Ha 6

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Department of Civil Engineering

Home-Assignment No. 6
Fluid Mechanics I –Hydrodynamic Boundary Layer
& Measurement Techniques
1. An aeroplane of weight 20 kN has a wing area of 30 m2 and it flies at a speed of 50 m/s.
If the lift coefficient varies linearly from 0.35 at 0° to 0.8 at 6°; compute the angle of
attack which the wings should make with the horizontal. Assume air density ρ = 1.2 Kg/
m3 .
2. A ship is propelled by two cylindrical rotors turning at 250 revolutions per minute about
their axes which are horizontal. Each rotor is 6 m long and 1.5 m in diameter. Estimate
the total longitudinal force exerted upon the rotors when wind with relative velocity 40
Km/ hour strikes the ship at an angle of 30° to the horizontal. Assume ρair = 1.22 Kg/ m3
and corresponding to ratio of relative air velocity and circumferential velocity of the
rotors as 1.77; CD = 4.4 and CL=1.5.
3. A kite of dimension 0.7 m × 0.7 m and weighing 6 N assumes an angle of 8° to the
horizontal and the string attached to the kite makes an angle of 45° to the horizontal. The
pull on the string is 25 N when the wind is blowing at a speed of 40 Km/ hour. Find the
drag and coefficients. Take ρair = 1.2 Kg/ m3.
4. A Pitot tube is mounted on an airplane to indicate the relative speed of the plane. What
differential pressure intensity will the instrument register when the plane is travelling at a
speed of 200 Km/ hour in the wind blowing at 60 Km/ hour against the direction of
motion of the plane? Take specific weight of air as 11.9 N/ m3 and coefficient of velocity
Cv = 0.98.
5. A weir 36 m long is divided into 12 equal bays by vertical posts, each 60 m wide.
Determine the discharge over the weir if the head over the crest is 1.2 metres and the
velocity of approach is 2 m/s.
6. A right angled V-notch is employed to measure the discharge. Estimate the flow rate the
head ( H  dH ) measured above the sill is given as ( 0.2  0.01 ) m. Take the vale of
discharge coefficient as 0.60.
7. Petrol of specific gravity 0.8 is flowing through a pipe inclined at 30° to the horizontal
upward direction. A venturimeter is fitted in this 25 cm diameter pipe; the ratio of areas
of main and throat is 4 and the throat is at a distance of 1.2 m from inlet along the length.
The U-tube differential manometer connected to the inlet and throat section registers a
steady reading of 5 cm of mercury; the tubes above the mercury being full of water. Find
the discharge and pressure difference in kPa between the throat and entrance section. The
meter has the discharge coefficient of 0.95 and relative density of mercury is 13.6.

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