Final Clinical Evaluation

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gvanna Bryson Dixie State University School of Nursing ADN 1* Semester Clinical Evaluation Tool (CET) Evaluator ] Midterm Date: Final Date: | $= Student: | Late(s): Late(s)) Vs Instructor 7) [17 HONEA __| Absences & Absences: 4 * Evaluation of each outcome is a process involving collaboration and discussion between the student, preceptor and faculty liaison at regular intervals throughout the learning process. Thoughtful evaluation provides the student with a progress report and identifies areas for improvement. In order to pass third semester clinical, evaluation must reflect a score of “2” or higher on all outcomes at the final clinical evaluation. Clinical performance is evaluated with the use of the following five-point scale. (0. | Fails to meet | Ciinical behavior / work is inadequate in meeting the described outcome; performance is outcome __| inconsistent/inappropriate, and is not completed in a reasonable time frame. _| 1 Below | Clinical behavior / work is below average in meeting the described outcome, performance Ave is inconsistent, inappropriate, and/or not completed in a reasonable time frame 2. | Satisfactory | Clinical behavior / work is satisfactory in meeting the described outcome; performance is | consistent, appropriate, and/or completed in a reasonable time frame. 3 | Above | Clinical behavior / work is above average in meeting the described outcome, Average _ | performance is consistent, appropriate and mostly independent. 4 | _ Exceeds | Ciinical behavior / work is excellent in meeting described outcome, performance is Expectations | consistent, appropriate, self-directed and student acts as a resource for peers. Ne Not No Opportunity to Evaluate/Not applicable. Evaluated — = Midterm Evaluation Acknowledgment & Verification of Hours: This evaluation has been discussed between preceptor, faculty and student. Clinical performance scores have been explained and the student has been advised regarding program status. aE at, ANZ) Fa ya. G-15 21 Final Evaluation ‘ledgment & Verification of Hours: This evaluation has been discussed between preceptor, faculty and student. Clinical performance scores have been explained and the student has been advised regarding program status. ‘Student Signature Gates Zvegren. Sia a ee AGT mm (o/u [vt 8/17/2015 DSU 1% Semester CET ‘ADN Student Learning Outcomes Midterm Final] Evaluation | Evaluation 4. LEADERSHIP - The ADN graduate will exhibit personal traits necessary to establish vision | & goals; the ability to plan, organize, motivate, manage, execute, delegate, evaluate, use conflict resolution strategies, & collaborate with other members of the interdisciplinary health care team. Clinical Outcomes SLE LS LF "Begins fo demonstrate leadershipimanagement skils by presenting af a post- conference and completing weekly, mid-cliical & end of clinical self- 4\.|4 evaluations. (1-h) ub Builds and maintain relationships with patients, families and other members of | Y 14 the healthcare team. 4 4 [deifes members of te heatheare team involved in ong term and acute care, | 4 | (1c) Daal a ‘Assists unlicensed personnel in care activities in long term and acute care. (1-c) | 4 4 [4 Begins to coordinate comprehensive care of patients. 413414 Midterm Comments: Final Comments: 2. CRITICAL THINKING - The ADN graduate will utilize a process of insightful thinking that | utilizes multiple dimensions of one’s own cognition & collaborates with the interdisciplinary health care team to develop conclusions, solutions, & alternatives to ensure safe nursing practice & quality care. | Clinical Outcomes Fs Utilizes nursing knowledge, physical assessment findings and patient data from | the chart to create a basic plan of care (concept map) for the adult patient > 14 qu | * 4 + ' Prioritizes NANDA nursing diagnoses and interventions based on Maslow's, hierarchy of needs.(2+i) Begins to demonstrate critical thinking skills with completion of eritcal thinking exercises, concept maps, journaling and clinical post conferences. (2-b) Implements nursing interventions, notes responsesifindings and revises the plan of nursing care based on the responsesifindings. (2-c, k) ‘Midterm Comments: | Final Comments: (2-¢,i) ele lal + [a y uy 3 14 |y 3 [4 [y | | | | |3. COMMUNICATION - The ADN graduate will apply concepts of communication & | therapeutic interaction in building & maintaining relationships with clients, families, groups, communities & other members of the health care team. Clinical Outcomes ‘Communicates student responsibilities and plan of care to the patient's nurse, the PCA/Nurse Aide and the instructor. (3-a) Identifies own values and behavioral responses which may enhance or hinder | effective communication with others. (3-b) | Report objective and subjective findings to the nurse and instructor and document | \ in the patient chart as applicable, (3-f) | Provides basic health information to patients in the longterm and acute care settings. (3-a, e) Midterm Comments: ~ | 4 ma 4 4 QF) |4 fo we le Fe jo la wie ia | _—e 1 8/17/2015 DSU 1 Semester CET Savanna Bryson [4 CARING - The ADN graduate will demonstrate caring as an altruistic philosophy of moral & | ethical commitment toward the protection, promotion & preservation of human dignity & diversity including the recognition & acknowledgment of the value of individuals, families, groups, communities, & other members of the health care team. Caring is the essence of daily living and ensuring the environment is clean and safe. (4-c) nursing. [ Clinical Outcomes a a} Performs a complete physical assessment on adut patients within 10 minutes. | 4 (4-a) 4 t Passes medications under the supervision ofthe nurse or instructor using the 6 | 4 | rights. (4-a) 5 {* | | Monitors blood glucose levels on diabetic patients in the long term care setting | A. la | | by performing finger stick glucose checks. (4-a) |3 el | Performs technical skis learned inthe nursing laboratory in simulation andthe |) ) | clinical setting (4-a) L | Recognizes patients’ and families’ holistic needs and promotes values and | 4 | choices. (4-d) e Aly [4 | | Provides holistic and cuturaly diverse care for paints to include all acviies of | a) op Final Comments: Midterm Comments: regulatory frameworks. | 5, PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR - The ADN graduate will exhibit professional behavior by demonstrating adherence to standards of nursing practice, commitment to the profession of nursing, accountability for actions, behaviors & nursing practice within legal, ethical, & Clinical Outcomes Begins to function within the scope of the RN in long term and acute care settings.(5-b) __ ‘Accepts responsibility for one’s own actions/behaviors. (5-c) Uses instructor's feedback constructively by initiating appropriate actions in subsequent written work or clinical behavior. (5-f) 2Z T_T 4 Implements learning goals and objectives and seeks appropriate resources to achieve them. Identifies specific experiences in clinical practice needed to accomplish learning objectives oe _| s 4 4 | 4 A 2 3 Midterm Comments: Final Comments: 8/17/2015 DSU 1 Semester CET ‘Student Midterm Comments: Include goals for the remainder of the semester. “the cenuctr jas been going wAl and pve leqvned a lot PM yupiNg for tue Wext lalf oF the cometter | Will we avle to be more Wands -on and acsict vay nuvce with moe things to Help care for tee pattents. Student Final Comments: Include howlif you accomplished your midterm goals. “LW was able +o perform a lot more vwysing tases the | second Wale of dinial, whigh achieved my midterm goat We learned @ jor avout patient cave and overall ad q great | experience Faculty Midterm Comments: Hills nune + pater — (val Urrrnuus oF Care WN panto caw |- Garhnul 40 Ars On Conmuniaet ta’ Faculty Final Comments: | = Orwrhnut to imprwe apseaanent/ | Communicatn sHlb = Uitwue te beurre Contutetie (IN pate ae I Cvehnue to ingresse asseraner— |. ochrus with qu amen othtrde Sills V4gerArs, Vidodth ae AV NON 8/17/2015 DSU 1* Semester CET

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