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2 • ISSUE 1 MARCH 2019

A Review on Sayed Rafi Ahsan Rizvi’s


Saman Rais
Research Scholar2

he book under review starts with the disclaimer that ―This book is a

T ‗Zekr-e-Allah’, an attempt to comprehend Allah‘s Grandeur, Power and

Governance in the context of human and scientific knowledge on the
birth, development, retreat and the death of the universe. Special care has been
taken not to hurt anyone‘s feelings in any way. Any consideration to the contrary is
unintentional and deeply regretted‖.

This book, as aptly suggested by its title, is the Quranic insight on the timeline of
the universe via Sayed Rafi Ahsan Rizvi‘s perspective. If you are interested in
physics or space and you want an introduction or even just an idea about the
timeline of ideas regarding the universe in the Qur‘anic perspective, this book is
very helpful. The Qur‘an is not a book of science but a book of signs; it
encompasses knowledge about every wet and dry entity in existence but it is interest
and keenness of the reader that takes him to different revelations about his topic of
interest. It goes without saying that the author is brilliant in his writing and he has
provided a lot of information in the book. While the actual information contained in
the book makes a reader think for days about light, the universe, and pretty much
everything, its extraction and systematic organization would have demanded a
painstaking research and study on the part of the author. Instead of just saying,
―here's the facts, here's what we can infer from that, here's why that's the most likely
possibility, and here's what that means for the universe,‖ the author gives the facts
and meanders more often than not around the inference by saying ―this is the
information provided by the verses‖.

Publication Details: Sayed Rafi Ahsan Rizvi, UNIVERSE— A TIMELINE: A QURANIC INSIGHT,
First Edition (Chennai, India: Notion Press, 2017), Pp. 568, ISBN 978-1-946983-45-9.
Research Schola,r, Department of Chemistry, Aligarh Muslim University.

The book has a lot of merits. Firstly, non-native English users would feel
comfortable and find it easy to read. The author has not used difficult words and his
writing style is clear. In this sense, he is better than other English scientific authors.
It makes the reader learn more about how the universe began, how the stars have
been formed, and how we have come here as the result of the evolution of the
universe in the light of Quran and scientific theories.

Rizvi‘s Universe— A Timeline: A Quranic Insight is undoubtedly one of the casual

scientific texts one should read to know about the universe and its origin and
evolution. The author seamlessly places the reader in the shoes of a student while
diving deep into the questions we have always wondered but have never had the
craving to research at the expense of our own time. Beginning with the relative
basics of discoveries in the past centuries, he explains in great detail the logic and
reasoning behind the evolution of the human understanding of the universe. After
this, the author quickly dives deeper and deeper into theoretical possibilities along
with the evidentiary supporting observations. Due to the vagueness of the topic, the
author helps readers visualize and truly understand the concepts under discussion
with the help of tables and figures which relate to the real, observable world and the
everyday life. For a reader, such a vivid comparison makes the discussion seem a
whole lot simpler and manageable to wrap his head around. Moreover, the writing
style throughout the text is entertaining and encouraging for the reader to continue
its study despite the theoretical discussions. The quantification of Allah‘s day
seemed complicated and very confusing to follow, however, after understanding
through the table and figure, I could not help myself but to turn a few pages back
and reread his theory – all of this to understand his clever remark. Thus far, it seems
like a perfect scientific book to read – it‘s light, clever, and even mysterious at
times. Yet, some parts of the text are extremely complex and difficult to follow. The
complexity of the theoretical descriptions has absolutely nothing to do with the
book itself. The Author has included an abundance of analogies and explained the
complicated concepts of wormholes in as simple a language as possible.
All in all, it is an outstanding scientific text, rather a classic. The depth of the


material which has been organized in such syntax that even an average teenager can
understand it is incredible. This book answers many questions (and raises just as
many new ones) about different aspects of the universe which are not usually
discussed in the general public.
The book covers a range of diverse topics, starting from ―Beginning and
Development of the Universe‖i followed by ―Space-Time: Tracks (Scientists call as
‗Worm Holes‘),‖ ―Quantification of Allah‘s Day & likely total span of the
universe,‖ ―Creation of lifeii (Quranic Insight),‖ ―Coming of Adam (AS)iii and Eve
(AS)‖, iv ―Universe Retreat: The Day of Qiyaama and Allah‘s Judgement‖, ―Final
closure of the universe‖v and summarising it all as ―Allah‘s Likely Grand Design.‖
The author starts with the basics of the Universe: Layout and Setup (including
Hawking's ‗Grand Design‘).vi In this book, the writer has also commented upon
Stephen Hawking‘s (the most celebrated cosmologist of the contemporary times)
views: Matter-Energy-Space compressed in an atom-size, exploded (Big Bang) to
release these to form the universe. This is substantiated by Einstein‘s E = mc² which
confirms that at Light Velocity Constant the matter is convertible to energyvii. The
law of gravity and other laws controlled and shaped the subsequent development of
the universe. Therefore, there is no need of a creator and also there will be no
hereafter and heaven/hell. Hawking considers it as a ‗Grand Design‘. Regarding
this, the author comments: ―It is true that Einstein‘s E = mc² is a base in
understanding the universe that no motion in this universe can cross this constant as
matter exists only below this and over it only energy will survive‖. The ‗Time‘ as
suggested by Hawking also started with ‗Big Bang‘, so the ‗Space‘. This led all the
scientists to believe that nothing other than our material universe exists and within it
alone multiverses may exist. However, despite the knowledge of this ‗Barrier‘, no
one ventured or even visualised the outcome if this constant is crossed upwards.
Further, the scientists are still in hypothesis stage with regard to the birth of the
universe as they still cannot explain how the initial nebula sized an atom (in energy
or matter form) came into being and could exist without any space; and also, how
could it be subjected to explosion to form the universe (Scientists later modified this
theory and proposed that space also exploded— ‗Singularity‘). In the material

universe, the fact that everything is in motion led the scientists to propose the
explosion (Big Bang) theory to explain this motion. The energy, too, cannot exist
without space. Some Qur‘anic verses confirm that space does continue to exist over
this barrier but without any time factor as the motion exceeds the Velocity
Constant. This was the place our last Holy Prophet (SAW) visited during Miraj.
Related to this, the author has referred to the Qur‘anic verses on Mi‘raj, 53: 14 and
16: - ―Near the Lote-tree beyond which none may pass‖ and ―Behold, the Lote-tree
was shrouded (in mystery unspeakable!)‖ speak volumes of the outer most barrier –
the ‗Lote Tree‘ which none may pass and its mysterious appearance, clearly point:
(a) the part of tree inside looks normal (though non-matter) while (b) outside it is
invisible. Passing the tree beyond is not prohibited but categorical ‗None-can pass‘
points a formidable barrier. Further, in the verse 53: 15: - ―Near it (Lote Tree) is the
Garden of Abode‖, generally considered as Abode of God apparently may be
housing structures which have to be non-material as above the ‗Constant‘ no Matter
can exist.viii Presently, for scientists it is beyond acceptance. The author has
broadly divided the universe into the following classes:
1. Motion below the Light Velocity Constant: Space, Matter and Time – Mega
Alam-e-Muntaha Universe ix(as known to us).
2. Motion over the Light Velocity Constant: Only space, no matter and no time -
Mega Alam-e-Muntaha x(Quranic information). Motion over the Light Velocity
Constant appears to be a zone rather than a razor-sharp division which allows only
space to exist but blocks matter with no time factor.
3. Motion over the Light Velocity Band (beyond ‗Lote Tree‘) to which none can
pass is a region of No space-time-matter which Quran mentions Mega Alam-e-Amar
(is inconceivable and is ever existing).
The author has explored the overall natural set-up of the universe much beyond
Stephens Hawking‘s thinking. He talks about the origin and development of the
universe in the light of various Quranic verses. On p.126, he says: ―The human
knowledge is now in a position to decipher many aspects of the information
provided by the revealed knowledge of the Quran‖xi. In an attempt to explain
Allah‘s grand design, he quotes the verse 51: 47: - ―With power and skill did we


construct the Firmament (Sama): for it is We Who create the vastness of space.‖ He
elaborates that Allah created the first enclosure in MA Amarxii (ever-existing Mega
Alam with no Space-Time-Matter) and by decelerating motion formed the MA
Muntaha (with space only). Further, soon on continued deceleration of motion
below the Light Velocity Barrier, the second enclosure (the so-called 'sky') came
into being giving rise to MA Universe (as we know it) to house the space-matter
and other ingredients.
He then brings home the Space-Time: Tracks (Scientists call as ‗Worm Holes‘). He
explains the intricacies of the vastness of the space very lucidly in the light of the
Qur‘anic verse 23: 17: ―And We have made, above you, seven tracts; and we are
never unmindful of (our) Creation‖. It beautifully describes the travel and
communication in Space-Time. The latter part of the verse shows that when the
material universe came into existence, the travel and communication would have
been easy while the expansion of the space would bring in the possibility of the
travel/communication to zero, so He created ‗Seven Tracks‘ for instant
travel/communication (to the Supreme Command Centre in MA Muntaha), for His
continued control over all His creations‖. These tracks and pathways are obviously
used by Angles; however, The Quran mentions that only our Holy Prophet (SAW)
travelled through the ‗Track‘ during Mi‘raj (17: 1; 53: 5-18) on God‘s invitation.
His travel was instant involving no time which indicates that instant
travel/communication can take place through these ‗Tracks‘ and Pathways‘. Such
state can only happen if the motion within these Tracks/Pathways will be over the
Light Velocity Constant where ‗Time‘ stands still.
The vastness of the universe, too, has been described by the author through two
Qur‘anic Verses: First, ―The angels and the spirit ascend unto him in a Day the
measure whereof is (as) fifty thousand years‖ (70: 4) which indicates that the travel
through the track to the ‗Supreme Command Centre‘ in MA Muntaha as per our
reckoning a ‗Day‘ for Angels will amount to 50,000 years for the earth. From the
other verse, ―He rules (all) affairs from the heavens (Sama) to the earth: in the end
will (all affairs) go up to Him, on a Day whereof will be (as) a thousand years of
your reckoning‖ (32:5), it may be inferred that the travel through ‗Pathways‘ to

‗Sub-Command Centres‘ in different Samawats (within material universe) a ‗Day‘
for Angels will be equal to 1000 years on earth as per our reckoning. The
description is very precise and it is possible to have some glimpse of the distances
from earth to MA Muntaha (Supreme Command Centre) and the ‗Sub-Command
Centre‘ in nearest Samawat (Cosmos). Future researches might open this
possibility. Human ingenuity needs praise that they thought of existence of some
way by which the travel/communication ought to be possible to explore the
universe. Amongst a very few, Stephens Hawking was a leading scientist to predict
the possibility of some kind of ‗Worm Holes‘ like passages which will allow to
travel and communicate, by-passing the hazards of motion near the ‗Speed of
Light‘. However, a word of caution to the scientists with regard to the ‗possibility
of such passage through Black Holes‘ has not been indicated in The Quranic verses
and that the Tracks and Pathways follow totally independent unknown mechanism.
It is likely that humans might discover these in far future as the knowledge

The author quantifies Allah‘s Day & the likely total span of the universe. The
duration of Allah‘s Day has been a dispute between the ‗People of the Books‘ and
the intellectuals/scientists. The usage of the ‗creation of the universe in 6 Days‘
could not be understood in its proper perspective. The former, considered the span
of the universe from the beginning to the present as 6 Days, while the latter measure
it in terms of billions of years and consider that the scriptures‘ Days are not
compatible with the reality. This pushed the followers of the scriptures to speculate
on the duration of each day: A few considered thousands of years for each Day and
others simply explained as ‗Eon‘ i.e., very long period of time. This was not
acceptable to the scientists as they are for a precise duration which ought to match
the human knowledge. Therefore, the quantification of Allah‘s Day became
immensely important for the followers. Strangely, The Quran provides information
on the topic which, in fact, is far more than scientists have been able to gather so
far. It is thus, a shot in the arm for the believers to prove the superiority of the
scriptures. The readers may refer the publication for the verses referred to by the


author in arriving at: the duration of Allah‘s each Day equals 1.15 billion years.
With this figure, the ‗Timeline of the material universe‘ (by the Quran) has been
summarised by the author:
A Creation and Development of the material universe 6 Days 6.9 b.y.
B Life development 4 Days 4.6 b.y.
C Day of Qiyaama: Last Day for material universe (Retreat and Closure) – 1 Day 1.15 by
The Present
D Total for material universe 11 Days 12.6 by or 13by
E Scientists estimate the age of the universe 13.76 by

The author has also discussed the creation of life. Drawing on the dictum that
―Aristotle believed that while matter can exist without form, form cannot exist
without matter, and therefore the soul cannot exist without the body,‖3 the author
remarks: ―It is a challenge for scientists and philosophers to define life. This is
partially because (as they think) life is a process, not a substance. Further, scientists
believe that all life is cellular and the right combination makes it ‗Living‘, thereby
accepting that it is a ‗Process and not a substance.‘‖ The Quran, on the other hand,
declares: ―He who created Death and Life…‖ (67; 2), makes death a distinct entity
as life is. It may seem unusual for the death, in our thinking, is the absence of life as
it is used exclusively for animates and the inanimate have not been classified in
terms of ‗Life and Death‘. The verses clearly bring out that both are distinct entities
as: ―…Thou bringest the Living out of the dead, and Thou bringest the dead out of
the Living…" (3: 27); ―… how He gives life to the earth after its death: verily the
same will give life to the men who are dead: for He has power over all things‖ (30:
50). It may be simplified that life is ‗active‘ and death is ‗inactive‘, implying both
are ‗Substances with built in Process‘. Almighty made Angels (35: 1) and created
Jinns (51: 56) both without matter but with definite form (each unique and
identifiable), confirming life form does exist without matter. (Science is yet to
accept it).
It was Almighty‘s Will that He paved the way for the creation of animate within
inanimate: ―We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape‖


(15: 26); ―And Allah has created every animal from water …‖ (24: 45) to a cellular
life emerging from a ‗Primordial Cell‘xiv by infusing the ‗Genetic Soul‘. This one-
time infusion, by cell division/reproduction made all life interconnected through
passage of time till: ―We have indeed created man in the best of moulds‖ (95; 4)
[possibly Neanderthal], created ‗Man‘ by another infusion of ‗Nafs‘ (7: 172). Each
‗Nafs‘ is unique and has no relationship with another ‗Nafs‘. Being a matter-less
entity, on infusion it controls the animal material body with ‗Genetic Soul‘ and on
its death, Angels take this 'Nafs' out to wait in Barzakh for accountability at the time
of Judgement of deeds while associated with material body.

There is a considerable deliberation in the book on the emergence of the first couple
(with whom we have lineage) from the perspective of both the ‗People of the
Books‘ and the scientists. Since the latter are still groping for scientific explanation,
the former could not explain their scriptures in such a way which could lead to any
conclusive solution. While talking about the coming of Adam (AS) and Eve (AS),
the author highlights that the Quran devotes 25 verses to the discussion on Adam
(AS), unravelling the sequences of developments in Extra-terrestrial and Terrestrial
domains for our understanding. The Command: ―…I will create (make) a vicegerent
on earth…‖ (2: 30) in the former arena links with the latter with the statement:
―…He began the creation of man with (nothing more than) clay‖ (32: 7),
synchronizing with the creation of ‗Primordial‘ cell on earth by infusing ‗Genetic
Soul‘ to make it living (about 4 billion years ago). The verse 41: 10: - ―… bestowed
blessings on the earth, and measure therein all things to give them nourishment in
due proportion, in four Days, in accordance with (the needs of) those who seek
(Sustenance)‖, categorically informs that Allah alone provided conditions
(environment) vis-a-vis the sustenance for the progressive development of life on
earth in 4 Days (about 4.6 b.y.) till the emergence of the ‗Best Mould‘ (95: 4),
possibly the Neanderthals. Subsequently, the Command (7: 24): ―… "Get ye down,
all (ye people), with enmity between yourselves. On earth will be your dwelling-
place and your means of livelihood - for a time.", infused in mother‘s womb (7:
172) the Extra-terrestrial ‗Nafs‘ to Terrestrial ‗Best Mould‘, converted non-humans


to humans [The Arabic text used the word ‗ ‫‗ ‘جَا ِعل‬Jai'l‘ - made and not ‗Khalaq‘ –
create as in 2: 30].

For scientists, there is no provision for the definite retreat/closure of the universe
and also the accountability before Allah‘s Judgement. The author writes in the
chapter 7 of the book that the Quran, in over 200 verses, discusses the retreat of the
universe. The verse 21: 104, ―The Day that We roll up the heavens (Sama)xv like a
scroll rolled up for books (completed)…‖ provides a full reverse sequence of the
entire development of the universe. The deceleration of motion below ‗Light
Velocity Barrier‘, brought in the material universe with distinct seven Samawatsxvi
(material groups of Cosmoses lying one above the other), will eventually reach zero
motion and would accelerate gradually but in opposite direction to which the verse
describes ‗roll up the heavens (Sama)‘. The verses, ―And verily the Hour will come:
there can be no doubt about it, or about (the fact) that Allah will raise up all who are
in the graves‖ (22: 7) and ―Does he not know, when that which is in the graves is
scattered abroad‖ (100: 9) confirm this reverse sequence. The verse 70: 43, ―The
Day whereon they will issue from their sepulchres in sudden haste as if they were
rushing to a goal-post (fixed for them)‖ clearly informs that: (1) near the closing
stage of the universe, the retreat will be very fast and the Judgement place will be
the ‗goal-post‘ for all the ‗Nafs‘ for accountability of their actions they performed
while alive. It may further, be noted that the reversal sequence will bring forth all
the earlier forward events during development, as such each ‗Nafs‘ would witness
his life-span from death to birth to which the above verses point.

The author beautifully describes the closure of the material universe and its merger,
in the light of the Quran, with Alam-e-Muntahaxvii (the general motion then will be
near ‗Light Velocity Barrier) through a connecting passage/bridge (before closure)
between them. [The verse 19: 71, ―Not one of you but will pass over it: this is, with
thy Lord, a Decree which must be accomplished‖ and verse 57: 13, ―… So a wall
will be put up between them, with a gate therein. Within it will be Mercy
throughout, and without it, all alongside, will be (Wrath and) Punishment‖, provide

information that the ‗Hell‘ will be below the passage/bridge and the ‗Paradise‘ on
the other side of the ‗Gate‘ (last entry point of the ‗Track‘). The ‗Hell‘ in material
universe will last till its extinguishment, while in ‗Paradise‘ in Mega Alam-e-
Muntaha (Over Light Velocity Barrier with no matter but with space), all righteous
‗Nafs‘ (no matter entity) will enjoy Allah‘s rewards for His another Day (1.15
billion years)].

Most scientists consider that the universe is ‗Infinite and Boundless‘, but ‗The
Timeline of the universe‘ as per The Quranic verses, in categorical terms reveals
that the universe is a ‗continuous sequence of beginning, development, retreat and
closure‘, spread over about 15 billion years. The past, present and future of the
universe is/will have five distinct phases from beginning to the end making it
‗Finite and Time-bound‘. Allah‘s Grandeur and Majesty is reflected by the fact that
He alone controls the space as testified by the verse 51: 47, ―With power and skill
did We construct the Firmament: for it is We Who create the vastness of space.‖
Allah used His most fundamental law of ‗Light Velocity Barrier‘ to create two
Mega Alams within the ever existing Mega Alam-e-Amarxviii (no space and no
matter) by only using the motion over/below this ‗Barrier‘ (over - Mega Alam-e-
Muntahaxix with space only) and (below - Mega Alam-e-Universexx with space,
matter, time and other ingredients).

The verse 21: 104, ―The Day that We roll up the heavens like a scroll rolled up for
books (completed), - even as We produced the first creation, so shall We produce a
new one: a promise We have undertaken: truly shall We fulfil it‖ sums up the future
course of closure of the material universe and His promise of a new creation. The
existence of the material universe below the ‗Light Velocity Barrier‘ is/will be a
sequence of deceleration of general motion to nearly ‗zero‘ and then acceleration in
reverse direction will bring the ‗Rolling‘ of the contents of the material universe as
the verse points. At the time of Allah‘s Judgement, the general motion will be near
the ‗Light Velocity Barrier and it will be the last major event of the material
universe (likely to be within 1.15 billion years). Thereafter, the motion will cross


upwards this ‗Barrier‘ extinguishing all matter and merging in Mega Alam-e-
Muntahaxxi where only space exists.

The ‗Space and Motion‘ are the basics of the universe and beyond. Allah alone
creates and controls the space and employs the motion (above and below ‗The Light
Barrier‘) as a common thread for generation and decay of all the contents of the
universe. This is Allah‘s Likely Grand Design‘.

The author makes a catching remark: ―Allah‘s creations be it a ‗leaf of a particular

plant‘, ‗animal stripes‘, ‗finger prints‘, ‗sand grains‘, ‗landscapes‘ etc., are never
identical yet similar in their respective classes. Trillions and trillions of
combinations yet each unique, speak volumes of a definite pattern and format of the
universe bestowed by an unseen ‗Designer‘. Innumerable natural laws too
(physical, chemical and others), operate within respective spheres, simply would
not have developed on their own as there is absolutely no place for ‗Chance‘ in
Allah‘s Governance‖.

The gigantic universe is a testimony of cohesion and unison of operations by which

the birth, development, retreat and end of the universe took/will take place within a
time bound span. The Quranic verses provide the ‗Truth‘ of an ‗uninterrupted
sequence from beginning until the end‘ of the universe brought into being and
implemented by only ‗Space creation and its Control‘ and most fundamental natural
law of ‗Light Velocity Barrier‘ (over and above it) by the ‗Greatest Designer‘. The
humans are proud of scientific knowledge and achievements but cannot vouchsafe
the authenticity and legitimacy of their findings as ‗Absolute Truths‘, as the goal
and target for each research continues to remain distant. With such an ambiguous
understanding often taking shelter behind ‗Chance‘, the absolute truths like ‗Creator
- the Master Designer and His Creations‘ simply cannot be evaluated by ‗Partial
Truths‘. Strangely, the extra-ordinary mind and brilliance of Stephens Hawking
bypassed the ‗Signs‘ around him of nature‘s uniqueness individually and
cumulatively, inter-connectivity of each creation etc. Even one Sura Rahmaan (No.

55: 1 to 78 verses) of The Quran would have guided him to the absolute truth and
he would have conceded to the questions raised in the said Sura: ―Then which of the
favours of your Lord will ye deny?‖

The scientific explanation of the origin of the Universe is that of a Big Bang.
However, The Quranic verses indicate that the Universe is an "uninterrupted
sequence from origin until the end" within a specific time span. The verses further
reveal that everything in the material Universe is inter-connected through "tracks
and pathways" (possibly providing for instant communication and travel), and could
be the same as 'Wormholes'xxii that scientists speak of.

As commonly understood, the human body is a part of earthly evolution (created

from clay). However, the author, in the light of the Quran, maintains that the
infusion of ‗Nafs‘ in the mother‘s womb transforms the foetus into a ‗human‘ much
before birth (7: 172)xxiii. The Qur‘anic statement that ―The similitude of Jesus
before Allah is as that of Adam …‖ [3: 59] leads us to think that Adam (AS) too
had a mother, but no father. Possibly, Adam (AS) and Eve (AS) were born to
different Neanderthal females (humans share 4-5% DNA with Neanderthals). And,
God bestowed Adam (AS) and Eve (AS) with only two sons. The further
proliferation of the human race in the light of Qur‘anic and scientific information
has been discussed in the book very significantly.

Genome Analysis indicates that human inter-breeding with Neanderthals created the
Denisovan Groupxxiv. Only a few offspring received 'Nafs' from God to be human
while the remaining were eliminated by Noah's flood and passage of time. The
author, for the reader‘s convenience, has tabulated the different age parameters of
the universe as:


(In billion yrs.)

God‘s each Day worked out from The Quran– equals 1.15

As per The Quran the present age of Universe is (1+6+4=11x1.15=12.65) or 13.00

Science puts the Universe age as 13.76

(Science estimate is on higher side, a re-look needed by Scientists)

Total life span (Quran) of Universe (1+6+4+1+1=13x1.15+14.95) or 15.00

In sum, the book Universe – A Timeline portrays in the light of the Quran, ‗God‘s
Grand Design‘ as a continuous sequence of His Governance of the birth,
development, retreat and death of the universe and all matter, inanimate as well as
animate. The author has explored an intriguing set of linkages between science and
the Quran. It is a must read for all the inquisitive minds.

References (from the book under review):

P. 57.
P. 156.
Pp. 3, 10.
P. 259.
P. 342.
P. 124.
P. 85.
P. 53.
P. 60.
Pp. 55-57.
P. 126.
P. 59.
P. 40.
P. 256.
Pp. 8-9,19.
Pp. 13,21,36.
Pp. 412,428.
Pp. 86,427.
Pp. 495-498.
P. 60.
P. 511.
P. 124.
P. 52.
Pp. 10,34.


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