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‫الَ َّساَل ُم َعلَْي ُك ْم َو َرمْح ةُ اهلل َو َبَر َكا تُه‬

‫الر ِحْي ِم‬ ِ ‫بِس ِم‬.

َّ ‫اهلل الرَّمْح ِن‬ ْ
Alhamdulillah, all praise is to Allah SWT who has given us opportunity to gather in
this event without any obstacles. Sholawat and regard be upon our prophet Muhammad Saw
who brought us the light of Islam.

Thank you for the time given to me. My name is Naura Amar Aziziah. I would like to
deliver my speech entitled I AM PROUD TO BE A CADRE OF MADAMMADIYAH

Ladies and gentlemen,

In the QS. AL-Ahzab 21.

‫لَ َقدْ اَك َن لَمُك ْ يِف َر ُسولِ اهَّلل ِ ُأ ْس َو ٌة َح َسنَ ٌة ِل َم ْن اَك َن يَ ْر ُجو اهَّلل َ َوالْ َي ْو َم اآْل ِخ َر َو َذ َك َر اهَّلل َ َك ِث ًريا‬

Verily in the messenger of Allah ye have a good example for him who looketh unto Allah and
the Last Day, and remembereth Allah much.

In the verse, Allah says that He made the Prophet Muhammad S. A.W as uswatun
hasanah, the best role model for humans.

We are sons and daughters of Muhammadiyah who are educated as cadres, should try as
much as possible to emulate the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Is it right?

Muhammadiyah comes from the words "Muhammad" and "iyah" later. It means that,
Muslims who have the desire to follow in the footsteps, role models, and the behavior of the
Prophet Muhammad SAW whether monotheism, morality of worship, or muamalah.

Ladies and gentlemen,

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Do you remember him, Jendral Sudirman? He is pure cadre of Hizbul Wathan in

fighting for Indonesian independence. In fact, even in sick condition he still led guerrilla
warfare. Since he was young who elected as a warlord because honesty and strong character.
Nowdays the challenge for the cadres is how to keep moving forward but not forget the role
of the predecessors like Jendral Sudirman and other figures who played a major role in
fighting for the Muhammadiyah movement. And in the big time that we are currently feeling
all are inseparable from the struggle of KH. A. Dahlan, who at that time pioneered everything
from zero. He even sold furniture and valuables to pay teachers, ongoing teaching and
learning process. He didn’t feel heavy heart and set aside his assets for personal use.

Ladies and gentlemen,

We should have thoughts, attitudes, perceptions and totality of soul as sharing of

Muhammadiyah's in all aspects of life. Not just going to school and sit in class then going to
home. The next day it was like that again without any seriousness in becoming a cadre

As the Prophet Muhammad taught to try as much as possible, never give up and competing in
kindness. Fastabiqul khoirot.

That’s all for me, thank you for your attention.

Billahit Taufiq wal Hidayah. Nashrun minallahi wa fathun qoriib

‫والَ َّساَل ُم َعلَْي ُك ْم َو َرمْح ةُ اهلل َو َبَر َكا تُه‬

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