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Engineered Timber: It’s use as structural

members and potential as “Green” construction

Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud1
Faculty of Civil Engineering And Built Environment,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400, Johor, Malaysia

Abstract: The One of the most environmentally friendly resources available, as well
as one of the oldest known building materials, is timber from well-managed forests.
It has a high strength-to-weight ratio, is lightweight, and can transfer both tension
and compression stresses. It's a natural fit as a flexural member. Timber is a form of
wood that has a wide range of applications. It's also used in beams, columns,
trusses, and girders, among other structural shapes. Building systems include piles,
deck members, railway sleepers, and formwork. This document offers a description
of timber, its numerous varieties, a study of timber mechanical qualities,
information on timber durability, and various sorts of connections in timber
buildings, among other things. It comes to a close with a brief explanation of timber
as asustainable material.

Keywords: Timber ,

1. Introduction
The kind of tree from which the Timber is sourced determines whether the Timber is classified as
softwood or hardwood. Although there are few exceptions, hardwood timber is often denser than
softwood timber in general. Typically, softwoods are derived from coniferous trees, such as pine.
Definitions for the term "timber tree." any tree that is prized for its ability to produce lumber or wood
The kind of tree is: a tall perennial woody plant with a primary stem and branches that create a
prominently raised crown; it contains both gymnosperms and angiosperms; includes both
gymnosperms and angiosperms. Timber and lumber are both terms used to refer to the product
produced after a tree has been felled; however, they are referred to as either Timber or lumber,
depending on a few characteristics. In general, the terms timber and lumber may both be used to refer
to wood at any stage after a tree has been felled, regardless of the location at which it was harvested.
Timber furniture should be made to endure, give a long-term return on investment, and look fantastic.
As a result, hardwoods are generally considered the finest woods for interior furniture. Generally
speaking, they are derived from trees that grow more slowly, allowing them to accumulate a more
significant material density.
Figure 1 : Timber in construction

1.1 It’s use as structural member

In addition to a range of structural shapes such as beams, columns, trusses, girders, and other girder-
like elements, Timber is also utilized in construction systems such as piles, deck members, railway
sleepers, and formwork for concrete pouring. There are a number of intrinsic qualities of wood that
make it an excellent choice for use in the building. Hardwood usually is thicker, heavier, and denser
than softwood, and it is frequently used in the construction of walls, ceilings, and floors. High-quality
furniture, solid wood moldings, and internal joinery may be made from hardwood of the finest
possible grade since it includes up to 83 percent useable material on one face. In terms of insulation,
wood is a fantastic choice. The result is that the temperature is kept more consistent throughout.
Compared to other building materials such as masonry, concrete, or steel, Timber will aid in
minimizing heating and related energy needs.
1.2 Potentials as graan construction material
Sustainably harvested wood has the potential to be the most ecologically friendly of the traditional
construction materials since it typically emits the least amount of greenhouse gases of any
conventional building material, making it the most environmentally friendly option. Generally
speaking, wood is classed as either hardwood, which comes from broad-leafed trees such as Beech
and Oak, or softwood, which comes from conifers such as Pine and Fir. Fast-growing species such as
Pine trees tend to be more sustainable than slow-growing species such as Oak trees simply because
they can be replaced more easily.

2. Mechanical properties of engineered timber
In addition to strength in tension and compression as measured in the axial and transverse directions,
wood exhibits shear, cleavage, and hardness. Static bending and shock resistance are among the
mechanical qualities of wood.
2.1 Strength
In addition to strength in tension and compression as measured in the axial and transverse directions,
wood exhibits shear, cleavage, and hardness. Static bending and shock resistance are among the
mechanical qualities of wood.
2.2 Stiffness
The Modulus of Elasticity for each item was computed using a plot of load against deflection for each
piece. This is a measurement of the stiffness of the wood. The greater the E.J., the stiffer the wood,
and the less deflection the Timber will experience under stress in a structural application.
Timber is a complicated construction material due to the fact that it is a naturally grown substance. Its
qualities vary and depend on the environment and loading circumstances under which it is used. In
terms of strength and stiffness, it is a highly anisotropic material with high qualities parallel to the
grain but poor values perpendicular to the grain.
3. Durability issues in using engineered timber for structural purposes
Time and various environmental circumstances cause Timber to contract and expand, twist, fracture,
and bend, and these changes are irreversible. While most timbers are susceptible to insect, rot, mold,
and fungal assaults, some are significantly more resistant than others. LOSP or ACQ treatments are
recommended as a bare minimum for outdoor constructions unless otherwise specified.
4. Typical connections used in engineered timber for structural pupose
Because they are good at transmitting loads while reasonably easy and quick to install, wood elements
joined using dowel-type fasteners are perhaps the most frequent mechanical connection type used in
the construction industry.
5. Typical Sustainbility features relating to CO2 emission, embodied energy , green building
Timber construction has the lowest 'carbon footprint' of any commercial building technique. Timber
has a natural thermal insulation property, preventing heat energy from escaping through the wood's
surface. Buildings account for more than half of all carbon dioxide emissions, with the typical U.K.
home emitting around 7.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. The use of Timber in new construction
may significantly lower the structure's carbon footprint. Timber is the most ecologically friendly of all
the primary construction materials since it consumes the least energy and emits the least amount of
carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Building with wood is non-toxic since it does not produce
chemical vapor into the Environment.
The term "embodied energy" refers to the energy expended in producing materials for building
development. In addition to the extraction and processing of raw materials, it also involves the
production, transportation, and distribution of finished goods operations.
Timber is often cited as the most environmentally friendly building material available in the
construction business. Because of its low embodied carbon footprint, it may be employed to improve
its environmental credentials. Timber is often cited as the most environmentally friendly building
material available in the construction business. Because of its low embodied carbon footprint, it may

be employed to improve its environmental credentials. Timber is a very long-lasting building material.
Some well-built wooden constructions may persist for hundreds of years. It is also inexpensive and
straightforward to maintain compared to other materials, particularly advantageous if you don't mind
the color changing over time. Timber is not only a renewable and recyclable resource, but it is also a
material that requires little energy to manufacture. Importantly, since it works as carbon storage, wood
has a significant role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Timber provides various 'values' to New
South Wales when produced sustainably, including environmental, social, and economic benefits.

Figure 2 : Green timber in building

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