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Date : January 9, 2023

To : Creotec Immersion Learners
From : Employee Relations, Travel, and Tours

The Employee Relations, Travel, and Tours Department offers safety tips for
traveling, especially when taking public transportation, to ensure the security of your
travels to work. The objective of these is to reduce potential hazards on the road
during your travel and provide you with a good and better trip to your destination.

Having these safety tips could help you avoid possible accidents and even save your
life. The staff of Employee Relations, Travel, and Tours will ensure your safety while
working at CREOTEC.

Prepared by: Noted by:

Janah-Fil D. Arellano Ms. Beancey D. Ramones

Employee Relations, Travel and Tours Staff ERT Leader

Approved by:

Ms. Malone M. Oning


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