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Grammar Unit 2 • LEVEL 1

Reinforcement Questions and short answers

1 Complete the sentences with the simple 1. I (design) a house?

present. Yes, I  .
Affirmative 2. you (babysit)
your sister?
1. I (build) bridges for an
engineering company. No, you  .

2. You (repair) cars. 3. he (walk) the dog?

3. He (deliver) flowers. Yes, he  .

4. She (sell) magazines. 4. she (treat) a doctor?

5. We (play) with the children. No, she  .

3 Complete the sentences with the simple past
1. I (build) buildings. of the verb be.
2. You (repair) boats.
3. He (deliver) the mail.
1. She happy yesterday.
4. She (sell) newspapers.
2. We busy last night.
5. We (play) with the animals.
3. You at the office on Friday.
1. I (build)
1. She sad yesterday.
2. We bored last night.
2. you (repair)
boats. 3. You at the office on Friday.

3. he (deliver) Questions
the mail. 1. she sad yesterday?
4. she (sell) 2. we bored last night?
3. you at the office on Friday?
5. we (play) with
the animals.
4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the
box in the simple past of the verb be.
2 Complete the sentences with the present
were wasn’t was weren’t

1. I (design) a house.
John finished medical school last year and
2. You (babysit) your brother.
now works as a pharmacist. He likes his
3. He (walk) the dog. jobs but remembers the fun he had when he
4. She (treat) a patient. 1 a truck driver. In fact in college
Negative John had many jobs; he also worked as a
mail carrier and a baker. With so much work
1. I (design) a hospital.
to do John 2 a full time student. It
2. You (babysit) your sister.
took him 8 years to finish school. His parents
3. He (walk) the cat. 3
happy with this, but 4
4. She (treat) a doctor. pleased when he finally left school and started
on his medical career.

Hey There! 3 Mixed-Ability Grammar Worksheets  Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Grammar Unit 2 • LEVEL 2

Consolidation 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in

the box in the simple present or present
1 Complete the letter with the simple present
or present continuous of the verbs in
build buy have read

Dear Holly,
We 1 (have) a wonderful time 1. a. We pasta for lunch every
here in Iceland. The weather is amazing Friday.
and the sun 2 (shine) every day! b. We pasta for lunch.
But it’s still very cold, so we 3 2. a. I (not) a magazine now. I
(have to) wear warm clothes and hats. a book.
We 4 (stay) in a small hotel near b. I (not) magazines a lot. I
a lake — the younger children 5 books.
(share) a room but I have one just for me!
3. a. They houses all over the
Every day we 6 (catch) the local
bus to the volcano park — we 7
b. They a house for my brother.
(take) a picnic and 8 (spend) the
whole day there. 4. a. She (not) new shoes every
week. She new handbags.
Chloe and Kim 9 (learn) to speak
Icelandic. It’s a very strange language! I b. She (not) some new shoes
think they’re very clever. Three times a now. She new handbags.
week they 10 (go) to the local
school for classes and then 11
(join) me in the afternoon.
And what about me? I 12 just
(relax) and 13 (read)
lots of books! It’s wonderful!
Anyway, we’ll see you next month.
Lots of love,

Hey There! 3 Mixed-Ability Grammar Worksheets  Copyright © 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Grammar Unit 2 • LEVEL 3

Extension 2 Write questions about the text.

1 Complete the letter with the verbs in the box 1. Where / be / Jill
in the simple present or present continuous.
2. What / weather like
join spend have read stay
take shine share relax have to
3. What / wear
learn go share catch
4. Where / stay
Dear Holly,  ?
We 1 a wonderful time here in 5. Who / share a room
Iceland. The weather is amazing and the  ?
sun 2 every day! But it’s still
6. What / do / every day
very cold, so we wear warm
4  ?
clothes and hats. We in a small
hotel near a lake — the younger children 7. What / Chloe and Kim / learn
a room but I have one just for  ?
me! Every day we 6 the local 8. What / Jill / do
bus to the volcano park — we  ?
a picnic and 8 the whole day
there. Chloe and Kim to speak
Icelandic. It’s a very strange language! I
think they’re very clever. Three times a
week they 10 to the local school
for classes and then me in the
afternoon. And what about me? I
just and
lots of books! It’s wonderful!
Anyway, we’ll see you next month.
Lots of love,

Hey There! 3 Mixed-Ability Grammar Worksheets  Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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