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1. Find the probability of getting a total of more than 10 in a single throw of 2. Find the probability of
getting a total of more than 10 in a single throw of two dice.

2. In a throw of two coins, find the probability of getting both heads or both tails.

3. From a well shuffled pack of 52 cards, a card is drawn at random. Find the

probability that either it is an ace of red colour or a card of black colour.

4. Cards a numbered 1 to 25. Two cards are drawn one after the other. Find the

probability that the number on one card is a multiple of 7 on the other it is a

multiple of 11.

5. Find the probability that a leap year contains 53 Sundays.

6. Two dice are thrown together. What is the pro0bability that the sum of the

number on the two faces is neither divisible by 3 nor by 5.

7. Two dice are thrown together. What is the probability that sum of the numbers on the two faces is
neither divisible by 3 nor by 5?

8. Ina group there are 3 men, 2 women , 3 persons are selected at random from this group. Find the
probability that 1man and 2 women are 2 men and 1 woman are selected.

9. Two unbiased dice are thrown. Find the probability that neither a doublet nor a total of 10 will

10. Two balls are drawn at random from a bag containing 2 white , 3 red , 5 green

and 4 black balls one by one without replacement. Find the probability that both the balls are of
different colours.

11. Two cards are drawn from a well shuffled pack of 52 cards without replacement.Find the probability
that neither jack nor a card of spade is drawn.

12. If A and B are two mutually exclusive events of a random experiment and P(A∪B)= 0.75 and P(A) =
0.6 find P(B).

13. Two cards are drawn at random from a pack of 52 cards. What is the probability

that it will be (i) a club and a heart (ii) a king and a queen (iii) two kings (iv) two

cards of same colour (same suit)?

14. A class consist of 10 boys and 8 girls. Three students are selected at random.
What is the probability that the selected group has (i) all boys (ii) all girls (iii) 1

boy & 2 girl (iv) at least one girl (v) at most one girl.

15. One card is drawn from apack of 52 cards, each of these 52 cards are being

equally likely to be drawn. Find the probability of : (i) a card drawn is red and

king (ii) the card drawn is either red or king.

16. A bag contains 8 red, 3 white and 9 blue balls. If three balss are drawn at

random, determine the probability that (i) all the three balls are blue balls (ii) all

the balls are of different colours.

17. A box contains 100 bolts and 50 nuts. Its is given that 50%bolts and 50% nuts

are rusted. Two objects are selected from the box at random. Find the probability that both are bolts
and both are rusted.

18. In a single throw of three dice, find the probability of getting :

(i) a total of 5 (ii) a total of atmost 5 (iii) a total of at least 5.

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