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Research: Science and Education

Stephen J. Hawkes
Department of Chemistry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-4003;

Lists of “semimetallic” elements differ. Most include all

the elements (other than aluminum and beryllium) that are Ag Cu
K Sn
next to the zigzag line separating metals from nonmetals on As Sb Po
6- Bi
the periodic table. Most exclude bismuth and selenium, and Mn

most exclude either polonium or astatine or neither but not 4-

C (graphite)

both. At one time I taught from a text that asserted that semi-
metals are semiconductors, and I wondered how true that 2 - Se (gray)
was. This paper investigates the listing of semimetals. S emiconductors
Silicon and boron are often listed as both semiconductors 0-
and semimetals. As shown in Figure 1, the amorphous form

Log(Conductivity / (S/m))
Si (microcryst)
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of silicon is a nonconductor rather than a semiconductor, -2 -

whereas the microcrystalline form has a conductivity in the Si (monocryst)

ambiguous range that is neither clearly semimetallic nor

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-4 -
B (β -r hombohedral)
clearly insulating. There is no value of conductivity that can be
defined as separating semiconducting elements from insulators, -6 -
so it is meaningless to assert that microcrystalline silicon is one I
or the other. Both conduct electricity by the same mechanism, -8 -
both have conductivities that increase with increasing tempera- P (yellow)
ture (unlike metals), and both can be made unambiguously -10- Insulators
semiconducting by doping with suitable additives. Silicon and C (diamond)

boron have no metallic properties, so they are not semimetals. -12-

The metallic appearance of crystalline silicon is the usual

appearance of opaque nonmetallic crystals like iron pyrite -14-

(“fool’s gold”) and iodine. If silicon and boron are classified S (rhombic)
as semiconductors rather than insulators, then they should -16-

be classified as semiconducting nonmetals.

Selenium in its usual form, on the other hand, has
conductivity well within the semiconductor range and its Figure 1. Log of electrical conductivity in S m᎑1 at 25 °C. All the
structure is one of infinite spiral chains of selenium atoms semiconducting and nonconducting elements of which the conduc-
with weak interaction of a metallic nature between the chains tivity is known are included, and sufficient conducting elements to
(1). Its compounds mostly show a nonmetallic nature for the illustrate the range. The values are the reciprocal of the resistivities
selenium. The element is therefore metallic in some of its given by Emsley (11) except for the value for polonium, which is
calculated from Maxwell’s (12 ) value 4 × 10 ᎑5 Ω cm at 0 °C
properties but a nonmetal in others. This ambiguity defines it
(correction for temperature does not change the first significant fig-
as a semimetal even though it does not adjoin the zigzag line. ure in this case) and for the three forms of Si from refs 13–16 .
Arsenic is rightly classified as a semimetal in all tables
that I have seen. Its appearance is not clearly metallic or non-
metallic, it is an electrical conductor (not a semiconductor),
and its chemistry resembles that of nonmetals. Antimony is a silvery-white metal (3, 4), bismuth has a less clearly metallic
also classified as a semimetal but the case is less compelling. appearance. Aesar describes it as “gray with a reddish tinge”
It has a metallic appearance (Aesar describes it as a bluish- (2) and the CRC Handbook describes it as “a white crystalline
white metal [2]), it is more brittle than most metals, and it brittle metal with a pinkish tinge” (5). It is less electrically
is an electrical conductor outside the range of semiconduc- conducting than either antimony or arsenic (see Fig. 1), both
tors. It forms a few cationic compounds, so its chemistry is a of which are usually classified as semimetals, or than polonium,
little more metallic than that of arsenic. It is reasonable to which is a metal and a conductor, or than most other metals.
classify it as a semimetal but it would also be reasonable to With the exception of mercury, bismuth has a lower thermal
classify it as a metal. This brings us to bismuth. conductivity than all other metals (2). These properties require
The case for classifying bismuth as a semimetal is stronger bismuth to be classified as a semimetal although it is separated
than for antimony, but that makes it an exception to well- from the zigzag line by polonium, which is not a semimetal
known trends, which is probably why it is usually classified but a metal.
as a metal. Being to the left of polonium in the periodic table, Of the other elements next to the zigzag line, beryllium
bismuth would be expected to be more metallic than polonium and aluminum are metals, and it has been shown elsewhere
but is actually less so. Bismuth forms more cationic compounds (6 ) that polonium and astatine are not semimetals but are
than antimony, but fewer than polonium. It does not adjoin respectively a metal and a nonmetal. The line is therefore a
the zigzag line. While its neighbor polonium is unambiguously misleading guide to which elements are semimetals. The prac-

1686 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

Research: Science and Education

tice of calling Si, B, Po, and At (and perhaps Sb) semimetals, Literature Cited
but not Se or Bi, is thus more deceptive than informative.
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is Ge, As, Se, Te, Sb, and Bi. If Bi is omitted, as is traditional, 3rd ed.; Interscience: New York, 1972; p 427.
then logic requires that Sb also be omitted. 2. Alfa Aesar Catalog of Research Chemicals, Metals and Materials;
Alfa Aesar: Ward Hill, MA, 1997.
Definition of “Semimetal” 3. Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry.
System Number 12. Po—Polonium, 8th ed.; Springer: New
Several scales have been proposed which give values for York, 1990; p 275.
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valence electron energy or an electronegativity derived from Ed.; CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, 1990; pp 4–6.
it (8, 9), and the ratio of molar refractivity to molar volume 6. Hawkes, S. J. CHEM13 News 1999, 273 (Feb), 14.
(10) have been proposed. Anomalies can be found for each 7. Pauling, L. Nature 1992, 357, 26–27.
of these scales and they do not identify the same elements as 8. Allen, L. C. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1989, 111, 9003–9014.
semimetals. Metallic character is a combination of several 9. Periodic Table Including Configuration Energies; Gelest Inc.:
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Periodic Table 11. Emsley, J. The Elements, 3rd ed.; Clarendon: Oxford, 1998.
12. Maxwell, C. R. J. Chem. Phys. 1949, 17, 1288; quoted from ref 4.
Rather than defining a list of “semimetals”, it may be 13. Veprek, S. In Properties of Amorphous Silicon, 2nd ed.; EMIS
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A diagram similar to Figure 1 appears in Edwards’s Phys. Status Solidi A 1989, 116, 725.
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millionfold lower than Emsley’s value shown here. University Press: Cambridge, 2000; p 89. • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education 1687

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