MATH1055 Exam 202122

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MATH1055 Mathematics for Electronic and Electrical Engineering: Part B - Written part
Duration: Part B: 1:10 hours (70 minutes) of assessment (plus 50 min to scan and upload)

Answer all questions. Part B is worth 60 marks.

Part B consists of 3 questions (each with sub-questions). Write your answers on the pages
(with question number and your student ID on top of each) that you will scan as a single
pdf and upload in the end. Scan your final exam in such way that the answers follow the
natural order: question 1.(a) first, then question 1.(b), then question 2 and so on.
Formula Sheet FS/MATH1054-MATH1055/2021 is available on the Blackboard page.

It is not permitted to communicate with anyone else (be it private or online) about the
content of this exam during the whole time it is open.

• Start a new question on a fresh sheet of paper.

• Make sure your page is in portrait orientation.

• Write in Black or Blue pen (not pencil). Show all working.

• On each page, write your page number in the top left and your module and student ID
in the top right.

• Scan all pages in a single pdf following natural questions’ order, upload and submit it.

This is an open book assessment. You may consult books, notes or internet sources. You
are permitted to use calculators or mathematical software, but to obtain full marks, you
must show and explain your working as well as the final answer.
The assessment must be carried out in accordance with the University Academic integrity
regulations. It is not permitted to communicate with anyone else (be it private or online)
about the content of this exam during the whole time it is open.

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2 MATH1055W1

Write your answers in the pages that you will scan (following the natural order)
as single pdf and upload. Insert question number & student ID on top of pages.

1. [Total 20 marks]

(a) [6 marks] Consider the system of linear equations

 x + 2y + 3z = 1 ,
3x + 2y + z = 2 ,
2x + 3y + kz = 3 .

Find the values of the constant k for which the system has no solution and the
values of k for which there is a unique solution.
(b) [7 marks] Let x = 1 − e2t and y = 1 − tn and define z 2 = nx + y n , where n is
a constant. Find dz
dt as a function of the variable t only.

(c) Let D be a finite region in the first quadrant (i.e. x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0) bounded by the
coordinate axes (x = 0 and y = 0) and the curve y = 1 − x2 .
(i) [1 marks] Sketch the domain of integration D and show the limits between
which x varies when y is fixed.
(ii) [6 marks] Evaluate the double integral
x cos y dx dy

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2. [Total 20 marks]
R +∞ 1
(a) [6 marks] Evaluate the integral −∞ 1+c2 x2 dx , where c is a constant.

(b) [8 marks]  eigenvalues λ (including λ = 0) of the matrix

 Find all the
2 1 1
A=  -1 2 1  . Then, find all the eigenvectors ~
x associated to the
1 3 2
eigenvalue λ = 0.

(c) [6 marks] Let A be a n × n matrix with determinant |A| for integer n ≥ 2. Using
the property |adj A| = |A|n−1 (that you do not need to prove), where adj A is the
adjugate matrix of A, show that adj(adj A) = c A where c is a constant that you
must determine.


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3. [Total 20 marks]

(a) [5 marks] Let x(t) be the solution of the separable ordinary differential equation

dx 1
=√ ten t
dt nx + 1
(with n a constant) that obeys the initial condition x = 0 when t = 0. Find the
equation f (x) = g(t), that the solution x(t) must satisfy, where f and g are
functions you must determine after integration (you do not have to solve this latter
equation to find explicitly x(t)).

(b) A mass-spring system with damping and an external source term is described by
the second order inhomogeneous ordinary differential equation (ODE):

ÿ(t) + 2γ ẏ(t) + ω02 y(t) = As e−γs t cos(−ωs t), (1)

where ω0 > 0 is the natural frequency of the system, γ ≥ 0 is a friction damping

coefficient, ωs > 0 is the oscillation frequency of the external source with known
amplitude As and damping coefficient γs ≥ 0.
(i) [2 marks] Assuming that γ < ω0 , show that the two linearly independent
solutions of the homogeneous ODE associated to (1) are given by:

y1 (t) = c1 e−γ t cos(ω t) , y2 (t) = c2 e−γ t sin(ω t) ,

where ω ≡ ω02 − γ 2 and c1 and c2 are arbitrary constants.

(ii) [7 marks] Consider now the case γs = γ > 0 and ωs = ω0 , but still with
γ < ω0 . Find the general solution of (1) when we impose the initial conditions:
y(0) = y0 , ẏ(0) = v0 ,
where y0 and v0 are (known) constants.

p Assume now that γs = γ > 0 and γ < ω0 , but this time with
(iii) [6 marks]
ωs = ω02 − γ 2 . Find the particular integral of (1) in these conditions.


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