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Nowadays lots of countries tries to spread their culture and habits to

others. However, due to this they spend too much money on it. But is
it worth it or they should try to invest in something else?

Firstly, countries present their history. Also this helps in developing

strong culture, as every culture need to be with the history. Past habits,
which go through a lot of years brings together families, and make
strong patriotic mood in peoples mind.

Secondly, due to spread of their heritage, they invest in their future,

this means, that it will catch peoples attention and people would be ea-
ger to know more about , and probably visit your country, which
strengthen economic.

Thirdly, sometimes it not only about economical people love their

country, and due to good heritage they would like to work on it or
stand for their ideology.

To sum up, it worth it all to distribute their culture, ideology and his-
tory, as they will not only receive more money than they spend, but
they will have people, who are love their culture and who are will
stand for it.

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