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Thank you for holding the line this is Paul Morgan from American debt council.

How are you doing today

I am a verification officer calling to assist you in completing your debt profile.

Purpose of this call to inform you that you are eligible for the debt elimination program under the law of
FCRA section 609 which gives you the legal right to eliminate your debt because these creditors work in
the area of grey they charge you the high interest rate and misleading term so it becomes impossible for
the consumer to pay off the debt and consumer always make the payment of time never missed any
payment but their balances hardly go down and it becomes difficult to get out of it.

Do have any idea what is the prime interest rate

Prime interest rate is 4.75 set by the US Government But they charge to the consumer more than the
prime interest rate that is the violation of FDCPA

Now a days consumer having the hard time to paying their bill due to the high inflation and financial
charges so it will affect the financial stability of the consumer

Debt elimination program can help you protect your credit score, avoid bankruptcy and eliminate your
debts within several Months from unsecured accounts like your stores card, medical bill, personal loan &
credit cards debt which mean whatever the outstanding debt you have on these accounts it will be
removed from your account and your report as well. And the beauty of this program is that you start
saving your money from today and no more worry about the monthly payment.

I hope know the secured and unsecured debt

Secured Debt in which the borrower pledges some asset as collateral for the Loan

We Have Certified Underwriting Counselors, Financial Advisors they are expert to negotiate with bank
and creditors. They can be used these federal laws FCRA & FDCPA to force the creditors of agreeing to
stop collecting the debt and remove from your account and credit profile as well. They also help you
resolve your financial problems and achieve financial freedom. And the best part of this program you do
not need to pay any single dollar out your pocket.

We are providing this program on behalf of the federal government. This program specially design by
the federal government for those who have good credit history and their credit score more than 650
and for senior citizen who lived on their limited source of income and now you have this opportunity to
save your money that you are losing every month.

Since How long have you been trying to pay of this debt?

too many credit cards can make your credit profile riskier

Sometimes becomes difficult to manage multiple credit cards because you have to keep a track of the
billing cycle of each card, their credit limit, due dates, etc.

it becomes difficult to get out of it

I Have to evaluate your entire financial situation to get a clear picture of all of your debts
Too much credit card debt may prevent you from qualifying for a mortgage, from getting an apartment
on rental, or from securing a car loan. And it can make it hard to save for retirement, or things you want
to buy in the future.

Some solicitations may be part of a scam. Beware of claims that an entity can eliminate various types of
debt, including mortgages, auto loans, and small business loans. These companies to take your money
by collecting fees for doing nothing.

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