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Chapter 45

Hormones and the Endocrine System

A hormone called ecdysteroid regulates the timing of metamorphosis in this anise swallowtail butterfly.
You must know:
• Two ways hormones affect target organs.
• The secretion, target, action, and regulation
of at least 3 hormones.
• An illustration of both positive and negative
feedback in the regulation of homeostasis by
Types of
• Endocrine System = Hormone-secreting cells +
• Endocrine glands: ductless, secrete hormones
directly into body fluids
• Hormones: chemical signals that cause a
response in target cells (receptor proteins for
specific hormones)
– Affects 1 tissue, a few, or most tissues in body
– Or affect other endocrine glands (tropic
• Regulation by Positive & Negative Feedback
Pheromones Hormones
Chemical signal
Chemical signal
from endocrine Chemical signal
from 1 individual
gland through from one cell to
to another
blood to target an adjacent cell
Eg. cytokines,
Eg. ant trail; sex Eg. peptide,
growth factors,
phermones steroid hormones
nitric oxide (NO)
Types of Hormones
Peptide Steroid
• Water-soluble • Lipid-soluble
• Bind to receptors on • Enters cell & binds to
plasma membrane & intracellular receptors
triggers signal • Causes change in gene
transduction pathway expression (protein
• Affects protein activity synthesis)
already present in cell • Slower response
• Rapid response • Longer life
• Short-lived • Eg. androgens
• Eg. oxytocin, insulin, (testosterone), estrogen,
epinephrine progesterone, cortisol
Epinephrine: one hormone many effects

1. Liver cells break 2. Blood vessels to 3. Blood vessels

down glycogen and skeletal to intestines
release glucose muscles dilate constrict
Master Glands

Pituitary Gland
Master Glands
• Receives info from nerves and brain
• Initiates endocrine signals

Posterior pituitary gland:

• Oxytocin: contract uterine muscles, eject milk
in nursing
• Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH): promote H2O
retention by kidneys
Pituitary Gland
Anterior pituitary gland:
• Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH):
development of ovarian follicles (eggs);
promote sperm production
• Luteinizing hormone (LH): trigger ovulation;
stimulate testosterone production in testes
Hypothalamus regulation of Posterior Pituitary gland
Hypothalamus regulation of Anterior Pituitary gland
Negative feedback systems:
• Thyroid hormones
• Blood Ca2+ levels
• Blood glucose levels
Positive feedback system:
• Oxytocin (birthing process; release of milk/
Control of Blood Glucose
High blood

Liver breaks down

glycogen and Insulin released from
releases glucose into pancreas

Body cells take up glucose

Glucagon released
Liver stores glucose as
from pancreas

Blood glucose
Diabetes Mellitus
• Type I diabetes (10%):deficiency of insulin
– Insulin-dependent
– Autoimmune disorder beta cells of pancreas
• Type II diabetes (90%): failure of target cells to
respond to insulin
– Non-insulin dependent
– Insulin produced cells don’t respond (defect in
insulin receptor or response pathway)
– Risk factors: obesity, lack of exercise
Thyroid Gland Hypothalamus

Graves’ Disease:
• Autoimmune disorder TRH

• Antibodies bind to TSH

receptor Anterior
• Hyperthyroidism
• High temp, sweating,
weight loss, high BP TSH


T3 T4
Stress and the Adrenal Gland
Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid (AAS) Use
• Legally prescribed to treat hormone deficiency, loss of
muscle mass (cancer, AIDS)
• Used to enhance performance and improve physical
Effects of AAS Abuse

• aggression • For men—shrinking of the testicles,

• extreme mood swings reduced sperm count, infertility, baldness,
development of breasts, increased risk for
• liver damage prostate cancer
• jaundice • For women—growth of facial hair, male-
pattern baldness, changes in or cessation
• fluid retention
of the menstrual cycle, enlargement of the
• high blood pressure clitoris, deepened voice
• increases in LDL (“bad” • For adolescents—stunted growth due to
cholesterol) premature skeletal maturation and
accelerated puberty changes; risk of not
• decreases in HDL (“good” reaching expected height if AAS is taken
cholesterol) before the typical adolescent growth spurt
• renal failure • In addition, people who inject AAS run the
added risk of contracting or transmitting
• severe acne HIV/AIDS or hepatitis.

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