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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”

Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)

Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

American English File – Second Edition – Vol. 1 (Workbook)

Autores: Christina Latham-Koenig, Clive Oxenden e Paul Seligson
Editora Oxford

Unit 7A – At the National Portrait Gallery

1. GRAMMAR (Page 43)

Simple Past of Be: Was / Were

a) Complete the sentences with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.

A Who’s that?

B It’s Edith Wharton.

A Why (was)1 she famous?

B She (was)2 a writer.

A (Was)3 she Canadian?

B No, she (wasn’t)4. She (was)5 American. She (was)6 born in New York
City in 1862.

Aluno: RAPHAEL GONÇALVES VILLELA – R.A.: 1140782023033

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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

A And (was)7 she married?

B Yes, she (was)8.

b) Write Questions (Q) and Answers (A).

1. Alexander Graham Bell / Sportsman?

Q: Was Alexander Graham Bell a sportsman?

A: No, he wasn’t.

2. Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor / Actors?

Q: Were Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor actors?

A: Yes, they were.

3. Jorge Luis Borges / Writer?

Q: Was Jorge Luis Borges a writer?

A: Yes, he was.

4. The Beatles / from the US?

Q: Were The Beatles from the US?

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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

A: No, they weren’t.

5. Robert Frost / Politician?

Q: Was Robert Frost a politician?

A: No, he wasn’t.

6. I.M. Pei / Composer?

Q: Was I.M. Pei a composer?

A: No, he wasn’t.

7. Sofia Vergara / born / Columbia?

Q: Was Sofia Vergara born in Columbia?

A: Yes, she was.

8. Frank Sinatra / Singer?

Q: Was Frank Sinatra a singer?

A: Yes, he was.

9. J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis / Painters?

Q: Were J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis painters?

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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

A: No, they weren’t.

10. Michael Jackson / born / Britain?

Q: Was Michael Jackson born in Britain?

A: No, he wasn’t.

c) Complete the dialogues with present or past forms of Be.

1) A What day (is) it today?

B Monday. Yesterday (was) Sunday.

2) A Hi. (is) your sister at home?

B No, she (isn’t). She (was) here this morning, but now she (is) at

3) A I can’t find my keys. Where (are) they?

B I don’t know. They (were) on your desk this morning.

4) A Where (is) your new friend from?

B He (was) born in the US, but his parents (were) born in Singapore.

5) A Why (was) your boss angry yesterday?

B Because I (was) very late for work.

Aluno: RAPHAEL GONÇALVES VILLELA – R.A.: 1140782023033

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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

2. VOCABULARY (Page 44)

Word Formation

a) Make professions from these words. Use a or an.

1 invent An inventor

2 write A writer

3 play A player

4 compose A composer

5 music A musician

6 paint A painter

7 business A businessman

8 act An actor or actress

9 science A scientist

10 sail A sailor

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Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

b) Underline the stressed syllables, e.g., an inventor (Answers in “a”).

d) Complete the sentences with was / were and a noun from a.

1 Francis Drake was a sailor.

2 Beethoven and Mozart were composers.

3 James Dean was an actor.

4 Galileo was a scientist.

5 Freddie Mercury was a musician.

6 The Wright brothers were inventors.

7 F. Scott Fitzgerald was a writer.

8 Howard Hughes was a businessman.

9 Degas and Toulouse-Lautrec were artists.

Unit 7B – Chelsea Girls

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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

1. GRAMMAR (Page 45)

Simple Past: Regular Verbs

a) Complete the sentences with a regular verb in the simple past, first in
the affirmative and then in the negative.

book – download – listen – miss – play – study – watch – work

1 Yesterday I (missed) my bus, but I (didn’t miss) my train.

2 We (listened) to the news, but we (didn’t listen) to the weather.

3 My parents (studied) French at school, but they (didn’t study) Spanish

or Japanese.

4 My sister (watched) the movie with me, but she (didn’t watch) the soccer

5 The secretary (booked) a table for lunch, but she (didn’t book) a taxi.

6 I (downloaded) some music onto my laptop, but I (didn’t download) any


7 The salesperson (worked) last Saturday, but she (didn’t work) on


8 My brother (played) tennis at school, but he (didn’t play) basketball.

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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

b) Order the words to make questions.

1) you / did / night / TV / What / on / last / watch?

A What did you watch on TV last night?

B I watched the news.

2) did / game / the / time / end / What

A What time did the game end?

B At six o’ clock.

3) your / presents / bithday / like / you/ Did

A Did you like your birthday presents?

B Yes, I did. They were great!

4) did / college / your / in / brother / What / study

A What did your brother study in college?

B Modern Languages.

5) parents / your / arrive / late / Did

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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

A Did your parents arrive late?

B No, they didn’t. They were early.

6) Brazil / your / in / friends / did / Where / live

A Where did your friends live in Brazil?

B Rio de Janeiro.

7) of / you / Did / at / the / cry / movie / end / the

A Did you cry at the end of the movie?

B Yes, I did. It was very sad.

8) time / work / did / What / arrive / Luisa / yesterday / at

A What time did Luisa arrive at work yesterday?

B At ten o’ clock.

c) Complete the questions and answers. When did it happen?

1990 – 1997 – 1998 – 2001 – 2004 – 2007 – 2009

1) when / the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge / open

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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

Q When did the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge open?

A It opened in (1998).

2) when / Michael Jackson / die

Q When did Michael Jackson die?

A He died in (2009).

3) when / Facebook / start

Q When did Facebook start?

A It started in (2004).

4) when / Princess Diana / die

Q When did Princess Diana die?

A She died in (1997).

5) when / the first tourist / travel into space

Q When did the first tourist travel into space?

A It traveled into space in (2001).

Aluno: RAPHAEL GONÇALVES VILLELA – R.A.: 1140782023033

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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

6) when / iPhones / first appear

Q When did iPhones first appear?

A They appeared in (2007).

7) when / Tim Berners-Lee / create the World Wide Web

Q When did Tim Berners-Lee create the World Wide Web?

A He created in (1990).

2. VOCABULARY (Page 46)

Past Time Expressions

a) Circle the correct answer:

1 I chatted with my friends for an hour last night / yesterday night.

2 My friend finished college ago two years / two years ago.

3 They traveled abroad last mounth / the last mounth.

4 Did you call me last morning / yesterday morning?

5 It stopped raining two hours ago / two ago hours.

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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

6 My brother worked in the city last July / the last July.

7 We watched that movie before two weeks / two weeks ago.

8 David booked the tickets yesterday afternoon / last afternoon.

9 Steve was born in 1990 / on 1990.

10 I played golf the day yesterday before / the day before yesterday.

4. READING (Page 46)

a) Read the article and choose the best title:

1 The wrong match.

2 The wrong destination.

3 The wrong player.

b) Read the article again and answer the questions:

1 How old was Bojana when the incident happened?

Aluno: RAPHAEL GONÇALVES VILLELA – R.A.: 1140782023033

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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

A Bojana was nineteen (19) years old.

2 Where was the tennis tournament?

A Carlsbad, California (United States)

3 How did she travel to Carlsbad?

A Bojana needed to take three different planes.

4 Where did Bojana travel to first?

A Carlsbad, New Mexico (United States)

5 When did she arrive at the tournament?

A Thirty (30) minutes before her match.

6 Who did she play in her first match?

A Roberta Vinci.

7 Did she win?

A No, she didn’t win.

Unit 7C – A Night to Remember

Aluno: RAPHAEL GONÇALVES VILLELA – R.A.: 1140782023033

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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

1. GRAMMAR (Page 47)

Simple Past: Irregular Verbs

a) Change the sentences from the present to the past.

1 We meet in a cafe. (last night)

A We met in a cafe last night.

2 Mateo sees his friends after work. (last night)

A Mateo saw his friends after work last night.

3 Emily loses her keys. (yesterday)

A Emily lost her keys yesterday.

4 We don’t have dinner at home. (last night)

A We didn’t have dinner at home last night.

5 They leave work at 5:30. (yesterday)

A They left work at 5:30 yesterday.

6 Alex doesn’t get up early. (yesterday morning)

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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

A Alex didn’t get up early yesterday morning.

7 My friend feels sick. (yesterday)

A My friend felt sick yesterday.

8 Junko doesn’t go out during the week. (last week)

A Junko didn’t go out during the week last week.

9 I don’t wear glasses. (yesterday)

A I didn’t wear glasses yesterday.

10 Luciana can’t come to my party. (last year)

A Luciana couldn’t come to my party last year.

b) Complete the questions in the dialogue.

A Where (did you go)1 last night?

B I went to that new sushi restaurant in town.

A (Was it)2 good?

B Yes, it was great.

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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

A Who (did you go)3 with?

B I went with my friend.

A What (did you wear)4?

B I wore jeans and my new black shirt.

A What time (did you get)5 home?

B We got home at about midnight.

A (Did you get)6 a taxi home?

B Yes. We didn’t want to drive.

A Did (you have)7 a good time?

B Yes, we had a great time. The food was delicious!

A (Was)8 it expensive?

B Yes, it was.

2. VOCABULARY (Page 47)

Go, Have and Get

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Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

a) Cross out the incorrect expression.

1 GO to the beach / out / to a restaurant / a bus

2 HAVE lunch / a sandwich / for a walk / a sister

3 GET dressed / a good time / up / an email

4 GO to bed / a car / away / on vacation

5 HAVE breakfast / a bike / short hair / 18 years

6 GET shopping / home / a newspaper / a taxi

b) Complete the text with went, had or got.

It was my wife’s birthday last Saturday, so we (went)1 away for the weekend. I
booked a hotel on the Internet, and on Friday we (got)2 the train to the coast. It
was late when we arrived, so we just (had)3 a sandwich and (went)4 to bed. The
next day, we (got)5 up early and (had)6 breakfast in the hotel. It was a beautiful
day, so we (went)7 to the beach. We took a swim in the morning, and in the
afternoon we (went)8 for a walk. In the evening, we (had)9 dinner in an expensive
French restaurant. The food was delicious! The next day was Sunday, so we
(went)10 back home again. The weekend was very short, but we (had)11 a great

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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

Practical English – Getting Lost

1. VOCABULARY (Page 49)


a) Complete the words.

1 turn l (eft)

2 go str (aight) a (head)

3 turn r (ight)

4 go p (ast) the train station

5 on the c (orner)

6 across f (rom)

7 a b (ridge)

8 and the tr (raffic) l (ights)

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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin


a) Complete the dialogue with these words.

Exactly – excuse – miss – near – say – sorry – tell – way – where’s

A (Excuse)1 me, please. (Where’s)2 the train station?

B (Sorry)3, I don’t live here.

A Excuse me. Is the train station (near)4 here?

C (Exactly)5 where. Sorry.

A Excuse me. Can you (tell)6 me the (way)7 to the train station, please?

D Yes, of course. Go past the hotel. Then turn left at the traffic lights. It’s at
the end of the street.

A Sorry, could you (say)8 that again, please?

D Yes. Go past the hotel. Then turn left at the traffic lights and it’s at the end
of the street. You can’t (miss)9 it!

A Thank you.

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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin


a) Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

could – course – meet – nice – Maybe – there – What – would

1 (What) a view!

2 What (would) you like to visit?.

3 What is (there) to see?.

4 We (could) go to the art gallery.

5 Would you like to (meet) for lunch?

6 That’s really (nice) of you.

7 (Maybe) another time.

8 Yes, of (course).

Unit 8A – A Murder Story

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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

1. GRAMMAR (Page 50)

Simple Past: Regular and Irregular

a) Read this police report. Complete the sentences with the simple past
form of the verbs in parentheses.

POLICE REPORT – Bank Robbery:

We arrived (arrive) at the bank at 9:36 in the evening, and we (parked)2 (park)
our police car outside. The bank (was)3 (be) closed and all the lights (were)4 (be)
off, but we (looked)5 (look) through the window. We (saw)6 (see) a person inside
the bank. At first, we (couldn’t)7 (not can) see who it was, but then he (opened)8
(open) the door and came out – it was Steven Potter. He (didn’t run)9 (not run)
away – he just walked slowly to his car, and then drove away. The next morning,
we (went)10 (go) to his house at 6:00 a.m. We (found)11 (find) him in bed. He
(didn’t want)12 (not want) to speak to us, but we (took)13 (take) him to the police

b) Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs in

parentheses (D = Detective / SP = Steven Potter)

D Where (were you)1 at about 9:30 yesterday evening? (be)

SP I was at the movies. The movie (started)2 at 9:00. (start)

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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

D What movie (did you see)3? (see)

SP I can’t remember. It wasn’t very good.

D Hmm. Very interesting. And who (did you go)4 to the movies with? (go)

SP With my friend.

D (Did she like)5 the movie? (like)

SP Yes, she thought it was very good.

D What time (did)6 the movie (end)? (end)

SP At about 10:30.

D And what (did you do)7 after you left the movies? (do)

SP We went to a restaurant – La Dolce Vita on Main Street.

D La Dolce Vita? I know it. Very good spaghetti. What time (did you leave)8
the restaurant? (leave)

SP At about 12:00 a.m.

D That’s very late. (Did you go)9 home after that? (go)

SP No, we went to a birthday party at Flanagan’s. Then we went home.

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Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí (FATEC) – “Deputado Ary Fossen”
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

D How? (Did you get)10 a taxi? (get)

SP No, we got a bus.

D And what time (did you go)11 to bed? (go)

SP At about 4:00 a.m. Can I go home now? I’m tired.

D No, I’d like to ask you some more questions…

2. VOCABULARY (Page 51)

Irregular Verbs

a) Complete the base form and past form of these irregular verbs with A,
E, I, O or U.

Nº Base Form Past

1 Beg (i) n Beg (a) n
2 C (o) me C (a) me
3 Dr (i) nk Dr (a) nk
4 Dr (i) ve Dr (o) ve
5 G (i) ve G (a) ve
6 Kn (o) w Kn (e) w
7 P (u) t P (u) t

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Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

8 S (i) t S (a) t
9 Sw (i) m Sw (a) m
10 W (a) ke [up] W (o) ke [up]
11 W (i) n W (o) n
12 Wr (i) te Wr (o) te

b) Complete the sentences with the simple past form of the verbs in the

buy – find – break – hear – make – take – can – lose – meet - think

1 Last night we (heard) a noise downstairs.

2 They (thought) the man’s daughter was the murderer.

3 The police officer (found) the money in an old bag.

4 They (met) their friends outside the restaurant.

5 I (bought) a detective story in the bookstore.

6 My wife (lost) her cell phone last night.

7 The man (broke) a window and went into the house.

8 Somebody (took) my laptop when I was out of the room.

Aluno: RAPHAEL GONÇALVES VILLELA – R.A.: 1140782023033

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Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação (Noturno)
Inglês IV (LIN400) – Professora: Marilise Resende Bertin

9 We were worried because we (could) see a police car outside our house.

10 I was thirsty so I (made) a cup of tea.

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