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Orange Peel Oil Business Name & Address

We are going to launch Orange Peel Oil under the flag of the Peel Oil Company Limited. We will establish this from our home city and start distribution from selected cities. After that we will move to further cities. The manufacture unit will be at 19- Industrial area Kot lakhpat, Lahore.

Proprietors Name & Address

Mr. Umair Khalid H # 28/9, S_ 10, Shahid Park Lahore Mr. Kashif Rehman H # 17 Fattah Garh, Lahore Mr. Faran Safdar H # 2/D Canal Park, Gullberg Lahore Mr. M. Shahid B #13, S. 4, H # 1952, Chichawatni. Sahiwal

Key people and job function

M. Tahir M. Aslam M. Sharif M. Qasim

Manager Admin & HR Production Manager Marketing Manager Finance Manager

Selection of Location with Reason Thereof

We will start distribution from selected cities like Lahore, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, and Sialkot. We select Lahore because this is our home city and we have relations with salesmen, store keepers and distributors. These cities and their markets are easily accessible. Same as we have strong references and relations in other selected cities. We start distribution in Lahore and we get a very good response.
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Orange Peel Oil

Business Nature
Everything that nature creates usually has multiple functions. So obviously same is with the orange peel. Orange peel has many multiple functions. Nature has put there many ingredients in the orange peel. The majority of the ingredient in the peel is of D-Limonene. It is almost about 95% in the orange peel. D-Limonene is natural ingredient. It has multiple functions. It is used in many different ways in different nature of the products. Now you can easily imagine that our business is also almost about the Orange peel Oil. We get orange peel then we extract oil from it and will supply it in the market. The orange peel oil has multiple uses as it also has multiple functions. That can be used for cleaning fluid, cooking, fragrance, termite removal, peel oil lotion, plant cleaning, and steam bath for freshness of body. Here our preference according to the usage of our product is for the cooking, fragrance, termite removal, Plant cleaner, as a peel oil lotion, kindling and steam bathing for freshness.

For Termite Removal

In the past, if your home was infested with termites you would have to leave the house for a week while the pest control company tented the house and sprayed toxic chemicals. Orange oil is used as a natural alternative to kill termites. You can stay in the house during fumigation and it is safe for use around pets, children and plants. The d-limonene is what kills the termites and other household bugs. Termites die when they eat the wood that has been sprayed with orange oil.

Uses in Cooking
Add a fragrant citrus flavor to your cooking. Orange oil is best used for simple recipes so the orange flavor stands out. Sprinkle 1 tsp. orange oil in steamed rice and serve with stir-fried vegetables. Add 1 tsp. over oven-roasted carrots and onions. A dash of orange oil can be added to vinaigrettes. You can find food-grade orange oil at specialty stores.

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Use for Fragrance

Fragrance companies combine orange oil with other essential oils to add a fresh scent to their perfumes and colognes. Manufacturers of cleaning products also use orange oil to make their cleaning products smell more appealing. Many citrus-scented candles use orange oil for its clean scent.

Plant cleaner
Orange oil can also be used to clean plant leaves of dirt or other buildups. Use the same mixture as used for an insecticide: one-half to one full ounce of orange oil per gallon of water, applied directly to the plant during a cool time of day. The acid in the orange oil can also help destroy some bacteria or fungi.

Orange Peel Oil Lotion

Add a few drops of orange peel oil to an unscented lotion to create an at-home aromatherapy experience. Breathe in the scent of the lotion for a few seconds before applying it to your skin as a nighttime moisturizer.

For Kindling in winter

Dried orange peels can be used as kindling at fire places. The flammable oils found inside the peels enable them to burn much longer than paper.

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Orange Peel Oil Steam Bath

The daily use of the peel oil during taking bath provides your body freshness. You can use it by
mixing few drops in the water and shower after it.

Vision & Mission Statement


To continually strive to meet or exceed our customer needs and expectations of price, service, and Quality and to stay ahead of the competition by innovating new products and services based on the needs of our customers and market demand." Mission

"To provide high quality products that combine performance with value pricing, while establishing a successful relationship with our customers and our suppliers"

Industry analysis
As per our business nature, we are the main and first suppliers as an Entrepreneur aspect offering a product that is Orange Peel Oil. The market trend is very tough to change, especially for the new entrant There is trend to get benefit from different products like customers, they use different product for the cooking, and they also use some one different product for the fragrance and obviously for the termite removal. We are here as a new entrant with a new product, so now a days there is no big competitor of our product in the market. What to sale, where to sale, are these common but too much important questions in the entrepreneurs mind? So we are offering our product to almost all the segments, there is no condition or specific segmentation. Each person who is willing to get change in his or her cooking taste can get and use it, who is focusing on the fragrance can use it in various way in which he is willing. Segment of those peoples male or female who are suffering or bearing the termite problem can also be a part of our focused segment. Pricing strategies usually change as the product process through its life style. Companies bringing out a new product face the challenge of setting the price for the first time. Further by the
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passage of time in the market they come to know about all the aspects in the market related to their product. Same here, we will also do that we shall modify our plan of business and according to the current situation get change in it.

Production Plan
Now our manufacturing process of Orange Peel Oil is very simple and easy. It is very cheap way to extract Peel Oil from the orange peels. There is no requirement of the latest and costly machinery. Our plan is that we,

Collect the Peel of orange Then, we dry the orange peels After drying, we place it into a mason (glass) jar and cover with grain alcohol. Shake vigorously for a few minutes. If possible repeat this over a couple of days. place mixture in a shallow dish, cover with a material that will breathe and allow alcohol to evaporate what's left over will be orange oil

Now in detail,

Don't just throw your orange peels away: Dry them instead! Dried orange peels make a fragrant addition to desserts, tea mixes and potpourri. The dehydration process concentrates the citrus flavor and scent, making a crumbled peel an excellent substitute for citrus extract or citrus oil. You can dry orange peel in less than a day using your oven no food dehydrator required. After they are dried, you can crush the peels in a plastic bag and store them in an airtight container until you need them.

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Orange Peel Oil

If you think oranges are just good for eating and for orange juice, think again. The peel of the orange actually has a lot of health and cleaning benefits. The natural oils in the orange peel are being used commercially in everything from plastic to household cleaners. Extract the oil from the orange yourself and use it around your own house. Orange oil helps relieve minor inflammation internally or externally and as an antiseptic, as it inhibits microbial growth and helps to disinfect wounds. Orange oil is also useful in decreasing motor parts as well. That is the simple and reliable method of our production. After it we will go towards its packing and labeling process. As for the future plan we can also export our product to other companies. In the production process it is very seriously monitored that there is fully secure activities that there is no burning near about that production place or inside the place of production.

D-limonene in the peel is very flame able found almost 95% in the peel of orange.

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Orange Peel Oil

PEST Analysis

Political factors of any country have a major influence on any business in Pakistan. In fact our conditions are not good currently as we are new entrants in the market. And we are not sure about next moment which next area will be under attack. During these conditions starting a new business is a risk but these political issues will not be affecting on our product because our product is Orange Peel Oil for (cleaning fluid, cooking, fragrance, termite removal, plant cleaning, and lotion). We are confident that the political conditions of our country will not be create any difficulty for this product


Economical factor have also its own importance any kind of business. In our country inflation rate is gone higher and higher every day and purchasing power going lower and lower. Our target market is not only one class but we are focusing on all classes. We set its price in such a way it can compete easily with other products and it has better result than competitors. It is economical and every one can easily purchase it. We try to make an economical product which has good result and available at every store which we targeted.


Launching a new business or new product must be socially acceptable. New business can only be flourished when it attracts all the targeted community. We as an ISLAMIC REPUBLIC COUNTRY cant use those products which were prohibited in our ISLAM. We use all HILAL material in manufacturing of this oil and definitely it is a HILAL product. There is no social issue in our product and we are sure that the society will accept it with open heart


The role of technology is very important in success of new business but for the manufacturing of our product advanced technology is not required. The manufacturing process of our product is based on easy and simple technology.

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Mark includes, in particular, a device, brand, heading, label, ticket, name, signature, word, letter, numeral, figurative element, color, sound or any combination thereof.

The term trade refers to the buying & selling activities of the goods for the purpose of gaining profits with a risk of having loss. In the virtue of the above definitions, the term Trade Mark means any mark capable of being represented graphically which is capable of distinguishing goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertaking. A trade mark is a distinctive sign which identifies certain goods or services as those produced or provided by a specific person or enterprise. Trade Mark enables consumers to identify a product of a particular company so as to distinguish it from other identical or similar products provided by other companies and also trade mark enables companies to differentiate their products from their competitors products.

Trademarks Laws of Pakistan

This overview of trademark laws of Pakistan lists down various steps involved in registration of a trademark in Pakistan. These brief notes are for general guidance only and should not be taken as a substitute for a thorough and professional legal advice.

Definition of Trademark under the Trademarks Ordinance, 2001 Pakistan

"Trademark means any mark capable of being represented graphically which is capable of distinguishing goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings."

Trade mark registry

As a service oriented department, the major objective of the Trade Marks Registry is to facilitate the general public and trademarks owner/applicant in trade mark registration. A help desk is separately working along with the reception where everyone can get briefing/guidance on registration procedure and information related to any of the function of Trade Marks Registry. All the officers including Registrar of Trade Marks are easily accessible during the official working hours for any query or advice. Trade Marks Agents/Advocates have also been provided with a separate waiting room. A library with all related law books is available to the lawyers and the trade mark officials. The staff is provided with relevant training from time to time to update them on trade mark matters to achieve the best results.

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Steps for the registration of Trademark

Search before filling application Filling of application Preliminary examination Find out order for publication Printing in trademark journal Opposition procedure Issuance of registration certificate

Registration of partnership
Then Registrar will check for the correctness, completeness and originality of papers He will also verify the Name and other particulars mentioned in the form I. Hire a lawyer Form from registrar of the firm Challan Form No. 32-A Fill out the Challan form and submit in National Bank with Rs. 100 fees. Purchase a Judicial paper worth Rs. 500 Fill it in with the details of the partnership agreement and ensure that it is signed by all the partners. Fill in the Form No.1 Attach a copy of I. D, Card of each partner Attestation from Advocate High Court Submit in front of Registrar


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The mutual rights and obligations of all partners must be documented in the shape of a partnership deed. This needs to be signed by all the partners and subsequent copies held by each partner. At the time of registration, a copy of the deed has to be submitted with an application to the Registrar of Firms in the concerned area. This document may also be referred to as an Article of partnership. A partnership deed usually contains the following format

A Partnership deed can be obtained in the form of judicial papers that cover all the points mentioned above. This in turn can be signed and submitted to the registrar as mentioned.

The name of the firm The nature of business that is to be carried out by the firm The address at which the firm intends to conduct its business The amount of capital that each partner contributes. The form of capital whether that be cash or property needs to be documented. If the capital is property, a full description of the property and the valued amount should be given also. The names and addresses of each partner should be given The duration of the partnership if any The ratio of sharing profits and losses The amount or percentage of interest, if any, which is to be allowed on capital. The amount of salary each partner is to receive The manner in which a partnership is to be dissolved and the subsequent distribution of property among the partners. In the case of insolvency the valuation and treatment of goodwill Provisions regarding the accounting system and the fiscal year to be used Rules to be followed in the case of retirement, death and admission of a partner. The method of settling disputes if any among partners. I.e. whether or not an arbitrator is to be appointed. Method of calculating amount issued to a deceased partner, and whether this is to be paid in full or in installments to his legal representative. In the case of breach of duty by one partner, powers of other partners to expel him from the firm. The keeping of proper books of accounts and periodical preparation of accounts. Any provisions to prevent any future misunderstanding and ill will.

The procedure of registration is comparatively simple. An application in the following form along with the fee has to be submitted to the Registrar of Firms. All the partners must sign the application. The application or statement must contain the following particulars.

The name of the firm. The place or principal place of business of the firm.

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The names and addresses of other places where the firm may conduct business. The partners date of joining the firm. The duration of the firm. The name and address of the partners.

Trademark Registration Form Application is hereby made for registration in the register of the accompanying trade mark in class Insert in respect of in the name of Nationality Trading as Whose trade or business address is who claim to be the proprietor thereof and by whom they said mark is proposed to be used / being used Since in respect of said goods or services If the application is for a series of marks, indicate how many marks in the series If the application is for domain name indicate whether it is in respect of goods or services If color is claimed, indicate here and state the color . Address for service in Pakistan to which all correspondence should be sent Dated this , day of , 200 Signature Name of signatory in block letters Telephone: Fax: Email: To, The Registrar of Trade Marks,
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Orange Peel Oil Trade Marks Registry Karachi.

THE PARTNERSHIP Registration Form Application for Registration of Partnership Firm by the Name (Presented of forward to the registrar of Firm and for filing by) We, the undersigned being the partners of the Firm, Hereby apply for registration of the said firm and for that purpose supply the following particulars In pursuance of Partnership Act, 1932. The firm name Places of Business (A) Principal Place (b) Other Places Name of partners in full Date of joining the firm Permanent address in full 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
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Orange Peel Oil Duration of the firm Station Date Signature of all partners of their specially Authorized agents Competitor Analysis
There is no direct and big competitor of our product Orange Peel Oil. There are many oils available in market which are using in the shape of different products and separately. Now our product Peel Oil has multiple functions it can be at a time used for the cooking and fragrance and also for the termite removal and many others

Competitive Advantage
The Core competency of any product differentiates from other products. There are number of other organization which is giving different kind of product for the separately usage .we are very sure that there is no other same product in the market specially in Pakistan which has such multiple functions and can be used in same nature of product in different uses like (cooking, fragrance and termite removal, plant cleaning etc). We will get competitive advantage by providing Quality product, excellent result and admirable service.

Self Analysis


Financial Resource Unique Product Human Resources No big competitor

Low awareness of product New entrance in the market Seasonal Business

Threats Opportunity
Move to any market Price setting Expand to large scale Easily copied by the competitor Social issues

Market Plan
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In any business, where the business man tries to make effective and efficient strategies about the business concerned activities, same herein the market plan. Market plan is one of the most important parts of the business. The success or failure of the business is almost from the progress or weakness in the market plan. Market plan contains on the 4 P Now Pricing strategies usually change as the product process through its life style. Companies bringing out a new product face the challenge of setting the price for the first time. Price is also playing very important role in consumer buying decision-making so we are interested to provide customers quality with reasonable price as compare to the market. So our market plan or we can say 1st P (price) is also almost about that same nature, we make our market by the reasonable price of our product (Orange Peel Oil). Price Place Promotion Product

2ndP is Place, that where we shall make our market or in which market we launch our product. What were our target markets is a part of 2nd P. Our target market is of all those consumers who are willing to change their taste of recipe and those who are searching relief from the termite and in the search for that product which also entertain them in the fragrance in the food. 3rd P is Promotion. How we promote our product? So here our planning is that we shall start initially by cable advertisement for promotion of our product. After that if results are good and we earn profit then we use paper ad and T.V adds when we take our product in market than we give special price to our shopkeeper this is our promotion strategy. If we do this so that they may be become advocate of our product and they offer to customer and up to some extent they influence to customer to use it. In the future it is part of our plan that we shall also export our product to the other companies, that will increase the demand of our product and obviously it will be promoting moment of our product. 4th P is Product,

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Orange Peel Oil is our main product. Orange oil is being applied in a lot of cleaning productions nowadays because it has gratifying fragrance and potent resolving attributes. Orange oil is drawn out of the orange peel through cold-pressing process. Orange oil is employed as a flavoring; orange oil is also a natural insecticide, to add sweetness to air fresheners, and in a variety of cleansing products. Orange oil, constituted from the natural oils in orange peel, can be brought at gourmet stores. Orange oil has to the highest degree component as of lemon oil, but in different balances, controlled of course by its unique appeal of genes. Orange oil is used in many curacaos type liqueurs and as the flavoring of food, drink and sweet and once added to furniture polish, helps to protect against harm from worms. We are specially focusing on the functions which are cooking, flavoring and termite removal. Control is major point in the marketing. We control our marketing by establishing proper teams who will get info from the market about the prices of the oil products which basically used in the cooking and fragrance. Then we also get feedback from our customers on a note book, during the supply the customers will give remarks about the product on their own behalf and customers or we can say consumers. Variation is normal, so we are ready for the every possible and better change in the business to cover the business inventories and all parts like planning, budgeting and controlling.

Organizational Plan
The legal status of our business is Partnership, so that is form of ownership. In our business, we are here four partners. The rules and regulations of the partnership have been already defined in our partnership deed. The name of partner, address, limitations, Profit & Loss Equal distribution and duties & responsibilities are all defined. The authority of principles is equal to all the partners. Each partner has right to analyze the process of production, process of planning or strategies and evaluation of the records. Every partner will be responsible of his own duties.
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Assessment of Risk In any process, besides the work assessment is also compulsory. In Peel Oil business, we are going to face many challenges and there is our little weakness like a new entrant in the oil market with the new product, about which people have low awareness. So it is also a big risk to do that business but we are much confident because we are launching a new product having multiple features. There are many chances in the far future that may be there come such new technology that make much easy the process of Peel oil production in the safe way. Currently there is no risk which can be planned earlier, but we have sound physical and human resources to overcome the risk.

HR Plan
Keeping in view the nature of business and the competition in the market, it is also important to hire effective and efficient employees for betterment of the business. In that scenario, we preferably recruit those persons who have ample experience of dealing in juices companies having minimum 1 years experience, having the awareness of market trends. The firing will be on the basis of the unethical activities and behaviors, who included in the continuously low performance and those who did not achieved their targets, and on continuous absenteeism. The person who did not meet the standards that organization set will be fired. We will also give the rewards to those who achieved their targets. Reward will be provided on performance bases.

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Financial Plan
Capital Partnership Ratio Numbers of partners Profit & Loss will distributed equally Raw material 7200 Kg * 20 480Kg Peel 1 Kg Peel 480 Kg Peel 1, 44,000 1 Liter Peel Oil 100 Ml Peel Oil Expenses Direct Expenses Building Rent Plant & Equipment Elec. Installation Office Equipment Generator Labor Wages Salary General Total Daily expenses Total Monthly Expenses
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Rs 10, 00,000 25% (250,000) 4

= = = = = = =

1, 44,000 Rs 1, 44,000 Rs 250Ml Peel Oil 120 Liters Peel Oil 120 Liters Peel Oil 1200 Rs 25 Rs

= = = = = = = =

1000 250 334 170 395 2834 666 5, 649 = 1, 69, 470
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Production of Peel Oil per Month

120(1200Rs) Litters 1, 44,000 + 1, 69, 470

Actual Total Production Cost Cost per 100 Ml peel oil Sale per Year (Lit) Sales (Rs)

= = 120 Liters *(12 Months) 1440*2446 1, 69, 470* (12 Month)

31, 34, 70 Rs 25 Rs 1440 Liters 35, 22,240 Rs 20, 33, 640Rs 3,378,240 3208770

Expenses per year Gross Profit (G.P--T.M.EXP) Less Annual Tax (17%) Net Profit After tax


Profit distributed Equally No # Partners 1st year profit Annual distribution per partner Monthly distribution of profit per partner Note Bottle size Monthly production Annual Production Price per unit (bottle) 100 Ml 1200 Bottles 14400 Bottles 25Rs per bottle 100Ml 4 2,663,279Rs 55, 485

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