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1. What actions do I take to manifest my visions and my values?

Using manifestations, we can make our inner dreams, ambitions, and desires come true

for ourselves and for the company. We can attract anything in life through daily meditation that

projects a unique image onto the screen of your mind, supported by a strong mental attitude

toward that vision and a good mindset. The first stage is to change our thinking. Instead of

concentrating on what we/I lack, we should concentrate on our objectives and what we have. The

success of the agency/company comes from the employees on how they act, work and

communicate with the supplier, clients, co- employees and business partners. It requires planning

and we can use the SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relatable, and Time

bound. These are relevant to your goal makes sure that Infinitour Travel Agency goals can be

achieved in a specific amount of time.

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