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Edara 1

Akhilesh Edara

Mrs. Anthony

Semester 1

January 20, 2023

Final Still Life Reflection

I have planned my work accordingly between each object and how long that object might

take, It took me a total of 6 hours or 4 class periods to complete my Still Life. I spent a few hours

on the switch and the controllers. The components I used in this project are Space, Shape, and

Line, I have used these elements which gave a type of illusion that made the artwork look like

you are getting sucked in. For evidence you can look at the before in picture you can see that

space was used wisely here to get a realistic comparison to the actual picture itself. You can also

see that shapes were used for the objects as there was a Calculator, Gaming Console, Game, and

a Water bottle, For the calculator just a rectangle shape has been used with some mini rectangles

and a circle, For the Gaming Console a rectangle has been used for the screen and circles have

been used for the joy cons. When the elements are put together you can feel Rhythm like you are

seeing the artwork move.

Some of the most challenging moments in this project was charcoal and it was difficult

because I had never used charcoal before and this is my first time doing it, Charcoal got

everywhere the table, my hands. Charcoal was a big problem and getting the right shade was also

a pretty big mess which was irritating. My milestones and goals all were exceeded, After I saw

the examples of a Still Life I thought to myself “There is no way I am passing this assignment”,

but I worked hard on it and it exceeded what I was expecting as the outcome. Media Studies

gave me a good idea on how to get a Still Life done which was really helpful after using values
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and other elements I was able to use it on my Still Life. I think I grew more on my art skills after

doing media studies since before it I would not be expecting much.

My inspiration for this art piece came from a lot of gaming wallpapers and how they are

placed so perfectly which have so many expensive things that would look great in your room.

Some interesting discoveries I made during this project are that I only though charcoal came in

black but there was a white charcoal which helped my art piece look better especially as if there

was a glare on the switch. I would work more time on getting the right shapes and more detail

while drafting.

The meaning behind this artwork is my middle school life, I was so much into the switch

that I would ask my parents to take me to the TPL just to get games for my switch, I also loved

drinking Gatorade, and my favorite game was Splatoon’s. I loved middle school so much that

this art piece was really talking to me after I was done it looked like something I would draw in

middle school. The final result came out amazing, it came out better than what I expected. The

function of this is to remind you of the good times you have had a try to live again like that right

now I would do anything to go back to middle school for just a day. This artwork was made to

understand the human condition because every time I look at this art I feel really happy about

how I had good times in middle school and how everything was so perfect.
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