The Villager 2022 No 418

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thevillagernam Vol .

1 No 418 | 18 November 2 02 2

Lawmaker Accuses Chinese Trustco, BON Clash

Company of Cheating Commences In
…... as mines ministry faces a barrage of questions from lawmakers High Court

Eba Kandovazu

The Bank of Namibia BoN) will have

Megameno Shinana
deal with. to explain itself to the Windhoek
A parliamentary standing committee The meeting came in the wake of the High Court why it failed to deliver
on economics meeting with the mines ministry having just recently green- the review record which was due to
minister Tom Alweendo and his team lighted the controversial company to be done on 17 October. The central
ended on a heated note yesterday continue with Lithium ore exportation bank also did not oppose Trustco
afternoon. despite an initial ban, further sparking Bank Namibia's (TBN) application to
The discussions focused on the outrage in Namibia. review some directives and decisions
management of Namibia's mineral "I understand that there is an agreement issued by the BoN in denying Trustco
resources while huge Lithium exports that stipulates that the batteries that are a full commercial banking licence.
to China also took centre stage. supposed to be manufactured from the This is according to a joint status
The issue of XinFeng Investments' products of Lithium should be done report filed in the High Court.
exportation of 55% Lithium ore to locally in Namibia to strengthen our The central bank applied to the High
China was thrown to the minister by economy and also for the country to Court two weeks agofor TBN to be
Swapo party lawmaker, Modestus derive other related benefits," Amutse wound up.
Amutse, in the very first round of sought clarity. Continued on P2
questions minister Alweendo had to Continued on P2

Continued on P2

Lawmaker accuses They are looting our diamonds from
"Now the question will always be
"But then our understanding is that that if I am going to import the trucks Toscanini and you as the ministry are
the ministry of mines gave permission from wherever, is there any difference keeping quiet or you are shrugging
to that mine dealing in Lithium to from the trucks that the company gets your shoulders, you do not know," she
export up to 55% of Lithium for from somewhere else? It would have charged.
testing purposes, apparently. Is that been much easier if we had our own "I have footage of the material and it
information correct, number one? sector that produces the things that we is easy because it is big mountains of
And if it is correct, is 55% not way too need,"Alweendo further said. screened material. So, if I go there and
much to be exported, just for testing The mines minister has also been we do not find anything, it means it has
purposes?"the lawmaker fired the first queried on how water-tight regulation been looted. By now you should have
salvo. over the sector was, in light of gone there and checked; if what I am
"To me it sounds too much; and to examples of shattered dreams and saying is just silly claims."
me also it doesnot sound right. To broken promises experienced by other "It is not my job to go and check,
me it sounds as if they (XinFeng) are nationalities, especially along the gold it is you as the ministry. What kind
not interested perhaps, or they are coast. of controls do you have there? We
cheating, or they want to make use of a "We donot need the same experience in also have got information but we are
weapon that might exist in our policies Namibia," PDM lawmaker Diergaardt conveying this information to you.
to export 55% to their countries," he Reggiesaid. We are not instructing you, but as the
said. Nico Smit, PDM economist and minister has just said, you need some
In his response, Alweendo put the lawmaker also addressed the "oil-hype" guidance from us," she said.
blame on a failure by the country to and asked the minister's team what
identify which minerals can be value- their predictions are when Namibia
added locally and which cannot. will likely become an oil producer and Trustco
"Not all minerals can be value-added. whether indeed there is oil.
It depends on the quantity that you are "What type of oil is it? I have been told, A case management hearing was
mining. We could have done better and correct me please if I am wrong, scheduled to be heard on 19 October in
had we identified those commodities that the discovery that was made there the High Court. However, the parties
we can add value to,"the minister said. by Total is sweet oil and not crude oil. said they cannot proceed and have
He however could not explain why Now, as I am being told, sweet oil is requested that the matter be postponed
huge quantities must be shipped for actually used for Jets, and cannot be to allow for BoN to file the review
"testing purposes". used in motor cars,"Smit wanted to record or report to the court on reasons
The issue of mining companies know. for the absence of the record.
importing what Amutse described as He also wanted to find out whether The attorney general, government as
"simple equipment that can otherwise there was indeed oil in the Etosha well as the minister of finance have
be procured locally" and allowing basin, adding, "You will recall that also been cited as respondents and
these to be driven on Namibian mines some years back it was a huge story in have filed their notice of intent to
by expats, was also discussed. the newspapers that oil had been found oppose the application.
Alweendo was grilled on why his there, even people were on TV holding It is reported that Trustco Bank and
ministry was allowing the country to a little bottle of oil saying we have the Trustco Group are claiming that
be shortchanged in this way, given that found oil. I think it was cooking oil in sections of the Banking Institutions Act
dozens of trucks belonging to locals that bottle, it could not have been oil," of 1998 are unconstitutional as they
were being under-utilised. the PDM lawmaker remarked. violate the constitutional provision
What has come out, however, is that the Another PDM lawmaker, Celeste which prohibits unfair discrimination
giving of licences to foreign companies Becker challenged Alweendo to and Trustco Bank's right to carry on its
has of late not been accompanied by a dispatch an investigation team to go business.
signing of agreements based on what and probe claims of diamond looting Trustco alleges in a press release that
equipment can be procured outside at Toscanini,a disused old diamond during two years of correspondence
and inside. mine located on the coast adjacent to and threats between them and the
The minister explained that, "In terms Skeleton Coast Park. BoN, the central bank has denied its
of the mining licences' conditions Becker claimed that private planes bank the opportunity to enter into full
that we give, we have also decided to were landing in the area and flying out commercial banking operations, even
say not only do we give that mining with diamonds in the absence of the after the group offered to capitalise the
licence, but we need to sign a mining Namibia Revenue Authority (NamRA) bank's balance sheet by a further N$1
licence agreement and that agreement and the mines ministry itself. billion.
can specify some of the things that "With regards to Toscanini, Mr. Trustco and its bank also claim that
you are talking about." Shivolo, I would like to request the directives and decisions issued by the
He also said that the challenge is that ministry to take us to Toscanini so that central bank were unconstitutional on
Namibia does not produce trucks and we can resolve this once and for all. several grounds.
thus these have to be procured from You keep on saying there is nothing Continued on Pg.3
somewhere else. going on and I am telling you, there is.

Debmarine Diamond “Theft” Saga
The company further alleges that the
central bank violates the constitution's Reaches PG Office
article guaranteeing equality before
the law, as it only allows certain
orders to be reviewed.
Trustco Group managing director
Quinton van Rooyen says article 101
of the Constitution compelled the
parliament to take into consideration
economic growth when it enacted
the Banking Institutions Act.
Their application calls on BoN to
show cause why their final order
issued on 25 July should not be
reviewed and set aside. The central
bank's order was that Trustco, within
14 days, remove from office all the
directors currently serving on its
Part B of Trustco's application is a
relief declaring that section 58(4)
of the Banking Institutions Act is
unconstitutional and setting it aside,
declaring that sections 73A and 73B Staff Writer cases. We simply reported the case.
of the Banking Institutions Act are There is a docket. As I was saying in
unconstitutional. Mines minister Tom Alweendo has said my letter to the employees, we cannot
that he has opened a criminal case with resolve it. Let us just wait and see what
the police in connection with a report the PG is going to say,"he added.
that a billion-dollar worth of Namibian In the meantime, the whistleblower,
diamonds were stolen on a Debmarine who has been identified as Laurentius
The Bank of Namibia vessel. Amakali is the one who penned the
BoN) will have to The diamond theft saga came to light letter to Alweendo in 2018, in which
after an ex-employee blew the whistle he reported that diamonds with an
explain itself to the and brought the matter to the attention estimated value of N$1 billion went
Windhoek High Court of the mines minister. The whistle- missing from Debmarine’s MV Grand
blower was subsequently on allegations Banks vessel.
why it failed to deliver of “bringing the name of the company However, before a full investigation
the review record into disrepute”. could be undertaken to determine
But Alweendo on Thursday afternoon the veracity of these claims, Amakali
which was due to be this week said that there was nothing was given his marching orders by the
done on 17 October. more he could do now as the matter is company in 2020.
in the hands of the office of prosecutor In his detailed report, he alleged that
general (PG), Martha Imalwa who thousands of gem-quality precious
decides on legal actions to be taken. stones went missing after they got
He said his ministry does not investigate trapped on board the ship in a fishy
criminal matters. manner.
"What I can say is that, when the A local weekly reported how the
employees reported the diamond theft diamonds were trapped in one of the
case to the ministry, we lodged a case canning pipes where "a rubber sock
with the police like we should do. There was inserted in the cone to divert
is a police case to investigate. We know some diamonds" and which held
that the police have referred the issue them up in the pipe preventing them
to the PG’s office to see whether they from being discovered and canned for
are going to prosecute," explained the transportation.
minister. Amakali is on record saying, "They
"I am not sure what else the ministry can tell you all they want but now I
should do because if we have a theft was fired because I brought this matter
case, we do not investigate criminal out. The country failed to protect me
Continued on Pg.4
Debmarine Diamond Namibia Should Invest In Crops, Says
even though we have a Whistleblower
Protection Act. The alleged suspects
Agronomic Board
have neither appeared in court for which will leave people saying that
prosecution, nor have they been charged the government does not give them
or discharged for this case even though enough food, and job creation will
they are well known by the company." be lost.
Debmarine’s communications officer, According to the Board, retailers and
Stella Ipinge is on record stating that importing agents have spent N$138
Amakali was dismissed from the million in the 2020/21 financial
employment of Debmarine Namibia year, which is about N$18 million
in October 2020due to gross violation more than the N$120 they spent in
of company procedures, which is 2019/2020 for the same products.
completely unrelated to the incident he Imported apples stood at N$105
Juliana Iikela million, bananas at N$46 million,
referred to.
She also said that his dismissal remains Namibia needs to invest more in more oranges at N$31 million, onions at
the subject of arbitration by the Labour crop agriculture in the next five years, N$27 million, avocados at N$25
Commissioner. said Namibia Agronomic (NAB) Board million, and grapes at N$24 million.
"Amakali is thus a disgruntled former CEO Fidelis Mwazi on Wednesday. Meanwhile, grapes were Namibia's
employee, who clearly seeks to bring Dr Mwazi made these remarks as the most exported agricultural product
the name of Debmarine Namibia into NAB hosted anNational Agronomy in the2020/21 financial year
disrepute. We regard this disgruntled and Horticulre Awards 2022 ceremony amounting to N$857 million. Dates
employee's insinuation as highly at Grootfontein in the Otjozondjupa were exported at N$92 million,
defamatory. We reserve all our rights in region to promote growth in the onions at N$24 million, tomatoes
this regard," Ipinge threatened. crop value chains as a guarantee N$19 million, blueberries at N$9
"In relation to the incident, he refers for economic growth, employment million, sweet melons atN$ 6
to February 2018. Indeed, a blockage creation and poverty eradication. million, and living Butternuts at the
occurred on the M-V Grand Banks vessel value of N$4 million.
inside a highly secured area. Keeping in The event was attended by, among Namibians consumed potatoes the
mind that this area, termed the diamond others, the mayor of Grootfontein most (2020/21) at N$95 million, with
recovery process, is located in a highly Talitha Garises, NAB board tomatoes coming in second at N$34
secured and monitored environment," chairperson Michael Iyambo, NAB million, carrots at N$31 million,
she explained. birectors, NAB CEO Fedelis Mwazi English cucumber N$30 million,
"The diamond recovery process is and his mamagement team, Afgribank onions at N$24 million, cabbage at
an automated process, hands- free CEO Dr Raphael Karuaihe, producers, N$20 million, and living mushroom
and with no direct employee contact. traders and processors in the country. at the value of N$ 13 million.
The circumstances of the blockage According to Mwazi, horticulture
therefore raised suspicions, regarding Each year, the NAB honours outstanding primary market share promotion
possible deliberate attempts to cause the horticulture industry producers and (MSP) increased from 37% in
blockage, thereby exposing diamond traders at this prestigious event. The the year 2019/2020 to 45% in
concentrate,"she said. event aims to publicly recognise the 2021/2022. The number of special
hard work, innovation and ingenuity controlled products was increased
Debmarine Namibia is the country’s of horticulture producers and traders from 15 to 19 product lines.
leading marine diamond mining in their efforts to provide the Namibian Horticulture exports increased by
company and is a recognised world market with locally produced fresh 16% since 2019/2020, while grain
leader in marine diamond exploration fruit and vegetables. self-sufficiency increased from 10%
and mining technology. in 2019/2020 to 32% in 2021/2022.
Otjozondjupa region lies at the centre He further said a fruit development
In 2021, Debmarine Namibia of a highly potential agricultural area scheme was established as part of
contributed N$1.6billion to the of the country, which flourishes in both developing the five-year crop value
Namibian fiscus in royalties, income livestock and crop farming. chain strategy and implementation
tax and dividends. This contribution Quoting from former US President, plan.
is estimated to increase toaround John Kennedy, who said that,“If the According to the CEO, Namibia has
N$4.7billion in 2022.The increase is agricultural economy collapses, then the opportunity to irrigate its land
mainly due to the introduction of our the whole economy sooner or later will within the crop sector.
new state of the art diamond recovery collapse as well,” Dr Mwazi if this He further said the Board has zones
vessel, MV Benguela Gem, according happens to the Namibian agricultural in the country, which they use to
to the company’s Chief Executive sector there will be a lot of chaos in establish which crops are suitable
Officer, Otto Shikongo. terms of people looking for food, for each zone.
Continued on Pg.5

Namibia should invest Khorixas Councilman Blames Weak
"Agriculture is one of the sectors that
provide jobs. With one hectare of Procurement Practices For Slow Service
tomato production, you might have two Delivery
to three people that will be working on
it; when multiplied that means more ...companies accused of exploiting the government
jobs are created. The sector needs
to work and be at the same level as
other countries so that they are not left
behind," Mwazi said.
Speaking at the same event, Agribank
manager for Otjeroku branch Wylie
Upi stated that farmers should
know that the bank is a state-owned
enterprise with a mandate to promote
the growth and development of
agriculture through affordable and
innovative financing especially for
crop and livestock farmers.
Upi encouraged crop farmers to use
various offers from the bank.
Michael Iyambo, NAB chairperson
said that the Otjozondjupa
regioncontributes about 25% of the
total production of the country, saying Uakutura Kambaekua
this is mainly due to fertile land,
facilities and water availability, and Khorixas constituency councillor Public procurement practice was
patterns of rainfallin the region. Sebastian !Gobs has described the introduced as a crucial way to measure
Otjozondjupa is the fourth largest way public procurement is done as the the functioning of the government,
region in the country with a total leading factor in the slowing down of regarding service delivery while
surface area of 105,460 km², which much-needed service delivery. ensuring that ethical standards are
represents about 7.8% of the total !Gobs was responding to queries during being adhered to and not compromised
Namibia area. an interview with The Villager on the and undermined. However, the
constituency's slowness in service counciloris of the opinion that the
delivery. practice is worsening the situation.
He noted that the process hampers "It is the exploitation of the government,
development through lengthy official they are exploiting the government.
processesthat slow down the decision- Just go to a private person and ask the
making process. person how much he used to drill his
The councillor also described the borehole, it is under N$100 000, but
process to be costly for the government when it comes to the government, the
as suppliers and tendering companies price escalates at the end of the day,"
often exploit the government through he charged.
such a practice. Continued on Pg.6

5 5

Paratus To Tackle E-learning

Khorixas Councilman
Procurement management also
ensures that all items and services are
properly acquired so that projects and
processes can proceed efficiently and
successfully without corrupt practices.
In Africa
This intent, however, received a lot technical support, consulting and capital
of criticism from the councillor who to help EduVision deliver e-learning
believes that the process has also to more rural schools throughout
failed in its objectives of making sure Namibia. EduVision provides remote
that service delivery runs smoothly. and underserved schools with access to
"Corruption will never end, we are first-class teaching via digital interactive
trying to curb corruption but it is platforms.
still there. They are saying that the "Without a stable and secure internet
procurement process is the correct connection, this type of e-learning
one that will curb corruption, but it is is simply not possible. Providing
not true. If there is a service provider connectivity to schools in under-served
and you are the only one who can areas is an important part of the Paratus
manufacture the product, why must we promise to transform Africa through
go through the procurement process? exceptional digital infrastructure and
We know that you are the only one in customer service," said Barney Harmse,
Namibia who can offer that product, Staff Writer executive chairman of the Paratus
and this process was maybe a good Group .
idea but it failed," he added. Telecommunication company The importance of such projects was
The Khorixas constituency that has Paratus, together with Interactive particularly brought to light with the
been haunted by severe drought for Audio Visual Solutions, are in the advent of Covid-19 when e-learning was
the past 10 years is still struggling with process of establishing an e-learning a requirement amidst social distancing.
potable water supply for both humans trail through Africa. Tsumkwe Senior Secondary School,
and livestock, and that farmers in his This will be done by connecting since being connected to the programme
constituency are still fighting with schools and teachers in rural areas in 2018, boosted its school rankings
wildlife for water. to the learning content they need to due to the overall improvement of its
"We also have a problem with human- be equally equipped to excel in their students' results. One student at the
wildlife conflict. Farmers cannot farm exams and school rankings. school received an A+ in Biology.
because there is not enough water," he Paratus Zambia, which is participating The school also managed to jump a
said. in the Innovation Africa event this massive 149 places, from number 183
Among other ongoing developmental week, has revealed its ambitions to in 2018 to number 34 in 2020 (incl.
projects in the constituency, !Gobs attract joint sponsors to make what private schools), and increased its
noted that the council has resolved the Paratus Group has achieved in public school ranking from number 59
to assist farmers to restock as it Namibia a reality in Zambia. in 2019 to number 14 in 2020.
has initiated a project of supplying Paratu and Interactive Audio Visual A learner from the Waterberg Junior
donkeys to various households. Solutions want to replicate the work Secondary School said, "Comparing
The councillor added that a community that the Namibian NGO, EduVision the pace at which we were learning
recycling project will also be launched has achieved in Namibia where many then and now, EduVision has not
in order to create employment and thousands of learners have benefited only accelerated the learning and
allow people to get incentives and, from receiving its online content for teaching process but also improved our
in turn, shape the constituency's learners and teachers. knowledge and understanding."
evolution. Since 2018, Paratus has been helping Helping to advance education through
EduVision to connect numerous connectivity is one of the Paratus
schools and over 10,000 learners Group's key focus areas under its
directly. Indirectly, thousands of Paratus Social Investments initiative
additional learners benefit from the (PSI). For example, when Paratus has
learning materials received online. approval from municipalities to install
The Paratus Group in Namibia already fibre networks in Namibia, the company
pledged and is busy installing a total of automatically lays fibre to any schools
50 satellite connections as EduVision en route at their own cost, so that these
signs up more and more rural schools. schools and areas may take advantage
The Paratus Group has provided both of the Paratus high-quality connection
satellite equipment and infrastructure, infrastructure.


Capricorn Foundation Invests In Childhood Development

Foundation said in a press release this Pillar.
week. "A child who has benefited from a
The Foundation has also assured that quality ECD can perform better in
it is committed to investing in early school and with the development of
childhood development under its key their emotional, social and intellectual
primary focus area of“Education and skills. This is, therefore, what we
Economic Advancement”. mean by investing in our future
The AMS project aims to equip informal generations,"Horn pointed out.
preschools on farms and around remote She stated that many preschool
areas of the country with an appropriate children need the opportunity to attend
Christian curriculum and teaching aids. a preschool facility to ensure that they
The syllabus is primarily aimed at are school ready and equal to other
getting children aged five and six years Grade 1 learners.
ready for schooling, with the latest funds According to her, the AMS has
Nghiinomenwa-vali Erastus donated going towards preparing the attended to the very focused and unique
2023 AMS materials and the training needs of preschool children since its
Last week the Capricorn Foundation of new teachers this December. commencement in 2012.
again committed N$300 000 towards Marlize Horn,Capricorn Foundation The project has reached 5 000 preschool
the Amos Meerkat Syllabus (AMS) executive officer explained that his children across the country from
project. organisation understands the great Luderitz in the far south to Katima
“Supporting early childhood need for early childhood development Mulilo in the far northeast of Namibia,
development is an investment that (ECD) investment as outlined by the the Foundation revealed.
goes a long way and has a lasting government in the Harambee Prosperity
impact on the future of Namibia," the Plan II under the Social Progression Email:



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7 7

I Doubt the Windhoek Ghetto Kids will be

Equally Economic and Socially Competitive
see a brick house. The kids have to
normalise or rationalise the ghetto
structure as the best housing structure
that exists.
Only their school is made out of bricks.
There are no open areas or any sort of
recreational platforms for the young,
which is why they use the narrow rocky
roads that separate their ghettos or
the ghetto narrow paths where people
walk. The only adventure they get is
when they go run to school or to fetch
water or perhaps to go further to the
fourway or the far Usave shop.
I have said among my friends that if and a six-pack of draught if he can drive Many ghettos have chords stretching
politicians are going to heaven, then me around deep in Havana. He agreed with dry meat as not all of them have
kaMkwaanyoka surely has a place even though he nagged the whole hour electricity. If you see a good well-
in heaven. I say this every time I go about his car being damaged due to the structured ghetto there, there is an
deep into Havana. That place and bad gravel there. alcohol outlet. And it is the only place
every ghetto, excluding Hakahana, is This time the view was different. In all you will find a parked nice double
a living hell, especially for kids. the small streets are kids playing, mostly cab or the latest Toyota; anything else
And yes, I am blaming the political boys playing their soccer. So, they put will be a taxi. That is all those kids are
leadership of Windhoek from their goalposts of stones in the road, and exposed to, that is where they draw
Independence to now, plus the City every time a car passes by, they have to their inspiration from.
of Windhoek management. abandon their game for a while.
Usually, I just look at housing as a That is the norm; meaning for them they WILL THEY BE EQUALLY
human right issue, but this time my donot have the normal half-time break COMPETITIVE - ECONOMICALLY
focus is on the ghetto child. because their stadium is a gravel road AND SOCIALLY?
During lunch hours last Friday, I they share with cars.
promised my friend, taxi guy,a N$100 Deep in the ghetto, you will not even The most important question to ask is:
Will these kids make it in this cruel
economy that demands so much from
an individual? I know we throw around
statements like,"your past does not
determine your future". Wait until you
BE A SPECTRA CHAMP speak your village accent among the
Windhoekers in a presentation- they
will use it as a sign of less-intellectual
ability. As you have observed how they
grill us the Ohangwena folks based on
our pronunciation.
NOW So, the point I want to raise here is
& SAVE + 359
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Continued on Pg.9
I doubt the social and economic impact it
the absence of proper toilets. has on the mind of the child. The
The current and future economy ghetto impact has to be factored
requires early exposure and in as one of the critical issues that
moulding of the future participants will emerge later in the life of the
to be equipped with certain kid. Going forward, addressing the
basicpsychological, social, and housing issue in the country should
academic skills. not only be prioritised on the basis
From my observation, the ghetto of a decent living but to reduce
child is not receiving all the required the number of ghetto kids that are
basics given the circumstances they deprived of a better environment to
live in. Moreover, their limited grow up and develop.
access to basic information about All the social ills and economic
the way the economy works, incompetency that the economy
innovation, latest products, and faces can be attributed to the
everything make it worse. There is environment in which your current
little that happens in the ghetto. economic participants grew up, and
Even TV is not readily available, what they had available as kids.
only a few people have TV sets - Providing housing and a decent living
meaning less exposure again to environment to avoid more ghetto GET THE E-PAPER
tickle the kids' curiosity. children will ensure the country's
Those who make it out of the
ghetto and go to university barely
diversify away from teaching,
future economy will be in good
hands. Competitiveness, creativity,
better leadership, and innovations
nursing, or some other conventional are not taught in a workplace alone;
science degrees. Isn't this a sign of they have to emanate from one
less exposure? Because the current economic and social circumstance.
and future economy needs different
expertise beyond the conventional
The environment you grow up in
moulds you to be the type of worker, MONDAY
entrepreneur, leader, and innovator
degree that our elders and leaders
preach about. you will be tomorrow. WEDNESDAY
If now the majority of the future The ghetto child has no voice but that
economic participants are staying
in the ghetto living on the bare
shouldnot mean we should be silent
about their circumstances either, FRIDAY
minimum and with less exposure because they will be in charge of
to the basic stimulating social and the economy tomorrow. And are we
economic information- are we going to be comfortable with them
going to be competitive in this ever- in charge?
changing world?
The situation of housing is not just Email:
about a decent place to live but

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9 9

Pulling Heart Strings with Elizabeth On The Radar

00h00-02h00 13h00-14h30
Penge Omhito na Ludolf Oonkundana Dhingi na Eba
02h00-05h00 14h30-16h30
Early Morning Scoop with Kelvin The Home Run with Envaalde
05h00-07h00 16h30-18h30
Unpacking the Day with Andrew Business Zone
07h00-09h00 18h00-19h30
The Free Your Mind Show Omutumwa na Tate Fly

09h00-11h00 19h30-21h00
Tech Eagle with Frans Off The Hook with Sally
11h00-12h00 21h00-23h00
FRIDAY The Brand |Conversation
Pulling Heart Strings with Elizabeth

Eagle Media House
33B John Ludwig Street
Klein Windhoek
+264 83 288 8400
MONICA : Cel: +264 81 270 3727 Email:
Studio Tel: +264 83 288 8401 SALLY : Cel: +264 81 475 5281 Email:
DWIGHT: Cel: +264 81 676 8042 Email:


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