 0x1809dc 0x2b24090 15 PASS FANTRAY EEPROM checksum shelf:
Lamp Test 6 0x1805e0 0x27f7700 10 PASS Shelf:1 slot:1.
Card EEprom 3 0x226cd4 0x27f7670 5 PASS CARD EEPROM checksum slot:1.
Daughter-1 13 0x226cd4 0x2b42f20 5 PASS 1DAUGHTER EEPROM checksum slot
Back Plane 12 0x226cd4 0x27f75e0 5 PASS BACKPLANE EEPROM checksum slot
RT Clock 7 0x226cd4 0x27ef590 5 PASS RTC POST slot:1
List memory allocated: 972 bytes.

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


This command is used only by the configuration restore process.

Syntax N/A
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Erases the system configuration and restores the factory default settings.

Caution: This command erases your system configuration, reboots

the system, and causes all connections to drop.

Syntax set2default
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Enables or disables provisioning from a CLI session. If CLI provisioning

cannot be re-enabled using this command, use the resetcliprov command.
Syntax setcliprov [ enable | disable ] [ index | all ] [ -d ]
Options enable | disable
Enables or disables provisioning from the CLI.
Enables or disables CLI provisioning from a single CLI session with the
specified index. CLI session indexes are displayed in the output of the
who command.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 119


Enables or disables CLI provisioning for all active CLI sessions.
Indicates which CLI sessions are enabled for provisioning.
Example The following example displays the CLI sessions that enabled for
zSH> setcliprov -d
Note: Provisioning is only available when Flag Count = 0
CLI session = 0: Flag Count = 0.
CLI session = 1: Flag Count = 0.
CLI session = 2: Flag Count = 0.
CLI session = 3: Flag Count = 0.
CLI session = 4: Flag Count = 0.
CLI session = 5: Flag Count = 0.
CLI session = 6: Flag Count = 0.
CLI session = 7: Flag Count = 0.
CLI session = 8: Flag Count = 0.
CLI session = 9: Flag Count = 0.

Access Level admin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also resetcliprov


Sets the date and time.

Syntax setdatetime [ month day yr hr min sec ]
Options month
Month in the format mm.
Day in the format dd.
Year in the format yyyy.
Hour in the format hh.
Minutes in the format mm.
Seconds in the format ss.
Access Level admin
Notes If Network Time Protocol (NTP) is enabled, the setdatetime command is

120 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Specifies the maximum number of lines to be displayed at once.

Syntax setline [ number-of-lines ]
Displays the current number of lines.
Changes the number of lines displayed per page.
Example zSH> setline 52
cli lines per pager changed to: 52

Access Level user

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Sets the system prompt.

Syntax setprompt [ session | user ] prompt
Options session
Changes the system prompt to the specified string for the current session.
Changes the system prompt for the user to the specified string. This
prompt appears every time the user logs in.
A string of up to 20 characters for the prompt
Example The following example sets the system prompt to Zhone> for the current
zSH> setprompt session Zhone>
Prompt set to Zhone>

Access Level user

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Displays overall status of the system.

Syntax sheflctrl [ monitor | show | stats ]

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 121


Options monitor
Displays system status, including temperature, power supply status, and
fan status.
Displays state of the shelf monitor.
Displays device stats, including messaging errors, card updates, and clock
Example 1 The following example displays the overall system status, including alarms on
the slot cards:
zSH> shelfctrl monitor
Shelf uptime: 1 day, 23 hours, 26 minutes
Shelf Monitor CPLD version: 0.5
Shelf Monitor Firmware version: 0.6
Outlet temperature sensor: 77 degrees (normal)
Fan Power A: normal
Fan Power B: normal
Power Supply A: normal
Power Supply B: normal
Fan status: OK.
System: Minor alarm set.
Card 1: Minor alarm set.

Note that not all information is available for all products.

Example 2 The following example displays overall system status for a Raptor 100:

zSH> shelfctrl monitor

Shelf uptime: 4 hours, 21 minutes
Shelf start time: 49
Control CPLD version: 2.1
Outlet temperature sensor: 46 degrees Celsius (normal)
Fan Power A: failure
Fan Power B: failur

Example 3 The following example displays general system statistics:

zSH> shelfctrl stats

Shelf Controller Message Statistics
Card updates: 32
Card ECHO: 0
Directory services messages: 2
Clock messages: 513905
Lease messages: 1427
Heartbeat messages: 2217639

Card update errors: 0

Card ECHO errors: 0
Directory services errors: 0
Clock errors: 0

122 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Lease errors: 0
Heartbeat errors: 0
Receive errors: 0
No Peer heartbeat check errors: 0

Example 4 The following example (on a MALC) displays whether the shelf is active and
the state of each of the slot cards:
zSH> shelfctrl show
Shelf Controller Address: 01:01:12
Shelf Registry Address: 01:01:1036
Lease ID: 0x02070000_00000032
State: active
Slot 1:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING
mode: FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064226409
Slot 2:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING
mode: FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064226942
Slot 3:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING
mode: FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064236395
Slot 4:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING
mode: FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064226590
Slot 5:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING
mode: FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064226590
Slot 6:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING
mode: FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064226558
Slot 7:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING
mode: FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064226590
Slot 8:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING
mode: FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064226590
Slot 9:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING
mode: FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064226590
Slot 10:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING mode:
FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064226589
Slot 11:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING
mode: FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064226590
Slot 12:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING
mode: FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064226590
Slot 13:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING
mode: FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064226590
Slot 14:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 123


mode: FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064226590

Slot 15:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING
mode: FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064226590
Slot 16:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING
mode: FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064226590
Slot 17:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING
mode: FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064226590
Slot 18:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING
mode: FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064226590
Slot 19:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING
mode: FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064234610
Slot 20:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING
mode: FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064226592
Slot 21:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING
mode: FUNCTIONAL startTime: 1064226493

Example 5 The following example is from a Raptor 100:

zSH> shelfctrl show

Shelf Controller Address: 01:01:12
Shelf Registry Address: 01:01:1032
Lease ID: 0x022b0000_00000033
State: active
Slot 1:
prevState: CONFIGURING currentState: RUNNING
mode: NONE startTime: 1061243734

Access Level admin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also slots


Resets the shelf. When you reset a shelf, all connections are dropped.
Syntax shelfreboot shelf
Options shelf
Shelf to reset. The only supported value is 1.
Access Level admin
Products BAN, MALC
See Also systemreboot

124 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The show command displays the default contents of profile and its parameter
value ranges. The command uses the following syntax:
Syntax show profile-type
Options profile-type
Shows the parameters in the specified profile with the parameter value
Example To view the options available for a profile, use the show command and
specify the profile type:
zSH> show ip-interface-record
vpi:---------------> {0 - 4095}
vci:---------------> {0 - 65535}
rdindex:-----------> {0 - 2147483647}
dhcp:--------------> none client server both
addr:--------------> {0 - -1}
netmask:-----------> {0 - -1}
bcastaddr:---------> {0 - -1}
destaddr:----------> {0 - -1}
farendaddr:--------> {0 - -1}
mru:---------------> {0 - 2147483647}
reasmmaxsize:------> {0 - 65535}
ingressfiltername:-> {33}
egressfiltername:--> {33}
pointtopoint:------> no yes
mcastenabled:------> no yes
ipfwdenabled:------> no yes
mcastfwdenabled:---> no yes
natenabled:--------> no yes
bcastenabled:------> no yes
ingressfilterid:---> {0 - 2147483647}
egressfilterid:----> {0 - 2147483647}
ipaddrdynamic:-----> static ppp dhcpclient
dhcpserverenable:--> true false
subnetgroup:-------> {0 - 2147483647}
unnumberedindex:---> {0 - 2147483647}
mcastcontrollist:--> {264}
vlanid:------------> {0 - 4095}
maxVideoStreams:---> {0 - 6}
NOTE: Supported VPI/VCI ranges vary based on card type.
See documentation for the exact range of supported VPI/
VCI values.

Access Level admin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also get, list

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 125



Displays information about the active cards in a redundant card group.

Syntax showactivecards
Example zSH> showactivecards
Shelf/Slot Group Id Card Type
1: 1/21 2 MALC MTAC
2: 1/1 1 MALC DS3

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723
See Also showredundancy


Displays the date and time.

Syntax showdatetime
Access Level admin
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
See Also setdatetime


Displays a list of remote hosts, along with their Internet addresses and aliases.
Syntax showhostname
Access Level user
Notes This command is persistent across reboots.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor 100A, Z-Edge 64


Displays information about the active IP sockets.

Syntax showinetstat
zSH> showinetstat
Active Internet connections (including servers)
PCB Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (state)
-------- ----- ------ ------ ------------------ ------------------ -------
382806c TCP 0 214 ESTABLISHED
3827cd0 TCP 0 0 LISTEN
3827dd8 UDP 0 0

126 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


3827d54 UDP 0 0

Access Level admin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Displays IP statistics.
Syntax showipstat [ -r ]
Displays IP protocol statistics.
Resets counters to 0 (zero).
Example zSH> showipstat
total 81601
badsum 0
tooshort 0
toosmall 0
badhlen 0
badlen 0
infragments 0
fragdropped 0
fragtimeout 0
forward 11141
cantforward 4303
redirectsent 0
unknownprotocol 2
nobuffers 0
reassembled 0
outfragments 0
noroute 0
fastfwd 6447695
fastfwdnoroute 0
ffwdnointerface 0
nointerface 0
c2ctotal 6447695
c2cbadptr 0
c2cnopkt 0
c2cnoipktmem 0
c2cttlexp 0
c2clastchance 0
flingnoipkt 0
flingerror 0
flung 0
rawflung 0
rawnofling 0
fwdloopdrop 0
localfastpath 55532
pendingarpoverflow 835

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 127


Access Level admin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor 100A, Z-Edge 64


Displays information on registered lines in line resource registry's database.

Syntax showline [ shelf | slot| -c number of columns]
Options shelf
Displays all registered lines on the specified shelf.
Displays all registered lines on the specified shelf-slot.
-c number of columns
Specifies the number of columns (1 -12) to display for each line group.
Example zSH> showline 1 -c 5
Search in progress .........
shelf = 1, slot = 1, line type = DSPPROXY
shelf = 1, slot = 1, line type = AAL5PROXY
1-5 ACT
shelf = 1, slot = 1, line type = SONET
1-5 OOS
shelf = 1, slot = 1, line type = T1
shelf = 1, slot = 1, line type = ETHERNET
shelf = 1, slot = 8, line type = DSL
shelf = 1, slot = 15, line type = POTS

128 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



shelf = 1, slot = 15, line type = DSL

Access Level user

Notes The time-out values persists across resets.
Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Displays information about all the lines in the system.

Syntax showlinestatus [ shelf slot port subport ]
With no options, displays status on all available lines.
Displays status of all lines on the specified shelf. Currently, 1 (one) is the
only supported value.
Displays status of all lines on the specified slot.
Displays status of all lines on the specified subport. Note that not all
interfaces support subports.
Example 1 The following example displays the line status of the lines in shelf 1, slot 2 (in
this example, an ATM trunking card):
zSH> showlinestatus 1 7
Search in progress .........
Line Type-------> DS3 (1)
GroupId --------> 260
Status ---------> OOS (3)
Redundancy -----> ACTIVE (3)
TxClk ----------> LOOP (4)
RefClkSrc ------> NO
If_index -------> 259
Shelf ----------> 1
Slot -----------> 7
Port -----------> 1
SubPort --------> 0

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 129


Line Type-------> DS3 (1)

GroupId --------> 262
Status ---------> OOS (3)
Redundancy -----> ACTIVE (3)
TxClk ----------> THROUGH (5)
RefClkSrc ------> NO
<SPACE> for next page, <CR> for next line, A for all, Q to

For each connection, the system lists the line type (such as an Ethernet, DS3,
SONET, or T1/E1 line), the number of registered lines, their group ID, the line
status, the ifindex (interface line number), the peer ifindex (the peer line
number), and the shelf, slot, and port where the interface resides.
A value of ACTIVE in the Status field indicates that the physical circuit is
detected. OSS (Out of Service) means that the physical interface is not active.

Example 2 The next example displays the line status of the line in shelf 1, slot 9, port 1
(in this example, an SDSL/G.SHDSL card):
zSH> showlinestatus 1 9 1
Search in progress .........
Line Type-------> DSL (10)
GroupId --------> 20
Status ---------> OOS (3)
Redundancy -----> NONE (0)
TxClk ----------> NONE (1)
RefClkSrc ------> NO
If_index -------> 19
Shelf ----------> 1
Slot -----------> 9
Port -----------> 1
SubPort --------> 0

Access Level user

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Displays system memory partition blocks and statistics.

Syntax showmem [ -a ]
Displays all memory partition blocks and pools.
Displays all memory partition blocks and pools as well as the free
memory blocks in the system partition.
Example The following example displays all the system memory blocks:

130 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


zSH> showmem -a
memory partition blocks and statistics...

num addr size
--- ---------- ----------
1 0xfffa9f0 19968
2 0x19b5400 97336376
3 0x7d61858 179992

status bytes blocks avg block max block
------ --------- -------- ---------- ----------
free 97536336 3 32512112 97336376
--this represents free blocks not yet allocated to the
memory pools


Block Total Free

Size (Bytes) Blocks Blocks
32 7540 59
64 5780 2705
128 5988 85
256 664 33
512 372 105
1024 1532 3
2048 184 4
4096 65 1
8192 107 2
16384 34 1
32768 88 2
65536 13 0
131072 2 0

Pool Totals:
Number of Total Blocks in all Pools: 22369
Number of Free Blocks in all Pools: 3000
Total Bytes in all Pools: 9739152
Total Free Bytes in all Pools: 409760
Total Allocated Bytes in all Pools: 9329392

Statistics on Large Block Allocations:

Number of Large Blocks Allocated: 18
Total Bytes Allocated: 134201072

Access Level admin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 131



Displays system redundancy information.

Syntax showredundancy
Example zSH> showredundancy
Redundancy status for card 01:01 - Not Safe, some
services are standalone
01:01 is active storage
No standby storage

Products BAN, MALC

See Also showactivecards (MALC)


Displays information about the Domain Name System (DNS) resolver on the
device. The DNS resolver is configured in the resolver profile.
Syntax showresolver [ -d domain-ID ]
With no option specified, displays all DNS resolver information.
-d domain-ID
Displays DNS resolver information for the specified domain ID.
Example zSH> showresolver
Resolver Configuration:
Routing Domain: 0
Domain Name:

Access Level user

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Reports detailed status for an OC3-c/STM1 interface, including the following

line conditions:
• Loss of signal (LOS)
• Loss of frame (LOF)
• Alarm indication signal (AIS)
Syntax showsonetrp [line ]

132 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Options line
The number of the interface to display status information for. With no
options, the command displays overall information about the line.
Example The following example shows the showsonetrp command output for line 1:

zSH> showsonetrp 1
************ SONET RP Debug Information ************
name: tSONETRP
address: 01:01:1085
lineRRLeaseId: 0x02070000_0000004f
sonetXlatProfLeaseId: 0x02070000_00000050
sonetCfgProfLeaseId: 0x02070000_00000050
sonetLineRRNotifyLeaseId: 0x00000000_00000000
_sonetRpCardGroupId: 1
iamRedundantCard: TRUE
iamActiveCard: TRUE
Redundancy Mode CARD
PeerCardInfoAvailable TRUE
PeerCardShelf 1
PeerCardSlot 2
PeerCardAlive TRUE
numUnits: 2
Attached units:
1 2

************ Debug Information for Line 1 ************

iamRedundantLine: TRUE
iamActiveLine: TRUE
state: 4 ( OOS )
ifIndex: 4
LineGroup ifIndex: 5
primaryClock: FALSE
shelf: 1
slot: 1
port: 1
subPort: 0
xlatProf.ifIndex: 4
xlatProf.ifType: 39
xlatProf.adminStatus: 1
sectionAlarms 6 ( LOS LOF )
lineAlarms 2 ( AIS )
pathAlarms 1 ( NODEFECT )
mediumType sonet
mediumLineCoding sonetmediumnrz
mediumLineType sonetshortsinglemode
mediumLoopbackConfig sonetnoloop
pathCurrentWidth sts3cstm1
clockExternalRecovery enabled
clockTransmitSource looptiming
mediumScrambleConfig TRUE
mediumLineScrmConfig TRUE
Send APS stats FALSE

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 133


Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor 100A


Displays information about all users on the system, or for a specific user.
Syntax showuser [ username ]
If the current user has useradmin privileges, displays information about
all users in the system. Otherwise, displays information only about the
current user.
Displays information about the specified user.
Example The following example displays information a specific user:

zSH> showuser jjsmith

Full Name: jay_smith
User Name: jjsmith
Access Levels:(user)

Access Level user

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also adduser, deleteuser, updateuser


Displays the Zhone Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) connected to the

system, including the virtual routing domain, IP address, and current
connection status.
Syntax showzhonecpe
Example zSH> showzhonecpe
1: Zhone CPE at vrd:0 ip: status:UP
Total Zhone CPE devices: 1 (1 up) (0 down)

Access Level admin

Products BAN
See Also pollzhonecpe


Resets the specified slot card. When you reset a system, all connections are

134 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Syntax slotreboot slot

Options slot
The slot to reboot.
Access Level admin
Products BAN, MALC
See Also shelfreboot, systemreboot


Displays the type of cards installed in the chassis.

The slots command can report any of the following states:
• NONE: Card inserted in shelf.
• BOOT: Card is running ROM code.
• LOAD: Card is loading code over the backplane.
• CONFIGURING: Card is loading code over the backplane.
• RUNNING: Card is fully functional.
Syntax slots slot-number
Options slot-number
Displays information about the specified slot card.
Example 1 To view information about all the slot cards in the system, use the slots
command without any arguments:
zSH> slots

Example 2 To view information about a particular slot card, use the slots command and
specify a slot number. For example:
zSH> slots 3
Card Version : 1
EEPROM Version : 1
Serial # : 4010042
Card-Profile ID : 1/3/3
Shelf : 1
Slot : 3

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 135


Heartbeat check : enabled

Longest hbeat : 180
Fault reset : enabled
Uptime : 2 hours, 45 minutes

Access Level user

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Provides access to standard SNMP commands.

Syntax snmp [get|set|next|walk|xlate] ipAddr Community OID
[type] [value]
Options get
Gets the value of the specified OID.
Sets the specified OID. Currently unsupported.
SNMP next request. Currently unsupported.
Starts a MIB walk on the specified device. Currently unsupported.
Translates between OIDs and object names.
The IP address of the device.
The SNMP community name for the device.
The OID for the request.
SNMP type. Used only in set requests.
The value for the OID. Used only in set requests.
Example 1 The following example translates the object name sysDescr to an OID value:

zSH> snmp xlate sysDescr

Example 2 The following example displays the upstream and downstream line rates for
an SDSL interface.
First, find the ifIndex for the interface you want to get the information for:
zSH> ifxlate 1-7-1-0/hdsl2
ifIndex: ----------> {868} use this value in the SNMP get command
shelf: ------------> {1}

136 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


slot: -------------> {7}

port: -------------> {1}
subport: ----------> {0}
type: -------------> {hdsl2}
adminstatus: ------> {up}
physical-flag: ----> {true}
iftype-extension: -> {none}
ifName: -----------> {1-7-1-0}

Then use the ifIndex in the SNMP get command:

zSH> snmp get ZhonePrivate zhoneDslUpLineRate.868
zhoneDslLineEntry.zhoneDslUpLineRate.868 Value: 1552 (0x610)

zSH> snmp get ZhonePrivate zhoneDslDownLineRate.868

zhoneDslLineEntry.zhoneDslDownLineRate.868 Value: 1552 (0x610)

Example 3 The following example displays the upstream and downstream line rates for
an ADSL interface.
First, find the ifIndex for the interface you want to get the information for:
zSH> ifxlate 1-3-1-0/adsl
ifIndex: ----------> {58} use this value in the SNMP get command
shelf: ------------> {1}
slot: -------------> {3}
port: -------------> {1}
subport: ----------> {0}
type: -------------> {adsl}
adminstatus: ------> {up}
physical-flag: ----> {true}
iftype-extension: -> {none}
ifName: -----------> {1-3-1-0}

Then use the ifIndex in the SNMP get command:

zSH> snmp get ZhonePrivate zhoneDslUpLineRate.58
zhoneDslLineEntry.zhoneDslUpLineRate.58 Value: 1088000 (0x109a00)
zSH> snmp get ZhonePrivate zhoneDslDownLineRate.58
zhoneDslLineEntry.zhoneDslDownLineRate.58 Value: 8128000 (0x7c0600)

Example 4 The following example displays the upstream and downstream line rates for a
SHDSL interface.
First, find the ifIndex for the interface you want to get the information for:
zSH> ifxlate 1-3-1-0/shdsl
ifIndex: ----------> {364} use this value in the SNMP get command
shelf: ------------> {1}
slot: -------------> {3}
port: -------------> {1}
subport: ----------> {0}
type: -------------> {shdsl}
adminstatus: ------> {up}
physical-flag: ----> {true}

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 137


iftype-extension: -> {none}

ifName: -----------> {1-3-1-0}

Then use the ifIndex in the SNMP get command:

zSH> snmp get ZhonePrivate zhoneDslUpLineRate.364
zhoneDslLineEntry.zhoneDslUpLineRate.364 Value: 2320 (0x910)
zSH> snmp get ZhonePrivate zhoneDslDownLineRate.364
zhoneDslLineEntry.zhoneDslDownLineRate.364 Value: 2320 (0x910)

Example 5 The following example displays information about an ATM T1/E1 interface.

First, find the ifIndex for the interface you want to get the information for:
zSH> ifxlate 1-16-1-0/ds1
ifIndex: ----------> {8} use this value in the SNMP get command
shelf: ------------> {1}
slot: -------------> {16}
port: -------------> {1}
subport: ----------> {0}
type: -------------> {ds1}
adminstatus: ------> {up}
physical-flag: ----> {true}
iftype-extension: -> {none}
ifName: -----------> {1-16-1-0}

Then use the ifIndex in the SNMP get command. The following two
commands get the valid intervals for the DS1 interface and the current
number of severely errored seconds:
zSH> snmp get ZhonePrivate zhoneValidIntervals.8
zhoneDs1Entry.zhoneValidIntervals.8 Value: 26 (0x1a)

zSH> snmp get ZhonePrivate zhoneCurrentSESs.8

zhoneDs1CurrentEntry.zhoneCurrentSESs.8 Value: 0 (0x0)

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Displays performance monitoring statistics for the current SONET

Syntax sonetStatsShow ifIndex
Options ifIndex
The ifIndex number of the SONET interface.
zSH> sonetStatsShow 29

**************** Pmon Statistics of Line 29 ****************

138 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


______________________Driver Raw Counts_________________

TxCell RxCell HECCor HECUncor FifoOv Locd

73815 73817 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 426 73387 0
______________________Near-End Current Stats_______________________
...Section Stats............Line Stats..............Path Stats.....
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
____________Far-End Current Stats__________
.......Line Stats............Path Stats.....
426 0 426 0 138 10 194 298
__________________________Near-End Interval Stats________________________
......Section Stats...........Line Stats..............Path Stats.....
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
____________Far-End Interval Stats__________
....Line Stats...........Path Stats.....
1 301 0 301 0 299 0 537 0
2 287 0 287 0 286 0 410 0
3 589 0 589 0 588 18 3423 0
4 248 0 248 0 247 1 989 0
5 474 0 474 0 474 0 2219 0
6 515 0 515 0 511 8 2121 0
7 233 0 233 0 228 0 391 0
8 227 0 227 0 227 0 302 0
9 269 0 269 0 268 0 452 0
10 274 0 274 0 272 0 359 0
11 461 0 461 0 456 0 1083 0
12 425 0 425 0 422 0 804 0
13 257 0 257 0 255 0 420 0
14 255 0 255 0 250 0 366 0
15 397 0 397 0 397 7 1492 0
16 899 1 898 0 899 80 7532 0
************************ End ************************

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 139


Access Level user

Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Displays performance monitoring statistics for the current SONET

Syntax sonetstatusshow ifIndex
Options ifIndex
The ifIndex number of the SONET interface.

zSH> sonetStatusShow 29

Current Time: FRI SEP 24 16:28:21 2004

_______________ Status of Line 29 _______________
no section alarms
no line alarms
no path alarms
___________________ End _____________________

Access Level user

Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Binds, unbinds, and shows the logical protocol stacks used in the system.

Syntax stack bind [ upperlayer lowerlayer ]

The command can be used in two forms: If no arguments are provided to
stack bind, it will prompt for the upper and lower interfaces. Alternately, the
interfaces can be provided on the command line.
upper layer
The upper layer of the interfaces to be bound. Interfaces can be specified
using either the name/type or the shelf/slot/port/subport/type notations.
lower layer
The lower layer of the interfaces to be bound. Interfaces can be specified
using either the name/type or the shelf/slot/port/subport/type notations.

Syntax stack unbind [ upperlayer lowerlayer ]

Unbinds the specified interface.
upper layer
The upper layer of the interfaces to be unbound. Interfaces can be
specified using either the name/type or the shelf/slot/port/subport/type

140 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


lower layer
The lower layer of the interfaces to be unbound. Interfaces can be
specified using either the name/type or the shelf/slot/port/subport/type

Syntax stack show interface

Displays the protocol stack for the specified interface.
The interface. Interfaces can be specified using either the name/type or
the shelf/slot/port/subport/type notations.

Syntax stack showall interface

Displays all the associated layers of the specified interface.

Example 1 zSH> stack bind
Enter the upper layer: 1-1-2-0/ip
Enter the lower layer: 1-1-2-0-ethernetcsmacd/other
Stack bind successful.

Example 2 zSH> stack show 1-9-48-0-hdsl2/aal5

1483 layer: 1-9-48-0-hdsl2/rfc1483
AAL5 layer: 1-9-48-0-hdsl2/aal5
ATM layer: 1-9-48-0-hdsl2/atm
Line Group: 1-9-48-0-hdsl2/other
Physical: 1/9/48/0/hdsl2

Example 3 zSH> stack showall 1-5-1-0/sonet

ATM layer: 1-5-1-0-sonet/atm
Line Group: 1-5-1-0-sonet/other
Physical: 1/5/1/0/sonet

Example 4 zSH> stack showall 1-3-1-0/ip

IP Layer: 1-3-1-0
Line Group: 1-3-1-0-ethernetcsmacd/other
Physical: 1/3/1/0/ethernetcsmacd

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Logs in the specified user.

Syntax su username
Options username
The superuser name.
Access Level user

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 141


Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Displays the current system software version.

Syntax swversion
Example zSH> swversion
Zhone InfoServ software version BAN InfoServ 1.3.2.

Access Level user

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Configures logging levels for messages on the system. The system sends log
messages to a management session (either on the console or over a telnet
session), a log file on the device, and, optionally, a syslog server.
The log command configures the type of information sent in these messages.
By default, the system sends the same type of information to all log message
destinations, and logging is disabled on both the serial craft port and over
telnet sessions.
If the messages sent to the syslog server are configured the same as the log
messages sent to the console or the persistent storage (the default) the log
command also configures the syslog message contents. If the syslog messages
have been modified (using the log-module profile or the syslog command),
use the syslog command to modify syslog levels.

Syntax syslog help

Displays the help menu.

Syntax syslog show

Displays the currently configured logging levels for each software

Syntax syslog level module level

The system module to set the level for. Use the syslog show command to
display all the system modules.
Sets the logging level for the specified module. Logging levels are:

142 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


• 1 emergency
• 2 alert
• 3 critical
• 4 error
• 5 warning
• 6 notice
• 7 information
• 8 debug
You can specify either the name of the level or the number.

Syntax syslog option type [ on | off ]

Specifies the information to include in logging messages.
type on
Specifies that the type of information be included in syslog messages. To
view the type of information you can include in a logging message, enter
the syslog option command without any arguments.
type off
Specifies that the type of information not be included in syslog messages.

Syntax syslog [ enable | disable ] module

enable module
Enables logging for the specified module. Use the syslog show command
to display all the system modules and whether they are enabled or not.
disable module
Disables logging for the specified module.

Syntax syslog session [on | off]

Enables logging for the current session only.
Disables logging for the current session.

Syntax syslog serial [on | off]

Enables logging on the serial craft port. This setting persists across
Disables logging on the serial craft port. This setting persists across

Syntax syslog display

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 143


Displays entries in the persistent log.

Syntax syslog cache [ max | grep pattern | size | clear | help ]

Note: The cache option is only supported on the BAN and MALC.

syslog cache
Displays the syslog cache.
syslog cache max length
Sets the maximum number of syslog messages to store. The maximum
syslog cache size is 2147483647, depending in the amount of memory
syslog cache grep pattern
Searches through the syslog cache for the specified regular expression.
syslog cache clear
Clears the syslog cache.
syslog cache size
Sets the maximum amount of memory for the syslog cache. Without
options, displays the current log size.
syslog cache help
Displays help on the syslog cache command.
Example 1 The following example displays the logging levels and enabled status for the
system modules:
zSH> syslog show
message error enabled
taskclock error enabled
card error enabled
bds_client error enabled
alarm_mgr error enabled
tnsxmgt error enabled
leaseapi error enabled
vcs-client error enabled
dirserclient error enabled
rebootserver error enabled
pcmciadiag error enabled

Example 2 The following example sets the logging level for the card module to
zSH> syslog level card info
Module: card at level: information

144 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Example 3 The following example shows how to configure what information to include
in syslog messages.
zSH> syslog option all on

Example 4 To return the log messages to their default format, enter the following
zSH> syslog option default on
time: date: level: address: log: taskname: (0xf)

Example 5 The following example configures the log cache size:

zSH> syslog cache max 200

Maximum number of log messages that can be saved: 200

Example 6 following example searches through the log cache for the word “IMA”:

zSH> syslog cache grep IMA

Searching for: "IMA"
[1]: JAN 06 20:36:10: alert : 1/2/50 : alarm_mgr:
tLineAlarm: 01:02:02 Critical IMA Down Line
[2]: JAN 06 20:36:46: alert : 1/2/50 : alarm_mgr:
tLineAlarm: 01:02:02 Critical IMA Up Line

Access Level user

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also log


Resets the system. When you reset a system, all connections are dropped.
Syntax systemreboot
Access Level admin
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64
See Also shelfreboot


Displays general information about the system, including memory and flash
Syntax systemrpshow

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 145


zSH> systemrpshow
System RP Info:
RP Address.........................01:02:98
% Memory used......................87.16
% Flash used.......................10.04

Access Level admin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Initiates an outbound telnet session.

Syntax telnet host
Options host
The hostname or IP address to telnet to.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


The thermoshow command returns temperature information about the

system. The system has two thermometers. From the front of the unit,
thermometer 1 is located to the right of the MPC750 microprocessor, and
thermometer 2 is located on the right side of the system circuit board.
Syntax thermoshow
Example The example below shows the system response to the command.

zSH> thermoshow
Temperature : 24 C
High Threshold : 65
Low Threshold : -5
Temperature : 29 C
High Threshold : 60
Low Threshold : -5

Products Sechtor 100A


Specifies a the period of inactivity after which administrative telnet sessions

will be automatically disconnected. The default time out is set to 10 minutes.
Syntax timeout [ -d | off | minutes ]

146 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Options off
Disables the timer.
Resets the timer to the default value of 10 minutes.
Specifies the timeout period in minutes.
Access Level useradmin
Notes The time-out values persists across resets.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


The traceroute command uses Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

echo and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) to determine the path between two
network hosts.
The value of the Time To Live (TTL) field in the IP header is set when the IP
packet is sent. Each router that processes the datagram reduces the TTL value
by one. When a router receives a TTL with a 0 (zero) or one (1) value, it
discards the datagram and sends a time exceeded message to the originating
The traceroute command sends an IP datagram with a TTL value of one (1)
to the destination host. The first router discards the datagram and sends the
time exceeded message back to the originator. This identifies the first router
along the route. This process is repeated using incrementally higher TTL
values until all of the routers are identified. When the datagram reaches the
destination host, the host recognizes that the packet is for an unused port, and
generates a port unreachable error.
Syntax traceroute [-I] [-f first_ttl] [-i shelf/slot/port/
subport/type] [-m max_ttl] [-p port] [-q nqueries] [-s
src_addr] [-w waittime] [ -z pausemsecs] host [packetlen]
Options -I
Use ICMP ECHO instead of UDP datagrams.
-f first_ttl
Sets the initial TTL used in the first outgoing probe packet. The default is
one (1).
-i shelf-slot-port-subport-type
Specifies a network interface to obtain the source IP address for outgoing
packets. This option is not currently supported.
-m max_ttl
Sets the maximum time-to-live (number of hops) to be used in outgoing
probe packets. The default is 30 hops.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 147


-p port
Sets the base UDP port number used in probes. The default is 33434.
-q nqueries
The number of probes sent to each ttl setting.
-s src_addr
Tells the system to use the following IP address (which usually is given as
an IP number, not a hostname) as the source address in outgoing probe
packets. This option is used with hosts that have more than one IP address
to force the source address to be other than the IP address of the interface
that the probe packet is sent on.
-w waittime
Sets the time, in seconds, to wait for a response to a probe. The default is
5 seconds.
-z pausemsecs
Sets the time, in milliseconds, to pause between probes. The default is 0
The destination host name or IP address in dotted quad format.
The packet length, in bytes, of the probe datagram. The default is 40
Example The following example traces a route to a host with an IP address of, which is four routers away from the originating host.
zSH> traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max,
40 byte packets
1 0 ms 0 ms 0 ms
2 64 ms 64 ms 64 ms
3 64 ms 64 ms 64 ms
4 64 ms * *

Access Level admin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


The update command changes an existing record.

Syntax update profile-type index
Options profile-type
The type of profile to update.

148 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


An index for the record. Some records, such as line profiles, use an index
of the form shelf-slot-port-subport-interface/type. Other records, such as
subscriber records, use an index of the form n, where n is an integer.
Example The following example updates the system profile:

zSH> update system 0

Please provide the following: [q]uit.
syscontact: ----------> {Zhone Global Services and Support 7001 Oakport Road
Oakland Ca. (877) Zhone20 (946-6320) Fax (510)777-7113}:
sysname: -------------> {BAN-2000}:
syslocation: ---------> {Oakland}:
enableauthtraps: -----> {disabled}: enabled
setserialno: ---------> {0}:
zmsexists: -----------> {false}:
zmsconnectionstatus: -> {inactive}:
zmsipaddress: --------> {}:
configsyncexists: ----> {false}:
configsyncoverflow: --> {false}:
configsyncpriority: --> {high}:
configsyncaction: ----> {noaction}:
configsyncfilename: --> {}:
configsyncstatus: ----> {syncinitializing}:
configsyncuser: ------> {}:
configsyncpasswd: ----> {}:
numshelves: ----------> {1}:
shelvesarray: --------> {}:
numcards: ------------> {3}:
ipaddress: -----------> {}:
alternateipaddress: --> {}:
countryregion: -------> {unknown}:
primaryclocksource: --> {0/0/0/0/0}:
ringsource: -----------> {internalringsourcelabel}:
revertiveclocksource: -> {true}:
voicebandwidthcheck: --> {false}:
Save changes? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: s
Record updated.

Access Level admin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Updates access levels for a user.

Syntax updateuser username
Example zSH> updateuser jjsmith
Updating access levels for user (jjsmith)
Please provide the following: [q]uit.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 149


admin: -------> {yes}: no

zhonedebug: --> {no}:
voice: -------> {no}:
data: --------> {no}:
manuf: -------> {no}:
database: ----> {no}:
systems: -----> {no}:
tool: --------> {no}:
useradmin: ---> {yes}:
Save changes? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: s
User record updated.

Access Level useradmin

Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


This command is only used by the configuration restore process.

Syntax N/A
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


This command is only used by the configuration restore process.

Syntax N/A
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


The voice command can add, delete, or show voice connections. The
following types of voice connections are supported:
• POTS to AAL2, DS1, GR303,V5.2, or VOIP
• ISDN to AAL2 or V5.2

Syntax voice add subscriber-endpoint remote-endpoint [sub descr]

Add a voice connection between subscriber-endpoint and

150 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Name and type of the physical interface on the subscriber’s side of the
voice connection. Values:
pots interface [alaw|mulaw]
isdn interface
aal2 interface vp|vc VPI/VCI [td Tx/Rx] cid CID [alaw | mulaw] [aud
aud-prf-id] [ap pref-ap-id]
elcp interface vp|vc VPI/VCI [td Tx/Rx] port port [alaw|mulaw] [aud
aud-prf-id] [ap pref-ap-id]
voip IPinterface dn directory-number [name username] [pw
<password>] [plar <dest-ipaddr>]
interface is the physical interface in format name/type.
IPinterface is the IP interface name with the type ip.
For GR-303, the interface group must already exist.
For V5.2, the V5.2 interface group must already exist.
For ATM interfaces, the VPI/VCI, the CID, and the traffic descriptor must
exist. The voice add command will automatically create the VCL if it
does not exist.
For VOIP, the IP interface must already exist.
Name and type of the physical interface on the remote side of the voice
connection. Values:
gr303 IG/CRV
v52 IG/userport type type [cpath cpath]
aal2 physicalIF vc vpi/vci cid cid [aud aud-prf-id] [ap pref-ap-id]
voip IPinterface dn directory-number [name username] [pw password]
[plar dest-ipaddr]
isdnsig ID
ds1 interface ds0 channelnum
For GR-303 connections, the GR-303 IG must already exist.
For V5.2 connections, the V5.2 IG must already exist.
For VOIP connections, the IP interface must already exist.
For ATM interfaces, the VPI/VCI, the traffic descriptor, and the VCL
must exist; the voice add command will not create them.
alaw | mulaw
Indicates whether the voice connection uses Alaw or Mulaw companding.
This option sets the following parameters:

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 151


For POTS, the analog-if-cfg-profile profile pcmEncoding parameter.

For AAL2 (non-ISDN), the aal2-vcl-profile and aal2-cid-profile profile
pcmEncoding parameter.
Adds a text description to the subscriber-voice profile.
Sets the administrative status of the if-translate of the interface to ‘up’.
For ISDN voice connections, this parameter automatically sets the
following parameters for the voice connection:
• atm-vcl: vcc aal5 cpcs transmit and receive sdu size
• aal2-vcl-profile: timer-cu, frame-mode-data, cas, trunk-type,
pcm-encoding, and ras-timer
• aal2-cid-profile: frame-mode-data, cas, and pcm-encoding

Syntax voice delete subscriber-endpoint

Delete the voice connection from subscriber subscr-info.
Name and type of the physical voice connection.

Syntax voice show

Displays the voice connections on the system. For V5.2 voice
connections, also displays POTS or ISDN connection type. For AAL2
voice connections, also displays VP for VP-switched or VC for
Example 1 This example adds a voice connection from subscriber’s POTS line to a
GR-303 interface with IG 1 and CRV 45.
zSH> voice add pots 1-4-5-0/voicefxs gr303 1/45

Example 2 This example displays the voice connections currently configured on the
zSH> voice show
Subscriber end-point Remote end-point Voice Prof Id STA
------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------------- ---
1-1-1-0/voicefxs 1-1-1-0/fast VC 0/38 CID 16 1/12/1 ENA
1-1-2-0/voicefxs 1-1-1-0/fast VC 0/38 CID 17 1/12/2 ENA
Total number of voice connections : 2

Example 3 This example adds a POTS to AAL2 connection over an ATM VCL with a
VPI/VCI of 0/38 and a CID of 16:
zSH> voice add pots 1-1-1-0/voicefxs aal2 1-1-1-0/adsl vc 0/38 cid 16
Created subscriber 1/12
Created subscriber-voice 1/12/1
Created subscriber-voice-pots 7

152 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Created aal2-cid-profile 13/0/38/16

Created subscriber-voice-aal2 8

Example 4 This example deletes a POTS subscriber profile:

zSH> voice delete pots 1-1-1-0/voicefxs

Deleted aal2-cid-profile 13/0/38/16

Deleted subscriber-voice 1/12/1 and its

subscriber-voice-xxx profiles

Example 5 This example creates a POTS to VOIP subscriber profile:

zSH> voice add pots 1-1-3-0/voicefxs voip 1-1-1-0/ip DN 5105220428

Created subscriber-voice 1/66/2
Created subscriber-voice-pots 1004
Created subscriber-voice-voip 1005

Example 6 This example creates a VOIP to ISDN subscriber profile:

zSH> voice add voip 1-1-1-0/ip DN 1055558724 isdnsig 1

Created subscriber 1/4
Created subscriber-voice 1/4/1
Created subscriber-voice-voip 1024
Created subscriber-voice-isdnsig 1025

Example 7 This example creates a POTS to GR303 subscriber profile with IG 1 and CRV
zSH> voice add pots 1-8-1-0/voicefxs gr303 1/2
Created subscriber 1/13
Created subscriber-voice 1/13/1
Created subscriber-voice-pots 20
Created gr303-ig-crv 1/2
Created subscriber-voice-gr303 21

Example 8 This example creates an AAL2 to GR303 VP-switched connection between

the uplink interface uplink1 and the voice gateway card:
zSH> voice add atm uplink1/atm vp 0/101 td 1/1 cid 1 alaw
gr303 1/1 type pots
Created subscriber-voice 1/51/2
Created aal2-cid 109/16/101/1/1
Created subscriber-voice-aal2 15
Created gr303-cid 1/1/2
Created subscriber-voice-gr303 16

Example 9 This example creates an ELCP to V5.2 VP-switched connection between the
uplink interface uplink2 nd the voice gateway card:
zSH> voice add elcp uplink2/atm vc 7/111 td 1/1 port 1
alaw v52 1/0
type isdn cpath 5
Created subscriber-voice 1/35/16
Created atm-vcl uplink2/atm/7/111

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 153


Created atm-vcl 1-3-3-0-aal2proxy/atm/0/32

Created atm-cc 8
Created aal2-vcl-profile 1-3-3-0-aal2proxy/atm/0/32
Created aal2-elcp-port 109/0/32/1/2
Created subscriber-voice-elcp-aal2 39
Created v52-user-port 1/0/3
Created subscriber-voice-v52 40
Created subscriber-voice 1/35/17
Created subscriber-voice-elcp-aal2 41
Created subscriber-voice-v52 42
Created subscriber-voice 1/35/18
Created subscriber-voice-elcp-aal2 43
Created subscriber-voice-v52 44

Access Level admin

voice vpdelete

The voice vpdelete command deletes the specified VP tunnel between the
uplink interface and the voice gateway card.

Syntax voice vpdelete interface vpi

Specifies the uplink card interface.
Specifies the VPI to be deleted.
Example This command deletes the VP tunnel for VP 0 between the uplink interface
and the voice gateway card.
zSH>voice uplink/atm 0

Access Level admin

voice vpiadd

The voice vpiadd command builds the ATM VPI between the uplink card and
the voice gateway card aal2proxy on the specified VP. This command is used
for VP-switched connections

Syntax voice vpiadd interface vpi gr303|v52 ig MaximumVcis

Specifies the uplink card interface.
The VPI to be used for this connection.
gr303 | v52
Indicates whether the voice connection connects to a GR-303 or V5.2
protocol switch.

154 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Specifies the interface group (IG) to be used for this connection.
For V5.2 and GR-303, the IG must already exist.
Specifies the maximum number of VCIs to be used for this VP-switched
Example This example uses the uplink interface uplink/atm with VP 0. The voice call
type is V5.2 with IG 1. The maximum number of VCs allocated to the
specified VP-switched VPI is 2004.
zSH>voice vpiadd uplink/atm 0 v52 1 2004
Created atm-vpi 1-3-3-0-aal2proxy/atm/20
Created atm-vpi uplink1/atm/7

Access Level admin

voice vpladd

The voice vpladd command builds the VPLs and cross connects for
VP-switched connections. This command applies to the voice gateway card

Syntax voice vpladd interface vpi td rx/rx gr303|v52 ig

Specifies the uplink card interface.
The VPI to be used for this connection.
td rx/tx
The receive and transmit traffic descriptors to be used for this connection.
gr303 | v52
Indicates whether the voice connection connects to a GR-303 or V5.2
protocol switch:
Specifies the interface group (IG) to be used for this connection.
The IG must already exist.
Example This command builds atm-vpl uplink1/atm/0 on the uplink card using traffic
descriptor 1/1 and atm-vpl 1-3-3-0-aal2proxy/atm/16 on the voice gateway
card. VP 16 is the first available VP in the allowed VP range on the voice
gateway card. The ATM cross connect number is 6.
zSH>voice vpladd uplink/atm 0 td 1/1 v52 1
Created atm-vpl 1-3-3-0-aal2proxy/atm/20
Created atm-vpl uplink1/atm/7
Created atm-cc 6

Access Level admin

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 155



The voicegateway command can add, show. or delete voicegateway

connections. The following types of voice connections are supported:
• VoATM: BLES to GR303 or V5.2
• VoATM: ELCP to V5.2
• VoIP: SIP-PLAR to GR303 or V5.2

Syntax voicegateway add [-v] interface td traffic-descriptor

Add a voice gateway connection for the specified AAL5 proxy physical
interface, traffic descriptor, and IP address.
A valid AAL5 proxy physical interface.
The desired traffic descriptor.
The IP address that is part of the configured ip-unnumbered-record.

Syntax voicegateway delete interface

A valid AAL5 proxy physical interface.

Syntax voicegateway show interface

A valid AAL5 proxy physical interface.
Example 1 This example adds a host on the voicegateway line card in slot 8 and assigns
the IP address
zSH> voicegateway add 1-8-1-0/aal5proxy td1

Example 2 This example displays the voicegateway connection for the specified interface
and AAL5 proxy:
zSH> voicegateway show 1-8-1-0/aal5proxy
Rd/Address Interface Group T Host Address
1 1-8-1-0-aal5proxy-0-32 0/32 0 S

Example 3 This example adds an ATM voice interface on the uplink card in slot 1, port 1
and assigns the virtual connection vpi 0, vci 139 and cid 48. The TDM
connection uses GR303 protocol and interface group 1 with crv 131.
zSH> voice add aal2 1-1-1-0/ds1 vc 0/139 cid 48 gr303 1/131
Created subscriber-voice 1/266/6

156 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Created aal2-cid-profile 340/0/32/48

Created subscriber-voice-aal2 171
Created gr303-ig-crv 1/131
Created subscriber-voice-gr303 172

Example 4 This example displays the voicegateway connection for the configured ATM
zSH> voicegateway show aal2 1-1-1-0/ds1
Subscriber end-point Remote end-point Voice Prof Id STA
----------------------- -------------------- ------------ ---
1-1-1-0/ds1 VC 0/139 CID 48 GR303 one/131 1/266/6 ENA

Example 5 This example deletes the voicegateway connection for the configured
interface 1-8-1-0/aal5proxy. To remove the configured voice gateway
connection, use the voicegateway delete command. Do not attempt to
manually remove or edit the related subscriber-voice profiles.
zSH>voicegateway delete 1-8-1-0/aal5proxy

Access Level admin


The voicestat command displays the following statistics for voice

• POTS port
– Incoming Calls Completed
– Incoming Calls Blocked
– Outgoing Calls Completed
– Outgoing Calls Blocked
– Active Calls
– Incoming Calls Completed
– Incoming Calls Blocked
– Outgoing Calls Completed
– Outgoing Calls Blocked
– Active Calls
• Card and System Call Statistics
– Incoming Calls Completed
– Incoming Calls Blocked
– Outgoing Calls Completed

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 157


– Outgoing Calls Blocked

– Active Calls

Syntax voicestat type [shelf slot] | [subscriber endpoint index]

Specifies voice statistics to be displayed for system, card, or subscriber.
For card type, enter the shelf number of the card.
For card type, enter the slot number of the card.
Subscriber endpoint index
End point index for a subscriber. The subscriber endpoint index can be
displayed using the list subscriber-voice command.
Example 1 This example displays voice statistics for the current system.

zSH> voicestat system

zSH> ******* Voice stats ********
Incoming blocked 0
Incoming completed 0
Outgoing blocked 0
Outgoing completed 0
Active calls 5

Example 2 This example displays voice statistics for the card in shelf 1 and slot 8.

zSH> voicestat card 1 8

zSH> ******* Voice stats ********
Incoming blocked 0
Incoming completed 0
Outgoing blocked 0
Outgoing completed 0
Active calls 5

Example 3 This example displays voice statistics for specified POTS subscriber with
index 3. Use the list subscriber-voice commands to list the current POTS
voice subscribers and the subscriber index numbers.
zSH> list subscriber-voice-pots
subscriber-voice-pots 1
subscriber-voice-pots 3
subscriber-voice-pots 5
subscriber-voice-pots 7
4 entries found.

zSH> voicestat subscriber 3

******* Subscriber Voice Stats ********
Incoming blocked 0
Incoming completed 2
Outgoing blocked 0
Outgoing completed 0

158 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Active calls 0

Access Level admin


Displays the names of all users currently logged into the system.
Syntax who
Access Level user
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


Displays the username of the current session.

Syntax whoami
Access Level user
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge 64


For the ZRG 800 series devices, the zrgcfg command is used to assign the
VPI to be used for the ATM connections. If you are connecting to a MALC
PON OLT card, each BAN connected must have a unique VPI/VCI pair.
(BAN devices connected to different PON OLT cards can use the same VPI/
VCI.) You can assign a VPI from 1 to 32.
Syntax zrg
Example To have the BAN autocreate the necessary voice, data, and video profiles
using VPI 1, enter the following command:
zSH> zrgcfg pon 1

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 159


160 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


access-table-index.......................................... 320 atmVplTransmitTrafficDescrIndex................183

accm-enable ................................................... 293 audio-profile-identifier ...................................184
acfc-enable..................................................... 293 audio-service ..................................................184
ackedseqno..................................................... 364 audio-service ..................................................251
addr ................................................................ 279 auth-key..........................................................307
admin_status .................................................. 181 auth-type.........................................................307
admin-state..................................................... 307 auto-learn........................................................292
admin-status................................................... 181 autoNegCap....................................................254
admin-status................................................... 203 autonegstatus ..................................................255
adminstatus .................................................... 254 bcastaddr ........................................................279
adminStatus.................................................... 265 bcastenabled ...................................................279
adminStatus.................................................... 271 betaValue........................................................277
admin-status................................................... 333 block (V5.2 link) ............................................334
admin-status-enable ....................................... 204 block (V5.2 user port) ....................................334
adslAlarmConfProfile.................................... 169 bootfile ...........................................................216
adslChannelMode .......................................... 169 boot-server......................................................216
adslLineDTMConfMode .............................. 169 bridgeConfigType ..........................................199
adslMaxDownstreamToneIndex.................... 170 bridgeConfigValue .........................................199
adslMaxUpstreamToneIndex......................... 170 bridgeIfConfigGroupIndex ............................199
adslMinDownstreamToneIndex .................... 170 bridgeIfCustomDHCP....................................200
adslMinUpstreamToneIndex ......................... 170 buf-max-size...................................................211
adslNTRModeEnabled .................................. 171 cac-divider......................................................185
adslPotsBypassRelayMaxDuration................ 171 callback-dial-string.........................................294
AdslTransmissionMode................................. 171 callback-enable...............................................294
AdslTrellisModeEnabled............................... 171 callback-type ..................................................294
algorithm........................................................ 181 call-mode........................................................295
alphaValue ..................................................... 277 capable-line-rate-limit ....................................328
alternateipaddress .......................................... 279 card-atm-configuration...................................204
app-id ............................................................. 182 card-group-id..................................................204
apsChanConfigAdminStatus.......................... 322 card-line-type .................................................206
apsChanConfigGroupName........................... 322 cas...................................................................185
apsChanConfigNumber ................................. 322 cas...................................................................211
apsChanConfigPriority .................................. 322 cc-index ..........................................................185
apsConfigCreationTime................................. 323 cell-loss-integration-period ............................212
apsConfigDirection........................................ 323 cell-scramble ..................................................231
apsConfigExtraTraffic ................................... 323 channelization ................................................232
apsConfigMode.............................................. 323 channelization ................................................239
apsConfigRevert ............................................ 323 channel-number..............................................265
apsConfigsdBerThreshold ............................. 324 chap-enable ....................................................295
apsConfigsfBerThreshold .............................. 324 chap-name ......................................................295
apsConfigWaitToRestore .............................. 324 chap-secret......................................................295
atmVplAdminStatus ...................................... 182 check-id ..........................................................335
atmVplCastType ............................................ 183 circuit-id .........................................................232
atmVplConnKind........................................... 183 circuit-id .........................................................240
atmVplReceiveTrafficDescrIndex................. 183 client-hostname ..............................................216

CLI Reference Guide 161

client-identifier .............................................. 216 ds0-channel-id ................................................346
client-match-length ........................................ 217 ds1-for-remote-loop .......................................240
client-match-offset......................................... 217 ds1-group-number ..........................................233
client-match-string......................................... 217 ds1-line-group ................................................346
clksrc.............................................................. 256 ds1LM:array[1..28] ........................................266
clock-external-recovery ................................. 324 ds1-mode ........................................................233
clock-source-eligible...................................... 232 dsn-lg-id .........................................................335
clock-transmit-source .................................... 213 dsx-line-length................................................234
clock-transmit-source .................................... 325 echo-cancellation-type ...................................347
community-name ........................................... 320 echo-return-loss..............................................348
comp-slot-id................................................... 296 egressfilterid ...................................................280
config-line-rate .............................................. 245 enable .............................................................280
connect-mode................................................. 246 enableauthtraps...............................................330
control-channel-t303...................................... 265 ends ................................................................220
control-channel-t396...................................... 265 expires-invite-value........................................348
coset-polynomial............................................ 233 expires-register-method..................................349
countryregion................................................. 330 expires-register-value .....................................348
c-path-valid-flag ............................................ 335 external-server................................................220
csu-line-length ............................................... 233 farendaddr ......................................................281
ctrlChannel..................................................... 266 far-end-equip-code .........................................240
customARP .................................................... 200 far-end-fac-id-code.........................................240
data-access ..................................................... 362 far-end-frame-id-code ....................................241
database-access .............................................. 362 far-end-loc-id-code.........................................241
debug access .................................................. 362 far-end-unit-code............................................241
decoder-coeffA .............................................. 246 fastMaxTxRate ...............................................172
decoder-coeffB .............................................. 247 fastMinTxRate................................................173
defaultLease................................................... 217 fault-detection-type ........................................185
default-lease-time .......................................... 218 fcs-alt-enable ..................................................296
default-metric................................................. 308 fcs-size............................................................296
default-router ................................................. 218 fdl ...................................................................234
destaddr.......................................................... 280 features ...........................................................349
destination-ip-address .................................... 212 filterBroadcast ................................................200
destination-name............................................ 347 first-nameserver..............................................230
destination-port .............................................. 212 fix-bit-rate ......................................................247
dhcp................................................................ 218 flags ................................................................220
dhcpClientErrors............................................ 218 forwardToDefault...........................................201
dhcpClientId .................................................. 219 forwardToMulticast........................................201
dhcpserverenable ........................................... 280 forwardToUnicast ..........................................201
dialplan-type .................................................. 347 frame-mode-data ............................................186
diffDelayMax................................................. 276 framer-type .....................................................247
directory-number ........................................... 347 frames-per-packet...........................................349
dns.................................................................. 219 frame-sync-word ............................................247
dns-fwd-name ................................................ 219 frame-type ......................................................296
dns-rev-name ................................................. 219 fxo-cfg-signal-type .........................................259
domain ........................................................... 219 g711-fallback..................................................349
domain ........................................................... 229 g726-byte-order..............................................350
domainName.................................................. 219 gammaValue ..................................................277
domain-name ................................................. 220 groupSymmetry..............................................274
downshiftSnrMgn .......................................... 172 guaranteed-bw ................................................292
ds0-bundle...................................................... 212 hardware-address............................................221

162 CLI Reference Guide

high-if-index .................................................. 186 ip-ifindex ........................................................298
high-vci .......................................................... 186 ip-interface-index ...........................................351
high-vpi.......................................................... 186 ip-tos...............................................................351
hold-active ..................................................... 208 ipUnnumberedinterface..................................282
hookflash-max-timer...................................... 350 isdn-channel-id ...............................................251
hookflash-min-timer ...................................... 350 isdnds-cpath-id ...............................................286
hostalias1 ....................................................... 230 isdnds-cpath-id ...............................................336
hostalias2 ....................................................... 230 isdn-env-func-start-address ............................286
hostalias3 ....................................................... 230 isdn-env-func-start-address ............................336
hostalias4 ....................................................... 230 isdnf-cpath-id .................................................337
hostName ....................................................... 221 isdnp-cpath-id.................................................337
hostname ........................................................ 230 jitter-buffer-size..............................................352
huntgroup....................................................... 350 jitter-buffer-type .............................................352
hunt-group-index ........................................... 350 learnIP ............................................................201
iad-type .......................................................... 328 learnMulticast.................................................202
id (V5.2 link) ................................................. 336 learnUnicast....................................................202
id (V5.2 path) ................................................ 336 lease-time .......................................................222
idt-admin-state ............................................... 266 lgid..................................................................298
if-cfg-impedence............................................ 260 line-code .........................................................235
if-cfg-pcm-encoding ...................................... 260 line-coding......................................................241
if-cfg-receive-tlp ............................................ 261 line-group-id...................................................252
if-cfg-receive-tlpNum .................................... 262 line-group-id...................................................287
if-cfg-transmit-tlp .......................................... 262 line-group-id...................................................328
if-cfg-transmit-tlpNum .................................. 262 line-length-meters ..........................................242
if-cfg-trunk-conditioning ............................... 260 line-power ......................................................235
ifindex ............................................................ 272 line-rate-limit..................................................328
ifIndex............................................................ 288 line-status-change-trap-enable .......................235
if-maintenance-mode ..................................... 260 line-status-trap-enable ....................................242
ifname ............................................................ 272 line-status-trap-enable ....................................248
ifType............................................................. 256 line-type..........................................................236
iftype-extension ............................................. 272 line-type..........................................................242
inbound-calls.................................................. 336 line-type..........................................................248
ingressfilterid ................................................. 281 link-is-timer....................................................337
initFailureTrapEnable .................................... 173 link-oos-timer .................................................337
initial-mru ...................................................... 297 link-type .........................................................298
inter-arriv-jit-threshold .................................. 351 link-valid-flag.................................................337
interdigit-timeout ........................................... 351 local-admin-state ............................................266
interleaveMaxTxRate .................................... 173 local-interface-id ............................................338
interleaveMinTxRate ..................................... 174 local-ipaddr ....................................................282
ipaddr1 ........................................................... 221 local-port ........................................................282
ipaddr2 ........................................................... 221 local-prov-variant ...........................................338
ipaddr3 ........................................................... 222 local-timezone ................................................290
ipaddr4 ........................................................... 222 logical-channel-id (C-channel).......................338
ipaddrdynamic ............................................... 281 logical-channel-id (C-path) ............................338
ip-addr-enable ................................................ 297 logical-id ........................................................266
ipaddress ........................................................ 230 loopback-config..............................................236
ip-address....................................................... 320 loopback-config..............................................243
ipaddress ........................................................ 330 low-if-index....................................................186
ip-comp-protocol ........................................... 297 low-vci............................................................187
ipfwdenabled.................................................. 281 low-vpi ...........................................................187

CLI Reference Guide 163

lqr-period ....................................................... 298 minNumRxLinks............................................275
lqr-status ........................................................ 299 minNumTxLinks ............................................275
magic-number ................................................ 299 minSnrMgn ....................................................176
magic-number-enable .................................... 299 minUpshiftSnrMgn ........................................176
malicious-caller-uri........................................ 353 min-uui ...........................................................223
manuf-access.................................................. 330 mode ...............................................................346
match-string ................................................... 353 mru .................................................................283
mauType ........................................................ 257 mru-enable......................................................302
max-cid-for-aal2-user-channels..................... 187 multicastAgingPeriod.....................................283
max-config-retries.......................................... 300 n200................................................................339
max-cps-sdu-size ........................................... 187 n201................................................................339
max-fail-retries .............................................. 301 name ...............................................................208
max-failure-retries ......................................... 300 name ...............................................................223
maximum-bw................................................. 293 name ...............................................................329
maxInterleaveDelay....................................... 174 name-group-id ................................................329
max-lease-time............................................... 222 name-id...........................................................267
max-length-frame .......................................... 187 natenabled ......................................................284
max-length-frame .......................................... 252 national-pstn-region .......................................339
max-number-multiplex-channels................... 187 netmask ..........................................................224
max-outstanding-frames ................................ 339 netmask ..........................................................284
max-pad ......................................................... 300 network...........................................................224
max-sdu-length .............................................. 188 ntr ...................................................................249
max-sdu-length .............................................. 252 number-of-digits.............................................353
max-slot-id..................................................... 301 numcards ........................................................330
maxSnrMgn ................................................... 175 num-channels .................................................302
max-terminate-retries..................................... 301 num-mode-enable...........................................302
max-term-retries ............................................ 301 numshelves .....................................................331
maxUnicast .................................................... 202 numunits .........................................................273
max-uui .......................................................... 222 olt-onu-password............................................293
maxVideoStreams.......................................... 282 olt-onu-serial-num..........................................293
mcastcontrollist.............................................. 282 pap-enable ......................................................299
mcastenabled.................................................. 282 pap-password..................................................302
mcastfwdenabled ........................................... 283 pap-peer-id .....................................................303
medium-atmframe-config .............................. 243 partial-fill........................................................212
medium-cell-scramble-config........................ 325 path-current-width..........................................328
medium-cell-scramble-config........................ 327 pcm-encoding .................................................188
medium-circuit-identifier............................... 325 pcm-encoding .................................................252
medium-frame-config .................................... 243 permissions.....................................................331
medium-line-coding....................................... 326 pfc-enable .......................................................303
medium-line-scramble-config........................ 326 physical-flag ...................................................273
medium-line-type........................................... 326 pkts-lost-threshold..........................................353
medium-loopback-config............................... 326 pkt-time ..........................................................188
medium-scramble-config............................... 244 pointtopoint ....................................................249
medium-type .................................................. 327 poison .............................................................308
metric ............................................................. 283 port .................................................................273
min-cid-for-aal2-user-channels...................... 188 port-alignment-request ...................................339
minDownshiftSnrMgn ................................... 175 port-id .............................................................252
minDownshiftTime........................................ 175 port-type .........................................................252
minLease........................................................ 223 portType .........................................................284
min-lease-time ............................................... 223 power-scale ....................................................249

164 CLI Reference Guide

preferred-ap-index ......................................... 188 reserve-start ....................................................226
preferred-ap-index ......................................... 253 restart..............................................................227
preferred-codec .............................................. 353 restart..............................................................258
prefix-add....................................................... 354 restart-timer ....................................................304
prefix-strip ..................................................... 354 restart-timer ....................................................305
primaryclocksource........................................ 214 reversion-mode...............................................259
primaryclocksource........................................ 331 revertiveclocksource ......................................214
primary-name-server...................................... 224 revertiveclocksource ......................................332
primary-ntp-server-ip-address ....................... 289 ring-back ........................................................263
protection-fast-timer ...................................... 258 ring-frequency ................................................263
protection-group ............................................ 340 ringSource ......................................................288
protection-slow-timer .................................... 258 ringsource .......................................................332
protection-wtr ................................................ 258 role..................................................................267
protocol .......................................................... 354 role..................................................................341
protocol-emulation......................................... 237 rs232AsyncPortAutobaud ..............................313
protocol-spec.................................................. 340 rs232AsyncPortBits........................................312
prov-variant-request....................................... 341 rs232AsyncPortParity ....................................312
pstn-layer-3-start-address .............................. 341 rs232AsyncPortStopBits ................................312
public-ipaddr.................................................. 284 rs232PortInFlowType ....................................311
public-port...................................................... 284 rs232PortInSpeed ...........................................311
quality-protocol.............................................. 303 rs232PortOutFlowType..................................312
query-order .................................................... 231 rs232PortOutSpeed ........................................311
range1-end ..................................................... 224 rtcp-enabled....................................................355
range1-start .................................................... 225 rtcp-packet-interval ........................................355
range2-end ..................................................... 225 rx-acc-map......................................................304
range2-start .................................................... 225 rxTimingRefLink ...........................................279
range3-end ..................................................... 225 sapi-0-max-outstanding-frames......................268
range3-start .................................................... 225 sapi-0-n-200 ...................................................268
range4-end ..................................................... 226 sapi-0-pps-mode .............................................268
range4-start .................................................... 226 sapi-0-t-200 ....................................................268
ras-timer......................................................... 189 sapi-0-t-203 ....................................................269
rateChanRatio ................................................ 176 sapi-1-max-outstanding-frames......................269
rateMode ........................................................ 176 sapi-1-n-200 ...................................................269
rdindex ........................................................... 285 sapi-1-pps-mode .............................................269
rdt-admin-state............................................... 267 sapi-1-t-200 ....................................................270
reachExtendedAdsl2 ...................................... 177 sapi-1-t-203 ....................................................270
reasmmaxsize................................................. 285 sdp-enable ......................................................304
receive_traffic_descr_index........................... 189 sdu-multiples ..................................................189
receive-auth-enable........................................ 303 secondary-name-server ..................................227
receive-auth-protocol..................................... 305 secondary-ntp-server-ip-address ....................290
receive-type.................................................... 308 second-nameserver .........................................231
redundancy-over-subscription-type ............... 354 send-auth-enable ............................................305
redundancy-param1 ....................................... 273 send-auth-identity...........................................304
reg-or-lease-user ............................................ 341 send-auth-protocol..........................................305
reject-enabled................................................. 355 send-call-proceeding-tone ..............................355
remote-admin-state ........................................ 267 send-code........................................................237
remotefault..................................................... 258 send-code........................................................244
remotefault..................................................... 309 send-type ........................................................309
resendseqno.................................................... 364 sent-updates....................................................310
reserve-end..................................................... 226 service-provider-id .........................................329

CLI Reference Guide 165

setserialno ...................................................... 332 sysname ..........................................................333
shdsl-clock-offset........................................... 313 system-access .................................................333
shdsl-config-line-rate (2-wire G.SHDSL card)313 system-clock-eligibility .................................215
shdsl-config-line-rate (4-wire G.SHDSL card)314 system-clock-weight ......................................215
shdsl-decoder-coeffA/shdsl-decoder-coeffB . 315 system-domain-name .....................................356
shdsl-dsp-version ........................................... 315 t200.................................................................343
shdsl-firmware-version .................................. 315 t203.................................................................343
shdsl-fix-bit-rate ............................................ 315 targetSnrMgn..................................................177
shdsl-frame-sync............................................ 316 td_frame_discard............................................190
shdsl-ntr ......................................................... 316 td_index..........................................................190
shdsl-power-scale .......................................... 317 td_param1.......................................................191
shdsl-repeater-id ............................................ 317 td_param2.......................................................191
shdsl-standard ................................................ 317 td_param3.......................................................191
shdsl-startup-margin ...................................... 318 td_param4.......................................................191
shdsl-transmit-power-back-off-mode ............ 318 td_param5.......................................................191
shdsl-wire-mode ............................................ 318 td_service_category........................................192
shelf................................................................ 274 td_type............................................................192
shelf................................................................ 342 test_mode .......................................................289
shelvesarray ................................................... 332 testLinkIfIndex ...............................................277
signal-mode.................................................... 238 testPattern .......................................................278
signal-type...................................................... 239 testProcStatus .................................................278
signal-type...................................................... 263 tftp ..................................................................228
signal-type...................................................... 270 thermo-a-lower-threshold...............................319
silence-suppression-type................................ 356 thermo-a-upper-threshold...............................319
sip-ip-address................................................. 356 thermo-b-lower-threshold ..............................319
slot.................................................................. 274 thermo-b-upper-threshold ..............................319
source-ip-address ........................................... 213 third-nameserver ............................................231
source-port ..................................................... 213 thresh15min-badseq .......................................320
src-address ..................................................... 310 thresh15min-congestion .................................320
sroute-advertise.............................................. 310 thresh15MinESs .............................................178
sscs-type......................................................... 190 thresh15MinLofs ............................................178
starts............................................................... 227 thresh15MinLols ............................................178
startup-check-link-id...................................... 342 thresh15MinLoss............................................179
startup-unblock-user-ports............................. 342 thresh15MinLprs ............................................179
state ................................................................ 228 threshFastRateDown ......................................177
status .............................................................. 306 threshFastRateUp ...........................................179
stickyaddr....................................................... 227 threshInterleaveRateDown .............................180
StripAndInsert................................................ 202 threshInterleaveRateUp..................................180
stuff-bits......................................................... 250 threshold-15min-lofs ......................................250
subnetgroup.................................................... 228 threshold-15min-lols ......................................250
subnetgroup.................................................... 285 threshold-15min-loss......................................250
subport ........................................................... 274 timer-cu ..........................................................193
sw-enable ....................................................... 208 time-slot-index ...............................................343
sw-file-name .................................................. 209 tools-access ....................................................329
switch-type..................................................... 271 traffic-container-index....................................193
switch-vendor ................................................ 343 transmit_traffic_descr_index..........................193
sw-pri-load-server.......................................... 209 transmit-clock-source .....................................215
sw-upgrade-admin ......................................... 209 transmit-clock-source .....................................239
syscontact....................................................... 333 transmit-clock-source .....................................245
syslocation ..................................................... 333 transmit-power-back-off-mode ......................250

166 CLI Reference Guide

trapadminstatus .............................................. 321 version ............................................................229
trapdestination................................................ 321 version ............................................................311
traplevel ......................................................... 321 vlanId..............................................................203
traptype .......................................................... 321 vlanId..............................................................286
trnk-vcl-rate ................................................... 193 voice-aal2-cid .................................................356
trunk-type....................................................... 194 voice-aal2-line-group-id.................................357
tx-acc-map ..................................................... 306 voice-aal2-vci .................................................357
txClkMode ..................................................... 275 voice-aal2-vpi.................................................357
txFramLength ................................................ 276 voice-access....................................................357
txImaId........................................................... 276 voice-admin-status .........................................329
txTimingRefLink ........................................... 278 voicebandwidthcheck .....................................197
type ................................................................ 210 voice-connection-description .........................357
type ................................................................ 285 voice-connection-type ....................................253
type ................................................................ 344 voice-connection-type ....................................357
ulc-port-type .................................................. 287 voice-ebs-line-group-id ..................................358
ulc-trap-enable ............................................... 287 voice-endpoint1-addr-index ...........................359
unit-mode....................................................... 245 voice-endpoint2-addr-index ...........................359
unit-mode....................................................... 251 voice-ext-type.................................................359
unnumberedindex .......................................... 285 voice-GR303-ig-crv .......................................359
update-time .................................................... 310 voice-GR303-ig-name....................................359
upgrade-sw-file-name .................................... 210 voice-isdn-channel-id .....................................287
upgrade-vers .................................................. 210 voice-isdn-line-group-id.................................288
up-line-rate..................................................... 251 voice-isdn-port-type .......................................288
upperiftype..................................................... 286 voice-pots-line-group-id.................................264
upperlayer ...................................................... 286 voice-pots-line-group-id.................................360
upshiftSnrMgn ............................................... 180 voice-V52-interface-name..............................345
usage-parameter-control ................................ 194 voice-V52-isdn-channel-id.............................345
user-admin-access.......................................... 363 voice-V52-user-port-id...................................345
user-id ............................................................ 363 voice-V52-user-type.......................................345
user-name....................................................... 363 voip-password ................................................360
user-pass ........................................................ 363 voip-plar .........................................................360
user-prompt.................................................... 363 voip-plar-dest-ipaddr......................................360
us-max-const.................................................. 346 voip-plar-dest-ipaddrtype ...............................361
v52-c-channel:array[1..3] .............................. 344 voip-server-entry-index..................................361
v52-c-path:arrary[1..48]................................. 344 voip-udp-port..................................................361
v52-ig-lapv..................................................... 345 voip-username ................................................361
v52-link[1..16] ............................................... 345 vpi...................................................................198
vcc_aal_type .................................................. 195 vpi...................................................................203
vcc_aal5_encaps_type ................................... 194 vpi...................................................................213
vcc-i ............................................................... 195 vpi...................................................................306
vci .................................................................. 195 weight .............................................................210
vci .................................................................. 202 working-mode ................................................271
vci .................................................................. 213 wrap-config ....................................................259
vci .................................................................. 306 zhone-access...................................................364
vcl_cast_type ................................................. 195 zhoneAtmMaxVciPerVp................................198
vcl_conn_kind................................................ 195 zhoneAtmVpiMaxVci ....................................198
vcl-rate-params (1 through 32) ...................... 196 zhoneAtmVpiSwitched ..................................199
vendor-match-length...................................... 228 zhoneVoipServerAddr....................................361
vendor-match-offset....................................... 229 zhoneVoipServerAddrType ...........................362
vendor-match-string....................................... 229 zhoneVoipServerUdpPortNumber .................362

CLI Reference Guide 167

zmsconnectionstatus ...................................... 364
zmsexists........................................................ 365
zmsipaddress.................................................. 365

168 CLI Reference Guide


This chapter provides a reference to the Zhone CLI parameters.


This parameter is used internally by the system.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Location adsl-profile


Specifies the channelization of the ADSL modem.

Values fastonly
No channelization, fast transmission mode.
No channelization, interleaved transmission mode.
Default fastonly
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-profile
Notes G.lite supports only interleaved mode.


Discrete Multi-Tone parameter that selects whether there is overlap

(echoCancel) or no overlap (freqDivMux) of bins.
Access This parameter is read-write.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 169


Location adsl-profile


Specifies the maximum downstream active tone.

Values 32 (128KHz) to 511 (2044KHz)
Each value represents 4KHz.
Default 511
Location adsl-profile
Notes • Changing this value causes the DSL modems to retrain.
• The parameter is only supported on single-slot ADSL (AC5) card


Specifies the maximum upstream active tone.

Values 6 (24KHz) to 30 (120KHz)
Each value represents 4KHz.
Default 30
Location adsl-profile
Notes • Changing this value causes the DSL modems to retrain.
• The parameter is only supported on single-slot ADSL (AC5) card


Specifies the minimum downstream active tone.

Values 32 (128KHz) to 255 (1020KHz)
Each value represents 4KHz.
Default 32
Location adsl-profile
Notes • Changing this value causes the DSL modems to retrain.
• The parameter is only supported on single-slot ADSL (AC5) card


Specifies the minimum upstream active tone.

Values 6 (24KHz) to 30 (120KHz)
Each value represents 4KHz.
Default 6
Location adsl-profile

170 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Notes • Changing this value causes the DSL modems to retrain.

• The parameter is only supported on single-slot ADSL (AC5) card


Enables or disables network timing recovery (NTR) mode.

Values true
NTR mode enabled.
NTR mode disabled.
Default true
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-profile


The maximum duration in seconds that an ADSL POTS low-pass filter bypass
relay will remain active (closed). The relay will automatically return a line
back to normal (open) mode when this timer has expired.
Values 1 to 300
Default 60
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-profile
Notes This object is only valid for MALC ADSL-SPLTR-32 cards.
This parameter can only be set from ZMS.
Products MALC


Enables or disables trellis mode on the ADSL interface.

Values true
Default true
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-profile


Specifies the line transmission mode for each ADSL line.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 171


Values autonegotiatemode
Automatically negotiates all supported transmission modes. The modem
uses the G.hs protocol to negotiate a transmission mode in this order:
T1.413, then G.dmt, then G.lite.
Automatically negotiates full-rate modes (G.dmt and T1 mode). G.dmt has
priority over T1 mode.
The modem negotiates only G.lite mode.
The modem negotiates only full-rate T1 mode. Use this value if the Zhone
device is connecting to full rate T1.413 issue 2 modems.
The modem negotiates only G.dmt mode.
The modem negotiates only G.dmt and G.lite modes. G.dmt has priority
over G.lite.
the modem negotiates ADSL2 only. (Supported on ADSl 48 port cards
the modem negotiates ADSL2+ only. (Supported on ADSl 48 port cards
Default autonegotiate
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-profile


The configured signal-to-noise margin for rate downshift. If the noise margin
falls below this level, the modem attempts to decrease its transmit rate.
Values 0 to 310 (in tenths dBs)
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile
Notes If rate adaption is not enabled on the interface, this parameter is 0 (zero).


Configured maximum transmit rate (bps) for ADSL Fast channels.

172 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Values 8160Kbps (1536Kbps for G.Lite) downstream 896Kbps (512Kbps for

G.Lite) upstream, 12Mbps for S=1/2
Default 8160kbps
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile
Notes fastMaxTxRate must be greater than fastMinTxRate.


Minimum transmit rate (bps) for channels configured for fast transmission
Values 32Kbps to 8160Kbps (1536Kbps for G.Lite) downstream 32Kbps to
896Kbps (512Kbps for G.Lite) upstream
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile
Notes fastMinTxRate must be less than fastMaxTxRate.
See rateChanRatio for information regarding RADSL mode and ATUC
transmit rate for ATUR receive rates.


Enables and disables the InitFailureTrap.This trap controls whether line up or

line down traps are sent while the system is booting up.
Values enable
Default disable
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile


Maximum transmit rate (bps) for channels configured for interleaved

transmission mode.
Values 32Kbps to 8160Kbps (1536Kbps for G.Lite) downstream 32Kbps to
896Kbps (512Kbps for G.Lite) upstream, 12Mbps for S=1/2
Default 8160kbps
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 173


Notes interleaveMaxTxRate must be greater than interleaveMinTxRate.

See rateChanRatio for information regarding RADSL mode and ATUC
transmit rate for ATUR receive rates.


Minimum transmit rate (bps) for channels configured for interleaved

transmission mode.
Values 32Kbps to 8160Kbps (1536Kbps for G.Lite) downstream 32Kbps to
896Kbps (512Kbps for G.Lite) upstream
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile
Notes interleaveMinTxRate must be less than interleaveMaxTxRate.
See rateChanRatio for information regarding RADSL mode and ATUC
transmit rate for ATUR receive rates.


Maximum interleave delay for this channel. Interleave delay applies only to
the interleave channel and defines the mapping (relative spacing) between
subsequent input bytes at the interleaver input and their placement in the bit
stream at the interleaver output. Larger numbers provide greater separation
between consecutive input bytes in the output bit stream allowing for
improved impulse noise immunity, but at the expense of payload latency.
Values 0
0.5 ms
1 ms
2 ms
4 ms
8 ms
16 ms
32 ms
63 ms

174 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile


Maximum acceptable signal to noise margin. If the noise margin rises above
this level, the modem reduces its power output to optimize its operation.
Values 0 to 310 (in tenths dBs)
Default 310
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile


Minimum time that the current signal to noise margin is below

DownshiftSnrMgn before a rate downshift occurs.
Values 0 to 16383 seconds
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-cpe-profile
Notes If rate adaption is not enabled on the interface, this parameter is 0 (zero).


Minimum time that the current margin is below DownshiftSnrMgn before a

downshift occurs.
Values 0 to 16383 seconds
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile
Notes If rate adaption is not enabled on the interface, this parameter is 0 (zero).
This parameter is not supported.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 175



Minimum acceptable signal-to-noise margin. If the noise margin falls below

this level, the modem attempts to increase its power output. If that is not
possible, the modem will attempt to reinitialize or shut down.
Values 0 to 310 tenths of dBs
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-cpe-profile


Minimum time that the current margin is above UpshiftSnrMgn before an

upshift occurs.
Values 0 to 16383 seconds
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile
Notes If rate adaption is not enabled on the interface, this parameter is 0 (zero).


The percentage of excess bit rate that the ADSL modem will distribute to the
fast channel. The ratio is defined by the following formula:
[fastMinTxRate / (fastMinTxRate + interleaveMinTxRate)] x 100.
For example, a ratio of 50 percent means that 50 percent of the additional bit
rate (in excess of the fast minimum plus the interleaved minimum bit rate)
will be assigned to the fast channel, and 50 percent to the interleaved channel.
Values 50
Default 50
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile
Notes See ADSL Forum TR-005 [3] for more information.


The transmit rate adaptation configured on this modem.

176 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Values fixed
The rate is determined by the fastMaxTxRate or the
interleaveMaxTxRate. If the line is unable to support the specified line
rate, it fails to connect.
The rate is negotiated at startup and remains fixed. The modem speed is
determined by the fastMaxTxRate or interleaveMaxTxRate
parameters. If the line is able to support a higher rate, the rate above the
minimum is distributed between the fast and interleaved paths in the ratio
specified in the rateChanRatio parameter.
The rate is negotiated dynamically and can vary between the maximum
and minimum configured rates.
Default adaptatruntime
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile
Notes See ADSL Forum TR-005 [3] for more information.


Enables and disables extended reach for ADSL2 long loops.

Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile


Target signal to noise margin. This is the noise margin the modem must
achieve with a Bit Error Rate (BER) of 10-7 or better to successfully complete
Values 0 to 310 tenths of dBs
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile


Applies to Fast channels only. The change in the configured rate that causes
the system to send an adslAturRateChangeTrap.
The system sends a trap whenever:
ChanCurrTxRate <= ChanPrevTxRate minus the value of this parameter.
Default 0

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 177


0 disables the trap.

Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile


The number of Errored seconds encountered by an ADSL interface within any

given 15 minutes performance data collection period that will cause the
SNMP agent to send an adslAtucPerfESsThreshTrap (CO) or
adslAturPerfESsThreshTrap (CPE) trap. One trap is sent per interval per
Values 0 to 900 seconds
0 disables the trap.
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile


The number of Loss of Frame Seconds encountered by an ADSL interface

within any given 15 minutes performance data collection period that will
cause the SNMP agent to send an adslAtucPerfLofsThreshTrap (CO) or
adslAturPerfLofsThreshTrap (CPE) trap. One trap is sent per interval per
Values 0 to 900 seconds
0 disables the trap.
Default 0
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile


The number of Loss of Link seconds encountered by an ADSL interface

within any given 15 minutes performance data collection period that will
cause the SNMP agent to send an adslAtucPerfLolsThreshTrap (CO) or
adslAturPerfLolsThreshTrap (CPE) trap. One trap is sent per interval per
Values 0 to 900 seconds
0 disables the trap.
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile

178 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The number of Loss of Signal seconds encountered by an ADSL interface

within any given 15 minutes performance data collection period that will
cause the SNMP agent to send an adslAtucPerfLossThreshTrap (CO) or
adslAturPerfLossThreshTrap (CPE) trap. One trap is sent per interval per
Values 0 to 900 seconds
0 disables the trap.
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile


The number of Loss of Power seconds encountered by an ADSL interface

within any given 15 minutes performance data collection period that will
cause the SNMP agent to send an adslAtucPerfLprsThreshTrap (CO) or
adslAturPerfLprsThreshTrap (CPE) trap. One trap is sent per interval per
Values 0 to 900 seconds
0 disables the trap.
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile


Applies to Fast channels only. The change in the configured rate that causes
the system to send an adslAtucRateChangeTrap.
The system sends a trap whenever:
ChanCurrTxRate <= ChanPrevTxRate minus the value of this object.
Values 0
0 disables the trap.
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 179



Applies to Interleave channels only. The change in the configured rate that
causes the system to send an adslAtucRateChangeTrap.
The system sends a trap whenever:
ChanCurrTxRate <= ChanPrevTxRate minus the value of this object.
Values 0
0 disables the trap.
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile


Applies to Interleave channels only. The change in the configured rate that
causes the system to send an adslAturRateChangeTrap. The system sends a
trap whenever: ChanCurrTxRate >= ChanPrevTxRate plus the value of this
Values 0
0 disables the trap.
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile


The configured signal to noise margin for rate upshift. If the noise margin
rises above this level, the modem attempts to increase its transmit rate.
Values 0 to 310 tenths of dBs
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location adsl-co-profile, adsl-cpe-profile
Notes If rate adaption is not enabled on the interface, this parameter is 0 (zero).
This parameter is not supported.

180 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



Specifies the desired administrative state of the virtual channel link (VCL).
Values up
Default down
Location atm-vcl
Notes This parameter should be set to tell the system whether or not to establish the
The admin status must be set to down before changing or deleting VCLs.


Administrative status of the link.

Values up
Default down
Location aal2-cid-profile, atm-cc


The AAL2 encoding algorithm.

Values G.711
Pulse Code Modulation (PCM). Two encoding laws are recommended,
referred to as A-law and Mu-law.
Sub-Band Adaptive Pulse Code Modulation (SB-ADPCM).
Not currently supported.
Adaptive Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM).
Embedded Adaptive Pulse Code Modulation (EADPCM).
Low Delay Code Excited Linear Prediction (LD-CELP).
EDU format.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 181


Silence Insertion Descriptor (SID) packet format.
Encoding data unit format.
Encoding data unit format for the forward adaptive mode.
Generic SID
Generic SID packet format.
Default G.711
Location aal2-audio-profile
Notes Refer to STR-VMOA-LES-01-00 Annex A, I.366.1 7.7.1, and I.366.2 Annex
B through I for more information.


Application Identifier. It specifies the protocol used between the IAD and the
ATM switch.
Values caspotsonlynoelcp
Loop Emulation Service using Channel Associated Signaling (CAS)
without Emulated Loop Control Protocol (ELCP), which is used for
Loop Emulation Service using Digital Subscriber Signaling System
number 1 (DSS1) in support of ISDN BRI without ELCP.
Loop Emulation Service using Digital Subscriber Signaling System
number 1 (DSS1) in support of ISDN BRI with ELCP.
Loop Emulation Service using PSTN signalling (POTS only) with ELCP.
Default caspotonlynoelcp
Location aal2-vcl-profile


Administrative status of the VPL.

Values up
Default down
Location atm-vpl
Notes This parameter should be set to tell the system whether or not to establish the

182 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


The admin status must be set to down before changing or deleting VPLs.


Type of connection.
Values p2p
Point-to-multipoint root. Currently not supported.
Point-to-multipoint leaf. Supported for IP video connections only.
Location atm-vpl


The type of VCL.

Values pvc
Location atm-vpl


Specifies the ATM traffic descriptor which applies to the receive direction of
this VPL.
Values The index value of an existing atm-traf-descr.
Location atm-vpl
Notes Currently this value must be set equal to the value used for the
Traffic descriptors used in active VPLs cannot be modified. You must bring
down the VPL before you can modify the traffic descriptor.
See Also atmVplTransmitTrafficDescrIndex


Specifies the ATM traffic descriptor which applies to the transmit direction of
this VPL.
Values The index value of an existing atm-traf-descr.
Location atm-vpl
Notes Currently this value must be set equal to the value used for the
Traffic descriptors used in active VPLs cannot be modified. You must bring
down the VPL before you can modify the traffic descriptor.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 183


See Also atmVplReceiveTrafficDescrIndex


An index number that refers to the type of audio service provided.

Values 7
For PCM-64, ADPCM-32 and silence-suppression
(pcm64Adpcm32Silence). Supported on the BAN, MALC, Raptor,
Sechtor 100A, Z-Edge.
For PCM-64 and silence (pcm64Silence). Supported on the Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge.
For PCM-64 without silence (pcm64). Supported on the BAN, Sechtor
For PCM-64, ADPCM-32 without silence (pcm64Adpcm32). Supported
on the BAN, Sechtor 100A.
Location aal2-vcl-profile
Notes For pre-defined audio profiles, the range of valid identifier values is 1 to 255,
inclusive. If the audio profile is user-defined, the range of valid identifiers is
256 to 512.


The audio-service setting is inherited by the CIDs attached to the AAL2 VCL.
Values enabled
Audio services enabled, including echo cancellation, silence suppression,
and compression algorithms.
Audio services disabled. This is used for data and video calls.
Audio service enabled with echo cancellation and silence suppression
Audio service enabled with ability to dynamically disable silence
suppression, silence detection, echo cancellation, and compression
algorithms on a per-call basis.
Default enabled
Location aal2-vcl-profile, aal2-cid-profile

184 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



Channel Associated Signaling (CAS). This setting is inherited by the CIDs

attached to the AAL2 VCL.
Values enabled
Default enabled
Location aal2-vcl-profile, aal2-cid-profile


Enables oversubscription for an ATM VCL. During CAC calculations, the

system divides the SCR (for nrt-VBR or rt-VBR VCLs) bandwidth by the
value specified in the cac-divider. It then uses that value to determine if the
VCL can be created.
For example, to configure a 4:1 oversubscription, set cac-divider to 4.
Default 1
Location atm-traf-descr


A unique value used to identify the cross connect.

Location atm-cc


Used to determine faults on the VCL.

Values disabled
Fault detection is disabled.
On POTS-based AAL2 connections, the unit sends an OAM F5 loopback
if the CAS does not refresh after 10 seconds. If there is no response to the
F5 loopback, the VCL is blocked and a trap is generated.
On ISDN-based AAL2 connections, there is no CAS refresh; the unit
sends an F5 loopback every 5 seconds. If there is no response to the F5
loopback, the VCL is blocked and a trap is generated.
F5 loopbacks on AAL5 connections are not supported.
Default disabled
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location atm-vcl

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 185



The transport of data units as specified in the transmission error detection

service of Recommendation I.366.1. This setting is inherited by the CIDs
attached to the AAL2 VCL.
Values enabled
Default disabled
Location aal2-vcl-profile, aal2-cid-profile


The index (in the form shelf-slot-port-subport-interface/atm or a user-defined

string) of the ATM interface for this cross connect. The high-if-index is
arbitrary, but by convention it indicates the ATM interface with a numerically
higher ifIndex value than the other ATM interface identified in the same cross
Location atm-cc
Notes The low-if-index and the high-if-index cannot be equal.


The VCI value associated with the interface specified in the high-if-index.
For VP switched connections, specify 0.
Location atm-cc


The VPI value associated with the interface specified in the high-if-index.
Location atm-cc


The index (in the form shelf-slot-port-subport-interface/atm or a user-defined

string) of the ATM interface for this cross connect. The low-if-index is
arbitrary, but by convention it indicates the ATM interface with a numerically
lower ifIndex value than the other ATM interface identified in the same cross
Location atm-cc
Notes The low-if-index and the high-if-index cannot be equal.

186 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The VCI value associated with the interface specified in the low-if-index. For
VP switched connections, specify 0.
Location atm-cc


The VPI value associated with the interface specified in the low-if-index.
Location atm-cc


Maximum Channel Identifier (max-cid) value for AAL2 user channels as

defined by the ATM Forum.
Values For an app-id values of caspotsonlynoelcp and dss1brionlynoelcp, the
following Channel Identification (CID) value ranges apply:
CID 16..127: Bearer channels for POTS
CID 128..159: D-channels for ISDN BRI
CID 160..223: B-channels for ISDN BRI
Location aal2-vcl-profile
Notes For more information, refer to the ATM Forum AF-VMOA-0145.000.


Specifies the AAL2 payload in octets that can be sent and received.
Values 64 octets
45 octets
Default 45
Location aal2-vcl-profile


The maximum length of the frame that this channel will accept.
Values This setting is inherited by the CIDs attached to the AAL2 VCL.
Location aal2-vcl-profile, aal2-cid-profile


The maximum number of channels that can be multiplexed within the VCL.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 187


Values 1 to 259, inclusive

Default 239
Location aal2-vcl-profile


The maximum size of the SDU, in octets, that is allowed to be reassembled.

Values 1 to 65568, inclusive
Location aal2-vcl-profile, aal2-cid-profile


The minimum number of Channel Identifiers (CID) allowed for AAL2 user
Values For an app-id values of caspotsonlynoelcp and dss1brionlynoelcp, the
following Channel Identification (CID) value ranges apply:
CID 16..127: Bearer channels for POTS
CID 128..159: D-channels for ISDN BRI
CID 160..223: B-channels for ISDN BRI
Location aal2-vcl-profile
Notes For more information, refer to the ATM Forum AF-VMOA-0145.000.


The type of Pulse Code Modulation encoding used.

Values muLaw
Location aal2-vcl-profile, aal2-cid-profile


Packet time in tenths of milliseconds.

Values 50 to 110, inclusive
Default 55
Location aal2-audio-profile


Defines the preferred audio encoding format.

188 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Values 1
Used for G.711 encoding
Used for G.726 encoding
Default 1
Location aal2-cid-profile


The maximum time allowed for ReASsembly of a SSSAR-SDU.

Values milliseconds
Location aal2-vcl-profile, aal2-cid-profile


Specifies the ATM traffic descriptor which applies to the receive direction of
this VCL.
Values The index value of an existing atm-traf-descr.
Location atm-vcl
Notes Currently this value must be set equal to the value used for the
Traffic descriptors used in active VCLs cannot be modified. You must bring
down the VCL before you can modify the traffic descriptor.
See Also transmit_traffic_descr_index


Indicates the multiples of the service data unit (SDU) for each algorithm that
occurs. SDUs for audio are defined in relation to the profile of encoding
formats adopted on an AAL type 2 connection. Each algorithm that occurs in
a given profile may appear in multiple entries corresponding to packets of
different lengths. These packet lengths align in a simple sequence, where each
is an integral multiple of the smallest packet length that occurs for the
algorithm (at a given bit rate). The smallest packet length is the SDU of the
algorithm, in relation to the given profile.
Values 1 to 8
Default 1
Location aal2-audio-profile
See Also algorithm

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 189



The Service Specific Convergence Sublayer (SSCS) is the portion of the

convergence sublayer that is dependent upon the type of traffic that is being
Values i3661
For channels that carry control and management plane traffic (such as
CCS, ELCP, ISDN D channels, and LES-EOC).
For channels carry media streams (such as POTS or ISDN B channels).
Default i3662
Location aal2-cid-profile


This parameter is used by the atm-vcl profile to identify a traffic descriptor.

Location atm-traf-descr


Enables and disable early-packet-discard (EPD) and partial-packet-discard

(PPD). This allows selective discarding of all cells in a frame if one cell is lost
or discarded.
In EPD, the ATM interface monitors the AAL5 traffic and discards an entire
data frame if its output buffers do not have the space to process it. In PPD, the
ATM interface drops the remaining cells of the packet if other cells of the
packet have already been dropped. Both of these techniques increase the
efficiency of the data transfer by dropping frames that have already been
determined to be errored and will have to be retransmitted.
Values true
Indicates that the network is requested to treat data for this connection, in
the given direction, as frames (that is, AAL5 CPCS PDUs) rather than as
individual cells. While the precise implementation is network-specific,
this treatment may involve discarding entire frames during congestion,
rather than a few cells from many frames.
This is the recommended setting for voice connections.
Default false
Location atm-traf-descr

190 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The peak cell rate (PCR) of the interface. Once the peak cell rate (PCR) has
been set, traffic policing ensures that the PCR limitations are enforced. The
system will discard cells of incoming (ingress) traffic that exceed the PCR.
Location atm-traf-descr
Notes • Refer to the documentation that came with your device for information
about supported traffic parameters.
• The td_param1 and td_param2 parameters in the atm-traf-descr
profile must be set to one of the configured rates in the atm-vcl-param
• Refer to the following specifications for more information about PCR:
– ATM Forum, ATM User-Network Interface, Version 3.0 (UNI 3.0)
Specification, 1994.
– ATM Forum, ATM User-Network Interface, Version 3.1 (UNI 3.1)
Specification, November 1994.


Sustained cell rate (SCR) of the interface. Refer to the documentation that
came with your device for information about supported traffic parameters.
Location atm-traf-descr
Notes The td_param1 and td_param2 parameters in the atm-traf-descr profile
must be set to one of the configured rates in the atm-vcl-param profile.


Maximum burst size (MBS) of the interface. Refer to the documentation that
came with your device for information about supported traffic parameters.
Location atm-traf-descr


Cell delay variation tolerance (CDVT) of the interface. Refer to the

documentation that came with your device for information about supported
traffic parameters.
Location atm-traf-descr


Currently not supported.

Location atm-traf-descr

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 191



The ATM service category. Zhone devices support currently support the
following classes of traffic:
• Unspecified bit rate (UBR) for data. Supported on the BAN, MALC,
Raptor, Z-Edge.
• Constant bit rate (CBR) for voice. Supported on the MALC, Raptor,
Sechtor 100A, Z-Edge.
• Real time variable bit rate (rt-VBR) for voice or data, depending on the
application. Supported on the BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A.
• Non-real time variable bit rate (nrt-VBR) for voice or data, depending on
the application. Supported on the MALC.
Location atm-traf-descr


Traffic descriptor type. Note that not all products support all traffic types.
Refer to the documentation that came with your device for information about
supported traffic categories.
Values atmNoClpNoScr
No CLP and no Sustained Cell Rate.
CLP with tagging and no Sustained Cell Rate.
CLP with no tagging and Sustained Cell Rate.
CLP with tagging and Sustained Cell Rate.
CLP transparent and no Sustained Cell Rate.
CLP transparent and Sustained Cell Rate.
No CLP and no Sustained Cell Rate.

192 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


CLP with no tagging, Sustained Cell Rate.
CLP with tagging, Sustained Cell Rate.
Location atm-traf-descr


The timer-cu is always set to 0. Each transmitted ATM contains one AAL2
Values 0
Location aal2-vcl-profile


This parameter associates a VCL with a traffic container, and is used to

retrieve PON channel provisioning information.
Location atm-vcl


Specifies the ATM traffic descriptor which applies to the transmit direction of
this VCL.
Values The index value of an existing atm-traf-descr.
Location atm-vcl
Notes Currently this value must be set equal to the value used for the
Traffic descriptors used in active VCLs cannot be modified. You must bring
down the VCL before you can modify the traffic descriptor.
See Also transmit_traffic_descr_index


This parameter is used to describe the minimum guaranteed rate for a VCL
which is bound to this traffic descriptor for BAN ATM Trunk cards. It is
applicable only for the rt-VBR service category.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location atm-traf-descr
Notes The trnk-rate-vcl parameter in atm-traf-descr profiles is only used on BAN
release 1.5.2. In other releases, it does not apply.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 193



Specifies supervisory line states, for example, on-hook, off-hook, idle, and
ringing. The trunk-type used for the IAD (Z-Edge) must match the ATM
switch trunk type. This parameter is used only for app-id values of
Values unknown
Default loopstart
Location aal2-vcl-profile


UPC is the process of monitoring and controlling the ATM traffic by

enforcing the traffic parameters. By using this parameter, you can disable on a
per-traffic descriptor basis. This is typically only done during debugging.
Values true
Enforcement of traffic descriptor parameters is enabled.
Enforcement of traffic descriptor parameters is disabled.
Default true
Location atm-traf-descr
Notes The usage-parameter-control parameter must be set to true if the ATM
service category is CBR.


This parameter applies only when the local VCL end-point is also the VCC
end-point, and AAL5 is in use. The type of data encapsulation used over the
AAL5 SSCS layer. The definitions reference RFC 1483 Multiprotocol
Encapsulation over ATM AAL5 and to the ATM Forum LAN Emulation
Values llcencapsulation
Logical link control encapsulation over AAL5. Used for connections
terminated on the device.
RFC 1483 multiprotocol encapsulation over AAL5. Used for bridged
termination connections.
Default llcencapsulation

194 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Location atm-vcl


The type of AAL used on this VCC. This parameter applies only when the
local VCL end-point is also the VCC end-point, and AAL is in use.
Values aal5
For AAL5 terminated data.
For cell relay.
For AAL2 voice. When a VCL is set to AAL2 (either manually or with
the voice add command), the system automatically creates associated
Default aal5
Location atm-vcl


The VCC Identifier. It is used to differentiate aal2-vcl-profiles and is used to

match profiles between IADs and ATM switches.
Values integer
Location aal2-vcl-profile


The VCI value for this virtual channel link (VCL). This must match the
remote end of the connection.
Location atm-vcl
Notes The maximum VCI value cannot exceed the value allowable by
atmInterfaceMaxVciBits defined in the ATM-MIB.


The connection topology type.

Default p2p
Location atm-vcl


The use of call control.

Default pvc

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 195


Location atm-vcl

vcl-rate-params (1 through 32)

The atm-vcl-param profile defines the allowable values for the PCR and
SCR for certain traffic types. The values in this profile are used as follows:
• The SCR for rt-VBR traffic descriptors must use one of the first 16 rates.
• The PCR for CBR traffic descriptors can use any of the 32 rates.
• For a UBR traffic descriptor, if usage-parameter-control in an ATM
traffic descriptor is set to false, or if PCR is greater than modem trained
rate, then the UBR traffic is shaped to one of the 32 rates. The shaper will
pick a rate that is equal to or less than the modem trained rate. If there are
multiple rates less than the modem trained rate, the one closest to the
trained rate will be selected.

Note: If your device is being managed by ZMS, changes to the

atm-vcl-param profile should be made using ZMS. If you use the
CLI to change the profile, perform a full config sync update after
making the change.

Note the following about the values in this profile:

• Rates are in cells per second (CPS)
• Duplicate rates are not permitted
• Rates must be in ascending order within the first 16 rates and also within
the second 16 rates.
Location atm-vcl-param
Notes • The td_param1 and td_param2 parameters in the atm-traf-descr
profile must be set to one of the configured rates in the atm-vcl-param
• Changing the values in the atm-vcl-param profile requires a system
• Table 9 explains the atm-vcl-param default settings.

Table 9: atm-vcl-param settings

Setting (in CPS) Application

38 1 to 2 DS0s
at 5:1 to 10:1 oversubscription

76 2 to 4 DS0s
at 5:1 to 10:1 oversubscription

151 4 to 8 DS0s
at 5:1 to 10:1 oversubscription

196 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Table 9: atm-vcl-param settings (Continued)

Setting (in CPS) Application

189 1 DS0
no oversubscription
302 8 to 16 DS0s
at 5:1 to 10:1 oversubscription

378 2 DS0
no oversubscription

604 16 to 32 DS0s
at 5:1 to 10:1 oversubscription

755 4 DS0
no oversubscription
1208 32 to 64 DS0s
at 5:1 to 10:1 oversubscription

1510 8 DS0
no oversubscription

3661 Full T1

4825 Full E1

28302 8 T1s

37736 8 E1s

106133 DS3

365567 OC3-c/STM1


Enables or disables ATM bandwidth checking for voice calls. The system will
reject a call if there is not enough bandwidth. On a MALC or a Z-Edge, if a
call is rejected, the device sends a fast busy to the caller. On the BAN or the
Sechtor 100A, if a call is rejected, the switch sends a busy signal to the caller.

Note: Bandwidth calculations are enabled or disabled for the entire


The bandwidth check is based on the configuration of the transmit and receive
ATM traffic descriptors for the ATM VC/CID used by the call. The system
uses the following parameters to calculate the required bandwidth:
• rt-VBR traffic: SCR
• CBR traffic: PCR
• All other traffic types: calls are always accepted, there are no voice
quality guarantees.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 197


The system will reject calls if:

[Receive or transmit cell rate - (180*number of active calls on the VC)] < 180
(The bandwidth calculations assume that approximately 180 AAL2 cells per
second are used for each voice call.)
Values true
Default false
Location system profile


The VPI value for a VPL or VCL. This must match the remote end of the
Valid values differ depending on the type of device and its revision level.
Refer to the configuration guide for your device for valid ranges.
Location atm-vcl
Notes The maximum VPI value cannot exceed the value allowable by
atmInterfaceMaxVpiBits defined in the ATM-MIB.
See Also vci


Specifies the maximum number of VCIs supported in a VP-switched VPI on

the MALC Voice Gateway card.
Default 0
Location atm-vpi
Notes Refer to the release notes for the maximum values for a particular device.


For the selected VPI, this value specifies the maximum VCI. For VP switched
VPIs, this value must be zero.For VC switched VPIs, this value must be a
power of 2.
Default 0
Location atm-vpi
Notes Refer to the release notes for the maximum values for a particular device.

198 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



Indicates whether the VPI is VP or VC switched.

Values vp
Default vp
Location atm-vpi


Specifies the type of filter to be applied to packets on the interface.

Values bridgeinsertoption82
Inserts identification text into the DHCP packet.
Drops packets with matching OUI.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location bridge-config-record
Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


If the bridgeConfigType is set to bridgeforbidoui, this parameter specifies

the OUI or first 3-bytes of the MAC address in the format nn:nn:nn, where nn
represents a hex number designating a byte. If the bridgeConfigType is set to
bridgeinsertoption82, this parameter contains a text string that is inserted
into the DHCP packet.
Values A string in the form nn:nn:nn, where nn represents a hexadecimal
number designating a byte.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location bridge-config-record
Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Index used for bridge groups.

Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 199


Location bridge-interface-record
Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Determines how the BAN handles DHCP offer messages from remote DHCP
Values true
Forwards broadcast DHCPOFFER or DHCPACK packets even if
bridgeFilterBroadcast is TRUE for that interface.
Does not forward broadcast DHCPOFFER or DHCPACK packets.
Default false
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location bridge-interface-record
Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Determines how the BAN treats ARP packets. When a BAN receives a ARP
packet, it compares and filters the requested IP address with the current
forwarding table. If a match is found, the ARP broadcast is forwarded out the
interface that has the appropriate host. This host will then reply to the ARP
with a standard response. If a match is not found, then the ARP is filtered and
it gets dropped as if it were a non-ARP broadcast.
Values true
Sends the ARP packet out regardless of the whether a match is found for
the requested IP address. (If true, sends ARP requests selectively or by
Drops the packet if there is no match for the requested IP address.
Default false
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location bridge-interface-record
Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Determines how the BAN handles non-ARP broadcast packets.

Values true
Non-ARP broadcast packets are discarded.

200 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Non-ARP broadcast packets are forwarded.
Default false
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location bridge-interface-record
Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


If true, attempt to forward via VLAN default paths.

Default false
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location bridge-interface-record
Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


If true, attempt to forward via multicast MAC paths.

Default false
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location bridge-interface-group
Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


If true, attempt to forward via unicast MAC paths.

Default false
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location bridge-interface-record
Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


If true, snoop unicast packets to build ARP table.

Default false
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location bridge-interface-record
Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 201



If true, snoop multicast packets for IGMP joins/leaves.

Default false
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location bridge-interface-record
Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


If true, snoop unicast packets to build MAC paths.

Default false
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location bridge-interface-record
Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Maximum number of unicast addresses for I/F.

Access This parameter is read-write.
Location bridge-interface-record
Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


If true, enable VLAN Tagging.

Default false
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location bridge-interface-record
Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


If this bridge interface is on an ATM VCL, this is the ATM VCI. If the bridge
interface is not an ATM VCL, (for example an Ethernet interface), this
parameter is 0.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location bridge-interface-record
Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723

202 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The Virtual LAN Id for VLAN tag insertion.

Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location bridge-interface-record
Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


The VPI value for a VPL or VCL. The VPI value of 0 is only allowed for a
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location bridge-interface-group
Products MALC, Raptor 100, Raptor 319, Raptor 719, Raptor 723


Specifies the administrative status of the unit or card.

Values operational
The unit or card enters the operational state if it is able. In the operational
state the unit or card is able to accept requests from other devices; or, if it
is a stand-alone device, it is able to process requests from the wide area
network (WAN) or local interfaces.
The unit or card ceases to accept requests from other devices. If the unit
or card is operational and receives this command it completes processing
of open requests if able.
Enter a special maintenance state if available. If not available enter the
disabled state and set admin-status to disabled.
warm reset
Perform a warm reset of system software that does not reinitialize or reset
hardware resources.
Perform an immediate full reset. Following a successful reset the unit or
card should enter the operational state.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 203


Location card-profile
See Also sw-status


Enables the collection and forwarding of historical statistics on the unit or


Note: This value should be combined with the system statistics to

determine if the collection and forwarding of statistics should be

Values enabled
Default disabled
Location card-profile


The unique redundancy group to which the card is assigned. A card group can
contain at most two cards and redundant card pairs must be in the same card
Values 0 to 65535
Default 0 (indicates no redundancy group configured)
Notes Redundancy group IDs must be non-zero.
A non-zero card-group-id cannot be changed. You must delete the card-
profile and recreate it.


Specifies bandwidth allocation for rt-VBR and UBR traffic and used by
Connection Admission Control (CAC). This parameter only applies to ATM
trunking interfaces, such as MALC and Raptor Uplink cards, as well as BAN
ATM trunking cards.

Note: The Raptor 100 does not support CBR.

Values notapplicable
cellrelayonly (BAN only)
The only supported value for ATM trunking (cell relay) card. Specifies
the following bandwidth allocation:
• AAL2/cell relay 99%
• AAL5 1%

204 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


For ATM-AAL2/AAL5card, 50% of AAL2/cell relay bandwidth is

cellrelayandmanagement (BAN only)
Specifies the following allocation:
• AAL2/cell relay 95%
• AAL5 5%
For ATM-AAL2/AAL5card, 50% of AAL2/cell relay bandwidth is
dataterm (BAN only)
Specifies the following allocation:
• AAL2/cell relay 5%
• AAL5 95%
For ATM-AAL2/AAL5card, 50% of AAL2/cell relay bandwidth is
voiceGateway (BAN only)
Specifies the following allocation:
(only supported for ATM-AAL2/AAL5 card)
• AAL2/cell relay 95%
• AAL5 5%
For ATM-AAL2/AAL5card, 95% of AAL2/cell relay bandwidth is
hybridlowaal5data (BAN only)
Specifies the following allocation:
• AAL2/cell relay 75%
• AAL5 25%
For ATM-AAL2/AAL5card, 95% of AAL2/cell relay bandwidth is
hybriddefeault (BAN only)
Specifies the following allocation:
• AAL2/cell relay 60%
• AAL5 40%
For ATM-AAL2/AAL5 card, 75% of AAL2/cell relay bandwidth is
hybridhighaal5data (BAN only)
Specifies the following allocation:
• AAL2/cell relay 25%
• AAL5 75%
For ATM-AAL2/AAL5 card, 50% of AAL2/cell relay bandwidth is

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 205


vbnrt95rt5 (MALC, Raptor)

Specifies the following allocation:
• UBR: 1%
• nrt-VBR: 94%
• CBR/rt-VBR: 5%
vbnrt80rt15 (MALC, Raptor)
Specifies the following allocation:
• UBR: 5%
• nrt-VBR: 80%
• CBR/rt-VBR: 15%
vbnrt65rt30 (MALC, Raptor)
Specifies the following allocation:
• UBR: 5%
• nrt-VBR: 65%
• CBR/rt-VBR: 30%
vbnrt50rt45 (MALC, Raptor)
Specifies the following allocation:
• UBR: 5%
• nrt-VBR: 50%
• CBR/rt-VBR: 45%
vbnrt35rt60 (MALC, Raptor)
Specifies the following allocation:
• UBR: 5%
• nrt-VBR: 35%
• CBR/rt-VBR: 60%
vbnrt20rt75 (MALC, Raptor)
Specifies the following allocation:
• UBR: 5%
• nrt-VBR: 20%
• CBR/rt-VBR: 75%
vbnrt5rt95 (MALC, Raptor)
Specifies the following allocation:
• UBR: 1%
• nrt-VBR: 5%
• CBR/rt-VBR: 94%
Location card-profile


Specifies the line type of the card and the signaling that runs over it. Does not
apply to MALC OC3-c/STM1 Uplink cards.

206 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Values unknowntype
Unknown mode. Used for cards that do not support this parameter.
E1 UNI mode.
DS1 UNI mode
E1 ATM IMA mode (MALC T1/E1 IMA Uplink card)
DS1 ATM IMA mode (MALC T1/E1 IMA Uplink card)
E3 UNI mode
DS3 UNI mode
T1 UNI mode of ATM and GR-303 TDM signaling (MALC T1/E1 TDM
Uplink card)
T1 IMA mode of ATM and GR-303 TDM signaling (MALC T1/E1 TDM
Uplink card)
E1 UNI mode of ATM and V5.2 TDM signaling (MALC T1/E1 TDM
Uplink card)
E1 IMA mode of ATM and V5.2 TDM signaling (MALC T1/E1 TDM
Uplink card)
SHDSL (Raptor 100 SHDSL Uplink model).
Used for POTS to DS1 connections on the T1/E1 TDM card or OC12-c/
STM4 Uplink cards.
Used for POTS to E1 connections on the T1/E1 TDM card or OC12-c/
STM4 Uplink cards.
RPR data-only mode (the default for the 2 port GigE RPR card).
RPR with data and GR-303 voice.
RPR with data and V5.2 voice
RPR with data and T1 CAS voice

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 207


ADSL and TDM POTS. Supported on ADSL 48 port cards only.
ADSL and packet voice. Supported on ADSL 48 port cards only.
ADSL with splitter. Supported on ADSL 48 port cards only.
TDM POTS. Supported on the POTS 48 port card only.
Packet voice. Supported on the POTS 48 port card only.
Location card-profile
Notes Does not apply to DSL card, the MALC ULC card, or POTS cards.


When set to true, this indicates that the card, when Active, should remain in
the Active state regardless of any system events. This effectively disables
redundancy for the card group.
Location card-profile


Name of the software image to load for the card. If the name is not specified,
the slot card loads the image specified in the card-profile for the slot.
Location card-profile


Specifies whether a software download for the slot card is enabled.

Values true
Enables the system to download the binary for that slot card when the
card is reset.
Software is not downloaded to the slot card. This effectively disables the
slot card.
Default false
Location card-profile
Notes The slot card loads the software binary specified in the type-module record
for the card if it is not specified in the card-profile record for that slot.
See Also name, upgrade-sw-file-name

208 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The file or code image name of the software version that should be loaded by
the unit or card for operation.
The operation of this parameter varies depending on the type of device.
• BAN. MALC, and Raptor: The card will load the specified software
image. If the sw-file-name is not specified, the card will load the image
specified in the type-module for the slot card.
• Z-Edge or Sechtor 100A: If the unit is a Z-Edge or a Sechtor 100A, the
system will first check for a local copy of the specified software image. If
a copy is there, the device will load from the local copy. If the local copy
is not the same revision as the sw-file-name the card will load the new
Location card-profile
Notes If a failure occurs when loading an upgrade version, the system automatically
reverts to a software version specified in the sw-file-name. If the
sw-file-name is not specified, the card will load the image specified in the
type-module for the slot card.
See Also name


The IP address of the primary software load server. This parameter is not used
by BAN, MALC, or Raptor cards. If the value of this parameter is set to then no primary load server is available.
Location card-profile
Notes If the system is unable to load the software file from the primary load server,
the system attempts to load the software from the secondary load server.


How the unit should be upgraded.

Values loadupgradesw
The device requests a load of the upgrade software from the image
previously downloaded to the system. If an upgrade version of the
software is not available or the upgrade server is unable to respond to the
load request, the card will set sw-status to upgradeloadFailed.
The device upgrades to the already loaded upgrade software if warm
upgrade is supported or it will reboot and load the upgrade software if
warm upgrade is not supported. If the upgrade software has not been
loaded or there is no grade software load available, the device will set

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 209


sw-status to upgradeFailed. When this value is set, the

sw-upgrade-enable parameter is set to true.
The device upgrades to the already loaded software the next time it is
reset. If the upgrade software is not loaded the card will set sw-status to
upgradeFailed following a reset.
The device will reset and load the version of code that was running prior
to the most recent upgrade.
Location card-profile


This parameter definition differs depending on its location:

• In an if-translate profile, it indicates the type of interface, as specified in
the Interface MIB (RFC 2233).
• In a card-resource profile, it indicates the type of slot card.
Location card-profile


The file name of the software image that should be loaded by the unit or card
at the next upgrade. If this is not specified, the name of the image specified in
the type-module record for the slot card is downloaded instead.
Location card-profile
See Also name


The software version that is loaded into the unit or card memory that can be
loaded after a warm reboot of the system.
Location card-profile


A weight given to this card that determines whether this card should become
the active card after both cards are reset. Cards in a card group negotiate
which cards are active and standby by comparing weights. Cards with higher
preferences become active. If multiple cards have the same weight, the card in
the lower numbered slot becomes active.
Values noPreference
No preference.

210 Zhone CLI Reference Guide

Channel Emulation Service (CES)

The card never becomes active.
Default noPreference

Channel Emulation Service (CES)


Defines maximum the size of the reassembly buffer in 10 microsecond

Default 128
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ces-config
Products MALC


Specifies which AAL1 Format should be used. This applies to structured

interfaces only.
For unstructured interfaces this value, if present, must be set to the default of
Values basic
No CAS bits with a single 125 usec frame. Default. Required for
unstructured channels.
CAS bits used in E1 multiframe structure.
CAS bits used in DS1 ESF multiframe structure.
CAS bits used in DS1 SF multiframe structure.
Default basic
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ces-config
Products MALC

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 211



The time in milliseconds for the cell loss integration period.

Default 2500
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ces-config
Products MALC


Shows the configured destination IP address of the CES over IP connection.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Location ces-config
Products MALC


Shows the configured destination UPD port number of the CES over IP
Access This parameter is read-only.
Location ces-config
Products MALC


Lists the specified DS0 bundles.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Location ces-config
Products MALC


Specifies the number of user octets per cells. Setting this parameter to zero
disables partial cell fill, and causes all cells to be completely filled before they
are sent.
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ces-config
Products MALC

212 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



Shows the configured source IP address of the CES over IP connection.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Location ces-config
Products MALC


Shows the configured source UPD port number of the CES over IP
Access This parameter is read-only.
Location ces-config
Products MALC


The VCI used by the ATM VCL mapped through this CES IWF to a CBR
interface. Zero indicates that no ATM VCL has been specified.
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ces-config
Products MALC


The VPI used by the ATM VCL mapped through this CES IWF to a CBR
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ces-config
Products MALC


Specifies the OC3-c/STM1 or OC12-c/STM4 clocking mode.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 213


Values looptiming
The recovered receive clock from the is used as the transmit clock.
A local (to the interface) clock source is used on the transmit signal.
The transmit clock is derived from the recovered receive clock of another
interface. Interfaces that are designated as eligible clock sources cannot
be set to through timing.
Default looptiming
Location sonet-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The shelf-slot-port-subport/type of an interface to provide clocking for the


Note: system-clock-profiles (if supported on the device) are the

preferred method of configuring clock sources.

Values A valid interface on the system.

For the BITS clock on the MALC MTAC/Ring card, specify the address
in the form shelf-slot-1-0/ds1.
Location system
Notes If configured, the setting in the primaryclocksource parameter overrides
settings in the system-clock-profile for all interfaces that provide clocking.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


If a standby clock source becomes active after the failure of a primary clock
source, the system will revert to the primary clock source after that clock
source becomes active again. Note that the clock source must be active for 30
seconds before the system will revert back to the primary clock source.
Values true
The system clock is revertive.
The system clock is non-revertive.
Default true
Location system
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A

214 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



Specifies the DS1/DS3 clocking mode.

Values looptiming
The recovered receive clock from the DS1/DS3 is used as the transmit
A local (to the DS1/DS3 interface) clock source is used on the DS1/DS3
transmit signal.
The transmit DS1/DS3 clock is derived from the recovered receive clock
of another DS1/DS3 interface. Interfaces that are designated as eligible
clock sources cannot be set to through timing.
Default looptiming (DS3) throughtiming (DS1)
Location ds1-profile, ds3-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


Specifies whether the interface is eligible to provide clocking for the system.
The source must be active in order to provide clock. The following types of
interfaces can provide clock:
• T1/E1
• DS3/E3
• OC3-c
• OC12-c
Values true
Default false
Location system-clock-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


Assigns a weight to the clock source. If you assign weight to a clock source
that is higher than the currently active clock source, the system will switch
over to that clock source.
Values 1 to 10
1 is the lowest priority, 10 is the highest
Default 5

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 215


Location system-clock-profile
Notes If you assign weight to a clock source that is higher than the currently active
clock source, or if you assign a clock source in the system profile, the system
will switch over to the new clock source.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The name of the initial boot file loaded by the client. The filename should be
recognizable to the file transfer protocol that the client will be using to load
the file.
Default An empty string
Location dhcp-server-subnet, dhcp-server-group, dhcp-server-host


The IP address of the server from which the initial boot file (specified in the
bootfile parameter) is to be loaded. If this IP address is specified as
then the primary interface address of the DHCP server is used.
Default An empty string
Location dhcp-server-subnet, dhcp-server-host, dhcp-server-group
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


Client host name (if any) that the client used to acquire its address.
Default An empty string
Location dhcp-server-lease
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The DHCP client identifier.

Default An empty string
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location dhcp-server-host
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG

216 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The length of the client identifier substring to match.

Default -1
Specifies that the entire string beginning at the match offset value should
be matched.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location dhcp-server-group
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The offset into the client passed client identifier string where the string match
should start.
Default 0 (zero)
Access This parameter is read-write
Location dhcp-server-group
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


Client identifier match string that determines which clients should be placed
in this group.
Access This parameter is read-write
Location dhcp-server-group
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The default requested lease length, in seconds.

Values From 100 to 604800 (1 week).
Default 604800
Location dhcp-client-resource
Notes This value should be greater than or equal to the minLease.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 217



The default time, in seconds assigned to a lease if the client requesting the
lease does not request a specific expiration time.
Values From -1 - 2147483647
Default -1
Indicates the parameter is ignored.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location dhcp-server-subnet, dhcp-server-group, dhcp-server-host
Notes This value should be greater than or equal to the min-lease-time.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The IP address of the client default gateway.

Access This parameter is read-write.
Location dhcp-server-subnet, dhcp-server-group, dhcp-server-host
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


Specifies whether the IP interface is a DHCP client or server.

Values none
The interface is neither a DHCP client or a server.
The interface is a DHCP client.
The client is a DHCP server.
The interface is both a DHCP client and a server.
Default none
Location ip-interface-record
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The number of errors that the DHCP client has encountered.

Access This parameter is read-only.

218 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Location dhcp-client-resource
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The DHCP client ID.

Location dhcp-client-lease-resource
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


A list of the DNS server and router IP addresses that the system will use.
Location dhcp-client-lease-resource
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


Dynamic DNS forward host name. Not currently used.

Location dhcp-server-lease
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


Dynamic DNS reverse host name. Not currently used.

Location dhcp-server-lease
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The routing domain to which this subnet, group, or host parameter applies.
Values 0 to 2147483647, inclusive
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location dhcp-server-subnet, dhcp-server-group, dhcp-server-host
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The name of the DHCP domain.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Location dhcp-client-lease-resource

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 219


Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The default domain name that the client should use when resolving host
names using DNS. The default is an empty string.
Default The default is an empty string.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location dhcp-server-subnet, dhcp-server-group, dhcp-server-host
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The time in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) that the DHCP lease will expire.
Values 0 to 2147483647, inclusive.
Location dhcp-server-lease
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


Non-null IP address value indicates use of external DHCP server instead of

internal DHCP for this subnet.
Default 00000000
Location dhcp-server-subnet
Products MALC


Indicates how the DHCP host acquired its lease.

Values Static
The lease is static. Static leases typically should not appear in the lease
The lease was allocated using the BOOTP protocol. BOOTP leases are
A client appears to exist (for example, the device responds to a ping
command) on the network even though the DHCP server has not allocated
the lease address to the client. In this case, the server abandons that lease
and tries to reuse it only when it runs out of available addresses.

220 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


The client that was allocated a lease identified itself as a Zhone CPE
device (such as a Z-Edge).
Location dhcp-server-lease
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


In the dhcp-server-lease profile, this parameter is the MAC address of the

network interface that was used to acquire the lease.
In the dhcp-server-host profile, this parameter is the hardware address of the
client that matches this host parameter. If the client-identifier parameter is
specified, the hardware address is ignored.
Default 0 (zero)
Access This parameter is read-write
Location dhcp-server-lease, dhcp-server-host
Notes Configure either the hardware-address or client-identifier for host
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


Name of the DHCP host. This will not be a fully-qualified host name.
Access This parameter is read-only.
Location dhcp-client-lease-resource
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The fixed IP address that should be assigned to this client.

Location dhcp-server-host
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The fixed IP address that should be assigned to this client.

Location dhcp-server-host
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 221



The fixed IP address that should be assigned to this client.

Location dhcp-server-host
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The fixed IP address that should be assigned to this client.

Location dhcp-server-host
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The global default time in seconds that will be assigned to a DHCP lease if the
client requesting the lease does not request a specific expiration time.
Values 0 to 21474836471
Default 43200 seconds (12 hours).
Location dhcp-server-options
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The maximum time in seconds that will be assigned to a lease regardless of

the value specified by a client.
Values -1 to 2147483647
-1 indicates that this parameter is ignored.
Default The default in the dhcp-server-options record is 86,400 seconds.
The default for dhcp-server-group, dhcp-server-host, and
dhcp-server-subnet is -1.
Location dhcp-server-options, dhcp-server-subnet, dhcp-server-group,
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


Maximum user to user indicator.

222 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Values 0 to 15
Specify 15 for audio.
Default 15
Location aal2-audio-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


Minimum user to user indicator.

Values 0 to 15
Specify 0 for audio.
Default 0
Location aal2-audio-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The minimum acceptable lease length.

Values 1 to 604800 (one week)
Default 300
Location dhcp-client-resource
Notes This value should not be greater than the defaultLease.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The minimum expiration time in seconds that will be assigned to a DHCP

lease by the server, regardless of the value specified by a client.
Values -1 to 2147483647
Default -1, which indicates that the parameter is ignored.
Location dhcp-server-options, dhcp-server-subnet, dhcp-server-group,
Notes This value should not exceed the default-lease-time setting.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


In a dhcp-server-host record this indicates the host name for the client. This
may be fully qualified with the local domain name but it is recommended that
you use the domain-name parameter to specify the domain name.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 223


In a dhcp-server-group record this indicates the group parameter name.

Default The default is an empty string.
Location dhcp-server-host, dhcp-server-group
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The subnet mask associated with the IP interface. The value of the mask is an
IP address with all the network bits set to 1 and all the hosts bits set to 0.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location dhcp-server-subnet, ip-interface-record
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The IP network address of this subnet parameter.

Access This parameter is read-write.
Location dhcp-server-subnet
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The IP address of the primary domain name server that the client should use
for DNS resolution.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location dhcp-server-subnet, dhcp-server-group, dhcp-server-host
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The last IP address of the first address pool in this subnet. If either the start or
end range has a value of 0, then the entire address pool is ignored.
Location dhcp-server-subnet
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG

224 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The starting IP address of the first address pool in this subnet. If either the
start or end range has a value of 0 then the entire address pool is ignored.
Location dhcp-server-subnet
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The last IP address of the second address pool in this subnet. If either the start
or end range has a value of 0, then the entire address pool is ignored.
Location dhcp-server-subnet
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The starting IP address of the second address pool in this subnet. If either the
start or end range has a value of 0, then the entire address pool is ignored.
Location dhcp-server-subnet
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The last IP address of the third address pool in this subnet. If either the start or
end range has a value of 0, then the entire address pool is ignored.
Location dhcp-server-subnet
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The starting IP address of the third address pool in this subnet. If either the
start or end range has a value of 0, then the entire address pool is ignored.
Location dhcp-server-subnet
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 225



The last IP address of the fourth address pool in this subnet. If either the start
or end range has a value of 0, then the entire address pool is ignored.
Location dhcp-server-subnet
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The starting IP address of the fourth address pool in this subnet. If either the
start or end range has a value of 0, then the entire address pool is ignored.
Location dhcp-server-subnet
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The default number of IP addresses at the end of a subnet IP address space

that are reserved by the DHCP server. To override this default, create a
specific subnet rule for each subnet that needs to be handled differently.
Values 0 to 255
Default 5
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location dhcp-server-options
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The default number of IP addresses at the start of a subnet IP address space

that are reserved by the DHCP server. To override this default, create a
specific subnet rule for each subnet that needs to be handled differently.
Values 0 to 255
Default 5
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location dhcp-server-options
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG
See Also send-type

226 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



Restarts the DHCP server. A restart should only be done after making manual
changes to the DHCP server lease table. All other configuration changes done
using SNMP are automatically loaded by the server.
Values true
The server should restart by completely reloading its configuration.
This value is automatically assigned to the parameter once the restart
command has been acknowledged by the server.
Default false
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location dhcp-server-options
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The IP address of the secondary domain name server that the client should use
for DNS resolution.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location dhcp-server-subnet, dhcp-server-group, dhcp-server-host
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


Specifies that the DHCP server attempts to hand out the same IP address to
the same host, whenever possible, based on hardware address.
Values disable
Default enable
Location dhcp-server-subnet
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The time in GMT that the lease was assigned.

Values 0 to 2147483647
Location dhcp-server-lease

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 227


Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The current state of the lease.

Values init
Location dhcp-client-lease-resource
Notes Only init, verify and release can be changed.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The DHCP Subnet group ID used to indicate which address pool grouping
may be used for the CPE subnet.
Default 0 (zero)
Location dhcp-server-subnet
Products MALC


The tftp address for the current interface.

Access This parameter is read-only
Location dhcp-client-lease-resource
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The length of the vendor class identifier substring to match.

Default -1, which indicates that the entire string starting at the match offset value
should be matched.
Location dhcp-server-group
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG

228 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The offset into the client passed vendor class identifier string where the string
match should start.
Default 0 (zero)
Location dhcp-server-group
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The vendor class identifier match string that is used to determine which
clients should be placed in the group.
Default An empty string.
Location dhcp-server-group
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The version number of the current DHCP server configuration. If this value
changes, the server will reload all of its configuration rules and reinitialize
itself. Any configuration rules modified before this field is changed will not
affect the DHCP server configuration once it is reset.
Values 0 (zero) to 2147483647
Default 0 (zero)
Location dhcp-server-options
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Z-Edge, ZRG


The routing domain to which this host parameter applies.

Values A string, maximum length 255 characters.
Default The default is an empty string.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location resolver

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 229



The IP address of the first or primary name server for this routing domain.
Default The default is an empty string.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location resolver


Host name alias for specified host. The host name can be qualified or
hostname only. The maximum length for this name is 255 characters.
Location host-name


Host name alias for specified host. The host name can be either fully-qualified
or hostname only. The maximum length for this name is 255 characters.
Location host-name


Host name alias for specified host. The host name can be either fully-qualified
or hostname only. The maximum length for this name is 255 characters.
Location host-name


Host name alias for specified host. The host name can be either fully-qualified
or hostname only. The maximum length for this name is 255 characters.
Location host-name


Client host name (if any) that the client used to acquire its address.
Default The default is an empty string.
Location host-name


The IP address of this system or interface on the indicated subnet. For

unnumbered interfaces, a unique internal identifier is used.
Location host-name

230 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The type of resolver query for this routing domain.

Values hosts-first
Searches the local hosts table first, then the list of nameservers.
Searches the list of nameservers first, then the local hosts table
Searches only the list of nameservers.
Default hosts-first
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location resolver


The IP address of the secondary name server for this routing domain. This
nameserver is queried if the first nameserver cannot resolve the query. If a
secondary name server has not been defined, this field is set to
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location resolver


The IP address of the third name server for this routing domain. This
nameserver is queried if the first nameserver and the secondary nameserver
cannot resolve the query. If a third name server has not been defined, this field
is set to
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location resolver


Indicates whether ATM cell scrambling is enabled for this interface. Both
sides of the connection must agree on whether scrambling is enabled.
Values true
Cell scrambling enabled.
Cell scrambling disabled.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 231


Default true
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


Indicates whether this DS1/E1 is channelized.

Values disabled
Not currently supported.
This is a DS1 channelized into DS0s.
This is a DS2 channelized into DS1s. Not currently supported.
Default enabledDs0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds1-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The transmission vendor circuit identification number.

Values integer
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds1-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


Whether the clock source is eligible to become the transmit clock source.
Values not-eligible
The interface is not eligible to be used as the transmit clock source.
The interface can be used as the transmit clock source.
Default not-eligible
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds1-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A

232 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



Indicates whether the coset polynomial is used to calculate the ATM header
error control (HEC) value. Both sides of the connection must agree on the
method of calculating the HEC value.
Values true
The coset polynomial is used to calculate the HEC value.
The coset polynomial is not used to calculate the HEC value.
Default true
Location ds1-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The length of the CSU WAN interface in feet. This objects provides
information for line build out circuitry.
Values csu00
0 dB line build out.
-7.5 dB line build out.
-15.0 dB line build out.
-22.5 dB line build out.
Default csu00
Location ds1-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The group index to which this DS1 belongs.

Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds1-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The type of T1 interface to which the system connects.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 233


Values other
The T1 interface is neither DSX nor CSU.
The T1 interface is DSX.
The T1 interface is CSU.
Default csu
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds1-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The physical length of the T1 line. This setting is used to compensate for the
attenuation of the line due to its length.
Values dsx0
Indicates the line is 0 feet.
Indicates the line is 133 feet.
Indicates the line is 266 feet.
Indicates the line is 399 feet.
Indicates the line is 533 feet.
Indicates the line is 655 feet.
Default dsx0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds1-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


Specifies the facilities data link protocol in use.

Values other
Indicates that a protocol other than one following is used.
FDL exchange recommended by ANSI.

234 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


ESF FDL exchanges.
The device does not use the FDL.
Default fdlnone
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds1-profile
Notes Not supported on E1.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The type of Zero Code Suppression used on the interface.

Values b8zs
Bipolar 8 Zero Substitution. A specific pattern of normal bits and bipolar
violations used to replace a sequence of eight zeros. Used for T1.
High Density Bipolar of order 3. Used for E1.
Alternate Mark Inversion. No zero code suppression is present and the
line encoding does not solve the problem directly. In this application, the
higher layer must provide data which meets or exceeds the pulse density
requirements Used for T1. Also used for E1 lines, with or without CRC.
b8zs for T1
hdb3 for E1
Location ds1-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


Enables and disables line power for the DS1 interface.

Default Disabled
Location ds1-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


Whether zhoneLineStatusChange traps should be generated for this interface.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 235


Values enabled
Default disabled
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds1-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The type of DS1 line used on this circuit. The type of circuit affects the
number of bits per second that the circuit can reasonably carry, as well as the
interpretation of the usage and error statistics.
Values esf
Extended SuperFrame DS1 (T1.107).
AT&T D4 format DS1 (T1.107).
ITU-T Recommendation G.704 (Table 4a).
ITU-T Recommendation G.704 (Table 4b).
G.704 (Table 4a) with TS16 multiframing enabled.
G.704, table 4b, with TS16 multiframing and cyclic redundancy check
enabled for E1 circuits. Used for V5.2.
Default esf for T1
e1CrcMf for E1
Location ds1-profile
Notes • For more information see ITU-T Recommendation G.704.
• D4 is not supported on the BAN, MALC, or Raptor.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The loopback configuration of the DS1 interface.

Values noloop
Not in the loopback state. A device that is not capable of performing a
loopback on the interface always returns this as its value.

236 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


The received signal on this interface does not go through the device
(minimum penetration) but is looped back out.
The transmitted signal on this interface is looped back and received by the
same interface. What is transmitted onto the line is product dependent.
The received signal on this interface does not go through the device
(minimum penetration) but is looped back out.
Default noloop
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds1-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


Indicates whether the device is acting as a network-side device or CPE with

respect to this DS1 connection.
Values network
Default network
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds1-profile
Notes Z-Edge 6200 only.


Indicates what type of code is being sent across the DS1 interface by the
Values sendnocode
Sending looped or normal data. This is the only supported option for E1
Sending a request for a line loopback.
Sending a request for a payload loopback.T1 only.
Sending a loopback termination request. T1 only.
Sending a Quasi-Random Signal (QRS) test pattern. T1 only.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 237


Sending a 511 bit fixed test pattern. T1 only.
Sending a fixed test pattern of 3 bits set in 24. T1 only.
Sending a test pattern other than those described by this parameter. T1
Sending 2047 test pattern. T1 only.
Sending alternate one, zero pattern. T1 only.
Sending inband loopback command. T1 only.
Sending inband loopback off command. T1 only.
Sending line loopback command. T1 only.
Sending payload loopback command. T1 only.
Default sendnocode
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds1-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The DS1 signaling mode.

Values None
No bits are reserved for signaling on this channel.
DS1 robbed bit signaling is in use.
E1 Channel Associated Signaling is in use.
Common Channel Signaling is in use either on channel 16 of an E1 link or
channel 24 of a DS1.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds1-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A

238 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The signaling type of the FXS interfaces within this DS1 connection.
Values loopstart
Default loopstart
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds1-profile
Notes Z-Edge 6200 only.


Specifies the DS1/DS3 clocking mode.

Values looptiming
The recovered receive clock from the DS1/DS3 is used as the transmit
A local (to the DS1/DS3 interface) clock source is used on the DS1/DS3
transmit signal.
The transmit DS1/DS3 clock is derived from the recovered receive clock
of another DS1/DS3 interface. Interfaces that are designated as eligible
clock sources cannot be set to through timing.
Default looptiming (DS3) throughtiming (DS1)
Location ds1-profile, ds3-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


Whether this DS3/E3 is channelized or unchannelized. Setting this object will

cause the creation or deletion of DS2 or DS1 entries in the ifTable.
Values disabled
This interface is unchannelized.
This is a DS3 channelized into DS1s.
This is a DS3 channelized into DS2s. Not currently supported.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 239


Access This parameter is read-write.

Location ds3-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The transmission vendor’s circuit identification number

Values string of up to 255 characters
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds3-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


Which DS1/E1 on this DS3/E3 will be indicated in the remote DS1 loopback
request. The type of loopback is configured in the loopback-config
Values From 0 (zero) to 29, inclusive.
A value of 0 means no DS1s will be looped. A value of 29 means all DS1/
E1 will be looped.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds3-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The Far End Equipment Identification code that describes the specific piece
of equipment at the other end of the link. It is sent inside the Path
Identification Message.
Values A string of 0 (zero) to ten (10) characters, inclusive.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds3-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


This code identifies a specific Far End DS3 path. It is sent inside the Path
Identification Message.
Values A string of 0 (zero) to ten (10) characters, inclusive.
Access This parameter is read-write.

240 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Location ds3-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The Far End Frame Identification code that identifies where the remote
equipment is located within a building at a given location. It is sent inside the
Path Identification Message.
Values A string of 0 (zero) to 38 characters, inclusive.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds3-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The Far End Location Identification code that describes the location of the
specific piece of equipment at the other end of the link. It is sent inside the
Path Identification Message.
Values A string of 0 (zero) to eleven (11) characters, inclusive.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds3-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The Far End code that identifies the equipment location within a bay. It is sent
inside the Path Identification Message.
Values A string of 0 (zero) to six (6) characters, inclusive.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds3-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


This variable describes the variety of Zero Code Suppression used on this
interface, which in turn affects a number of interface characteristics.
Values dsx3other
Refers to the use of specified patterns of normal bits and bipolar
violations which are used to replace sequences of zero bits of a specified

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 241


High Density Bipolar of order 3. Refers to the use of specified patterns of
normal bits and bipolar violations which are used to replace sequences of
zero bits of a specified length. Used for E1 and E3.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds3-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The length of the DS3 line in meters. This parameter provides information for
line build out circuitry (if it exists) and is used to adjust the line build out.
Values From 0 to 6400 meters.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds3-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


Indicates whether line-status-trap-enable traps should be generated for this

Values enabled
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds3-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The DS3 C-bit or E3 application used on this interface. The type of interface
affects the interpretation of the usage and error statistics. DS3 transmits at a
speed of 44.736 Mbps and E3 transmits at 34.368 Mbps.
Values dsx3m23
As defined in ANSI T1.107-1988 [9].
As defined in ANSI T1.107a-1990 [9a]
Default dsx3cbitparity
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds3-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A

242 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The loopback configuration of the DS3/E3 interface.

Values dsx3NoLoop
Not in the loopback state. A device that is not capable of performing a
loopback on the interface will always return this value.
The received signal at this interface is looped through the device.
Typically the received signal is looped back for retransmission after it has
passed through the device's framing function.
The received signal at this interface does not go through the device
(minimum penetration) but is looped back out.
The sent signal at this interface is looped back through the device.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds3-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The ATM framing mode.

Values dsx3AtmFramingOther
The ATM framing format is other than PLCP or direct cell mapped.
The ATM framing format is PLCP.
The ATM framing format is direct cell mapped.
Default dsx3AtmFramingDirectCellMapped
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds3-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The E3 framing mode.

Values e3FrameOther
An option other than e3FrameG832 or e3FrameG751.
E3 framing format will be G832.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 243


E3 framing format will be G751.
Default e3FrameG832
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds3-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


Whether the DS3 scramble mode is enabled.

Values true
Scramble mode is enabled.
Scramble mode is disabled.
Default true
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds3-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


Indicates what type of code is being sent across the DS3 interface by the
Values dsx3SendNoCode
Sending looped or normal data.
Sending a request for a line loopback.
Sending a request for a payload loopback. (All T1/E1s in the DS3.)
Sending a loopback termination request.
Sending a request to loopback a particular DS1/E1 within a DS3/E3
frame. The DS1/E1 is indicated in ds1-for-remote-loop parameter.
Sending a test pattern.
Default dsx3SendNoCode
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds3-profile

244 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


Specifies the DS1/DS3 clocking mode.

Values looptiming
The recovered receive clock from the DS1/DS3 is used as the transmit
A local (to the DS1/DS3 interface) clock source is used on the DS1/DS3
transmit signal.
The transmit DS1/DS3 clock is derived from the recovered receive clock
of another DS1/DS3 interface. Interfaces that are designated as eligible
clock sources cannot be set to through timing.
Default looptiming (DS3) throughtiming (DS1)
Location ds1-profile, ds3-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


Specifies whether the unit is configured as a CO or CPE device.

Default For a BAN, the default is CO. For a Z-Edge, the default is CPE.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ds3-profile
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A
See Also config-line-rate, fix-bit-enabled


The SDSL line rate.

Values line-rate-144kbps, line-rate-160kbps, line-rate-192kbps,
line-rate-208kbps, line-rate-224kbps, line-rate-256kbps,
line-rate-272kbps, line-rate-320kbps, line-rate-368kbps,
line-rate-384kbps, line-rate-400kbps, line-rate-416kbps,
line-rate-528kbps, line-rate-768kbps, line-rate-784kbps,
line-rate-1040kbps, line-rate-1152kbps, line-rate-1168kbps,
line-rate-1536kbps, line-rate-1552kbps, line-rate-1568kbps,
line-rate-2320kbps, line-rate-176kbps, line-rate-240kbps,

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 245


line-rate-288kbps, line-rate-304kbps, line-rate-336kbps,

line-rate-352kbps, line-rate-432kbps, line-rate-464kbps,
line-rate-496kbps, line-rate-560kbps, line-rate-592kbps,
line-rate-624kbps, line-rate-656kbps, line-rate-688kbps,
line-rate-720kbps, line-rate-752kbps, line-rate-816kbps,
line-rate-848kbps, line-rate-880kbps, line-rate-912kbps,
line-rate-944kbps, line-rate-976kbps, line-rate-1008kbps,
line-rate-1072kbps, line-rate-1104kbps, line-rate-1136kbps,
line-rate-1200kbps, line-rate-1232kbps, line-rate-1264kbps,
line-rate-1296kbps, line-rate-1328kbps, line-rate-1360kbps,
line-rate-1392kbps, line-rate-1424kbps, line-rate-1456kbps,
line-rate-1488kbps, line-rate-1520kbps, line-rate-1584kbps,
line-rate-1616kbps, line-rate-1648kbps, line-rate-1680kbps,
line-rate-1712kbps, line-rate-1744kbps, line-rate-1776kbps,
line-rate-1808kbps, line-rate-1840kbps, line-rate-1872kbps,
line-rate-1904kbps, line-rate-1936kbps, line-rate-1968kbps,
line-rate-2000kbps, line-rate-2032kbps, line-rate-2064kbps,
line-rate-2096kbps, line-rate-2128kbps, line-rate-2160kbps,
line-rate-2192kbps, line-rate-2224kbps, line-rate-2256kbps,
Default line-rate-1552kbps
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sdsl-config


The connection mode compatibility.

Values basic-2b1q-mode
The basic operating mode.
The globespan mode, when the CO and the CPE can have different rates
that sync on the lower rate.
The operating mode compatible with Copper Mountain products.
The operating mode compatible with FlowPoint Corporation equipment.
Default flowpoint-mode
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sdsl-config


The 21 bit value corresponding to the decoder coefficient A.

Default The ANSI HDSL2 default

246 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Access read-write
Location hds12-config


A 21 bit value corresponding to the decoder coefficient B.

Default The ANSI HDSL2 default
Location hds12-config


Normally, if the central office (CO) and CPE select different line rates at
startup, the lower of the two rates is selected. The fix-bit-rate parameter
enables a CO unit to override the default procedure and require startup at the
rate specified in config-line-rate.
Values fix-bit-disable
This value enables automatic baud rate adaption. If the CO and CPE
devices have different line rates at startup, the lower of the two rates will
be selected.
This value is used for static (set) baud rates.
Default fix-bit-disable
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sdsl-config profile
Notes This setting applies only if the unit is configured as a CO device.
See Also config-line-rate, unit-mode


A 10-bit number indicating the frame sync word used.

Default The HDSL2 standard.
Location hdsl2-config


Specifies the type of framer used.

Values atm-clear-channel
Uses direct cell mapping
Uses DLCC framing specification.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 247


Uses framing specified in G.991.1
Default atm-clear-channel
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sdsl-config


Specifies whether a line status trap should be sent whenever the DSL line
goes up or down. Note that this setting does not apply to line status traps sent
during system bootup. During bootup, line status traps are not sent.
A DSL link down trap has a moderate severity level and a link up trap has a
low severity.
Values enabled
DSL line status change traps should be generated for this interface.
DSL line status change traps will not be generated for this interface.
For ADSL, a trap is generated on a line status change which is not due to
a dying gasp.
Default enabled


The DSL type supported on this interface.

Values shdsl
SHDSL. Not compatible with shdsllatest firmware.
SDSL. Not compatible with sdsllatest firmware.
Compatible with future versions of firmware code. Required for
Compatible with future versions of firmware code. Required for
Default shdsllatest
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location dsl-config
Notes Refer to the release notes for your device firmware revision levels.

248 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



Network timing recovery (NTR) specifies that the system synchronizes with
an external (network) clocking source.
Values ntr-enable
the system synchronizes with the network.
the system relies on its own clocking source.
Default ntr-disable
Location sdsl-config


Specifies whether the interface is point-to-point.

Values true
Default false
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ip-interface-record
Notes Configure DSL interfaces as pointtopoint.


Adjusts transmit power in small increments to compensate for minor

differences in power between units. The formula for the adjustment is:

Power scale = 29952 * 10([adjustment in dB]/ 20)

The following values are recommended for different loop lengths.
Values 17664
For loop lengths from 0 to 10 feet (0 to 3.05 meters). Corresponds to
For loop lengths less than 4000 feet (1219.2 meters). Corresponds to
For loop lengths greater than 4000 feet (1219.2 meters). Corresponds to
Default 29952
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sdsl-config

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 249



A four bit number for the stuff bits. The default is the HDSL2 standard,
Default The HDSL2 standard, 1111'b.
Location hdsl2-config, hdsl2-status


The number of Loss of Framing seconds on a DSL interface within any given
15 minutes performance data collection period, which causes the SNMP agent
to send a trap. Entering 0 will disable the trap.
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location dsl-alarm


The number of Loss of link seconds on a DSL interface within any given 15
minutes performance data collection period, which causes the SNMP agent to
send a trap. Entering 0 will disable the trap.
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location dsl-alarm


The number of Loss of signal seconds on a DSL interface within any given 15
minutes performance data collection period, which causes the SNMP agent to
send a trap. Entering 0 will disable the trap.
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location dsl-alarm


Whether the transmit power backoff defined in the HDSL2 standard is used.

250 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Values backoffdisable
Default backoffdisable
Location hdsl2-config


Specifies whether the unit is configured as a Central Office (CO) or Customer

Premise Equipment (CPE) device.
Values co
Default cpe
Location dsl-config


The upstream DSL rate in bps on the interface.

Access This parameter is read-only
Location dsl-status-profile
See Also down-rate


Defines a number of services for transporting audio traffic and signaling over
an AAL2 CID.
Values enabled
Default enabled
Location aal2-elcp-port


ISDN BRI ports.

Values 0
D channel and POTS

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 251


First B channel
Second B channel
Location subscriber-voice-aal2-elcp


The line group ID for this ELCP AAL2 connection.

Location subscriber-voice-aal2-elcp


Maximum length for frame mode data.

Location aal2-elcp-port


Indicates the maximum size of the SSSAR-SDU, in octets, that is allowed to

be reassembled.
Location aal2-elcp-port


Voice encoding algorithm.

Values mulaw
Default alaw
Location aal2-elcp-port


Identifies a port on the IAD side for this ELCP AAL2 connection.
Location subscriber-voice-aal2-elcp


The port type for the IAD port for the current connection.
Location subscriber-voice-aal2-elcp

252 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



Index for the preferred audio encoding format within the Audio Profile.
Values 1
Used for G.711 encoding
Used for G.726 encoding
Default 1
Location aal2-elcp-port


This describes the connection type between the two voice endpoints. Where
applicable the first endpoint refers to the line or premise side of the
connection and the second endpoint refers to the central office side of the
Values aal2togr303
AAL2 VPI/VCI/CID to GR-303 interface group/CRV.
AAL2 VPI/VCI/CID to V5.2 interface/user port.
ECLP AAL2 to V5.2.
POTs to AAL2.
ISDN to V5.2 interface/user port
POTS to GR-303 interface group/CRV.
POTS to V5.2 interface/user port.
ELCP AAL2 VPI/VCI/portId/portType to V52.
Location subscriber-voice

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 253



The administrative status of the Ethernet physical and logical interface.

Values Up
The interface is enabled and up, and the status of the interface should
become standby or operational
The interface is disabled and down, and the status of the interface should
become shutdown.
Location ether


The capabilities of the Ethernet interface that are advertised by this port. Note
that multiple options can be specified by adding a plus (+) sign between
This parameter also controls flow control, which is used to regulate the flow
of traffic between endpoints. Flow control cause the transmitter to stop
sending traffic if it receives a pause message from an overwhelmed far end.
For more information on flow control refer to IEEE 802.3-2000.
Values bOther
Other or unknown
Advertise 100BASE-T4
Advertise 100BASE-T2 half duplex mode
Advertise 100BASE-T2 full duplex mode
Advertise speed 10Mbps, duplex half and full
Advertise speed 10Mbps, duplex full
Advertise 100BASE-TX half duplex mode
Advertise 100BaseX
Advertise speed 100Mbps, duplex half and full

254 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Advertise 100BASE-TX full duplex
Advertise 100BaseX full duplex
Advertise speed 100Mbps, duplex full
Advertise 1000BaseX full duplex
Advertise 1000Mbps, duplex full
1000BaseX full duplex
Advertise speed 1000Mbps, duplex full
Advertise pause for full duplex links
Advertise Full (symmetric and asymmetric) flow control
Advertise Asymmetric flow control
Advertise Symmetric flow control


Enables autonegotiation. When enabled, the interface will negotiate the

options specified in the autoNegCap parameter.
Values enabled
Negotiate link attributes with remote partner. Final link rate, duplex, and
flow control, are determined by the advertised capabilities on each end.
The link will settle on a speed/duplex based on the hierarchy described in
the IEEE 802.3-2000 document.
Do not negotiate. Link speed and duplex will be forced to the parameters
indicated in the 'mauType' field. If the other end does not advertise those
parameters (when in autonegotiate mode), or if the other end wants to
force the link to a different speed/duplex combination, there will no link.
Default enabled
Location ether
Notes If set to disabled, the interface is the same as specified in the ifType

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 255



Determines which side of the link will provide clocking for the link.
If both sides are configured for automatic, both ends of the link negotiate
which will be the master and which will be the slave based on the rules in
IEEE 802.3-2000. If both sides are configured the same (either as master or as
slave) the link will not be established.
Values automatic
The clock source is selected based on the rules in the IEEE 802.3-2000.
This is the recommended setting.
The local side will attempt to provide clock for the link.
The local will attempt to recover clock from the clock generated by the far
end of the link.
Default automatic
Location ether
Notes Applies to Gigabit Ethernet ports only.


The type of Ethernet. Should be set to the same value as the mauType.
Values mauOther
Supported on UTP
Supported on UTP
Supported on UTP
Supported on UTP
Supported on UTP
Supported on UTP
Supported on UTP
Supported on UTP
Supported on fiber

256 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Supported on fiber
Not supported
Not supported
Location ether


Ethernet physical interface type.

Values mauOther
Supported on UTP
Supported on UTP
Supported on UTP
Supported on UTP
Supported on UTP
Supported on UTP
Supported on UTP
Supported on UTP
Supported on fiber
Supported on fiber
Not supported
Not supported
Default mau100basetxfd (for all Ethernet interfaces except Gigabit)
mau1000baselxfd (Gigabit Ethernet)
Location ether

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 257



The protection messages fast timer. The fast timer is used for protection
Values 1 to 20 milliseconds
Default 10 milliseconds


This timer indicates how often the node sends out slow status messages when
a protection event occurs. This value is in 50 millisecond (ms) intervals. For
example, a value of 100 equals 5 seconds.
Values 1 to 200 (in 50 millisecond units)
Default 20 (1 second)


The length of time in seconds, to remain in the protection state, after the cause
for the switch to protection is removed. This prevents protection switch
Values 0 to 1440 seconds
Default 10 seconds


Indicates the state of the remote end of the Ethernet link.

Values noerror
Link is operating normally.
Other end is not attempting to establish a link.
Failed to establish a link. This could be caused by different settings on
either end of the link.
Failed to establish a link because a matching combination could not be
found in the advertised autonegotiation capabilities.
Location ether


Forces auto-negotiation to begin link renegotiation. If auto-negotiation

signaling is disabled, this parameter has no effect.

258 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Values restart
Forces auto-negotiation to begin link renegotiation. The Ethernet
interface also renegotiates the link whenever the ether profile is saved.
This value is not supported.
Location ether


The reversion mode determines if traffic resumes processing in the normal

direction after a protection event is cleared.
Values true


Indicates the configured protection mode, steering or wrapping, in a MAC

that supports both modes.
If the node detects another station on the ring that has a protection
configuration that conflicts with its own, the station will generate a defect to
higher layers.
Values true
The ring is configured for wrapping. The station will perform wrap
protection during ring failures. In a wrapping configuration, the two
nodes on either end of the disrupted link will “wrap” the traffic back away
from the broken link.
The ring is configured for steering. In a steering configuration, each node
of the ring is responsible for determining how to route traffic around the
disrupted link. For large networks, traffic could be slower to recover if
steering is used.


The signaling type of foreign exchange office (FXO) interface.

Values fxoloopstart
Loop start.
Ground start.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 259


Dial Pulse Terminating. This option allows the unit to attach to incoming
one way trunks from a PBX, key system, or a telephone set.
Default fxoloopstart
Location analog-fxo-cfg-profile


Specifies the terminating impedance of analog voice interfaces.

Values ohms600complex
600 Ohms + 2.16uF
900 Ohms + 2.16uF
Default ohms900complex
Location analog-if-cfg-profile


Specifies whether the FXS/FXO port should send the idle pattern to the
network upon declaration of a Carrier Group Alarm (CGA) on the WAN link
to which the port is assigned.
Values off
Default idle
Location analog-if-cfg-profile


Indicates the maintenance modes of the analog voice interface.

Values off
Default off
Location analog-if-cfg-profile


Line encoding.

260 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Values alaw
For E1.
For T1.
Default mulaw
Location analog-if-cfg-profile
Notes This parameter can also be set with the voice add command when the voice
connection is created.


The receive TLP is the signal level TO the customer premises equipment
(CPE). The receive signal range is +3 dB to -9 dB. A positive number adds
gain, a negative number adds loss to the analog signal after decoding from
PCM. For example, a receive TLP setting of -6 dB will generate a voice signal
at -6 dB level.
Values fxsrtlpn9db
(not supported on the POTS 900 card)
(not supported on the POTS 900 card)
Default fxsrtlpn6db
Location analog-if-cfg-profile

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 261



Receive Transmission Level Point (RTLP) settings control the amount gain or
loss added to the incoming signal after it is decoded to analog. To increase the
signal level set the RTLP setting to higher values. The default is 0 dB.
Values -160 to 85 (in tenths of dB)
Default 0 dB
Location analog-if-cfg-profile


The transmit TLP is the signal level from the customer premises equipment
(CPE). The transmit signal range is +9 dB to -3 dB. A positive number adds
loss, a negative number adds gain to the analog signal before encoding to
PCM. For example, a transmit TLP setting of +3 dB will set a loss of 3 dB to
generate a 0 dB PCM signal.
Values fxsTtlp9db
(not supported on the POTS 900 card)
(not supported on the POTS 900 card)
Default fxsttlp0db
Location analog-if-cfg-profile


Transmit Transmission Level Point (TTLP) controls the amount of gain or

loss added to a voice signal before it is encoded to digital PCM. To increase
the signal level, reduce the TTLP setting to lower value.

262 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Values -175 to 70 (in tenths of dB)

Default 0 dB
Location analog-if-cfg-profile


Specifies whether ring back is requested.

Values on
Default off
Location analog-fxs-cfg-profile


The ring frequency used in the FXS interface.

Values ringFrequency25
Ring frequency of 25 Hz.
Ring frequency of 50 Hz.
Ring frequency of 20 Hz
Ring frequency of 30 Hz.
Default ringFrequency20
Location analog-fxs-cfg-profile


The signaling of the FXS interface.

Values fxsLoopStartsloop
Loop start.
Ground start.
Used with equipment requiring fast response time to the Central Office
Used with equipment requiring fast response time to the station or private
branch exchange (PBX).

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 263


Loop start in FXSDN mode.
Ground start in FXSDN mode
Ground start immediate in FXSDN mode
Loop start in fxsdnwink (Foreign Exchange Subscriber Defined Wink
start). This is the same type of signaling as FXSDN. It provides 150
millisecond delay, then a 200 ms wink acknowledgement to the central
office when the FXS port sees an off-hook condition from central office.
The system requires a ringing generator for this option.
Ground start in FXSDNWINK mode
Ground start immediate in FXSDNWINK mode.
TR08 is Frame format signaling and data link as defined in
TR-TSY-00008 Mode 1 for circuits using AT & T SLC-96 facilities. This
option is for single-party service. This option connects the port to one
way outgoing trunks from a PBX, CENTEREX, key system, or telephone
set to an SLC channel. The SLC96 mode also must be active on the
associated WAN interface.
Toll-quality voice for SLC-96.
Used with some non-Bell switches for SLC-96.
Default fxsLoopStartsloop
Access This parameter is read-write
Location analog-fxs-cfg-profile


The line group identifier for the POTS line, equal to the ifIndex of the line.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice-pots

264 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



A value that is received from a remote management system (Zhone

Management System) to place the unit in service or out of service.
Values inService
Default outOfService
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location gr303-interface-group


The channel number for this array.

Values 1 to16, inclusive


The time that the Integrated Digital Terminal (IDT) and the Remote Digital
Terminal (RDT) will wait for a reply to a SETUP message. This value
depends upon the IDT.
Values 700, 1200, 1700, 2200, 2700, 3200, 3700, 4200, or 4700 ms.
Default 700
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location gr303-ig-control-channel


The time that the RDT will wait for a reply to a SETUP message after the
expiration of the T303 timer.
Values 700, 1700, 2700, 3700, 4700, 5700, 6700, 7700, 8700, 9700, 10700, 11700,
12700, 13700, or 14700 ms.
Default 14700
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location gr303-ig-control-channel

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 265



The GR-303 IG control channel array. This array includes the

control-channel-t303, control-channel-t396,
sapi-0-max-outstanding-frames, sapi-1-max-outstanding-frames,
sapi-0-n-200, sapi-1-n-200, sapi-0-t-200, sapi-1-t-200, sapi-0-t-203,
sapi-1-t-203, sapi-0-pps-mode, and sapi-1-pps-mode parameters.
Location gr303-interface-group


The array for T1/DS1 circuits. The maximum number of DS1 trunks allowed
per IG is 28. This array includes the dsn-lg-id, channel-number, and role
Location gr303-interface-group


The administrative state of the IDT on the remote side of the GR-303
Values inService
The default for Call Reference Values (CRV) whose IG has
working-mode set to passive.
The default for CRVs whose IG has working-mode set to active.
Default outOfService
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location gr303-ig-crv


The administrative state of the CRV on the local (RDT) side.

Values inService
Default outOfService
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location gr303-ig-crv


This is an unique number to identify each physical DS1 within an Interface

Group between RDT and IDT.

266 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Values 1 to 28, inclusive.

Access This parameter is read-write.
Location gr303-interface-group
Notes The DS1 Logical ID must have a value in the range of 1..28. The value 1 is
reserved for the primary DS1 and cannot be used by any other DS1s.


A name assigned by the installer. It must be unique to the system. This value
is a string.


The administrative state of the RDT on the local side of the GR-303 interface.
Values inService
Default outOfService
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location gr303-ig-crv


The administrative state of the CRV on the remote (IDT) side.

Values inService
The default for CRVs whose IG has working-mode set to passive.
The default for CRVs whose IG has working-mode set to active.
Access This parameter is read-only.
Location gr303-ig-crv


The role the DS1 line assumes.

Values payload
Default payload
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location gr303-interface-group

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 267



For SAPI=1 and SAPI=2, for both the active and standby data links, per IG,
the maximum number of outstanding EOC information frames at layer 2. This
LAPD parameter facilitates remote provisioning of the layer 2 connection.
Values 1 to 10, inclusive.
Default 7
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location gr303-ig-control-channel


For SAPI=1 and SAPI=2, for both the active and standby data links, per IG,
the maximum number of retransmissions for a frame at layer 2. This LAPD
parameter facilitates remote provisioning of the layer 2 connection.
Values 1 to 10, inclusive.
Default 3
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location gr303-ig-control-channel


The DS1 protection switching option.Facility protection switching enables

traffic on a failed DS1 to be moved to one or more alternate DS1 facilities.
Values inhibit
Default notInhibited
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location gr303-ig-control-channel


For SAPI=1 and SAPI=2, for both the active and standby data links, per IG,
the maximum layer 2 wait time for an acknowledgement of a transmitted
frame in milliseconds. This LAPD parameter facilitates remote provisioning
of the layer 2 connection.
Values 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, or 350.
Default 150
Access This parameter is read-write.

268 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Location gr303-ig-control-channel


For SAPI=1 and SAPI=2, for both the active and standby data links, per IG,
the maximum layer 2 idle time, in seconds, before connection verification is
necessary. This LAPD parameter facilitates remote provisioning of the layer 2
Values 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180,
190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290, or 300.
Default 30
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location gr303-ig-control-channel


For SAPI=1 and SAPI=2, for both the active and standby data links, per IG,
the maximum number of outstanding TMC information frames at layer 2.
This LAPD parameter facilitates remote provisioning of the layer 2
connection. (This parameter is not supported.)
Values 1 to 7, inclusive.
Default 7
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location gr303-ig-control-channel


For SAPI=1 and SAPI=2, for both the active and standby data links, per IG,
the maximum number of retransmissions for a frame at layer 2. This LAPD
parameter facilitates remote provisioning of the layer 2 connection. (This
parameter is not supported)
Values 1 to 10, inclusive
Default 3
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location gr303-ig-control-channel


The DS1 protection switching option. Facility protection switching enables

traffic on a failed DS1 to be moved to one or more alternate DS1 facilities.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 269


Values inhibit
Default notInhibited
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location gr303-ig-control-channel


For SAPI=1 and SAPI=2, for both the active and standby data links, per IG,
the maximum layer 2 wait time for an acknowledgement of a transmitted
frame in milliseconds. This LAPD parameter facilitates remote provisioning
of the layer 2 connection.
Values 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, or 350.
Default 150
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location gr303-ig-control-channel
Notes Unsupported


For SAPI=1 and SAPI=2, for both the active and standby data links, per IG,
the maximum layer 2 idle time, in seconds, before connection verification is
necessary. This LAPD parameter facilitates remote provisioning of the layer 2
Values 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180,
190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290, or 300.
Default 30
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location gr303-ig-control-channel
Notes Unsupported


The signaling method used by the CRV. This value is set by the voice switch
through the EOC or it is set in the gr303-ig-crv profile.

270 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Values unknown
Default loopstart
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location gr303-ig-crv


The switch vendor for the Interface Group (IG).

Values unknown
Default unknown
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location gr303-interface-group


Indicates whether the Integrated Digital Terminal (IDT) can configure the
Remote Digital Terminal (RDT) for Call Reference Values (CRV) using
common management information service (CMIS) over the Embedded
Operations Channel (EOC).
Values active
The IDT can configure the RDT for CRV over the EOC channel.
CRVs can only be configured locally.
Default passive
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location gr303-interface-group


The default value for the upper ifIndex associated with the upperiftype.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 271


Values up
Default down
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location if-default


The interface number of the port or port/subport that uniquely identifies the
interface across the system.
Access This parameter is read-only.
Location physical-to-ifindex, if-translate


Name of the interface.

Allowable characters are:
WXYZ:.- and _.
.Do not begin if-name with a ".".
If an invalid character is used, it will be replaced with the "-" character. If the
repaired if-name is not unique, the ifIndex value is appended to the if-name to
make the name unique.
Access This parameter is read-only.
Location if-translate


The Zhone-proprietary interface type.

Values ianaiftype_other
Default zhoneiftype_none
Access This parameter is read-only.
Location if-translate

272 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



Number of units for this association. This indicates the number of ifIndexes
created for this particular upper and lower interface pair on the card type. For
example, 48 for the SDSL/SHDSL card.
Values 0 to 2147483647, inclusive
Access This parameter is read-only.
Location if-default


Indicates whether the interface is a physical layer.

Values true
The interface is a physical layer.
The interface is a not a physical layer.
Default false
Access This parameter is read-only.
Location if-translate


The port number defines the physical port number at the shelf-slot location for
the line profile. Port numbers begin with 1 and are numbered sequentially.
Values 1 to 262143, inclusive
Access This parameter is read-only
Location if-translate
Notes 0 (zero) is invalid.


For physicals, this parameter is a weight value indicating which physical will
be the active and which physical will be the standby for redundancy. For
linegroups and pathgroups, this parameter indicates how to perform reversion.
Values -1
Do not revert the redundancy switch.
Revert back to the restored connection as soon as it is available.
Positive number
Number of seconds to wait after the restored connection is available until
reverting back to that connection.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 273


Access This parameter is read-write

Location if-translate


The physical address or number of the shelf where the desired line is located.
A Zhone system is limited to a maximum of 255 shelves. The first shelf in a
system is shelf 1.
Access This parameter is read-only.
Location if-translate


The physical slot on the system.

Values 1 to 17, inclusive
Location if-translate


Used to identify multiple logical subports on a physical port.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Location if-translate
Notes A value of 0 (zero) indicates that there is no subport.


The symmetry of the Inverse Multiplexing over ATM (IMA) group.

Symmetry determines whether the transmit and receive sides of the IMA link
must be configured and how traffic is sent over the links.
Values symmetricOperation
Both transmit and receive IMA links must be configured and the system
can transmit and receive traffic only if both sides of the connection are
Both transmit and receive IMA links must be configured, but the system
can transmit and receive traffic even if both sides of the connection are
not active.

274 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Transmit and receive links do not have to be configured and the system
can transmit and receive traffic even if both sides of the connection are
not active.
Default symmetricOperation
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ima-group-profile
Notes Refer to ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section


Minimum number of transmit links required to be Active for the IMA group
to be in the Operational state. If the number of active links falls below this
value, the link drops and the redundant link (if any) takes over.
Values 1 to 32
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ima-group-profile
Notes Refer to ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section
Products MALC


Minimum number of receive links required to be active for the IMA group to
be in the operational state. If the number of active links falls below this value,
the link drops and the redundant link (if any) takes over.
Values 1 to 32
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ima-group-profile
Notes Refer to ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section


Transmit clocking mode used by the near-end IMA group.

Values itc
Independent Transmit Clock. Indicates that IMA links do not all use the
same transmit clock. Each IMA link derives clock from its associated T1
Common Transmit Clock. Indicates the transmit clock of all IMA links
are derived from the same source. When set to ctc, the MALC derives the
IMA clocking from the system clock.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 275


Default itc
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ima-group-profile
Notes Refer to ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 7.


The IMA ID currently in use by the near-end IMA function.

Values 0 to 255
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ima-group-profile
Notes Refer to ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section


The frame length to be used by the IMA group in the transmit direction. Can
only be set when the IMA group is startup.
Values m32
32 cells.
64 cells.
128 cells.
256 cells.
Default m128
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ima-group-profile
Notes Refer to ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section


The maximum number of milliseconds of differential delay among the links

that can be tolerated on this interface.
Values 0 to 100
Default 25
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ima-group-profile
Notes Refer to ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 9.2 on page 45.

276 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The number of consecutive invalid ICP cells allowed before the system
changes from a Sync state to a Hunt state.
Values 1 or 2
Default 2
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ima-group-profile
Notes Refer to ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 11 on page 68


The number of consecutive ICP cells with errors allowed before the system
changes from a Sync state to a Hunt state.
Values 1 to 5
Default 2
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ima-group-profile
Notes Refer to ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 11.


The number of consecutive valid ICP cells allowed before the system changes
from a PreSync state to the Sync state.
Values 1 to 5
Default 1
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ima-group-profile
Notes Refer to ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 11.


Indicates the interface used to transmit the test pattern. The test pattern is
looped back from the far end device over each active link in the IMA group.
Note that this value is not the same as the txImaId value.
Values A valid interface on the system in the form shelf-slot-port-subport/type
This is the link whose link identifier (LID) value is inserted in the Tx LID
field of the transmitted ICP cells.
Default 0

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 277


Access This parameter is read-write.

Location ima-group-profile
Notes Refer to ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 13.


Specifies the transmit Test Pattern in an IMA group loopback operation. A

value in the range 0 to 254 designates a specific pattern.
Values -1 to 254
-1 indicates that the test pattern is randomly generated.
Default -1
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ima-group-profile
Notes Refer to ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 13.


Enables or disables the Test Pattern Procedure.

Values disabled
Deactivates the test pattern procedure.
Activates the test pattern procedure.
Default disabled
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ima-group-profile
Notes Refer to ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 13.


The ifIndex of the receive timing reference link to be used by near-end for
IMA data cell clock recovery toward the ATM layer. A value of 0 (zero)
indicates no link has been configured in the IMA group, or the receive timing
reference link has not yet been detected.
Values 0
Default 0
Location ima-group-profile
Notes This parameter is not supported.

278 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The ifIndex of the transmit timing reference link to be used by near-end for
IMA data cell clock recovery toward the ATM layer. A value of 0 (zero)
indicates no link has been configured in the IMA group, or the receive timing
reference link has not yet been detected.
Values 0
Default 0
Location ima-group-profile
Notes This parameter is not supported.


The address of the IP interface.

Location ip-interface-record


A second IP address for this device that can be used by managers to address
the device. This address may be an IP address of an existing IP interface.
Location system
Notes A manager can communicate with the device using any of the configured IP
interface addresses. However, if the physical line fails or the card is inactive,
communication with the manager may time-out.


The IP broadcast address used for sending data grams on the (logical)
interface associated with the IP interface. The broadcast address is determined
by the IP address and the netmask. It should always be set to an IP address
which is the network address of the interface that has all ones in the host
portion of the address.
Location ip-interface-record


Specifies whether broadcasts are enabled on this interface.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 279


Values yes
Default yes
Location ip-interface-record


The destination address for point-to-point IP interfaces.

Location ip-interface-record
Notes This parameter is ignored if the IP interface is not point-to-point.


Enables or disables DHCP server functionality.

Values true
Default false
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ip-interface-record
Notes If this parameter is set to true, then ipaddrdynamic parameter has to be set to
static. If this parameter is set to false, then ipaddrdynamic parameter can be
set to static, ppp, or dhcpclient.
See Also ipaddressdynamic


The index of the egress filter spec provisioned for this interface.
Values 0 to 2147483647, inclusive
A value of 0 (zero) means that there is no egress filter provisioned for this
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write
Location ip-interface-record


Specifies the administrative state of the static route.

Values enabled
The static route is used by the system to make forwarding decisions.

280 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


The static route is not used by the system to make forwarding decisions.
Default enabled
Location static-route


The IP address of the interface on the far end, or receiving end, of this
interface. This information is used for Zhone Automatic Provisioning (ZAP).
Access This parameter is read-write
Location ip-interface-record


The mode by which the IP address is discovered by the system.

Values static
The IP address is static.
The IP address is discovered from a DHCP server.
Use PPP to obtain an IP address.
Default static
Access This parameter is read-write
Location ip-interface-record
See Also dhcpserverenable


Specifies whether IP forwarding is enabled on this interface.

Values true
Default true
Access This parameter is read-write
Location ip-interface-record


The index of the ingress filter spec provisioned for this interface.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 281


Values 0 to 2147483647, inclusive

A value of 0 (zero) means that there is no ingress filter provisioned for
this interface.
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write
Location ip-interface-record


This value specifies where to borrow the local IP address of the

point-to-multipoint link.
Location ip-unnumbered-record


A local (or private) address of a host behind the Z-Edge 64, which is the real
Location pat-bind


The port number on the local host where packets should be forwarded.
Location pat-bind


The maximum number of unique multicast (video) streams to which this

interface has subscribed.
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ip-interface-record


List of Mcast-control-ids this IP Interface record is associated with.

Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ip-interface-record


Specifies whether multicast is enabled on this interface.

282 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Values true
Default true
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ip-interface-record


Specifies whether multicast forwarding is enabled on this interface.

Values true
Default true
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ip-interface-record


Metric for the route. The meaning of this value when static routes are
redistributed to other protocols is protocol-dependent, and the resulting value
after redistribution is determined by the route-maps in use for that protocol.
Lower numeric values for this number indicate more preferred routes.
Default 2147483647
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location static-route


The size, in octets, of the largest packet which can be received on the IP
interface. For interfaces used for network data grams, this is the size of the
largest network datagram that can be received on the interface.
The default value depends on the type of interface and is the same as the
default MTU for the interface.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ip-interface-record


Multicast aging period (in tenths of seconds) for the specified VLAN. After
the specified aging period is met, the VLAN address is deleted from the
routing table.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 283


Values 0 to 2147483647 (in tenths of seconds)

A value of 0 indicates that aging is turned off.
Access This parameter is read-create.
Location static-bridge


Specifies whether NAT is enabled on this interface.

Values true
Default false
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ip-interface-record


The subnet mask associated with the IP interface. The value of the mask is an
IP address with all the network bits set to 1 and all the hosts bits set to 0.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location dhcp-server-subnet, ip-interface-record


The type of payload.

Values tcp
Transmission control protocol.
User datagram protocol.
Default tcp
Location pat-bind


The IP address that will be used in the Internet. (This should be the IP address
of the DSL connection.)
Location pat-bind


The port on the Internet side that the public sees.

284 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Location pat-bind


The routing domain to which the IP interface belongs. An IP address is unique

to a routing domain.
Location ip-interface-record


The size of the largest IP datagram that this interface can reassemble from
fragmented IP datagrams this interface receives.
Values 0 (zero) to 65535, inclusive
Default 65535
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ip-interface-record


The DHCP subnet group ID. It indicates which address pool grouping may be
used for the CPE subnet.
Location ip-interface-record, dhcp-server-subnet


Defines the video stream type.

Values normal
Join and leave when desired. Used for video.
always on
Always joined. Meant for Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) channel.
Not meant for video.
Join and leave after task complete. For example, used to download the tv
guide. Not meant for video.
Default normal
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location mcast-control-entry


The index of the ip-unnumbered-record used to obtain the local-side

unnumbered address.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 285


Location ip-interface-record


The value of ifType corresponding to the higher sublayer of the relationship,

that is, the sublayer that runs on top of the sublayer identified by the
corresponding instance of loweriftype.
Location if-default


The shelf-slot-port-subport/type of the upper layer in the interface stack.

Location if-stack


The Virtual LAN Identifier for the IP Interface. If the VLAN ID specified is
non-zero, all traffic destined to this interface should be configured with this
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ip-interface-record
Products MALC


The envelope function starting address that the ISDN primary rate access is
assigned to.
Values 0 to 8175, inclusive.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-interface-group


If the user port is configured for ISDN, this parameter is equal to the
associated C-path ID that carries Ds-type data. A value of 0 (zero) indicates
that the user port is not configured to carry Ds-type data.
Values 0 to 48, inclusive.
Access This parameter is read-write.

286 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Location v52-user-port


Identifies the physical line or line group (primary and redundant secondary)
used for data and voice traffic. This is a unique number that is assigned when
a line redundancy group is provisioned. This enables administrators to locate
the physical lines (defined by the line group entry ID) used by the subscriber.
The line-group-id is used to associate a subscriber with data and voice
subscriber profiles.
Location subscriber-voice-isdn


Identifies the ULC port provisioning. There is one entry per ULC port.
Values pots
Default isdn
Location ulc-config
Notes isdn is the only supported option.
Products MALC


Enables the sending of line-level traps from the device to SNMP managers.
Values enabled
Default disabled
Location ulc-config
Products MALC


The channel identifier for the connection.

Values 0
Not applicable. This is the value for POTS.
D channel

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 287


B channel
B channel
Default 0 (none)
Location subscriber-voice-isdn


The line group identifier for the ISDN line, equal to the ifIndex of the line.
Use the linegroup command to find the line group ID for an interface.
Location subscriber-voice-isdn


Defines the type of ISDN channel: D channel or B channel.

Values isdndchannel
Location subscriber-voice-isdn


Specifies the ifindex of the physical line to be tested. If no line is being tested,
this value is 0.
Values A physical interface on the system.
In the format shelf-slot-port-subport/type
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location mtac-profile
Notes This parameter cannot be modified while a test is in progress.
The ability of a physical line to support a metallic test may vary depending on
the cards installed and the external test equipment.
Products MALC


The ifIndex of the interface from which clock can be derived. Only OC3,
DS1, and DS3 interfaces can be used for this interface.

288 Zhone CLI Reference Guide

Network Time Protocol

This interface will be used to drive the 8Khz backplane signal. The interface
must be set to loop or local timing in order for it to be considered as the
primary clock source. It must also be administratively turned on and be in an
operational state.
Only one interface in the system can be the primary clock source at any given
Values externalRingSourceLabel
Default internalRingSourceLabel
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location system


Specifies metallic test mode for a given line. The test mode can be changed
only if the ifIndex parameter is set to a nonzero value.
Values mtacModeBridge
The subscriber line is metallically connected to the MTAC test access port
while the subscriber is in service. To avoid service interruption, the test
head must be in high impedance (bridge) mode.
The subscriber line is disconnected and the service port is metallically
routed to the MTAC test access port. This allows the testing of the device
service port using a external test head or where the test head represents
the subscriber terminal.
The device service port is disconnected and the subscriber line is
metallically routed to the MTAC test access port. This allows the testing
of line with or without a subscriber terminal.
No MTAC test is in progress.
Default mtacModeNone
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location mtac-profile
Products MALC

Network Time Protocol


The IP address of the primary Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 289


NTP, described in RFC 2030, synchronizes devices on the network with a

timing source. When NTP is enabled, setting the system time with the
setdatetime command is not allowed.
The device will get the time from the NTP server every hour. If the system
clock has drifted more than 9 seconds from the source clock, the system time
will be reset.
Values A valid IP address
A value of disables NTP.
Location ntp-client-config
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The IP address of the secondary NTP server. If the primary NTP server is not
available, the BAN will use the secondary server.
Values A valid IP address
A value of disables NTP.
Location ntp-client-config
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


The time zone the device is operating in.

Values internationalDateLineWest
GMT-12:00 hours

290 Zhone CLI Reference Guide

Network Time Protocol


Zhone CLI Reference Guide 291


Default gmt
Location ntp-client-config
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


Auto-learn enable flag. This sets up password-protection on the connection

between OLT and ONU.
Values oltautolearndisable
You must set a password for the connection between OLT and ONU.
The OLT automatically learns the password for the connection between
OLT and ONU.
Default oltautolearndisable
Location olt-config


The sum of the guaranteed-bw and maximum-bw parameter values for all
the ports should be less than or equal to the upstream bit rate (155 Mb/second)
of the PON OLT card.
Location olt-traf-cont
Notes The guaranteed-bw and maximum-bw parameter values in the olt-traf-cont
profile must be a multiple of 63.
The guaranteed-bw and maximum-bw parameter values in the olt-traf-cont
profile should be equal.

292 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The sum of the guaranteed-bw and maximum-bw parameter values for all
the ports should be less than or equal to the upstream bit rate (155 Mb/second)
of the PON OLT card.
Location olt-traf-cont
Notes The guaranteed-bw and maximum-bw parameter values in the olt-traf-cont
profile must be a multiple of 63.
The guaranteed-bw and maximum-bw parameter values in the olt-traf-cont
profile should be equal.


ONU remote-device password.

Location olt-onu-config


ONU remote-device serial number. Usually the ZRG.

Location olt-onu-config


Enable or disable Asynchronous Control Character Map (ACCM)

Values enabled
Default disabled
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp


Enable or disable Address and Control Field Compression (ACFC)

Values enabled
Default disabled

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 293


Access This parameter is read-write.

Location ppp-lcp


The dialing string used for a callback. The format of this string is determined
by callback-type.
Values 0 to 0
Default empty string
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp
Notes This object only applies when callback negotiation is enabled using


Enable or disable callback negotiation. Provides a method for an

implementation to request a dial-up peer to call back.
Values enabled
Default disabled
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp


The method of determining the location to callback.

Values byauth
Location is determined by authorization information.
Location is determined by a dialing string.
Location is determined by a location ID.
Location is determined by an E.164 number.
Location is determined by a distinguished name.
Default byauth
Access This parameter is read-write.

294 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Location ppp-lcp
Notes These objects only apply when callback negotiation is enabled using


Indicates where the PPP call is initiated.

Values nocall
No call is initiated.
Call is initiated remotely.
Call is initiated locally.
Default nocall
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-interface


Enables or disables Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP).

Values enabled
Default disabled
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-auth


The username for authenticating with the CHAP protocol.

Default empty string
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-auth


The password for authenticating with the CHAP protocol.

Default empty string
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-aut

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 295



Indicates whether the slot identifier field may be compressed.

Values enabled
The slot identifier may be compressed.
The slot identifier must not be compressed. All compressed TCP packets
must set the C bit in every change mask, and must include the slot
Default disabled
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-ncp


Enable or disable Frame Check Sequence (FCS) alternative negotiation. The

negotiated FCS values take effect only during Authentication and
Network-Layer Protocol phases.
Values enabled
Default disabled
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp


The size of the Frame Check Sequence (FCS) in bits, the local node will
attempt to negotiate for use with the remote node.
Values 16
Default 16
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp
Notes Regardless of the value of this object, the local node will comply with any
FCS size negotiations initiated by the remote node, per the PPP specification.
Changing this parameter will take effect when the link is next restarted.


Indicates which type of framing is used.

296 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Values atmllc
Default atmllc
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-interface


The initial Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) that the local PPP entity will
advertise to the remote entity.
Values 128 to 65535
Default 1500
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp
Notes If set to 0 the local PPP entity will not advertise any MRU to the remote entity
and the default MRU will be assumed.
Changing this object will have effect when the link is next restarted.


Enable or disable IP Address Negotiation.

Values enabled
Default disabled
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-ncp


Sets the IP compression option.

Values none
The local node will not attempt to negotiate any IP compression.
The local node will attempt to negotiate Van Jacobson TCP/IP header
Default none
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-ncp

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 297


Notes See RFC 1332 for more information on Van Jacobson compression.
Changing this parameter will take effect when the link is next restarted.


The index value of the ip-interface-record associated with this PPP

authentication record.
Values 0 to 2147483647
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-auth
Notes If this entry is to be used for incoming authentication, this object must be set
to a non-zero value.


The unique identifier of the line group which uses this authentication data.
Values 0 to 2147483647
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-auth, ppp-interface


Indicates which type of connection is used.

Values atm
Default atm
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-interface


The Link Quality Reporting period that the local PPP entity will attempt to
negotiate with the remote entity, in units of hundredths of a second.
Values 1000 to 99999
Default 0

298 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Access This parameter is read-write.

Location ppp-lcp
Notes Changing this parameter will take effect when the link is next restarted.


Enable or disable Link Quality Report (LQR) status.

Values enabled
The local node will attempt to perform LQR negotiation with the remote
LQR negotiation is not performed.
Default disabled
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp
Notes Changing this parameter will take effect when the link is next restarted.
See RFC 1333 for more information on Link Quality Reporting.


Enables or disables Password Authentication Protocol (PAP).

Values enabled
Default disabled
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-auth


The number used in magic number negotiation. When set to zero, a random
number will be used for the magic number. This allows us to better prevent
having two devices with the same magic number.
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp


Enable or disable magic number negotiation.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 299


Values false
Magic number negotiation is not performed.
The local node will attempt to perform magic number negotiation with the
remote node.
Default false
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp, ppp-ncp
Notes Changing this parameter will take effect when the link is next restarted.


Number of Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration retries without

response before the link is brought down.
Values 1 to 999
Default 10
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp


Number of times a Configuration Negative Acknowledgment is sent before a

Configuration Reject is sent
Values 1 to 999
Default 10
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-ncp


The number of padded bytes at the end of data. This is used for
Self-Describing Padding, a method for placing unambiguous padding octets at
the end of the PPP Information field in order to cause messages to fall on a
natural boundary.
Values 1 to 255
Default 4
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp
Notes See Self-Describing Padding in RFC 1570.

300 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



Number of times a Configuration Negative Acknowledgment is sent before a

Configuration Reject is sent.
Values 1 to 999
Default 10
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp


The maximum slot ID for Van Jacobson TCP/IP header compression.

Values 3 to 16
Default 3
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-ncp
Notes The ip-comp-protocol parameter must be set to vj-tcp to enable Van
Jacobson TCP/IP header compression. See RFC 1332 for more information
on Van Jacobson compression.


Number of Link Control Protocol (LCP) termination retries without response

before the link is brought down.
Values 1 to 999
Default 2
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp


Number of IP termination retries without response before the session is

brought down.
Values 1 to 999
Default 2
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-ncp

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 301



Enable or disable Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) negotiation.

Values enabled
Default enabled
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp


The maximum number of channels allowed on this interface.

Values 1
Default 1
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-interface
Notes Only one channel is supported.


Enable or disable Numbered Mode negotiation.

Values enabled
Default disabled
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp
Notes From RFC 1663: “The Link Control Protocol (LCP) Numbered-Mode
Configuration Option negotiates the use of Numbered-Mode on the link. By
default or ultimate disagreement, Unnumbered-Mode is used.”


The password used for authenticating with the PAP protocol.

Default empty string
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-auth
Notes The pap-peer-id and pap-password values must be entered as strings with
single quotes. After the ppp-auth record is saved, the pap-peer-id and

302 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


pap-password values will be converted to hexadecimal values. For example,

the string ‘test’ will be returned as 74:65:73:74.


The username for authenticating with the PAP protocol.

Default empty string
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-auth
Notes The pap-peer-id value must be entered as a string with single quotes. After
the ppp-auth record is saved, the pap-peer-id value will be converted to
hexadecimal values. For example, the string ‘test’ will be returned as


Enable or disable Protocol Field Compression (PFC) negotiation.

Values enabled
Default disabled
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp


The link Quality Protocol used.

Values lqr
Default lqr
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp
Notes The only valid quality protocol is LQR.


Enable or disable incoming authentication.

Values enabled
Default enabled
Access This parameter is read-write.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 303


Location ppp-lcp
Notes This parameter provides a method to negotiate the use of a specific protocol
for authentication.


Number of seconds before retransmission of an Link Control Protocol (LCP)

Values 1 to 999
Default 3
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp


The Asynchronous Control Character (ACC) map that the local PPP entity
requires for use on its receive side. In effect, this is the ACC map that is
required in order to ensure that the local modem will successfully receive all
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp
Notes Changing this parameter will take effect when the link is next restarted.


Enable or disable Self-Describing Padding (SDP) negotiation.

Values enabled
Default disabled
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp


The identity (PAP peer ID or CHAP name) used with send-auth-protocol to

look up the outgoing authentication information.
Default empty string
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp

304 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The preferred protocol used for incoming authentication.

Values pap
Default pap
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp
Notes If receive-auth-enable is enabled, the authentication protocol will be
negotiated with the peer.


Number of seconds before retransmission of an IP packet.

Values 1 to 999
Default 3
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-ncp


Enable or disable outgoing authentication.

Values enabled
Default disabled
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp


The protocol used with send-auth-identity to look up the outgoing

authentication information.
Values pap
Default pap
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 305



Indicates whether the authentication is valid or invalid.

Values valid
Default valid
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-auth
Notes Setting this parameter to invalid causes the information for that record to
become invalidated. Calls using the authentication information from an
invalidated record will not be accepted or initiated.


The Asynchronous Control Character (ACC) map that the local PPP entity
requires for use on its transmit side. In effect, this is the ACC map that is
required in order to ensure that all characters can be successfully transmitted
through the local modem.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-lcp
Notes Changing this parameter will take effect when the link is next restarted.


The Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI) value for the PPP VCL.
Values 0 to 65535
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-interface
Notes See RFC 2515 for more information.


The Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) value for the PPP VCL.
Values 0 to 4095
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location ppp-interface
Notes See RFC 2515 for more information.

306 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



Operational state of Routing Information Protocol (RIP) for all routing

domains on the system.
Values disabled
Default enabled
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location rip-global-config
Notes This parameter can also be set using the rip enable command.


The RIP 2 authentication key. The key is in hexadecimal, and must be less
than 16 octets (32 hex digits). If a string shorter than 16 octets is supplied, it
will be left- justified and padded to 16 octets, on the right, with null characters
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location rip-if-config
Notes auth-key is not valid if auth-type is set to none.


The type of authentication that is used when receiving RIP packets on this
Values md5
An MD5-encrypted string is used for the authentication as specified in
RFC 1321.
The authentication key is sent in clear text.
No authentication.
Default none
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location rip-if-config

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 307



The metric for the default route entry in RIP updates that is transmitted from
this interface. A value of 0 (zero) indicates that the system does not originate a
default route. In this case, a default route from another router can be
propagated. The default is set using the metric in the received update.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location rip-if-config


This variable specifies whether to send poison reverse updates on this

interface. Poison reverse updates are used to prevent larger loops within the
network by setting the metric (cost) of neighboring routes to infinity. This will
prevent two-hop loops.
Values disabled
Prevents poison reverse updates on this interface.
Allows poison updates to be sent on this interface.
Default disabled
Location rip-if-config
Notes By default, RIP uses a technique called split horizon to avoid routing loops
and allow smaller update packets. Split horizon specifies that when a RIP
update is sent out to a particular network interface, it should not include
routing information acquired over that same interface. Poison Reverse is a
variation of the split horizon technique that specifies that all routes are
included in an update out a particular interface, but that the metric is set to
infinity for routes acquired over that interface. One drawback is that routing
update packet sizes are increased when using poison reverse.


Which version of RIP updates the system accepts.

Values ripv1
Only RIP version 1 updates compliant with RFC 1058 are accepted.
Only RIP version 2 updates compliant with RFC 1388 are accepted. This
setting implies acceptance of multicast packets.
Either RIP version 1 or version 2 updates are accepted. This setting
implies acceptance of multicast packets.
No RIP updates are accepted.

308 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Default ripv1orripv2
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location rip-if-config
See Also send-type


Identifies any local fault indications that this media access unit (MAU) has
detected and will advertise at the next auto-negotiation interaction for
1000Mbps MAUs.
Values noerror
Location rip-if-config


The type of RIP updates the system sends on this interface.

Values donotsend
No RIP updates are sent on the interface.
RFC 1058 compliant RIP updates.
RIP-2 updates using route inclusion rules as specified in RFC 1058.
RIP-2 updates multicast updates.
Demand RIP on the WAN interface using RIP version 1 rules as specified
in RFC 1582.
Demand RIP on the WAN interface using RIP version 2 rules as specified
in RFC 1582.
Default ripv1compatible
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location rip-if-config
See Also receive-type

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 309



The number of triggered RIP updates actually sent on this interface. This
number does not include full updates sent containing new information.
Location rip-if-config


The IP address that the system will use as a source address on this interface. If
it is a numbered interface, this must be the interface IP address. On
unnumbered interfaces, it must be the IP address for some interface on the
This must be the same value as ipIfAddr (from ZHONE-IP-REC-MIB).
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location rip-if-config


Specifies whether to advertise static routes.

Values none
No static routes are advertised.
Advertise only low preference static routes.
Advertise only high preference static routes.
Advertise both high and low preference static routes.
Default none
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location rip-if-config


The time in seconds between transmissions of RIP updates on all interfaces

within a routing domain.
Default 30 seconds, which follows RFC 1058 and subsequent RIP RFCs.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location rip-global-config

310 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The RIP version number in the header of the last RIP packet received from a
Values 0 to 255, inclusive
Access This parameter is read-only.
Location rip-peer

This section describes the RS232 parameters. These parameters are used to
configure the serial craft port settings.


The serial craft port input speed in bits per second (bps).
Values 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location rs232-profile
Notes rs232PortInSpeed must match rs232PortOutSpeed.
Products BAN, MALC


The serial craft port output speed in bits per second (bps).
Values 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location rs232-profile
Notes rs232PortOutSpeed must match rs232PortInSpeed.
Products BAN, MALC


The serial craft port type of input flow control.

Values ctsRts
Access This parameter is read-write.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 311


Location rs232-profile
Products BAN, MALC


The serial craft port type of output flow control.

Values ctsRts
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location rs232-profile
Products BAN, MALC


The serial craft port number of bits in a character.

Access This parameter is read-write.
Location rs232-profile
Products BAN, MALC


The serial craft port number of stop bits.

Values dynamic
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location rs232-profile


The serial craft port sense of a character parity bit.

312 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Values even
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location rs232-profile
Products BAN, MALC


Specifies whether the port automatically senses input speed.

Values disabled
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location rs232-profile
Notes Only disabled is supported.
Products BAN, MALC


This parameter is used to help achieve a low frequency wander and jitter
between network and DSL system clock. This value can only be set on
devices configured as CO in the dsl-config profile.
Values -100 to 100 (in parts per million)
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location shdsl-config

shdsl-config-line-rate (2-wire G.SHDSL card)

The line rate. If the shdsl-fix-bit-rate parameter is enabled, the line will
attempt to train at this rate. Note that the DSL modem uses 8kbps for ATM
framing and other ATM overhead, so that effective line rate is 8kbps less than
the configured rate.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 313


Values line-rate-72kbps, line-rate-80kbps, line-rate-136kbps, line-rate-144kbps,

line-rate-200kbps, line-rate-208kbps, line-rate-264kbps,
line-rate-272kbps, line-rate-328kbps, line-rate-336kbps,
line-rate-392kbps, line-rate-400kbps, line-rate-456kbps,
line-rate-464kbps, line-rate-520kbps, line-rate-528kbps,
line-rate-584kbps, line-rate-592kbps, line-rate-648kbps,
line-rate-656kbps, line-rate-712kbps, line-rate-720kbps,
line-rate-776kbps, line-rate-784kbps, line-rate-840kbps,
line-rate-848kbps, line-rate-904kbps, line-rate-912kbps,
line-rate-968kbps, line-rate-976kbps, line-rate-1032kbps,
line-rate-1040kbps, line-rate-1096kbps, line-rate-1104kbps,
line-rate-1160kbps, line-rate-1168kbps, line-rate-1224kbps,
line-rate-1232kbps, line-rate-1288kbps, line-rate-1296kbps,
line-rate-1352kbps, line-rate-1360kbps, line-rate-1416kbps,
line-rate-1424kbps, line-rate-1480kbps, line-rate-1488kbps,
line-rate-1544kbps, line-rate-1552kbps, line-rate-1608kbps,
line-rate-1616kbps, line-rate-1672kbps, line-rate-1680kbps,
line-rate-1736kbps, line-rate-1744kbps, line-rate-1800kbps,
line-rate-1808kbps, line-rate-1864kbps, line-rate-1872kbps,
line-rate-1928kbps, line-rate-1936kbps, line-rate-1992kbps,
line-rate-2000kbps, line-rate-2056kbps, line-rate-2064kbps,
line-rate-2120kbps, line-rate-2128kbps, line-rate-2184kbps,
line-rate-2192kbps, line-rate-2248kbps, line-rate-2256kbps,
line-rate-2312kbps, line-rate-2320kbps, line-rate-2368kbps
Default line-rate-2320kbps
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location shdsl-config

shdsl-config-line-rate (4-wire G.SHDSL card)

The line rate. If the shdsl-fix-bit-rate parameter is enabled, the line will
attempt to train at this rate. Note that the DSL modem uses 8kbps for ATM
framing and other ATM overhead, so that effective line rate is 8kbps less that
the configured rate.
Values line-rate-4w-384kbps line-rate-4w-512kbps line-rate-4w-640kbps
line-rate-4w-768kbps line-rate-4w-896kbps line-rate-4w-1024kbps
line-rate-4w-1152kbps line-rate-4w-1280kbps line-rate-4w-1408kbps
line-rate-4w-1536kbps line-rate-4w-1664kbps line-rate-4w-1792kbps
line-rate-4w-1920kbps line-rate-4w-2048kbps line-rate-4w-2176kbps
line-rate-4w-2304kbps line-rate-4w-2432kbps line-rate-4w-2560kbps
line-rate-4w-2688kbps line-rate-4w-2816kbps line-rate-4w-2944kbps
line-rate-4w-3072kbps line-rate-4w-3200kbps line-rate-4w-3328kbps
line-rate-4w-3456kbps line-rate-4w-3584kbps line-rate-4w-3712kbps
line-rate-4w-3840kbps line-rate-4w-3968kbps line-rate-4w-4096kbps
line-rate-4w-4224kbps line-rate-4w-4352kbps line-rate-4w-4480kbps
Default line-rate-2320kbps

314 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Access This parameter is read-write.

Location shdsl-config


21 bit value corresponding to the decoder coefficient A or B, as defined in the

G.991.2 standard. Note that the default value is bit-reversed, when compared
against the recommended polynomials in the G.991.2 standard. Thus when
you enter the 21-bit value, it should be written bit-reversed also.
Values 0 to 2097151
Default 366 (for shdsl-decoder-coeffA)
817 (for shdsl-decoder-coeffB)
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location shdsl-config


The version of the DSP/Framer VLSI in the transceiver.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Location shdsl-status


The firmware release number.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Location shdsl-status


Normally, if the CO side and CPE side select different line rates at startup, the
lower of the two rates will be selected. By using the fix bit rate the CO side
can override the default procedure and require startup at the rate specified in
the shdsl-config-line-rate.
Values fix-bit-disable
This value enables automatic baud rate adaption, where the DSL modem
will train at the best achievable rate. If the CO and CPE devices have
different line rates at startup, the line will train up to the highest rate
supported by both devices.
This value is used for static (set) baud rates. With this option, the line will
attempt to connect at the rate configured in the shdsl-config-line-rate.
Default fix-bit-disable

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 315


Access This parameter is read-write.

Location shdsl-config
Notes This parameter is applicable only if unit-mode is co.


The 14 bit frame sync word (FSW).

Values From 0 to 65535
Default 45
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location shdsl-config
Notes Not currently supported.


Determines the clocking on the SHDSL line.

Values ntr-local-osc
The line uses the system’s internal clock. Also known as local timing.
The line uses an 8KHZ clock derived from a timing source such as a T1
Default ntr-local-osc
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location shdsl-config
Notes Circuit Emulation Service (CES) transports TDM circuits over ATM
networks. For CES-based services: change ntr default setting of ntr-local-osc
to ntr-refck-8KHz in the shdsl-config profile.
SHDSL lines configured with the shdsl-ntr parameter set to ntr-refck-8khz
will not sync if a system clock source is not enabled in a
system-clock-profile. To enable clocking:
zSH> update system-clock-profile 1-17-1-0/ds1
Please provide the following: [q]uit.
system-clock-eligibility: -> {false}: true
system-clock-weight: ------> {5}:
Save changes? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: s
Record updated.

316 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



Reduces the transmit power in small increments to compensate for minor

differences in power between units. The formula for the adjustment is:

Power scale = 26112 * 10([adjustment in dB]/ 20)

The following values are recommended for different loop lengths.
Values 17664
For loop lengths from 0 to 10 feet (0 to 3.05 meters). Corresponds to
For loop lengths less than 4000 feet (1219 meters). Corresponds to
For loop lengths greater than 4000 feet (1219 meters). Corresponds to
Default 29298
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location shdsl-config


This value identifies if the STU is being used as a repeater.

Values noChangeRepeater
Default repeaterDisable
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location shdsl-config


Determines the SHDSL standards.

Values annex-a
G.991.2 Annex A. Typically used in the United States.
G.991.2 Annex B. Typically used outside the United States.
Default annex-a
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location shdsl-config

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 317



Specifies the minimum desired target margin in dB for the local line
conditions during startup. Used to negotiate the bit rate during startup.
Values 0 to 10
Default 6
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location shdsl-config


Indicates if transmit power backoff is used on the other end of the loop. When
enabled, the transmit power is reduced in steps of 1dB from 0 to 6 dB
according to the received power.
Values backoffDisable
Default backoffEnable
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location shdsl-config


This setting disables or enables 4-wire-framing.

Values four-wire-disable
Four wire framing is disabled. Use this setting for the 2 wire SHDSL card.
Sends one bit on channel 1, then one bit on channel 2, as described in the
ITU-T G.991.2, section E.2.
sends one byte on channel 1, and then one byte on channel 2, as described
in ITU-T G.991.2, section E.7
Sends 12 bytes on channel 1, 12 bytes on second channel 2.
Default four-wire-disable
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location shdsl-config

318 Zhone CLI Reference Guide

Sechtor 100A environmental

Sechtor 100A environmental


The lower threshold for thermometer A in degrees Celsius. When

thermo-a-temperature is below this value, thermo-a-operational-status is
below the lower threshold, and a trap is generated.
Values Valid range is -10 to 5 degrees Celsius
Default -5 degrees Celsius
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location s100-environment-profile


The lower threshold for thermometer B in degrees Celsius. When

thermo-b-temperature is below this value, thermo-b-operational-status is
below the lower threshold, and a trap is generated.
Values Valid range is -10 to 5 degrees Celsius
Default -5 degrees Celsius
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location s100-environment-profile


The upper threshold for thermometer A in degrees Celsius. When

thermo-a-temperature is above this value, thermo-a-operational-status is
greater than the upper threshold and a trap is generated.
Values Valid range is 45 to 80 degrees Celsius
Default 65 degrees Celsius
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location s100-environment-profile


The upper threshold for thermometer B in degrees Celsius. When

thermo-b-temperature is above this value, thermo-b-operational-status is
greater than the upper threshold and a trap is generated.
Values Valid range is 45 to 80 degrees Celsius.
Default 60 degrees Celsius
Access This parameter is read-write.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 319


Location s100-environment-profile


Displays the access list associated with the community name, indicating
which IP addresses are allowed to use this community name.
The value 0 indicates that no address checking is performed; all SNMP
requests are allowed with the access right specified by the permissions
Location community-access-profile, community-profile


Community name to be sent in all traps sent to this destination.

Location community-profile


The IP address from which a management connection to the device can be

Location community-access-profile, malicious-caller


The number of sequence errors within any given 15-minute performance data
collection period, which causes the SNMP agent to send an
aal2PerfCellLossThreshTrap. One trap will be sent per interval per interface.
Values 0 to 900
Default 0 (will disable the trap)
Location aal2-vcl-profile
Products Sechtor 100A


The number of congestion events within any given 15-minute performance

data collection period, which causes the SNMP agent to send an
aal2PerfCongestionThreshTrap. One trap will be sent per interval per

320 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Values 0 to 900
Default 0 (will disable the trap)
Location aal2-vcl-profile
Products Sechtor 100A


Specifies whether the device reports traps to the trap destination.

Values enabled
Default enabled
Location trap-destination


The IP address destination for traps.

Location trap-destination


The lowest-level severity level of the traps reported to the trapdestination.

Values critical
Default low
Location trap-destination


The type of trap to be sent to this trapdestination. This parameter is currently


Zhone CLI Reference Guide 321


Values catAdmin
Location trap-destination


Administrative status of the APS object.

Values inService (1)
outOfService (2)
Default outOfService (2)
Access This parameter is read-create.
Location aps-channel


The configured name of the APS group.

Access This parameter is read-write.
Location aps-channel


A unique channel number within an APS group. The value 0 indicates the null
channel. The values 1-14 define a working channel. If the SONET LTE is not
part of an APS group this value is set to -1
Access This parameter is read-only.
Location aps-channel


Determines whether high or low priority SD and SF codes are used in K1

requests. This field is only applicable if the channel is to be included in a
group using the 1:n architecture. It is not applicable if the channel is to be
included in a group using the 1+1 architecture and is ignored in that case.

322 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Default low
Access This parameter is read-create.
Location aps-channel


The value of sysUpTime at the time APS was configured.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Location aps-group


The directional mode of the APS group.

Values unidirectional
The unidirectional mode provides protection in one direction.
The bidirectional mode provides protection in both directions.
Default unidirectional
Access This parameter is read-create.
Location aps-group


Enables or disables the transfer of extra traffic on the protection channel in a

1:n architecture. This object must be set to disabled if the architecture is 1+1.
Default disabled
Access This parameter is read-only.
Location aps-group


The protection architecture of the APS group.

Values onePlusOne (1)
Access This parameter is read-only.
Location aps-group


The revertive mode of the APS group.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 323


Values nonrevertive)
After a protection switch, traffic remains on the protection line until
another switch request is received.
After a protection switch, when the condition that caused a switch to the
protection line is cleared the signal switches back to the working line.
Default nonrevertive
Access This parameter is read-create.
Location aps-group


The Signal Degrade Bit Error Rate. The negated value of this number is used
as the exponent of 10 for computing the threshold value for the Bit Error Rate
(BER). For example, a value of 5 indicates a BER threshold of 10^-5.
Default 6
Access This parameter is read-create.
Location aps-group


The Signal Failure Bit Error Rate. The negated value of this number is used as
the exponent of 10 for computing the threshold value for the Bit Error Rate
(BER). For example, a value of 5 indicates a BER threshold of 10^-5.
Default 3
Access This parameter is read-create.
Location aps-group


The Wait To Restore period in seconds. After clearing a condition that

necessitated an automatic switch, the wait to restore period must elapse before
Default 300
Access This parameter is read-create.
Location aps-group


Whether internal clocking can be recovered from an external source.

324 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Values enabled
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sonet-profile


The clocking source.

Values external155mhz
Transmit clock synthesized from an external 155.52 MHz source.
Uses the recovered receive clock as the transmit clock.
Ether uses a local clock source or an external clock is attached to the
device containing the interface.
Uses a transmit clock derived from the recovered receive clock of another
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sonet-profile


The SONET scramble mode at the cell level.

Values true
Cell level scramble mode is enabled.
Cell level scramble mode is not enabled.
Default true
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sonet-profile


The SONET circuit identifier, determined by the system installer.

Values string of up to 260 characters
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sonet-profile

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 325



The line coding for the SONET interface.

Values sonetMediumOther
Used for STS-1 and STS-3 electrical SONET/SDH signalling.
Used for STS-1 and STS-3 electrical SONET/SDH signalling.
Non-Return to Zero. Used for optical SONET/SDH signals.
Return to Zero. Used for optical SONET/SDH signals.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sonet-profile


The SONET scramble mode at the line level.

Values true
Line level scramble mode is enabled.
Line level scramble mode is not enabled.
Default true
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sonet-profile


The line type for the SONET interface.

Values sonetShortSingleMode
Short range single mode fiber.
Multimode fiber.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sonet-profile


How the SONET loopback is configured.

326 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Values sonetnoloop
SONET circuit, with no loop.
All incoming data on the Rx interface is retransmitted out of the Tx
interface. Used to check the circuit between a remote device and the
Zhone device and to test the Zhone device optical module.
All of the data transmitted on the Tx interface is also internally looped
back to the Rx interface. Used to verify that the ATM and PHY layers are
All incoming data on the Rx interface is retransmitted out of the Tx
interface. Used to check the circuit between the IAD and a remote unit
and to verify that the optical module and the SONET PHY are working.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sonet-profile


Whether the SONET cell scramble mode is enabled.

Values true
Scramble mode is enabled
Scramble mode is not enabled.
Default true
Access This parameter is read-write
Location sonet-profile


The type of SONET signaling.

Values sonet
Synchronous Optical Network (North America)
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (Europe)
Default sonet
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sonet-profile

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 327



The type of SONET/SDH path.

Values sts1
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sonet-profile


The maximum line rate that can be supported by the subscriber line. This rate
is determined by several factors including the distance the subscriber is from
the CO, the copper facilities to the subscriber, and the type of IAD installed.
This value is determined by the service provider.
Values 0 to 2147483647, inclusive.
Access This parameter is read-write
Location subscriber


Identifies the type of IAD used by the subscriber.

Values zedge64s
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber


The line group identifier. Use the lineGroup command to find this value.


The maximum line rate (in bits per second) that the subscriber is provisioned
to receive from the service provider. This value is the total line rate or
bandwidth of the subscriber connection, including voice and data.
Values 0 to 2147483647, inclusive.
Access This parameter is read-write.

328 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Location subscriber


Subscriber name.
Location subscriber


An administratively defined name used to aid operators identify subscribers in

the system. The name is not used by the system, it is only for operator
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber


Unique service provider ID. This value is used throughout the management
system to link parameters with customers or service providers.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber


Indicates whether the specified user has tools privileges.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Notes Use the adduser and updateuser commands to configure user accounts.


The administrative state of this connection.

Values enabled
Default disabled
Location subscriber-voice

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 329



The country or region this system is operating in. This parameter sets A-Law
Mu-Law companding and sets the ring frequency for the trunk side interface
of the device. These settings are in accordance with ITU-T E.180 and ITU-T
E.180 Supplement 2.
Values australia, belgium, brazil, egypt, estonia, etsi, finland, france, germany,
hongkong, ireland, italy, japan, korea, malaysia, mexico, spain, sweden,
taiwan, uk, unitedarabemirates, us
Default us
Access This parameter is read-write
Location system


Indicates whether the system is permitted to generate authenticationFailure

traps. The value of this parameter overrides any configuration information
and provides a means to disable all authentication Failure traps.
Access This parameter is read-write
Location system


The IP address of this system. Independent of the different IP interfaces

configured and what is active, a manager uses this address to communicate
with the system.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location system


Indicates whether the specified user has manuf(acturing) privileges.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Notes Use the adduser and updateuser commands to configure user accounts.


The total number of cards in the system.

Access This parameter is read-only.

330 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Location system


The number of shelves in the system.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Location system


The access level associated with the community name:

Values noAccess
Restricts the community name any access to this device.
Allows read access to all parameters except administrator access
Allows read and write access to all parameters except administrator
access parameters.
Allows read and write access to all parameters on this device.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location community-profile


The address of the interface from which the system 8khz backplane clock can
be derived. Only active OC3 and DS3 interfaces can provide system clock.
Values Any active DS1, DS3, or OC3 interface.
Default 0/0/0/0/0
If set to the default, the system uses its internal clock.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location system
Notes Only one interface in the system can be the primary clock source at a time.
The interface that provides the clock source must be set to loop timing or local
timing (DS3 interface).
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 331



Redundant clock sources are revertive by default. If a standby clock source

becomes active after the failure of a primary clock source, the system will
revert to the primary clock source after that clock source becomes active
again. Note that the clock source must be active for 30 seconds before the
system will revert back to the primary clock source.
Values true
Default true
Access read-write
Location system
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A


Ring voltage source selection (internal or external).

Values internalRingSourceLabel
Select internal ring generator (located within MTAC) as source for ring
voltage to line cards.
Select external ring generator (input connector located on MTAC) as
source for ring voltage to line cards.
Default internalRingSourceLabel
Location system


An advisory lock used to allow several cooperating SNMPv2 entities, all

acting in a manager role, to coordinate their use of the SNMPv2 set
operation.This parameter is used for coarse-grain coordination.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location system


Bit array from 0-255 (32 8-bit bytes) that are present in the system.
Access This parameter is read-only.
Location system

332 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node,
together with information on how to contact this person.
Values If no contact information is known, the value is a zero-length string.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location system


The physical location of the device.

Values If the location is unknown, the value is a zero-length string.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location system


An administratively-assigned name for this managed node. By convention,

this is the node's fully-qualified domain name.
Values If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location system


Specifies user access level.

Location user-profile


The administrative status of the V5.2 interface group, user port or link.
Values inservice
Takes the group, port, or link out of service, but not until all calls are

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 333


Causes the v52 interface to shut down for a period of time, then go
through the startup procedure. When restart is complete, the V5.2
interface should go back to the previously configured admin status before
it was set to restart.
According to ETSI EN 300 347-1 V2.2.2, a system must be shut down for
95 seconds before it can be returned to service.
Default outOfService
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-user-port, v52-interface-group, v52-link

block (V5.2 user port)

A user port can be blocked by the access network for non urgent or urgent
configuration or reconfiguration. If the port is routed through a V5.2 interface
to a local exchange, then the block request is granted by the local exchange
through the V5 interface only, to avoid interference with call setup, calls in
progress or with calls being cleared.
Values blocked
The user port can be unblocked by either accelerated port alignment
(group unblocking) and by sequential port alignment.
The user port can be unblocked by either accelerated port alignment
(group unblocking) and by sequential port alignment except active ports
will not be blocked until all of the calls are completed.
The user port will be unblocked regardless of its previous port block state.
The user port cannot be unblocked by accelerated port alignment
unblocking, but can be unblocked by sequential blocking.
Default blocked
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-user-port

block (V5.2 link)

This parameter controls the link blocking function. The Access Node (AN)
requests that the link be blocked, the Local Exchange (LE) evaluates the
request, releases the connection, then reestablishes semipermanent and
preconnected connections.
E1 trunks are added in a blocked state and must be unblocked by the LE
before they are operational, and an E1 must be administratively blocked by
the LE before it can be deleted.

334 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Values deferredBlocked
Wait to block the link until there are no active calls.
Block the link after approval is received from the LE.
The link is blocked by the AN without approval from the LE.
Unblock the link.
Default unblocked
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-link


This parameter is set to activated to request that the V5.2 link ID on the AN
side be checked with the LE side link ID. When the check- id is finished, this
value is notActivated.
A link identification check can only be started when the V5.2 link is
operational, and can be initiated from either the AN or LE side. (The LE
request has priority over any AN initiated requests to avoid request collision.)
Values activated
Default notActivated
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-link


When this parameter is set to valid, the C-path is active.

Values valid
Location v52-interface-group


Describes the line group ID associated with the E1 link. Use the lineGroup
command to find the line group ID.
Values 1 to 16, inclusive
Location v52-interface-group

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 335


id (V5.2 link)

The V5.2 link identifier. Assigned by the Local Exchange (LE).

Values 0 to 255, inclusive
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-link

id (V5.2 path)

The ID number of the communications path.

Values 0 to 255
Location v52-path


The number of inbound calls completed over the V5.2 IG.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Location v52-stats-current, v52-stats-interval, v52-stats-total
Notes PerfCurrentCount


The start address for ISDN users. When ISDN users are added, they must
have an address greater or equal to this one. This value must match the value
on the switch.
Values 0 to 8175, inclusive
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-interface-group


If the user port is configured for ISDN, this parameter is equal to the
associated C-path ID that carries Ds-type data. A value of 0 (zero) indicates
that the user port is not configured to carry Ds-type data.
Values 0 to 48, inclusive
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-user-port

336 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



If the user port is configured for ISDN, this parameter is equal to the
associated C-path ID that carries f-type data. A value of 0 (zero) indicates that
the user port is not configured to carry f-type data.
Values 0 to 48, inclusive.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-user-port


If the user port is configured for ISDN, this parameter is equal to the
associated C-path ID that carries p-type data. A value of 0 (zero) indicates that
the user port is not configured to carry p-type data.
Values 0 to 48, inclusive.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-user-port


Specifies the length of time that a V5.2 link must be in a framed state before
the interface declares that the link is in service. This value should be less than
the equivalent value that is provisioned in the LE.
Values 50 to 10000, inclusive.
Default 200
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-interface-group


Specifies the length of time that a V5.2 link must be in a failed state before the
interface declares that the link has failed. This value should always exceed the
equivalent value that is provisioned in the LE.
Values 50..10000
Default 2500
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-interface-group


Activates the E1 circuit.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 337


Values valid
Location v52-interface-group


The interface ID of the IG. Must be unique across the system. This value must
match the value on the switch.
Values 1 to 16777215, inclusive.
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-interface-group


The prov(isioning) variant describes a type of provisioning. This value must

match the value on the switch.
Values 0 to 127, inclusive
Default 0
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-interface-group

logical-channel-id (C-path)

The logical C-channel ID that the C-path is using. This number must match
the logical-channel-id value of the C-channel that the C-path is running over.
Values 0 to 65535, inclusive
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-cpath

logical-channel-id (C-channel)

The C-channel logical channel ID. C-channels carry one or more C-paths. A
V.52 interface may contain up to 44 logical C-channels and each logical
C-channel on an interface is uniquely identified with a 16 bit logical
C-channel identifier. C-channels that are provisioned as standby channels in a
protection group do not have a logical C-channel identifier.
Values 0 to 65535, inclusive.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-cchannel

338 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The maximum number of outstanding information frames at layer two.

Values 1 to 7, inclusive
Default 7
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-interface-group-lapv


The maximum number of retransmissions for a frame allowed at layer two.

Values 1 to 10, inclusive.
Default 3
Access This parameter is read-write
Location v52-interface-group-lapv


The maximum number of octets in the information field of an I frame.

Values 0 to 256, inclusive.
Default 256
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-interface-group-lapv


The regional and country-specific setting for V5.2 PSTN service. The PSTN
region dictates regional signaling differences like ring cadence.
Values australia, brazil, egypt, estonia, finland, france, germany, hongkong,
ireland, italy, japan, korea, malaysia, mexico, spain, sweden, taiwan, uk,
unitedarabemirates, us
Default unknown
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-interface-group


A request to block or unblock all the user ports associated with the current IG
by port type.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 339


Values noRequest
Block all user ports associated with this IG.
Block all of the isdnBa and isdnPra user ports associated with this IG.
Block all of the PSTN user ports associated with this IG.
Unblock all user ports associated with this IG.
Unblock all of the isdnBa and isdnPra user ports associated with this IG.
Unblock all the pstn user ports associated with this IG.
Default noRequest
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-interface-group


The C-channel protection group.

Values none
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-cchannel


This variable specifies which variation of the v5.2 protocol is used by this
V5.2 IG.
Values edition1
The V5.2 specification defined in ETSI ETS 300 347-1 ed.1 (1994-09).
The V5.2 specification defined in ETSI EN 300 347-1 V2.2.2 (1999-12).
Default edition2
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-interface-group

340 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



A request by the user regarding the provisioning variant.

Values noRequest
The default value. Setting the variable to noRequest has no effect.
A request to verify if the LE is ready for reprovisioning.
A request to get the LE Variant ID and Interface ID.
A request to the LE side to change its provisioning variant to be the same
as local-prov-variant.
Default noRequest
Access This parameter is read-write
Location v52-interface-group


The start address for PSTN users. When PSTN users are added, they must
have an address greater or equal to this one. This value must match the value
on the switch.
Values 0 to 65535, inclusive
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-interface-group


What kind of lease the user carries.

Values regular
Default regular
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-user-port


The C-channel role. This value must match the value on the switch.
Values active
The C-channel is in active mode.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 341


The C-channel is in standby mode.
This value can be set only when the C-channel is in active mode. If the
role parameter is set to switchToStandby, one of the standby channels in
the same protection group will take over as the new active channel. When
the switch has been completed, the original channel becomes a standby
channel in its protection group.
Default active
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-cchannel


The system shelf. Zero (0) is an invalid value.

Values 1 to 255, inclusive.
Access This parameter is read-only.
Location v52-interface-group-stats


Indicates whether or not user ports will be unblocked when the V5.2 interface
is starting up.
Values true
Default true
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-interface-group


Indicates whether or not a Link ID check will be performed when the V5.2
interface is starting up.
Values true
Default true
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-interface-group

342 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The switch vendor for this V5.2 IG.

Values unknown
Default unknown
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-interface-group


The maximum layer two wait time for an acknowledgment of a transmitted

frame. Units are in milliseconds, in increments of 50.
Values 100 to 1000, inclusive.
Default 150
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-interface-group-lapv


Maximum layer two idle time before connection verification is necessary.

Units are in seconds, in increments of ten.
Values 1 to 300, inclusive.
Default 30
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location v52-interface-group-lapv


The channel that the C-channel is running over.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 343


Values 15
Location v52-interface-group


The type of communications path. This tells the system how the management
information is communicated.
Values unknown
control protocol
bearer channel connection
link control protocol
BRI voice data
Default unknown
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location V52_CPath


This array describes up to three control channels per link (E1). There can be
up to three control channels on each of the 16 links for a maximum of 48.
C-channels are used to pass management information between then LE and
the Zhone device system. It includes the time-slot-index, logical-channel-id,
protection-group, role, and c-channel-valid-flag parameters.
Location v52-interface-group


This array describes communications paths. C-paths are used to specify the
type of information running between the Zhone device and the LE. C-paths
run inside C-channels. There can be up to 48 C-paths inside each C-channel.
This array includes the id, type, logical-channel-id, and c-path-valid-flag

344 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Values Use the logical-channel-id numbers created for the C-channels.

Location v52-interface-group


An array of V5.2 Lapv timer parameters. These configure retries and other
functions over the management links. This array includes the parameters
max-outstanding frames, n200, n201, t200, and t203.
Location v52-interface-group


This array is used to provision the E1circuits between the LE and the Zhone
device. There can be up to sixteen links. Each E1 link has 32 channels. This
array includes the dsn-lg-id, ds1-channel-number, id, check-id,
check-id-status, and block parameters.
Location v52-interface-group


The name of the V5.2 interface group. This is the same as the name-id from
the v52-interface-group profile.
Location subscriber-voice-v52


The ISDN B or D channel used for the connection.

Location subscriber-voice-v52


A port ID for the V5.2 user port. This is the same as the local-interface-id in
the v52-interface-group profile.
Location subscriber-voice-v52


The type of V5.2 user port.

Values POTS
Location subscriber-voice-v52

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 345



Type of VDSL equipment.

Values vtu-r
customer premise equipment
central office equipment
Default vtu-o
Location vdsl-config


Restrict upstream quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) constellations to

use those that do not exceed this maximum.
Values QAM-4
Default QAM-128
Location vdsl-config


The DS0 assigned to this subscriber.

Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice-ds1


The line group Interface Index of the DS1 interface.

Access This parameter is read-write.

346 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Location subscriber-voice-ds1


The name of the destination of the specified dial string.

Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sip-dialplan


Indicates the type of dialplan used.

Values normal
Indicates normal dialing in use.
call park
Indicates dialing features such as call parking are used. Call parking
places a call in a common holding or parking zone of the PBX so that any
extension can retrieve the parked call.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sip-dialplan


The directory number (phone number) assigned to this endpoint. Contains

only digits.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice-voip


Which echo cancellation algorithm is used for a particular channel.

G.168 has stricter technical specs and defines how the tests are performed
better than G.165. If an echo canceller meets the G.168 specification, it is
G.168 and G.165 compliant.
The number following the designation describes the echo tail length in
milliseconds. The echo tail length that is required depends on several factors,
including the network configuration, local loop length, and line frequency
response. Generally, 16ms is adequate for local loop and 32ms is a good
minimum for network equipment.
Values g165EchoTL16
G.165 echo cancellation with echo tail length of 16ms (MALC only)

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 347


G.168 echo cancellation with echo tail length of 48ms (BAN, Sechtor
100A, Z-Edge)
Echo cancellation is off.
Default g165Echotl16 (MALC)
g168Echotl48 (BAN, Sechtor 100A, Z-Edge)
Location voice-dsp-default-profile


The amount of loss between the transmitted signal and the reflected echo back
from the hybrid where the 4-to-2 wire conversion takes place.
Values 0 dB, 6 dB
0dB, 3dB, 6dB
BAN, Sechtor 100A, Z-Edge
Default 6 (MALC)
3 (BAN, Sechtor 100A, Z-Edge)
Location voice-dsp-profile
Notes For the BAN and Sechtor 100A changes to the echo return loss take effect on
the next call.
For the MALC and Z-Edge, changes to the echo return require the CID or the
VCL to be brought down and up again, or the system rebooted.
Products BAN, MALC, Raptor, Sechtor 100A, Z-Edge


For user agent clients, this value in seconds is inserted into the Expires header.
For proxy servers, if a received request contained an Expires header, then the
value in the header takes precedence.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sip-expires-timer-cfg


For user agent clients, this value in seconds is inserted into the Expires header.
For proxy servers, if a received request contained an Expires header, then the
value in the header takes precedence.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sip-expires-timer-cfg

348 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



This convention is a bit map. Each bit represents a SIP method where the
Expires header should be included. If a bit has value 1, then the requests
corresponding to that SIP method must include an Expires header line. If a bit
has value 0, then the Expires header line will not be added. Combinations of
bits can be set when the Expires header line is required in multiple SIP
Values bit 0
INVITE method
bit 1
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sip-expires-timer-cfg


Specifies the set of enabled call establishment features.

Values hookflash detection
onhook signaling
always offhook
Default onhook signaling, always offhook
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice
Products MALC


Indicates the number of voice frames per IP packet.

Default 4
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice-voip


Indicates whether a subscriber may consume bandwidth by switching to g711,

when a fax, modem, b-channel data session is detected.
Default true
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice-voip

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 349


Products MALC


Indicates the byte order to be used when g.726 voice coding is in use. Cisco
uses little endian byte order, whereas the g.726 standard calls for big endian
byte order.
Default bigEndian
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice-voip
Products MALC


Specifies the maximum timer that qualifies for a hookflash. Any loopopen
more than this timer will be considered as a onhook.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location voice-system
Products MALC


Specifies the minimum timer that qualifies for a hookflash. Any loopopen
below this time will be ignored.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location voice-system
Products MALC


Determines if this connection is part of a huntgroup.

Default false
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice
Products MALC


The hunt group this subscriber is part of. Each subscriber can be part of 3 hunt

350 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Access This parameter is read-write.

Location subscriber-voice-ds1, subscriber-voice-pots
Products MALC


The inter-arrival jitter threshold in milliseconds per channel that is used as a

trigger value to generate a trap when its value is passed. If the value is 0, the
threshold monitoring is disabled for inter-arrival jitter.
Values 0 to 100ms, inclusive.
Default 80ms
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location voice-dsp-default-profile


Indicates the duration, in seconds, that the device will wait after each digit is
entered before assuming the user has finished entering digits.
Default 10
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location voip-system
Products MALC


Interface Index of the LP Interface through which the SIP signalling and RTP
traffic flow.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice-voip


The tos value that is set in the ip header for voice of ip traffic.
Default 0
Location voip-system
Products MALC

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 351



The voice DSP jitter buffer size in milliseconds. It refers to the amount of
memory usage that can store certain milliseconds of voice.
For the BAN and Sechtor 100A, changes to the jitter buffer take effect on the
next call.
For the Z-Edge, changes to the jitter buffer require the CID or the VCL to be
brought down and up again, or the system rebooted.
Values 1 to 160
Note that changes to the jitter buffer are based on 5 ms frame sizes. For
1 to 5 = 5 ms
6 to 10 = 10 ms
11 to 15 = 15 ms
16 to 20 = 20 ms
21 to 25 = 25 ms
26 to 30 = 30 ms
146 to 150 = 150 ms
151 to 155 = 155 ms
156 to 160 = 160 ms
Default 10 (BAN, Sechtor 100A, Z-Edge)
Location voice-dsp-default-profile


The voice DSP channel jitter buffer defaults. The jitter buffer accommodates
the cells/packets received, so that the inter-arrival jitter of the cells/packets
received don’t degrade the voice quality. Without a jitter buffer, some cells as
inter-arrival jitter changes would be late, which would have the same effect as
lost cells. The jitter buffer also reorders the out-of-order cells/packets
Values static
A static jitter buffer does not allow the jitter buffer to grow and shrink in
response to changes in jitter.
Default static
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location voice-dsp-default-profile

352 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



Incoming call from this URI will be rejected.

Access This parameter is read-create.
Location malicious-caller


A dialstring against which collected digits are matched.

Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sip-dialplan


The number of digits to wait for before initiating the call.

Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sip-dialplan


How many voice DSP channel packets are lost per minute threshold. A trap is
generated when this value is exceeded. If this value is 0, threshold monitoring
is disabled for lost packets.
Values 0 to 10000 packets per minute.
Default 600
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location voice-dsp-default-profile


Defines the preferred voice codec to be used for this subscriber.

Values g711a
Default g711mu
Location subscriber-voice-voip
Products MALC

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 353



Specifies the string that is added to the beginning of the dialed digits before
the call is initiated.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sip-dialplan


Specifies the number of prefix digits to strip from the dialed digits.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sip-dialplan


The signalling protocol used for VOIP. Choices are SIP (Session Initiation
Protocol) and MGCP (Media Gateway Control Protocol.
Default SIP
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location voip-system
Products MALC


The voice DSP redundancy oversubscription method.

A resource is called active if it is in use and is called standby if it is in reserve
in case the active resource fails. The standby resources in redundant
configurations can be oversubscribed. The active resource is not used when
standby resources are allocated, however, if the active resources are at
maximum capacity, there will be no standby resources available to take over
in case of failure.
Values high
Implies infinite oversubscription.
Implies 1:2 oversubscription.
Implies 1:4 oversubscription.
Implies 1:1 (one to one) oversubscription. When a standby is allocated,
the pool of available actives is depleted by one.
Default none

354 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Access This parameter is read-write.

Location voice-dsp-default-profile
Products BAN


Indicates whether the incoming call reject is enabled.

Default true
Access This is a read-create parameter.
Location malicious-caller
Products MALC


Indicates whether the Real-Time Control Protocol is enabled for the device.
Default false
Access This is a read-write parameter.
Location voip-system
Products MALC


RTCP packet interval, in milleseconds. Range is 2500 to 10000 ms.

This object's value is only pertinent if RTCP has been enabled.
Default 5000
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location voip-system
Products MALC


Indicates whether, on call originations destined to the PSTN, the device

should play a call proceeding tone while waiting for ring-back tone from the
Default false
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location voip-system
Products MALC

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 355



Which silence suppression algorithm the voice DSP should use on a channel.
Silence suppression stops voice packet generation during periods of silence.
The SID (silence descriptor) frame is generated at the start of a silence period,
then periodically, and is used to characterize the power level of the
background noise during the silence period on the encode side of the voice
path. The SID frame is passed to the decode side through a packet encoding
medium (AAL2 or RTP). The decode side then generates comfort noise at an
equivalent power level dictated by the SID frame values.
Values silSupOff
Silence suppression is off.
An initial SID frame is sent and then transmission every 100 ms.
Default silSupOff
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location voice-dsp-default-profile


When a match is detected between the collected digits and the dial string in
this SIP dialplan, this IP address is used for SIP negoitations to initiate the
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sip-dialplan


The Universal Resource Identifier (URI) of the system.

Default none
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location voip-system
Products MALC


The ATM Adaption Layer 2 channel identifier (AAL2 CID) for the
Location subscriber-voice

356 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The line group ID for this AAL2 connection.

Location subscriber-voice


The AAL2 VCI for this connection.

Location subscriber-voice


The AAL2 VPI for this connection.

Location subscriber-voice


Indicates whether the specified user has voice privileges.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Location user-profile
Notes Use the adduser and updateuser commands to configure user accounts.


A text string describing this voice call entry.

A common use is to define the external or public phone number for this voice
line as assigned by the class 5 switch.
Default none
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice
Products MALC


This describes the connection type between the two voice endpoints. Where
applicable the first endpoint refers to the line or premise side of the
connection and the second endpoint refers to the central office side of the
Voice connections are created with the voice add command.
Values aal2togr303
AAL2 VPI/VCI/CID to GR-303 interface group/CRV.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 357


AAL2 VPI/VCI/CID to V5.2 interface/user port.
VOIP to GR-303. Requires the MALC Voice Gateway card.
Only supported on the Sechtor 100 and the BAN.
ISDN to V5.2 interface/user port
POTS to GR-303.
POTS to V5.2.
VOIP to DS1.
SIP to GR-303. Requires the MALC Voice Gateway card.
VOIP to V5.2. Requires the MALC Voice Gateway card.
ELCP to V5.2. Requires the MALC Voice Gateway card.
ISDN to V5.2.
Electronic business system (EBS) to GR-303.
ISDN PRI to VOIP. Supported on the Z-Edge 6200 only.
POTS to DS1.
POTS to a class 5 switch.
Location subscriber-voice


The line group ID for the associated connection.

358 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Default none
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice-ebs
Products 6200


The index into the associated address table for this end point. EndPoint1
should describe the line or premise side of the connection where applicable.
Default none
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice
Products MALC


The index into the associated address table for this end point. EndPoint2
should describe the central office side of the connection where applicable.
Default none
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice
Products MALC


The external or public phone number for this voice line as assigned by the
Class 5 switch. This value is not used by the system and is provided only for
operator reference.


The crv for the associated connection.

Default none
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice-gr303
Products MALC


The IG name for the associated connection.

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 359


Default none
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice-gr303
Products MALC


The line group ID for the associated connection.

Location subscriber-voice-pots


Authentication string needed for call originations through a SIP/MGCP

Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice-voip
Products MALC


The subscriber PLAR (private line automatic ringdown) subscriber. If true we

immediately send a INVITE instead of play dial tone.
Default false
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice-voip
Notes This parameter applies to only SIP signaling.
Products MALC


The destination IP address or domain name of the device to send INVITE to

in case the subscriber is PLAR (private line automatic ringdown).
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice-voip
Notes This parameter applies to only SIP signaling. To use this setting, the voip-plar
parameter must be set to true.
Products MALC

360 Zhone CLI Reference Guide



The type of address contained in the associated instance of

Default ipv4
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice-voip
Products MALC


Specfied in the SIP dialplan and when the viop-server-entry index is created,
this number is used to associate dialplans and VOIP registration servers.
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location sip-dialplan


Specifies the UDP Port number for the VOIP Setup messages. 5060 is the
IANA Registered SIP port.
Default 5060
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice-voip
Products MALC


A unique string that identifies the VOIP user in the system.

Default none
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location subscriber-voice-voip
Products MALC


The address of a VOIP server this user agent will use to proxy/redirect calls.
Default none
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location voip-system

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 361


Products MALC


The type of address

Default ipv4
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location voip-system
Products MALC


Specifies the UDP Port number for the MGCP Gateway. 2427 is the IANA
Registered MGCP Gateway port.
Default 2427
Access This parameter is read-write.
Location voip-system
Products MALC


Indicates whether the specified user has data privileges.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Location user-profile
Notes Use the adduser and updateuser commands to configure user accounts.


Indicates whether the specified user has database privileges.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Location user-profile
Notes Use the adduser and updateuser commands to configure user accounts.

debug access

Indicates whether the specified user has debug privileges. This parameter is

362 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Access This parameter is read-only.

Location user-profile
Notes Use the adduser and updateuser commands to configure user accounts.


Indicates whether the specified user has user-admin privileges that enable the
user to create user accounts.
Access This parameter is read-only.
Location user-profile
Notes Use the adduser and updateuser commands to configure user accounts.


Specifies the user ID for this user.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Location user-profile
Notes Use the adduser and updateuser commands to configure user accounts.


Specifies the user name.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Location user-profile
Notes Use the adduser and updateuser commands to configure user accounts.


Specifies the password for this user.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Location user-profile
Notes Use the changepass or resetpass commands to change user account


Specifies the user-prompt for this user.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Location user-profile

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 363


Notes Use the adduser and updateuser commands to configure user accounts.


Indicates whether the specified user has Zhone privileges.

Access This parameter is read-only.
Location user-profile
Notes Use the adduser and updateuser commands to configure user accounts.


Acknowledged trap sequence number. This field is set by the ZMS in order to
acknowledge a trap sent by the device. There will be only one trap
outstanding on the acknowledged flow at one time so this is the last sequence
number sent. If not, it is ignored.
Location trap-destination


This is set by the ZMS in order to have the device resend saved traps because
one or more were lost in transmission. The device will resend traps starting at
this sequence number.
This is used only on the unacknowledged trap flow. This is the only indication
of whether any traps have been acknowledged.
Location trap-destination
Notes Due to resource constraints not all traps may be available to be resent. The
first trap that the device resends indicates whether or not any traps were
deleted or lost.


The status of the connection between this device and the Zhone Management
System, if one exists. This value can either be set directly by ZMS or by the
device internally when a SNMP request is processed from the ZMS. Devices
not being proxied by another entity, since they are not being polled by ZMS,
will set this state according to the communication channel state between this
device and the connected entity.
Values active
Default inactive

364 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Location system


Indicates whether or not this device is being managed by the Zhone

Management System. This is can be set only by the ZMS.
Management operations depend on this setting. For example, if this device is
not managed by ZMS, no configuration synchronization processing is
performed on behalf of the device.
Values true
The device is managed by the ZMS.
The device is not managed by the ZMS.
Default no
Location system


The ZMS IP address for which configuration synchronization messages and

any other special handling is performed. This can be set either via CLI or
Location system

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 365


366 Zhone CLI Reference Guide


Numerics C
1st command 98 card parameters 203
card type, displaying 61
A cautions, description of 7
ccshow command 39
about this guide cd command 42
acronyms 8 CES parameters 211
cautions 7 changepass command 42, 43
contacting GSS 9 CLEI codes, displaying 61
intended audience 7 CLI
notes 7 abbreviated input 19
ordering additional documents 9 ADSL parameters 169
related documents 9 ATM parameters 181
style and notation conventions 7 bridging parameters 199
tips 7 card parameters 203
typographical conventions 7 CES parameters 211
warnings 7 clocking parameters 214
acronyms, description of 8 command completion 22
adduser command 27 command shortcuts 21
ADSL parameters 169 commands 27
alarm command 28 complete input 19
alphaValue parameter 277 control commands 21
ata command 28 delete command 26
ATM DHCP parameters 216
SCR and PCR, configuring allowable values DNS parameters 229
for 196 DS1 parameters 232
specifying VPI for auto-created profiles 159 DS3 parameters 239
UBR and usage-parameter-control 196 DSL parameters 245
ATM parameters 181 ELCP parameters 251
atmping command 29 Ethernet parameters 254
atmvclshow command 30 finding a command 17
audience, intended 7 FXS/FXO parameters 259
GR303 parameters 265
B help with commands 16
If-index parameters 273
basic control commands, description of 24 ifTypes 21
betaValue parameter 277 IMA parameters 274
bootstate command 32 insert and change commands 25
bridge command 32 introduction 11
bridge flush command 35 IP parameters 279
bridge-path command 37 ISDN parameters 286
bridging parameters 199 logging in 12
logical indexes 13

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 367


modifying records 18 bootstate 32

movement and search commands 24 bridge 32
MTAC parameters 288 bridge-path 37
network time protocol parameters 290 ccshow 39
overview 13 cd 42
parameters 169 changepass 42, 43
physical addresses 13 clkmgrshow 43
PON parameters 292 command completion 22
PPPoA parameters 293 commit 42, 44
profile addresses and indexes 15 control commands 21
profiles and records 22 copy 45
put and undo commands 26 create 46
record addresses and indexes 13 crossconnect 46
RIP parameters 307 datastorestats 49
RS232 parameters 311 del 50
saving changes 19 delete 14, 18, 21, 26, 50
Sechtor 100A environmental parameters 319 deleteuser 52
SHDSL parameters 313 description 27
SNMP parameters 320 dir 52
SONET parameters 322 ds1relay 53
subscriber parameters 328 ds1rpshow 54, 55
system indexes 13 dslstat 57
system parameters 330 dump 59
terminology 11 eeset 60
user parameters 362 eeshow 52, 61
V5.2 parameters 333 featurebitdisplay 62
VDSL parameters 346 featurebitset 62
voice parameters 346 fhrameping 63
ZMS parameters 364 file 63
clkmgrshow command 43 filter 64
clocking find 17, 67
eligible and non-eligible sources 43 find-matching-data 69
viewing system 43 find-matching-subvoice 69
clocking parameters 214 get 14, 76
comands gr303showcrv 77
bridge flush 35 help 78
command shortcuts help with 16
basic control 24 history 79
delete command 26 host 80
insert and change commands 25 ifxlate 82
movement and search commands 24 image 82
put and undo commands 26 imalink 84
commands imarpshow 85
1st 98 imatppshow 87
adduser 27 initiateconfigsync 45, 88
alarm 28 insert and change 25
ata 28 interface 88
atmping 29 linegroup 90
atmvclshow 30 list 27, 92
basic control 24 load 94

368 Zhone CLI Reference Guide

log 95 su 141
logout 98 swversion 142
mcast 99 syslog 142
mkdir 100 systemreboot 145
movement and search 24 systemrpshow 145
msg 100 telnet 146
mtac-linetest 101 thermoshow 146
new 18, 101 timeout 146
ping 103 traceroute 147
pollzhonecpe 104 update 18, 20, 148
profiles and records 22 updateuser 149
put and undo 26 verbose-restore-off 150
pwd 104 verbose-restore-on 150
resetcliprov 105 voice 150, 154, 155, 156
resetpass 105 voicestat 157
restore 104, 105 who 159
rip 106 whoami 159
rmdir 108 commit command 42, 44
romversion 108 Config sync, initiating 45, 88
route 109 configuration
sar8260 112 specifying VPI for auto-created profiles 159
selftest 116 conventions
set 119 style and notation 7
set2default 119 typographical 7
setcliprov 119 copy command 45
setdatetime 120 create command 46
setline 121 creating ip-interface profile, example of 18
setprompt 121 crossconnect command 46
shelfctrl 121
shelfreboot 124 D
shortcuts 21
show 125 datastorestats command 49
showactivecards 126 del command 50
showdatetime 126 delete command 14, 18, 21, 26, 50
showhostname 126 deleteuser command 52
showinetstat 126, 127 DHCP parameters 216
showline 128 diagnostics
showlinestatus 129 type of tests to run 116
showmem 130 diffDelayMax parameter 276
showredundancy 132 dir command 52
showresolver 132 DNS parameters 229
showsonetrp 132 documents, ordering additional 9
showuser 134 documents, related 9
showzhonecpe 134 DS1 parameters 232
slotreboot 134 ds1relay command 53
slots 135 ds1rpshow command 54, 55
snmp 136 DS3 parameters 239
sonetstatsshow 138 DSL parameters 245
sonetstatusshow 140 dslstat command 57
stack 140

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 369


dump command 59 alphaValue 277

betaValue 277
E diffDelayMax 276
displaying group status 85
eeset command 60 displaying test pattern procedure status 87
eeshow command 52, 61 gammaValue 277
ELCP parameters 251 groupSymmetry 274
Ethernet parameters 254 imaGroupDiffDelayMaxObs 276
imaGroupFeTxClkMode 275
F imaGroupLeastDelayLink 276
imaGroupRxFrameLength 276
featurebitdisplay command 62 imaGroupTxTimingRefLink 275
featurebitset command 62 minNumRxLinks 275
fhrameping command 63 minNumTxLinks 274
file command 63 parameters 274
filter command 64 testLinkIfindex 277
find command 17, 67 txClkMode 275
finding a command 17 image command 82
find-matching-data command 69 imaGroupDiffDelayMaxObs 276
find-matching-subvoice command 69 imaGroupFeTxTimingRefLink parameter 275
FXS/FXO parameters 259 imaGroupLeastDelayLink parameter 276
imaGroupRxFrameLength parameter 276
G imalink command 84
imarpshow command 85
imatppshow command 87
gammaValue parameter 277
initiateconfigsync command 45, 88
get command 14, 76
insert and change commands 25
Global Service and Support, See GSS
interface command 88
GR303 parameters 265
introduction to CLI 11
gr303showcrv command 77
Inverse Multiplexing over ATM, See IMA
groupSymmetry parameter 274
GSS, contacting 9
statistics 127
IP parameters 279
H ip-interface profile, creation 18
ip-interface-record, updating 20
help command 78 ISDN parameters 286
help with commands
description 16
finding a command 17
help command 16
line group
history command 79
displaying 90
host command 80
linegroup command 90
list command 92
I load command 94
log command 95
ifindex parameter 288 logging
If-index parameters 273 enabling/disabling for session 95, 142
ifTypes, list of 21 enabling/disabling over the serial craft port 95,
ifxlate command 82 142

370 Zhone CLI Reference Guide

logging into CLI 12 DS3 239
logical indexes, description of 13 DSL 245
logout command 98 ELCP 251
Ethernet 254
gammaValue 277
mcast command 99 GR303 265
minNumRxLinks parameter 275 If-index 273
minNumTxLinks parameter 274 IMA 274
mkdir command 100 imaGroupDiffDelayMaxObs 276
modifying records imaGroupLeastDelayLink 276
delete command 18, 21 imaGroupRxFrameLength 276
new command 18 IP 279
update command 18, 20 ISDN 286
movement and search commands 24 MTAC card 288
msg command 100 network time protocol 290
MTAC card PON 292
ifindex 288 PPPoA 293
parameters 288 RIP 307
test_mode 288 RS232 311
mtac-linetest command 101 Sechtor 100A environmental 319
N SNMP 320
network time protocol parameters 290 subscriber 328
new command 18, 101 system 330
notes, description of 7 testLinkIfindex 277
user 362
O V5.2 333
VDSL 346
voice 346
overview of the CLI 13
ZMS 364
physical addresses, description of 13
P ping command 103
pollzhonecpe command 104
parameters PON parameters 292
ADSL 169 PPPoA parameters 293
alphabetical list 169 profile addresses and indexes 15
alphaValue 277 profiles and records
ATM 181 addresses and indexes 15
betaValue 277 commands 22
bridging 199 delete command 14, 21
card 203 get command 14
CES 211 modifying 18
clocking 214 update command 20
DHCP 216 viewing 16
diffDelayMax 276 put and undo commands 26
displaying valid values 19 pwd command 104
DNS 229
DS1 232

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 371


R SNMP parameters 320

SONET parameters 322
record addresses and indexes sonetstatsshow command 138
logical indexes 13 sonetstatusshow command 140
physical indexes 13 stack command 140
system indexes 13 statistics
types of records 13 displaying IP 127
records, modifying 18 su command 141
resetcliprov command 105 subscriber parameters 328
resetpass command 105 swversion command 142
restore command 104, 105 syslog command 142
rip command 106 system
RIP parameters 307 displaying temperature 121
rmdir command 108 system indexes, description of 13
romversion command 108 system parameters 330
route command 109 systemreboot command 145
RS232 parameters 311 systemrpshow command 145


sar8260 command 112 telnet command 146

Sechtor 100A environmental parameters 319 temperature, displaying 121
selftest command 116 terminology used in document 11
serial number, displaying 61 test_mode parameter 288
set command 119 testLinkIfindex parameter 277
set2default command 119 thermoshow command 146
setcliprov command 119 timeout command 146
setdatetime command 120 tips, description of 7
setline command 121 traceroute command 147
setprompt command 121 txClkMode parameter 275
SHDSL parameters 313
shelfctrl command 121 U
shelfreboot command 124
show command 125 UBR
showactivecards command 126 modem train rates and 196
showdatetime command 126 update command 18, 20, 148
showhostname command 126 updateuser command 149
showinetstat command 126, 127 updating ip-interface-record, example of 20
showline command 128 user parameters 362
showlinestatus command 129 users
showmem command 130 updating accounts 149
showredundancy command 132
showresolver command 132 V
showsonetrp command 132
showuser command 134 V5.2 parameters 333
showzhonecpe command 134 values
slotreboot command 134 displaying valid 19
slots command 135 VDSL parameters 346
snmp command 136 verbose-restore-off command 150

372 Zhone CLI Reference Guide

verbose-restore-on command 150
viewing profiles and records 16
voice command 150, 154, 155, 156
voice parameters 346
voicestat command 157

warnings, description of 7
who command 159
whoami command 159

synchronizing with device 45, 88
ZMS parameters 364

Zhone CLI Reference Guide 373

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