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Grammar what it remember of the structure uses vocabulary

A1 subject and object subjec question told, won, happened
question question Word +verb
principal + complemento
direct+ complemento del

object cuestion
question Word + verb aux
+sujeto+ verb principal +

1B Prensent simple and simple think, see, having

continuos subjec + veb in the present +

sujet+ verb to be + verb /ing
+ complemment
2A present Perfect simple subject + has/ have + verb in worked, have, had
and past simple past participe + complement

subject+ verb past +

2B Present perfect simple subject + has/ have + verb in using, been, living
and perfect continuos past participe + complement

subject+ verb aux had/ been

+ verb ing + complement

3A Narrative tenses past perfct simple by,was, had

past perfct continuos

sujet+ verb to be + verb /ing
+ complemment
past simple
past continuos
present perfect simple

3B use to usually wold + sate verb + is past quite,then,longer

4A Modals and pharaces o of subject + aux verb+ simple shall, going, come
ability verb +
4B Articles a, an , the if,gets,add
5A future forms present continuos+ to be + must,to,wear
ing + will+infinitive
5B zero conditionals and if + present tenses, comma + most,best,worse
frirts conditional future will
6A Modals of obligation afirrmative + must + must might, know, may

6B Comparatives and verb simple + er some,any, too

superlatives veb simple + est

big – bigger – biggest

7 A modals of deduction want,may,would
7 B Quentifers enjoyed, going,warned
8 A Reprted Spech yesterday,read,earlier
8B Verbs patterns broken,oven,get
9 A the passive are,stolen,with
9 B Petinig and nondening that,should, chair
10 A second conditional same, loooking,tried
10 B Thirt conditional had, done,instead

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