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EBAU Test 1. Option A.

At present, many countries have seen a decline on the number of kids born every year.
The reason? Modern families don´t have many children as this in not now a priority.
Numerous facts as the appearance of contraceptive methods give actual couples the
chance to decide whether they have children or not.

To start with, one of the main facts could be the liberation of women in society and the
establishment of the concept “feminism”. While women had no other responsibilities
than being in charge of the house in the past, they now can opt for other ways of
planning their future, as men have always done. These plans include alternatives not
all of them related to the figure of the woman at home being the perfect mom, which
has almost disappeared.

In addition, the way people used to think about having a couple has changed. Rarely
does a person believe these days that you only can marry once or have one couple in
your whole life. This has led to new generations which wait for the right partner to
come and so to take the decision of having kids.

To sum up, our society has developed into a way of living in which each one decides
what to do and the priorities have changed. This has resulted in more families deciding
to have only one or no kids. But, will this situation continue or will it change again into
how it was sixty years ago?

Words: 246

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